• Published 5th Jan 2013
  • 22,070 Views, 590 Comments

Rise of the Elements Part I: The Lost Element - Radiant Dawn

One wish, one night, and the entire world changed. Follow one man as he is given the chance of a lifetime.

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Impractical Sacrifice

Chapter 25: Impractical Sacrifice

Perspective change – Frostrender

This was wrong in every sense of the word. Through my own compassion, I was forced to watch as Steelbreaker's loved ones broke – mind and soul – because of his death. My immortal heart was softened, and I could not help but let my own tears flow.

It had been two days since his great sacrifice. A small simple ceremony was to be held in the main square of the town of Ponyville to honor those lost in just the first battle…as well as the loss of the prince. There were a great many questions asked in regards to his sacrifice for this world…for his new home. Questions were asked ranging from why he would do such a thing all the way to why a prince would even be on the battlefield in the first place, but none could be answered. As the ceremony started, I strode forth to the podium to address the crowd.

"Citizens of Ponyville, I am Frostrender. For those who do not know me, I am the avatar of winter and ice, and I am…was a part of Prince Steelbreaker." I said with a solemn expression. I cleared my throat before continuing in a powerful yet soothing voice, "This is a great loss for us all. Whether close to him or not, he made an impression on all of us, even for those who did not know him personally. He gave his life to protect you…all of you. Now however, I fear this sacrifice was too costly. I see the pain it has caused, though lives were saved." I looked beside me at Steelbreaker's mother, sister, and brother. "When a son loses his mother, there is grieving and mourning…but in time the son can look forward to a better tomorrow. By remembering and honoring what his mother has taught him, the son can make sure that his mother never truly dies." I dropped my eyes in newfound sadness. "However, when a mother loses a son, there is no hope for a better tomorrow. A parent having to bury their child goes against the most basic laws of nature. Such are the risks of war, but that does not make it any easier." I then turned back to the crowd. "He gave his life so that you might live. I say to you ponies, do not let his sacrifice be in vain. Make sure the life he saved is a good one. Make it worth it."

Everypony on the elevated ground with me let pained tears fall, and I was now letting my own tears openly flow as well. I couldn't help but let a pained snort of laughter out. I realized how foolish it was for an elemental avatar to be weeping as a mortal would…but I found myself not caring. Living within the body and mind of Steelbreaker had given me insight into the life of mortal beings…and into the life of a young human man. Every happiness, every pain, every incident of love and intimacy…I felt it and lived it all. I remember eons ago my brother, Summer, chided me often for being so compassionate towards the mortal races. He was right of course, though I had never admitted it to him. When I lost him to the Great War, I felt the same feeling of brokenness I felt at this moment. I could only imagine the Steelbreaker's family was feeling.

I began to question myself as an immortal…whether I deserved it or not. Immortal life offered me the ability to do great good in keeping balance within our world, and was a great honor among the elementals. I should have done more to prevent the death of Steelbreaker, however.

I was not worthy…

Perspective change – Darkflight

I hadn't stopped crying since the funeral ceremony begun. I felt like such a pussy for bawling like a baby…but Applejack held me close all the same.

She looked at me with her lovely emerald eyes and smiled sadly, her own tears streaming down her face. "It's ahlraht, sugarcube…cry. I don't think any less of ya. I'd consider ya heartless if ya weren't, matter of fact."

To think it took coming to this glittery cutsie world to find a girl that really understood me. It was unnerving in a lot of ways, but day by day I was slowly becoming more okay with it. If not for AJ and my family, I'd not be able to even take another breath at that moment.

It wasn't even so much my own sadness that was turning on my waterworks. As heartless as it sounds, I would usually be able to hold it in. Over years of shit happening in my life back on Earth, I'd learned to keep myself in check. Women didn't like a guy that cried like a bitch, no matter what those shitty "perfect man" books and magazines might say.

No, it wasn't my own sadness that was getting to me…it was the expressions and reactions of all of Drew's friends and my family. Normally I'd be jealous that someone other than me was loved by so many, but it didn't bother me at all actually. I didn't let it, because it would be an insult to his memory. He deserved the care and affection that he got from everyone, and his last act was proof of that. At the moment though, only one question was gnawing at my mind…

What now?

What do you do after losing someone so close to you? How do you go on? What's the point? I then started to think something that I never thought would ever in a million years come to mind: it should've been me. Years of guilt caused from the treatment I'd meted out to women, friends, and even family started crushing down on me. I took advantage of every nice gesture given to me, every polite smile, and every honeyed word. Drew never did. Maybe it's because it happened to him so many times or maybe he just wanted to be different from me…but he never willfully took advantage of anyone's kindness. He always gave more than he would take, even when he sometimes had near to nothing to give. As much as I hated to admit it, I started to see through his eyes exactly why he hated Earth so much.

It was because of people like me.

