• Published 25th Jan 2018
  • 6,956 Views, 565 Comments

Dead Space: Deep Space Terror - Blackdrag-rose

Chrysalis has made the greatest mistake of her life and must survive the horrors that await her in the darkness of the USG Ishimura.

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Ishimura: Navigation Cards

Chrysalis remained quiet during the ride to the Crew Deck, as there was nothing she could say to Isaac, who had just seen one of his closest friends die at the hands of a brute, and she sure as hell didn't want to talk with Kendra at the moment, since she was responsible for Hammond's death. The pain she felt at the moment only reminded her of the horrible pain she had felt when she and her guards found Wildfire's corpse in that desert, where she was the only one in her hive that mourned Wildfire's passing. She knew that the two deaths were the same, since Wildfire was the love of her life and Hammond was someone she had slowly become friends with, but the similarities the two shared were that they had been her friends, even though she had to prove herself to both of them before that happened. After Wildfire's death she never bothered to make another friend, not when all she felt was pain at their passing, but she had gained some valuable friends in Isaac, Hammond, and Kendra... or at least, that was what she thought when they crashed into the Ishimura and the events that transpired revealed themselves.

Now, however, Kendra was nothing more than a lying bitch who had gotten one of her friends killed, awakening a new level of anger and hatred inside Chrysalis, while at the same time opening old wounds that she would have preferred to forget about... but in the end she guessed that, by making friends, pain was just a normal thing that occurred over time. For a moment she actually wondered how the mighty Princess Celestia managed to hide the pain of her mortal friends fading away before her, or how Princess Luna felt when she returned and discovered everything she knew had been changed in some manner. Originally she had thought that friendship was just a foolish thing that was worthless to her, but now, as a fraction of her earlier anger cooled off, she realized that she had been thinking too much on her mother's teachings and was only now seeing the world slightly differently... though the eyes of the Chrysalis that had been buried away all those year ago, when she buried Wildfire.

It was the Chrysalis who still believed in friendship and all the wonders that the ponies had to offer, though even as she thought about that she realized that maybe she had been horribly wrong when she invaded Canterlot during Cadence's wedding... to which she sighed as the Tram came to a stop, as the silent rides made her reflect on her past and made her realize how much pain she must have inflicted on everyone that day. She then cleared her head and reengaged her helmet as Isaac moved towards the entrance of the Tram, to which she followed him off and stepped out onto the station for the Crew Deck.

"Isaac, Chrysalis, I've located the shuttle that Hammond mentioned." Kendra told them, to which she appeared in front of them, though at the same time Chrysalis turned her head to the side and avoided making eye contact, before something appeared on the monitor she was staring at, "Shit! I'm afraid that it's no good. That shuttle's brain dead... it appears that someone removed the navigation cards. God knows why someone would want to do that."

"Actually, I'm pretty sure that we know who did it," Chrysalis commented, as while she hated talking with Kendra now, especially after what happened on the Valor, she couldn't resist the urge to show her that she and Isaac knew something that she didn't, "Terrance Kyne said that there was a better use for the shuttle than just running away and stated that he needed to talk with us... so something tells me that he's the one that removed the navigation cards, to force us into talking with him before we reach the shuttle."

"Well, regardless of who removed the cards, I can tell you that there are three of them," Kendra continued, as if she hadn't heard a word that Chrysalis had said, to which the changeling growled for a few seconds, which was also ignored as well, "and, fortunately for you two, they're all scattered around the Crew Deck. I've already downloaded the coordinates for each navigation card, though since I cannot access the doors to each card from here you two will need to acquire a Crew Key as well. If you guys can find those parts, then I'm sure that we can repair the shuttle and get out of here."

With that said, and Kendra not even bothering to glance in Chrysalis' direction during the entire conversation, the connection between the two was disconnected, leaving Isaac and an annoyed Chrysalis to walk down the steps that were near where they walked off the Tram. Of course since this was the Crew Deck they expected to see a few bodies on the floor, but when they entered the first part of the new deck they discovered a lot of intact bodies that looked untouched, though that was before Chrysalis found Unitologist symbols on the walls. Those two facts immediately told her that the cultists that had been on this ship, where was an alarming number now that she thought about it, must have committed suicide at some point in time and left their bodies for the Necromorphs, and the Marker, to use as they desired. They both knew that all these bodies could be turned into enemies when they got back to this area, as it was the hub section for this deck, but instead of wasting time they didn't have the duo simply walked over to the store and sold off some things.

