• Published 25th Jan 2018
  • 6,962 Views, 565 Comments

Dead Space: Deep Space Terror - Blackdrag-rose

Chrysalis has made the greatest mistake of her life and must survive the horrors that await her in the darkness of the USG Ishimura.

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Tau Volantis: To the Research Facility

Once the scanner in front of them had determined that they were ready to move forward, as all three of them were now wearing the snow suits, actually called an Arctic Survival Suit by the suit kiosk, complete with their helmets covering their heads, Isaac unlocked the gate that was in front of them and they approached the elevator. Before they reached the elevator, and headed back to the surface level, they stopped by a recorder that revealed that a Doctor Serrano was asking Sam Ackerman, the man from the previous recording they had listened to, to head to Facility One for some reason and that lives of everyone depended on what he was did. Once the recording was over, and they were sure that there wasn't anything else they needed to do down here, the three of them entered the elevator and rode it back up to the surface level, though as they arrived at their destination Chrysalis paused as they started to walk by Buckell's body... where she sighed as she put her gun away for a moment and held her hand towards the corpse, to which she used a fire spell to set Buckell's body on fire.

The only reason she was doing this was because it made it impossible for the Necromorphs to infect his corpse and transform him into a monster that they might have to kill later, to which Isaac nodded his head in agreement as Carver stared at her for a moment.

"Right, magic... I forgot about that," Carver said, as he was so used to seeing Chrysalis use her gun and generally didn't pay attention to the fact that she used her magic, expect for when she was right in front of them, which made it impossible to not see her do what she did.

"Don't worry, I have that effect on people every now and then," Chrysalis replied, though at the same time she drew her gun as she and Isaac headed for the door that would allow them to access the airlock for the building, to which Carver fell in with them and readied himself, "besides, knowing how our adventures on the Ishimura and the Titan Station went, it's only a matter of time until something comes up that makes me use more of my magic... there's always something that does that at some point."

Carver seemed like he wanted to say something to that, just like he had at an earlier point, but decided not to say anything and followed after them as Isaac and Chrysalis headed back out into the blizzard that was still raging outside the building they were leaving. As they walked outside, however, the three of them found out something that made them all happy, the suits they had grabbed from the building were doing what they were supposed to do, as none of them could really feel the cold and their temperatures weren't going down at all. With them finding something good, in regards to the suits, they headed over to the cylinder building that the scanner that had rejected them was located in, though since no Necromorphs came out to attack them they were able to make their way to the structure without anything happening at all. It didn't take them long to pile into the building and close the door behind them, though once the door was closed they approached the scanner and stood in front of it, letting it scan them and the new suits that they were wearing, as all three of them were eager to move forward and get their real mission started.

What surprised them was that the scanner said nothing as it scanned them, rather the light on the door changed from reddish-orange, the color that usually indicated that something couldn't be used, and turned light blue, the color that meant they could use something, to which they opened the door and headed back out into the blizzard... to which they started to walk up the hill that was over on their left, as they knew that they had to be getting closer to the research facility Ellie and the others had set as their destination.

"We must be climbing into a storm system." Isaac called out, as he was quick to identify that they were heading right into the blizzard that had been mentioned earlier, though that meant they had to be careful, least they hurt themselves on something that was hidden from their view.

"What?" Carver shouted in return, as if he hadn't heard what Isaac had said, though at the same time Chrysalis, hearing her friend with ease, did the rational thing and connected an audio link between the three of them, that way they could speak without having to miss what someone said.

"He said we must be climbing into a storm system." Chrysalis stated, where Isaac nodded his head, indicating that she was correct and that he was pleased that she had figured out what he had said, but at the same he focused on looking out for any Necromorphs that the storm might be hiding from them.

