• Published 25th Jan 2018
  • 6,967 Views, 565 Comments

Dead Space: Deep Space Terror - Blackdrag-rose

Chrysalis has made the greatest mistake of her life and must survive the horrors that await her in the darkness of the USG Ishimura.

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Sprawl: The Solar Array

Isaac and Chrysalis quickly found that the only way forward at the moment, since Tiedemann had cut off the power to pretty much everything in the area, was the door that was in front of them, one that brought them to a chamber that had a few supply boxes, which all contained more ammunition for them to use. They then headed through the door on their right and found that they were now in a hallway that had some sort of laser trap on the left wall, though by flinging the nearby canister through the trio of beams the trap was disabled as it fired at nothing. Of course there was another laser trap on the next hallway to the left of the landing, which they also removed, though behind that the two of them spotted a guardian that was latched onto the wall near the elevator that would take them to their new destination. Fortunately killing one of these Necromorphs was easy, as all the duo had to do was blast apart the pod that it launched at them and dismember the tentacles it used to secure itself to the wall, which allowed them to end it's existence rather easily.

A few seconds later, with the guardian dead, the duo approached the elevator and climbed into it, though Chrysalis grabbed the gold semiconductor that the Necromorph had been holding onto when it was still a human before joining Isaac on the lift that allowed them to descend towards whatever would allow them to access the arrays. Along the way Isaac decided to get a quick update on Stross' condition, because if he snapped and got himself killed they wouldn't be able to stop the Marker from completing the Convergence Event, as Chrysalis was sure that the two were linked. What they learned was that Stross had the potential to give away Ellie's location, and his own for that matter, though the duo apologized for his behavior and suggested that she try to keep him focused on the task at hand. The only way to destroy the Marker was locked away inside Stross' head, and Chrysalis guessed maybe Isaac's as well if something were to change, and they needed to know what he was trying to tell them, especially because he constantly mentioned these 'steps'.

Ellie, on the other hand, said nothing to that and disconnected the audio link, to which Isaac and Chrysalis sighed as the door in front of them opened and walked out into a chamber where a Bench and a store were located, though that only caused them to head to the store so they could sell off items they didn't need and purchase anything that might be useful at the moment. As it turned out the armor schematic they had picked up couldn't be accessed at the moment, to which the duo groaned for a few seconds before they funneled some of their credits into acquiring more Power Nodes, so they could further empower their weapons. Of course while they worked a leaper tried to get the jump on them, though Chrysalis wasn't in the mood and used her magic to suspend the Necromorph in the air before she used her bone blades to cut the creature apart. Isaac was willing to ignore the noise, as he was sure that his friend needed some time to vent her emotions on something, especially because of what her visions were like, but sooner or later Chrysalis needed to confront her mother and put the past behind her... otherwise this was going to keep happening until something horrible, that she might not be able to recover from, happened.

At the same time, however, Isaac also noted that there was a distinct lack of Wildfire in any of the areas that they had encountered the Marker's influence, and he knew that she had been disconnected from the Marker, so he had to wonder where the love of Chrysalis' life had wandered off to... while at the same time being worried that Crudelis might have already done something to her, which was why they hadn't seen her for some time.

The instant the duo was done with the store and the Bench, and had everything that they could possibly need at the moment, they headed towards the ramp that the leaper had come from and walked down to the door that was labeled with a sign that read 'To the Solar Array', meaning they were on the fight track. From there they followed the path down to a locked door, where a voice told them that the Docking Pod was off the mag-rail and that an engineer had been notified to take a look at it. That was slightly amusing to the duo, as Isaac was the certified engineer and he knew exactly how to fix the mess, though he hadn't been 'notified' of the problem and was only going to fix it because it might be the way for them to access the arrays.

"Ellie, it appears that we've run into a slight problem." Isaac said, to which he and Chrysalis turned towards the door that was on their left and headed into the Elevator Maintenance Bay, though that required that they pass through two normal sized doors to move forward, "It looks like the Docking Pod that runs to the Solar Array is floating at the bottom of the shaft. But don't worry about it too much, Chrysalis and I are heading outside to have a look."

