PBB: A Pirate's Life

by AntiBronyBenSwolo

First published

Sonata Dusk has turned to the Dark Side for revenge, and Adagio is the only one who can stop her. Who'll help her out on her adventure, however, is quite a surprise. Savvy?

Sonata Dusk, suffering the consequences of her Siren Gem being destroyed, has found shards of the gem and built a weapon granting her even more power than before. Strange that the fate of the multiverse is now in the hands of a filthy pirate. (Transfered over from my DeviantArt Account)

Chapter 1

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It has been torture since we lost our singing voices. All the abuse from other students, calling us monsters for trying to take over the school, mocking us for our lack of talent. I wish we could talk to the teachers about it, but even they attack us. Well now, It is my time to shine. What happened was that Adagio, Aria, and I were all at the stadium where we lost the battle of the bands, mourning the loss of our voices. Then, almost out of the corner of my eye, I saw my salvation underneath the stage. I went underneath the stage to see what it was. As I dug through the rubble and dust, I saw 3 little red flashes. I picked them up and I remembered what it was. It was my old siren gem. Unlike Adagio's gem or Aria's gem, which both turned to dust, my gem merely broke into 3 different segments. As I picked up the broken stone, I felt my old singing voice coming back to me.

But I felt something else as well. I felt something, an energy field of sorts, giving me newfound powers beyond my belief. I have yet to discover them. These new powers almost spoke to me, telling me to build a vessel of sorts for the crystal fragments. I did so, with Adagio and Aria back at home, curious about my whereabouts. I went to a junkyard to find the parts I need to build my crystal's vessel, a weapon of sorts, when all of a sudden, a guard dog came out and hunted me down. I was almost cornered by the beast until I shot my hand out in front of it. As I did that, bolts of lightning shot from my hand and electrocuted the dog. I was amazed to see my power, so I continued to grab my materials and build myself a lightsaber. The lightsaber has a spinning hilt with 3 blades, all pointing in the same direction.

The next morning, I smuggled my new lightsaber to school so I could absorb more of it's new powers, and we had gym class. The girls and I played a game of dodgeball, and my team was almost loosing. That was until I let my new power kick in. I used this new mysterious energy to telekinetically catch the balls, hit the other competitors out of the game, and we totally dominated them. Adagio was, without a doubt, concerned for me. She said that I wasn't really myself. Technically, she's right. I really haven't been myself lately, what with these cool abilities and whatnot. I felt like I was wasting my time with them at the school. It was time for me to do something bigger.

As I prepared to pack my things and head out on my own, Aria got to the door to stop me from leaving, just so that she and Adagio could talk to me about what's going on. I wouldn't tell them, trying to make it a surprise, but she didn't care. "You want to know what happened to me? Fine!" I said, as I telekinetically clutched Adagio's neck, and tossed Aria into the room next door, knocking her out. When they both came to, they found themselves tied to a couple chairs, with gags in their mouth to tell me to stop or to call for help. They were at my mercy. I was about to destroy them, but I wanted to give them a chance before I did so. So, I told them that if I call the shots now, then I can help lead better than Adagio has ever been at this, and I could get us the revenge we need on not only the school, not only the Earth, not even the Universe for that matter, but the entire multiverse.

I gave my offer to Adagio, who looked at me as if she never knew me to begin with, after hearing my offer. I tried to give my offer to Aria, but she's was to scared to even look at me right now. I sighed in disappointment as I prepared my lightsaber to destroy them. But I felt like I saw something from behind me, but no one was there. Not yet at least. I decided to look outside to see what was going on. When I got to the location of where my senses were leading me, I found an old "friend" of mine; Sunset Shimmer. She looked kind of different though, as she was wearing armor that resembled a soldier, except it was made using blue crystals. Sunset had brought a friend with her though, a man dressed in a black suit, cape, and mask, almost resembling a bat.

"Sonata Dusk, we know that you have obtained Force powers, and started abusing them. Stand down so we may take you in." they said, as Sunset pointed a gun at me, while the stranger was aiming to throw something at me. "The Force? Is that what my new powers are called? Well then. Time to put them to use." I said, as I let out an unrelenting force push against Sunset and her friend. The Force was then telling me that the bat-like stranger had something that I could use to start my reign. So I ran up to him, swiped what looked like a miniature remote, and it (the Force) then told me to go to the crystal mirror. "Don't let her get away! She has the prototype wrist-portal!" The stranger yelled as he and Sunset chased me across the school.

"wrist-portal?" I thought to myself, while blocking blaster bolts with my lightsaber. "Will it get me out of here and somewhere else?" I thought. So I reckoned to test it out by aiming it, and a green bold shot out of the device and into the crystal portal, turning it into a green wormhole. Finally, my rise to power began. I entered the portal to escape from the 2 and landed in a desert wasteland. I had little to no idea where I was, but what I did know is that this place will be where I shall build my power. I then traveled onward until I found a giant temple of sorts. Around the temple were ruins of dead bodies of strange looking robots of sorts, and dead men wearing armor identical to the armor Sunset Shimmer has on, but white, and made from a different material.

As I saw myself surrounded in carnage, I decided to sing to myself for comfort. But little did I know, as I was singing, my song was resurrecting the dead robots. "What shall we do for you mistress?" One of the bots asked me. I decided to take advantage of this and have it educate me about how these bots came to be. It was there I learned about the Clone Wars, the Separatist Alliance, and the Battle Droid Factories down below, which I told the battle droids to start up so that I can have my very own army. I started to sing to my army to get the work to go faster and faster, which worked out brilliantly, as I was building myself a cruiser which I would use as my flagship. Once my army was complete, I studied the wrist-remote that I stole (I modified it with the help of the droids), and decided that now I have my singing voice back, it's time to go on tour.

Chapter 2

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What did I ever do to deserve this? Well, okay, maybe I did try to take over the school. And I did unfairly treat my fellow sirens the respect they deserve. But right now, everyone in the school is bullying me and Aria, Sonata has disappeared with a deadly weapon and powers, I might as well just find an empty room so that I could cry to myself for all the wrong that being done to me, hopeless that something, or someone, would come to help. Well, my hopelessness has made me lessen my expectations, because someone actually did come to help. I met him while Flash Sentry and his friends pushed me up against a locker, making me drop onto the floor, with my schoolwork everywhere, and Flash yelled "And stay down, you monster!" just to make me feel bad.

As Flash was doing this,hecame to help me almost out of nowhere. "Monster or not, that's still no way to treat a lady." the mysterious person said as he slowly walked up to help me up. He had an Australian/British accent, short blonde hair, a pale skin tone, a gray sweatshirt, and black jeans with holes in the knee area. "Are you crazy?" Flash told the guy "She, my apologies,ITtried to take over the school by singing to us to make us argue". The mysterious guy didn't care. He just helped me up, despite hearing what Flash just said. Aria was shocked to see what was going on. Someone is finally helping. I couldn't believe it. Neither would Flash, who challenged the guy to a fist fight outside of school.

"Well if it's a fight you want, then it's a fight you'll get mate. I've been through some every now and then." the guy said in response to Flash, who cracked his knuckles and let us go, saying "I'll be waiting 'pal'". After school, Aria and I met up with Flash and his friends to see the fight that's gonna go down. We saw our rescuer come down from near the side of the school building, but there was something odd about him. He was gonna fight in what appeared to be a pirate outfit. Everyone thought it was a joke, but Aria and I were more scared than amused that he's gonna be made more fun of than us.

"Dude, it's not Halloween anymore." Flash told the guy, as the guys were gonna get ready for a brutal fist fight. "You sure? I always enter bars in these clothes." The guy said as he was being confronted by a slightly larger bully. The guy then pulled out what we assumed to be a fake flintlock pistol, aimed it above the bully's head and pulled the trigger. Turns out it really was a gun. The gun shot the ladder above the bully's head, causing it to hit the bully on the head. He then pulled out a sword, told Aria and I to get behind him and said "Gentlemen. You will always remember this as the day you were defeated by Captain Mango Mad"! After he said that, 2 figures from on the top of the ceiling shot out two arrows each from their own bows and trapped Flash Sentry and his friends in a net.

The figures then jumped from the ceiling, and the 5 of us ran to the crystal portal. As we saw the portal, we saw a small man with hairy feet and a Scottish accent yell "COME ON! WE DON'T HAVE ALL DAY"! Mango Mad then asked the small guy "You got the portal set up Daddy Banks?", in which the small guy, named Daddy Banks, replied "I think so. I'm aiming at the ship. I GOT IT"! As he yelled that, a green portal shot out of a remote like device and into the crystal portal. It then turned into a green wormhole leading to a pirate ship, which the 6 of us entered before Flash and his goons could catch us.

Once we went through the portal, we did not change our form like I expected. Instead, we remained in our humanoid forms. Mango Mad then told me and Aria why all this is happening right now. "Your friend Sonata Dusk has managed to build herself an army and take over 2 universes, and is having the heroes of both worlds fight each other. We believe that you can help us defeat her." he said, as he grabbed hold of the helm and set said towards a beach with a city behind it. I couldn't believe it. Our new friends found Sonata Dusk. But they asked us to help capture her. Was I ready for the task? I was about to find out.

Chapter 3

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I'm not sure Adagio Dazzle knows what I've gotten us into. She asked me why Sonata Dusk needed to be captured, which I answered with explaining how dangerous she's become. She didn't really approve of that answer all that much, and told me that she would never fight Sonata to get the blue haired siren to surrender. "Listen. You might not wanna fight Sonata, but you're gonna have to help us fight her droids at least." I told her, warning her about the dangers of this mission. She said that she didn't care, as long as she and Aria got their friend back. So I told her "Go below deck and find the barrel with cutlasses in it. The cutlass you pull from that barrel is yours." and she did so, with little to no haste.

After she came back up from below deck, I told her to hold her sword out against me. As she did that, I pulled out my own cutlass getting ready to teach her how to use a sword. Before we started sword dueling practice, she asked me "Are you gonna turn me into a pirate" which I answered with a simple "Maybe" and we started dueling. I taught her to use her sword with only her dominant hand, how to block, lunge, slash, dodge, and many other swashbuckling sword dueling basics. A few hours went by, and she told me "I underestimated you there for a second. I think this could be fun". She then smiled, and then I smiled. I knew I have made the right move.

We continued our fencing, but stopped when Adagio slipped on a water puddle left behind by one of the cabin boys and fell over the edge of the ship and into the ocean. Adagio was flailing her arms in the open water. She couldn't swim, and was about to drown. Aria gasped in fear for her friend, and all of my crew scrambled "SIREN OVERBOARD! SIREN OVERBOARD"! It was a frighting sight to see. My friend, Huron (one of the archers who helped me and the Sirens escape the school), gave me a rope and said "Go dive and catch her. We'll pull you up once you come back up". I tied the rope to my waist and jumped into the ocean after her.

As Adagio was slowly descending into the waters, slowly losing consciousness and air, I was swimming after her faster than my heart could beat, but the rope Huron gave me was dragging me and slowing my swim making it more difficult. She was sinking and sinking until I finally caught Adagio by the hand. As I caught her, Adagio body nearly made it to the ink-black depths of the ocean. I had to hurry because she wasn't the only one losing air. I felt light headed for a second, but I tugged on the rope, and the both of us were being dragged back onto the Cursed Shell. I coughed out what little water made it into my mouth, and Adagio received some CPR to get the water out of her.

"Oh my goodness, Adagio! Are you alright?" Aria yelled, shocked to see what just happened. "I'm fine Aria. I'm just a bit cold." Adagio replied, shivering and covered in a blanket for warmth and for drying herself. I saw her continue to shiver, so I decided to sit right next to her while she dries off, so that she could warm up. Adagio then thanked me for warming her up before they continued. "It seems to me that the water got into your clothes." I said to Adagio, reminding her that she was not only fully clothed, but in the same clothes that we met each other in. "What do you mean?" She replied, curious to know what I mean by that. "Would you like a new change of clothes? One that will suit a sailor?" I offered to Adagio, who accepted, seeing as she was still soaking wet. I then gave her a violet overshirt, deep purple shorts, black boots, a couple of sashes, and a big violet hat just to top it all off.

We both went below to get her changed into her new clothes. I wasn't looking at her of course because just because I'm a pirate doesn't mean I'm not a gentleman. To be honest, when she got changed in her knew clothes, I thought she would be upset at me because I'm trying to turn her into a pirate, which she well knows already. But instead, she said "Wow! I never knew that you guys could have these clothes in violet. This day gets from bad from good easily. Can I keep it?", which I admired, and let her keep for herself. As she came back on deck, she showed herself off to everyone on deck, who was cheering that she might even join the crew if I would allow. The only one who wasn't cheering was Aria. "Aria, what's wrong?" Adagio asked her friend, who then pointed at Huron, Limlugeth, Daddy Banks, and I as if we did something to her.

Chapter 4

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I can't believe we didn't notice it until now! How did we not notice it until RIGHT NOW!? "Aria! Calm down. What's going on?" Adagio asked me, as my eyes burned with rage. This was my chance. I decided to expose Mango Mad for what he truly his. "Adagio Dazzle, This man is a member of the Pretty Brainless Businessmen. The same guys who beat us in the SECOND battle of the bands!". I found their emblem in the captain's cabin, and I recognized it during the second battle of the bands. Adagio then stared at Mango Mad, who then said that he indeed was a Pretty Brainless Businessmen member, as was Huron, Daddy Banks, and Limlugeth. But I was twice as mad as before because he had no care that he knew about the second battle of the bands, or that he was being exposed.