Despite Chrysalis' thoughts that they had to be worried about the Necromorphs, as she was sure that there were some of them out there, it seemed like they had to stick close to the cliff wall that was off on their left, as the area on their right was an immediate drop from the looks of it. It didn't take them long to round the corner and find a structure that seemed to have been worn out by the storms that had ravaged the planet, but as they approached it the trio had to deal with the fodder that was standing in the middle of the structure. That brought them to a small cave system that allowed them to not be affected by the blizzard, though at the same time they had to deal with the two fodders that tried to ambush them. After dealing with the fodders the three of them opened the ammunition crates that were in the caves and took the ammunition that was inside them, before they climbed up the ladder that was near them and reached the top of the structure they had walked through.

Directly in front of them was a structure that Chrysalis didn't trust, not because she wondered if there were any Necromorphs inside the structure, but because it looked like it was going to tip if any change was made to the weight that was applied to it. As Isaac stepped onto the structure it righted itself and moved forward, only to stop when the other end touched another bit of land, to which Chrysalis breathed a sigh of relief as she realized that she might be overthinking things this time around. When they walked out the other side of the structure, however, she noticed that off on their left was what appeared to be the front of a transport vehicle, meaning that the structures they had walked through had been cargo containers that had come to an immediate halt when the kill order had been put in. What happened next was what she had been worried about, as the moment one of them stepped on the snow near the front of the transport vehicle the ground started to crack and the vehicle shifted... forcing them to their knees for a moment as the vehicle started to fall off the cliff that it had been perched on.

Chrysalis, deciding that now wasn't the time to be playing games, engaged her magic and grabbed onto both Isaac and Carver, where she hauled them into the air and tossed them onto the path that was near them, the same one that would allow them to reach the research facility, before she landed behind them as the transport vehicle descended into the abyss that was below them.

"Want to watch where you're stepping next time?" Carver asked, as he was pretty sure that the first person to step onto the area near the vehicle was Isaac, though at the same time he was happy to be alive, especially since being crushed in such a manner would have been annoying.

"Carver, don't be an ass," Isaac replied, as some times Carver's attitude was justified and there were times where it wasn't needed at all, much like right now, but at the same time he turned towards the path that was in front of them and started walking, "and Chrysalis, thanks for the save back there. Not sure what I would have done if you hadn't been paying attention to the ground beneath us."

"I'm happy to make sure we all survive this journey." Chrysalis said, because right now the last thing she wanted was for someone to die, not after what happened when they traveled through the atmosphere earlier and lost both Rosen and Locke, and especially not after having lost Buckell as well.

"Hey, that's got to be the research facility!" Isaac said, though that was when the three of them walked towards the edge that was in front of them and watched as the blizzard seemed to die down until it was no longer blowing, allowing them to see the large facility that was actually pretty close to their current position.

"No shit sherlock." Carver stated, though his eyes were locked onto something else, as he was seeing a whole lot a lights that happened to be powered up, which meant that the others had found their destination and were likely waiting for them to arrive, "It's lit up like it's fucking Christmas down there. Looks like someone got the power going."

"And that someone would be Ellie." Chrysalis replied, to which Isaac nodded his head before they started moving down the path that was in front of them, because the sooner they reached the facility, and got inside it, the sooner they could figure out what the next stage of their plan was, "Come on, let's get going and let the others know that we've managed to catch up with them at last."

The three of them headed down the path that was in front of them and walked into the cave that it brought them to, where they had to deal with three slashers, made from the people that had come before them, before they could reach the bottom of the cave system. When they exited the cave they discovered that there was an open area between where they were standing and the actual facility, making Chrysalis wonder if the Snow Beast was going to show up again, and it was clear that Isaac and Carver were thinking the same thing. Carver, however, stated that until they were on the other side of the wall they were sitting ducks, something that he clearly didn't like, to which Isaac decided that they would move forward and figure out how to get inside the facility, especially since the main entrance looked damaged. Fortunately there happened to be a cargo lift nearby, one that happened to have no power at the moment, though instead of letting that get them down Chrysalis pointed at the small building that was next to it, as she was sure that the way to power the cargo lift was inside it.

Sure enough when they entered the building Isaac spotted the generator that would restore power to the cargo lift, to which he immediately turned it so they would be able to get to the walkway that was above where they were now standing, though before anyone did anything Carver disengaged his helmet and stared at them.

