• Published 25th Jan 2018
  • 6,967 Views, 565 Comments

Dead Space: Deep Space Terror - Blackdrag-rose

Chrysalis has made the greatest mistake of her life and must survive the horrors that await her in the darkness of the USG Ishimura.

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Tau Volantis: Shocking Turn of Events

"Now this is a surprise." Danik said, as he certainly wasn't expecting to find another member of Chrysalis' race, if the newcomer was actually a member of whatever race Chrysalis belonged to, in a place like this, but at the same time he had his guards make sure that their weapons were pointed at Isaac and Chrysalis as well while he turned towards the door, "I honestly wasn't expecting one of Chrysalis' people to show up, especially in the manner that you did. Who are you supposed to be exactly?"

"Me? Why, I am Sunset Shimmer," the pony girl replied, though at the same time she made no move to do anything yet, indicating that she was studying the situation and seeing what she had interrupted, "and technically you're incorrect about assuming that Chrysalis and I share the same species; she's a changeling and I'm a unicorn, despite the fact that we're both also part human as well. But there is one thing you should know, before you do anything foolish..."

"And that would be?" Danik asked, because right now he honestly didn't care what the newcomer, Sunset Shimmer, was talking about, as he planned on blowing them all away and shutting down the Machine, which was why he was still holding onto the Codex.

"I'm the God of Destruction for this universe," Sunset answered, knowing that the title might not mean anything to people like this, though she found that if people knew they were dealing with a god they tended to get scared when she showed them what she was capable of, "To put it in simple terms, ones that even you would understand, my job is to ensure balance in the universe by destroying planets and letting my polar opposite, the Kaioshin, begin the process for creating new ones and, hopefully, even life one day. Someone like me can even go out of their way to destroy specific races that threaten the universe as a whole, instead of the entire planet, or we can tackle the threats directly... which is what I'm doing right now."

"Don't you see, Isaac?" Danik asked, turning his attention away from the newcomer for a moment, to which he stared at the man that his entire expedition to this forsaken planet had been focused on, "Even the gods of other faiths have come to show you that you are wrong in your mission to stop the plan the Markers have for us!"

"That is where you would be wrong." Sunset said, to which she turned to the left and started to walk down the ramp that was in front of her, though at the same time she kept her gaze on the men that were pointed at Chrysalis and her group of friends, confirming what Discord had told her earlier, "Isaac, Chrysalis, and the others aren't the threat I came to destroy and save the universe from... it's you, the Markers that you and your insane friends follow, and those cursed Brethren Moons that form from the flesh of millions of people."

"Forgive me for asking this, but how could you possibly know that?" Chrysalis asked, because she and Isaac had only just discovered that information, so if Discord had told Sunset where she was located, which she assumed was what happened since the god was standing before them, he wouldn't have been able to tell her the information about the moons, "We only just discovered that information ourselves, so how could you have discovered it?"

"Orvus, one of my friends, is the Supreme Kai of Time, or the God of Time, if you prefer," Sunset replied, to which she stopped when she was on the same level as the people that were threatening Chrysalis and her friends, where they were now all pointing their weapons at her, "I spent a few hours with him, going over everything that has happened in this galaxy, and discovered the existence of those moons, how they were formed, and what happens when a new one is created and added to the network. That is why I brought an armada to this galaxy, to wipe out the people that are threatening the lives of others, giving me the chance to find the Markers, as you call them, and destroy them before they complete their terrible purpose."

"You're the one in control of the army that's been engaging the Unitologists?" Santos inquired, because if that was true they had a greater chance of beating the cultists and surviving this nightmare, even though she also wanted to learn more about the specific titles Sunset had mentioned.

"That is correct." Sunset said, to which turned and looked at the poor alien that had been cut up by the humans that had come to this place a long time ago, before she sighed and tapped the machine that was holding the casing up, "I'll admit that getting an army together, to tackle another army that was in a completely different part of the universe, sounds like a lot of work, but the reality is different than what you know. All I had to do was inform my friends as to what you were doing, and what would happen if those Markers got their way, and within thirty minutes I had an army that was ready to go to war, complete with ships to carry the innocent people away to new planets so they can start a new life and other ships that have cured this 'madness' that the Markers force upon those that are in a Marker's domain. The first planet we came to, with the full might of the army, didn't even stand a chance of defending themselves, so I ordered the captains to separate the army and divide our power... and right now they're still tearing your forces asunder, wiping them out across the remaining planets your trying to destroy.

