• Published 25th Jan 2018
  • 6,986 Views, 566 Comments

Dead Space: Deep Space Terror - Blackdrag-rose

Chrysalis has made the greatest mistake of her life and must survive the horrors that await her in the darkness of the USG Ishimura.

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Ishimura: Medical's Terrible Surprise

"I'm getting tired of this." Chrysalis commented, though at the same time she input the code and let her helmet fall apart for the moment, as she would rather have it off while she and Isaac were in a safe environment, even if that was for a few minutes while they were riding the Tram to their next destination.

"What are you getting tired of?" Isaac asked, though while he could easily guess what that something was, as he was beginning to feel the same thing, he wanted to speak with Chrysalis, since it had been some time since they had conversed and this would help her relax in a manner.

"Every time we fix something aboard this ship, something breaks not moments later," Chrysalis replied, as she remembered what happened when they fixed the Tram and what happened when they fixed the next problem, before she let out a sigh, "We fixed the Tram for Hammond and Kendra, so they could figure out what happened to the Ishimura, only to lose the Kellion and our only way off this ship. We went to the Medical Deck and blasted our way to where the captain's body was resting, so we could get Hammond the codes to access the records, only for the centrifuge and the engines to stop working. We spent some time fixing both the centrifuge and the engines, so that way we didn't crash into Aegis VII, only for us to find out that the ADS was offline and that it would take some work to repair it. And now, after we've switched on the ADS and made sure that we won't be crushed by the asteroids around the ship, we find out that something is poisoning the air and soon we won't be able to breath anymore.

Isaac, I'm getting tired of fixing something incredibly important, like the engines or the ADS, only to find that another important part of the ship broke and that we need to fix it... I just want to fix something and not have another part break in some unexpected manner."

"I see what you're talking about," Isaac said, as he did understand what Chrysalis was saying and completely agreed with her, but he knew that the reason why all of this was happening was because they crashed into the Ishimura, or more accurately it's Flight Deck, at the point where the majority of the systems would have started failing anyway, "but you should stop worrying about it, because I'm sure that we'll be doing this a few more times before either Hammond or Kendra figure out a way off the Ishimura."

"Fine, I'll stop 'worrying about it'," Chrysalis said, though at the same time she glanced at the door she and Isaac would soon be walking through, when they arrived at the Medical Deck, and Isaac could tell that she wasn't too happy about their current situation, "but that doesn't mean that I have to like what's going on."

Isaac nodded his head, indicating that he could accept Chrysalis' opinion on the matter, before noticing that the Tram was started to slow down as it approached the Medical Deck station, something that Chrysalis felt as well, as she sealed her helmet and prepared herself accordingly. Isaac stood up and held onto one of the poles in the Tram as it neared the station, something that his companion mimicked this time around, before they watched as the Tram finally came to a stop at their destination and opened the door for them. The duo carefully walked out of the Tram and noticed that the bodies they had seen the last time they had been here were gone, indicating that someone or something had moved them, and that there were some portable lights resting around the area, once more confirming the fact that someone had been here while the two of them were in the Engineering Deck or the Bridge.

The fact that all of the bodies had been moved since the last time they had been here didn't help Chrysalis stop worrying, as that either meant that the Necromorphs were getting smarter, or there was another survivor that had likely gone insane since the outbreak happened... and considering the few survivors they had encountered so far, who were all insane in some manner, Chrysalis was willing to bet it was a survivor they were facing.

"Shit. Isaac! Chrysalis! I can smell the contaminated air from here." Kendra said, though as she appeared on their RIGLink the duo kept moving, until they were forced to stop when they noticed that the door they needed to walk through had been locked after their departure from this area, "It's spreading faster than I expected! I'm trying to isolate it, but it's not going to buy us much time. We have to get that thing off the ship. The chemicals you need to make the poison are located in the Chemistry Lab. I'll hack the door for you two when you get there."

