• Published 25th Jan 2018
  • 6,966 Views, 565 Comments

Dead Space: Deep Space Terror - Blackdrag-rose

Chrysalis has made the greatest mistake of her life and must survive the horrors that await her in the darkness of the USG Ishimura.

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Tau Volantis: Explosive Arrival

Carver lead Isaac and Chrysalis to his personal chamber on the Eudora, where he and whoever he was assigned to work with would rest while they were traveling through either space or ShockSpace, though it had been some time since he had any sort of partner by the looks of it. When they arrived at their destination he told Norton that they would be resting until they neared the coordinates that Ellie shocked out to, which the captain agreed with, and ceased communications with him for now, where he set down his weapon and gathered some food items that were stored in the area. Isaac and Chrysalis were more than happy to have something to eat, especially since neither of them had a chance to eat something before the Unitologists attacked the colony, though the moment they all started eating Carver popped the first question he wanted to ask the duo. That question, of course, was focused on who Chrysalis was, followed by the specifics of what she was, and what sort of powers she possessed, since Carver was convinced that she had some sort of unusual power at her command, which he was right about.

Chrysalis, seeing that Carver was likely their watcher and had been assigned to them by Norton without them hearing that piece of information, decided to share some things about her, since the whole story would take way too long and they didn't have the time for that. As such she told Carver that she was a changeling, where she explained that she was a shapeshifter and demonstrated her power by transforming into a mirror image of both him and Isaac, shocking him out both times, before giving him a brief understanding of her species. Since Carver was more interested in specifics she gave him some information on where she rested in the hierarchy of the Hive, where he was shocked to hear that, at one point in time, she had been the princess and heir to the Hive, before becoming queen of the changelings... and then eventually losing her position, which, in time, caused her to step through the portal that allowed her to meet Isaac.

She could tell that Carver was trying to understand what she was saying, as she knew that shapeshifters were told in myths and other stories, but at the same time she and Isaac did their best to make him understand what she had told him since they shocked away from the colony... and eventually Carver held up a hand and stopped them.

"You don't have to explain everything to me, because I'm sure that I won't understand all of it," Carver said, knowing that there was more to everything that Chrysalis had told him, and by the looks of things there were a few small bits of information that Isaac didn't know either, but his mind was too focused on the mission, "I'm still trying to make heads and tails of the whole Necromorph situation and that the Markers are responsible for creating them, and the fact that Ellie, somehow, might have found a way to stop them."

"If she's found the Marker homeworld, then we can stop them for good." Isaac commented, knowing that the stakes were high, because if they failed to reach whatever planet Ellie had discovered, or got blown up in the process, then the Unitologists would win and complete Convergence, before he glanced over at Chrysalis, "Besides, if we can't stop the Markers through whatever means Ellie finds on the planet, we've got another weapon that might do the trick."

Chrysalis knew what Isaac was talking about, the power she had awakened back on the Titan Station when she confronted her mother, and yet even as she thought about the rush of power she remembered how afraid she was that she might hurt her friends in the process. Sure, the power boost had allowed her to topple her mother like she was nothing, but even then she had destroyed a good portion of the containment area that the Titan Marker had been stored inside. Despite her best efforts over the last three years she was nowhere near ready to wield that level of power, not when she couldn't beat the mental image of what she had become, but at the same time she never actually told Isaac that she couldn't call upon that power at will. Isaac believed that she could will that power to life and use it whenever she wanted, which was why he said what he did to Carver, and she couldn't bring herself to tell him otherwise, though as she looked off to the side she found the spirit of her sister sitting nearby... though she had to laugh when Carver glanced in the direction she was staring at and found no one there, meaning Amaryllis either didn't want to be seen or he wasn't ready to see spirits yet.

Once their conversation was over, and Carver was ready to turn in, Isaac did the same thing and retired to the spare bed that had been put aside for him, leaving Chrysalis' bare for the moment, where she smiled and walked around the halls of the Eudora. She did this in the event that something terrible happened, so that way she would know where everything was located, and nodded to Norton as she walked through the bridge of the ship, pausing for a few seconds to stare out at the ShockSpace they were flying through, before she continued with her investigation. By the time she was done walking around the ship she could tell that the Eudora was a fine ship and would serve their purposes well, to which she returned to the area that she, Isaac, and Carver would be sleeping in for the next few hours, or potentially even a day or two, before she settled into the bed that was set aside for her. Before she went to sleep she noticed that Carver seemed to be trying to distance himself, which was never a good thing if he was supposed to be part of their team now, and Isaac was, of course, worried about Ellie... to which she sighed and let herself fall asleep, as she knew they would work better once they had some rest, even if it was only a few hours.

