• Published 25th Jan 2018
  • 6,956 Views, 565 Comments

Dead Space: Deep Space Terror - Blackdrag-rose

Chrysalis has made the greatest mistake of her life and must survive the horrors that await her in the darkness of the USG Ishimura.

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Ishimura: Finding the Captain

After a few minutes of rest, as that was really all they could spare since they were being hunted by three different types of Necromorphs that could show up at any moment, Isaac and Chrysalis reengaged their helmets, pulled themselves off the floor, and primed their weapons as they approached the door that was in front of them. Chrysalis knew that they had fought a decent number of slashers in the medical area that was on the other side of this door, and had suffered through a quarantine until they were all dead, but at the same time she seriously hoped that they could continue without having to pause for more enemies. Isaac raised a hand towards the door and paused for a moment, where he looked back at Chrysalis to be sure that she was ready to move out, though when she nodded Isaac opened the door and the two of them moved out into the open area once more.

The two of them carefully walked over to the door that would take them out of this area and opened it, where Isaac used a Stasis blast to slow down the malfunctioning door in front of them, thus allowing them to pass into the hallway without injury. The moment they were on the other side of the door the two of them heard the sound of more slashers coming down the ramp that was around the corner, the same ramp that they needed to walk up to get back to the Security Station. Isaac, seeing a Stasis recharge station resting on the wall in front of them, quickly recharged his Stasis Module and moved out into the open, where he loosed a blast at the slasher that was almost in front of him and slowed it down, allowing Chrysalis to focus on the slasher that was further up the ramp. Together the two of them opened fire on their chosen opponents and dismembered them before either of the slashers had a chance to actually do any damage to them, though once the deed was done they continued up the ramp.

The moment they reached the top of the ramp Isaac opened the door and they returned to the area where the barricade was located, though that was when Chrysalis surprised Isaac by opening the door to the Imaging Diagnostics Wing, indicating that she would like to get this show on the road and not waste any time... to which Isaac smiled and followed after his companion.

As the two of them walked down the hallway the lights flickered and went out, though there were some lights coming from inside the walls that allowed them to see what was in front of them, while at the same time they heard the sound of someone banging their head against a pipe or one of the walls. When they rounded the corner, however, they saw a man that was partly covered in blood and happened to be banging his head against a pipe, to which Isaac and Chrysalis carefully raised their weapons and approached the man. As they approached the man he seemed to finally achieve what he was going for, as Chrysalis heard the sound of something cracking and he collapsed on the floor, where she and Isaac discovered that the front of his chest had been ripped off and made them wonder how he could have survived this long in such a terrible condition.

At the same time, however, another thought came to Chrysalis' mind as she stared at the body and replayed all of the encounters they had witnessed since their arrival on the Ishimura, to which she turned towards Isaac for a moment.

"Hey Isaac," Chrysalis said, causing Isaac to turn away from what he was looking at and gave her his full attention, while at the same time she waved a hand towards the body that was in front of them, "Don't you find it strange that these people could survive in these conditions, sometimes with serious wounds inflicted on their bodies, only to finally lose the will to live when we encounter them? It's almost like they were waiting for someone to witness the final moments of their lives before they finally committed suicide... or died to their wounds at least."

"Yeah, you would think that some of these people would have succumbed to their wounds before we even reached the ship to begin with," Isaac replied, as the wounded people, like the man that was beating his head against a pipe, was severely hurt and should have perished a long time ago, judging by the blood on his body anyway, "I don't know what's going on with the people that survived the outbreak, but we really should get moving before any of those Necromorphs come to claim this guy's body."

Chrysalis nodded and followed Isaac towards the door for the Imaging Diagnostics Room, though as the door opened she got her first look at a large piece of technology that was different from what she had seen so far, but because she had no idea what it was supposed to do she simply sighed and moved on. Isaac then found a Medical Log, one that detailed what happened to a man called Harris, as he had taken a doctor hostage and killed a nurse, indicating that he was suffering from some form of paranoia. One thing that both Isaac and Chrysalis agreed on was that there had been something horribly wrong with the man, as the log revealed that Harris had no guilt over what he had done and insisted that there was no crime to begin with... meaning that Harris was a dangerous man, if he was still alive anyway.

