• Published 25th Jan 2018
  • 6,966 Views, 565 Comments

Dead Space: Deep Space Terror - Blackdrag-rose

Chrysalis has made the greatest mistake of her life and must survive the horrors that await her in the darkness of the USG Ishimura.

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Tau Volantis: Rosetta and the Codex

As Isaac, Chrysalis, Carver, Ellie, and Santos started walking over to where the shuttle was resting they all noticed that there was a ladder that would allow them to climb up to the area it was docked at, which seemed to be fully powered at the moment and meant they wouldn't have to hunt down something to power it up. Isaac, Chrysalis, and Carver moved out of the way and let both Ellie and Santos climb up the ladder first, giving the trio a moment to be sure that there weren't any additional Necromorphs in the area, though they left the pack that Santos had been carrying on the ground, that way when they reached the top Chrysalis could just levitate it up to them. It took them a few moments to reach the top of the ladder and walk over to the window that would allow them to look down at the trio, though as they did that Chrysalis smiled as she lifted the pack off the ground and brought it up to where they were standing, allowing Ellie and Santos to take it before she withdrew her magic from it. She wasn't sure if there was any other valuables inside the pack, save for the combination log that Santos was carrying with her, which Chrysalis had secured from Danik himself, but it was better to make sure they had everything, in case they found something that needed a specific something that Santos had picked up earlier.

Once the two of them were ready Isaac and Carver started to climb up the ladder next, leaving Chrysalis for last since she could fly if need be, but then, when they were halfway up the ladder, the weight of their weapons and armor, combined with the fragile nature of the metal that the ladder was made of, caused the ladder to snap in half, forcing them to fall down on top of the snow covered building that was near where Chrysalis was standing. Chrysalis, hearing the noise, turned around in time to watch Isaac and Carver hit the top of the building, though she sighed and caught the ladder fragments with her magic, tossing them over the cliff before flying up to where her friends were picking themselves up.

"Are you guys alright?" Ellie asked, as she was immediately worried for both Isaac and Carver, as the fall, despite looking so short, could have impacted their spines or something, since they had hit the ground with their backs, but at the same time it appeared that nothing serious had happened yet.

"Yeah, we're fine." Isaac replied, though at the same time he noticed Chrysalis land nearby, but while he did that he also found another path that they could use, to which he turned and looked up at the shuttle, "Ellie, why don't you and Santos go on ahead in the shuttle. Chrysalis, Carver, and I will catch up by using this path."

"Are you sure?" Chrysalis inquired, to which she floated around the duo for a few seconds, as she knew that time was of the essence and figured that expanding more of her power would be useful in the long run, "I could just levitate both you and Carver up to the shuttle, then all five of us could simply ride it to the facility and start the search for Rosetta."

"It looks like its just a short walk," Ellie said, revealing that she and Santos had a good view of the path that Isaac had been talking about, while at the same time Isaac nodded his head and Chrysalis sighed, because at this point it was best if she just let him and Carver take their route and follow after them, "I'll send the coordinates to your RIG, that way you won't get lost on the way up. We'll see you guys at the facility."

Isaac nodded and waved for a moment, letting the duo know that the three of them would be fine, before the shuttle moved forward and headed up to the other station, the one that would allow them to enter the facility, though once the vehicle was gone he started moving once more. Chrysalis sighed, as she would have preferred to do things the easy way instead of going the hard way, but instead of saying anything she and Carver followed after Isaac, keeping their eyes open for either Unitologists or Necromorphs, as they were sure that there had to be some of them in the area. Together the three of them followed the path that was in front of them and quickly approached the side of one part of the facility, which was as large as the one they had gone through to get to this point, before heading to the right and walked right up to the smashed gate that was in front of them. It was clear that something had come through here, maybe the Snow Beast when it was first awoken, but all that did was make them lift their weapons as they walked into the compound... though as they walked forward, and followed the coordinates, they found a number of Markers buried in the snow around them, an alarming number of them to be exact.

"Okay, this is definitely the Marker home world." Carver commented, as he was sure that there had to be hundreds of these things buried in all the snow around Tau Volantis, though despite the fact that they had been buried he knew that they could still be active.

