• Published 5th Jan 2013
  • 22,069 Views, 590 Comments

Rise of the Elements Part I: The Lost Element - Radiant Dawn

One wish, one night, and the entire world changed. Follow one man as he is given the chance of a lifetime.

  • ...

Dawn of a New Beginning

Chapter 9: Dawn of a New Beginning

Perspective change - Darkflight

I woke up to a little dragon jumping on my chest and I growled out, "Spike, what's going on?"

He glared at me. "C'mon, we gotta meet Rarity today, remember? Get up!"

I pushed him away and sat up while yawning and rubbing my eyes. "Alright alright, can you go make some coffee? This dragon becomes homicidal if he doesn't get his coffee."

He laughed at me and headed upstairs. "Fine Dark, but hurry up! It's already noon."

I looked over at the clock as Spike clamored up the stairs. 'Well fuck, I didn't mean to sleep in that late.' I rubbed my eyes muttering a few more curses and climbed the stairs to the main library.

I was greeted by bright light burning my eyes, and I hissed in annoyance as I let my eyes adjust. Drew and Luna were sitting at the table talking about something and they both looked at me. I just inclined my head in a simple greeting and headed to the kitchen. 'Of all the days I had to get up early...why the hell did it have to be a Saturday?'

Spike had luckily gotten a large cup of coffee ready for me with a bagel. I walked over to the counter where my morning sustenance sat and whispered, “Oh sweet bagel, did you miss daddy? I'm going to eat you up, yes I am!"

Spike just stared at me with a raised eyeridge and asked, “Are you talking to your food?”

I glared at him. "I had a late night and I have the tummy rumblies...don't judge me, man."

The smaller dragon shook his head and laughed. "You kinda remind me of Pinkie Pie sometimes, only less bouncy...and less pink."

I smiled and downed my coffee with a gulp and ravaged the bagel like I hadn't eaten in weeks. I wiped off my face really quick and turned to Spike. "Alright I'm ready when you are, you set to go?" He nodded, so I headed back to the main room of the library and Drew was waiting for me.

As I walked by, my brother said, "Hey Mace, don't forget to pick up some more apples on the way home and for the love of God, please don't set anything that we don't own on fire."

I laughed. "No promises man. I'll be back in a few hours. You guys need anything while I'm in town?"

Luna walked up and smiled at me. "Good luck Darkflight. We shall see you when you return." She then stood and gave me hug. I looked at my brother and he shrugged, so then I looked at Luna.

"Not that I’m not grateful, but what was that for?" I asked curiously.

She shrugged as well and grinned. "For good luck. Everypony knows my hugs are lucky."

I rolled my eyes. "Alright then, we're off." and with that, Spike and I walked to town.

This was my first time actually going somewhere besides the grocer near the town square, so I let Spike lead the way. It didn't take us long to come across the boutique, which luckily was hard to miss, and Spike knocked on the door as we stood there waiting.

I looked out of the corner of my eye at the young dragon and asked, "So Spike, what's going on between you and Rarity?"

He looked down a bit with a huff of frustration. "Not as much as I'd like..."

I kinda felt bad for the little guy. We all knew that being a baby dragon, he didn't really have a chance with her...but that never stopped him from trying. Gotta admire his perseverance at least.

A few moments later the door opened to reveal the white unicorn. "Ah hello Spikey, I'm so glad you're here!" She then looked up at me. "And Darkflight, it's a pleasure." I nodded and we all filed inside.

As we entered the family room, which was also her work space, she stopped and looked at me. "I suppose you're wondering why I've asked you to come today."

I nodded. "Yeah. Twilight said it had something to do with the job Celestia gave me."

The regal unicorn smiled. "Yes, it does. You see the princess has asked that her and Luna's personal guards have a more ornate armor, so as to set them apart from the normal royal guards. That's where we come in. You will be creating the armor, and I will take care of the details to the armor. Celestia will be holding a meeting with ambassadors from the Gryphon Kingdoms, as well as the dragon from the island in the South Sea. If the past has taught me anything, it's that first impressions are everything. The more regal and official the guards look, the more respect our princess will command. I understand it seems unimportant, but I ask you trust me. Will you assist me with this task?"

I nodded. "Yeah, I think I can take care of that. When's the meeting?"

Rarity smiled warmly and answered, "In three month's time. That will give you enough time to train under the current blacksmith and make the twelve sets of armor we will need for the guards."