Perspective change – Twilight Sparkle

I was completely done at this point. I had held myself together throughout the entire procession, but as soon as the silver casket opened, I lost control. I was sobbing uncontrollably while Luna and Celestia held me tight, each weeping as well. It took every bit of restraint I had left in me to keep from shaking the body screaming at him to wake up. He had a slight smile on his face - the same smile he would show to me in those common yet special moments when he felt nothing for me but love and adoration. No matter what I had done, no matter what had happened…he loved me unconditionally. Had I not known better, I would have thought he was sleeping at this moment, and that just made saying goodbye that much harder.

We were going to live together and one day get married…and perhaps later have our own foals. Why did this have to happen? What justice is there in the world for this? I began to feel a new emotion…one I was never acquainted with before.


I hated the gryphons now. I hated that their greed or whatever it was that compelled them to attack us had cost me Steel…had cost all of us Steel. This is what Steel had told me Earth was like…where humans would kill each other for little or no reason. What was the point? It only led to pain and death. There is no lasting peace that can be gained from killing another living being.
I started to feel helpless in quelling my own need for closure. There was no book that told of this and no experience I'd had before to prepare for something like this. What was the point in going on now? Steel was my first real love besides Luna…and now he was gone. I loved Luna in every sense of the word, but that didn't help. Maybe I was just being selfish…I don't know. What I did know is that Steel wouldn't want us to be broken over this. For awhile it was going to hurt, but he gave his life so that we might keep ours…and live in happiness.

Was it worth it though?

Perspective change – Rainbow Dash

This isn't fair. Why did it have to be him? There were plenty of other ponies more than happy to fight for Equestria. So why then, did Steel have to fight? I didn't get it…it's almost like he had a death wish or something.

The speeches had ended a while ago, and the majority of us were speaking and/or being comforted by family, friends, and other ponies. I couldn't help but ask myself questions over and over again, and none of them yielded any answers. I was pulled from my own confusion by a soft voice behind me.

"Rainbow Dash…" said the sad, broken voice. I turned to see the two princesses with tears in their eyes. Their own tears pushed me over the edge and I started crying too.

However, I kept my composure enough to respond. "Yes princesses?" I said in a voice barely above a whisper.

They both leapt forward and hugged me tight. I tried to hold it in but instead just erupted with wailing tears. In the back of my mind all I could think of was how pathetic Spitfire would think I was right now. I pushed the thought away though, now was not the time for Wonderbolts thinking…Steel deserved more than that.

The only pony who hadn't moved was Frostrender. It seemed weird referring to him as his own pony now, but he wasn't a part of Steel anymore. As Princess Celestia said, somehow the spell Steel cast had basically given Frostrender his own life. It was something about the sacrifice affecting him as well, except in a magical way. Frostrender continued to stare at the open casket within the tent, apparently deep in thought. My curiosity got the best of me, so I released the princesses and walked over to him.

Frostrender didn't acknowledge me at first; he just kept starting at Steel's body…as if looking at it hard enough was going to bring him back to life. He then let out a sad sigh and turned his head to look at me, a pained expression on his face. "This is not right, Rainbow Dash…there must be something that can be done."

I slumped a little in sadness at his statement. If an immortal could not accept death, how was I supposed to? "Frost…Steel's gone. There's nothing more that can be done."

He then turned back to Steel's body. "Dashie, there's always something that can be done. There's always hope."

'That voice...'

I was stunned. That very sentence was said to me by Steel when the gryphons first declared war. What shocked me the most was that when Frostrender said it, I could have swore I heard Steel's voice, not his.

Like a little filly, I broke down and cried for the umpteenth time that day. I hate being a mare sometimes...

Perspective change - Pinkie Pie

The feeling was back. That same feeling of sadness I felt the day daddy...killed himself. After this, I didn't know if I'd even deserve the Element of Laughter anymore. How could anypony possibly laugh or smile after something like this? It wasn't fair...

The other ponies had all cleared out by now, as it was late afternoon and raining softly. Usually a gloomy ugly day like this would bother me, but now it just matched how I felt on the inside. I wandered around the square by myself, and saw something in the distance. It was a tall figure coming towards us. At first I thought it was Darkflight, until I looked back and noticed he was still there. As it got closer, I noticed the distinct coloring of wood on it. It got closer until it was standing right in front of me, a sad expression on its face.

"Hello, Pinkie Pie." he said sadly.

I stood on my hind legs and wrapped him in a hug as I cried. "You made it, Moonfang."

He nodded and ran his claws through my straight mane. "I came to pay my respects. It's only right I do so. If not for Steel, I wouldn't even be here right now."

I nodded and we walked together towards the casket in the square. There was no danger of him being seen, as the only ones left now were family and friends. They all looked up and watched us as we walked together towards the small tent that had been made for Steel's body, and I just nodded at them.

As we both stepped inside, Moonfang froze. He didn't move...I didn't even think he was breathing. He took one step, then another, then another until he stood in front of the silver casket. He was still for the longest time until he slowly placed a hand on the body's chest. He let out a shuddering sigh and I think I saw a tear roll off his face.