Dr. Nefarious even spotted a dead planet that you tried to take over recently, only to fail by the looks of it, but since you and your cultists killed everyone on the planet I was forced to take drastic measures and destroy it entirely... along with another one that some of your forces were heading towards."

Chrysalis couldn't believe what she was hearing, as the moment they learned that there was another force out there, waging war on the Unitologists, she knew that something was going on, but hearing that this Equestrian had the power to obliterate a planet, in an instant based on the fact that Danik's forces couldn't find the other one, made her wonder how she ever thought that she could beat someone like her.

"Please, you expect me to believe that you are that one responsible for destroying Uxor?" Danik asked, to which he laughed for a moment, as he found this to be extremely funny, before he turned towards the pair of guards that had come into the building with him and beckoned to them, "Okay, I think we've given this one enough time to run her mouth, so while I finish off Isaac, and his friends, why don't the two of you put her in her place."

That was immediately followed by both of the cultists moving away from Ellie, Santos, and Carver as they pointed their guns at Sunset, who turned her head slightly and shook her head at Chrysalis, who immediately understood that she wasn't to get involved with what was coming next, though at the same time she surrounded herself and her friends with a barrier now that it three of them weren't being threatened anymore. Danik didn't seem to notice as his followers opened fire, though as that happened the assembled group watched as the bullets flew through the air and disappeared before they could even touch Sunset, but as that happened Chrysalis noticed some particles dance in front of where Sunset was standing. A few seconds went by before the cultists realized that they weren't doing anything and stopped firing, though as that happened Sunset sighed and focused her mind, where the particles in the air gathered together and revealed what she had done, as a sinister purple aura appeared around her and formed a protective shield of some sort... one that, when Chrysalis looked closely, was at the same location where the bullets disappeared.

"This is my Aura of Destruction, something that only a God of Destruction can wield," Sunset said, to which she raised her left hand and rested it against the machine that she was standing near, only this time she had something else in mind for it as her aura intensified a little, "and what's coming next... well, you'll just have to wait and see."

Chrysalis watched as Sunset focused her energy for the briefest of seconds and a small flicker of energy, in the form of a dark purple wave, washed over the machine that she was standing beside, though that was before the machine, and the container that was containing Rosetta, was reduced to nothing... as if Sunset had erased it's very existence in that moment, surprising both Chrysalis' group and Danik's group. Chrysalis thought it was all over with the demonstration of her power, but it seemed like she wasn't finished yet, as she raised both her hands into the air and the two cultists were pulled right towards her, where she grabbed onto their faces and slammed them into the floor beneath her, while at the same time Danik stepped back a little.

"That was my power to erase the existence of something," Sunset explained, keeping the cultists pinned against the floor, though they tried in vain to attack her, as their bullets collided with her Aura of Destruction and their existence was erased immediately, "and it's not limited to just inanimate objects, so observe what I'm about to do. Hakai!"

Isaac, Chrysalis, Carver, Ellie, and Santos watched as the two cultists screamed in pain for a few seconds as they started to glow with the same color as Sunset's energy, though that was before they literally turned into particles before their eyes and were blown apart, their existence erased in a matter of seconds. Chrysalis was stunned, because with everything she had seen so far she found that she was no longer scared of her own power, rather she was now scared of Sunset's power being used against her, if she ever did anything wrong. Danik, however, growled as he threw the Codex, the sole reason they had come up to this facility in the first place, at Sunset as a diversion to make her lower her guard, but then the unexpected happened once more. A golden yellow colored aura appeared around the Codex and it stopped in midair, halfway between Danik and Sunset, though Chrysalis' eyes widened, as she recognized that aura anywhere, and turned towards the door once more. Standing in front of the door, where Sunset had been standing minutes ago, was none other than Princess Celestia, her body twisted into the hybrid form that Chrysalis had gotten used to since she stepped through the mirror... but what Chrysalis found to be odd was the fact that Celestia was wearing some sort of attire that was different from Sunset's, yet still spoke that she was a deity as well, while at the same time she carried a staff with some sort of orb at the top of it.