Once they finished reading the log the two of them entered the room in front of them, where they found another Bench waiting to be used, but since Isaac only had one Power Node and Chrysalis had none they both decided to wait until they had more resources to purchase a fair number before they empowered their weapons. They then approached the large tube that happened to be blocking the path they needed to take, though as Isaac raised his hand to use the Kinesis Module on the piece of machinery he noticed that Chrysalis was shaking her head. As he moved to question her, however, Chrysalis raised her own spare arm and her magic gently latched onto the piece of machinery, where she moved it out of the way with her telekinesis spell, while at the same time surprising Isaac by how strong her telekinesis was. The only reason he was surprised was that when she was practicing the spell on the Kellion she never moved anything that was this heavy before... but at the same time he had to admit that having someone that could do everything he did, and more, would make this mission go that much quicker, and potentially even smoother as well.

Shortly after moving the tube out of the way two leapers jumped into the area and reminded them that there were enemies around them at all times, waiting for the opportunity to strike when Isaac and Chrysalis weren't expecting them to show themselves. The first thing Isaac did was target one of the leapers and slowed it down with a well places Stasis blast, which he followed up with several blasts from his Plasma Cutter that cut off one of the leaper's arms and it's tail before it collapsed on the floor, Chrysalis, on the other hand, carefully tracked the leaper that she was targeting and waited for it to landed on the wall behind them, where she loosed a few short bursts and tore it's limbs off, causing her to smile as the Necromorph hit the floor and stopped moving. The two of them carefully made sure that they gathered the supplies that their enemies had been carrying before Chrysalis spotted what appeared to be a power module of some kind... one that looked like a rectangular cube that had to fit in the socket that was in front of them.

Isaac picked up the power module with his Kinesis and lifted it over to the socket in the wall it was supposed to go into, as this system was designed with the Kinesis Module in mind and he had no idea if Chrysalis' magic would even make the connection work... but in the end the power module snapped into place and the cargo lift came to life, though before they rode it to the floor above them both Isaac and Chrysalis agreed to check out the room that was near the lift. Inside the room the two of them discovered a man that coughed up bile for a few seconds before finally dying, once more making Chrysalis wonder why people survived until they arrived, before they uncovered a schematic for the Pulse Rounds, were were the ammunition for the Pulse Rifles they picked up in the flight lounge. The only other thing of interest that they salvaged from the room was a Power Node, one that caused a slasher to burst through the vent the moment it was taken from it's resting place... though the lone slasher did little against the combined efforts of Isaac and Chrysalis.

With the slasher dead the duo walked out of the room and boarded the cargo lift, allowing it to take them to the floor that was above them, where Chrysalis discovered that, by moving the large tube earlier, she had created a path for them to use so they could leave this area.

As the two of them followed the path in front of them they were attacked by a leaper and a slasher, so while Isaac slowed down the leaper with a Stasis blast, and proceeded to blast it's limbs off, Chrysalis blasted the slasher's arms off and used the bone blades to pin it's wounded body to the wall behind it, where it died seconds later. From there Isaac used the Kinesis Module to move the tube once more, as there was another area they needed it's top to be in so they could progress towards where the shock pad was located, though once they were over the makeshift walkway he discovered that the door they needed to go through was locked by a power module that was identical to the first one they encountered. Chrysalis, immediately remembering what they did the last time, raised her weapon and loosed a very small volley of bullets at the device, shattering it and allowing them access to the room or hallway that was on the other side... though as they accessed the second door behind the one in front of them the lights went red all of a sudden.

Chrysalis discovered that all of the air in the area around them seemed to be sucked out into the vacuum of space, as she rapidly found a hole in the side of the ship, where they happened to be, that was creating this scenario, though at the same time Isaac beckoned to her and she nodded... as he had more experience than she did and she would have been foolish to ignore whatever advice he had for her, to which the two of them walked through the hallway they were in. As they walked Chrysalis found out, by observation, that the RIGs they were wearing were designed to allow them to walk on the floor, or the exterior of a ship, if something like this occurred or if they purposely walked on the exterior for some reason. Her suit also had an air meter that told her exactly how many seconds of air she had, starting at the maximum of seventy seconds and counting down until the moment where she would suffocate if she happened to run out of air, which she was determined to prevent from happening.

As they walked through the ruined hallway, however, Chrysalis got a better look at the massive hole that had been carved into Aegis VII, though instead of sticking around and observing everything she followed Isaac towards the door on the other side of the hallway... where they entered an area that had air for them to breath in.