The moment Kendra stopped talking, and the connection was terminated, Isaac and Chrysalis noticed that she had unlocked the door for them while she was telling them the news, to which they walked into the Security Station and found that all three of the doors they had walked through earlier were locked.

"You can't stand in the way of God's plan..." a voice said over the intercoms, though at the same time Isaac and Chrysalis recognized the voice as Dr. Mercer, the insane and devout scientist that had been mentioned before, and likely heard his talk once before this point if their memories were correct, "The natural order... Are you... Are you two blind like the rest?"

"Looks like someone has reprogrammed the door locks on this deck." Kendra commented, though the duo realized that she likely had no idea where Mercer was or what he was doing at that very moment, but her tone told them that she knew what they had just found out, "And recently too. I guess we're not alone here after all. Someone doesn't want the two of you in this part of the ship."

Chrysalis didn't like the fact that Mercer, if they were correct on who was standing in their way, didn't want them in this part of the Ishimura, meaning that there had to be something important here that he didn't want them messing with or seeing. The other option was that he had hacked into the Ishimura's systems before the outbreak and had been watching them since their arrival, meaning that he knew they were here to create a poison to deal with whatever monster was poisoning the air. This was definitely something to worry about, in her mind anyway, but she had to push the thought to the side as she and Isaac started to move forward, only for Isaac to pause at the store so he could sell off the ammunition he didn't need. He also purchased some Power Nodes, explaining that they might encounter a Bench soon and that it would be good to empower something... to which Chrysalis sold some ammunition she didn't need and acquired some more Power Nodes for herself.

She was planning on empowering her RIG, as in seeing if she would increase the suit's 'health' and see if there was a way for her to increase the amount of air she could carry at any given moment, in case they had to walk through another airless section of the Ishimura in the future.

Once the two of them were done with their shopping, which took only a few minutes altogether, they turned towards the now unlocked door that would take them to the Image Diagnostics Wing of the Medical Deck, a gift from Kendra, and opened the door in front of them. As they walked through the hallway in front of them, which was much darker than it had been the last time they had been here, two lurkers emerged from the darkness and opened their backs, indicating that they were getting ready to attack them. Isaac and Chrysalis, however, were faster on the draw and opened fire on their new targets, quickly tearing their tentacles off and causing them to fall off the wall they had been clinging to, allowing the duo to head around the corner as they kept an eye out for more enemies. They carefully entered the short hallway where they had seen someone banging their head against the pipes, where he eventually died, and found that the man's body had been moved as well.

Isaac quickly recharged his Stasis Module before he and Chrysalis approached the door in front of them, where they found that the large tube they had moved with the Kinesis Module earlier was moving on it's own, though at the same time they carefully approached the Bench and made their modifications to their weapons and RIGs. Isaac decided to empower both his Plasma Cutter and his Pulse Rifle, as he used the cutter for single enemies and the rifle for larger groups, before pulling away from the terminal. Chrysalis, on the other hand, attached all of her Power Nodes to her RIG, increasing both her air capacity and the total health of her RIG while leaving her weapon alone, as she was just fine with the damage it did and the other aspects she could empower... for the moment anyway.

Her plan was to make sure that her RIG, what was protecting her from being ripped apart by their enemies and running out of air to breath in the airless areas, was fully upgraded before allotting any Power Nodes to her Pulse Rifle... and any other weapon she considered getting, if one wasn't enough to overcome everything in their path.

The moment the two of them had finished upgrading their chosen items, and allowed the Bench to close once more, they turned around the corner and walked over to where the cargo lift to the upper level was located, though that was where they spotted an unfortunate man whose body had been pinned to a wall and transformed into a monster that used tentacles to latch onto the wall around it. It also had a hole in the stomach area, or what Chrysalis assumed was the stomach area since the creature no longer resembled a human anymore, where it loosed a pod of some kind that fired spiked projectiles at them. Since there happened to be an explosive canister nearby, and their new foe wasn't in the position to move, Isaac grabbed the canister with his Kinesis Module and brought it over to where Chrysalis was standing, behind a wall so the pod didn't fire at her, before nodding his head to her. Chrysalis, understanding the gesture, turned towards the pod and severed the pod's appendage that was firing at them, to which Isaac emerged and loosed the canister at their new foe.