Chrysalis could also feel the power radiating from Celestia, indicating that she was much stronger than when the two of them had fought in Canterlot during Cadence's wedding, meaning that she had been right to give up any plans for trying to dominate Equestria... because with two godly beings guarding the ponies she would have failed, even with her immense power boost that her true power gave her.

"And who might you be?" Danik inquired, though his tone revealed that he was holding his ground, because even if these two newcomers were able to best his men, who were part of the strongest battalion he had brought with him, he knew that he could still take them on and come out on top.

"I am Celestia, former princess of Equestria, now standing as Sunet's Angel." Celestia said, though she did bow her head slightly, as she saw no reason to simply stand there for a few seconds, before lifting her head up and glanced at the item she had caught, which was floating over to her now, "So this is the key that will allow someone to turn off that Machine and awaken the Brethren Moons... fascinating."

"Yes, and I would like to do just that." Danik stated, though as he opened his mouth to say something more, however, Chrysalis pulled herself out of the barrier that had been protecting her, making sure that her friends were still safe, before she tackled Danik to the floor and pinned his head against the floor.

"Good, I was hoping that you would do something like that," Sunset commented, causing Chrysalis to glance up at her for a moment, where she found Sunset staring down at her and Danik, but the look in her eyes told her that there was something that Danik needed to see before he met his end, "instead of taking the easy way out and just ending his life before he sees what happens next.

"She's too weak to do what must be do..." a voice started to say, though as Chrysalis realized that her mother was starting to form in the room, however, she whipped around and punched her mother's spirit in the side of her head, knocking her to the floor as well, as she was tired of her constantly coming back.

"Go away mother, I'm not scared of you... not anymore." Chrysalis stated, to which she turned and glared at her mother's spirit once more, where she silently wished that she could be rid of her mother and move on with her life, without having to worry about her coming back, "I may not have the power to destroy you completely, but I'm through being the weakling that you loved to torment... I've matured since your death."

"And yet you'll never be rid of me." Crudelis said, to which she repositioned herself and stared at Chrysalis, as she would focus on the others once her business with her daughter was concluded, "One day your pitiful defenses with fall and I'll be there to claim my prize, so I can conquer all of Equus and reestablish the changelings as the dominate species, like I would have done bef..."

Crudelis never finished her statement, as Sunset approached her and pointed her first two fingers from her left hand at the spirit's face, allowing her energy to flare before her destructive nature took hold, which was followed by purple holes appearing all over Crudelis' body. Chrysalis watched as her mother screamed like a banshee as her existence, the same one that the Marker had given her, was terminated and she was erased from existence, though while all that happened she felt some relief that she would never have to deal with her mother ever again. Even as she was dying, and was likely never going to come back again, Crudelis tried to move towards Chrysalis, to take control of her body like she had told Isaac about back when they were dealing with the Titan Marker, but even then her hoof crumbled away into nothingness as it neared Chrysalis... and, for the first in her entire life and her existence as a spirit, Crudelis felt fear for the first time, before the rest of her spiritual body turned into nothingness as well, leaving nothing of her behind.

"Discord told me that your mother was quite stubborn and that she refused to die." Sunset said, though she didn't feel sorry for what she had done, because since it was time for Chrysalis to step up and become someone different, all the way anyway, it was also time for her mother to disappear, forever, "Now then, onto the business at hand; we still have this one to deal with, then there is the matter of dealing with the Brethren Moon that is hanging above this planet, as well as the ones that are currently heading towards Earth."

"So you mean to tell me that, despite everything we've done, we've failed in the end?" Ellie asked, because based on what the god said the other Brethren Moons must have found some way to awaken, meaning that all of their work had been for nothing, especially since it was bound to be impossible to kill however many of them there were.

"You may think that, but the truth is different than what you're thinking," Sunset replied, to which she nodded towards Celestia, who swung her staff and a large sphere appeared in the middle of the room, which caused everyone to back up and stare at what was happening, though Chrysalis made sure to bind Danik up so he didn't try anything later, before the image of Earth and the moon appeared before them, "At the moment I have a number of my forces assaulting the cultists that are trying to destroy Earth in their own manner, using the Marker that's somewhere on the planet, and some of my forces have been busy gathering up the survivors to get them off world as soon as possible. That means that you succeeded in your mission of saving the lives of everyone else on Earth, and at the same time I have ensured that they will go someplace where they can start a new life, away from what's happened in the last few days. Make no mistake, I fully intend to destroy the Earth by the time I'm done with this galaxy, but before that happens I intend to use it as a beacon for the other Brethren Moons, so that way I can have them all destroyed in a single instant."