I nodded and smiled, suddenly feeling happy to finally be useful. "You can count on me. We got this."

She beamed and pulled both Spike and I into a tight embrace. "Oh I am simply ecstatic that you've accepted! Thank you so much!" After a few moments she released us and said, "Well boys next order of business, a little relaxation! It has been far too long since I have seen my friends, and I simply must ask Steelbreaker about his newfound relationships. Oh the notion is positively delicious!" she said in what Twilight called her "gossip tone".

We left Rarity's boutique after packing a small lunch of some kind of sandwiches and headed to some secret hill. I noticed every eye that widened at my sight, every gasp that was breathed.

Damn these dragon senses...

Spike nudged me, noticing my stress. "What's wrong Dark?"

I looked down at the little dragon. I almost wish I was little too...then all these ponies wouldn't be so afraid of me. "It's these ponies Spike. Look at the way they look at me...they don't like me."

He watched as we walked through town and frowned, but then turned to me and smiled, patting my leg. "They don't know you, Dark. I know you, and you're cool, and anypony that gets to know you is gonna think the same."

I sighed uneasily. "I hope you're right, Spike..."

Perspective change - Steelbreaker

Twi and I were walking over to Sweet Apple Acres to grab Applejack for our little get together. Dash told me that the farm mare doesn't work a lot on Saturdays, so we thought it'd be a perfect time to swing by. As we approached the farmland, I saw Big Mac heading into town.

I waved at the large stallion and greeted, "Howdy Big Mac, how's it going?"

The normally silent stallion smiled and responded, "Goin' good, Steel. It's been awhile. How ya been?"

I smiled. "Well it's been good so far, Mac. Is your sister here?"

He nodded and gestured to the farmhouse. "She just finished buckin'. Ya'll can find her at tha house. Just knock."

"Alright then, thanks Big Mac. We'll see ya." I responded with a smile.

He nodded and began walking towards town again. "Eeeyup."

We trotted through the fields until we came upon the farmhouse. Applejack had just walked out the front door and spotted us, at which point she smiled a huge smile and galloped to Twilight.

The mare embraced her friend and exclaimed, "Howdy Twi! Gosh, it's been a long time. Seems like years since Ah seen ya last. What ya been up to, sugarcube?" The two friends released each other and I smiled and leaned down to kiss Twilight, which caused the unicorn to blush. Applejack grinned. "Oh Ah see. It's about time Twi. Ya'll got ya a right good stallion there."

I smirked and responded,"She knows. I showed her just how good la-" The unicorn interrupted me with a jab from her horn and I jumped in surprise. "Ow, easy Twi!"

AJ just chuckled. "So, what are ya'll doin' here?"

Twilight regained her composure and smiled. "Well Applejack, it's been a while since we last spent time together. I was thinking maybe you could join me and the other girls at the hill for a picnic."

The farm pony beamed. "Well Ah'd be happy to, Twi. Jus' lemme tell Apple Bloom where Ah'm goin' and get a few things ta bring and we can leave."

We headed to Sugarcube Corner next to grab Pinkie Pie - after all, a good picnic always has sweets.

We opened the door to the bakery to see the pink party animal giving a smile that's so contagious it might as well be a pandemic.

She looked at Twilight and bounced over. "Hi Twilight! Its super-duperifficly good to see you! *GASP* We still haven't thrown a party for Steelie yet!"

She prepared to dash off, but Twilight grabbed her tail. "Not yet Pinkie, remember? Soon though, really soon...I promise."

The pink mare smiled giddily and nodded. "Okay Twilight, so what's up?"

AJ stepped forward and smiled at her pink friend. "We're havin' a picnic at tha hill and we want ya'll ta be there, sugarcube. Besides, Steel and Dark never got ta taste one of yer famous cupcakes."

Pinkie gasped in surprise. "That's right! Well what a coinkiedink, I just got done baking a dozen of them! Gummy's idea."

I cocked my eyebrow as Pinkie Pie dashed off, but Twilight just shook her head at me. "Don't try and figure it out, you'll get a headache."

Pinkie Pie returned a few moments later and tossed the cupcakes in a saddlebag, so we headed out.

We left Sugarcube corner and headed towards the hill near AJ's farm, at which point I made contact with Fluttershy. “Hey Fluttershy, it's Steel. Me and the girls are all meeting up at the secret hill for a picnic. Are you and Moonfang interested?”