A few moments later they watched as the guardian Necromorph, as Chrysalis was going to call it and the others of it's kind from now on, exploded as the canister came into contact with it's chest area, destroying it in an instant and allowing the two of them to access the cargo lift once more.

With the deed done the two of them climbed onto the cargo lift and rode it up to the level above them, where they noticed that there was some electricity sparking between two parts of the wall on their right, meaning that they couldn't simply ride the malfunctioning tube from side to side. Instead Isaac lifted his hand towards the tube and loosed a Stasis blast at it, which would allow them to walk to the other side of the walkway, though before he did anything else Chrysalis opened fire on a lurker that emerged from the side passage and killed it before Isaac could fire a single shot. The two of them then crossed over the still slowed tube before the Stasis wore off, to which they turned around the corner and waited for the tube to start moving fast once more... where Isaac loosed another Stasis blast at the tube when it was in front of them again and created a path for them to move towards the door that would allow them to get even closer to their current destination.

"You're close to the chemistry station." Kendra told them, informing them that they were getting closer to one of their destinations, though her tone indicated that there was something else they didn't know about and that she was trying to help them in her own way, "Once you get the chemicals, you're also going to need a DNA sample of the alien tissue. I'm searching the records for one right now."

The duo glanced over at each other for a few seconds before opening the door in front of them, where they walked up to the familiar door that would have taken them to the Zero-G chamber they had gotten the shock pad from earlier, but this time around they turned to the right and approached the now open door in front of them. This one apparently led to the Research Lab, which they had been searching for, to which they walked into the small hallway and climbed onto the cargo lift that was waiting for them. Fortunately the lift only took a few seconds to reach the level below them, as it was quite literally right below them, though as they walked off the lift Chrysalis picked up an audio log, one that was definitely from Mercer. That alone made the two of them pause as she activated the log, as this was either going to have some relevance to what they were going or was going to shed some light on what the insane doctor had been doing since the outbreak had started.

Mercer, according to what the audio log told them, had 'acquired' a live subject for his tissue regeneration theory, while at the same time the man in the background claimed that Mercer was insane, confirming Chrysalis' opinion that he had kidnapped someone instead of legally getting a subject to work on. From the sounds of it Mercer believed that the man was putting his trust in him, though that was before Mercer pulled out some sort of drilling device and started drilling into the man's body, or maybe his head, while the man screamed in pain. Fortunately the audio log stopped there, as she didn't want to hear the poor man's suffering anymore, but at the same time it confirmed that Mercer was definitely insane and, if he was alive still, he would prove to be a hindrance to their plans.

The two of them sighed as they walked through the door in front of them and continued towards the lab door, where they found two glass containers that contained two test subjects, one that appeared to be a human corpse still while the second one was a much larger specimen that resembled a slasher, only more muscular than a slasher. Chrysalis didn't like the look of the Necromorph, because it looked deadly and she didn't want to tangle with it at all, so she and Isaac carefully collected the Force Energy Schematic and a Power Node before they found the area that the chemicals they were looking for were housed in... to which Isaac tapped the controls and the capsule was extracted, which meant that he and Chrysalis were one step closer to crafting the poison that would help them deal with whatever was poisoning the air.

That was, however, followed by the sounds of some shutters opening, to which he and Chrysalis turned towards the locked door that was to their right and found Dr. Mercer staring at them from the other side of the glass... though it was unclear if he was pleased with them or unhappy with them.

"What ARE you doing?" Mercer demanded, though at the same time he simply stared at the two of them and did nothing, which made Chrysalis worried that they might have walked right into a trap, "Your fight for survival is admirable, but pointless. And yet you keep on going. It almost makes me think that we had hope, as a species. Am I the only one who sees that we have died out a long time ago? We just haven't accepted it yet. Stop running. Stop your struggle. Our future, your future, the future of our race, ends here. Allow me to introduce you to humanity's child, the children that will replace us... our greatest creation."