Chrysalis noticed that Ellie didn't reply to Isaac's comment, meaning that she likely had her hands full with her own task and whatever Stross was doing, to which they walked through the second door and noticed that something was blocking their path. Chrysalis simply levitated something that was nearby and whacked the booster that was attached to the wall section that was blocking the way, to which she and Isaac leapt off the ground and used the Zero-G nature to float out into the actual shaft. Once they were in the shaft they floated around the area, looking for anything that allow them to move the Docking Pod or remove the obstruction so they could continue to the Solar Array, though at the same time Chrysalis picked up a schematic for Ripper Blades, ammunition for a weapon neither of them used. That was before she noticed two boosters, like the one she used to move the wall fragment out of the way a few moments ago, were attached to the bottom of the actual elevator, to which she smiled as she turned them on by firing something at them, which caused the elevator to move forward.

Isaac, of course, took a moment to check in with Ellie, where he had to tell her that Stross was hallucinating and that it was all part of the sickness that the Marker spread, before confirming that all of this was trouble, especially with what he knew and didn't want to tell her about.

The moment he was done talking with Ellie, and the audio link was broken once more, the duo returned to where the set of doors was located and touched the floor once more, returning them to normal gravity, before they headed through the doors and walked to where the entrance to the elevator was located. As they approached the elevator door a leaper decided that now was a good time to attack them, only to be dismembered by Isaac, who was anticipating such an action after what Chrysalis had done earlier. After that the duo walked through the door and entered the Docking Pod, which was much wider than the other elevators that they had used in the past and knew that this was meant for more than two people to use at a time, before Isaac walked over to the command terminal and activated the elevator. A few seconds later the elevator started moving and ascended through the shaft that they were inside, though the duo watched as they eventually left the shaft and got a good view of the entirety of the Sprawl... as well as Saturn, the planet that the former moon turned space station was orbiting.

Chrysalis had little time to marvel at the sight of the planet before them, as not a few seconds later a tripod smashed one of the windows and sucked all the air out into space, causing the duo to fire at one of it's arms before it was knocked away from the Docking Pod. That was followed by more windows breaking as multiple tripods revealed themselves, to which Isaac and Chrysalis stood back to back as they faced all of the windows that the Docking Pod had, allowing them to fire at the tripods when they appeared. Together, with their combined efforts in staying in the same spot and firing at all of the enemies that wanted them dead, Isaac and Chrysalis forced back the large amount of tripods, which was an alarming number when they considered how many there were, before the Necromorphs got the hint and stopped attacking them, allowing the duo a few seconds of rest as the Docking Pod continued it's journey. That was shortly before a computerized voice informed them that they were arriving at Solar Array Sigma Zero Five, though while Chrysalis had no idea why it was called that she decided that now wasn't the time for questions as the elevator finally came to a stop.

Fortunately it brought them into a station of some kind, sort of like the one the Docking Pod had been in before they launched it, and the broken windows were sealed so they could breath once more, though as the door opened Isaac stepped outside and cautiously explored the area, something that Chrysalis did as well. One thing they discovered was some cysts guarding a group of lockers, though the duo carefully removed them before finding that one of those lockers contained the Force Gun schematic, another weapon that they didn't need. The other side of the chamber contained the same thing, only the lockers on the other side held ammunition, to which the duo collected everything that they could before they approached the main door that was in front of them. When they walked through the door, however, they found a hologram of a person, a lady by the looks of it, waiting on a pedestal in front of the door, though they ignored the birds that were flying around the place.

It was then that they learned that, in order to move forward, they needed proper identification and that Watchman Howard Phillips would be with them soon enough, but based on past experiences the duo knew that he was either dead already or would be dead by the time they found him. They turned to the right and found some cages with some birds inside them, though instead of doing anything to the poor animals, as they had no idea if they should let them out of their cages or how to actually feed them, they simply continued exploring the area. It was then that they found the living area for Howard Phillips, or what they assumed was his personal living area, and discovered a text log that revealed that the man in question wanted to transfer out of this area and that his requests had gotten no responses, while also receiving a shipment of some kind, no doubt the birds that were all over this area. They then found the mangled body of Howard resting on his bed, though since they needed proper identification the duo knew what they needed to do, as Isaac used his Kinesis Module to lift the corpse into the air and carried it over to the door they needed to pass through.