"Isaac, as you know the Ishimura is able to set it's gravity locally." Hammond told them, once more informing them that he was watching over their progress, but at the same time Chrysalis had no idea if he was pleased with them or disappointed with the fact that they took a break earlier, "Your grav-boots will kick in when you enter a zero-g area. Chrysalis, since your RIG is the same as Isaac's you'll be able to do the same when you enter the next room, so follow Isaac's lead and you'll pick up the basics quickly."

Chrysalis had no idea what a zero-g area was, or what zero-g even meant, but as Isaac opened the door she noticed the control panel that was in front of them was called a 'gravity control' terminal, where she connected the dots and realized that zero-g meant zero-gravity. The area around them was a large circular area with two strange structures on the left and right of where they were standing, while at the same time Chrysalis noticed that there was a massive gap between where they were standing and the room that the shock pad had to be stored in. There were power modules and crates resting everywhere, meaning that she and Isaac would want to loot this place after they got the shock pad, though she also knew that the moment they touched something the Necromorphs would come after them... to which she turned towards Isaac, who was standing by the terminal, and nodded her head.

Isaac raised his hand and touched the screen, to which the gravity stopped working in the entire area and objects started floating into the air, though at the same time Chrysalis noticed that she and Isaac weren't moving at all, indicating that their boots were keeping them tied to this platform. Isaac then demonstrated how to move around in zero-g, where he switched to the Plasma Cutter and pointed at the ceiling, though that was followed by him leaping into the air and flying towards the location he had been pointing at. Chrysalis watched as Isaac turned around and placed his boots on the ceiling, where he was allowed to walk around like normal, before she looked down at her weapon and wondered how he had done that. Instead of throwing questions around she raised her Pulse Rifle and pointed it at the area near where Isaac was standing, where she leapt into the air and found herself flying towards where Isaac was, though when she neared the ceiling she spun around like her companion did and touched the ceiling with her hooves first.

"That was... interesting," Chrysalis admitted, though at the same time Isaac nodded his head, indicating that it had been interesting for him the first few times he had gone through this process.

Without saying anything Isaac aimed at the platform that was opposite the entrance and landed on it, where he beckoned for Chrysalis to join him, though as she did that he started pulling over the various power modules so they could see which one would power the door they needed to get through. When Chrysalis landed she helped Isaac check out the power modules, where they found the one that powered the door and allowed them access to whatever was inside it, to which Isaac opened the door and walked inside. A few seconds later Chrysalis followed him in there, where she spotted some sort of device that Isaac identified as the shock pad, but before they picked it up the two of them gathered all the resources that were around them and put them away... before picking up the shock pad and slipping into the container area that Isaac had in his suit.

"Great, you got a shock pad," Hammond said, to which the two of them nodded, though they remained standing where they were because they were sure that Necromorphs would be waiting for them the moment they exited the room they were in, "Combine that with the thermite at the barricade to destroy it. Shit, I can hear more coming; moving through the vents. Stay safe you two!"

As the link disconnected the two of them exited the room and found that there were leaper Necromorphs waiting for them outside the room, though when one of them jumped towards the platform they were standing on Isaac grabbed one of the explosive containers with his Kinesis and loosed it at the leaper. They watched as the leaper exploded the instant it came into contact with the canister, though as they realized what had happened the two of them stared pulling the remaining canisters to them and loosed them at the other leapers the moment they left the walls they were clinging to. It took them some time to clear the area of the leapers, as some of them seemed to be slightly smarter than the ones that immediately jumped, but once the chamber was cleared the two of them crossed over to the roof and back down to the original platform that rested near the door they entered from.

Once they returned to the door Isaac turned back on the gravity, explaining that while the gravity was on the door would be unlocked and that while the gravity was off the door would remain locked... to which Chrysalis nodded her understanding before the two of them moved back out into the damaged part of the ship.

When they entered the damaged area the two of them encountered a single slasher that was blocking their way, but the duo simply dismembered it with their weapons and continued onward, where they returned to the door that would take them into the air filled area of the ship. Before they could actually walk through the door they had to contend with a second slasher that wanted to block their way, though this time around Chrysalis blasted it's bone blade off and killed it with it's own weapon. When they returned to the room with the large tube the two of them were attacked by a slasher and a leaper before they could descend to the lower floor, so they picked their targets and opened fire on them, making sure that they dismembered the Necromorphs before riding the cargo lift downwards once more.