The instant Mercer stopped talking he moved away from where he had been standing the entire time and seemed to do something from his side of the wall, though that was followed by the sound of something stirring behind them, to which Isaac and Chrysalis turned around as the large Necromorph burst out of the container it had been put inside. As the creature realized that it had been released from it's container, and was now allowed to move around at long last, it raised it's bladed arms and ran them against each other for a moment as it stared at the duo. Chrysalis, not liking the way it was staring at her and Isaac, raised her Pulse Rifle and opened fire on the creature's legs, intending to topple it to the ground before it had a chance to reach them... to which Isaac joined her and blew apart the creature's arms, reducing it to a simple chest that couldn't do anything.

That was, however, before the creature started to shake as the duo realized that they were locked in the room with the monster, which was followed by both of it's arms and both of it's legs regenerating from it's body, allowing it to push itself back into a standing position... to which Isaac and Chrysalis opened fire on it again, though this time around Isaac added a Stasis blast to keep it down for some time.

"Isaac, Chrysalis, you can't kill that thing! It's just going to keep regenerating!" Kendra shouted over their RIGLink, though she did so in a manner that wouldn't cause the two of them to go deaf from what she was doing, while at the same time the door they had entered through unlocked itself, "Get out of there, run!"

With the hunter, as Chrysalis was going to call the Necromorph from now on, preoccupied with slowly regenerating it's arms and legs, so it could come after them again, the duo ran out of the room as fast as they possibly could and found that the door they could have walked through earlier was now unlocked for them. As they returned to the room with the malfunctioning tube Isaac spotted two groups of the swarm type Necromorphs coming towards them, to which he loosed a Stasis blast at them as Chrysalis opened fire on their new targets. Fortunately these enemies died in one shot, as they were small for a single blast from the Plasma Cutter or the Pulse Rifle to obliterate them instantly, which also allowed them to continue forward as they retreated from where the hunter had been located.

"Is anyone there?" a voice said, though Isaac and Chrysalis recognized the voice immediately, even though the speaker was definitely hurt from something, "Repeat. Come in Isaac, Chrysalis... Kendra. Is anyone there?"

"Hammond?!" Kendra exclaimed, sounding surprised for a moment, as they hadn't heard from the commander since he had left the bridge to investigate what happened on the Hydroponics Deck, "Where the hell have you been?"

"I've reached Hydroponics... it's bad down here, really bad." Hammond replied, though he coughed for a few seconds, which was a small reminder of what he had gone to check out, to see if he could stall the infection that was contaminating the air, "...can barely breathe. That organic matter is growing everywhere! My eyes are stinging... must be seeing things..."

Isaac and Chrysalis, while listening to Hammond talk, carefully made their way towards the Security Station, while at the same time hearing the sound of the hunter chasing after them, though fortunately it appeared that their new foe was using the vents like all the others and couldn't use the vents to ambush them. Since the hunter couldn't actually get at them at the moment, and couldn't swing his bladed arms at them, the duo was able to reach the hub of this area without encountering any additional enemies... even though Chrysalis heard the sound of the hunter breaking things as it attempted to catch up with them.

When the two of the entered the Security Station again, and the door to the Imagining Diagnostics Wing closed behind them, they paused for a few seconds to see if Kendra had anything to tell them about the next item they needed to acquire to make the poison.

"Now the two of you need to find a DNA sample of the growth." Kendra spoke up, reminding them of what they needed to find once more, which Chrysalis was thankful for because she had forgotten the second step when she and Isaac felt the horror of a Necromorph that refused to die like all the others, "According to the lab reports, there's an inert sample stored in the ICU. A Dr. Mercer was apparently doing intensive research on it. I've been trying to reach Hammond since we picked up his signal, but all I'm getting is static. Isaac, Chrysalis, you've got to hurry!"