Isaac and Chrysalis had to agree with that statement, as there were more Markers here than there had been on the Titan Station, to which they followed the coordinates in silence and were rewarded by a normal door that they needed to open up, and not another one of those spherical doors that they had to enter and wait for it to spin before they could pass through it. On the other side of the door they found a few dead bodies, which was to be expected considering where they were, before they quickly moved through the short hallway that the three of them had walked into and found another to walk through. When the three of them stepped through to the other side, however, a gunship moved into the area and stopped some distance away from where they were standing, but since there appeared to be a vast number of these things in Danik's arsenal, which he likely brought with him, it was impossible to tell if the leader of the Unitologists was on that ship or if he was on a different one, watching to see what they did.

Chrysalis, however, made the decision for them, as she floated into the air, moved away from where Isaac and Carver were standing, and latched onto the gunship with her magic, though the moment it was ensnared in her power she pulled it away from the facility and hurled it straight into the air, where she forced the ship to explode... though once that was done she landed beside Isaac and Carver and continued moving.

"Hey Ellie, Santos, it looks like Danik's ready for round two," Isaac said, opening a brief audio link to the duo that had done in ahead of them, hoping that they found whatever they were looking for so they could move on before Daink and his men attacked them, "and, judging by what just happened, so is Chrysalis."

"If you can do that, to a single gunship, then why didn't you do anything when we last saw Danik?" Carver commented, as that was something that was bothering him, because Chrysalis had a prime opportunity to put the leader of the Unitologists down and make it impossible for their enemies to get reinforcements, but she didn't do that.

"Well, we had a Nexus to deal with," Chrysalis replied, as so many things had happened at the same time, after they left the compound the large Necromorph had been locked away inside, before she sighed and continued walking, "I guess I was too caught up in the fact that we're not the only ones fighting the Unitologists, the fact that planets are apparently being destroyed left and right, and Norton's unsuccessful attempt to get us all killed."

"I've been wondering about that as well," Santos spoke up, revealing that she had been hard at work studying the combination log that Chrysalis had given her, which she had taken and secured from Danik when the Nexus burst out of the building earlier, "and from what I can tell the force that's currently attacking the other groups of Unitologists definitely possess weapons, armor, and ships that are unlike anything I have ever seen. Some of the weapons I've been able to make out, before the cultist that recorded the message died, may actually seem to be harmless, but in reality all of them have been designed to kill or destroy whatever the wielder is fighting.

"This is all very fascinating, but I've got another question." Carver said, because while he was interested in what sort of technology the attacking army had, where they could be decimating the Unitologists in such a manner, he was also focused on the task at hand, which the others seemed to be ignoring, "How are we supposed to find Rosetta if she's been dead for the last two hundred years?"

"You actually don't have to worry about that part, because we found a 'Rosetta Lab' a few seconds after entering the facility." Ellie replied, though she sounded pleased with what she and Santos were able to do, as that meant that they would be able to figure out how to forge the Codex once they got there, "Santos and I are going to head inside and see if we can't figure out the next step, while at the same time I'll send you the coordinates so you can find us."

None of them said anything as Ellie sent them the coordinates, which revealed that the path they needed to take was off on their left, to which they carefully walked by a vehicle, that happened to be frozen in place, and bypassed the few crates that had been trapped in the snow, before arriving at one of the facility's entrances. When they arrived at the entrance in question Chrysalis found two things of interest, the first being that Isaac needed to open a panel to reroute some power so they could get inside, while the second was that the door happened to be the spherical security type they had dealt with back where the Nexus was being stored. She guessed that the researchers and scientists that had built this area had been fond of these types of doors, seeing how they were built nearby everywhere in the entire compound, but she felt that they were unnecessary when a simple door, like what they dealt with on the ships earlier, could have done the same thing. Fortunately she didn't have to dwell on her thoughts for too long, since Isaac was able to sort out the power and bypass the lock that was on the door, to which they let it open and walked inside it, before being allowed to walk inside the actual facility... where they spotted some creepers heading down the hallway to their right, completely ignoring the trio entirely before they disappeared as quickly as they had appeared.