"You have any idea what happened that day?" I said to Adagio, who begged for me to calm down. I refused to calm down. This was the closest to anything we've ever been. How could I pass this up? I then told Adagio, Mango Mad, and Everyone on the ship what happened on the day that I'm referring to. Basically, a few months back, before Sonata was fueled with the Dark Side, we were offered our singing voices back by a witch named Mary the Farmer, who gave us new green siren gems. We then accepted them, but were tipped off by Sunset Shimmer, who had help from a ghost of a soldier. Later, Mary the Farmer helped us start another battle of the bands. This time, we even beat the Rainbooms! But our victory wouldn't last long as a new band came up and challenged us.

The band consisted of four guys. One with orange clothing and a lightsaber guitar. Another with a Black and Yellow business suit on a bass. Another with black clothing and a knight's helmet on the drums. And another one on a guitar that looked like a battle axe. We then battled the four challengers and lost. They were just too powerful. The enraging part about it, instead of losing again, is that they had little to no interest in us when they fought us though. They wanted Mary the Farmer so they could arrest her for crimes she committed. We didn't even get to know their names, but I will never forget their faction. The Pretty Brainless Businessmen!

As I told the story to the crew, it's captain simply commented "Well, moral of the story is never trust Mary the Farmer". I was just so fed up with all of what's going on that I took the dingy and rowed to shore, away from them. Little did I know is that I was rowing into harms way. I made it to the beaches of the city Metropolis (there was a sign saying "Metropolis Beaches"), when all of a sudden, I was ambushed by strange looking robots. They all pointed large black guns at me. Was this the army Sonata has built? I wasn't gonna stick around to find out, so I ran. But I was surrounded by them. That was until I met group of heroes called "the Resurgence". These heroes consisted of the Question; a faceless detective, Spider-Man; does whatever a spider can, Cyborg; pretty self explanatory, Moon Knight; A schizophrenic luna-tic, Flash; faster than sound, and Black Panther; King of Wakanda.

The 6 of them handled the droid army with ease, and took me to their temporary base of operations. "I was able to tell Flash and Cyborg their individual ways of escaping their leader's spell, and once the spell took it's toll on the justice league, I met up with Spider-Man in his black suit, who brought along Moon Knight, who's schizophrenia protected him, and Black Panther, who's country is out of the spell's reach." Question explained to me on how those 6 were able to make it out of Sonata's singing. "Now tell me, why are you running?" Question asked me, with deep intention on protecting both these worlds from war. I told him about Mango Mad and how he's asking me to help him defeat Sonata. I also told him about why I don't trust the Pretty Brainless Businessmen, and why they don't trust me, and therefor, Mango Mad, due to the second battle of the bands. Spider-Man thought I told a hilarious joke, and then asked me "If the Pretty Brainless Businessmen don't trust you, then why did Mango Mad bring you along on this adventure?". Adagio was right. I was letting my anger get the best of me and I just needed to calm down.

That honestly stumped me. I had no answer to Spider-Man's question. "You should go back to Mango Mad, and apologize. These Businessmen sound like they're trying to be your friend" Cyborg suggested. I almost said no, but I honestly had no other choice, but to return. "If you're gonna return, we're gonna have to do it quickly. Superman and Iron Man are duking it out and they're heading this way." Flash said, telling us to get a move on. As we raced over to the boat, I thanked Question and his friends for making me come to my senses. I rowed back over to the Cursed Shell, and Adagio then gave me a big friendly hug, and then a slap on the face for letting my anger get the best of me. I apologized to Adagio and Mango Mad for running away like that. Daddy Banks then tugged on my shirt sleeve and said that the Pretty Brainless Businessmen have something for me. As Daddy Banks said that, Huron pulled out a device that summoned a green wormhole. I entered in the wormhole and found myself in an office of sorts. In the office was a desk, and in that desk was someone who looked awfully familiar. I wasn't sure who it was yet. But I was about to find out.

"Greetings Aria. My name is SuperFolder Ghostbuster, and I'm here to help you and your friends gain the upper hand in your mission. You might recognize me as the guy with the lightsaber guitar" the guy at the desk said, which caused me to recognize him now. I apologized for the second battle of the bands, and he said that it was okay, because Mary the Farmer was the true threat, not us Dazzlings. I then asked him why he wanted to see me. He then pulled out one large box, and inside was his lightsaber guitar, and a handheld box, and inside were 3 fragments of my green siren gem given to my Mary the Farmer. SuperFolder Ghostbuster then said that Sonata's source of her power is her lightsaber, powered by her broken siren gem. He then said that it's gonna take a while to convince her to let go of her saber, so in the meantime, I was to be empowered by the same thing. I was then told that I was to have instructors, one for teaching me how to use it as the guitar, and another for how to use it as the lightsaber, and to prevent me to turning to the "Dark Side of the Force". I then thanked him, and went back on the Cursed Shell to get to work on my saber.

I went below deck to replace the 3 kyber crystals already placed inside the lightsaber with the green siren gem fragments, to give me the power that Ghostbuster said it would. I also modified the saber to have a stun pistol attached to the emitter of the saber, pointing in the same direction as the blade. As I was finishing up the modifications on my lightsaber, Adagio came to tell me that Mango Mad and his crew have a gift for me. I made it back onto the deck, where all the crew gathered to give me a black and dark grey pirate outfit consisting of a coat, a belt, and a bandana to top it all off. As I put the clothes on, I grabbed my lightsaber guitar. "It's time for us to rock and roll" I said, as I was showing off me in my costume with my saber off to the whole crew, who cheered at me for trusting them and the Pretty Brainless Businessmen. But I knew that this was only the beginning.

Chapter 5

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Well, I knew my army would be big. But I didn't expect it to be this big. So big, in fact that I would have to recruit officers for my army would work directly under me and control my army for me so that I don't have to monitor every single battle. Speaking of battles, I have one planned out to capture my "friends", Adagio Dazzle and Aria Blaze. I don't expect this mission to be very easy for my droids at the least, so that's why I am sending my officers Lord Grievous, Gr-33D, and Iron Trixie. How do these 3 stand a chance against my enemies again? Oh yes, now I remember. Lord Grievous, the ghost of General Grievous possessing the body of Lord Tirek, was recruited to join my army after he tried to fight a jedi, a gem, and 2 kids. He didn't give me the full details on the battle, but he says that one of the kids gained a lightsaber of a purple blade, and that the other 3 figured fused into one and defeated him. Like I said, I didn't get the full details of the fight, but I welcomed him aboard my humble cruiser and gave him access to my army.

He's not the only officer I have with me though, as I have the battle droid GR-33D as well. How could a simple battle droid lead hundreds of battle droids and win victoriously? Well, I have decided to send a backup base to a planet in one of these universes. The planet I captured is pretty nice to put a vacation home to be honest. As we were setting up our base on this planet, which we identified as "Okaara", a small creature attacked us yelling "THIS PLANET IS MINE! GET OUT! DON'T TOUCH MY SHINY"! It was getting really annoying, so I decided to sing him a little song, so maybe he would help me rule these two universes. The song, however didn't work, as he was too far away from civilization to know what music is. A single B1 Battle Droid however, was able to distract him long enough for me to defeat him with some of my Force Lightning. I couldn't think of the perfect way to award the droid for his loyalty, until I saw the attacker's ring on his right hand. I then told the droid, who I learned was named GR-33D, to go grab a ring of his own and whatever he was protecting, because this guy really wanted it for it's power. It did so and became an Orange Lantern. It became so powerful that it didn't need my music to power it anymore. it instead needed it's orange lantern battery to thrive, which is what that thing was protecting, and which I let him keep.

Now who else did I hire to help me with my army? Oh, yeah. Iron Trixie. my most recent officer. I basically snuck into the home of a certain Tony Stark. He didn't mind though, as he was one of my toys now. I then took one of his many armors, and commanded my droids to modify it to fit a female. During production of the modifications, one of the droids asked "Ma'am, are you gonna be waring this suit? You already have tons of firepower yourself." in which told the droid "No, I'm gonna give it to a friend". I then activated my saber and stabbed the droid with it's fiery red blade, which followed with "No more questions anymore, kay?" and the droid's body falling to the ground. The droids then continued to modify the suit, and once it was done, I went back to the human version of Equestria to give the suit to Trixie, the only one I would trust with the suit. The moment I made it onto her doorstep, Trixie practically flipped, saying stuff like "Where the heck have you been?" and all that concerned crud. I then offered her the suit. I was expecting her to be conflicted about it, but come on. It's an Iron Man suit. Who wouldn't say no to that? She accepted immediately and joined me.

Once she made it onto my cruiser, I introduced her to Lord Grievous and GR-33D. At first, she was scared to see them, but calmed herself down, knowing that they're on our side. I then gathered the three of my officers to my personal war room, where I'm monitoring the fight between MY Justice League and MY Avengers, making sure they remain under my control. "When are we gonna fight some guys?" Trixie asked, curious about why the 3 of them are needed. I then activated a hologram of Aria playing with a lightsaber and then deactivating it. "This is Aria Blaze. I sense that she will grow to be as powerful as me. Your task is to bring her to me so that she might be able to join us." I told them, which responded in GR-33D asking if he can keep her once I'm done with her. I said no, because that was a dumb thing to ask. Lord Grievous then noticed that there was a girl with Aria, pointed at her, and said "she's the one who defeated me when we met".

I saw her in the hologram and merely said "Well, if you gotta kill her, then kill her". I had no care for her, so why would I spare her. Grievous stood there smiling at the hologram, daydreaming of the many ways to destroy her. Iron Trixie then asked me "We know what to do with Aria, but didn't you say anything about Adagio?", which I replied with "I will personally capture her. Don't you worry about a thing". A droid then came up to me and reminded me to monitor the battle between my new toys. I invited my officers to watch the battle with me. They accepted to see why I took over these two worlds specifically. As we made it to the bridge, I commanded the droids to activate a hologram, and what we all saw in the hologram was the Justice League member known as Green Lantern battle the Avenger known as Hawkeye. The battle was a killer one and I loved it. "Would you like some snacks Ma'am?" a droid asked, as he saw the giddiness of a child inside my eye. I said yes, and asked the droid for some popcorn.

Lord Grievous and Iron Trixie also asked for some popcorn as well. GR-33D just stood there with it's ring and power battery. Once we got our snacks, I sat down in my personal chair on the bridge and watch the fight. I was watching the fight rage on similar to how people watch a football game. As the buildings were being destroyed one by one, I sang them a little song to make both competitors stronger. I was personally rooting for Hawkeye to be honest, but as the battle ended, Green Lantern had defeated him and taken him prisoner. I was a little upset that the hero I was rooting for didn't win, but I didn't care all too much, because I still had a battle to plan in order to capture my fellow sirens. "Prep the troops, and the three of you will come up with a plan to capture Aria. I know you can do it." I said to my officers reminding them of what the mission is. They all left the room and each assembled large platoons of my droids to carry out on their mission.

I then went into my personal training room, which was a huge room filled with white lights to practice my skills with my lightsaber. I activated the room, as well as a couple magnaguard droids I reprogramed for practicing with my saber. Their staffs were pretty tough against my lightsaber, but they were no match for my lightsaber's speed, and my agility and skill with the Force. I dodged and blocked all of their attacks, leaped so high I could touch the ceiling. I then blasted one of the droids with a Force Push, but was caught off guard by the other droid. The two droids continued to press my attack on me until I made my lightsaber spin so fast that the droid's electrostaffs couldn't keep up, which gave me all the time I needed to slice the droids in half. I then exited the room, knowing I was ready to capture Adagio.

Chapter 6

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I will never forget that horrendous day. I almost died in that battle, and I wish it never happened. But alas, it did happen, and now I have to live with the fact that this battle happened. It all started on my first day of training with a lightsaber. I took a rowboat over to the Metropolis Docks, and then walked over to the nearest warehouse, where I met up with SF Ghostbuster and 3 other people. "Aria, I would like you to meet Trea Snowras. He's a member of the Red Riders, a force-sensitive mandalorian group who are under my command. He's gonna be your mentor." Superfolder Ghostbuster said as he introduced my to a tall, muscular man wearing mandalorian armor of orange, green, and blue. His face consisted of white, short hair that gently hangs over a strong, firm head. Round green eyes, set high within their sockets, watch longingly over the lives they've kept safe for so long. A moustache and goatee gracefully compliments his hair and leaves a captivating memory of his reckless luck.

"I guess he's the guy for the job." I said to SF Ghostbuster, who then introduced me to my classmate. Her name was Connie Maheswaran. She, and Ghostbuster told me that she's related to a legendary jedi knight, and even has his lightsaber, although we have yet to dig through the family tree. Ghostbuster then left through a portal, leaving me to train with the two. We first went over deflection, which I hated. Trea has it easy because he's Force-Sensitive. Connie already had training from someone. I'm just a novice for crying out loud? Can't we start off with some real basics? Anyway, we continued on with the training. This time, we were to take long wood poles and practice against each other. Again, I'm just a novice. I wouldn't stand a chance against Connie for a number of reasons. "Don't let your fear guide you." I heard Trea yell, as the duel was beginning to end for me.

But I actually did follow his advice and manage to knock Connie's wooden sword out of her hand. I felt a rush of relief throughout my body. As if I finally accomplished something. I was then to train against Trea, who held a wooden sword of his own. He told me to use my surroundings as well as my sword, so I ran over to a bunch of empty cardboard boxes and pushed them on Trea, who was more than impressed. I would make an excellent swordsman in no time. Over the few hours, we were beginning to finish up out training for the day. Connie congratulated me on our first day. I complimented her sword fighting skills, and asked her where she got them. Connie then told me about her sword training with someone known as Pearl, and about her friend known as Steven Universe. She also told me about the lightsaber in her possession, which originally belonged to a jedi known as Mace Windu. He was said to be one of the greatest swordsman the jedi ever had.