"Fortunately for her, we have the proper motivation to hurry," Chrysalis commented, though at the same time she weakly chuckled, because the monster that was following them invoked some terror in the two of them, even if neither of them wanted to admit what they were feeling.

Isaac nodded his head as the two of them headed for the door to the Clinic, as the third door that rested near the one they had emerged from happened to be locked still, while at the same time they tried to do their best to ignore the sounds of the hunter growling in the vents every now and then. Fortunately the hallway the duo had to walk through to reach the Clinic didn't have any enemies waiting for them, though both of them noticed that some of the stretchers they had seen earlier were now void of whoever they might have been carrying earlier. That was another sign of Mercer's handiwork, as he had no doubt used them to cart his victims, before and after the outbreak occurred, to his work area so he could continue his studies... though at the same time that made Chrysalis wonder how he was able to live among all of the Necromorphs, unless being on his level of insanity gave him some immunity or something.

When they walked through the door at the end of the short hallway, however, they found Mercer standing behind the glass with a look on his face that indicating that he found something to be vastly interesting, though Chrysalis was happy that the insane doctor was ignoring her presence... otherwise that hunter would have likely attacked them if Mercer had realized that she wasn't entirely human.

"Your persistence surprises me." Mercer said, to which he turned and faced the duo for a few seconds, though once again Chrysalis had to wonder how in the world he had gotten here from where he had been, when the two areas didn't seem to be connected to each other, "Holding on to your final breath, you claw your way along. You hold onto what was once your world. But now, it belongs to the children. Be glad of the knowledge that your deaths... will bring their birth. Listen! Can you hear it? It is coming! Say your prayers."

As Mercer walked out of the room that he had been standing in, and left them to their own devices, Isaac and Chrysalis opened the door to their right and walked into the Clinic area where all of the machines were located, though it didn't take them long to realize that they weren't alone. Mere moments later the hunter walked around the corner and stared at the two of them, indicating that it had broken one of the vents ahead of them while they were listening to Kendra tell them what they needed to do next, so it could be ready for them. As the hunter stared at them several slashers and a lurker invaded the area as well, revealing that Isaac and Chrysalis would be dealing with a larger group this time around, to which the two of them started moving away from the hunter and his allies... while at the same time they opened fire on the Necromorphs that were following after them. The hunter, on the other hand, simply stared at them for a few seconds, as if giving them a head start, before it started walking after them like it had done in the room they first encountered it in, while also rubbing it's bladed arms against each other.

While Chrysalis was definitely terrified of a Necromorph that they couldn't kill, and she didn't bother using her magic on it because she had no idea how it would affect the hunter, she was thankful that she and Isaac could deal some damage and blow off it's limbs as easily as they could... while using a Stasis blast to slow it down and give them the time to deal with the remaining enemies that were following after them.

"Someone keeps shutting down the door protocol." Kendra told them, revealing why the door they would have used to go forward had been locked the entire time, though at the same time Isaac blasted apart the lurker while Chrysalis dismembered one of the slashers, "I've bypassed the lock! Go!"

The instant Kendra said that Isaac and Chrysalis charged at the door in question and opened it, though as they passed through it and it started closing they realized how lucky they had been to have Kendra open the door at that moment, as the hunter had been in the process of regenerating and would have continued after them once it was ready. With the hunter put behind them, for now anyway, the duo followed the corridor in front of them and picked up an explosive canister as they walked. That was a good call on Isaac's part, as when they rounded the corner Chrysalis spotted one of the foul guardian Necromorphs resting on the wall near the door they wanted to go through so they could get the DNA sample, to which Isaac leveled the canister with the guardian and waited for the tentacles to show up... which was when he loosed the canister at it and obliterated it in an instant.

As they walked towards the dead guardian they noticed two things; one was a gold semiconductor that they could sell later on, while the second was a lady that was resting at the end of the corridor to their right, but since the hunter was chasing after them, and might be in the vents above them, they opened the door in front of them and moved on.