What they quickly determined was that they were in the Biology Sector of the facility, the left side of the hallway was completely useless since the door was offline and Isaac didn't see a way to restore the power, and that there was a suit kiosk and a Bench nearby... so the three of them picked up some more ammunition, and let Isaac and Carver fiddle with their suits for a few moments, before they continued down the path on their right. As they walked down the hallway they were assaulted by a pack of fodders that jumped out of the vent that was above them, but the three of them had been expecting something like that and quickly dismembered the Necromorphs that tried to ambush them, though Chrysalis changed up her routine and used her axe to clear some of them out as well. Between the three of them it didn't take them long to eliminate the fodders and continue on their way, where they reached the end of the hallway, as every other door seemed to need a key to unlock, before having to wait for a few moments as the elevator descended to where they were standing... before they were allowed to walk into the elevator, which had some red material lining the lower parts of the walls, and headed up to the next floor.

The moment the elevator came to a stop they walked out into the curved hallway that was in front of them and made their way over to the circular security door that the coordinates were in front of, though when they made their way through the door they discovered the lab that Ellie and Santos had found... and, based on what was in front of them, there also happened to be a sliced up specimen, with multiple parts missing, resting in the middle of the chamber.

"Wow, so this is Rosetta's lab?" Isaac asked, though while he was impressed that it seemed to be in working order, despite the state of everything that was around it, he found that there wasn't much to do in this chamber, save standing on one of the two sides of the room or stand in the booth that both Ellie and Santos were in.

"That's correct." Ellie replied, to which she glanced up from the controls that she had been staring at when she and Santos had entered the chamber, as it was good to have the three of them standing in front of her once more, before she beckoned to what was in the middle of the chamber, "And this, according to all these controls, is the assembly station."

"That would make sense, since we're here to assemble a Codex." Chrysalis spoke up, though while she spoke she glanced at the poor creature that had been sliced up and placed inside the preservation container that it had been put inside, as she was curious as to why it was here.

"Actually, that's not entirely accurate anymore." Ellie said, to which she glanced back down at the controls for a moment and looked at the labeling that was in front of her, while at the same time the trio looked around the chamber while Santos continued her studies on what was happening on the other planets, "According to this we're going to have to... assemble Rosetta. Oh my god, the scientists and researchers cut her into pieces?!"

"Oh fuck this day even more!" Carver stated, because that just sounded wrong and made him wonder if the people who had been here had actually been infected by the Marker, as something as terrible as that could have only happened while someone was going crazy.

"I just don't understand why they would do such a thing, but fortunately some of the pieces are already inside the assembly station," Ellie continued, giving the group a moment to understand what was going on, before glancing over at another monitor that made her smile, as it was likely going to do the same for the trio, "There also happens to be another piece over there, as well as four more that had been checked out by a Dr. Serrano for some reason, but since there are three other buildings in the facility they're either in one of them... or all of them."

"That's going to be a problem," Isaac said, as he, Chrysalis, and Carver had noticed something that was going to be a thorn in their sides during this part of their mission, though at the same time he and Carver released the slab that was in the chamber with them, before adding it to the assembly, "especially since most of the doors we saw happened to be locked down."

"Well, then you're in luck." Ellie said, to which she walked out of the booth she and Santos had been inside and handed Isaac a security pass with a smile on her face, indicating that she was pleased with herself, "That security pass was left on the controls when we walked in here, but maybe it can get you through all the locked doors that you guys saw on your way here and help you find the rest of Rosetta."

Chrysalis sighed for a moment, as it seemed that it was impossible for them to have an easy objective every once and a while, before she, Isaac, and Carver headed out of the chamber through the same door that they had used to enter it, so they could begin their search for the four Rosetta Slabs. The three of them quickly made their way back to the elevator, rode it back down to the level below them, and approached the map of the entire facility, where they discovered that the three primary buildings in the area were the Biology, Paleontology, and Geology buildings. Fortunately the three of them came to a quick decision, as they backtracked a little and unlocked the door that was supposed to take them to the Geology building, even though that included walking out into the snow once more, causing them to ready themselves for whatever was waiting for them. They headed to the left of the door they had walked through, as it was the only way for them to advance at the moment, though the path they picked had some crates between the walkway and another locked door... and, when they stepped forward, they had to contend with a small group of stalkers that happened to be using the area as their hunting grounds.