Fortunately whoever had built the security system apparently never bothered to install something that checked if the person's RIG in question was connected to a living breathing person, as the door opened for them after a voice greeted them as Howard Phillips... though on the other side of the door the auto defenses came online because they were actually unauthorized guests and the hologram asked Howard to provide a code to authorize them.

Since the security measures were the same as the new one they found earlier, the laser walls, Chrysalis picked up something with her magic and hurled it through the two walls that were blocking their path, disabling them as they fired their shots at nothing. From there they entered a much larger room and dismembered the leaper that was crawling along the floor to get to them, though when they reached the center of the chamber the hologram activated more laser walls, keeping them contained in the middle of the area. That ended up working in their favor, as some more leapers burst through the vents around them and hurled themselves at the duo, meaning that the Necromorphs were blown apart by the defenses at first and the duo didn't have to waste energy on them, though that ended up being a bad idea since the shots tore open some explosive canisters near the glass window. Chrysalis, not wanting to be smashed by the iron door that would seal the area or suffocate out in space, raised her Pulse Rifle and blasted the icon that sealed the area, allowing them to pick themselves up before they turned to see what enemies were left.

Once they determined that there were no enemies at the moment, as they were sure that more would be coming soon enough, they entered the room that the hologram was standing near and Isaac hacked into the terminal that was inside the room, though while Chrysalis guarded him she found another text log detailing Howard's woes... and did her best to ignore the fact that the hologram wanted Howard to stop them from accessing the lift that the terminal happened to be connected to.

The moment Isaac was done hacking into the terminal, and they ignored the glare that the hologram was giving them, they walked out of the room and dealt with the lurker and two slashers that jumped down into the area, though since they were easy targets the duo made short work of them before they accessed the lift and headed to the level above them. As they reached the upper level a slasher tried to ambush them, though Chrysalis dismembered it with her bone blades before it even had a chance to swing at them. From there they headed to the left, ignoring the Bench that was right in front of them, and Isaac used the Kinesis Module to move something out of their way before lowering a bridge section into place, before he blasted the laser trap to pieces so they could move to the other side of the room. It was at that point that their audio links became active once more, though instead of it being Ellie calling them it was Tiedemann, which only annoyed the duo as they listened to what he had to tell them.

"Clarke, Chrysalis, I know you two are up there." Tiedemann said, almost as if he had known that by cutting off the power to the area they had been in that the duo would have come to the Solar Array, though if that was the case Chrysalis feared that a trap might have been put in place for them, "Understand that even if the two of you survive long enough to restore the power, there is no escape for you two. All routes going in and out of the Government Sector are being monitored as well speak. Give up."

The duo ignored Tiedemann, as they would find their own way into the Government Sector if necessary, while they finished exploring the upper area that they were in, to which they used a toolbox to destroy another laser trap before looking at what the lockers it was protecting had to offer, which included a Power Node. As they walked away from the lockers a slasher burst out of the vent on their left and was dismembered seconds later, where they headed through the door that was in front of them and started walking down the hallway that they discovered. Of course the annoying hologram reappeared and stated that it was purging life support, though as that happened they were forced to deal with a pair of stalkers. The instant the enemies were taken care of they headed to the other side of the hallway and found another terminal that Isaac hacked into immediately, to which Chrysalis breathed a sigh of relief when he finished and restored the life support systems... while at the same time wishing that there was a way for them to destroy the hologram, as the program was making things even more difficult for them.

At first she thought that their luck was turning around, when they entered the mainframe, only for Tiedemann, being the absolute bastard that he was, ordering the computer to disable all Solar Array functions immediately, to which the hologram locked the system down... and then Tiedemann stated that there was too much at stake and that he couldn't let them succeed in their mission.