As I was preparing my rowboat to said back to the Cursed Shell, Trea saw an orange light in the sky. We had no idea what it was, but Trea knew it couldn't be good. We all prepared our lightsabers to defend ourselves. The orange light slowly turned into one of Sonata Dusk's battle droids. How the heck was a droid doing something like that? We paused our attention on the droid to find a blue and purple girl in a suit of armor flying around the warehouse. We all decided to back up, trying to find the best way to defeat them, until from out of the waters, a big, red centaur stared dead into my eyes. Connie just stood there silent and terrified. The only thing that left her lips is a single "you again?" as he continued to rise from the water. The centaur then started sprouting greenish gold armor all over his limbs, which caused a black and red residue to emanate from the centaurs body. He then started painfully growing arms from out of his underarms, and in all four of his hands were lightsabers.

The three attackers surrounded us, with the droid creating a bright orange barrier to make sure we don't escape. "Aria Blaze. We meet again." said the girl in the armor. I had no idea who she was until she removed her faceplate. It was Trixie! Why was she attacking us? Turns out, Trixie was told by Sonata to capture me so I could join her. It was then I remembered the siren gem inside my lightsaber. Sonata wants me to be her student. Well my new friends weren't gonna allow that to happen, so Connie jumped out and attacked the armored centaur, who I learned was Lord Grievous, Trea let out a Force Push to get the droid off guard and activated his blue lightsaber to combat it, which felt me to fight Trixie. The duels lasted for what seems like hours. It wasn't until we changed dance partners that the tide turned. Trixie flew away from fighting me to surprise Connie, the droid held me in a bright orange cage to hold me, and Lord Grievous went out on a full sprint and stabbed Trea with all four of his lightsabers. Connie and I were shocked to see this happen. Even though I knew him for only a few hours, it felt like I've lost a family member. Connie felt it too. There was practically no hope for us. Lord Grievous approached Connie so he could kill her, while the droid and Trixie summoned their droid forces to hold me down so I'll be taken to Sonata.

We were about to leave the warehouse, until what seemed like tens upon tens of pirates, led by Adagio and Huron, led an attack to rescue me and Connie. It was something that the droids wouldn't expect. The droids may have had the superior weaponry for a single droid, but Adagio brought a couple cannons with her and fired them at the droids, reducing their numbers. I grabbed my lightsaber and aimed it's gun at Lord Grievous to save Connie from the hold hand of death. Huron then proceeded to fire an arrow at the ghost possessed centaur. Grievous caught the arrow with his robot hand, but the arrow exploded in a big gold cloud of dust. The strange dust then proceeded to eat away at the armor of the general. Trixie almost shot Huron for blasting Lord Grievous like that, but Adagio got on top of a group of wooden crates, sliced open a rope with her sword, and toppled the whole thing down on top of Trixie. The three officers regrouped and ran away with barely any surviving droids.

Connie and I went over to Trea's dead body and mourned over his death. Adagio put her hand on my shoulder and said that it's okay. Was it really? I took his lightsaber in memory of him and went with Adagio. Later, back on the Cursed Shell, Mango Mad told me and Adagio that Sonata is gonna go to great lengths to bring us over to her ship alive. The pirate captain suggested that Huron, Limlugeth, and Daddy Banks with go to Middle Earth to hide me while Adagio and Mango Mad will strike Sonata from here. We all agreed that there was nothing more we could do, so Adagio and I gave each other hugs before I left, and Daddy Banks opened a portal to the realm of Middle Earth, which is where my temporary home would be. I was more concerned over if Adagio could survive this by herself or not. What am I talking about? She's not by herself. She has Mango Mad with her.

Chapter 7

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Things have been getting strange since Aria left for Middle Earth. Mango Mad was up one night while I was sleeping to try to find the best way to get to Sonata's ship to capture her, when he found an envelope on his desk. He opened the envelope to find a map to a place he wouldn't have recognized. Along with that map that read "Hidden in the trees is where I lie. The Siren's song will soon be mine." which upset Mango Mad a tiny bit, who waited until I woke up to show me the map and the note. The note confused me, but it looked like the map lead to Camp Everfree in the human version of Equestria. We took our minds off of the map for a while so Mango Mad would take me to his personal favorite bar for refreshments. Mango Mad brought some soda with him so that we wouldn't get all drunk like the other pirates in the bar.

Speaking of, one of the pirates made Mango Mad spill his drink on the counter, so he got up and asked "All right. Which one of you buccaneers started a bar fight?". I got up and joined him and asked "Yeah, which one of you is trying to ruin..." But Mango Mad said, before I could finish "Without me?" In which, all the pirates stared at a single elf with an eyepatch and a beard who started the fight. Mango Mad had a giddy look on his face, and punched the pirate elf in the cheek! I did not expect Mango Mad to do something like this. I was shocked to see Mango Mad act so violent, yet happy at the same time. "Hey Adagio! Care to join us?" Mango Mad asked, as he was dodging punches. "I'll have to decline that. I don't wanna get hurt or anything" I said, which was followed by Mango Mad getting punched in the face. Mango Mad wasn't infuriated about the punch, but was rather relieved about the hit, and even complimented the person who hit him.

I just sat there and examined the map that Mango Mad found. Why would it be a map to Camp Everfree? Why would it go to Mango Mad? Who gave it to Mango Mad? And how did Mango Mad receive the note? Mango Mad told me that we're leaving, and that he'd teach me how to throw a punch once we're back on the ship. But the thing was, I couldn't stop thinking about where the map came from. So, once we got back onto the Cursed Shell, I examined the map and I found multiple Xs on the map. Mango Mad, taking note after I pointed out, decided to connect the Xs to form what appeared to be a siren gem. Now we have a new question on our hands. Why would it form a Siren Gem? We then started up on how to throw a punch, and Mango Mad went easy on me. We both went in slo mo for the practice punches, and pretended to hit each other. Then, when we practiced with real punches, I managed to get punched in the face by Mango Mad, who then helped me back up. For some reason, that hit felt refreshing. I dunno why, but it just did. I managed to get Mango Mad back by punching him in the gut. He said that my punches are on the spot, and that I would be great at bar fights.

Anyway, Mango Mad and I decided to go to the alternate Equestria to find out where the map leads. After carefully placing a portal right on top of the Crystal Portal in the normal version of Equestria (I could have sworn, I heard one of the royal guards having a mental breakdown about how frequent this happens), I, Mango Mad, and some of the crew entered the portal and ended up in the universe that I wanted to escape. To be honest, I kind of missed the place. We knew we couldn't sail to Camp Everfree, due to it being landlocked from the school to the camp, so we decided to borrow horses and ride there. Mango Mad explained to me that we were using horses because Middle Earth hasn't developed cars yet. We stopped riding our horses for the night and decided to rest. The next morning, Mango Mad found another note that read "The answers that you seek are near. Come closer if you have no fear".

Just the word "fear" in the note gave me a bad feeling about this journey we're making. But Mango Mad is determined to solve this mystery of what this map leads to, and what is going on. We continued onward to our journey to Camp Everfree, which wasn't too far away. Once we made it there, the campground was submerged in 6 inches of water. We found the owners of the camp to tell them we're going to investigate the camp to see where this map leads, but the both of them were too busy arguing with each other to acknowledge that we're here. In fact, practically everyone at the campground at the moment was arguing with each other. This looked like something I would do if I still had my siren gem. In fact, it looks like there's another siren on the loss.

I decided to investigate further. As I split from to group to investigate, I tried to find signs to confirm that there was a fourth siren, such as a green mist on the ground. I couldn't tell or not from the water, so I tried to find another sign. Turns out that there was someone listening to music who weren't arguing. This was a good enough sign for me, because someone survived my spell the first time and helped the rainbooms out by wearing headphones. I decided to ask that person a few questions about what's going on here. She said that she didn't know. All she knew is that there was a witch doctor themed singer, and after she came here, everyone started arguing. I then asked her where this "witch doctor" was, and then she lead me far into the forest. Once we made it to the witch doctor's location however, everything blacked out for me, and next thing I knew, I was put in a wooden cage.

Outside of the cage, I saw 3 potions. One of them was orange and had a purple ribbon, another was purple and and had a green ribbon, and another was blue and had a red ribbon. Then a mysterious voice creeped behind me and asked "You want that potion, don't you?" as the voice slowly revealed itself to be a girl who helped me out earlier, but wearing torn up clothes, like tribal chieftain would. The girl was named "Arial Kraken", and she revealed to me that the potion would restore my singing voice. She also revealed to me that like me, she too is a siren. But unlike me, she still has her siren gem. Arial then said that the potions are indeed meant for me and my friends, but Mango Mad is gonna have to fight me to defeat me. Then all the pieces clicked together. Arial is what the map and notes were leading to. It was a trap!

I had to warn Mango Mad, but I couldn't because I was stuck in the cage. Ariel was setting up her voice to sing a song to get Mango Mad under the siren's spell. Mango Mad? Under the Spell? I had to get him out of there, but how? I thought about what would happen if Mango Mad was under Ariel's spell. All I could think about is Mango Mad yelling at me during our fencing classing, telling me to "get it right"! I then remembered Sonata, and how Ariel Kraken would jeopardize the whole adventure. How could we capture Sonata and reunite the Dazzlings if we kept arguing with each other? All I knew is that the fate of the multiverse was resting on Mango Mad's shoulders.

Chapter 8

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It's time for my rise. I've already captured Adagio and put the camp under my song. Now I need the siren to join me so that I can continue on with my excellent plan. Why I need Adagio, as well as her missing friends, to join me is that I need to lift this curse that I was put under by the Arch Siren. Adagio, Aria, and Sonata might not know this, but they are not the only sirens Equestria has ever faced. In fact, there is an unknown realm in Equestria where the sirens breed. It's a place of sheer beauty, and all I ever want is to do is go back there. I lived in peace with the other sirens, and it was a time when the sirens were starting to grow very few. So we needed to seduce some colts so we could mate. And I was one of the sirens who wanted to go.

I asked the Arch Siren if I could go with the other sirens to bait some ponies into living with us, but the Arch Siren denied my request. I went with the other sirens anyway, and I had one of the most handsome colts ever named "Ocean Waves" not only fall under my spell, but in love with me, and I fell in love with him as well. Ocean Waves was a sailor pony, so when we fell in love with each other, he gave me his cutlass to remember him by. The Arch Siren discovered this and killed Ocean Waves in front of me and placed me under a curse that burns me from the inside out that only the songs of 3 other sirens can cure, and then proceeded banished me to this world through the crystal portal. And now whenever I feel rage, I burn. The only thing I have left of my siren past is my siren gem, which I use from time to time.

I was alone in this world, with no other siren to cure me of my pain. But then, all of that changed when the Dazzlings were banished here and almost had this world under their spell. They could have freed me from the curse and I could have helped them back in here, but instead, I felt the most painful burn this curse could ever give me since those pony girls defeated my only hope of returning home with their magic. I felt like I needed to fix this if I am to to return home. So I learned how to mix some potions that will cure the sirens of their broken singing voices and invited the Dazzlings to meet up with me. They didn't reply because they disappeared from the school due to what appeared to be a pirate. I then sent a map to the girls leading to Camp Everfree to meet up with the Dazzlings.

So far, the only one who came was Adagio. Instead of Aria and Sonata, the pirate I mentioned earlier came with her instead. I need to destroy him before he gets in the way of my plan. I got Camp Everfree encased in arguments, which will have baited them long enough. Now I decided to put the pirate and his crew followers under my spell while I take Adagio and cure her so she can tell me where her friends are so this curse can be lifted. I had a long time to thing about what I shall do to destroy these pirates, until I finally decided that my lone voice shall be enough to destroy them. If this is what it takes to return to the Siren's haven and the Arch Siren, then I have no other choice. Time to sing these pirate's a lullaby!

I sang to the pirates, and so far, only a couple of pirates were arguing with each other. I needed them all to fall for my spell. So I sang more and more. Something wasn't right though, as their captain kept telling them to quiet their arguing. And instead of ignoring the captain and continuing their arguments, they really did stop. Then they started doing something really strange. A couple of them went behind their captain while the rest ran past me. I realized that they were headed for Adagio, and tried to stop them until I heard their Captain tell me "Hey! We heard you sing your song, and now you have to hear mine"! I was mildly entertained to hear this challenge, so I let them get on with it. I started singing to make another attempt at defeating them, but then they started singing.

Oh, their song. It was a mixture of freedom and the spirit of adventure and this pirate captain was full of this stuff. "Yo ho! All hands!" They sang, as my siren gem slowly starts to crack. "Hoist the colors high!" They continued to sing. Their song slowly started to crack my siren gem as everyone in the camp was slowly stopping their arguments and feuds. All that I've caused to lure them here would now be undone by this pirate's song! I started singing a counter-song to stop him, but he's too powerful. "Heave Ho! Thieves and beggars! Never shall we die!" The pirates sang as my gem finally shattered and the spell I worked so hard to put the camp. By then, the captain and his men slowly walked up to me with cutlasses in hand. I then remembered Ocean Waves and the cutlass he gave me, and decided to use it.

Chapter 9

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Well, I probably just screwed up big time at this point. Basically, me and a couple of my crew mates have just destroyed the siren gem of a fourth siren. Although I did keep calm while singing to destroy the gem, I was shocked to even see a fourth siren. And all the places to even find a siren, one just had be be in Camp Everfree. We could only assume that she was the one who gave us the map and what the map was leading to. The question is: Why did the map's indicated locations form another siren gem?

That was for me to find out. My crewmates confronted the girl with their cutlasses, but were quickly overpowered by her willpower and rage. I was the only one who could stop her now. To be honest, before the fight started and I pulled out my cutlass, I was a tiny bit worried. Not that I might lose the fight, but I was worried about what would happen if I were to lose. I thought about how much Adagio needs me. I then thought about what sort of chaos the Multiverse would be in if I were to fall to the siren's hand.

