• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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Equestrian Omni-hero - Blaze-saber

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Chapter 13: a Plumber or a Con Artist?

On a distant planet, it was mostly Swampy as there was a big building with a few capsules on top. A reddish-orange beam hit each capsule before they were forced open. It was then that a few missiles were being pulled out of their silos as each missile looked like heads of frogs. Inside, a few incursions noticed the alarm going off as they checked to see what was happening. "What's happening?!" One of the incursions asked with confusion. "We weren't given authorization for a launch!"

"That's because they're not being launched, something is pulling them out of their silos!" Another incursion called out as he pulled up a security feed of what was going on outside. They then gasp when they see a familiar ship pulling their missiles out of the silos.

Soon some soldiers were in the missile silos as they aimed their weapons at a door before it exploded. Familiar drones then came out and blasted them back before a familiar alien walked out from the smoke. It was Vilgax, in his original form before his modification as he glared at the two soldiers. “You.” He growled.

“It’s over, Vilgax!” The first soldier, who sounded like a male while holding a blaster yelled. “This has gone on long enough. It’s time to end this!”

“You think you can defeat me alone?” Vilgax questioned with a challenged look. “Those who dare define me always perish.”

"Vilgax!" A deeper voice spoke up before an incursion that was wearing royal clothing steeped up. "So, the disgraced squid head decided to come to our home planet and steal our defenses. Very clever, but you know we will not surrender so easily."

“It’s over, Slime ball!” A second stallion exclaimed.

“It’s time to end this!” A mare yelled.

“Many have tried, none have succeeded.” Vilgax warned with a glare.

“Until now, freak.” The second stallion called as he rushed at Vilgax.

“Striker! Wait!” The first stallion called out as Striker ran up and started firing at vilgax. Vilgax however dodged each blast as he jumped up and kicked the helmet off of Striker. The others saw that he was holding Striker, who was a unicorn stallion with a red coat and black Mane, hostage as he held his blaster to his head.

"Stand down, or King Millius' world will be destroyed!" Vilgax told them as a drone was hacking into one of the missiles and opening the hatch above them. “Put the weapons down, now!” He ordered as he raised their blaster at them, then they dropped the weapon.

“You guys can’t just let him get away!” Striker stated.

"Who said we were?" The stallion asked before he thrust his hoof forward and an arm blaster blasted the weapon out of Vilgax's hand. The mare took the opportunity to charge in and kick Vilgax off of Striker. The Drone finished hacking the missile as it looked like it was about ready to launch.

"You're all too late!" Vilgax declared as he stood next to his drone.

"Wrong, our timing is just perfect." The mare declared before the stallion kicked the Blaster over to her and she fired some sort of goo that stuck Vilgax to the missile. The missile then started launching as Vilgax struggled to get free.

“No!” Vilgax yelled as he went through the hatch.

“What are you doing?!” Striker questioned as the three took off their helmets, revealing a younger version of Space Dust and Ranger Delta while the leader looked up with a grin.

“We're giving Vilgax what he wanted." She mentioned.

“While also sending him off with a bang.” Delta added as the missile flew right towards Vilgax's ship and exploded on impact.

"And then ka-boom, Vilgax was no more." Dust told Hilx, Helen, Manny, Flash, Spike, the Mane and Young Six as they were with her, Delta, and Attea in the mobile base. "Or so we thought, until today when he was coming for the Omnitrix."

"So, you two are like heroes?" Helen asked them.

"We were just a couple of ponies doing our job." Delta replied.

"And what exactly is that job?" Twilight questioned the two.

"You see your highness, we call ourselves the plumbers." Dust told Twilight. "Officially, we didn't exist. Not even Celestia knows about us. We were the guys who fixed the problems no one else could, and I mean out-of-this-world problems like Alien Invaders and stuff. Extraterrestrial, extraordinary, extrasensory."

"And the reason why I'm with them is because I'm training to become a plumber myself." Attea spoke up. "It's sort of a deal they made with my dad and stuff when they saved my home planet."

"But how come you guys just disappeared on me?" Helix asked his parents.

“Because we made so many enemies during our time as plumbers, very dangerous enemies." Delta told his son. "One of them even came after us in our own home when you were just a foal. We did our best to fend them off, but you nearly got hurt. So since my father, your grandfather, was a retired plumber, we asked that he keep an eye on you while we went into hiding. We were only trying to keep you safe, kiddo."