When the group thought about a small number of enemies it was between two to five, based on the fact that there were always more out there, and sure enough there were only five stalkers for them to tackle, though since the door in front of them was locked, meaning they needed a different keycard to get inside that building, they turned to the left again and used the cargo lift to move onto the next area. A few moments later, when the lift came to a stop, they walked out and headed up the little hill that was in front of them, though as they did so all three of them noticed that the blocks of ice around them contained frozen creatures inside them, ready to be cut up and studied. Sure enough there was another small pack of stalkers waiting for them, though the trio, in a hurry to get the Rosetta Slabs so they could make a new Codex and get out of here, swiftly dismembered them and headed to the right, where an entrance to a building happened to be located. From there the three of them waited for a few moments, as they had to pass through another one of the circular security doors, before they could enter what was the Geology Sector, thanks to the information on the walls, and start their search.

Of course they had to pause when the intercom came online and someone started talking, though they quickly discovered that it was Danik, talking about how he knew that the three of them were thinking that he was an overzealous crusader and that he was a foolish man for following an 'angry god'. The three of them opened the door that was in front of them as Danik proclaimed that he was a man of science, someone who studied cause and effect, along with fact and reason, before stating that they would all understand what he was talking about before the end came for them. When they walked into the chamber on the other side of the door they all ignored the ice blocks, containing Necromorphs and what could have been the population of the planet before the outbreak occurred, because if Danik was going to speak with them, in such a manner, that meant that some Unitologists were nearby. Fortunately there weren't any in the chamber that they were currently in, and that continued on into the next room, which was great since it was a simple hallway with a door that needed a special bar and the way forward... though since Danik was after them they opted to continue along the path and not get distracted, but if their target showed his head then they'd gladly open fire on him.

On the other side of the door they found a short room that had a few lasers they needed to get around before they could access the Rosetta Slab that was on the other side of the room, though since time was of the essence, and there was no telling what Danik had planned, Chrysalis decided that it was time to cheat the people who created the facility. What she did was teleport both Isaac and Carver over to where the controls were located and let them open the case, before teleporting them back to the door, where she could grab the slab with her magic. From there it was a simple matter of lifting the slab out of it's container, pulling it over to them, and then put it inside the contraption that would send it to Ellie and Santos, though once it was on it's way the three of them had to deal with a few Necromorphs that came out of the vents before they were allowed to leave the room. As they headed into the smaller hallway between rooms, and entered the room they had been in a few minutes ago, they were assaulted by a group of Unitologists that must have arrived by a gunship, even though they knew what Chrysalis could do to them... though the interesting part was when one of them shouted that Isaac was a 'Marker Traitor', which caused Chrysalis to chuckle before she cut one of their opponent apart with her axe.

The only reason she found the 'Marker Traitor' bit funny was because the Unitologists, having discovered what was in EarthGov's records at some point in time, knew that Isaac had the knowledge to both build and destroy Markers embedded inside his brain... and, since they were pawns of the Markers, the cultists believed that Isaac, having that information, was a traitor to their cause and wanted him dead, something that would never happened.

When the group of Unitologists were taken care of, and they were sure that no more were coming after them in the building that they were in, Isaac, Chrysalis, and Carver headed for the entrance of the building, listening to Danik inform them that none of them would be getting out of there alive. Isaac, growing annoyed with the leader of the cultists, told Danik to shut up and Carver told him to bring it on, indicating that he was going to kill everyone that Danik sent at them, while Chrysalis remained silent, choosing to keep her eyes open for anything that might endanger them. When they walked outside the building that the first slab had been located in, however, they found that there weren't any enemies in the immediate area, so Isaac took the opportunity to ask Ellie and Santos how they were going to build a Codex. The answer that the duo gave them was strange at first, but after a few seconds Isaac remembered what had happened on the Titan Station, which also gave him the knowledge he knew now.

"Guys, it looks like they used magnetomic forensic neurology," Ellie replied, answering Isaac's question, as she was the one that was focused on the mission since Santos was still shifting through all of the information that was on the log that Chrysalis had given her, as it appeared that there was more on the log than they originally thought, "which basically produces a data stream that's stored inside the Codex. It appears that the scientists and researchers lifted the codes for the Machine right out of Rosetta's brain."

"Well that sounds familiar." Isaac commented, recalling the exact memory that Ellie's statement reminded him of, as his eye still had some phantom pain from when he stabbed it with the needle to awaken the knowledge that had been stored inside his brain, "At least they didn't poke her eye out..."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Carver asked, indicating that he hadn't been given the information on what happened to Isaac and Chrysalis on the Titan Station, or at least the fact that Isaac had stabbed his eye, but at the same time Chrysalis knew what to do.