From there the two of them discovered that no more enemies were in front of them, where they returned to the hallway where the one survivor was banging his head against the wall, but before they walked through the doorway they discovered a bunch of small creatures, which looked like hands that tried to jump at them, waiting for them. Isaac, thinking fast on his feet, loosed a Stasis blast and slowed them down, where he backed up as Chrysalis opened fire on the new type of Necromorphs that they had discovered. With the new enemy taken care of they walked through the door and returned to the Security Station, but before they attached the thermite and shock pad to the barricade Isaac approached the store and gave it the schematic they had picked up... though that was before he purchased the next level of the suit he was using, where he stepped into the back part of the store and the area closed on him.

Chrysalis stood there for a few seconds, as she was curious about what was going to happen, though when Isaac stepped out of the store area she found that Issac's suit had been repaired and that there were some metallic pieces, what appeared to be rib like, and some metallic pieces on his shoulder... while at the same time she noticed that there were two eyes slits on his helmet.

"According to what I read, this is supposed to reduce the damage I take and gives me more inventory space," Isaac said, as he noticed Chrysalis' confused look and was explaining why he had spent the credits to get the suit, before he glanced at the number of credits that Chrysalis had picked up along the way, "If you want your own version of this suit it appears that you have the necessary number of credits to get it... though since those Necromorphs haven't touched us you may not need it in the long run."

Chrysalis considered her options, because she would either take the safe road and prepare herself now with some extra protection, just in case she actually took some damage, or she could take her chances and go without it, but she already knew that it was a matter of time until her suit started to fall apart... to which she walked up to the terminal as Isaac moved out of the way, where she tapped the icon and allowed the terminal to pull away again. She then stepped into the opening that revealed itself and prepared herself, to which the door closed and the machinery went to work, scanning her body so the suit could properly fit her body before her old suit was repaired and upgraded. When the deed was done the machinery stopped and the door opened, where she stepped out and stared at the additions to her suit, as her suit now looked exactly like Isaac's... expect for the modifications for her hooves, tail, and horn.

She stood there for a few seconds, making sure everything moved like they were supposed to, before she grinned as she turned back towards Isaac, who was patiently waiting for her to finish admiring her new suit so they could move on and find the captain's RIG.

"I'm taking the safer route," Chrysalis stated, indicating that she preferred the protection over not having any, to which Isaac nodded his head in agreement, before she stared at the barricade once more, "Okay then, let's set up the thermite and pray that it doesn't blow the entire area to pieces."

Chrysalis still wasn't sure what thermite was doing in the Medical Deck of the Ishimura, but at the moment she was glad that they had found some and patiently waited for Isaac as he approached the barricade and set up the two items they had acquired so far. A few seconds later he called for Chrysalis to cover her eyes, and maybe look away for a few seconds, before he ignited the shock pad and the thermite ignited, though as the light erupted from the device he looked away as well. He waited for a moment, to be sure that the thermite ran it's course, before he and Chrysalis turned back towards the barricade, where they discovered a large hole that would allowed them access to the Clinic area of the ship and, more importantly, the captain's RIG.

"Okay, you're through." Hammond told them, though this time the tone of his voice indicated that he was pleased with them, which made Chrysalis happy that they were finally able to reach the area of the ship that the captain was resting in, "Should be clear from there to the morgue. Remember, the codes are on the captain's body."

Chrysalis and Isaac opened the door and spotted another log sitting on the floor ahead of them, though this time around it was a video log from someone that Isaac immediately recognized the moment he powered it on, as it was his beloved Nicole. The two of them stood there and listened to the ship wide broadcast that Nicole sent out, asking for more resources to deal with all of the cases that were coming into her area while at the same time revealing that no one was telling her and the others what was happening. After that they heard the sound of one of the wounded people making a noise that called for Nicole to ask the nurse to hold the man down, before ending the recording and causing Isaac to sigh as he put the video log away. Before they moved on Hammond spoke up and said that he couldn't tell when the log was made, from where he was standing anyway, but he promised Isaac that Nicole had to be around here somewhere... which seemed to boost Isaac's spirits a little bit.

As they turned around the corner, however, Chrysalis spotted a hole in the wall in front of them, one that looked like it was made by something that wasn't the types of Necromorphs that they had encountered so far... but she made sure to watch out for them in the future, because whatever made it might reveal itself in the future.

The two of them entered the Clinic area, gathered a medium med pack that happened to be locked in a crate, before walking into the area with all of the tables and medical supplies, some of which were definitely covered in blood from what had happened before the outbreak. As they surveyed the area two of the lurkers revealed themselves and separated from each other, to which Chrysalis targeted the lurker on the right of where they were standing while Isaac did the same with the one on the left of them. Fortunately those appeared to be the only enemies in the area, as the moment the second lurker fell the two of them were allowed to salvage whatever they could find in the immediate area, which was mostly more ammunition, before Isaac picked up the power module and slipped it into the slot by the door... allowing them to progress further once more.