Isaac sighed in frustration for a moment, as dealing with Tiedemann only reminded him of what they did on the Ishimura and the various problems they had to overcome, before he approached a panel that almost seemed out of place and focused on it. He carefully used the Kinesis Module to move the panel out of the way, revealing a moveable engineer's vent that would allow him and Chrysalis to crawl into the two rooms on either side of them, to which he tapped the control panel and moved the vent until it would let them into the room on their left. Once it was in place Isaac climbed into the vent and quickly came out the other side, to which he moved out of the way as Chrysalis joined him and looked at the electronics that were resting in front of them. The duo glanced at each other before Isaac started pulling the panels from the wall in front of them, causing the hologram to proclaim that they were in violation of Titan Station Civic Code and that they should replace the panels and back away from the fuseboard... though while Isaac worked Chrysalis dismembered the slasher that dropped into the area in front of them.

Fortunately that was the only enemy to attack them in this area, allowing Isaac to carefully extract the four fuses from where they were resting and place them in their proper locations on the panel that was close to where the center of the room was, though once that was done a terminal rose from the floor near the fuses. Chrysalis carefully approached the new terminal while Isaac covered her, though when she activated the terminal the shielding for the mainframe was deactivated, causing her to smile for a moment as she returned to the vent and followed Isaac outside. The moment they were both outside the two rooms the hologram declared that they were in violation of multiple subsections of the Civic Code, though they ignored the program as they crawled out of the vent and rerouted the system once more. Once the vent was connected to the room on their right the duo climbed into it and entered the area that the other fuseboard was located in... where Chrysalis blasted apart the members of the swarm that were in front of them while Isaac moved the fuses around, before turning on the terminal and exposing the mainframe in the process.

The instant the second terminal was online, and the iron doors closed around the glass walls, Isaac and Chrysalis climbed into the engineer's vent and returned to the main part of the room, where a pair of slashers were waiting for them and were dismembered before they could reach the duo... who then proceeded to destroy the power conduits that were inside the mainframe, causing ANTI, the hologram, and several other systems to go offline. Of course the downside to that was that they would have to manually change the array themselves, but it was better than having Tiedemann command the hologram to combat them the entire time. As the duo moved through the door that was in front of them, and wasn't the one they had walked through earlier, a corpse fell down on top of Isaac, who pulled it off and threw it onto the ground in front of them, before sighing before they continued forward.

"Ellie, we're on our way to the mirrors now." Isaac said, letting their new friend know exactly what was going on at the moment, especially since she was stuck in a Necromorph infested station with limited power and oxygen, with someone that might endanger her, while at the same time a video link appeared in front of them, "We have to realign them manually. How are you and Stross holding up?"

"I'm doing fine." Ellie replied, though while she seemed a little surprised that Isaac was asking her how she was doing, as she must have figured that Stross was more important than herself, she was grateful for the thought, "As for Stross... well, you two should see for yourself."

"No! I'm not ready for the needle again!" Stross exclaimed, to which the duo noticed that he seemed a little more insane than he had been originally, though that only meant that his condition was deteriorating quicker than they thought when they first encountered the man, "You have to let me out! I can't breathe! Let me out! He's... waiting... for... me!"

Before they could ask Ellie what was wrong, and they had an idea of what that something was, the connection was terminated and the video link stopped, causing the duo to sigh as they moved through the hallway that was in front of them, while destroying the fragments of a divider and the cysts that were waiting along the way. It didn't take them long to reach the other side of the hallway and enter the room that it was attached to, though as they walked into the room they heard some Necromorphs in the area below them. At the end of the walkway they were standing on was a slasher that wanted them dead, though as they reached where it was standing, and dismembered it, two leapers tried to ambush them, only for them to be destroyed as well. In the middle of the walkway rested an elevator that had a hackable panel next to it, so while Isaac did his thing Chrysalis guarded him and blasted apart the lurkers that climbed up to the area that they were standing in... though once Isaac was done they walked into a short hallway, that wasn't an elevator, and headed inside the room that it brought them to.

When they opened the door, however, they were assaulted by another bout of the Marker's influence, where Isaac came face to face with Nicole again and listened to what she had to tell him, or listen to her question how he was able to hide his pain without his face betraying him. Chrysalis, on the other hand, found her mother standing in the center of the room, who simply stood there and stared at her, though she didn't raise her gun and fire at the Queen, because she didn't want to ruin any of the machines that were around her in case they were important to their current mission.