"By the way, Helen, there's something you got to know about your brother, Pierce." Dust told her as she took out some sort of disc with a blue circle in the middle of it. "We found him a couple of years ago and since we knew his parents weren't on this planet, we sent him to the Plumber's Academy."

“You mean, he’s out there, with good people?” Helen asked hopefully with a smile as Dust smiled and nodded.

"He asked us to give this holoviewer to you." Dust handed Helen the holloviewer before pressing the blue circle and a holographic image of Pierce appeared, who looked like an earth pony but with quills coming out of his body.

Hi, Helen.” Pierce said.

“Pierce! What’s--” Helen tried to speak but the hologram continued.

If you’re watching this message, then you found Space Dust and Ranger Delta. And they probably told you that I was taken to a Plumber Academy once you met them.” Pierce said with a small frown. “And I know that you would be on the run once our parents didn’t want us around because of our appearances and powers, but, I just want you to know, I’m okay and well. And know that I never stopped thinking about you. I hope that one day we will see each other again, with some new friends along the way. And don’t worry about me, the academy’s been a great place and a safe area for us to do good in Equestria. Say hi to Manny for me. Love ya, sis. Pierce out.” The message ended as Pierce’s hologram vanished.

Helen looked at the holoviewer for a moment before some tears fell from her eyes and a small smile formed as she wiped the tears away. “At least I know he’s okay.” She said tearfully.

"You okay?" Gallus asked her.

"Y-Yeah, I just really miss him." She replied.

"By the way, your brother looked completely different from you." Smolder mentioned. “Are you sure you're related to him or…?" She was elbowed in the side by Ocellus as they all gave her a look. "What?! We were all thinking it!"

"So, you were watching Helix from that base in the mountain and knew about the watch the whole time?" Flash asked his aunt and uncle.

"We were just making sure he was safe, and we didn't know about the Omnitrix at first, we only heard rumors about a powerful device somewhere in the universe.” Delta mentioned. "Although we were quite surprised when it turned up on his hoof."

“What do you mean?” Helix asked while looking at the Omnitrix.

“Well, the Omnitrix may merge to one’s DNA, but it also has a key locked to a specific DNA it needs to be attached to.” Attea said with a thoughtful look. “At least that's one of the rumors."

“Though with how it’s attached to you son is a mystery.” Dust said with a brow.

“Wait, you mean that even if one finds an Omnitrix, it wouldn’t work on any of us?” Rainbow asked in surprise.

"That's a rumor, and sometimes a rumor can be misleading." Twilight mentioned before they heard sirens coming up. The disguised mobile base moved to the side as a few fire stallions carrying their chariots moved past them.

“Alright! Could be a chance for the Plumbers to go back to work!” Helix cheered in excitement.

"And my first field mission!" Attea added as she pressed a button on her cap which transformed into a helmet that looked like a frog head. "I've been itching to get some action!"

“By wearing a frog head?” Applejack questioned with a brow. “Doesn't that a little stand out?”

“Says a group of ponies who have an Alicorn, a griffin, two dragons, a changeling, a hippogriff, a yak, and…well you get my point." Attea pointed out. "And besides, those two stay in their alien forms when they go to action. Why can't I?"

"She's got a point there." Manny mentioned with a shrug.

"And besides, Helix isn't a plumber." Delta spoke up. "And you're not one either Attea, not yet anyway."

"Well, it's about time you give us a chance to be one!" Helix told his dad after he jumped out of the base.

"Helix, wait!" Dust called out as Helix already activated the Omnitrix.

"Let's get some XLR8 up in here!" He declared before he programmed the alien he wanted and slammed down on the core. But when the light died down, he saw that he transformed into Overflow instead. "Oh come on! If this thing is going to give me the wrong alien each time, why does it even have a dial?!" He questioned before Helen, Manny, Ocellus, who armored up, and Attea stepped out.

“Need a lift, Helix?” Helen asked with a smirk.

"Let go!" Manny declared as Ocellus carried him and Attea before blasting off. Helen carried Overflow as she ran at super speed to where the fire stallions were heading.