"The ships that have answered Sunset's call to arms are carrying some of the most powerful weapons that have been built in the last few years," Celestia added, to which an image of what could be called a warship, capable of flying through space by the looks of it, replaced the image that had been there moments ago, "especially since this is a joint effort by the Solana, Bogon, and Polaris galaxies. These weapons were originally designed to stun massive creatures, roughly the size of the building we're standing in, but Starlight Glimmer, whose been working on weapons like these for a really long time, managed to find a safe way for them to be used against something that's the size of a moon. According to her projections the blasts from all the ships we have at our disposal will stun the other ten Brethren Moons for a limited amount of time, but it will give us enough time to use Earth and take them all out."

"And how do you plan on doing that?" Danik asked, to which he growled for a moment as he tried to get Chrysalis off of him, since she was still keeping him pinned despite the bindings she put on his arms, while also managing to stare up at the person who was ruining his entire operation with her mere presence.

"I hardly think you're qualified to know that information." Sunset said, to which she turned towards the wall that was behind her and waved her hand, causing Isaac and the others to watch as a circular portal opened in front of her, one that appeared to connect to a ship of some kind, before she tapped something in her right ear, "Ratchet, this is Sunset. I'm sending the people that are with Chrysalis aboard the Hyperion. How's the situation up there?"

Chrysalis watched as a screen of some kind appeared in front of Sunset, much like the video link that she and the others used when they wanted to converse with each other over long distances, though the person in question appeared to be some sort of cat human hybrid creature, one that was wearing some impressive and different looking armor... and, in the background, she was sure that she could make out Tau Volantis and the Brethren Moon that was currently hanging above their heads.

"Well, aside from the fact that these guys didn't have any weapons on their smaller spaceships, we cleared the space around the planet you went down to," the creature, Ratchet, replied, to which he smiled at her, telling Chrysalis that he was having a blast being here, even though he preferred a challenge of some kind, instead of what he got, "The other captains are reporting successes in saving the people of Earth and getting them away from it, as well as taking out the enemies that are trying to tear the place apart. Even Quark's getting in on the action, though I still don't think Starlight should have given him a RYNO... but I won't argue with the results, because he's cleared out a good amount of enemies using the weapon she gave him."

"I don't think I want to know what sort of weapon that is," Chrysalis commented, because based on the tone that Ratchet took, when he mentioned the weapon in question, that told her that the thing was dangerous and not to be underestimated, while also surprising her that Starlight, of all ponies, made weapons of destruction.

"If you ask Starlight, I'm sure she'll find some time to explain it in detail," Sunset said, her tone telling Chrysalis that she had experience in seeing the weapon in action at one point in time, before she turned her attention back to the screen that was in front of her, "Once Celestia and Chrysalis' friends are aboard the Hyperion, and are settled in for the flight, I want you to get away from the planet and prepare to jump over to Earth... there's something that Chrysalis and I need to take care of before we leave this place behind."

"Roger that." Ratchet stated, to which he turned to someone that wasn't in front of the screen and nodded his head, telling whoever was listening to the conversation to do what Sunset had said, before the line was cut and Sunset returned her focus to what was around her.

Chrysalis stood there as she lowered her own barrier, allowing Isaac and the others to gather what they had brought with them and walked over to the portal Sunset had opened, though Chrysalis remained where Danik was pinned to the ground. It was clear that her friends were concerned for her, since she was the only one among their number that happened to be staying behind on a planet that was still infested with Necromorphs, but she assured them that she would be fine, especially since the person she was going to be walking with was a god that was even stronger than she was. Of course Santos' expression changed when she stepped through the portal that was in front of them and boarded the 'Hyperion', because the moment she was on the other side Chrysalis heard something about it being a highly advanced starship that was even more advanced than the ones she had been on over the years. Even Isaac, who was the last one to cross over, reported that while the ship was almost near the size of what the Ishimura had been, which surprised Chrysalis, it was also armed for war while having several areas that looked like relaxation areas, a bridge that was different from what they knew, and sleeping quarters that were even better than what they were used to... and that wasn't counting a room dedicated to playing video games, a deck built to do maintenance on the smaller ships, and a virtual reality deck designed to allow people to train with the new weapons and gadgets that Starlight developed.