It took her a moment to respond, as she must've been busy. “Oh, hello Steel. Yes, Moonfang and I would love to join you! It's been so long since we've all been together and Moonfang still needs to meet Applejack, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie. We'll meet you there.”

I was kind of curious about how this place was a secret, but when we arrived I saw why. “The Hill” was nestled against a cliff and Applejack's farm, and you couldn't get to it without trespassing on the farm's apple fields. I trotted up the hill and saw that Luna and Dash had already arrived and were laying on a large blanket on the grass, napping.

I walked up to the two napping mares softly nuzzled them, causing both to wake up and smile at me. "Hey girls, I hope we didn't keep you waiting too long. The rest of the gang is on the way. My brother's coming too, and so is Spike."

I decided that Moonfang would be a surprise, so I didn't mention him just yet, but during the meantime we proceeded to set everything up. Dash moved a cloud to make sure we had plenty of sunshine, as the air was warm for autumn, and the trees had taken on beautiful shades of orange and red.

I was laying on the blanket and almost fell asleep when Rarity, Spike, and Dark arrived. Rarity greeted her old friends with tears in her eyes, not having spent time with them in quite awhile. I think I even saw Applejack shed a tear or two.

My brother lay next to me and smiled. "Y'know, I never thought hanging out with a bunch of females could be this nice. I'm surprised."

I chuckled for a moment and said, "Yeah, well the crazy here and the crazy on Earth are on completely different levels. Pinkie Pie is considered kinda crazy, and she's just funny even at her worst. Like I said, things are better here."

He softly elbowed me in my arm and I looked over at the black dragon. He had the most sincere smile I’d ever seen on him, and he whispered, "Yeah. I didn't think so at first, but you made a good choice in bringing us all here. Thanks."

I laughed. "Oh my, have you become a brony Mace?"

"Can't be a brony unless you're a human, so no. I still win." he said, grinning.

Spike sauntered over and took a seat, leaning up against my brother. "Yeah, it's been awhile since we've done this. I know we didn't meet on the best terms, but I'm glad you guys are here. You guys are like the brothers I never had."

I was honestly touched and replied, "Well I'm honored that you feel that way, Spike. I consider you another little brother, and I think Dark feels the same way." I then ruffled the little dragon's spines and he laughed.

"Well Twi always said I should hang out with the guys more. You're a bit of a girl sometimes, but Dark counts I think." the small dragon remarked with a smug grin.

I glared at him, and then burst out laughing. After a few moments I calmed down enough to say, "Well I've got the love of the pony that raised you, the fastest flier in Equestria, and the goddess of the moon. I think I can handle being seen as a little femmie sometimes."

My brother chuckled. "Way to save that situation, man."

I then felt the presence of Fluttershy and Moonfang approaching, so I stood up to meet them. I looked back at Rarity and Applejack. "Rarity, AJ, I want you two to meet someone. I warn you he's a little different, but he's not going to hurt anyone. He's a friend, I promise."

They looked at me with a confused expression, then looked over the hill when they saw Fluttershy walk up...with Moonfang behind her.

Their eyes widened and Applejack fell on her rump. The farm mare stuttered out, "Wha-what's that? I-is that a...timberwolf?"

I stomped my hoof and both Rarity and AJ stared at me. "Didn't I just say it's safe?" I then walked over to Moonfang and Fluttershy and embraced them both. "Hey Moonfang, it's good to see you again. How's life been with Fluttershy?"

The wooden wolf smiled while Fluttershy blushed, and the wolf responded, "It's been wonderful. This wolf is quite pleased with the way his life is turning out."

Rarity gasped. "Did it just talk?"

I sneered at her, "Yes he did. Are you two ready to stop acting like foals and trust me? If he was really a danger, what in your right mind would make you think Fluttershy would ever be anywhere near him?"

The rest of the group was silent, watching how this would play out, but both fearful mares froze for a moment before looking down in shame.

Applejack looked up at me. "Ah'm sorry sugarcube, Ah been a right foal and Ah'm sorry fer that. Can ya'll forgive me?"

I shook my head and pointed to Moonfang. "I'm not the one you need to apologize to."