I then thought about what I was told of Sonata Dusk and her army of droids. If they could take over 2 different versions of Earth and manipulate both Earth's protectors to fight each other to the death, then one could only imagine the power she could have to take over an entire universe, or worse. As the images and daydreams of my failure danced in my head, I saw my opponent get so mad that she literally burned herself. "I hate this curse!" I heard her mutter, which clicked things in my head on how to defeat her. I finally knew what to do in order to defeat her.

I readied my cutlass to fight her. The girl then recovered enough strength from her pain to start the duel. Our moves were as fluent as the seas and stronger than any storm that I've ever sailed through. I even fell over due to the sheer strength of her swings. I decided it was time for me to retreat into the woods to execute my plan. We fenced for what seemed like hours. Dueling across the trees of the forests of the camp we were. Just the siren and the pirate! As we made it to each indicated location, I found what looked like glowing berries and roots and such.

As I found them, I picked them up and continued dueling. Each swing from her was worse than the next, and each parry was even harder to muster. I think I even fell over a few times trying to block her strikes. I finally gained the advantage though as I jumped off of a rock and caught the girl by surprise during the duel. We fenced and dueled for a few more hours, with all the strange ingredients in my pouch, but I was too tired to duel her anymore. It almost looked like she won at this point. But then again, I forgot about Adagio and not only how much she needs me, but how much she can help me. It almost looked like out of nowhere, but Adagio creeped up behind the siren girl and punched her unconscious!

I forgot that she was stuck in a wooden cage, and now that my crew freed her, she came to help me by punching her in the face. I was so proud of her. But first, Adagio told me of the girl's name, and her potions. It turns out that the ingridients I've been collecting have been for those 3 potions, and I've collected enough to make two more potions. We hauled the siren girl into the brig of the Cursed Shell and hauled off. Then again, we talked to her about her past.

I felt sorry for her and promised her that once we're done with this mission, we will have this curse of her's lifted and she can join my crew. The girl, still stuck in the brig, agreed and even told me to give the potions to the sirens. I gave the orange bottle to Adagio, who drank it. The potions effects restored her singing voice, and after discovering this, Adagio and I opened a portal to give the purple bottle to Aria, who was still in Middle Earth with the other 3. I wondered how they were doing, so I sent a letter as well.

Chapter 10

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Well, I'm starting to have the most fun in my life. Limlugeth, Huron, Daddy Banks, and I were hanging out in the Shire, which is super nice to mention. We all started laughing and having fun in this place, talking to some of Daddy Bank's fellow hobbits, as Mr. Banks puts them himself. I was still distraught over the attack that happened, but it wasn't too bad. And it just got even better when I got mail from my friends outside Middle Earth. Basically, Adagio sent me a potion of sorts and said that if I drink it, then I'll get my singing voice back. I knew that I already got my singing voice back from my new guitar, but I drank it anyways in case I lost it. But we also got a letter from some guy in a place called "Gondor" or whatever, but once Huron read it out loud, he shuddered in excitement and fear at the same time.

The letter read: "Dear Pretty Brainless Businessmen, I have heard of your current mission here to protect a girl from your current enemies, so I have decided upon myself to meet this girl for myself and to offer this girl as much protection as I can muster. You may meet me in the castle of Gondor if you wish to accept my invitation, in which, she may train herself, teach herself, and more. Signed, Prince Beragon". Daddy Banks then told me that Prince Beragon is the future king of Gondor, and he becomes king once he gets married. I was then told that Beragon is around my age, and that me might just want to meet me as some sort of blind date.

To be honest, I was feeling kind of lonely, what with the loss of Trea Snowras, so I decided to give it a shot, despite the protests of Daddy Banks and Huron. Whether he would fall in love with me or not was up to him. Either that, or it was up to me. Anyway, I was curious as to meet this prince. As we trekked, I kept on getting flashbacks on Trea's death at the four hands of Tirek and Grievous combined. It still was taking a heavy toll on my soul to witness, but I didn't let it get in the way. We made it to the castle in Gondor, where we were confronted by guards and called "strangers", mainly because I was still wearing my pirate outfit given to me. But it wouldn't have made a difference because my normal outfit looks strange to them anyways.

Daddy Banks then pulled out a short sword called the "Solunar Blade" or whatever, and the guards recognized it, and my new friends, and let us in. They followed us in in case we were not who we said we were, seeing as they have never seen me before. We were brought before Prince Beragon, and we were forced to bow down because he's royalty. As we got up from bowing, the Prince gave Huron a hug, calling him "Old Friend", and proceeded to do the same thing to Daddy Banks and Limlugeth. This guy must have had a run in with the Pretty Brainless Businessmen before. Beregon then stood in front of me and started acting like a gentlemen. I stood there confused, until I remembered that we're here because this guy offered to help protect me from Sonata and her droids.

"So, it would be wise if you were to give me your name" Beragon said, getting a little too close for comfort. I pushed him away slightly, but remembering to tell him my name "My name's Aria. Nice to meet you Your Highness". "Oh, just call me Beragon." the prince said, as he put his arm around my shoulder. "If there's anything you need, just let me or one of my servants know. We'll get right to it" Beragon offered me, being all friendly with me. I was a bit icy and was about to say no, but then I remembered that I haven't finished my sword training yet, so I guess it wouldn't hurt to ask.

"Uh, you guys got any sword training thing-a-ma-bobbers or anything?" I asked Beragon, who just stood there confused to my request. "My dear lady, why should a delicate flower such as yourself need to risk yourself in the heat of combat?" He asked with the most gentleness in his voice. I swear, every time he acts all nice to me, I feel like I'm gonna puke my brains out. To bad that I had to roll with this guy. I then told him what the plan was before I was sent here for protection, which was that I challenge Sonata to a lightsaber duel. Since Sonata didn't have any training, I'd probably have the advantage. Then again, she's probably self taught, so I might have to prepare myself for the worst.

Beragon didn't really roll with it, but he kept note of my request, trying to not seem like a jerk to me. He spotted Trea's lightsaber around my belt and asked me if that's what I was planning to defeat Sonata with. I told him that the lightsaber wasn't mine, and then I told him about the battle that just occured, which is the reason I came here in the first place. I almost burst into tears telling it. "Oh. I'm sorry to here that all that happened to you. I'll be a bit more considerate next time. Would you like to start your sword play practice now?" Beragon said, trying to sympathize with me. It was a start to a slightly fragile friendship, knowing how stubborn I can be at times. I thought he was gonna train me himself, but then he told me about a wizard friend he knows known as "Danish the Red", who trained Beragon how to use a sword. And if Beragon is as good with a sword as he is with boasting, then I got a chance to fight Sonata.

"But first, care to change from that commoner clothing to something...a queen would wear?" Beragon offered me before meeting up with Danish. I thought it was some hair brained scheme to get him to fall for me, but I remembered I'm still dressed up like a pirate. A couple elves, with glowing blonde hair, unlike Huron and Limlugeth, came in with white boxes and had me wear a dress. To be honest, I wasn't all for wearing such a dress making me look like some sort of cartoon princess. But after putting on that dress, I actually liked it. I think Beragon read my mind or something that this is the kind of dress I would wear if I went to a dance or something, but it was almost like a dream come true. But of course, you can't have dreams without nightmares. And I know that I'm gonna have plenty of those during my stay in Middle Earth.

Chapter 11

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Well, I have no idea what just happened, but I'm not sure I can continue on with this mission anymore. My mind just instantly collapsed and I really wish I knew what happened. What happened was that I was training with Danish the Red the next morning, and Prince Beragon was there to oversee my training, and Danish asked if he could borrow Trea's lightsaber. At first, I wasn't okay with it, until I considered the fact that my lightsaber could destroy his staff and his sword with ease. As we started training, I felt the power of the Force flow through me through the siren gem. Danish didn't feel it due to the lightsaber not having a siren gem, nor did he need it, due to it being a wizard. But as we dueled, I felt stronger and stronger with every strike I landed on Danish.

But it was starting to scare me because with every passing second, the room got darker and darker and then it filled with groups of dark beings who looked like me, except with a shadowy look and wielding standard green lightsabers. The beings starting to call to me and try to disarm me, but I tried my best to fight back against the...things...that seemed to not care about Beragon and Danish. In fact, I wasn't sure I knew where Beragon and Danish were either. They seem to have just vanished. All that was left was for me to fight the dark beings. The beings then charged after me and fought me. As I fought wave after wave of the beings, they taunted me, calling me "The Jedi's Pet" and "Weakling" and "Just some ordinary girl to the PBB".

It almost seemed impossible to defeat them all. I was covered in the shadowy beings until light returned. Next thing I knew, I was on a bed in a room full of the orange, yellow, and white glows of the sun. I discovered that my lightsaber wasn't even in my hands, I was completely sweating, I had a need to catch my breath, and I felt like I just fell asleep during training. In fact, we weren't even in the training grounds anymore. I know SOMETHING happened, but what just happened? Apparently, Danish the Red said that I needed to resist the powers of the Siren Gem lightsaber if I was to continue using the weapon. Beragon said that I almost turned into another person entirely.

Beragon also mentioned that I almost destroyed Danish and the Training Ground as well, before I went completely unconscious. I then thought that this must have been the effect of me wielding the siren gem for too long. Then I thought that this must be what Sonata must have seen when she got a hold of her lightsaber. I decided not to use my lightsaber anymore for training. Not for too long anyways. As I got up from out of bed, a messenger came in for Huron saying that they need the PBB's help in Wakanda. I knew that something wasn't good down there. And the PBB were back at Gondor worrying about if I was okay. We had to tell them the news.

As Beragon, Danish, and I all raced back to Gondor on Horseback, we were ambushed by a group of dark skinned monsters dressed in clothing similar to Mango Mad's pirate clothing, but in darker tones. Beragon and Danish pulled out their own swords as I followed suit by activating my lightsaber. Danish yelled at the monsters to leave us alone, calling them "orcs". The orcs pointed their cutlasses at me, paying little to no attention to the Prince and the Wizard. "The captain wants that siren's head" The lead orc said. Beragon looked at the leader of the pack confused, but I'm twice as confused as he is. How did he know I was a siren? How did he know where to find me? The questions just kept on stirring in my head.

I readied my guitar in blaster position as I aimed the weapon at the leader of the pack. "I demand to know what you're talking about!" I told him, with my gun pointed at his head. He retaliated by pointing his cutlass in my direction and responding "If the captain wants you and your siren friends dead, then he shall have them dead. But we were given instructions by the captain to bring the three of you to him so he could kill you himself". Then, only one thing popped into my head over and over again: Who is this captain he was referring to? It looked like we had to surrender in order to find out. Then just in the nick of time, Huron, Limlugeth, and Daddy Banks came in on horseback with a batallion of Gondor's soldiers following them, outnumbering the orcish scallywags.

As we defended ourselves in the heat of battle, I tried to ask the Orc Pirate Leader more questions about who this mysterious captain is, but it was too late, as Huron fired an arrow, killing the orc. Guess our little mystery would have to wait as swords, bows, and guns all went at each other in a taste of a living Heck. I can't even remember how many orcs I killed in order to protect myself. In the end though, only a quarter of our men survived, all of the orcs have been killed off so there was no one to interrogate, and I almost forgot to give the news of Wakanda's attack. "Oh, Huron. We need to set up a defense at Wakanda. We just got word that there's gonna be an attack!" I told my elven friend as he called the shots at preparing men and elves to defend Wakanda from Sonata's droids. I then told Daddy Banks to warn Adagio that there is someone trying to kill the 3 of us. I still haven't figured out who it is though. I sure hope Adagio has better luck finding out.

Chapter 12

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Well, there is some good news and some bad news now going on in my life. The bad news is that I was given a tip by Aria and Daddy Banks that there was another player in this game trying to kill us. Daddy Banks told me that Aria was under attack by orcish pirates and that they said something about their captain wanting us sirens dead, keyword: SIRENS! Whoever this "captain" is, knows of our ability as sirens. Daddy Banks also had news for Mango Mad, saying that Wakanda was gonna be invaded by Sonata's droids. Mango Mad then said that he'll talk to Ghostbuster about some reinforcements to defend Wakanda.

The good news is that Ariel Kraken, the girl who kidnapped me earlier at Camp Everfree, is not that bad of a person once you get to know her. As I got along with Ariel in the brig, she revealed to me more about her life, most of it involving the Arch-Siren. Ariel noticed something was wrong every time she mentioned the Arch-Siren, and asked me what's wrong. I almost forgot to tell her when we first met that the Arch-Siren is my mother. Ariel's mind was blown the moment she heard that, and said that if I told her that earlier, she would have been more reluctant to kill me. But seeing as I told her now, that made me a closer friend to her. So close, in fact, that when Ariel gets out of the brig, she'll happily serve me as a crew member on my own pirate crew if I get one.

Meanwhile, in the Captain's Cabin, Mango Mad was calling SF_Ghostbuster on my cell phone that I let him borrow. "I'm not sure I can talk right now. I'm quite busy." Ghostbuster said as he was in a meeting with other PBB members and military leaders. Mango Mad then told Ghostbuster about the impending battle of Wakanda, and Ghostbuster then said that he'll discuss it with his fellows at the meeting right now. After a few seconds about who would rush in to help, Cupcakekitty, a fellow PBB member, said that she'll try to get some help from her home universe. As soon as Mango Mad gets the word that help is on it's way, he hangs up on my phone and sees a strange fog up ahead. He can't help but go investigate.

As theCursed Shellsails through the white mist, the crew come across a battleship roughly the same size as the Cursed Shell, but don't seem to find anyone on board. The ship was built with dark woods and rusted metals. The barnacles of the ship reached all the way up to the gun deck. The sails had holes that were burnt through. The entire ship as a whole smelled burnt like a campfire. Mango Mad asked me to follow him to the dingy and the both of us sailed over to the ship and hop on over to the other ship. As we sailed over, we found the name of this mysterious vessel to be called theSinging Spaniard, and we docked our boat at the side.