Chrysalis was happy to hear that she was actually wrong in her original estimate of a few hours, as it took them an entire day and a half to near the point where Ellie's ship had popped out of ShockSpace, though when they reached that point Norton called for all three of them to come to the bridge. Isaac, upon hearing that, immediately got on his feet and walked over to the door, followed by Chrysalis and Carver, where the three of them walked towards the bridge in silence, as they each had their own thoughts running through their heads at the moment. Chrysalis was more worried about how cold Carver was towards her and Isaac, as at one point they had seen him pull out a picture of a boy, his son they realized when Isaac asked the question, and then learned that Danik had been the one to kill both his son and his wife back on Uxor... before the Marker that Danik had 'liberated' turned them into slashers, causing him to kill them again. Carver, upon telling them that information, told them that he didn't need their pity and that they needed to try harder the next time they were fleeing from Unitologists, referring to the fact that he had to pull Isaac into the ship when they were leaving the colony.

Both she and Isaac could tell that being part of a group was going to be hard for Carver, but they were determined to help him understand that they were a unit and that they were all in this together... though none of them said anything as they entered the bridge and found Norton getting ready for them to exit ShockSpace.

"Alright people, we're going in blind, so stay tight on that exit vector." Norton said, revealing that they were much closer to their destination than what Isaac and Chrysalis originally thought, but that didn't stop them from stopping behind Norton so they could see where Ellie went, before he turned towards the pilot and co-pilot, "Rosen, count it out."

"Exit-beacon locked." Rosen commented, though at the same time he looked at a few of his consoles, being sure that everything was alright, before he turned back to the main console that he usually stared at when he and his fellow pilot flew the Eudora, "De-shocking in five... four... three... two... one."

Isaac and Chrysalis braced themselves as the Eudora shook for a moment, which was a common sign when ships used ShockSpace to travel between points, before the ship exited the space tunnel they had been in and gave them their first view of the area Ellie went to... though the first thing everyone noticed was the planet's moon, which appeared to have been blown apart in some areas, as it was more damaged than anything Chrysalis had seen before today.

"What the hell is that?" Carver asked, deciding to voice what everyone was thinking at the moment, in their own ways anyway, while at the same time being worried about the situation that they had found themselves in.

"A moon... or what's left of one..." Norton started to say, though as the first words started to leave his mouth he noticed a fragment of a ship rising up in front of the main window, causing an immediate reaction out of him, "Rosen!"

"On it!" Rosen replied, to which he jerked the controls and the Eudora dived for a moment, getting by the debris that had nearly crashed into them, while at the same time giving them their first view of the planet below them... and all of the ships that happened to be lingering in the space above the atmosphere, all dead from the looks of it, "Christ. This plans looks like a junkyard."

"Actually, it looks like a graveyard." Carver commented, as it looked like all of the ships had been damaged in some way, either crippling them or outright destroying them if the pieces of debris could be believed.

"Any sign of Ellie's ship?" Isaac inquired, because everything hinged on finding Ellie, as she was the only one that held the clues as to what they were even doing here, and he wanted to be sure that she was all right, especially since she had escaped from Uxor earlier.

"I'm reading several transponders, but none of them are ours." Locke, the pilot, said, though as she spoke she looked at the consoles and screens that were in front of her, where she seemed confused for a few seconds, "According to the registry... they're warships that belonged to the Sovereign Colonies!"

"You serious?" Rosen asked, as he couldn't believe what he was hearing, though at the same time he shook his head and stared out at the ships that were resting above the icy planet's atmosphere, "They'd be over two hundred years old!"

"Wait, I'm picking up something else." Locke said, to which she focused on the console that was in front of her, where a small smile appeared on her face for a few seconds, as she had some good news at last, "It's an S.O.S coming from that ship, dead ahead: the C.M.S. Roanoke."

"That's got to be Ellie." Isaac stated, to which Chrysalis nodded her head in agreement, otherwise if it wasn't Ellie they might be flying into a trap, but they both firmly believed that it was Ellie signal they had found.

"Yeah, let's hope so." Norton said, where Chrysalis heard something in his voice, so small that only she could detect it, that made her wonder if he had actually fallen for Ellie and was jealous of what Isaac had, but she pushed that thought away as they prepared themselves, "Alright Rosen, close to five hundred klicks."