"Are they always like that?" Dust asked the others.

“Since the beginning of Summer.” Flash muttered while shaking his head.

At a museum, the manager is in front of a fire pony. “There’s some kind of creature inside, tearing up the place.” He said before the five heroes arrived and landed on the ground in front of the museum.

“Don’t worry. We got this.” Manny said while cracking his knuckles.

"Just leave everything to us, sir." Attea added before she pulled out a blaster and kicked down the door. She then sheared ahead as she kept her guard up while the others followed behind. "Nothing yet, but keep on your toes."

"Okay, who here is giving us creatures a bad name in here?!” Overflow called out before they heard growling. They soon saw some sort of alien creature with red and orange skin, sharp teeth that were drooling from its mouth, and two sharp claws. It let out a roar before they noticed it was only like 5-in tall. All five of them looked at it in complete silence before they burst into laughter.

“Ahahaha! This little guy is causing so much trouble?!” Helen asked through laughter. “He’s so cute!”

"Hahahah! Oh no, look out! It's going to cuddle us to death!" Attea joked through her laughter.

“Ah! I bet it can’t even lift weights!” Manny joked.

“And I thought I was the cute and small one!” Ocellus called through her laughter.

“Oh, man! What a shrimp!” Overflow called out before the alien glared at them and lifted a rock before tossing it straight towards Overflow’s head, knocking him to the ground. The others stopped laughing as Overflow stood up and rubbed his head. "Okay, joke time over!" He then tried to blast the small alien with water before it quickly jumped out of the way and climbed up on one of the pillars.

"Whoa, that little guy is fast!” Manny called out as the alien hissed at them.

“And I think we made it angry.” Ocellus said nervously as she try firing at it, but it was fast and avoid the shots as it jumped onto the fountain, which they turned and spit out some water at them, which unfazed Overflow and Attea, but Manny, Helen, and Ocellus were soaked.

“Ah, that’s just a breath of home to me.” Attea said with a grin under her helmet.

"Heh, it's like a second breath of fresh air to me." Overflow added before the alien leaped away from them.

“Yeah, but that alien is so dead.” Helen said with a glare while Manny cracked his knuckles.

Outside, the cloaked mobile home drove as Twilight and the others walked out. “Have anypony happened to see five strange creatures come by here?”

"They went inside to face a small creature that's tearing the hotel up." The stallion answered while gesturing to the building.

"What does this small creature look like?" Delta questioned him as they all listened.

Inside the building, the creature climbed up a building as it hissed as the five heroes searched for them. But what they didn’t know is that a stallion holding a blaster, while wearing a plumber’s suit, walked backward as the heroes did the same as they bumped into each other and gave startled yells. “Who are you?" They asked one another at the same time while pointing at each other. "Who am I/are we? Who are you?” Then the stallion charged his blaster and knocked the five heroes to a counter as they crashed into a wall.

“Looks like today’s my lucky day. Six aliens for the price of one.” The stallion said as he looked at the outcold aliens. “Just sit tight, off-worlders. I’ll be back in a minute.” He said as he searched around before seeing the small alien and started blasting it as he chased after it.

Overflow was the first to regain consciousness as he stood up and rubbed his head. "Not cool blasting someone and leaving them behind." He muttered before he noticed the stallion walking by a bookshelf. Then the bookshelf fell on the stallion when it was pushed by the tiny alien, which caused the tiny alien to cheer in victory, but then Overflow trapped it with a metal box. “Not bad for a walking water tank, huh?” He asked before the Omnitrix timed out.

Helen, Manny, Ocellus, and Attea came around before Helen carried Helix. “Sorry, but we gotta go, man.” Manny said as they rushed out before they came up in front of their friends.

“Are you five alright?” Delta asked in concern.

"Barely, some nut job in there nearly fried us." Helen complained before Attea quickly put ID masks on her and Manny which transformed them into their pony forms. Attea quickly put on her mask as she put on her disguise as well when the stallion climbed himself out of the bookshelf just as Ocellus removed her armor and hid away the cube.

He rubbed his head before he noticed Dust and Delta by the door. “Delta? Dust?” He asked with a smile, when the two plumbers realized who it was.

“Striker.” Dust said with a smile.

“Our old friend, it's great to see you.” Delta said as the two ponies ran up to him and gave him a hug.