From there they walked through the door that was right next to the store and entered a more open room, to which a Necromorph busted one of the vents and drew their attention to it, though this time around their foe was smart and didn't drop down immediately, meaning that the Necromorphs might be learning. That thought frightened Isaac more than it frightened Chrysalis, because if they were getting smarter than there was no telling what they might be able to learn and the thought of them throwing around magic absolutely terrified him. Of course the only way that would happen is if Chrysalis had been taken out and was consumed by the infection, but something told him that if she was about to die, and had no med packs, she'd likely ignite her magic and obliterate everything around her... though he pushed that thought to the side as they continued their search, while noticing the growth that was resting on the ceiling, which didn't made either of them happy.

Since one door was locked the duo opened the other one and entered what appeared to be a locker room for something called Zero-G Basketball, though as they looked around Chrysalis picked up the schematic for the next level suit, the fifth one, before they opened the door that let them enter the room between the locker area and the actual game room, where they found the text log that revealed the rules and whatnot for 'Z-Ball'.

Instead of wasting time reading about something they weren't going to even attempt, since Chrysalis didn't care too much about this Z-Ball, the duo stored the text log away and opened the door to the Zero-G game room, where Chrysalis smiled a bit when she located the first navigation card resting on one of the platforms. As she collected the card, however, two black colored lurkers charged out of the holes they were hiding in and attacked the duo, to which Isaac and Chrysalis lifted their guns and started firing in return. Since there were only two enemies, and no more came out during the fight, the duo was able to swiftly claim victory and retreated from the game room, since they had what they needed they determined that there was no reason for them to stick around in this area. As they walked back into the first locker room they were slightly surprised when a black colored slasher, who must have been the one who broke the vent a few minutes ago, broke another vent and dropped down in front of them... to which the duo dismembered the slasher before it could even hurt them.

At the same time Chrysalis discovered that their weapons, none of which were fully upgraded yet, weren't doing a lot of damage against the black colored enemies, to which they gathered all they could from the open lockers and made their way back towards the hub area... before they approached the store and sold off everything that they didn't need at the moment, which was all the useless pieces of ammunition, for the other weapons, that they didn't have. As they did that Chrysalis discovered that the Level 5 Suit was actually sixty thousand credits, which was pretty much a good chunk of both her credits and Isaac's credits, meaning that they could both purchase a suit and a few Power Nodes or spend all their cash on nodes for their weapons. In the end Isaac chose to buy a few nodes and used the rest of his credits on the suit, though when he walked out Chrysalis found that his left arm now had all the armor plating as his right arm did, as well as his leggings having complete armor plating as well, making it look like Isaac was ready for war. Another thing Chrysalis noticed was that the fifth glowing line in the helmet, to indicate the level of the suit at a glance, was actually a vertical line that went through the middle of the previous four lines.

Once Isaac was done with the store Chrysalis walked forward and stared at what she could get, though her original instinct to protect herself won out and soon she was wearing her own Level 5 Suit... though before she moved away she also got some Power Nodes to finish off her Pulse Rifle.

When they finished their shopping, however, the vent in front of the suicide area shattered and two black slashers moved into the room they were in, though as they opened fire Chrysalis spotted an infector flying through as it sought out the first corpse it could transform. Instead of letting it do that, and making more enemies for them to fight, Chrysalis hurled one of her bone blades at it and pinned one of it's wings to the wall, preventing it from going anywhere without ripping it's entire wing off, which would kill it instantly. The infector, once more proving that enemies might be getting smarter, stopped struggling and simply waited, giving Isaac and Chrysalis time to take out the two slashers before they walked up to the creature. Isaac quickly dismembered the unfortunate infector, allowing Chrysalis to claim her weapon once more, before they walked onto the cargo lift and rode it up to the level above them... where they walked over to the nearby Bench and upgraded their weapons for a few minutes.