Applejack looked a little apprehensive at first, but steeled herself and strode up to him and smiled, holding out a hoof. Moonfang took it in his hand and shook it. "Hello Miss Applejack, I am Moonfang. It is a pleasure to meet a friend of Fluttershy's."

Applejack finally relaxed and replied, "Well Ah'm Applejack and it's a pleasure to make yer acquaintance."

Moonfang smiled and then looked at Rarity. He slowly walked over to her and bowed in a very human-like manner. "It is a pleasure, Lady Rarity. Fluttershy has told me much about you."

Rarity was shocked at his manners, but held her composure and said, "W-well, Moonfang I am pleased to meet you as well."

The wolf stood up and smiled, then looked back at me. "Are you ready to eat? I'm starving."

Everyone shared a look with me at the wolf and then laughed.

Perspective change - Rarity

I was flabbergasted. A timberwolf, as a friend? I had never imagined in my wildest dreams I would be speaking to one and laughing, instead of shrieking and running. It was true he no longer looked anything like a normal wolf, but there was no mistake of what he once was. I felt a pang of guilt as I noticed just how biased my reservations towards him had been. Once one got past what he was, he was actually quite charming...dashing even. He was very polite, kind, and...noble.

I found it odd that in society nobility were rarely noble. Instead, I found a noble heart in one of the least likely places I ever thought imaginable...in the wolf before me. Steel had told us all the story of how Moonfang had met he and Fluttershy in the forest...and that originally the wolf had tried to attack poor Fluttershy.

I gazed at Steel as he was talking with Moonfang. What had he seen in the wolf? I found it strange that one so young - younger than myself - appeared to have such wisdom to see goodness in what used to be a ravenous beast.

Steelbreaker continues to amaze...

Perspective change - Steelbreaker

My brother and I had finally gotten to try Pinkie's famous cupcakes, and all I can say is OH. MY. GOD! That was by far the most amazing thing I've ever tasted...ever. The taste itself was magical, and I couldn't place it because in all honesty, nothing else compared. It wasn't overly sweet either...I-I can't even really explain.

It was a religious experience, let's just say that.

I honestly don't know why I hadn't hung out with Pinkie sooner. There's just something about her that makes you smile...no matter how you're feeling before. My cheeks were hurting I was smiling so much, but I didn't care. I suppose she's the Element of Laughter for a reason.

One thing was bothering me though.

I tried not to let my mind pry, but underneath her laughter and smiles I began to see something else. I knew it was something she wanted to hide, so I pretended not to notice, but every now and then when she knew no one was looking at her but me, she would look at me and give a sad smile. During those moments I saw so much in those pretty blue eyes. I saw sadness, loss, and loneliness.

I was going to get to the bottom of this, and I had a feeling she needed me, so I hopped up and announced, "Hey Pinkie, I want to take a walk. Want to come with?" She looked up at me with her well-practiced grin and nodded furiously, so I faced the rest of the group. "Hey guys, we're gonna take a walk. Be back later, okay?"

Luna nodded. "We will be here, Steelbreaker."

Pinkie and I walked into Everfree, stopping at the small pond where I met Moonfang. She sat down on a rock and looked at me with a blank face, and I sat in front of her.

I sighed and said, "Okay Pinkie, I know you're the Element of Laughter for a reason. You can't fake the kind of laughter and joy needed to be it, but I could tell that some times at the picnic you were forcing it. What's wrong?"

She stared at me for a second before closing her eyes and sighing...her mane and tail deflated from their normal poofiness, instead becoming straight. She looked up at me, this time with tears in her eyes, and when she spoke, her voice had lost its bubbly sound. She sounded much younger, almost like she was a completely different pony.

"Okay, I'll talk. Please Steel...I want you to Pinkie promise you won't tell anypony about this." she stated with an oddly serious expression.

I nodded and went through the motions as I said, "Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye."

She smiled softly before continuing. "Okay...what do you know about my past?"

I tapped a hoof to my chin, thinking for a moment. "Well, I know how you got your cutie mark, as well as the fact that you lived on a rock farm with your family before coming here. Beyond that, not much."

The solemn mare nodded. "Well that's all true...but it's not the whole story. There's a reason I left the rock farm to come here. I tell all my friends it's because I fell in love with Ponyville because it was so pretty and the ponies were all smiles, but that's only partly true, and not the reason I left the farm to come to Ponyville in the first place.” The mare shuddered a bit as she recalled what could only be a painful memory before continuing. “After I got my cutie mark thanks to Dashie, I was so happy. I thought nothing could bring me down...until my mama got sick. We didn't have the money to take her to the hospital, so..."