"Let's get one thing straight Clarke." Carver said, as he appeared to be annoyed with the fact that Isaac was more focused on finding Ellie than he was on finding the source of the Marker, which was the entire reason behind why this mission was happening, "We came to this frozen shit-hole to stop the Markers. And nothing, not you or your obsession with Ellie, is going to get in my way. You got that?"

"Really?" Isaac asked, as he couldn't believe that Carver was doing this right now, because he had thought that the newest addition to their group had understood that all of them were focused on stopping the Markers, though this time around he had no idea where to go and Ellie was the key to finding where the signal was coming from, "Are you really doing this right now? Carver, I don't have an 'obsession' for finding Ellie. She's the key to figuring out where the signal is coming from, and she's the only one that can guide us to our goal, so of course I'm going to make it my mission to find her first, because that will ensure we can get to our true goal."

"Look, you two can shoot each other later, once we've reunited with the others and stopped both the Marker signal and the Unitologists," Chrysalis stated, as right now she didn't want the two of them to fight over something so stupid, because that was the last thing they needed right now, before she turned towards the generator that was nearby, "Let's get this thing powered up so we can use that cargo lift to reach the upper walkway... with any luck Ellie and the others were be waiting for us just past that gate."

While Chrysalis turned on the generator that was in front of them, and restored power to the lift that was right outside the building, Isaac and Carver headed over to the Bench and turned some of their salvage into ammunition and made any modifications to their weapons that they wanted. Once that was done, and they were ready to go, the three of them engaged their helmets and headed outside, where they climbed onto the cargo lift and activated the controls that allowed them to reach the walkway above them. A few seconds later the cargo lift reached it's destination, though before they could actually get off of it the structure shook as the cargo lift tilted to the side for a moment, which was followed by the roof of the structure being pulled into two halves as the Snow Beast revealed itself once more. From there it attempted to kill them with some sort of tentacle like tongue, or at least Chrysalis figured that it was the creature's tongue, before the three of them braced themselves as the Snow Beast caused the cargo lift to break off and fall to the ground... though while Chrysalis protected them from damage with her magic she knew the Snow Beast would be alright, especially since it fell right on top of the building they had been in moments ago, destroying the entire building in the process.

As Chrysalis lowered her magic, and all three of them raised their weapons, the Snow Beast got up and moved out into the open area, before turning back and roaring at them, indicating that it was ready for a battle and wanted to kill them, just like everything else that it had been able to kill before the last crew killed themselves.

It didn't take them long to figure out the weakness of the Snow Beast, as the moment the battle started it revealed three tentacles that were attached to it's back, which they were able to shoot at after Isaac loosed a Stasis charge right into the creature's face. As the creature slowed down the three of them aimed at a different tentacle and took all three of them out in a single round, causing the Snow Beast to roar in pain as it attempted to flatten them by charging at one of them, since they had spread out a little, only for whoever it was targeting to dodge the attack and fire at it again. After a few seconds the Snow Beast revealed it's true weakness from what could have been it's mouth, small yellow goo sacks that reminded Isaac and Chrysalis of when they fought the Hive Mind back on Aegis VI. It took only a few seconds for the three of them, using a Stasis charge when the weakness was revealed, to blow one of the goo sacks apart, causing the Snow Beast to stagger for a moment before it started to move once more... and, as Chrysalis watched it, she knew that it was repeating the motions that it had shown them so far, which she and Isaac were more than prepared for.

Because of how the three of them worked like a team, and were great at dodging the creature's attacks, they were able to force it to reveal it's true weakness and destroy one of the remaining two in the process, though that caused the Snow Beast to roar in pain... and, as a consequence, the creature turned tail and retreated, though in the process it started to climb the side of the wall that was near the gate they needed to use to enter the facility, and also broke some of the support pieces that lowered part of the walkway down so they could climb up to the entrance.

"Hey! We're not finished with you yet!" Carver shouted, as the last thing he wanted at the moment was to let such a dangerous Necromorph continue to hunt the area around the facility and recover from it's injuries, but at the same time it appeared that the creature was ignoring them now.