Another thing they found, on the upper level before reaching the Bench, was a text log that detailed Unitology, though neither Isaac or Chrysalis were even interested in it and simply stored the log away... along with something singing a strange song, one that Isaac told Chrysalis was the 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star' song, though she did her best to ignore it.

Once they were done upgrading their weapons, and they were sure that there wasn't anything else they needed on the lower level, the duo walked over to the door that was beside the Bench, the one that would lead them into the Residential Hall, and opened the door up. What they found, on the other hand, was a bunch of the organic growth on the floor, which meant that they would have to slowly walk through this area, before noticing that a survivor was tied down to a chair in the room that was in front of them, which they could see thanks to the glass window. That was swiftly followed by them spotting Mercer, who was holding a knife in one of his hands, step out and face them as they neared the glass window, though they had a feeling they knew what was going to happen.

"What do you cling to when all must seem so utterly hopeless around you?" Mercer asked, though at the same time he beckoned to something on the ground, where Isaac and Chrysalis discovered the body of a dead lady resting in the corner, though Isaac was happy that it wasn't Nicole's body, "Dr. Cross was a true believer, she had faith... and now she waits for her transformation... her rebirth."

As Isaac and Chrysalis pieced together that Dr. Cross was Elizabeth Cross, whose audio logs they had found on the way to this deck, they realized who the man had to be, since she spoke of him many times and he mentioned her in his audio logs as well... it was Temple, the acting Chief Engineer, that they were staring at.

"Are you ready to ascend, Mr. Temple?" Mecer inquired, though that was when the duo discovered that Mercer had placed tape over the man's mouth, preventing him from saying a single word in his defense, "Of course you are. Have no fear, because you will play your part soon enough. Now then, witness the conviction of a true believer!"

That was followed by Mercer, who was clearly and most certainly insane at this point in time, raised the knife into the air before driving it straight down into Temple's skull, killing the man instantly, where Mercer let the knife stay there for a few seconds before pulling it out... while causing Temple's now dead body to collapse on the floor, where his head and Elizabeth's head were near each other, their faces staring at the other.

"They are ready!" Mercer called out, where both Isaac and Chrysalis knew that he was absolutely obsessed with the Necromorphs and was likely trying to call them to where he was, "Take them! Embrace them!"

The duo, knowing that it was only a matter of time until some Necromorphs came to check out the noise, got moving the moment Mercer started walking away from the corpses, though at the same time Chrysalis wanted to strangle the man for everything he put the two of them through, but she focused on the task at hand. Fortunately it appeared that the door to the Mess Hall, where Mercer had been mere moments ago, was unlocked, to which Chrysalis opened the door and walked inside, though by the time they got into the Mess Hall Mercer was already long gone. They carefully made their way around the bar island that was in front of them, though as they did so they both noticed some limbs of a divider moving in the area below them, indicating that an enemy was waiting for them. As they reached where Temple and Elizabeth were resting, however, Chrysalis noticed some of the vents they had walked by, outside the Mess Hall, had burst open and an exploder revealed itself... before it suddenly decided to head back into the vent it had come from, revealing that it was coming for them.

They found a cargo lift resting close to where the two corpses were resting, to which Isaac and Chrysalis used it to reach the lower level, the area that Mercer must have wandered off to, only they didn't see the mad doctor anywhere at the moment... but as the lift came to a stop they found two dividers waiting for them.

Isaac and Chrysalis opened fire the moment they could see the dividers, as they knew that these enemies would be coming at them as fast as they could, though as the dividers separated into their limb fragments Isaac used a Stasis blast to slow them down, allowing the duo to tear them apart. Once the two enemies, and the smaller pieces they broke into, were defeated the duo salvaged whatever ammunition and med packs they could find, as well as a Power Node that was resting in the wall box on the other side of the room. That was before Chrysalis found the Crew Key resting inside a storage container, as if someone had purposely stored it away there in the hopes that she and Isaac would find it, to which the duo shared a look before they backtracked to the cargo lift, allowing it to carry them back up to the upper level of the Mess Hall.