As they entered the part of the Clinic that the door led them to another area with tables and blood everywhere, though since they encountered some Necromorphs in the other part of the Clinic, even if it was two of them, Isaac and Chrysalis kept their weapons at the ready as they walked through the corridor. The enemies they encountered included another lurker and a slasher, where Isaac loosed a Stasis blast at the lurker and started firing at it's tentacles while the slasher was dismembered by Chrysalis, who blasted off an arm and used it to pierce the slasher's chest. From there they walked forward and started to turn the corner, though that was when three more slashers, two coming from in front of them and one from behind, charged at them. Chrysalis opened fire on the targets in front of them, as they were moving much slower than the one behind them, and her Pulse Rifle made short work of the slashers she was targeting... while at the same time Isaac made sure to dismember the slasher that was his target.

When the trio of slashers were taken care of Isaac and Chrysalis moved forward and stopped in front of the next door they needed to walk through, as there was an audio log from someone called Elieen Fisk, who revealed that she had woken up and that no one was around her. Elieen asked for someone to come get her since she could hear scratching in the walls, which they knew had to be the Necromorphs, before she discovered that Harris was nearby and started calling for help, but that was where the audio log ended. Chrysalis guessed that Elieen either died to Harris, as the man had killed a nurse at one point in time since he started going crazy, or had been killed by the Necromorphs, but there was no way to know for sure. Before they moved forward Chrysalis also spotted a text log at the end of the corridor on their right, though instead of walking down there she grabbed the log, as well as the nearby crate, and brought them over to where she was standing... where she discovered that there had been fifteen newborns before the outbreak.

With the audio and text logs in hand they started to open the door that was in front of them, though that was when three more slashers burst out of their hiding places at the end of the corridor on their right and charged at them, to which Isaac and Chrysalis sighed before they opened fire... though as they dismembered the Necromorphs Chrysalis realized that she had prevented them from walking into a trap, one that was still set off in the end.

A few moments later, when they were absolutely sure that there were no more slashers coming after them and the ambush had been dealt with, the two of them actually opened the door in front of them and entered the Intensive Care Unit of the Medical Deck. When they walked through the door, however, they found someone that appeared to be a nurse actually cutting into someone that was still alive, though she was standing in a container that they didn't have the key to and seemed oblivious to the fact that they were even there. Unfortunately the moment the door closed behind them the lady finished off the poor man she was cutting up, as he went completely still, before she turned around and looked at them for a few seconds... before she raised the saw in her hand to her neck and committed suicide by cutting a deep gash into her neck, where she collapsed on the floor and bled out.

"Everyone on this ship has gone paranoid," Chrysalis commented, though at the same time she was disgusted by how the lady had acted before her death, but she steeled herself as she and Isaac continued along the path that they had been following as they continued their search.

As they approached the next door in front of them they found another text log, one from a Dr. Kyne to the captain, that revealed that the doctor and some of his colleagues walked to go planetside and study the outbreak on the colonies, which they believed was caused by the Marker. From what Chrysalis could tell the people that believed that this Marker was a divine relic, the Unitologists as they were called, were all insane and determined that they should be removed if she and Isaac ever came across one of them. After putting the text log away they found the door to the morgue and opened it, where they discovered an audio log in front of a hallway, though as they took a step forward something shattered the panels on both the left and right sides of them, causing them to wonder what the heck could cause that to happen. The audio log was another addition to Chrysalis' belief that Unitologists were insane, as it was another article of what Dr. Kyne was suggesting.

Unfortunately the audio log incited one of the lurkers to reveal itself and pulled out it's tentacles, though it didn't get too far as both Isaac and Chrysalis opened fire on it, relieving it of it's unnatural life and allowing them to access the door around the corner without having to worry about enemies... to which they stepped into a cargo lift and rode it down to the hallway that it was connected to, which allowed them to access the morgue.