“Wait, you both know this stallion?” Spike asked in surprise.

"You could say that the three of us used to be a team." Striker mentioned with a smile, which surprised them.

Outside the building, they saw Striker’s chariot ride. “Yeah, she’s not much to look at, but it’s better than that old rust bucket you used to have, Delta.” Striker joked.

“Hey, she had character, Striker.” Delta said with a small laugh.

“So, how are you, Striker?” Dust asked with a smile. “We haven’t heard from you in years.”

“Pretty good, considering I just bagged a havoc beast.” Striker said with a small smile. “Seems like old times.”

“You bagged it!?” Helix questioned with a look. “As if. It was Over--” He was cut off as Flash put a hoof on his shoulder to stop him.

“Let him have this.” Flash said to his cousin.

“Havoc beast, huh?” Delta asked in surprise. “We haven’t seen one of those since the one we caught terrorizing Saddle Ranger years ago.”

"Yeah well, good thing I was around." Striker mentioned as he closed the trunk. "You know how it is, once a plumber always a plumber. Ever think about getting back in the game, you two? You know, relive the glory days while traveling around the galaxy?"

"Thanks, but no thanks." Delta replied with a smile before pulling Helix close to her. "We have a son to look after now, so we're staying down on Equestria for the time being and well, we're still plumbers but as mentors for Attea here."

“Yeah, but the Plumbers went off world thanks to you and our old team leader.” Striker said. “Once you two took Vilgax out of the picture, the work here just seemed to dry up.”

“We’re just doin’ our job.” Dust said to him. “Besides, it’s great to teach our skills to the next generation.”

“Yeah, anyway, looks like things are picking back up again.” Striker said with a small smile. “In fact, I’m starting my own freelance Plumber business to start a new with the others off-world.” He said as he then turned to Helix and looked at the Omnitrix. “Wow. Cool watch. Looks so familiar.” He said as he squinted his eyes at it.

“It ought to, it’s the Omni--” Helix tried to answer before Delta pushed his son away.

“Oh, look at the time.” Delta said with a small smile. “Well, we need to go. Nice catching up with you, Striker. Happy plumbing.” He said as the group walked off while Striker watched them go.

On the road, Helix was looking at his parents in confusion. “How come Striker doesn't know about the Omnitrix?" He asked them.

“That’s on a need-to-know basis, son.” Dust said to him. “Less creatures who know, the better.”

"Is then like your answer for everything with the plumbers?" Smolder asked with a brow.

"If more creatures knew about aliens being real, it could put them and the aliens in danger." Delta told them. "There are protocols to be followed."

“Well, why don’t we take the Plumbers to the next level?” Helix asked. “Us, you two, and Striker. We’d be one epic supermega alien butt kickers!"

"Yeah, but we're going to need a better name than that." Manny mentioned. "Something like the Alien Force."

“Mmm, it’s catchy.” Attea said with a thoughtful look.

“And one great name!” Pinkie cheered.

“Everyone, we’re flattered you appreciate what we did, but you can’t bring back the past.” Delta said before beeping sounds can be heard as a monitor stood up to show Striker.

"Delta! Dust! Come in, three arachnidchimps are tearing up a processing plant on highway 55! I need your help!" Striker informed before the communication was cut.

“Arachnidchips…” Delta said seriously as he turned around and drove back.

“Alright! The plumbers are back in business!” Helix cheered excitedly.

In a factory, they parked at a busted down door as they heard monkey sounds chirping inside. “I do not like the sound of that.” Fluttershy said nervously.

"Why does that sound familiar?" Rarity questioned after hearing the sounds before they walked inside. After entering a hallway, they entered the cargo area where they saw Striker on the ground.

“Striker!” Dust called out as they helped him up.

“Dust, Delta, thank goodness you showed up.” Striker said in relief. “Three aliens, nasty and annoying. We’re gonna need a little of that old magic.”

"Don't worry, we'll help anyway we can.” Twilight assured him before they heard something coming towards them. They saw something coming out of the scene before they saw three familiar blue monkey-like aliens coming out of the steam. They each look like Spidermonkey, only they look bigger and more menacing.

"That's why the sounds were familiar…" Rarity mentioned fearfully as the three Arachnidchips came towards them.