"Ellie, we've got three more slabs to find, then we'll be back soon." Chrysalis said, reminding her companions that they were on a mission, to which they nodded their heads and returned their attention to what they were doing, which was riding the cargo lift back down to the area below them.

A few seconds later the cargo lift came to a stop on the lower level and the trio retraced their steps back to the first building they had exited, though as they did so Danik felt that it was time to taunt them again, reminding Isaac and Chrysalis of the fact that there was once a Black Marker on Earth, which apparently predated mankind. Chrysalis then decided to ignore most of what Danik said, as he was saying that the Markers were responsible for creating mankind and forced them to evolve towards a 'higher purpose', until they became what they were today. Based on how they were standing she could tell that neither of her companions were interested in what the cult leader had to say, as the moment he stopped talking they returned to the hallway and headed to the left, where they opened the door to the Biology Sector and stopped when some cysts and organic growth appeared in front of them.

"There things are annoying," Isaac commented, staring at the cysts that were along the path they needed to take, as it was easy to recall what the explosive containers would do if someone or something got close to them, before he turned towards Chrysalis for a few seconds, "Chrysalis, do you have an idea on how to tackle this area in a timely manner?"

Chrysalis stared at the cysts for a few seconds before expanding her magic, where she formed spherical domes over each cyst and trapped them, though to test her spell out she lifted a piece of metal over to them and set it near the edge of her target, which didn't seem to register that the metal was there. With that done, and she was satisfied with what she had accomplished, the three of them carefully moved down the hallway that was in front of them, allowing her to imprison the cysts that were in the way so they didn't have to worry about setting them off. At the end of the hallway they found a control station for a device that deployed some sort of gas, though since something was clearly broken the three of them walked into a room where a lift was located and Chrysalis cut off her magic, unsealing the cysts and allowed them to hear the sound of all the explosives going off as the door closed, where she smiled as they descended to the lower level. Carver, on the other hand, asked if Isaac was thinking of messing with the sterilization systems, since it apparently used gas that would eat their faces... to which Isaac replied that, since Chrysalis was with them, they didn't have to worry about something like that happening to them.

As they headed down to the lower level they fired at a pair of lurkers that were in the pump area they were heading to, though when the lift came to a stop Chrysalis and Carver made sure the Necromorphs were taken care of as Isaac tampered with the power box that was in front of them. Fortunately it didn't take Isaac long to equalize the power between the elevator and the pump, though once that was done he opened fire on a fodder that dropped down into the area and destroyed it before the three of them headed back up to the level they had been on a minute ago. When they reached the area they found the lift in, however, a fodder burst out of the vent and was immediately broken apart by the trio, who then left the room they were in and walked into the control booth that they had stopped at, to simply check out what it controlled. Chrysalis, knowing what was coming next, formed a square barrier around them as they stood inside the control booth, just in the off chance that the door didn't close, though as Isaac and Carver turned on the terminal the door actually closed as the gas started to pour into the hallway... and, oddly enough, they heard the sounds of some Necromorphs screaming in pain as the gas ate at their bodies, no doubt reducing them to nothing as the gas obscured their vision for a few moments.

Once the gas had cleared the three of them walked out of the control booth, once Chrysalis lowered the barrier, and approached a door that had been sealed shut by some of the organic growth, which brought them to a short hallway with another door that they needed to head through. From there they entered what appeared to be a research chamber of sorts, including a dead Necromorph that was pinned against the wall and cut open, revealing that someone had studied the creature intensely before the outbreak occurred, before the trio moved on. They made their way to the back of the room they were in and easily found the second Rosetta Slab inside another container, guarded by a guardian, but instead of wasting time Chrysalis set fire to the guardian and covered it with a barrier, letting it burn while Isaac and Carver unlocked the container the slab was located in. The moment it was in their possession the trio made their way back toward the entrance of this room and started firing at the fodders that filed into the room, but due to their experience with these creatures the trio were able to blast their way through the host of enemies and slipped the slab into the device that would ship it over to Ellie and Santos.