As they started walking towards the door they walked through earlier, however, their RIGLinks became active as Doctor Kyne appeared before them, in the form of a video log, though he seemed anxious and was looking at the duo as if they were his last hope.

"Mr. Clarke! Miss Chrysalis! I really... must speak with you!" Doctor Kyne said, once more reinforcing what he had said back when they were walking through the Valor, though at the same time they stared at him, since he might be as insane as Mercer was, "I'm very close to your current position, and... and I know you both will want to hear what I have to say. I can explain all this! I know what happened! When you have the Nav cards, I'll let you into the Security Station. We must talk. Hurry!"

Chrysalis wasn't happy with the way that he was insisting that they needed to hurry, as that meant that something horrible must have happened on Aegis VII or the Ishimura, though as the connection between them and Doctor Kyne was terminated she and Isaac simply walked up to the door and opened it. As they returned to the hallway Chrysalis paused for a moment, to see if the exploder from earlier was going to leave the vent he had been in, though once she determined that it wasn't going to happen they opened the other door that was right behind them and entered the area behind it. When they turned to the right they both noticed a guardian resting on the wall at the end of the hallway, though at the same time several pods revealed their tentacles before firing at the duo, who moved out of the way before they were hit, only to open fire in return. It didn't take them long before they had finished off the lone guardian and the pods that it used against them, though once the deed was done the two of them carefully walked up to the door it had been guarding... which required them to dismember a slasher that tried to get in their way, before they walked up to the door.

They were fortunate that they had acquired the Crew Key when they did, as it allowed them to open the door and they walked onto the elevator that awaited them, to which they descended into Sleep Block A, which Chrysalis figured was where the crew slept since they hadn't seen a bed anywhere else on this forsaken ship.

When the elevator reached the area it was connected to, and the duo walked through the small hallway in front of them, they found that they were in the trashed Commons of Sleep Block A, though at the same time they carefully looked around the room before choosing a path to take. As they did so, however, Kendra informed them that the lift support to Sleep Block B had been shut down and that they needed to find the override so they could access the door and enter that area of the ship. Since they had no choice in the matter the duo opened the door to Sleep Block A Bunks and entered the room in front of them, though as they did so another tentacle reached around the corner and grabbed onto Chrysalis' leg, indicating that it was going to drag her again. This time, however, Chrysalis opened fire on the tentacle the instant she saw it, though as it pulled her to the ground she softened the blow and grabbed onto the tentacle with her magic, stopping it from moving her through the area they were in... giving Isaac a few seconds to blow the weak point to pieces and released Chrysalis in the process, who growled at the wounded tentacle as it backed away from them.

"I am getting sick and tired of those things going after me all the time," Chrysalis commented, as she really hated the tentacles and the fact that she was the only one they seemed to care about, before she beckoned for Isaac to continue as she prepared her weapon once more, "Let's just get those navigation cards and get out of this area before those tentacles decide to come back for us."

Isaac nodded and turned towards the door that was behind them, where he opened it and found a terminal that could be used to override the door lock that Kendra had told the two of them about, but at the same time Chrysalis wondered if Kendra could see where those tentacles were from where she was stationed. If she could do that than Chrysalis guessed that Kendra might not have told them about the tentacle in the chance to remove her from the board, but she said nothing about that to Isaac. She already knew that her friend was worried about their chances of getting out of here, as well as going over why Kendra hadn't told them about Hammond when they were on the Valor earlier, so she didn't want to burden him further with what she was thinking about. If Kendra was actually trying to remove one of them from the board, namely her, than Chrysalis was going to figure out how to ruin her for everything she's done, though she remained silent as Isaac pulled the lever into position and overrode the door lock.

With that task complete the duo retraced their steps back to the common area, taking a moment to take out the slasher that was coming from where the tentacle came from, before entering the Commons once more, where no enemies were waiting for them... causing the duo to keep their guards up as they entered the short hallway between the Commons and Sleep Block B.