As Mango Mad and I scoured the ship for anyone at all, we opened up the hatch to get below deck, only to find tons of orcs ready to ambush unsuspecting victims. Mango Mad and I were almost surrounded by orc sailors, but we were covered by the crew of the Cursed Shell, who readied muskets, bows and arrows, and fired their ranged weapons to hit unsuspecting pirates. This gave us enough cover to fence one pirate at a time. During all the chaos, I heard one pirate yell "Get the Siren" before being shot in the arm. This must be part of the same crew that attacked Aria earlier! Mango Mad and I escaped to the Dingy as we sailed back to theShell.

The moment the Dingy was back with theShell, we sailed as far away from this mysteriousSpaniard as we possibly can. the moment we reached 50 miles on the sea, we saw that theSpaniard was following us, and faster than we expected. Mango Mad told his crew to get below deck to ready the cannons. TheSpaniard's crew did the same and fired their cannons. The Spaniard suffered more damage from the cannon fire, but her crew was more ready to swoop in to capture our crew. TheShell's crew had experience with a blade, but the Spaniard's crew was completely ruthless with their fighting skills. The only thing we could do was surrender.

As our crew surrendered, we were all tied up by our hands and forced on our knees as we would finally figure out who this mysterious "Captain" is that is trying to kill us, and knows full well of sirens. As he boarded the deck, I couldn't see with my head forced to stare at the deck of theShell, but the voice of this captain was one that scared me, because it was not one I'd thought I'd see. "Hello there Adagio" The captain said in a sarcastic tone, "I believe we're even now. You almost took the entire school under the spell of the sirens, and now I have your friend's crew as my prisoners. Isn't karma a funny thing"? I stared up to see the face that matched the voice. The only thing I could do is look up and ask him one question: "Since when did you become a Pirate, Flash"?

Chapter 13

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Who knew Wakanda would be such a paradise? Anyway, I got word from Daddy Banks that reinforcements were coming to help me lead the defense against Sonata's droids at Wakanda, so we set off to prepare for the invasion. When the reinforcements arrived, I saw a face I never thought would help. "CONNIE?" I yelled, as I ran over to my friend. Connie hugged me because she heard of the attack I had with the orcs and she wanted to make sure I was OK. I told her that I was, and that we have to get ready. I then saw a short small boy with a pink-red shirt with a yellow star on the front. I dunno why he's here as part of the reinforcements until Connie introduced me to him and vice versa. "Oh, silly me. Steven, I'd like you to meet my friend Aria. We took those lightsaber classes together before we were attacked. And Aria, this is my friend Steven Universe. My plan to help for reinforcements is to fuse with Steven and we can have some sword-and-shield action going on." Connie explained to me, as Steven and I shook hands with each other.

There were a couple more people Connie introduced to me because Connie explained that these people were handpicked by Cupcakekitty to help secure Wakanda from invasion. First, there was a green woman with triangle hair, and to be honest, I thought she was a pony disguised as a human. Connie introduced the both of us to each other, and the green woman, who calls herself "Peridot", reveals she made her own armored suit similar to the one Trixie has, but this one can change it's shape so that it can fit on any species, such as a human, a siren in siren form, a pony, anything. I'm not even gonna question how that would work, because if I do, I think my brain's gonna explode. Anyway, Connie also introduced me to a blue woman named Lapis Lazuli. Lapis appeared to be similar to Peridot, except she looked more like an exiled princess rather than an engineer. I was then told of her waterbending abilities, and thought of how much damage this could do to the droids, so I accepted her help with ease.

There weren't that many reinforcements, mainly because 4 people came to our aide, but seeing what they have, I'm confident that Wakanda is now in good hands. This confidence, however, wouldn't last long as everyone heard a small thumping from far away. "cla-thump! cla-thump! cla-thump!" when the noise, and we all looked up ahead to see the one thing we've been waiting for all day: The droids are on their way here! And there was only one thing that would terrify me out of anything in the battle: Lord Grievous is leading the attack. I activated my lightsaber and rallied up the troops to defend our allies at all costs. Huron, with a batallion of elves behind him, pulled out his bow, and all the troops followed. One by one, the droids slowly fell to the arrows of the elves. But the droids blaster fire could stand a chance against the archers of Middle Earth. Steven and Connie danced a while before the battle started and before my very eyes, transformed 2 small children into a massive human.

The being, calling itself "Stevonnie" pulled out Connie's lightsaber, and created a small pink shield in the other hand, and just charged right into battle, headfirst into the droids! I admired their courage, but something didn't feel right. And then it hit me. From out of the corner of my eye, Lord Greivous came charging at Stevonnie like a giant bullet. Grievous twirled his green and blue sabers around in a blaze of amazing speed, so fast even that I only saw green and blue circles, and not spinning blades. Stevonnie, however, gathered their wits and blocked incoming attacks with Steven's shield and counter attacked with Connie's lightsaber. Connie's purple blade met with Grievous' blue and green blades every chance they had, and they danced with amazing speed and style. For a moment there, I actually thought to myself that Connie might be a Jedi in disguise.

I couldn't watch Stevonnie fight Grievous for too long, because the droids were making their way past our defenses. Huron decided that he would wear Peridot's armor and even the odds against the droids. Limlugeth just scoffed and continued firing her arrows at the incoming enemy. As we continued fighting, the droids managed to ambush us by having droids come around on the other side. Our defenses were surrounded, and we were on the verge of surrender. Just at that moment though, Peridot grabbed me by the arm as the both of us hid inside a building so she could tell me some sort of plan.

Peridot theorized that the Battle Droids were powered by Sonata's enchanted singing voice, and that if a stronger song were to break through the droids, then they'd simply fall apart. I almost forgot my lightsaber was also a guitar, to be honest. I then remembered that I didn't get guitar lessons along with my lightsaber lessons. That was then Black Panther showed up inside the same building to help me come to my senses again after what happened last time. "If you truly want to fight these droids, you don't need some music lessons! Just play what's in your heart!" Panther said, before he jumped into the heat of battle, covering the building Peridot and I were in shortly before I would emerge and ready my lightsaber in guitar mode.

As I rocked the song that was playing in my heart, the droids that were nearby would start glowing green and collapse in defeat. I then asked Peridot to build an amplifier that would reach across all of Wakanda and end the invasion in one fell swoop. Peridot said that she can do that, but that it would take some time. I then contacted Huron, Limlugeth, Daddy Banks, Lapis, and Stevonnie. "I have a plan. Peridot says she can build an amplifier that can short circuit the droids in 5 seconds, but we need to give her more time if she's to finish the amp!" I told everyone, as they surrounded the building. Droid after droid, they slowly surrounded the building, and we're not sure if we could take much more of it anymore. They just kept on coming. Once Peridot was done the amplifier, I plugged my guitar in and played the same song that was playing in my heart. The boom of the song just had all the droids glowing green from Sonata's song being cut off and caused them all to collapse. It seemed like we hat this battle in the bag.

I made a role call to see who's not dead and I noticed Stevonnie wasn't here to defend Peridot. I then remembered that she was out dueling with Lord Grievous, and I rushed over to see how she was. The moment I got there however, Stevonnie reverted back into Steven and Connie, both of them were unconscious, and Grievous was this close to killing him. That was before I extended my hand out and grabbed Grievous' robot hands with the Force. "You cannot pass!" I told Lord Grievous as he no longer payed attention to Connie and Steven and slowly walked over towards me. "You WILL not pass!" I yelled as the pace was getting faster and faster. I started seeing those shadows of me again, knowing that that would mean I would fall unconscious again, but this time, I paid no mind to them. "YOU SHALL NOT PASS!!!" I boomed as I lunged at the land Grievous was running on, causing Grievous' ghost to leave the body of Lord Tirek. Tirek was confused as all heck, but we just covered him in a blanket and put him inside. Daddy Banks was then opening a portal to tell the PBB that the Battle of Wakanda was a success, and that Sonata's droids are diminishing. I certainly would call it that as well on my end. I wonder how well it's doing on Adagio's end.

Chapter 14

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Revenge is sweet, and I believe I got a spoonful of my own. I'm starting to get exactly what I wanted out of this getup: my own sword pointed at the neck of Adagio Dazzle. There's no way I'll let this opportunity escape my grasp. Not with the other two dazzlings still out and about in this crazed multiverse. My daydreams of vengeance would have to wait, as Adagio had several questions for me. "Flash, why are you doing this?" my prisoner asked me, completely helpless, just how I like it. "What makes you think I would tell you?" I snarled at Adagio, "It's not like I would 'tell you my tragic backstory' or anything". I then told my first mate, a ghost named Salazar, to have the crew take our new prisoners to the Spaniard's brig.

As we looted the Cursed Shell, we found a person in the Shell's own brig. She revealed herself to be a siren just like Adagio, Aria, and Sonata, so I had to open the door and drag her into the brig as well. I wonder how she ended up in this dump of a ship. Then again, I wonder how my luck would turn out so bad, yet so good, that I would end up becoming a captain of my own ship and crew. I walked on over to my cabin over at the Spaniardand asked myself: How did I get here? Like, How did all of this happen to me? Becoming Captain and all that good stuff? Well, that takes me back like an old man with a childhood memory.

Before I became a Captain and all that, I was still ticked off to see Adagio and Aria escape to who knows where with that pirate running around! My friends and I decided to get our minds off of it, but I was the only one who can't seem to stop thinking about it. As I walked around town trying to get my mind off of it, I saw more and more things reminding me of what the sirens took from me and why I hate them in the first place. I was put under their spell and was tricked into getting mad at my girlfriend at the time: Twilight Sparkle. This caused us to be "just friends", and once the spell was lifted, I never saw Twilight ever again. And the Sirens are to blame! As I continued my search for serenity, I came across a yard sale. I had some cash, so I guessed buying something would help out. I saw a hand mirror with a design like a crab and made out of old silver. I bought it, thinking of Twilight and her passage into this world through a giant mirror.

As I walked home with the mirror, I noticed that the mirror was wet and decided to dry it off. That's when the freaky stuff happened though, as every time I tried to dry off the darn thing, it only got more wet. I knew something was odd about this mirror. Maybe it was Equestrian Magic. I tried asking Sunset what she thought about it, but she wasn't even here. I then stared inside it, hoping it might hold the key. Inside the mirror was the ghost of a man called Captain Salazar. Salazar told me how he hated a man once, and now he won't stop until he got his revenge. Salazar also said that I should probably do the same thing, seeing as we're both dealing with pirate related issues. I finally agreed with him and asked him to help me get started. Salazar said that if I smash the mirror, it will open a portal to the Devil's Triangle and allow him to escape temporarily. Once he was free, every step he made was covered in water to prevent him from stepping on land.

I was extremely desperate at the time, and I had nothing, so I smashed the mirror into tiny little pieces. The moment I smashed it, rain came pouring down and I ran the rest of the way home. The moment I was inside, I dried myself off and the lights started flickering. A ghostly figure came through the wall and tells me to wait here while he goes to spy on Adagio for me so I know how to deal with her. Am I actually doing this? Have I actually opened a doorway to an opportunity where I deal the ultimate payback? I decided to do as I'm told and wait for his return. The next day, Salazar returned and told me that Adagio is becoming a pirate herself, Aria and Sonata are nowhere to be found, and that I needed a ship and a crew in order to defeat her.

We needed a portal to another world in order to get started. As we tried to think of a way to open a portal, a couple of guys in ash grey T-Shirts came in and was looking for Captain Salazar. I then looked at their belts and saw that they had some hi-tech portals on them. I tried to take them, but the strange guys actually fought back. Salazar whispered to me that I shouldn't have that for an answer, and I borrowed Salazar's sword, and pointed it at the guys so they could give me their portals. They gave me what I wanted out of fear, and Salazar and I tied them up and gaged them and hid them in the basement. We then opened a portal to a universe the locals called "Middle Earth". We ended up in a pub filled with orc pirates, all of which would be my future crew. I challenged all the pirate captains to a duel and bested them all one by one, earning their crews and positions as captain of their ships. Soon enough, I got an entire fleet on my hands. It was only a matter of time before Adagio got what was coming to her.

Speaking of Adagio, I couldn't flash back any further as she broke out of the brig along with the other siren girl and the same pirate who got Adagio out of my home universe in the first place. The three stood no chance against my orc army as they were quickly surrounded. It's clear that escape was their plan, but I didn't want my crew to kill them off. I decided to kill them myself. They were too dangerous to be left alive if my revenge was to be fulfilled. I pulled out my own sword and dueled the 3 pirates. I quickly bested Adagio and her new friend, but the captain was proving to be quite a challenge. We dueled and danced on the Spaniard for a good 10 minutes, before I tired Mango Mad and stabbed him right in the gut. Blood was oozing from the wound, and Adagio ran to the captain panicking. This is when I put the pieces together: Adagio and this pirate captain LOVE each other. I let him remain injured to serve as a bit of justice to Adagio for taking Twilight away from me the way she did.

The Captain, still injured though, gave Adagio a ring and told her to run to Middle Earth. She was told to gather an even bigger ship and crew to combat mine, and she did just that. We didn't have much time to pursue her however because the Captain opened a portal to a universe which was actually the home universe of my friend Salazar. I was about to stab him again from delaying my vengeance, but his injured body disappeared before such an action could be made. Salazar stared in fear as he told me that he was dying so fast that he escaped to Davy Jones' Locker. I paid no mind to it because, honestly, how much trouble could a dead guy be? I prepared the crew to open a portal to Middle Earth and search everywhere for Adagio! I won't let her get away.

Chapter 15

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When you engage in a sword duel: Don't get stabbed! It's no fun. Trust me on that. I was stabbed once, and I almost died. Well, technically I DID die and I ended up in Davy Jones' Locker, but I knew what I was doing heading here. I woke up on the deck of an ancient ship that made theCursed Shelllook more like a rowboat in comparison. The deck was completely submerged in water, giving it a cold feel of death. As I woke up, I was with around 6 or 7 other men there, and descending from the poop deck was a man covered in the smell of the seas and shadows. I couldn't get a good view of him, due to me just waking up, but I heard the other men talking to him about "joining his crew" or something.