With the slab on it's way to where the others were located the three of them headed out of the room they were in and returned to the main hallway, where they approached the cargo lift that was on the left side of the hallway and stepped onto it, allowing it to take them up to the level that was above them. From there they walked over to the door in front of them and entered another short hallway, which brought them to a door that happened to have a walkway over to the Paleontology Sector, though that was where several fodders, spitters, and some slashers waiting for them. It didn't take them long to take out the group of enemies that wanted them dead, even though some of them were actually empowered versions of their type of Necromorph, thus allowing them to enter the building that was in front of them. As they did so Danik decided to speak once more and talk about the fact that mankind was naturally compelled to make Red Markers, like the one from Aegis VII, and that all three of them were reluctant to accept the natural evolution that was coming for all of them... something that he intended to correct, after he informed them of what was going on and tried to convert them to his side, which was never going to happen.

Carver discovered that the door they needed to head through was locked and that the way to open it was a lever that was covered with a metallic cover that could be removed, so while Isaac did that Carver turned the lever around and soon they were walking through the door in front of them. From there they discovered an area that had a few doors they could pick from, though it quickly became apparent that the one they wanted to take was across from the table that Chrysalis found a keycard sitting on, one for the Reaper Barracks, something that they were likely going to ignore. With the keycard in hand the three of them entered the elevator that was across from the table and descended to a new level, where they were immediately attacked by empowered feeders and forced to go on the defensive immediately, which was when Chrysalis used her magic to form a barrier that forced the feeders to change their path and come at them from a path that allowed the trio to easily take care of them. It was times like this where Isaac and Carver were happy to have Chrysalis on their side, as she was able to make things even easier for them and feeders weren't something they were terribly interested in fighting normally... and, soon enough, the three of them finished off the rest of the feeders and moved on as they searched for the next slab.

At the end of the walkway they were on the trio found a cargo lift that brought them down to the level below them, where a large cylinder device of some kind was located, though as they approached it Chrysalis discovered that the slab they were after was inside it... to which she growled as she spotted that a normal person would have to rotate three rings to open the path for the slab to be removed, something that she didn't care about at the moment.

"Isaac, Carver, stand back for a moment." Chrysalis said, to which she lowered her Pulse Rifle and raised her hand until it was level with the device in front of them, though she waited for her friends to get out of the way before she used her magic... to which she started tearing the device apart while making sure that the slab remained untouched.

"And this is why I'm glad she's on our side." Carver stated, because if Chrysalis could grab gunships out of the air and blow them to pieces, tangle with the largest Necromorph he had ever seen and destroy it in mere moments, obliterate some creatures that Isaac claimed were incapable of dying, and a number of other things, he was sure that getting on her bad side was something he didn't want to do... especially after what happened to his traitorous captain earlier.

A few moments later, with the device destroyed beyond recognition and the slab sent off to the lab, the trio headed through the other door that was in the area and found a passage that would allow them to either enter the Reaper Barracks or continue their search for the final Rosetta Slab. They quickly decided to head through the door that would likely take them to the slab, though as they entered the hallway that was on the other side of the door Chrysalis threw up some barriers and stopped the cysts from exploding on them. As they walked into the hallway, and found a control booth to control some more of the flesh eating gas, Danik contacted them again and asked them to ponder what would have happened if these aliens, the scientists that came after them, and they themselves, hadn't stopped the 'natural evolution' and 'rebirth' that awaited them. As usual the trio ignored him, taking note that Danik thought they would be meeting again, while focusing on heading down to the other end of the hallway to access the valves that would allow them to power up the control booth and loose the gas, though Chrysalis trapped the cysts along the way to protect all of them from harm. Once the valves were turned, however, some of the gas started to pour out into the hallway immediately, forcing the three of them to return to the booth before they were torn apart by the gas, though once they were inside the booth Chrysalis sealed it. After that Isaac and Carver activated the controls, loosing the rest of the gas and let it eat away at the organic growth that had lined the hallway... and any Necromorphs that might be in the area, since they heard some of them screaming in pain as the gas tore them apart until nothing was left.

Once the gas was gone, and the booth's door opened for them, the trio walked out of the control booth and headed towards the door that the organic growth had been covering, though now that the growth was gone they opened the door and entered the short hallway that brought them to a second door. The chamber that was in front of them contained some specimens of the Necromorphs that had been frozen by whatever event had turned this planet into the frozen wasteland that it was, though as they entered the area the three of them were attacked by another group of feeders that happened to be accompanied by a few slashers. While they fought off the Necromorphs, and littered the area with the parts of their bodies in the process, Chrysalis noticed that the slab they were here for was on the left side of the entrance they had walked through, which meant that it was even easier for them to find it this time around, since it was resting on some boxes and not trapped inside a device. The other thing she noticed was that there happened to be a frozen Snow Beast resting in the middle of the room, propped up for the researchers and scientists when they were studying the creature, but fortunately it looked quite dead... but, seeing how the Nexus was that way until something tampered with it, there was no way to determine that this creature would remain in this state for long.