The two of them then entered the room where the one lady sliced open her neck, the last time they were walking through the Medical Deck, and walked around the corner, where Mercer's office, and the DNA sample, was located, to which they sighed as they accessed the door and walked inside the small room. There was blood on all four of the walls, skulls either resting in glass jars or sitting on the shelf, red flags that were attached to the ceiling, and a number of supplies that they collected, as well as a semiconductor and an audio log. The log revealed that Mercer spent time creating the hunter and was studying how it reacted to whatever he was doing, while stating that Kyne would have disapproved if he hadn't been preoccupied by the Marker... which had driven him insane in some manner, as he had spoken with his wife, who had been dead for years, though that was followed by the hunter growling before the log ended.

As Isaac slipped the container into the terminal so he could mix the DNA sample with what they collected earlier, Chrysalis realized that part of this dementia included people seeing dead loved ones, or at least that was what she was assuming since only one person seemed to have confirmed that fact... though as Isaac collected the capsule again the terminal said that they needed to do a final mixing.

"That's it!" Kendra exclaimed, to which she appeared on the RIGLink, though it was clear that she could see what was behind them and tried not to focus on what was in Mercer's office at the moment, "Now the two of you just need to finish mixing the poison..."

"This has gone far enough!" a new voice said, to which their RIGLink was seized by someone else as Kendra was forcefully disconnected for the moment, though that was when Isaac and Chrysalis found Mercer staring at the two of them once more, "Accept your part in god's plan. Embrace your own extinction!"

That was immediately followed by the computerized voice stating that the life support systems had failed all over the Medical Deck, indicating that Mercer had like sabotaged something and was trying to kill the two of them before they could complete the poison that would stop whatever was poisoning the air in the Hydroponics Deck.

"Who the hell was that?!" Kendra exclaimed, indicating that she had been allowed to speak with Isaac and Chrysalis again, while at the same time the duo started moving back the way they came, where Chrysalis was thankful for her idea to upgrade her air capacity in her RIG, "Isaac, Chrysalis, he's decompressed the entire deck and I'm being locked out of those systems. All the air has been vented into space! You two should be able to bring it back online from the Security Station, but you don't have much time!"

The instant the duo reached the door back to the corridor the guardian had been located in Isaac spotted a pack of the swarm Necromorphs and loosed a Stasis blast at them, though while he ran by them Chrysalis paused to mow them all down with her Pulse Rifle before catching up with her companion. When they reached the door to the main Clinic room, where the hunter was located, they found the regenerating Necromorph standing on the other side of the door, though this time around Chrysalis decided to throw caution to the wind and loosed a wave of energy that knocked the hunter backwards. That gave them time to get around the hunter, and the two pregnant Necromorphs that had entered the room, before they walked through the two sets of doors that rested between the Clinic and the Security Station... where they had to deal with a lonely lurker before they could enter the room that rested near the Tram station.

When they entered the Security Station Chrysalis was fully expecting some Necromorphs to suddenly appear and attack them, which would have fit the pattern that she and Isaac were used to, but fortunately there weren't any enemies around as they walked towards the station... where Isaac touched the screen for a moment and the life support systems came back online, allowing them to breathe a sigh of relief.

"Nice job getting life support back online for the Medical Deck," Kendra spoke up, to which the duo smiled as they turned towards the first door they had walked through and opened it, as they already knew what was coming next, "Now then, you two have everything you need to make the poison. Head to the Chemistry Lab and complete the final mixing."

"Whatever you're going to do, do it fast," Hammond added, though this time around his voice was much weaker than what it had been moments ago when he had spoken up, indicating the condition that he was in at the moment, "...Can hardly breathe in here..."

"You're cutting out, Hammond. I'm going to try to switch over..." Kendra started to say, though that was before the duo detected that something had happened to Hammond's RIG, as while they couldn't see if they knew that Kendra's mood had suddenly changed, "Shit. I lost his signal. I'll continue scanning for his signal, while the two of you get that compound mixed."