"You continue to amaze me with your persistence," Crudelis said, though this time around she made no effort to walk away from where she had appeared, meaning that she was perfectly fine with where she was standing, "Normally a few reminders of our sessions is enough to make you submit and accept whatever punishment I have planned for you... it seems that I'll need to step up my game."

"You should have known that, sooner or later, I would turn against the pain you caused me," Chrysalis replied, to which she primed her Pulse Rifle for a moment, because if her mother moved a single step she was going to fire at her so she could get rid of her, "I'm not as weak as I once was."

"You say that now, but I know the truth." Crudelis stated, to which her horn glowed and pain pulsed through Chrysalis' body as another memory surfaced, along with the pain that had been inflicted on her during that time period and the fact that this memory came with another blank spot, meaning someone had to be missing from her memories, "You always talked big when you thought you were going to beat someone or overcome my lessons, and yet the end result was always the same; you on the ground, squirming in pain because of your failures. Even a thousand years later, after my death thanks to the traitors that turned against me, you continue to prove that you learned nothing from our sessions and forgot what I taught you, reducing you to a failure once more. You almost managed to make me proud when you marched on Canterlot and bested Celestia with the power you took from Shining Armor, but then you became an utter disappointment when you lost to him and his bride... and I'm not even going to mention your latest stunning failure.

Maybe I shouldn't have killed Amaryllis all those years ago, she always made sessions like this enjoyable, whether or not you found them to be that way, and had a much stronger will than you ever did."

"W... Who?" Chrysalis asked, as the name meant nothing to her, though at the same time she knew it had to belong to a changeling, one that her mother had killed because she was either bored or got tired of her constantly fighting back.

"Oh, it's no one that you need to concern yourself with," Crudelis replied, to which she raised a hoof and made a flicking motion with it, where Chrysalis was knocked onto her back for a moment and gasped as more pain shot through her body, "Now then, shall we get started on revisiting one of your first lessons?"

"I don't think so." a voice said, to which Crudelis raised an eyebrow as she looked around the area that they were in, before she was seized in a magical grasp and disappeared in the blink of an eye, allowing Chrysalis to breath once more as the pain vanished completely.

Chrysalis moaned as she picked herself up and got back onto her hooves, where she noticed that whoever had saved her was long gone and likely wasn't coming back to say high, though as she thought about the voice she knew that it wasn't Wildfire since her love didn't use magic. She knew it couldn't be any of the princesses, since all of them were alive and wouldn't come this far to help her, and it wasn't Discord's voice that she heard, as he would have dragged her back to Equus so the princesses could punish her for attempting to gain the power to overthrow them. Even as she remembered why she had stepped through that damned mirror in the first place, so she could have her revenge on those that had wronged her in the past, she realized that such a thing no longer appealed to her. In fact all she wanted to do was go home and forget about her plans, so she could live a seemingly ordinary life without trying to take back the hive or anything like that... but first she needed to help Isaac destroy the Marker.

"Chrysalis," Isaac said, causing Chrysalis to realize that Isaac must have snapped out of his vision at some point and had been worried about her, since her visions were worse than his were, "are you alright?"

"Physically, yes," Chrysalis replied, as this time around something had stopped Crudelis from inflicting a new level of pain on her body, or rather make her remember the session that had tormented her when she was younger, "mentally, however, is no. The Queen showed up again..."

"Shit." Isaac stated, as he knew what happened when Chrysalis' mother showed herself, if the last few times were any indication as to what power the long dead Queen Crudelis possessed, before he turned his attention to his friend and considered what he could do to help her, "Do you want to stop and talk about it?"

"Not right now." Chrysalis answered, to which she sighed as she turned to the glowing blue panel that was near her and tapped the command that was on it, to which the room they were in started to rise from where it had been located before their arrival, "Ellie is counting on us to realign the array and restore power to the station, so my personal problems can take the backseat at the moment."