Once he got to me however, I finally got a good look at his face. He had the face of an elf, yet the long flowing hair of a man. "My name is William Turner. Do you wish to return to the land of the living?" he said to me, stroking my face to get my attention. I asked him how I got here, and Will explained to me that when I was stabbed, I was mortally wounded and that there was a 50% chance of me dying, so he was offering a way to lower those chances in order to survive. I was no fool, so I said to him "What is it you want in return? I know my way around deals, and by offering me survival, you're asking me to do something for you in return".

Will, disgusted by my wits, tells his men to send me to the depths of the seas for eternity. I try to fight back, but find that my hands are tied. I decided that my tied fists are enough as a weapon, so I swing them back and forth between the crew, backing them up. One of the crew members swings a sword at me, and I position the blade to cut the rope and untie me. I then pull out my own sword and duel the rest of Will's crew. "Mr. Turner! What made you think I said 'No'?" I yelled to the Captain, as he just stood there and watched me fight. This was immediately followed by Captain Turner asking me how I got here in the Locker in the first place.

The crew backs down as Captain Turner and I head inside his cabin to discuss our bargain. We had some tea in there and Turner asked me about my entrance to the Locker. I then told him about Adagio, Aria, Sonata, and their "old friend" Flash Sentry, and how Flash injured me in order to get revenge on Adagio for putting Flash and the school under their spell and all of that jazz. Will wouldn't get his mind off of Flash stabbing my heart to sever the love Adagio has for me, because he then told me that he too was stabbed by the devilfish himself, Davy Jones. Will then told me about his wife, Elizabeth, and how she's back on land and he's captaining Jones' old ship. I think I just got him to sympathize with me, so there's a good chance this bargain will go very well.

As we continues on our agreement, Will said that he usually let's people live if they joined his crew. If they don't agree, then their souls continue to get ferried over to the afterlife. I figured that's how it went anyways, so I explained that Flash has my ship and crew taken prisoner, and that I could use some help getting it back. Will asked me if Adagio was Sentry's prisoner or not, and I said no. Mentioning her actually started to depress me because I told her to run, and now I don't know where she ran. Will Turner then said that I'll get the chance to see her and complete my missions for the PBB. It didn't cheer me up because I'm not sure if I'm gonna see her again, because maybe Flash got to her, or worse.

Will cheered me up by finalizing my agreement: If I don't get my sword wound healed before I complete the mission the Businessmen assigned me, I will not die and be a part of Will Turner's crew. It's a simple deal, and I just hope I could find a way to fix up the wound in time. Then I thought about Adagio and how far she's come in her pirating. Could she have defeated Sonata Dusk without me? I doubt it, knowing that there is an evil pirate classmate bent on revenge on the Dazzlings. Every thought spun me more and more into fear, as we were wasting time for the moment with this discussion. We had to move quickly, or else everyone will complete the mission for me, and I'll be stuck in Davy Jones' locker, or worse, Flash Sentry or Sonata win.

I exited the captain's cabin and Turner told me to release the mainsails. I climbed up the seaweed like masts and undid the knots. My experience as a Captain never really prepared me for this task though, so I examined the rope and saw the underwater detailing confusing. It was then I realized, I never really was a crew member before until now. I knew this task of being an actual crew member was gonna be harder than being a captain, but it was what I had to do if I wanted to see if the Cursed Shell was OK, or if I were to see Adagio ever again. I never really thought about mow much she was just "a part of the mission" when I first met Adagio, but I now learned how much she's worth fighting for. I'd rather die myself than let her die!

Chapter 16

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I cannot believe we actually won the battle of Wakanda. I mean, WOW! I'm impressed with how our team pulled through and fought against Sonata's droids. A lot of people, including Huron and Daddy Banks, were congratulating me for leading the defense. Even Limlugeth congratulated me, and she doesn't even talk! Anyways, the PBB and I were all celebrating our victory and mourning the losses of the dead Gondor soldiers in the Shire along with Prince Beragon and his army, Black Panther and his soldiers, and the hobbit citizens who lived in their little holes. I don't really want to brag, but I felt so proud of winning Wakanda for my friends that way. I haven't felt this way in ages.

Danish the Red then walked up to me and decided to tell me something. "I congratulate your leadership Aria in winning the battle" Danish said, as he slowly put his hand on my shoulder "But the war isn't over yet". I asked him what he meant by that, and Danish then told me that he just got word that we have found Sonata's total battle droid number, and that our battle at Wakanda was only a small handful of droids compared to how many droids she's got cooped up with her. "If we don't act quickly, she could multiply her troops and do so much worse than what Wakanda could have faced" Danish reminded me, but I then remembered that droids weren't the only casualties in the Wakanda battle. I knew we couldn't risk worse than what we got back there.

Black Panther then walked up to me and said that we found the source of Sonata's droids. "I just got word from Question, and he told me to tell you that she's building her battle droids in a factory on a planet called 'Geonosis'" the King of Wakanda said, as I almost jumped for joy, but then realized that she's clearly outnumbered us at this point. Any sort of attack would be a suicide mission. We might have won the battle of Wakanda, but we didn't win it without our fair share of casualties. I told Black Panther that we shouldn't attack it, due to our lack in numbers compared to her droids, and it's a risk I would never take.

Beragon overhears this and asks what's going on. I then tell him about the Geonosis factory and how Sonata is using them to build her droids. "Why are we not acting when we have the chance?" Beragon said, with the confidence he could muster after Wakanda's victory. I then told him to look at his army. I told him that all I saw were men that could all die by my hands if I make a simple mistake. "You see men who could die by your simple mistake? I see men ready to give their lives so that others could live! That's why they're the army of Gondor after all." Beragon said, encouraging me to make this move. He then told me that if this is a factory, then if we take it down, we could limit Sonata's army and this war will end much quicker.

Connie then heard my plight and decided to help out. "Aria, Steven went through a similar problem. He tried to not be my friend anymore because he was afraid I could get hurt. You can see how that went after I told him that I wanted to be a part of his universe. And now, these soldiers are willing to be a part of yours" Connie told me as she put my arm around me. I put my hand around Connie, thanking her for the encouragement, but reminded her of our dwindling numbers compared to Sonata's. Connie, thinking this through, pulled out her lightsaber and volunteered to help in the attack on Geonosis. Steven, Peridot, and Lapis all decided to volunteered as well. I thanked them for their help, but said it wouldn't be worth it though.

Now that I kept on thinking about Wakanda's battle, I realized how much of an amateur leader I was. Back when I was a Dazzling, Sonata and I were just Adagio's Backup singers. Adagio would have been to go to girl with a plan, and even SHE led us to lose in the first Battle of the Bands. Why am I suddenly becoming to go to girl with a plan? I didn't quite get it. Was some of Adagio rubbing off on me? I have no idea. And even if I am becoming the go to girl with a plan, I doubt that I could simply think my way through Sonata's factory, and whatever defenses she's got laying there to possibly kill us. She couldn't have left her factory defenseless after all.

Beragon then put his hands on my shoulder and reminded me of how much of a leader I was back at Wakanda. "I'm not sure if you noticed this, but we were outnumbered in the Battle of Wakanda from the beginning until when you played your guitar like that." Beragon said, slightly making me feel better. If we were outnumbered at Wakanda, then how did we win? "It's not about numbers Aria. It's about strength in what you know what to do." Danish commented, as he sees where Beragon is coming from. They're both saing that we already have some pretty heavy fighters on our team, me included.

I finally thought it through and decided to have the attack on Sonata's droid factory be Green lit. "Okay, Fine. We will attack Wakanda, but I'm not gonna be the one who'd going to lead the attack". Everyone looked at me, shocked, as I said that I nominate Prince Beragon to lead the attack against Sonata's droid factory, and the majority of her army. Beragon was flattered, but denied the request, saying that even he could be a pretty amateur prince at times. Beragon then told me of a legendary warrior from long ago; a ranger by the name of Aragorn, and how he didn't want to be king, but fulfilled his destiny and became one anyways. I then stared at my saber and back at Beragon, and decided that I will indeed lead the attack on Geonosis.

Chapter 17

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Oh my goodness! This might as well be the best day of my life right here. I outsmarted Aria and laid a trap at my Geonosian factory so that when Aria and her pathetic excuses of friends come to destroy it, they'll be no match for me and my minions. I can't believe she fell for that for realsies. I'm holding back laughter at this. And Adagio thought I was an idiot. Granted she also called Aria an idiot as well as me, but I just proved myself smarter than her. Might as well call this the end of our little feud here, cause I played my final move against my fellow Dazzlings in this war I created in the first place.

Enough bragging about how smart I am, time to reveal what this is all about. Basically, I've prepared defenses all around my Geonosian Factory so that when Aria and her Businessmen friends come to destroy the factory, they'll not only be heavily outnumbered, but they'll also be heavily outgunned. I've prepared some heavily modified tanks with stereo cannons that will project my singing voice at them, causing them to fall under my siren spell. Then again, it would be very foolish of me to prepare a trap and NOT have some bait, wouldn't it? Well, fear not, because I've got some bait prepared in mind: Question.

Basically, I found out that there were 6 heroes who managed to escape my siren spell, so I sent my droids out to capture every single one of them. Only one of them still survives my spell, but he wouldn't be so lucky if Aria hadn't found a weakness in my droids in the first place and captured Lord Grievous. However, I have managed to lock up Moon Night aboard my ship due to a mental health issue, and Cyborg and Flash are now under my spell. All that remains is the webhead, Spider-Man, and the leader of the rebel group: Question. I decided to face them both with a little help from my mind controlled toys.

Basically, I led Question and Spider-Man to an abandoned warehouse and had a mind controlled hero, a woman by the name of "Black Canary", sing a supersonic song to attack Spider-Man and his black spider-suit. I figured super-sonic frequencies would be the weakness of the symbiote, so Black Canary would be the person to deal with Spidey. Meanwhile, the faceless detective pointed a blaster at me, hoping to scare me off. I then activated my lightsaber, proving his desicion to be a deadly mistake. Sooner or later, both of them surrendered and succumbed to my spell. I was aware of Aria's victory at Wakanda, but I used this to my advantage. I decided to have Question tell Black Panther the location of my Battle Droid factory, and to make Panther stoked about it. I watched the conversation and let out a hiss of my power.

Once I got back to my ship, however, I saw an old friend of mine fight Adagio on a pirate ship of sorts. I was super confused at this turn of events because I did not expect Flash Sentry to become a pirate like Adagio did. It got stranger even when I saw the two of them fighting. It didn't even look like they were under my spell, they were just fighting. They basically sailed around, shooting each other with their cannons, and eventually, Flash got the drop on Adagio and got her captured. It seemed like Flash got himself a ghost friend as well to help him out with whatever he was doing. I decided not to intervene until I got the information I needed on what was going on.

I decided to watch them some more so that I figure out what was going on. I saw Flash's ugly looking pirate crew put Adagio and his pirate friends in the brig to rot. It looked like Flash was planning some revenge of his own. I sensed that Flash wanted revenge on the Dazzlings for putting the entire school under his spell. If only I could tell him to get on my level of seeking revenge. I also sensed that Flash wanted to kill Adagio, Aria, and I in order to fulfill his revenge. If he wanted revenge on me, he should have gotten an actual army to fight me. My lightsaber and my Force Powers would cut through his rusty rapier and destroy him in mere seconds.

As I continue to stalk Adagio and Flash, I see that Adagio and her pirate friends escaped the brig and tried to take the longboat to safety. Flash wasn't dumb enough to not notice that, so he caught up to Adagio and fought the three pirates one at a time. He eventually stabbed one of the pirates, mortally wounding him, and Adagio practically flipped and held the pirate in her arms and started crying. I would be crying too if I knew what was happening aboard that ship myself. The pirates then disappear in a flash of green, and my droids calculate their universe destinations. I won't remain confused like this for long.

I then decided to send a thousand B1 battle droids to Middle Earth to find Adagio, capture her, find Flash Sentry, capture him, bring them both to me, and finally figure out what the heck is going on. Did Adagio get himself a boyfriend or something? Is Flash now jealous that Adagio has himself a boyfriend while Sentry is now single? One thing for sure is absolutely certain about this stalking: I really need to catch up with Adagio and Aria more often instead of cooping myself in my ship for so long. Then again, I do get free tacos. And sooner or later, I'm gonna get the answers I need for figuring out what Adagio is doing.

Chapter 18

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This has become one of the worst days of my life. Not even me losing the first Battle of the Bands is worse than this. Don't believe me? Well then, would you rather lose a precious siren gem, or have your boyfriend or girlfriend injured by someone who hates your guts? The thing is that both things have happened to me. Mango Mad was injured by Captain Flash Sentry and I thought I would never see him again as Ariel and I escaped to Middle Earth with nothing but Mango Mad's ring. He told me to keep this golden ring safe at all cost, and that this ring is just as precious to him as the Siren Gem was to me. It must have had some sort of strange power to it, but I was too depressed to care.

Ariel and I made it to the pub where Mango Mad taught me how to fight in a pub and we had ourselves a few drinks of water. I was surprised to see that the pub had root beer of all things, but then I remembered that Mango Mad might have supplied them with such drinks. Ariel put her hand over my sulking body as this caught the eye of the bartender, who was a young dwarf with long curly black hair, a short beard, a scottish accent. The bartender introduced himself as Chris Aleofstorm, and asked me what the problem was. I explained it to Chris and he said that Mango Mad was a close friend of his, and that his sacrifice will not go in vain.