She didn’t have to say anymore, and nor could she. I understood what she was implying, and I felt for her as well. The waterworks started in earnest as she sniffled, so I stepped behind her and wrapped my forelegs around her in a hug. At this contact, she burst out into sobs, holding my arms tightly.

I wrapped my wings around her comfortingly and placed my head next to hers. "It's okay Pinkie, I'm your friend. I'm here for you, I Pinkie promise."

A few minutes later, she stopped sobbing and nodded her head. The mare took a deep shaky breath before continuing. "Anyway, after mommy was gone, I saw daddy and my sisters really sad. I wanted to cheer them up, because I knew that's what mommy would want. She wouldn't want us to be sad for her. So, I threw a party in her honor. I remember taking my daddy inside the house after a long day of work, and when he opened the door, he just stared at the decorations I had put up. I had a cake that I made for him that I wrote, ‘It's gonna be okay’ on. He just stared at it for awhile before he finally looked at me. I’ll never forget his face at that moment, because daddy was crying. He just went to his room and locked the door." She drew in another pained, shaky breath. "The next morning I got out of bed like I always do and went to go wake up daddy. His door was still locked and when I knocked and called him he wouldn't answer. I got worried so I forced the door open..." Tears began to fall in great amounts now, but she bravely trudged on. "I thought daddy was floating at first...but then I saw a rope. I didn't know what was happening, so I tried to wake him up. I thought that maybe he was just sleeping or something...but he wouldn't wake up or move." The floodgates opened again, and Pinkie started bawling. It took a few minutes of consoling her, but then she finally continued with, "I couldn't live there anymore after that...it hurt too much. I always loved baking for mama and daddy, and I heard the Cakes needed a good baker here in Ponyville. They were offering room and board, so I moved here." She then lowered her head and shook it. "I...I don't even remember my sisters' names. It's like they just disappeared. I know I had sisters...but I can't even remember what they look like." She finally stopped crying but still looked just as sad as she looked me in the eyes, those beautiful pools of blue glazed over with tears. "Did daddy do it...because of me?"

I hugged her tighter and replied in a very stern voice, "No Pinkie, he didn't. He did it because he was selfish. I'm sorry Pinkie, I don't mean to bad-mouth your father because I know you loved him, but he didn't think of what this would do to you...or your sisters. He did it because he blamed himself for your mother's death. He felt bad that he didn't make enough money to get her the medical treatment she needed. He did it because he felt like he deserved it. It was in no way your fault, Pinkie." I didn't really know what I was talking about, but from what I could deduce it made sense.

I just hoped Pinkie would see it that way.

Thankfully she did, and I saw this was so when she turned around and looked up at me, a faint smile on her lips. "Thank you Steelie. I wish I had a friend like you."

"I thought we were friends Pinkie. You don't want to be my friend?" I asked in confusion.

She shook her head. "I do...but you probably don't want to be mine anymore, not after all this.” She then hung her head in sorrow and shame.

I snorted in annoyance and ordered, "Pinkamena Diane Pie, look at me." She immediately looked at me, fear in her eyes. I stared at her for a second, and then kissed her on the forehead and embraced her. "I still and always want to be your friend Pinkie...all the more so now because I know who the real Pinkie is. Don't ever be afraid to be sad or show what you're really feeling around your friends, because you insult them by thinking that they won't like you anymore if you aren't happy all the time, every day. You know what feeling more than just happiness makes you?” I allowed her time to respond, but she simply shook her head. I brushed a few strands of her mane out of her eyes and smiled. “It makes you normal. We all feel sad, or mad, or scared sometimes. Your friends will always be there to bring you back to happiness though...remember that." She looked up at me and I nuzzled her nose, at which point giggled happily. "No more faking, Pinkie. Do you promise?"

Her mane and tail poofed up a bit and she grinned. "Pinkie promise."

"Now...are you ready to get back to your friends?" I asked with a grin of my own.

She sighed and smiled. "My friends..." Her mane and tail then inflated to full poofiness again and she exclaimed, "Yeah! Let's get back and have some fun!"

I chuckled and nuzzled her. "Good girl, Pinkie. Don't forget - you're never alone."