As the two of them walked into the morgue they looked around for the captain's body, though as Chrysalis spotted the body resting on a table, separated from the other bodies all around them, Isaac found a text log that detailed the autopsy of Benjamin Mathius' body. From what they read it appeared that the captain might have gone insane before his death, as the number of bruises seemed to be involved in a struggle where he was restrained, before something was forced into his eye and went into his brain, killing him instantly apparently. The person who did the autopsy even declared that the captain's death was unlawful, which meant that someone might have purposely killed the captain in such a manner before the outbreak occurred. Chrysalis wondered what sort of man, no doubt not consumed by the paranoia that had claimed the ship, could have done such a thing to their captain, though while a part of her didn't want to know the answer she had the feeling they would find out soon enough.

The moment they put the text log away and took a step forward, however, some sort of bat like Necromorph dropped out of the ceiling in the room that the captain's body was in and latched onto the corpse, where they watched as it transformed the captain's body into a black slasher, indicating that it was likely empowered... though at the same time Chrysalis knew that the bat creature needed to die before it transformed any of the corpses around them.

As the black slasher busted through the glass container Isaac opened fire on it, finding that since it was empowered it took more blasts from his Plasma Cutter to even tear off one of it's limbs, while at the same time Chrysalis grabbed the bat like Necromorph, an infector in her mind, and threw it against one of the walls before pinning it there with her bone blades. The infector squirmed as it tried to free itself so it could infect more corpses with whatever liquid or bacteria that transformed the captain into a Necromorph, but Chrysalis decided to get rid of it before it could do anything else, which was when her horn lit up and ignited the infector into a fireball. As that Necromorph burned she turned her attention to the former captain, where her bullets joined Isaac's as they attempted to dismember one of his limbs, though when one of his legs fell off hope was in sight... to which they both grinned as they blasted off both of his arms and caused the body to go still at last.

With the deed done Isaac carefully extracted the RIG, finding it unharmed from the number of bullets they fired at the former captain, while Chrysalis gathered her bone blades and returned to his side, where he plugged a jack into the RIG and hoped Hammond found the codes he needed.

"Codes received, and they look good; thank god." Hammond said, to which Isaac and Chrysalis let out a sigh of relief, because they had no idea what the backup plan would have been if they recovered the codes and found that they weren't good, "I'll start accessing the captain's records right now. Head to the tram station, and I'll contact you there. I'm going to find out what the hell happened to this ship."

Once the transmission ended Isaac investigated the room the captain's body had been resting in and found a Power Node sitting on the ground, to which he collected it immediately before he and Chrysalis headed towards the nearby cargo lift, walked inside it, and rode it back up to the Security Station, as that was where it was connected to. When the lift stopped they walked forward, as the door they originally walked through didn't open, and they found themselves back in the Clinic area. The two of them then walked through the door that would allow them to return to the Tram area, but as they opened the door that they needed to walk through they found another slasher patrolling the room right outside the large Clinic room. Isaac and Chrysalis simply sighed and opened fire on the Necromorph, where they dismembered the creature, collected the ammunition it had, and walked through the door to their left... though when they entered the hallway that would allow them to return to the Security Station Hammond appeared in front of them, indicating that he was using the link between their RIGs.

"Isaac! Chrysalis! Somehow one of them found a way down to the Captain's Nest!" Hammond told them, though he appeared to be calming down, meaning that he either killed the Necromorph or had trapped it somewhere that it couldn't get out of, "I managed to contain it in a damaged escape pod. Lifting the executive lockdown... I found the deck logs... Whatever is happening around here, it came from the planet when they cracked it open. It spread to the colony, and reached the ship. This isn't an infection. It's some form of alien life!"

Chrysalis could have told Hammond that the source of this outbreak came from the colony, because everything they found on this deck seemed to indicate that one of the doctors might have brought a specimen up to the Ishimura and that was what caused the outbreak in the first place... but she said nothing, as she noticed Hammond's expression turn from pleased and become one that was more serious, indicating that something bad had happened.

"Shit! We've got bigger problems." Hammond said, though his tone indicated that he wasn't happy about what was happening now, while at the same time Chrysalis wondered how many questions she would ask this time around, "The ship's engines are offline and our orbit is decaying! Get over to the Engineering deck ASAP, while I stay here and figure out what the problem is."

As the connection terminated, and they continued walking towards the Tram, Chrysalis realized something about what they had been told, that if she and Isaac didn't get the engines back online they were going to crash land on Aegis VII, where the outbreak started... and there was no telling what sort of state the colony was in or what sort of monstrous Necromorphs were running around down there, and she honestly didn't want to find out. So she gulped back whatever fear she was feeling and climbed back onto the Tram, where Isaac pressed the icon for the Engineering Deck and they rode of into the unknown once more.

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