"Aye sir." Rosen replied, to which he input a command into one of his consoles, before he and Locke started moving the Eudora closer to their target... while at the same time Norton noticed something odd.

"Those lights... are they beacons?" Norton asked, referring to some of the red lights that had appeared on Locke's console, causing the pilot to look up at her screen in confusion for a moment.

"Hang on... no..." Locke said, though as she studied the icons that had appeared on her screen she realized what they were almost immediately, which in turn caused her next word to come out even louder than before, "Mines!"

That was immediately followed by several of the mines surging towards their ship and collided with it, where they detonated once they made contact with something, though the instant Norton saw the glass crack he called for an evacuation of the bridge. Unfortunately as they rushed out of the bridge Rosen ended up hurting his leg in some manner, though Locke was beside his side in moments and helped carry him out of the bridge, taking him to a compartment that Isaac, Chrysalis, had Carver had been in a few minutes ago. Their luck got even worse as one of the mines caused some metal to collapse, trapping Rosen and Locke in the compartment, though as Norton called for assistance to move the pieces of metal out of the way Isaac, thinking clearly, smashed a nearby glass box and shoved the item into Norton's hands. He then order the captain to use the plating that was around them to seal the doorway, which immediately caused Norton to demand why he was the one suddenly giving orders... though that prompted a response that would have made Chrysalis chuckle, if they weren't in danger of dying at the moment.

"Since you clearly don't have a plan for this sort of thing, I have to come up with one. Don't worry, I'll explain everything to you," Isaac said, though that was when he turned towards Carver, who was smart enough to follow Chrysalis' lead, since she had already sealed up her helmet the moment the first mine hit the Eudora, "Carver, where can I find an E.V.A. suit?"

"Down this way!" Carver replied, to which he turned to his left and started heading down the passage that was in front of him, where Isaac and Chrysalis followed after him and noticed that the windows were cracking as the mines continued to destroy parts of the Eudora.

Not a few seconds later a computerized voice declared that there was a hull breach and that gravity had been knocked offline, to which the three of them floated into the air for a moment, causing them to turn towards the direction they needed to head in, before the gravity was reengaged and they slammed into the windows that were near them, only now they had to walk on said windows. As the three of them headed down the hallway they were in, being fast about it while trying not to crack the already cracking glass they were running on, they also had to avoid fires that were along the way. Fortunately they didn't have to run very far, since the room Carver was leading them to was near them, but as Chrysalis noticed the fact that the door could slam shut at any moment she threw her magic forward and braced the two halves in their current position, preventing them from moving for a few seconds. That allowed the three of them to jump through the gap that she had kept open, though the instant they were on the other side she released the magic and the door slammed shut behind them. Isaac, knowing they had precious seconds left before something bad happened, quickly pulled the E.V.A. suit out from where it was resting and slipped into it, completely disregarding the fact that he was wearing something else at the moment.

Before he could get the helmet out of the nearby case, however, the door near them exploded and he was sucked out of the room, but he managed to grab onto the ruined frame of the door as Chrysalis and Carver tore open the case, causing the helmet to fly out into the area Isaac was in... though he caught the helmet and slipped it on before the oxygen in the ruined ship was completely gone, where he breathed a sigh of relief as his companions joined him as he floated in the ruined interior of the Eudora, which was now exposed to the space around the ship.

"The room's sealed!" Norton called out over the audio link, though whether he was broadcasting to everyone or just to Isaac's group there wasn't enough time to consider, especially given what was happening at the moment, "What now?"

"We're going to free it from this side." Isaac stated, to which he, Chrysalis, and Carver flew over to the sealed off room, where he smiled when he saw exactly what he was looking for, as this meant his plan would work, "Rosen, Locke, you should brace yourselves. Once we release these clamps, we're going to be blown clear off the Eudora. Everyone should find something to hold onto before we eject ourselves."

As soon as Isaac said that he used his Kinesis Module to move one of the clamps out of the way, to which Carver, seeing what he had in mind, did the same thing on the left side of the room, causing the central clamp to come undone on it's own as a command console was revealed. Isaac paused for a moment, making sure that Chrysalis and Carver were holding onto something as well, before he turned towards the console and input the command, to which the thrusters engaged and the room was blown out into space. As they raced away from the ruined ship, however, the explosion that signaled the Eudora's end knocked Isaac, Chrysalis, and Carver off the sealed room, to which all three of them engaged their own thrusters and flew after the sealed room that Norton was still latched onto. It quickly became apparent that they were going to have to blast their way through a large number of mines and avoid a number of obstacles if they wanted to catch up with Norton and the room, though Chrysalis came to their aid... as in she ignited her horn and started loosing small blasts of magic through the space between them and the mines, destroying the mines before any of them were hurt by the devices.