"Spidermonkeys, maybe I can talk to them!" Helix thought as he activated the Omnitrix.

“Helix!” Delta called out as Helix slammed down on the core and transformed into Spidermonkey, much to Striker’s shock.

“That’s why I recognized that watch. It’s the Omnitrix.” Striker said in amazement as Spidermonkey stood up and walked up to the three Arachnidchips.

"Yo guys, what's up?" He asked them. "Thought we could talk this out, you know, Spidermonkey to Spidermonkey."

“Oh, really, like we’re gonna talk to a cheap rip-off of our own!” One of them yelled as he slammed and punches Spidermonkey back.

“He was only trying to be nice.” Fluttershy said to them.

“What was that for?” Sandbar asked.

“Arachnidchips were never big on small talk, even with their own kind. Kind of like vulpimancers and they can't even talk.” Attea explained as Spidermonkey jumped back and then he started swinging around with webs.

“Get back here, you big ape!” The second arachnidchip demanded as they chased Spidermonkey.

"Who are you calling a big ape?!" Spidermonkey questioned. "You're the ones who needs to lose a few pounds!" He exclaimed as he started swinging around while trying to lose them. Then he was pinned by one of them as he struggled to break free, but then Striker threw a crate at it, knocking it off Spidermonkey as he landed next to Striker. “Thanks.”

“What are partners for?” Striker asked with a smile as they regrouped with the others.

“Let’s get out of here!” Flash called as they ran towards the exit, but then the Arachnidchips blocked their path.

"You're not going anywhere!" The third one declared as he was about to pounce on them, only for him and the other three held their heads in pain when they heard a very loud sonic pitch. Even Spidermonkey was having the same reaction as Striker held up said device.

“Helix!” Helen called in concern as she held him. “Striker, what is that?!” She questioned.

“Sorry about that. Only way to bring down the arachnidchips.” Striker said as Spidermonkey kept moaning in pain.

"Could have given me a heads up before you did that!" Spidermonkey complained.

“Yeah, lucky for us, you had a sonic pitch whistle with you.” Delta said suspiciously as Spidermonkey kept holding his head in pain, but to his relief, the Omnitrix timed out as he transformed back.

"So, the Omnitrix really does exist." Striker mentioned before he smiled at Helix. “And Helix, pretty good moves out there. You remind me of your parents back in the day.”

“Really?” Helix asked with a small smile before monkey chirpings are heard.

“Striker, look out!” Dust called as an arachnidchip knocked Striker down and smashed the Sonic Pitch device.

“No more of that!” One of them yelled. “Time to finish this!”

“How about we even the odds a bit!” Manny exclaimed as he took off his ID mask and punched one of them back. Helen then superspeed to another one and knocked it back, Ocellus flew up and started firing the other in her armor while Attea assisted her. Striker looked on in shock.

“They’re aliens too?” Striker asked his two old partners.

“It’s a long story.” Dust said as the five heroes kept fighting the Arachnidchips before they knocked them to a storage unit and closed the hatch before they could escape.

“Ah, just like old times, eh?” Striker asked Dust and Delta with a smile. “They remind me of us back in the day. I think this is gonna be the beginning of a new partnership.” He said as he raised his hoof to them while Dust and Delta felt off about this.

They all soon returned to the hotel as Helix, Smolder, Attea, and Pinkie Pie were enjoying the food that was brought to the room they were in. “It’s fate we all met up.” Striker said as he relaxed in his chair.

“My, what a fancy room you have here.” Rarity complimented. “It have to cost so much to afford this.”

“It was just a little thank you I negotiated with the manager for helping him out with his little alien problem." Striker mentioned before he looked at the young ones. "By the way, sorry about blasting you all earlier. But all things considered, you also did pretty well. I think you all would make great plumbers."

“Really?” Ocellus asked in surprise.

“Sure, a real chip off the old block.” Striker said with a smile. “We’d all make a great team. With your powers, Dust and Detla’s experiences, and my instincts, we’d be an unstoppable team. What do you think?”

"I think it's a weird coincidence that a Hyper Weasel and three Archnichips just suddenly turn up on the same day." Delta mentioned with suspicion.

“Aliens. Go figure.” Striker said with a shrug.