He then gets out of the bartender's room, revealing his small stature, and whistling loud enough for all the pirates in the pub to hear. He explained that there is a new threat in town, that threat being Flash Sentry, and that he has injured Mango Mad. He explained that we're not sure if he's alive or not, but if he is confirmed to be dead, then Sentry is hereby cursed to deal with not one, but all of the pirates that have assisted Mango Mad and have been assisted by Mango Mad. I almost let out a tear of joy as all the pirate roared out in agreement as they all pulled out their swords and readied their ships. Chris then put his hand on my shoulder and asked me to lead the way.

As I got to Chris' own ship and crew, which Chris let me temporarily captain, Ariel asked me if she could borrow the portal Mango Mad gave me for a second. I did so, and she left for a good 5 minutes before coming back and increasing our fleet size by 2 (and a half, maybe). In those 5 minutes, I counted the ships to see if it would be enough to take down the Singing Spaniard. Seeing as it was able to take down theCursed Shell, that proved to be a problem. It would be best to prepare a fleet in case Flash pulled the same trick on us. Just then though, Captain Sentry appeared, and fulfilled my prediction of a fleet. But what I failed to predict was that Sentry's fleet outnumbered ours.

All the pirates looked still and frightened that they might all die during the firefight. I, however, found hope in all of this. I grabbed the rope bridge to the crews nest to grab everyone's attention, and I just sang. I just sang the song Mango Mad and his crew sang to defeat Ariel before she became my friend. As I sang the song, the crew became mesmerized and started singing along. As the crew of Chris' ship started singing along, the crews of the other ships started singing along and raising all of their black flags. I relaized that not only did I get my singing voice back, but I got my power back. And I didn't use it for personal gain this time. I knew I'm making Mango Mad proud, wherever he is.

As soon as the entire fleet was put under my spell, the Singing Spaniardstarted sailing forward, with three of our ships sailing in to take it down. Two of them went to the side whereas the third one made a 90 degree turn and aimed it's starboard at the front of the Spaniard. I could very faintly hear Flash yell "FIRE!" as the Spaniard fired her weapons at the opposing ships. The ship at the front fired it's starboard cannons at the front, but not before Flash ordered his crew to hijack the ship and blow itself up from the inside. The remaining pirates in our fleet were slightly less confident in taking down Flash and his orc pirates, but still confident enough for the song to still be in effect.

As soon as those three ships were sunk, two following orc pirate ships came sailing past Captain Sentry and at our fleet, preparing for an attack. I decided to counter this attack by having my current ship sail up against them. Chris and his dwarven crew loaded the cannons with an oil covered cannonball that will light on fire when the cannon is fired. The orc ships were preparing to sandwich us, but our counter was to load the Port cannons and steer the ship so that the ship trying to shoot at us from our starboard side, we would end up shooting from our port side instead. Our plan worked and this caught the other orc ship off guard, so we just straight out blasted them with everything else we had.

As soon as I saw the Singing Spaniardagain, I took out a spyglass and saw Flash Sentry snarling out at my new crew in anger. I could see him yelling, but we were so far away that no one except Flash's orcs and uriks and whatnot could understand him. I then asked Ariel what would be the best thing to do to capture Flash. Ariel had no clue, but as we were about to start the fight, Mango Mad's ring started glowing yellow with big white letters on the ring. I couldn't read what the lettering was saying because it was in some other language, but I think it was influencing me to sail straight into battle and fight Flash Sentry face to face. As soon at I noticed that, I was holding onto the helm sailing our ship over to the Spaniard, ready to attack. What's the worst that could happen?

Chapter 19

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It truly was a chaotic day to be living the Pirate's Life for Adagio and I. Adagio was still hurting after what Flash did to Mango Mad, and I still feel like I should help her. I just dunno how though, other than to make her feel better. Not only am I trying to be a good friend to her, even though I did kidnap her once, but Adagio and I are trying to survive, and Flash Sentry is having his ship, the Singing Spaniard, fire at our ship, trying to kill us all. Adagio then commanded her crew to board Flash's ship to get them to stop firing at us. They then swung on their little ropes and did just that, swing on over to the Spaniard. Funny enough, it was easy. But now comes the hard part.

The pirates from Middle Earth were having a hard time fighting Flash's Pirate Orcs as they were just plain brutal with their fighting style. Luckily, I hired in pirates from other universes as well to help fight of the Orcs. I remember even seeing a Faunus pirate from Remnant come in to knock a gunner off of the railing. I dunno if it actually was the Faunus I hired or not, but that was such a good thing to see during the fight though. It wouldn't last long though as Flash Sentry would come down onto the deck and start killing off our sailors, regardless of which universe they came from. I was struck with fear the moment Flash started his spree, but Adagio saw this as an opportunity.

Adagio then grabbed a rope as I grabbed onto the helm, and Adagio landed straight in front of Flash with her cutlass in her hand. Flash Sentry was prepared for this moment, because that's why he's even here in Middle Earth: to destroy Adagio. As they continued their duel, both of their eyes lit up with rage every clash their swords made. Adagio still felt pain for Mango Mad and what Flash did to him while i could see a similar pain in Flash's eyes, though I could not tell what that pain was for him. Despite who's rage was more powerful or not, Adagio knocked Flash's sword out of his hand with the flat of her blade and brought him on board our ship to keep him prisoner. But she still had to fight on the Spaniardbecause the Orc Pirates were dealing heavy damage on our men.

As our ships battled, before our very eyes, we saw something that we thought would be impossible (Funny coming from a literal siren), a ship ascended from the ocean floor and on the seas. The ship was littered with corals and seagrass and seaweed and soaked in water. The ropes from the ship were swinging onto the Spaniardto hold everyone at sword point. These strange sailors looked like fish monsters as most of them sported deathly white skin. There was only one of them who did not look anything like a fish, and it was a shock to Adagio: Mango Mad was alive. This exited Adagio so much she ran on over to hug him, while it infuriated Flash. His eyes burned like the yellow fires he made in the seas, as a ring on his left hand started blazing. A few of our sailors jumped into the sea in fear of the power this ring was causing. What kind of power was this ring giving him.

This, however, did not stop us from continuing the battle, as the Captain of the ship Mango Mad came on, a man named Will Turner, commanded Mango Mad to fight off Sentry. Now outnumbered, we all pointed our swords at the lonely captain as he finally surrendered and ceased his attack. Chris, captain of the ship Adagio was temporarily captaining, said that if she wanted, then she could keep his ship. I decided to step in, saying that with repairs and a bit of a makeover, then Adagio can captain the Singing Spaniard. I dunno why I felt like saying that, but it would be a bad idea to destroy this ship. Adagio said that it was a brilliant idea, as she instantly made me her first mate. Felt a little fast to be honest, but I'll take what I can get at this point.

As we thought our fight with Sentry was complete, I felt like we were forgetting something. It was at this moment, however, that we knew, we screwed up. They came out of the nearby cliffs like animals, and yet strategized like soldiers. Robots with a glowing red presence surrounded all of us, even though there were too few of them to outnumber us. One of the robots, specifically one with yellow paint of it, pointed it's gun at Adagio and announced "You are all under arrest in the name of Sonata Dusk"! Some of the robots replied with "Roger, roger." as they slowly tried to handcuff us. A blue armored girl came up from the side of the ship and shot the yellow painted robot, destroying it. The rest of us followed suit and destroyed the rest of the droids.

The armored girl takes off her helmet. I still dunno who she is, but Adagio seems to know, as the girl tells Adagio that Aria is heading towards a trap and that we need to help her. We all agreed that we have to help Aria complete her goal, as Mango Mad takes control of the mission once again, mainly because he was supposed to be taking control in the first place. Mango Mad, in the meantime, had a nice conversation about where Mango Mad was, explaining everything that happened. Adagio was almost about to cry after thinking about how he almost died, and that if he died, it'll be like losing the siren gem all over again. Mango Mad, after seeing those sapphire blue tears, comforted her and told her that it's gonna be all right. But for now, we have a robot army to bust.

Chapter 20

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Well, there's some new good news and some new bad news. The good news; Flash Sentry has been arrested for attempted murder, his ghost friend, Salazar, has been put back into his place, his orc minions are put back in THEIR place, and Mango Mad reunited with Adagio Dazzle, and we are close to winning our happy ending. The bad news, Aria Blaze is heading into a trap set by Sonata Dusk, and I have to help the pirates get to Geonosis to counter the trap. Mango Mad was generous enough to open a portal to the dustball of a planet, as we set up camp so that we could intersect the paths of both army, creating the element of surprise.

I've read some recent news about the battle that happened at Wakanda, and how they discovered the droid's weakness: stronger music. I've fought the Dazzlings during the first battle of the bands and won. If I can beat all 3 of them once with plain singing, then I can certainly beat a bunch of B1 battle droids with a super powered stereo made from old Clone Wars technology. I wasn't sure how this was gonna work out, but Ariel Kraken helped me out in building the weapons. I was uneasy at first, after learning that she too is a siren, but she's actually pretty nice. In fact, she actually reminds me of myself a bit. No time for backstories though.

As we were finishing up building the super-sterios, Mango Mad hooked them up to some 17th century cannons he summoned with a portal to give it a pirate-y touch, and hooked it up to a microphone and some instruments, as they cannot use stereos without any music play. That's electronics 101, so I can't argue with what he was doing. However, Ariel, during her helping me build the weapon, noticed Mango Mad act all injured while he was hooking up the wires. Ariel told me about how Mango Mad was stabbed in the chest by Flash Sentry. We talked about how he shouldn't have survived that, and I suggested that Ariel should speak with him about it, seeing as Mango Mad doesn't know me at all.

Ariel then walked to Mango Mad, as he stumbled and fell, carrying a huge wire. The mysterious fourth siren helped him up and asked him how he survived. Mango Mad then showed Ariel the sword wound, which stained his grey shirt in blood. Mango Mad explained that he was OK, because he made a deal with a ghost pirate named "Will Turner", who let Mango Mad live long enough to complete his mission, or else Mango Mad works for Will. Mango Mad then explained that the only way to break this deal is if the wound was removed, which would be unlikely. "At least it'll give me enough time to say goodbye to Adagio this time round." Mango Mad said, with a tear in his eye.

Ariel then though of a loophole. She explained that the potion that helped restore a siren's singing voice (which I was unaware of until overhearing the conversation from a safe distance) could be used by non-sirens to heal wounds, as the destruction of a siren gem is technically a wound to a siren. The two of them were unsure of if there would be any side effects or not, but they weren't sure if there were any alternatives (I knew of many alternatives, but I didn't care to share because I was busy with the weapon). Mango Mad then tries to recount the number of potions they made, and Ariel remembers making 4, one for each siren.

Mango Mad then said that he remembered making a 5th siren potion in case one of the potions got lost in any way. Ariel asked where it was, and discovered that it's back on theCursed Shell, which is still sailing there in the fog, untouched from it's previous battle (I really need to catch up on what's going on). Mango Mad said if he could find the potion and take it before the battle is won, he won't have to go back to the Locker. The Pirate captain then opened a green portal to the last place theCursed Shellwas placed, and it was placed right where it was left since she was last sailed by her captain.

We weren't sure if Mango Mad had any time to get the potion before the battle started, because guess what? The battle stinking started. We got a good view of it from the clifftops, and saw Aria lead an assault on a heavily armed droid factory. But she was gonna be overwhelmed soon enough. Aria was brave during the fight, but was quickly losing the advantage. I gave Adagio and Ariel the all clear to start the counterattack, as she led an army of pirates down the cliffside, some with old Clone Wars era speeders for calvary, and caught both parties by surprise. I could even hear Aria's reaction as Adagio came up to save her from a droid blast. The two were bickering with each other as they were fighting, which didn't help anyone honestly, but it still helped them catch up on each other. Adagio then gave a wave of her sword at the new tanks rolled out, and the tanks were destroyed due to our new weapons, but the droids kept on coming out, like they were making them by the second.

As we pressed on our attack, Aria was rocking away on her lightsaber guitar, and she just asked "So, where's Mango Mad?" to Adagio. Adagio then just looked around, but then realized he was nowhere in sight. Ariel then showed up and explained to Adagio the deal with Will Turner that Mango Mad made, but not where he currently was. Adagio hoped he's OK doing what he's doing at the moment and just pressed on towards the attack. If I lead the attack, I would have counter-attacked later to be honest, mainly because our assault isn't doing much to the droid forces, band attack or no band attack. The weapons were still doing their job, but I felt like we were too into the moment to even consider starting the attack, and the Dazzlings were starting to feel it to.

Chapter 21

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I never expected the Cursed Shellto be left alone after Flash's attack on our mission. I mean, seriously; It didn't move an inch. I thought it would have been docked by fellow PBB members or something. Maybe they were busy in a battle with Twilight Sparkle or somebody. Anyway, I'm not here to find out why it's still sitting here. I'm here to find a backup siren potion I brewed in case the one Ariel Kraken brewed was either lost, stolen, or destroyed. I just hope this backup potion isn't destroyed itself, otherwise, I would have no other option than to join the crew of the Flying Dutchman.

I was scouring all throughout the captain cabin, and I could see that the smelly old orcs moved stuff around, looking for valuables. They didn't find any treasure that they wanted to keep, so at least that was kept safe. I opened a drawer in my desk, covered in maps of Middle Earth, as well as other islands and continents and legends of old, and inside the drawer were some spare flintlocks, some elvish knives, some spare bandanas, some doubloons of different cultures, and then, a small white light shone through. It was the potion, at long last. I opened the corked, warned myself of any side effects, and down the hatch the mysterious liquid went. My head was woozy after that, and after a few minutes, I passed out onto the deck of the Cursed Shell.