Of course the three of them had to avoid the fragments of the other ships that had come to this planet, one of which had to be Ellie's ship, and continued their flight towards Norton and the sealed room... until eventually they reached a large fragment of a ship that they could only punch their way through, to which they gathered behind the room and waited. A few moments later the room punched through the ship fragment and started spinning out of control, to which Isaac, Chrysalis, and Carver latched onto it and turned their thrusters to the max, where they, along with Norton assisting them, managed to stall the sealed room until it was no longer spinning or threatening the people inside it. Once that was done the trio disengaged from the sealed room and let Norton fly off with it, though as he moved through space they stared at the C.M.S. Roanoke, knowing that there was no way for them to go back, especially now that they had lost the ship they used to reach this point.

"Let's not do that again." Isaac commented, referring to flying into a minefield, destroying the ship they were on, and making him come up with such a crazy plan like that, only for him to remember what he had told Ellie when he and Chrysalis boarded the Ishimura back during the Titan Outbreak, before he focused on the task at hand, "Hey Norton, can you make it to the Roanoke's cargo dock?"

"Yeah, I can do that." Norton said, though at the same time the trio could tell that he was trying to catch his breath, as that entire experience was something he wasn't expecting, nor was he expecting Isaac to suddenly take control of the entire situation, "You think there's air onboard the ship?"

"Of course we do," Chrysalis replied, as she knew that a certain someone would have gotten that system running the moment she, and whoever else she had brought with her, reached the Roanoke, "Ellie's S.O.S. is coming from inside, so it only makes sense that she would have turned the air on the moment she boarded the ship."

Norton didn't say anything to that as he flew over to the cargo dock with the sealed room, to which Isaac, Chrysalis, and Carver flew closer to that door as well, though along the way Isaac pointed out a doorway that appeared to head inside the Roanoke itself. The moment they spotted the doorway the three of them flew over to it and had their boots establish a connection to the walkway that was below them, allowing them to walk up to the door and activate it, though that required turning a manual crank with one of their Kinesis Modules so they could actually get inside the ship. As they headed into the area between the exterior of the ship and the interior the group commented that all they had at the moment was air and dust, indicating that they were the first to use this particular entrance in a very long time... meaning that Ellie and her group must have found a different entrance to use when they arrived above the icy planet. At the same time Isaac promised Norton that he and the others would find a way to let him and the sealed room into the ship, to which they started moving the instant they opened the second door that was in front of them.

Once the second door was open the three of them entered the hallway that was on the other side and turned to their left, since the door on the right was locked at the moment, and turned left again to enter the open room that was in front of them, one that contained a machine that had a crank on it. Isaac, not wanting to waste time, pulled the crank with his Kinesis Module and sure enough the cargo dock door opened, allowing Norton to push the sealed room into the chamber before the door closed behind him. It was at that moment that Locke asked how much longer it was going to take them, as Rosen wasn't doing too well on account of the fact that she couldn't stop the bleeding, though that prompted Norton to call Isaac and his group into the room as well, as he could unlock it from this side. That meant that the door on their left was now unlocked and they pushed themselves into the room that Norton was in, where all three of them disengaged their helmets as they walked up to him... where they found that he was now undoing what he had done to seal the room and save both Rosen and Locke's lives.

"Isaac, Ellie's S.O.S. is coming from deeper inside this ship," Norton said, though at the same time he gestured to the sealed room that he was now working on, trying to break it down to get his crew out of it, "but, as you can plainly see, I can't leave Rosen and Locke like this... which is why I am ordering you to check out the coordinates I just sent you."

"Okay. We'll go check them out and see what's waiting there." Isaac replied, though relief flashed over his face for a moment, as this was exactly what he was hoping for, him and Ellie reuniting with each other again, before he turned around and headed for the door, where he stopped for a few seconds, "Don't worry, we'll contact you when we discover whatever is waiting for us."

Chrysalis smiled as she, Isaac, and Carver walked over to the larger door that they would allow them to access the path to the coordinates that Norton had just given them, as it was time for them to find Ellie, let her reunite with Isaac for a moment, and then they could figure out what to do now that they had found the place where the Marker Signal was coming from... and hopefully stop the Markers before the Unitologists could complete their terrible plans.

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