The instant all the feeders were taken care of Isaac grabbed the slab with his Kinesis Module and walked up the path that was in front of them, where he slipped the slab into the device and sent it on it's way to Ellie and Santos, before discovering that the way they entered the area was blocked off and that they needed to continue forward. As such the trio approached the door on the opposite side of the room and opened it, where they immediately had to deal with a pair of pregnant Necromorphs, which Isaac and Chrysalis dismembered the limbs of without touching the bloated stomachs at all. While Carver followed their lead, since they had more knowledge about these things than he did, he inquired why they were firing at the arms and legs when the stomach seemed like the best target, where the duo explained that hitting that area always birthed more enemies for them to fight and that it was best to kill the pregnant Necromorphs before any of the other enemies. A few seconds later, with both targets eliminated, the trio headed through the door, down the short hallway that was behind it, and then used the spherical security door to head outside, where they spotted some of Danik's gunships patrolling the area... though as Isaac and Carver headed down the path in front of them, and made their way back around to the main entrance, Chrysalis flew through the air and started blowing the gunships apart, while making sure the pieces and explosions happened away from the facility.

In her eyes it didn't matter if Danik knew where they were, as he had been taunting them the entire time they were looking for the Rosetta Slabs, though when Isaac informed her that they were heading inside the main building she flew over to her companions and entered the building... though, after a few minutes of wandering through the hallway and riding an elevator, they opened the security door and entered the Rosetta Lab.

"Alright, let's hope we can figure this out before Danik and his men find us." Isaac commented, though at the same time he, Chrysalis, and Carver disengaged their helmets as they entered the chamber, while noticing that Ellie and Santos were still hard at work with their individual tasks.

"It should be simple." Carver said, taking a moment to look at 'Rosetta' and the parts of the body they had recovered thanks to the Rosetta Slabs that had been checked out of Dr. Serrano earlier, "Leg bone's connected to the... uh, whatever the hell that is."

Isaac, Chrysalis, and Carver then spent the next few minutes carefully studying the various slabs that were inside the machine, along with the contents of each slab, before using their Kinesis Modules to lift one of them out of the row and move it to a new destination, shifting everything in the process. Chrysalis had never done anything like this and was simply focusing on the outline, hoping to find something that made things easier for them, while Carver made some odd comments about the shape of the body. What she was more interested in, however, was the fact that Rosetta was another alien creature, likely an inhabitant of the planet before the outbreak happened, though at the same time she knew that this would be one of Danik's targets if he learned the truth about what was going on in here. Fortunately she didn't have to ponder that thought for long, as their combined efforts eventually allowed the pieces of Rosetta to connect into a single mass with each slab connected to the one next to it... while at the same time revealing the alien's original form as the rest of the controls powered up to perform the procedure to make a Codex.

"There she is." Isaac said, because the moment the machine in the area told them that the assembly was complete he and Chrysalis stood in front of the terminal while Carver guarded the door to Ellie and Santos' area, who were now watching this with more interest than before, "Everyone, meet Rosetta. You know, the scientists were lucky to have found her, regardless of what they did to her, because without Rosetta I'm sure that they would have never been able to unlock the secrets of the Machine. Now everyone get ready, there's no telling what's going to happen when we activate this terminal and create a new Codex, so be prepared for anything."

It was in the moment that Isaac activated the control terminal that he was standing in front of, to make the new Codex, that both he and Chrysalis fell to their knees as some new scenes played out in their minds, where they shared a joint vision of sorts. What they saw was the alien civilization that had been on the planet before the outbreak, the planet not yet covered in snow and ice, and at the center of the kingdom rested a massive Marker that rivaled the one they had destroyed on the Titan Station. As the massive Marker activated the sound they heard only once before, and started to float into the air, the duo watched as they moved backwards and discovered that they were correct in their assumption that there had been hundreds of Markers on this planet at one point in time. That was before the massive Marker activated a Convergence event, pulling in all the reanimated corpses that had been created by the Necromorphs and brought them to a single point with the Marker at the heart of it all, before it was consumed by the mass, which looked an awful lot like the damaged moon that was above Tau Volantis' orbit. It was in that moment, as the surviving aliens raised a machine and flash froze the planet while stopping the Convergence event in it's tracks, that Isaac and Chrysalis instantly understood what they were seeing... the moon was the result of the Convergence event, a monstrous mass of flesh and death that sought to consume everything.