Celestia was the last of them to head through the portal, and she ended up handing the Codex over to Sunset before she did so, though once she was on the other side, and all of Chrysalis' friends were off the planet, the portal closed and the two of them remained in the room they were in... complete with the one person that Chrysalis hated, since Danik was still alive at this point in time.

"So, what are we going to do?" Chrysalis asked, as she was curious as to why the god had asked her to stay down here, on the planet, when it was clear that she was likely going to blow Tau Volantis up, while at the same time she hauled Danik onto his feet and forced him to stand there as he stared at them.

"I'm going to head outside and end this," Sunset explained, though at the same time she held up the Codex that Chrysalis and her friends had assembled with her left hand, where she tossed it through the air and let it land where she had found the changeling a few minutes ago, before she turned to leave, "you, on the other hand, are going to watch me bring an end to this idiocy. Then, once we're done with this planet, we'll head back to Earth and make sure that the rest of the Brethren Moons are taken care of as well."

"Great, front row seats to the end of a world" Chrysalis said, as that didn't sound as exciting as many people would have thought it would, though while she spoke she hauled Danik into the security door that was in front of them and let the door close, only for it to get caught and come to a halt, "Hold on, I'm sure I can get it unstuck without needing to call Isaac and have him explain what to do."

"There's no need to disturb him right now," Sunset replied, to which she raised her right hand and simply blew a hole in the door that was in front of them, allowing them to enter the hallway that Chrysalis was used to seeing at this point while she smiled a little, "Come on, let's get out of this building and st..."

"Look out!" Chrysalis said, as the two of them had gone through the hole a few seconds after it was made, but that was before she noticed that Sunset didn't seem to be paying attention to the enemies that were in the hallway, or rather the Regenerator that was waiting between them and the elevator that would allow them to head down to the floor below them, so they could leave the building.

"Hmm?" Sunset said, to which she turned towards the undead creature that was in front of them, who happened to be sharpening it's arm blades at the moment, before she grew serious as she knew what she was going to do, which was when her aura started to gather around her, "Give me a second."

Chrysalis watched as Sunset walked up to the Regenerator and stared at it, though what was odd about the situation was the fact that the Necromorph didn't even attempt to strike her or swing it's arms at her, rather it stood there and stared at Sunset for a few moments. That was before something that Chrysalis had deemed impossible happened, the dangerous creature seemed to grow scared or something as it stared at the powerful gaze that Sunset was giving it, before she beckoned with her head and the Regenerator moved out of the way. Once that was gone Chrysalis moved forward and walked into the elevator, followed by Sunset, before they descended to the level below them, though while that happened, and Sunset turned off her aura, Chrysalis realized that the Regenerator hadn't just been scared of Sunset, it was frightened of her. A Regenerator, one of the strongest Necromorphs, under the Brethren Moons and ones like the Nexus or Hive Minds, was frightened of a living creature, revealing that it could still think about it's actions... and, based on what she saw, it felt a level of fear that it had never felt before, making it back off before it was utterly destroyed. Even Danik, who didn't know how dangerous the creature was on a normal day, was surprised by what was happening, since these were supposed to be fearless creatures that fought to the death.

It was in that instant that Chrysalis found another reason to put her fear of her own power behind her, because it took a strong will, and a lot of practice, to control the power that was coursing through Sunset's veins, without destroying everything that was around her.

As the two of them walked outside the building, however, Chrysalis discovered that there were still Unitologists moving around the facility, conveniently in the area that they were planning on heading through, though as they moved forward Sunset made no motion other than walking. It was in that moment, as some of the cultists started firing rockets at her, that she made her move, as her energy raced through the air and destroyed the missiles before they even had a chance to touch her, while at the same time her energy seemed to turn into arrow shaped objects that pierced the chests of her targets and knocked the dead cultists away. Chrysalis was both amazed and slightly terrified, because while it appeared that Sunset wasn't paying that much attention to her surroundings, the truth was that she was fully aware of what was happening around her and she was more than capable of tearing her way through the enemies that were in front of them... allowing Chrysalis to stand back and watch as she followed after the god, while also observing the power that was hers to command, as well as giving Danik a reason to see why his mission was doomed to fail.