“Yeah.” Dust said susipciosly as she and her husband looked at each other before nodding. “We’ll discuss this with some fresh air.” She said as the two walked out while Striker got nervous a bit and glared before he smiled at the group.

“Hey, everycreature, order whatever you like off the room service menu.” Striker said as he walked off.

“Really? Sweet!” Pinkie cheered excitedly while Flash and Twilight felt off about Striker.

"I think both Delta and Dust know something they aren't telling us”. Twilight mentioned with suspicion.

“Let’s go find out more.” Flash said as they stood up.

“And pass up free room service?” Smolder asked with a brow. “No way, I’m staying here.”

“Ditto. These are great food.” Helix said in agreement as the three kept eating.

“Seriously?” Applejack asked in annoyance. “Now?”

"Maybe they're right, it's probably just some super awesome plumber mission." Attea mentioned with a shrug which really got their attention. "Best to stay out of it since we're not ready." Helix, Smolder, and Pinkie Pie quickly dropped their food as they raced out of the door. "And that's how it's done." She mentioned before tossing up a piece of bread and using her frog tongue to catch it into her mouth.

Not long after, the group rushed out of the hotel and saw no sign of the three plumbers or their rides. “No Dust or Delta.” Rainbow said.

“And no Striker.” Yona said.

“But where would they go?” Spike asked in wonder.

"If they think those aliens are connected in some way, there's only one place to check out around here." Flash mentioned with determination. "The plumber base."

“That’s the only place that they know.” Attea said with a thoughtful look. “But how are we gonna get there? It’s too far to go there on foot or fly.”

“We teleport, obviously.” Twilight said as she lit up her horn. “Everyone huddle up.” She said as they huggled together before Twilight teleported the whole group away.

A bit later, Dust and Delta arrived at their based and looked in a secret vault and noticed that something in the middle was missing as they glared. “It’s gone.” Delta said grimly.

“Looking for this?” Striker’s voice spoke as the two turned and saw him holding up a ray gun device.

“The null-void projector.” Dust said with a serious tone. “Figures all those aliens were familiar.”

“You stole the null-void projector to release the ones we caught back in the old days.” Delta said with a glare.

“You two were too smart for your own good.” Striker said with a smirk. “But not wanting to join up with me was just plain dumb.”

“How did you managed to get the null-void projector? We’ve been monitoring the base for a while before we hit the road with our son and his friends.” Dust said suspiciously.

"I took it years ago, and you want to know the reason why I'm doing this? I'm doing it for the money of course. You know, job security." Striker told them. "I release an alien, then I had somepony such as a mayor, Hotel manager, or whoever is rich enough to pay me to catch it."

"You know we're not going to let you continue with all this right?" Delta told him as he and his wife stood ready to fight him.

"Yeah, I thought you might say that." Striker replied with a disappointed tone. "Too bad, we could have made quite the team again." He then fired the null void projector at them as they quickly duck under the beam. However, the beam created some sort of portal as something came out. The alien itself was green with sharp claws and crab-like legs as it roared at the two.

“Oh boy.” Dust muttered as she and Delta moved back.

“And don’t worry, I’ll be sure to tell Helix two your last words to me, is how you wanted him to following in your hoofsteps as my partner.” Striker said with a smirk as the creature roared at the two plumbers before a blur sped up and they vanished. “What the?!” He called out as he turned and saw XLR8 holding his parents.

XLR8 retracted his visor as he glared at Striker. “You’re no plumber! You’re nothing but a big drip con artist!” He retorted.

“Helix, listen to me.” Striker said to him. “We don’t need your parents. We could start back up the Plumbers again, just you, me, and your team.”

“Forget it! After what you tried to do to my parents when I just got them back, there’s nothing you can do or say to change my mind!” XLR8 yelled firmly.

"Figures, like father like son, stubborn to the end." Striker complained before the alien got its claws free from the ground. "Meet an old friend of ours, a Wigzelian Org Beast.” He said with a smirk as the Org Beast stomped towards them as they turned and saw Striker at the door. “I’d love to stay, but I’ve got lots of work to do.” He said as he rushed off before the door closed as XLR8 moved his parents and started fighting the beast while dodging its attacks.