Fortunately it appeared that there were no new Necromorphs for the duo to deal with, save for a malfunctioning door that could have crushed them if they weren't careful, so Kendra took a moment to give them a brief rundown of what she had discovered. According to a report there was a massive creature that had entered the Hydroponics Deck from the outside of the ship, a creature that one of the survivors called the 'Leviathan', which sent shivers up both Isaac's and Chrysalis' spines for a moment. They both knew that, if this poison failed to kill the growth and this Leviathan, then they would have to get their hands dirty and fight the massive creature in whatever area of the Hydroponics Deck it had claimed as it's home... to which the two of them silently prayed that the poison would be enough to do what Kendra was hoping for as they reentered the Chemistry Lab.

When the poison was made, and the capsule collected, the duo turned to leave, only to discover that the way they had come from was now locked and that the other door was unlocked, indicating that there was something that Mercer wanted to show them... even though he also tapped into their RIGLink and told them that they shouldn't spurn the Hive Mind's offerings, which only made them think he was more insane than they originally thought.

"So, do you think this is a trap?" Isaac asked, though at the same time he already knew that they had no choice in the matter, as it was either follow the path that Mercer was offering them or wait for the hunter to catch up with them in a room that would become their tomb.

"Oh, this is definitely a trap," Chrysalis replied, though as she spoke she primed her weapon and opened the door in front of them, as she was growing sick and tired of Mercer and his insanity, "but we're going to spring it anyway... and show Mercer that he shouldn't underestimate us."

Isaac nodded and followed Chrysalis out into the hallway that was in front of them, where they carefully walked around the left corner and came to a door that led to the Cryogenics Lab, which made Chrysalis ask what cryogenics was, since it was a new concept to her. Isaac explained that the lab had the technology to freeze objects or people, for whatever the reason was, and that it was likely going to be a little chilly when they entered the room, though he noticed that a light bulb must have gone off in his companion's head. Instead of asking her what she was thinking about, Isaac put some faith in Chrysalis as he opened the door, to which the two of them walked into the area that Mercer wanted them to face his creation inside... where the insane doctor was already standing near the controls, indicating that he had been waiting for them the entire time after he decompressed the entire deck.

Mercer revealed that his plan was to cart all the Necromorphs back to Earth, where they could spread and share their glory with the rest of humanity, before leaving the area as the hunter broke through one of the vents and glared at the duo for a few seconds.

Chrysalis, upon seeing the hunter once more, tapped Isaac on the shoulder and beckoned towards the controls that Mercer had been standing near, because if she understood the purpose for this room she knew that there had to be a way to turn on the technology that Isaac had mentioned. As Isaac started to move, and the hunter followed him, Chrysalis snapped her fingers and put a barrier between the two, preventing the hunter from chasing Isaac for the moment, to which it turned towards her. Fortunately it appeared that the hunter wasn't all that smart, as it actually entered the chamber that was in the middle of the room, to which Chrysalis smiled and opened fire on the hunter's arms and legs, bowing all four of his limbs off before using her magic to slow it down to the best of her ability... though that was followed by her calling out for Isaac to flip the switch.

Isaac immediately pressed the button and the machinery activated, to which Chrysalis pulled her magic away from the hunter as the container sealed, where she watched as the hunter was literally frozen before her eyes and the capsule and moved into an open slot on the right wall.

With the deed done Kendra connected to them again and stated that she hoped that this was the last they saw of the hunter, before telling them that she managed to override Mercer's lockdown and revealed that there was a second Tram ahead of them, which would allow them to get to the Hydroponics Deck. The duo collected a Power Node from the wall container and followed the new hallway that was in front of them for a few seconds, where they arrived at a new Tram station that wasn't like the one they arrived at earlier. They took a moment to collect any useful supplies, and grab some of the food items from the vending machines, before they boarded the Tram and headed towards the Hydroponics Deck... where they would see to whatever was poisoning the air and contend with the Leviathan. For now they could rest and recover for some time, as they would need their strength for the next task that was waiting for them... and for whatever came after the Hydroponics Deck.

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