Isaac knew that something terrible or important must have happened with this vision, since Chrysalis deemed that she wasn't ready to talk about it, but since it was clear that she was still in pain from what had happened he decided not to press the issue and went along with her choice. With that decision made he turned and looked at the other panels that were around them, finding that one of the three arrays happened to be properly aligned and that the first and third ones needed to be corrected before they did anything else. That was swiftly followed by the room coming to a stop, to which the duo walked over to the door again and opened it, only this time around they walked out into space and spotted one of the arrays immediately. They then kicked off the walkway that they had been walking on and flew through the air as they headed towards the array in front of them, though when the two of them reached it Isaac made his way to the terminal that would allow him to move the array and accessed it... to which Chrysalis watched as the array started to move as her friend guided it towards where it was supposed to be pointing.

While Isaac worked, and there were no Necromorphs around to bother them, Chrysalis opened an audio link and asked Ellie how things were going on her side, while also informing her that they were moving one of the mirrors back into position. She then learned that Stross had stopped hyperventilating and that she had no idea how much longer the man was going to last before he finally cracked and went crazy, while also mentioning that this was why she did things solo and didn't like having people that only slowed her down. Of course when Isaac realigned the first of the two arrays, and joined Chrysalis near an oxygen recharge station so they both had a full tank, was the moment that Ellie found the collector panel and discovered that it was being covered by something that caused her and Stross to run away. That proved to be a motivator for Isaac and Chrysalis to work faster, though even as they moved towards the second array they had to contend with some sort of corruption that looked like a nest of some kind... something that also acted like the guardian and was easy to destroy once it revealed it's weakness to them.

The moment the nest was destroyed, and the ruby semiconductor it had been holding had been collected, the duo ascended towards the control terminal that would allow them to move the array into position, where Chrysalis remained on guard while Isaac moved the array into place... though once it was in place the three beams of light powered the central part of the array, which fired a beam of light energy down towards the station, which Chrysalis guessed was normal.

"Holy shit Isaac!" Ellie said, to which a video link snapped up in front of the duo, causing them to stop what they were doing and give Ellie their full attention, since it was possible that there might be something they needed to know before they headed back down towards the station.

Ellie, are you alright?" Isaac asked, because while he knew that the answer was going to be no, especially since she started off with 'holy shit', he felt it best to ask her the question and see what the problem was, though at the same time he hoped that they reached the point where they could send her off without getting her hurt.

"We just made it to this crossover tube when the beam hit." Ellie replied, to which she moved a little to show them the area that she and Stross were in, before she stood in front of her arm and commanded their attention once more, "Isaac, Chrysalis, those things are still heading for the Transit Hub. They're wrecking everything in their path!"

"Oh shit, they'll cut us off." Isaac said, as he realized that the Necromorphs were moving faster than they had been when he and Chrysalis had been on the Ishimura, which wasn't good news for anyone, "Ellie, take Stross and get to the hub as quick as you can. Chrysalis and I will meet up with you as soon as we can."

As Ellie nodded her head and started to cut off the connection, however, Isaac and Chrysalis heard Stross talking to someone that the Marker had conjured to mess with him, which made them worried that he might snap at some point when he said 'one step at a time', but that was the least of their problems at the moment. Isaac headed up to the room they had walked out of and waited for Chrysalis to join him before the door closed, though as he approached the chair that was the ejector seat he realized that it only had enough room for one person, creating another problem that they needed to deal with. In the end all he could think to do was ask her to use a shield around her and stand next to him when he engaged the chair, though while she was happy to do what he said she had no idea what it was supposed to accomplish... until the chair Isaac strapped himself into rose up and moved until he was facing the floor, that she was now standing on, before the floor opened and they rushed forward.

A few seconds later, when Isaac left the chair behind and engaged his boots, the duo flew through the space between the array and the station, though as they did that the two of them had to avoid the debris that was in their way, especially when part of it exploded when it touched the beam of light that was shooting down at the station. They had to fly through sections of the station that had come undone, likely because of the Necromorph outbreak tearing things up, and avoid a few more obstacles as they approached the station. A few moments later Isaac, who was followed by Chrysalis replicating his moves, flipped around and used his boosters to stop the speed of his descent before he punched a hole through the ground and came to a stop at the floor that was his destination... only to move out of the way as Chrysalis punched a second hole in the room and landed near him, where she finally dispelled her severely cracked shield.