"It's heading back out into the area around the facility," Chrysalis commented, to which they watched as the Snow Beast finished climbing over the wall and disappeared, leaving them to their own devices once more, to which she sighed as she knew that it would be back at some point in the future.

"Come on, let's get up to the gate and get inside the facility before it returns." Isaac said, to which he walked over to the walkway that the Snow Beast had created for them, as now they could use a ladder to access the upper walkway and actually use the gate this time around.

As such the three of them walked over to the ramp and walked up it, to which they took turns climbing up the ladder and stopped when they reached the walkway, where they stood together as they walked over to the gate that all three of them had seen when they first entered this area... and while they did that Isaac tried the audio link once more, hoping that someone was listening for his frequency.

"Ellie, are you there?" Isaac asked, knowing that Carver would only be annoyed with him constantly asking the question, but at the same time she was the first person he would prefer to talk to, if they were keeping an ear open for anything from him and the others, "Can you hear me?"

"ISAAC?!" Ellie exclaimed, her voice echoing over all three of their RIGs, indicating that she had finally spotted all three of them approaching the gate, which the trio chose to stop in front of, just in case the others had locked it so the Necromorphs couldn't get in through this entrance, "Oh my god!"

"He's alive?!" Santos asked, surprise gracing her voice for a moment, though Isaac and Chrysalis knew that the others had to be surprised, mostly because they had been separated and Norton had likely tried to seize control of the operation from everyone, "What about Chrysalis?"

"And Carver?" Norton inquired, though while he was questioning whether or not Carver was alive he wanted the others to remember that Carver was a part of the operation as well and shouldn't be ignored by anyone, even though it was hard to do that.

"Hey Captain." Carver said, letting Norton know that he was fine as well, as he was glad to see that someone cared about his safety, excluding Isaac and Chrysalis anyway, but he didn't say anything else, as he was focused on the task at hand and making they got inside the facility.

"I'm fine as well." Chrysalis added, letting the others know that she was present, as her unique powers meant that she wasn't someone they could replace if something were to happen to her during this adventure, but she was sure that Ellie was happy to have both of them back again.

"Ellie, it's so good to hear your voice again." Isaac stated, though while he had known that Ellie and the others had to have made it to the facility, because Ellie was someone who refused to die, hearing her voice had calmed him down and brought a smile to his face.

"How did you guys survive the crash?" Ellie asked, though Isaac and Chrysalis knew that she had a good idea of what had happened before the ship was sheared into two halves like it was, "Norton was convinced that you guys died in the crash, especially after what happened to the ship."

"Magic." Chrysalis replied, to which a smile appeared on her face, as that was the key to how she had survived everything that the Necromorphs and the humans she had fought against had thrown against her and Isaac over the years she had been in this part of the universe, "I wove my magic around us and protected us from the crash, allowing us to walk away from it with a very limited amount of damage. After we found your section of the ship, and the message you left behind, we followed your trail of flares, picked up some Arctic Survival Suits, and came to this facility."

"Are you guys alright?" Isaac asked, because after seeing what happened to Buckell, and having encountered the Snow Beast in an actual battle, he wanted to be sure that the others were fine and didn't need medical attention, something that they could deal with thanks to their med kits and Chrysalis's healing magic.

"Yeah, for the most part." Ellie replied, her voice happy to hear Isaac and Chrysalis' voices again, even Carver's since he was part of the team, to which they heard her tapping on something and watched as the gate unlocked for them, "I'm happy to hear that all three of you survived the crash. I just sent you our coordinates, as we're in Central Command at the moment, and I've unlocked the gate that's in front of you."

"We'll get there as fast as we can." Isaac said, to which the three of them walked into the room that the gate revealed to them, as it moved in a curved fashion, before allowing them to enter a small hallway, though at the same time the audio link was disconnected so they could concentrate on reaching the coordinates.