Eventually Sunset came to a stop, in a flat area near the cliff that the facility had been built on, and tapped her ear again, where Chrysalis noticed some sort of communication device this time around, but instead of a communication screen appearing she pulled up a map of some kind, one that she studied for a few seconds before nodding her head, which was when she put the screen away.

"This is a good enough spot to bring about the end of something" Sunset said, to which she turned around and looked at Chrysalis, or more specifically the person that she was carrying, where she beckoned for Chrysalis to step forward, which she did so and tossed a still bound Danik forward, to which Sunset used her magic to sit him up in a sitting position that would allow him to see everything, "You said that it was your mission to awaken the Brethren Moon and bring about the 'evolution of mankind', am I right?"

"Yes, and even if I fall the rest of my followers will finish what I started," Danik stated, to which he struggled for a moment, indicating that he was trying to break the bindings that had been placed on him, but both Sunset and Chrysalis knew that it would be hard for someone like him to do that, "you can't stop the army that I've amassed for this mission."

"It seems that you have a bad habit of ignoring what people are saying," Sunset replied, to which she stared into Danik's eyes for a moment, as she was already growing tired of the man and his existence, before she pointed up at the atmosphere that was above the planet, "Before I came down here with Celestia, to retrieve Chrysalis' friends, my brother Ratchet and his friends spent a few minutes flying around the ruined ships and blew all of those you brought to this planet to pieces. Your army is falling apart as we speak, as my forces are engaging them on every planet you're trying to destroy, so soon there won't be anyone of your faith left in the universe, making the rest of the planets and galaxies safer from you and your Brethren Moons. Now, allow me to show you true despair."

Chrysalis silently watched as Sunset took a few steps back and let her aura wrap around her once more, though as that happened she could tell that the deity had something in mind, because the sheer power of her aura was causing her to sweat just a little bit. A few seconds later Sunset raised her right hand towards the atmosphere and Chrysalis, who was following the god's line of sight, noticed that she seemed to be pointing at the still frozen Brethren Moon, where Danik struggled against his bindings once more. Chrysalis realized that, with the power that was coursing through Sunset's body, she had the power to obliterate the incomplete Brethren Moon that was hanging above the planet, which might tell the other moons that they were screwed if they continued towards Earth. Even if the other moons discovered what happened here, and didn't head to Earth like Sunset thought they were, she was sure that the god would be able to track them down and obliterate them, or do whatever she was planning on doing to them.

"Hakai!" Sunset said, allowing her power to zero in on her target, where not a few moments later she, Chrysalis, Danik, and those safely aboard the Hyperion watched as the Brethren Moon started to glow... though that was followed by a horrified and painful screeching noise that was coming from the dead moon.

Chrysalis realized what was going on immediately, the Brethren Moon above Tau Volantis had felt the shock of Sunset's power latching onto it, and started to break it apart since she was sure that several pieces were fading out of existence before her eyes, and was screaming in pain as it was forced out of it's slumber. It was in that instant that she discovered that the exterior of the moon appeared to be some sort of casing, concealing a mass of withering tentacles that immediately shot towards the area that Sunset was standing in, only to not make it anywhere near her as her power tore them apart. As this happened Chrysalis heard the sounds of more Necromorphs and turned around, where she found the rest of the enemies she, Isaac, and Carver hadn't dealt with emerging from their hiding places and were staring at Sunset, telling her what they were planning on doing this time around... they were going to stop Sunset from destroying the Brethren Moon that was above their heads, which they might already be too late to stop anyway, before she turned around and primed her weapon, as she was going to take as many of them down as she could before they reached her.

That was before a highly advanced ship, about the size of the gunships that Danik and his men had been using against them, flew through the air and loosed a rocket into the group of Necromorphs, blowing them all to pieces in an instant while leaving Chrysalis to stand there with a look of shock on her face... especially when the persian blue colored ship landed nearby and Starlight, possessing the same body as Sunset and Celestia, jumped out of the cockpit and approached her, where she also noticed that the former unicorn was wearing some strange metallic armor that had several purple parts to it.