She smiled and was back to her bouncing bubbly self. She bounded towards the edge of the forest before stopping, and she looked back at me with seriousness. "You won't tell anyone, right?"

I shook my head. "You need to tell them yourself at some point Pinkie, but no, I'm not going to tell them." She nodded and smiled, and we left the forest together.

When we returned, the sun had begun to go down, but everyone was still waiting at the picnic spot of course. For some reason my brother thought it'd be a good idea to wrestle Moonfang, even though the wolf was easily stronger than him, so I decided to break it up before he got hurt.

"Alright guys, that's enough.” I stated as I used my magic to pry them apart. I glared at Twilight and asked, "Why didn't you stop them?"

She shrugged. "I thought it would be funny."

I shook my head with a sigh and laid myself down next to her and Luna. "Twi, I think you're spending too much time around me." Dash walked over and snuggled up against my side as well.

"No, I think I'm spending just enough time with you." Twi said with a smile.

I laughed. "Well I can't argue with that." Pinkie sat down next to Luna and lay down, propping her head on my back leg.

Luna looked down at the pink earth-pony, then at me. "What did you two do on this walk of yours?"

Pinkie looked at me and I smiled. "Pinkie will tell you when she's ready." Luna cocked an eyebrow at me, and I gasped and shook my head violently. "N-no, we didn't do anything of that nature, I assure you. It was completely different but personal for Pinkie. Like I said, she'll tell you when she's ready."

Luna held a stern gaze with me for a moment before she sighed and nodded.

We spent the rest of the day just like that - a group of friends enjoying time away from the world and simply basking in the warmth of each other's friendship. It was so nice...I decided we should definitely do this more often. When Luna caused the moon to rise and the air began to chill, we all called it a night and went our respective ways. Amazingly Rarity and Moonfang had "clicked" quite well, and embraced softly as they parted ways. I waved goodbye to Rarity and Applejack, and began to head back to the library, but then I saw Pinkie Pie walking off on her own to Sugarcube Corner.

I turned to Dash, Luna, and Twilight and said, "Girls, go on and head to the library. I'll be there soon...I'm going to walk Pinkie home."

Luna nodded. "Very well, we will await you at Twilight's home then."

I quickly trotted over to Pinkie and she smiled when she saw me. "Hi Steel, aren't you going home?"

I shook my head. "I will, but you shouldn't have to walk home alone Pinkie. Twi and the others can wait for me a bit."

If I didn't know better I'd say she blushed by how she acted, but I couldn't tell with the color of her coat. She gratefully replied, "Th-thanks Steelie. I appreciate it."

I smiled and placed a wing around her, shielding her from the cold evening air. "No problem, Pinkie."

We walked in silence most of the way, until she finally spoke up. "Hey Steel, thank you for all that...for earlier. I feel so much better now that I told somepony, and you're right, I shouldn't be fake in front of my friends. I'm still scared that they won't like me anymore though."

I chuckled. "Don't take this the wrong way Pinkie, but the whole mad party pony act can get kind of intense...and yes, I know it's an act for the most part. Your friends love you, but to know who you really are they'll love you even more. It'll add an entire new dimension to who you are...somepony they can finally relate to and identify with. Don't ever be afraid to be yourself, Pinkie."

She nodded. "Thanks Steel. Don't tell Twilight, but I think you're smarter than she is."

I barked a hearty laugh. "I don't know about all that, but thanks Pinkie."

When we arrived at Sugarcube Corner, Pinkie unlocked the door and stepped in. "Well, thanks for walking me home Steel. Will I get to see you again soon?"

I nodded. "I'm staying at Twi's house, so just drop by whenever. Besides, I know Twilight and Dash always love seeing you...Luna too." She nodded and kicked the floor nervously, so I smiled and gently kissed her forehead."Goodnight Pinkie...sweet dreams." The mare smiled warmly and nodded before closing the door. I focused on the library and disappeared in a flash.

I reappeared in the library's main room, so I trotted upstairs, cleaned up and got into bed. The girls must've been busy doing something because I didn't see them around, so I just turned off the lights and lay in the bed, closing my eyes. I heard the door open a few moments later as the three ponies entered, and I stretched out my wings as they all laid around me, Twilight lying on my chest. I barely had time to wrap my wings around them lovingly before their warmth lulled me to sleep.