"You know, despite the fact that our legs should be broken right now, that was slightly fun." Chrysalis commented, as while she could have done without having to dodge obstacles in such a manner, least she be smashed into a thousand pieces, it was an interesting experience, "So, what's next?"

"We keep moving," Isaac replied, knowing that Chrysalis likely knew that his answer would be something along those lines, though at the same time he readied his weapon and followed the path that was in front of them, as Ellie and Stross had to be close by.

Sure enough, when they hurried down the ramp and entered the room in front of them, they found Ellie and Stross on the level above them, where Ellie called for them to head to the train, though that was followed by the Transit Hub exploding and causing the duo to stay back as more explosions rocked the area. Isaac, seeing that there was a CEC factory nearby, said that they should head for it and asked Ellie if she could get the doors opened, where Ellie stated that Isaac had to be crazy, since she had barely escaped with her life from that very area, as it was crawling with Necromorphs. The fact that it was now the only way forward, however, didn't sit well with Ellie, as she cursed the moment she realized that they had no choice in the matter. As Ellie worked on the door, and the oxygen was blown out of the room, Isaac and Chrysalis stood their ground as an army of pack members, slashers, leapers, and pukers entered the area all around them and tried to kill the duo, causing them to stand their ground and fight back before the intensity of the Necromorphs reached where they were standing.

Fortunately for them Ellie, despite a few setbacks on her end, was able to open the door that they were standing near, allowing the duo to retreat into the CEC factory, where the door closed a few seconds later, preventing the Necromorphs from following after them immediately, and locked itself as the duo turned away from it. Once that was done the duo approached the lift that was in front of them and accessed the terminal to connected to the level above them, where Isaac opened a video link with Ellie to see how she and Stross were doing.

"Ellie, are you and Stross there?" Isaac asked, as the screen remained in a state of static for a moment, making the duo wonder if this was as far as they were going to go in stopping Tiedemann and his Marker, "Did you guys make it?"

"Shit Isaac..." Ellie replied, to which the link connected and they saw Ellie standing on the other side, though she was remembering what had happened in this place when she had first been in the area when the outbreak occurred, though the duo knew that she hated this place, "Just... shit..."

"Ellie, take it easy." Chrysalis said, knowing that the lady had to be going through some difficult emotions, ones that she was likely going to blame them for making her remember in the first place, "Everything is going to be okay."

"No, it's not!" Ellie snapped, revealing that she was angry and annoyed that someone would say something like that at a time like this, though at the same time Isaac and Chrysalis remained silent as they waited for her to speak her mind and clear her emotions, "I was here this morning with a crew of thirty people. But we were overrun, and before I knew it they were all transformed. I had to cut the arms and legs off of my friends just to escape. I'm sure that there's pieces of them still lying around here somewhere."

"Ellie... we didn't know," Isaac said, knowing that Chrysalis didn't mean to annoy their new friend in any manner, but at the same time he could only imagine what was going through Ellie's mind at the moment as she recalled what had happened in this area, "We're sorry for what you had to go through."

"And here I am again." Ellie continued, almost as if she was ignoring the duo as she looked around the part of the factory that she was in, just so she could deal with the fact that she was back where she started when the outbreak happened, "I just walked one big fucking circle today."

"We'll get through this together." Isaac stated, as he was sure that if they all worked together, and pooled their strengths together, they would be able to get out of here without something terrible happening to them, "Let's figure out how to meet up first."

"Right," Ellie said, her expression changing from what it had been and transformed into a more calm one, especially since she hated this area now, "There's a central Hub in the main facility. Here are the coordinates."

Isaac and Chrysalis nodded their heads as the connection was terminated, though as they got the coordinates for the area that Ellie had specified they knew that they were likely going to face incredible odds once more, something that they were growing used to the more they continued forward. Chrysalis, on the other hand, could only wonder who this mysterious Amaryllis was and what sort of connection she had to her, as well as Amaryllis' connection to her mother... but something told her that she would find the answer out in time, and that she wasn't going to like what she was told.

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