The trio entered the hallway that was in front of them and came to a stop in front of the door that was in their way, which opened up for them after Isaac tapped it, allowing them to walk through another hallway, but this time around they ignored the ladder that was by the doorway in front of them and came to an area where a cargo lift was waiting to be used by someone. As such the three of them climbed onto it and tapped the controls, to which it started to move down towards the floor that it connected to, only that happened to be an area outside the part of the facility that Ellie and the others were inside, though the place in question looked a little like a refueling area. Fortunately there weren't any Necromorphs waiting for them this time around, allowing them to access the circular security door that allowed them to enter a hallway inside the facility, one that had two doors they could pick from, but they headed to the right since the one on the left was locked down at the moment.

When they opened the door on the right, however, all three of them disengaged their helmets as they reached the coordinates that Ellie had sent them, though as they walked into Central Command they smiled at the group that was standing around the large map table that was in the room... and Ellie, turning to see them as Norton growled in their direction, rushed towards Isaac and embraced him with tears in her eyes.

"Isaac... you and the others made it!" Ellie said, to which she rested her head against Isaac's chest for a moment, as this was something that she had missed since the Unitologists started their assaults, "I just knew that you guys would catch up with us."

"Good to see that you made it, Isaac, along with Carver and Chrysalis." Norton stated, to which Chrysalis glared at him, as she could tell that he must have tried something while the three of them were fighting to catch up with the group, as Norton actually looked a little pissed off that they were standing in front of his group, "Maybe we should give the two of you some alone time... or would you prefer to actually get some work done?"

"What's that supposed to mean?" Ellie asked, though at the same time she pulled herself away from Isaac and stared at Norton, where the rest of the group could easily tell that she was starting to get tired of his attitude, something that Chrysalis found herself agreeing with.

"You're too happy to see someone that we all thought was dead." Norton replied, not even aware of the fact that he was actually digging himself a hole that he was never going to be able to crawl out of, even though the group was more than willing to let him do so.

"Oh, I'm sorry that I'm overjoyed to see that my boyfriend and one of my best friends survived that crash." Ellie snapped, where everyone could hear the anger in her voice, as Norton seemed to be pushing buttons that he shouldn't be touching and it was only making her mad, though Chrysalis and the others were more than happy to watch these events unfold, "And, in case you forgot why I asked you and Carver to get Isaac and Chrysalis, let me repeat myself: in order for this mission to succeed we need Isaac and Chrysalis, as they are the only ones qualified to fight the Necromorphs and destroy the Markers that created them. Without them we wouldn't have a chance at succeeding and we would have had a few hours to ourselves before the Necromorphs got to us, so be thankful that they survived the crash and made it to us in one piece, with Carver alive as well. Now that we're all together again, and we all have suits to survive in these conditions, it's time we focused on finding that Machine and shutting it down."

"Have you guys had any luck in locating the Machine?" Isaac inquired, because as amusing as it was to watch Norton get an earful from Ellie, and it was very amusing, he knew that they had better focus on the mission and get underway, as it was only a matter of time until the Necromorphs broke into this area and came after them.

"I... might know how to find it." Santos replied, causing the group to turn towards her, as she had apparently spent the time since the crash going over the various papers that had been left behind, "All the computer data we needed was erased two hundred years ago, but the written logs I've found discuss that the people who came before us used a signal-tracking experiment to pinpoint the exact location of the Machine. I am convinced that, with the help of Isaac, Chrysalis, and Carver, we can replicate the experiment and figure out where the Machine is located... the only problem is that it's on the other side of the complex."

"Fine, let's go take a look." Norton said, to which he turned and headed for the doorway that would let them leave the room they were inside, though at the same time he purposely bumped shoulders with Isaac, as if he was trying to push him to the ground with an accident or something, only to cause Isaac to glare at him, "I could do with a change of scenery."

Ellie sighed as she and Santos followed after Norton, as it appeared that they were going to start the journey to the other end of the complex immediately, instead of letting anyone even attempt to conserve their energy, to which Isaac, Chrysalis, and Carver followed after them... though at the same time Chrysalis couldn't shake the feeling that something was going to happen on the other side of the door and change their mission just a little bit.

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