"Starlight Glimmer, this is an unexpected surprise," Chrysalis said, though she wasn't angry with Starlight anymore, as her time with Isaac, Ellie, and the spirits of her past had given her the chance to forgive what had happened to her, though at the same time she spotted more Necromorphs walking towards them, "though we'll have to talk about things later, because it appears that..."

"...our enemies are dead men walking." Starlight stated, to which she pulled out what appeared to be a large, dark grey colored weapon that had purple highlights, though Chrysalis found that it featured several barrels and had to be like her Pulse Rifle, only much more powerful, before she turned towards Chrysalis, "You might want to duck."

Chrysalis, not knowing what was going to happen next, moved out of the way as Starlight pulled the trigger, to which she unleashed a storm of what appeared to be energy based bullets that tore through the Necromorphs like a knife cutting through butter, much to Chrysalis' surprise. In a matter of seconds the enemies had been taken care of, as the entire group of Necromorphs were torn apart and unable to move, if they were lucky to have survived the initial surge of bullets, though Starlight smiled as she put the weapon away.

"Wh... what was that weapon?" Chrysalis asked, as so much was happening today that she couldn't make heads or tails of what was going on anymore, while at the same time she knew that she had to test that weapon out at some point in time, as it made hers look weak by comparison, "And what is that armor you're wearing?"

"Oh, this? It's the Nether Armor that Vendra Prog and I developed together," Starlight replied, looking down at herself while she remembered why she had been so busy since she and Sunset returned to Equus, after their adventurers, even though Ratchet still asked her for assistance every now and then, "and my weapon, Chrysalis, is the most powerful RYNO weapon ever constructed, the RYNO VII. The Plumber, Vendra, and I collaborated on it during my last adventure... which I must tell you about at some point, including all the weapons I've made over the years."

"Starlight, why don't you take Chrysalis back to the Hyperion," Sunset said, knowing that it was high time for the changeling to get off the planet, because it looked like she was in need of some sleep, some decent food, and a number of other things that the starship had, "and don't worry about Danik... he won't make it off this planet alive."

Chrysalis stared at the man in question, who was absolutely terrified at the combination of the Brethren Moon being destroyed before his eyes and the Necromorphs being terminated without a chance to fight back, and knew that there was nothing to fear from him now. As such she climbed into the ship that Starlight had been piloting and soon the two of them, once the cockpit was closed, headed off the planet and began the short journey to the Hyperion, which she found was a massive ship that was definitely unlike anything she had seen since she arrived in this galaxy. As they neared the ship she could hear the sounds of the Brethren Moon screams as Sunset's power ripped through it, parts of it breaking off and disappearing forever... until at last the entire creature dissolved into nothing, disappearing from the face of the universe and likely allowing Sunset to leave Tau Volantis behind. When they boarded the starship, however, Chrysalis walked over to a glass wall that would allow her, and anyone else, to view what was happening on the planet below them and she quickly spotted Sunset coming up towards the starship... though that wasn't the only thing that was happening.

The surface of Tau Volantis rippled as what appeared to be long dormant volcanoes became active once more, as now there was lava spewing out all over the planet's surface and the earth was falling apart as red molten cracks started to form everywhere, though that was before the atmosphere itself started to fall apart... leaving Chrysalis standing there in shock, as she had no idea what was going on at the moment.

"This is the end for Tau Volantis," Starlight commented, looking down at the dead planet as Sunset's power tore it apart, knowing what was coming next since she had seen it multiple times since she became the God of Destruction, before she looked away from the planet, "Come on, let's get to the bridge and get out of here. We still need to finish saving the people of Earth, before the other Brethren Moons arrive to finish what Danik started."

Chrysalis, despite following after Starlight the moment she said they needed to move, barely noticed as the starship seemed to slip into something that resembled ShockSpace, as she took one last glance at the planet they were leaving behind as Sunset boarded the ship before it's departure... and witnessed the destruction of Tau Volantis as it exploded under the weight of Sunset's power. She gulped for a moment as she followed after Starlight, now she knew the full extent of Sunset's power and her fear of her own power was gone, but she focused on finishing their mission, as there would be time to talk about what she had seen later... once they stopped the remaining Brethren Moons and saved what was left of the human race.

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