"He's not going to be able to hold him off much longer." Dust told her husband before they quickly rushed to the drawers. She opened one on the bottom and let out a grunt. "No." She went to another drawer as Delta opened one on the top and pulled out some sort of alien device.

"Not this one." He said before putting it back and moving to another drawer.

“We really gotta organize these things.” Dust said as they kept searching for the thing they needed.

XLR8 kept fighting the Org Beast as he stepped back. “Mom, Dad, can you pick up the pace here?!" He asked as the Omnitrix started beeping before the Org Beast threw the floor at him just as he timed out. “Cause I sure can’t.” Helix moaned.

Delta searched through another drawer and held up a device. “Got it!” He called as he threw the device at the beast, which sent a mist to knock it out cold as Dust rushed up to her son.

“Sweety, are you okay?!” Dust asked in worry as she moved the floor piece off him.

“I’ll live.” Helix assured her as he rubbed his head before he realized something. “Wait, where’s the others?!” He asked in worry, seeing that his friends never caught up with him.

In the bay where the mobile base and Striker's Chariot is, Smolder and Attea walked up to the Chariots and opened the door to see it was another mobile base. "You think Twilight's spell got messed up when we were heading towards the base?" Smolder asked Attea as they looked around.

“No, the base is something held up with Anti-Magic tech.” Attea explained. “It keeps any magic users from teleporting directly in. Sometimes it can make the magic from the user go random. Which is why we’re in the wrong area and the others aren’t here.”

“Well, since we’re here, let’s check Striker’s ride.” Smolder said as they were about to do just that, but then they heard the elevator beeping.

“No time for search, quick, get in!” Attea called as she pushed Smolder into Striker’s chariot as said pony walked out of the elevator and into his ride as he sat the null-void projector next to him as he gave a laugh.

“Ha-ha, and who says crime doesn’t pay?” Striker asked himself in amusement as his ride got out of the base and into the road while Smolder and Attea were hiding in the back with his supplies.

Twilight and the others rushed down the hall after finding each other before they saw Helix and his parents running up to them. "Thanks, Celestia, we found you!" She sighed in relief.

“Sorry about the separation. We forgot to turn off the anti-magic security feature.” Dust apologized. “We were pretty concerned if any magic users ever found the base.”

“It’s okay. At least we’re here now.” Sandbar said with an assuring smile. "Well, almost all of us."

"What in tarnation did you figure out here?" Applejack asked them.

"It was Striker who was behind those alien attacks, he was using some sort of null void thingy to release them and get paid to catch them again." Helix told them.

“Wait, a null void? Like limbo?” Rainbow asked in confusion.

“The Null-Void projector is a device that opens a portal to the Null-Void, a pocket Dimension where we store the most dangerous of alien criminals.” Delta told them. "We can't let Striker continue doing this."

“Well, then, let’s go!” Gallus called as they entered their ride and they exited the base just as Dust activate turbo mode, and they then took off at highspeed.

“Whoo! Now this is what I call speed!” Rainbow cheered while the others are pushed by the force.

“And exciting! Whee!” Pinkie cheered as Flash turned to Detla and Dust.

“So, how many aliens did you store in the Null Void?” Flash asked his uncle and aunt.

“At least a couple of hundred, but it’s a portal to an alternate dimension.” Delta answered.

“In theory, it could have millions inside of it. And if Striker free them all, Equestria is in perial!” Dust exclaimed as they went faster.

Meanwhile, Striker was driving down the road before Smolder and Attea saw the Null Void projector from where they were hiding. With him focusing on the road, they nodded to each other as they carefully moved closer to it. They were about to reach it, but then Striker saw them through a view mirror and quickly put his hooves on them as he raised their hands up.

“Oh, no, you don’t.” Striker growled as they fought for the projector, but then he saw a chariot in front of them as he let go and turned to avoid the collision as Smolder opened up a window.

“Better start thinking about a new line of work because this thing is going bye-bye.” Smolder said as Striker quickly put on the brakes, causing the two girls to drop it on the floor as he pressed a button on the chariot.

Autopilot mode engaged.” The computer said as Striker turned to the bike and the three wrestled for the projector, but then they accidentally opened a portal as Striker saw the Chariot rushing towards him as he turned to the two girls with a smirk.