It was also in that moment of understanding that they returned to themselves, resting at the base of the terminal that the controls were on, before they gently laid their backs against the machine... but at the same time their minds were busy thinking about what they had seen, something that Ellie, Santos, and Carver needed to hear before they moved forward.

"Oh no... we've got it all wrong." Isaac said, his mind working out what they had seen and what they had learned, but even as he thought about all of this he was grateful to have an army taking care of the Unitologists and the other Markers that EarthGov had scattered throughout the galaxy, "This isn't the Marker home world... the aliens they, they found the Markers, just like we did, and it spread. It consumed them, it... it pulled their bodies into the sky to form the final stage... oh my god."

"The moon is the source of the Marker signal, not the machine." Chrysalis stated, realizing what was going on and recalled what they had read in the Admiral's quarters when they were up in the atmosphere, where she now knew that they had almost been played by the Marker.

"Yes... the Moon IS Convergence!" Isaac agreed, though his face revealed that, while he was slightly excited about the new information they had discovered, the understanding that they would have accidentally let the Moon wake up, if they hadn't seen that vision, sickened him, to which he gently took the Codex as he continued, "The aliens they... they built the Machine to freeze the planet... to keep the Moon from becoming whole! Oh god, if the Machine shuts down the planet will thaw and the Convergence event will resume... and not just here, but everywhere the Markers have spread... creating a vast number of Moons from the Markers that are still around. And the Codex..."

"...is the key to turn it all off." a voice said, to which Danik appeared with his gun pointed right at Isaac's head, just as he and Chrysalis pulled themselves up and turned to face their friends, who were currently standing outside the booth with a few of Danik's men keeping them in line, to which Danik took the Codex from Isaac, "Thanks for doing all the heavy lifting for me."

"You don't understand what you're doing." Chrysalis stated, causing Danik to glance over at her for a moment, though the look in his eyes told her that, no matter what she said, he still wouldn't care about the rest of his kind, "If you turn off that Machine the Moon will home in on Earth's Markers and devour everyone."

"Oh, I misunderstood initially, that's truth... but now its all quite clear to me." Danik replied, to which he glared at Chrysalis for a moment, as if he was going to shoot them once he was done talking and was daring her to move, "It's not only mankind's tampering that has hindered our glorious rebirth... but this alien Machine as well. I will not stay away from that Machine, and with this Codex I can turn it off and make humanity whole... unlike these foolish aliens, that chose death over evolution. Go on, ki..."

"I would suggest that you stop what you're doing." a new voice said, causing Danik to stall for a moment, as from the looks of it he was shocked that there was another person speaking, a lady by her voice, though when he looked around he didn't see anyone new to worry about, "I'm over here."

Chrysalis turned towards the door that connected this room to the hallway she, Isaac, and Carver had walked through a few times since they arrived at this facility, though as she did so she found something that made her question what was going on once more. Standing on the walkway, in front of the door, was another person that looked exactly like herself, in terms of how her body was structured, meaning that she was staring at a pony girl, but unlike Chrysalis this newcomer wasn't a changeling. As she stood there for a moment Chrysalis took in the amber colored skin, along with the vivid crimson and brilliant yellow colored hair and tail and the pony ears that were sticking out of her hair, revealing that she was another pony girl, but that was before she noticed something that was odd. Instead of wearing some sort of suit, to combat the cold winds of the planet, the newcomer was wearing what appeared to be a set of Egyptian inspired clothing, the type that one would see on a god, as she had a decent sized collar around her neck, which also rested on her chest a little, a binding of sorts wrapped around her breast area, with some baggy pants that came with a belt, a sash, and a pair of golden bracelets that she wore near her wrists.

Chrysalis had no idea who was standing before them, and happened to be staring down at them at the same time, but all she knew was that the power the person was giving off was on a completely different level than what she was used to, as if she was staring at an actual god... and, despite the fact that she had stopped Danik from firing at them, she knew that one misstep towards the figure could get them all killed in an instant.

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