As they entered Sleep Block B, which had no life support and appeared to be some sort of winter wonderland, by the frost on the walls and floor, the duo spotted a pregnant Necromorph and a slasher coming their way, to which Chrysalis dealt with the pregnant foe while Isaac dismembered the slasher. The moment their current batch of foes had been taken care of the duo walked through the door on their right and entered the sleeping area that it brought them to, where Isaac blasted a lurker that destroyed the vent above their heads. As he did that Chrysalis moved forward and opened fire on the lurker and pregnant Necromorph that emerged from their hiding places, making sure to dismember her targets so the pregnant one didn't spawn new enemies for them to take out. Behind them Isaac found a Storage Room that contained a Power Node and some spare ammunition, though with those collected he followed after Chrysalis, who dismembered a slasher that was coming after her... before they found the second navigation card resting on the floor nearby, to which they collected it and continued following the coordinates that Kendra had given them.

With the second card acquired the duo quickly returned to the Commons and left the frost covered area behind, to which they waited for a few seconds before heading towards the elevator, which they climbed into and headed back up to the area that they had seen Mercer in.

As the door opened, however, an exploder was in the process of jumping into the vent that happened to rest in front of the elevator door, though it literally paid the duo no attention as it disappeared, to which they cautiously walked out of the elevator and followed the path back to the door that rested near the Mess Hall door. As they walked through the door the exploder jumped out of the vent that Chrysalis had seen it jump out of earlier, to which she smiled as she loosed a small burst of bullets at the goo sack it was carrying and blew the Necromorph to pieces. Before they moved forward they spotted a second exploder jump out of the vent, though at the same time the limbs of a divider started to near it, to which Isaac waited until the two groups were together before blowing all of them apart. Once that was taken care of, and they were sure that no more exploders were coming out of the vent, the duo walked through the organic mess and headed back towards the door they used to get into this area... though as they walked Chrysalis noticed that the bodies of Temple and Elizabeth had remained in the same location, to which she guessed that she and Isaac were the Necromorph's main concern and simply smiled to herself.

When they reached the door they had been heading towards, without any further incident, the duo returned to the are the cultists had sacrificed themselves in and rode the cargo lift back down to the first floor, where they walked through the door that would allow them to head back to the Z-Ball court... only for them to blast a slasher to pieces before unlocking the door to a second elevator, one that took them to Sleep Block C, and used it.

A few moments later they walked off the elevator and headed into the Commons for this area, though as they did so they heard a recorded sermon from Mercer, who apparently was trying to convince his fellow cultists to not abandon their faith and proclaimed that Unitology was the truth of everything. Isaac and Chrysalis, who already knew that the man was insane before the Marker had been discovered, decided to ignore the electronic sermon, which was apparently stuck on constant repeat by the sounds of it, and headed through the door that would take them to the final navigation card. The room that they had to pass through, however, required that they move the bed containers, which were big rectangular objects, in a specific pattern so they could move forward. As Chrysalis soon discovered sometimes they had to seal the path behind them, in a manner of speaking, so they could move forward, though she and Isaac did that as fast as they possibly could... before they came to an area where more cultists had sacrificed themselves, only for the final one, a lady by the looks of it, lifted a weapon to her head and shot herself in the head.

Chrysalis was really disgusted with the Unitologists, since they were all clearly insane and would kill themselves, as well as everyone around them, for the 'glory of the Marker'... though she shelved the thoughts for a moment as she and Isaac found the third and final navigation card, which put a smile on both of their faces.

"This time there will be no escape for you, my friends." Mercer told them, speaking over the audio link for a few seconds, though his tone worried Chrysalis, as nothing this guy did was good for anyone on the Ishimura, "You two have been most resourceful up until now, but my creation is free, reborn in the fierce heat of life itself! Now it's time to play your part..."