“Good idea, we could use a distraction.” Striker said with a smirk as a tentacle-like creature with no eyes and wings flew out of the portal with a roar.

“Something tells me that’s not a squid from the ocean!” Silverstream cried in fear.

"It's a Null-Guardian, they supposedly keep things in the null void in check!" Dust exclaimed before the Null-Guardian flew towards them. It as soon as smashed against the vehicle as they all duck down from its tentacles.

"We're gonna need to fight fire with fire, or in this case, tentacles with tentacles!" Helix declared as he activated the Omnitrix and programmed Gax. "With some extra muscle!" As soon as the core popped up, he slammed it down and was covered in a bright green light. But once it died down, he had transformed into the wrong alien. "Greymatter?! I said muscles and tentacles, not minuscule and brains!"

“Dude, you really need to get that thing fixed.” Manny said as the Null Guardian kept attacking as Greymatter then ran up the tentacle and to the head.

“Trigger the correct sequence of synapses should allow me some rudimentary motor control.” Greymatter muttered before he realized what he said. “Uh, sure wish I knew what I was talking about.” He said before he grabbed the limbs and pulled on them as he started moving the Null-Guardian around in the air.

He soon steered the Null-Guardian into Striker's vehicle before it spun out of control and hung on the edge of a bridge where both him and Greymatter held on the railing when they fell off their rides. "You!" Striker grunted when he saw Greymatter. "Stay back, or I'll release every alien inside this thing!"

"Do that, and you'll be out of the job." Greymatter pointed out. "Not that you'll have one once they'll take your badge away for this!"

"Look Helix, it doesn't have to be this way." Striker told him. "We can start off the plumbers again here on Equestria. We could all work together."

“No way. This is one team who’s not for sale.” Greymatter said firmly. “My parents are true plumbers then you when you just release creatures and lock them up again for money!” He added as Attea saw a view mirror behind them as she grabbed it.

"Well, then you’re all gonna be very busy.” Striker said as he powered up the Null-Void Projector.

“Sorry, but we’re on summer vacation.” Greymatter taunted as Striker was about to fire.

“Helix, heads up!” Attea called as she tossed the mirror to Greymatter just as Striker fired, but it reflected off the mirror as it hit him.

“NO!” Striker yelled as he was blasted to the Null Void.

“See ya.” Smolder said with a smirk as she caught the Null Void Projector.

"And we definitely wouldn't want to be ya." Greymatter added with a grin.

“So, who’s next?” Smolder asked with a smirk.

“How about the Null Guardian?” Attea suggested as the Chariot came up to them.

They soon returned back to the base and blasted the Org Beast back to the null void. "And that's the last of them." Delta said before he looked at his son. "Look, we're sorry we've been away for so long. We were just trying to keep you safe and we can't even manage to do that."

“It’s okay, Dad.” Helix said with a small smile. “I’m just glad you and mom are here now.”

“So are we. And for what it’s worth, son, there’s one thing that Striker was right about.” Dust said with a small smile.

“And what’s that?” Helix asked in wonder as Delta placed a hoof on his shoulder.

"You and your friends would have made great plumbers." Delta answered. "All of you."

"Awesome! Does this mean we get to use some of this awesome alien technology?" Rainbow questioned.

"Don't push it." Dust told her with a smile before she placed the Null Void Projector back on its pedestal.

"But, what's going to happen to Striker now that he's trapped in there?" Fluttershy asked them.

“Let's just say there are some questions that are better left unanswered." Delta told her before they headed back to the mobile base.

"I gotta say, Helix can be really heroic no matter what he is." Attea whispered to Helen.

"Yeah, he can be." Helen replied as she looked towards Helix with a smile and a small blush.

"And he's super cute too." Attea added with a small blush of her own as Helen did a double take at her.

“Wait, what did you just say?” Helen asked in surprise.

“What, I just said he’s kinda cute. I know I'm an incursion and he's an equine, but I can't help but think that way of him.” Attea said with a shrug. “Why?”

“Nothing. No reason.” Helen said with a look before she glared. “Stop looking at him…” She said, which made Attea flinched.

“Uh, okay.” Attea said awkwardly as she walked up to the others while Helen trailed from behind.

“He’s mine.” Helen whispered as she had a feeling that she might have competition between her and Attea over Helix.

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