I woke up a few minutes later, and I see that my scar is gone, and I no longer have to worry about joining Will Turner aboard the Flying Dutchman. It wasn't over yet as I tried to rejoin Adagio back into the battle, but my through burned as if I swallowed a hot coal whole. Could this have been one of the side effects? I was only the first human to try this potion out for myself, so I had no clue to say the least. I then noticed something come to mind. The potions are supposed to be used by sirens who have lost their singing voice. I wonder if this burning sensation has affected my voice in any way, for better or for worse.

I decided to hum a few bars, and as I hummed, I noticed the fish in the water dancing along, as I saw people dancing in my head in the exact same way. I decided to sing a little louder, and the fish swam faster to the song. The fish started emanating a blue mist that floated over towards my neck. Have I absorbed the powers of a siren? One more way to find out. I gave my voice all it could, and sang to my hearts content. The fish circled around the Cursed Shell, making it spin a little even. As I blasted my voice across the ship, my eyes started glowing a silver shade, and from out of my body, and this blue mist, I have discovered the full powers of the sirens; by summoning my own siren form. It floated over towards me, and I patted my head on the beast, as it was an extension of my own self. It was at this moment that I came up with a plan.

I contacted Daddy Banks, Huron, and Limlugeth, who were still on Geonosis, fighting alongside Adagio, Aria, and Ariel. I asked them if they have anyone who is hydrokinetic, meaning they have control over the water. Huron explained that they have Lapis Lazuli of the Crystal Gems here fighting alongside them, and I asked them to ask Lapis to control the waters to bring the Cursed Shell onto Geonosis the moment I open a portal. Lapis got the message and said she would be happy to do so, but had no idea why. My PBB teammates had no idea what my plan was either, but I explained it as a surprise to everyone.

I opened a portal big enough to fit the entire Cursed Shell into, and Lapis gently used her power to levitate the water surrounding the Shell, so she could bring it to Geonosis. The moment I passed through the portal, I heard myself singing harder than I did before, giving my voice everything it got, and my Siren Form appeared once again, stronger than before. It flew around, devastating the droid forces and the tanks. The Dazzlings were shocked, not only to see another siren form in action, but one used by a human male! Adagio decided to sing along, seeing as her voice was fixed by the same potion, and she summoned her own siren form to assist my siren form in combat. The two siren forms flew around gracefully once the attack was over, and then they dissipated into the air.

The Cursed Shell landed, the waters absorbing into the Geonosian dirt, and I swung down from a rope to see everyone. Adagio ran up to me, tears in her eyes, exclaiming that what we did was incredible, and that she though she lost me again. I hugged her back and said that I won't be leaving anytime soon. Ariel was stunned to see me summon my own siren form. I explained to her that it must have been the potion, which Ariel figured must make sense. I congratulated Aria for leading the battle against Sonata's droids, and that her forces were indeed strong enough to win the battle if it wasn't a trap.

"No. Without that stunt you pulled, we would all be either captured or dead. And for that, I thank you." Aria said, as Sunset overheard everything and could only joke "How come the pirate gets all the praise, whereas the clone wannabe is the one escorting Trixie and this dead droid to jail?" She said, as Trixie, stripped of her stolen armor was put in handcuffs, as well as unusual battle droid parts and an orange ring in a sealed jar, were both being escorted to the same prison Flash Sentry was escorted to. We all chuckled a bit as Sunset left with a little smile on her face. We all looked up at the sky shortly after and saw Sonata's flagship in the air, ready to destroy us. There was only one thing to engage in: the battle to end this small war once and for all.

Chapter 22

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They messed with the wrong Dark Side girl now! First, Adagio ruins my trap, like she ruins all my ideas, and next thing you know, there's a MALE siren running around! That's not even possible! So I decided to set the record straight and destroy them myself, seeing as GR-33D and Trixie were too incompetent to do it themselves. I flew down there in my personal ship, landed in front of everyone, and expressed my dissatisfaction with everyone for their victory. Adagio tried to explain that I didn't have to do any of this, which was total bullpoop, considering Adagio, Aria and I tried to take over the school ourselves, so who's SHE to lecture me? Anyway, I wasn't there to talk. I pulled out my lightsaber, all 3 red blades pointed at Adagio, until I saw Aria's own lightsaber with emerald green blades and in a ready position. I positioned my saber away from Adagio and at Aria. This duel was about to get good.

I started by jumping at Aria to start the fight. We were both as graceful as we were deadly in the fight. Our green and red blades clashed repeatedly. It wasn't any Taco Tuesday, but it was just as satisfying to see. I had enough fun for a while, so I conjured up some of my gem's power so I could send bolts of sith lightning at Aria. Aria blocked the lightning blast and with a wave of her hand, she sent me flying 10 feet back. Either she has discovered her own connection to the Force, or she's using her own Siren Gem. I thought it was impossible, until I remembered our second Battle of the Bands, where we got green siren gems. Seeing as they were just enchanted copies, I figured the green gems would give Aria a weaker connection to the Force than my connection. There was one way to find out.

I lunged at Aria once more, this time with Aria blasting green bolts of energy at me with her lightsaber, as if it was a gun. I blocked every blast shot at me, as I cut off the blaster of the lightsaber with such precision. Aria, startled by the strike, attempted to strike me down with the jade colored light of her weapon. I blocked those strikes easily, as I made one final blow to Aria. Aria wasn't injured or anything, but her lightsaber was knocked right out of her hand, severing her connection. Aria tried to reach for her lightsaber, but I sent shockwaves of Force Lightning at Aria, long enough to render her unconscious. I then grabbed her lightsaber, and warned everyone who watched that the same fate will happen to them if they dared challenge me. I took Aria with me as I boarded my ship and headed to my cruiser.

I admit, I was a bit arrogant in my victory, because I had myself some stowaways on the ship with me. Adagio and the new male siren boarded my ship behind my back. I didn't even sense anything for some reason. I couldn't hear what they talked about, but they told me that they talked about if any of it was worth it. Was it worth them sneaking on board my ship? They would soon find out. In case they didn't make it, they gave each other a loving kiss in case one of them died. That explained the weird noise I heard, but now that I think about it, it's kind of cute to think about the two of them together. We finally docked, and I told the droid commander to take Aria to a prison cell, and to protect her lightsaber, to make sure Aria doesn't escape. The droids did so, as I walked off to the bridge.

Adagio and the male siren walked out of the ship. They talked about if they should rescue Aria first, or fight me. They remembered what I did to Aria, as they both fear that they're both outmatched. The male siren got a call from a guy in an orange sweatshirt who seemed eerily familiar to me, and said that they have some new toys to play with. The two pirates were then given a couple of pirate cutlasses made out of a material that can resist the strength of my lightsaber. The two then planned to break Aria out first before they challenged me to a duel. Adagio and her friend followed my droid commander and Aria to the prison cell, where they ambushed my troops and rescued Aria. Aria was regaining consciousness as she said that she's like to fight me once more. Adagio said "no" however, and told her to take an escape pod. She was hesitant at first, but grabbed her lightsaber and took an escape pod through a portal.

Adagio and her friend then raced up to the bridge, fighting off droid after droid, even stealing some blasters to fight back. The two reached the bridge, where I acted like I was expecting them, but in reality, I was quite surprised the even made it onto the ship. The two held their swords out at me, but I laughed as I held my lightsaber once more at them. I tried to slice Adagio's blade in half, but was shocked to see it still in one piece. To be honest, it was an impressive trick, because now I have a challenge to face. The two fenced against my defenses, which were impenetrable, due to my augmented speed. I then used my lightning on the male siren, who collapsed unconscious. Adagio gasped, as she sprinted over to his body, covering him like a shield.

I chuckled maliciously as I drew my saber at Adagio and her friend. Adagio cried as she asked me what kind of friend I was. I didn't care, as I raised my lightsaber over my head ready to strike. But then, something unexpected happened; I flashed back to just after the first battle of the bands. Adagio was crying over our loss to the Rainbooms, as I wanted to find a way to cheer her up, despite suffering the same loss. I decided to order an ice cream taco for Adagio, and she smiled and thanked me. I then began asking myself the same question: What kind of friend WAS I? I felt horrible afterwards, as I just dropped my lightsaber, collapsed on my knees, and started crying. Adagio cheered me up shortly after, followed by her friend waking up. He introduced himself as "Mango Mad", which I was finally happy to know, as Adagio and I hugged to make up for my crimes. We then heard a small explosion coming from bellow, as I commented we should leave in haste. Mango Mad figured if I gave up my lightsaber, then everything I built with it would crumble. The three of us ran into an escape pod and our escape pod landed right next to Aria's pod (even though Aria wasn't inside the pod); in an ocean full of water. We watched as my flagship blew up one final time as we all told ourselves "It's all over".

Chapter 23

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T'was a great day for me to live my own pirate life. All our worries are dealt with finally. Sonata has given up her new powers, meaning her war she created is now over, Any other threats have been dealt with, the multiverse is now a safer place to live in. The only problem left was to get out of the escape pod Sonata, Mango Mad, and I were in, prior to Sonata's turn. We were stuck at sea, but we didn't care all that much, because we know someone would come for us, so in the meantime, we all joked and told funny stories of our past. It was no sunken treasure, but not all treasure is silver and gold, and my treasure is to be adored. And if this isn't pleasing me, having my friend back, I dunno what is.

As the sun lowered beyond the horizon, I saw theCursed Shellcoming right towards us and picking us up. Aria must have had a way to track Mango Mad's coordinates through his team mates. We were hoisted on the deck, and given warm blankets due to the cold waters leaking into the pod. Aria hugged me for being alive and Sonata for coming back to us. We all shed a small tear. The Dazzlings were back together. I remember Ariel challenging Sonata to a sing-off, only to have Sonata remember that by giving up her lightsaber, she also gave up her corrupt singing voice. We all chuckled a bit as she tried to sing, and Ariel gave Sonata a singing potion to restore her voice. I almost forgot Ariel was placed under a curse that can only be raised by 3 sirens singing, so we held a celebratory concert on theCursed Shellto celebrate the Dazzling's reunion, and to cure the curse.

Shortly after the concert, Huron informed Ghostbuster that Sonata has officially been captured. Ghostbuster then ordered Huron, as well as Mango Mad, to turn Sonata to a penitentiary, where she can sot out her life. At first, I was hesitant, but Sonata stopped me. She was willing to go to prison. She needed to sort out this problem she created. I wasn't sure if I'd see her again, but Sonata told me that it'll be all right. Sonata told me about how she actually quite enjoyed her prison life, mainly because she willingly turned herself in, and therefor got better treatment. The only downside was that her cell was right next to Flash Sentry's cell, and he was annoying as all heck.

Anyway, after Mango Mad dropped her off at the prison, we were informed that we could visit the prison to talk to Sonata whenever we could. I was pleased to hear this, and so was Aria. Mango Mad then told Aria and I that we've been away from school for some time. I decided to return back, despite the consequences of being bullied again by the classmates I tried to enslave back in my own villain days. Aria, however, decided to stay. She said she found a better life in Middle Earth, in Gondor, and in Prince Beragon. Aria was grateful of his protector, and was willing to stay with him. Mango Mad dared not argue with the prince, so he decided to leave Aria be as Princess of Gondor. I followed Mango Mad to where I was banished to in the first place; my home.

Mango Mad takes Ariel and I to the school grounds, where he tells me that he will come back for me when the time is right. I was scared at first, and tried to change my mind by being a part of his crew. Mango Mad then told me that if I'm brave enough to fight off ghost orc pirates, then I'm surely brave enough to face a school bully or two. I thanked him, and moved on. Mango Mad said that I was quite the hero during this adventure. I stopped, walked up to him, and told him he was wrong. I'm no hero; I'm a pirate. As those words came out of my mouth, Mango Mad came closer to me, and we gave each other a loving good-bye kiss. I felt my heart soar higher than Mango Mad's black flag. Ariel grabbed my arm and tugged me away so we could go. The last I saw of him on that day was him walking into a green portal attached to the crystal mirror.

I put my hand on the door, hesitant to open it. Aria and Sonata weren't with me, but Ariel reminded me that we'll always be together. She put her hand on mine, and we opened the door together, and the first thing we heard was a student yelling "Hey guys! Adagio's back"! I expected boos and jeering after that, but instead, I heard applause and whistles and "Welcome back" and "I'm Sorry" from all the students. Was I dreaming or something? I then saw Principle Celestia applauding with the students, and the Rainbooms cheering along as well. Now I know I must be dreaming, because they were the ones who were responsible for my suffering.

Sunset then ran up to me, in her normal clothes instead of her crystalline clone armor, telling me what she heard. She then told me that she convinced the entire school of my change of heart. I was gonna stop her right there when she said "change of heart", because I never really saw it as a change of heart, but it still suited me very well. I introduced everyone to Ariel, and she was fast friends with everyone, even some of Flash's old goons who he would follow to bully us after the first Battle of the Bands. It seemed that our troubles were officially over. Sunset told me about the other Businessmen fighting the forces of evil across the multiverse, but I felt so much safer, knowing Mango Mad is risking his neck out there for people who need help, which included me once upon a time.

Later that day, during lunch, I was sitting alone. Ariel was sitting with her new friends, and I didn't care to sit with her for the moment. I needed some time by myself. "Um..excuse me?" I heard from a quite voice standing in front of me. It was Fluttershy, one of the Rainbooms. She tried to explain to me that I got a present, but she was too shy to say anything. I was confused, but she left the gift in front of me and left me be. I saw a little note reading "To Captain Adagio Dazzle, Captain of the Singing Spaniard, from Captain Jonas Knuckles, Captain of theCursed Shell". I was honestly astonished by this. Not only was I granted permission to captain the Singing Spaniard, but Mango Mad trusted me enough to reveal his true name: Jonas Knuckles. I opened the gift, and it was a compass. I opened the compass to see the needle pointing north. As I saw the needle, I hummed a little tune Mango Mad taught me during this adventure. "We're devils and black sheep, really bad eggs. Drink up me hearties, yo ho!"