That was immediate followed by the hunter, freed from his frozen slumber, bursting out of the vent in the ceiling and struck the ground in front of them, though Isaac, acting on instinct thanks to the number of times he's used the Module so far, loosed a Stasis blast at the beast and stunned it. That allowed the two of them to open fire and dismember the hunter, though as it's arms and legs flew off, and it started to move towards the ground, Chrysalis turned towards the bed containers Isaac had moved earlier and started reforging the path they used to get to this point. A few seconds later Isaac followed after her, where they sealed the path behind them as they retreated to the Common area, though when they arrived in the Commons they found lurkers and slashers waiting for them... and the fact that the door was locked thanks to Mercer's actions, meaning that the hunter was going to catch up with them in moments.

Despite the fact that Chrysalis might have annoyed her earlier, with her accusations that she aided in Hammond's death, Kendra told them that she would work on the door lock, to which the duo continued their fight against their enemies... along with the hunter when it finally arrived, though it looked at them with a look that could have been hate, but the duo put some distance between it and them as Kendra worked on the door. Since they had to wait both Isaac and Chrysalis took up a stand on one side of the room and fired at the Necromorphs that wanted them dead, making sure to dismember the hunter whenever it came at either one of them, while at the same time keeping an eyes on the door. A few minutes passed before she managed to break Mercer's hold on the door and reverted it back to it's original state, where Isaac and Chrysalis dismembered the hunter once more before Isaac loosed a Stasis blast at it, though while it was slowed down the duo moved through the doorway and retreated once more.

"Excellent work, Mr. Clarke, Miss Chrysalis!" Doctor Kyne told them, surprising the duo for a moment, though they took a moment to relax before they climbed into the elevator and headed back up to the hub area, "Excellent work. Now... come and meet me in the Executive area. The door is unlocked. Please be quick."

"Isaac, Chrysalis, be careful with Dr. Kyne." Kendra said, speaking only when Kyne had stopped speaking and the connection had been broken, though at the same time Chrysalis was surprised that she was even speaking to her at the moment, "A lot of what I've discovered so far has come from his records... the man has clearly gone insane. He might be unstable, maybe even violent."

Isaac and Chrysalis rode up to the hub area they had discovered after they arrived on the Crew Deck, where they used the cargo lift to get up to the second level and opened the door that was to the immediate right of them, though the two of them followed the short hallway to the room it brought them to... where they found Kyne looking at something with his back turned to them, though he was standing in a separate room from where they were standing and only turned around when he started talking to someone that wasn't there.

"Ameila, I knew that you would know what to do, I knew, I love you so..." Kyne said, though that was before he noticed Isaac and Chrysalis standing on the other side of the glass, to which he seemed to snap out of whatever was happening to him and stared at them, "You made it! Thank god you made it... I've been following your progress. I know that you two, and your friend, want to repair the Executive shuttle and leave this place, but... escape is impossible at this point. The... the shuttle's ShockPoint Drive has been destroyed. No, please don't lose hope... At first I lost hope, I tried to scuttle the ship, sabotage the systems... but Ameila... she changed things. The church! They think the Marker is divine, but they don't know what's going on here! They don't know what's been released! Here... I'll show you what I mean."

The was followed by Kyne opening a video log for them to see, one where Isaac and Chrysalis heard the roar of a terrifying creature as a structure appeared on the video... though that was before a massive Necromorph, unlike any they had seen so far, rose out of the massive pit that had to be where they extracted the large fragment of Aegis VII.

"That is what we found, in the core of the planet," Kyne explained, though Isaac and Chrysalis glanced at each other for a moment, because that creature only reinforced the idea that it was a good thing they hadn't gone down to the planet thanks to the ship crashing, "Mercer calls it the Hive Mind. It's the source, controlling all the Necromorphs telepathically. We were so STUPID! But Ameila, she knew. She knew it could be stopped... by returning the Marker to the planet. The Marker was actually containing the Hive Mind inside the planet... so if we return the Marker, we can seal the Hive Mind away. Please, I bear much of the responsibility for this tragedy. Now, I must take responsibility for ending it, and atone for my sins. But you two can help me, if you repair the shuttle and bring the Marker aboard. We can end this... forever."

It was at that point that Kyne gave them absolutely no choice but to comply with his request, as he touched his left wrist for a moment and the door behind them was locked once more, while at the same time the door to the elevator on their right was unlocked. Since there was no telling how long it would take for Kendra to get through the door behind them, and no telling how the unstable Kyne would become if such a thing happened, the duo said nothing as they walked through the door and took the elevator down to the Executive Sleep Block. When the elevator came to a stop, and they headed through the door in front of them, they found four pregnant Necromorphs waiting for them, to which the duo repeated their earlier tactic and simply dismembered them... preventing them from releasing whatever was inside their massive stomachs.

With the pregnant Necromorphs dead the duo quickly salvaged whatever they could find in the area, with Isaac taking the left side while Chrysalis took the right side, though all they ended up finding, in addition to some ammunition, was an audio log from the captain, which gave some more detail into the events after the Ishimura arrived at Aegis VII. They also recovered a ruby semiconductor and a text log that stated who the Unitologists were, though there were only a few names on the list, since the outbreak must have occurred before the list could be completed.

From there the duo walked through the door that was opposite of the one where the elevator was located and finally entered the Executive Shuttle Bay, where they approached the large shuttle and entered the area that was just outside the cockpit area. Isaac, being the more experienced of the two in this sort of thing, carefully attached the navigation cards and the singularity core into their proper slots, to which he smiled when he heard that Kyne was pleased with their progress and that he was coming down. Since they had a few minutes to kill Isaac took Chrysalis over to the control room for the ship and opened the door, where they stood in the room for a few seconds and test fired the engines, which caused several Necromorphs to emerge from where they were hiding... as well as the hunter bursting into the room from the vent that was behind them.

Chrysalis would have normally been worried about the hunter finding them like this, but instead she smiled as the beast locked it's eyes with her and followed her out into the area where the ship was located, though she had Isaac remain inside the control room as she tangled with the creature. As she walked out of the control room a pair of twitchers tried to attack her as well, though Chrysalis broken them with her Pulse Rifle and continued to lure the hunter away from Isaac, only to stop on the walkway that was directly behind the engines. The way she saw it, from what happened earlier, if the extreme cold couldn't kill this sort of creature, then maybe the extreme heat would make it impossible for the hunter to put himself together. Once the hunter was in front of the engines, however, Chrysalis latched her magic onto the creature and froze it where it was standing, to which she ran to the other side of the walkway and stared at the hunter as she beckoned for Isaac to test fire the engines again... to which she smiled as the heat of the engines rushed through where the creature was standing, who roared in pain as the flames turned it to ash.

With the hunter dead, and the engines stopped test firing, Chrysalis walked over to the glass and nodded, to which she and Isaac watched as Kyne walked into the area, who told Isaac what he needed him to do while he used the controls in the actual shuttle... though that meant that all Chrysalis could do was watch as the shuttle was released from the docking clamps and made it's way to the Flight Deck, where the Marker was resting.

The moment the shuttle, and Kyne, were gone Isaac walked out to where Chrysalis was and the two of them started the trek back towards the Tram Station, where they could finally get back to the area they landed on when they reached the Ishimura some time ago. While they walked Kendra told them that she didn't trust Kyne, since he was insane, but also told them that they should keep the man on their side since they needed the shuttle, though Chrysalis didn't like how Kendra said the 'for now' part at the end of her statement. As they walked another thing happened, Mercer sent them a brief message, though the actual statement he was trying to tell them was lost as Chrysalis smiled as the mad doctor willingly let the Necromorphs cut him to pieces and end his life. She wasn't sure that he would come back like he thought he would, but now that Mercer was dead there was no reason for them to worry about him stalling their efforts... so instead she worried about Kendra and the fact that she had betrayed them once already.

They also denied Mercer his transformation since he was actually right outside the door they were walking through, so instead of him becoming a Necromorph, and hunting them down, the duo destroyed both him and the infector that was next to him... though as they started to walk away Chrysalis turned what was left of Mercer's body to ash, making it impossible for him to 'transcend' to the next level of existence. From there the duo used the cargo lift to reach the area below them and walked over to where the Tram was waiting, where they took their seats and headed back to the Flight Deck... where they could finally bring an end to this terrible nightmare, one way or another.

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