"I have you to thank for my wonderful new life. I..." he stuttered as he sighed again. "I am sorry I was not there when you needed me. Please forgive me. May you find peace in the next life. Goodbye, my friend." He breathed a choking sob and stepped away, his hand lingering a moment longer upon his fallen friend. His breathing was steady as he stepped away and turned to me, but I could see tears streaming down his face. He hastily wiped them away with his hand and snarled in frustration at himself. "I'm sorry, Pinkie Pie. Crying is unfitting for a wolf."

I hugged him again, nuzzling into the thick wooden skin of his chest. "You're not just a wolf anymore, Moonfang...you're our friend. Steel didn't see you as just a wolf, and neither do we. You're so much more than that. You think Steel choosing to give you the gifts he did was a random occurrence? I know random, Moonfang. Steel is anything but random. He did for you what he did because he saw something different in you...and you know what? I think I see it too."

Even with the sad atmosphere, he smiled at me as I pulled away and stroked my mane. "Thank you, Pinkie Pie. That means a lot to me coming from you."

Perspective change - Luna

I was in so much pain. There was no need for this to happen...why him? I would live another thousand years on the moon if it meant he did not have to go...but he did. I had spent the last two days in the Royal Library searching for a spell to bring him back. I didn't care what the cost was at this point...but I came up with nothing. I was lost...more so than I had ever been in my long life.
Tia was doing much worse than I was, however. I tried to comfort her as best I could, but she had not stopped weeping since the day she brought the body back. This was the second real love of her life she had lost to death.

The life of an immortal was both a blessing and a curse.

Perspective change - Frostrender

I had a headache by now trying to think of some way to fix this. There had to be something that could be done about this...something I must have overlooked. The death of Steelbreaker was just...unacceptable. What hurt more than the headache, however, was my heart whenever I would hear the sobs of Steelbreaker's...no, our loved ones. Steelbreaker and I had become one being over the past few months. While at one time perhaps I had my own consciousness, we were now one and the same. I felt like I knew everyone he did.

'Wait...one being...'

The idea hit me like a lightning strike...but then I faltered. The price is great...would it be worth it? I looked around at all the grieving ones around me.

Yes...yes it would.

'Brother...I think I now understand why you did it.'

I turned to the two princesses with a solemn face...I hope they forgive me for this. "Avatar of Night, Avatar of Day...Winter summons you!"

The two princesses howled in pain as their bodies were taken over by the respective avatars. They whimpered, they cried more, and they convulsed as they felt their resolve weaken. A flash of light followed, and when my vision cleared, I found myself looking at Night and Day.

Night stepped forth and glared at me. "Winter, what have you done? This is unacceptable to summon us during their time of grieving. Explain yourself."

Day did not speak, but shared an equal glare with her sister. I breathed a sigh of sadness before speaking. "We must perform the ritual." Both of my fellow avatars gasped in shock. I was not surprised by their response.

Night stepped closer to me, now with fear in her eyes. "No...Winter, do not do this."

I shook my head sadly at her. "It is my choice. What was given was not mine to take. Take your place, Night."

She stood defiantly and frowned. "No...I will not"

"If you do not take your place, I will perform the ritual myself. You know full well what will happen if I do." I said softly.

Day then stepped forward as well and eyed me with confusion. "Winter...why are you doing this?"

I nearly broke down again when I saw her face...but I had to press on. "Steelbreaker once told me that he who has nothing he would die for is not fit to live..."

Perspective change - Nightmare Moon (Night)

"I am not sure what that has to do with anything, Winter." I said with great confusion. I could feel Luna was confused as well, and was surprisingly not fighting to regain control. We both knew what the ritual meant...I could not let him do this.

He smiled a genuine happy smile, for the first time in millennia. "Because, Night...I have found what I would die for. I never knew why Summer did what he did until right now...this moment. He did it because it was right. He did it because he realized there was a greater purpose he could fulfill than to simply live. Now please...I am pleading with you to take your places to perform the ritual, or I will be forced to do it myself."

He knew he had put us both in a corner, but I still had to try to stop him from doing this. "Winter...you know there's no guarantee. There never was."

He smiled and nodded. "It'll work. I have faith. Now please, I'm only going to ask one more time before I take matters into my own hooves."

We had no choice in the matter. With a heavy heart, the both of us stood on opposite sides of the last avatar of seasons. Before we could start, I leaned forward and kissed him one last time. "Goodbye Winter...I will miss you."

He smiled once more and turned away.

Perspective change - Applejack

I was still confused about what was going on when the three avatars started talking about some ritual, but then they were all standing around the tent that held Steel's body and their horns started to glow. I turned to Twi and poked her in the shoulder to get her attention.

"Twi, what're they doin'?" I asked in confusion.

She shook her head, not taking her eyes off the scene. "I...I don't know Applejack."

I shrugged and turned back to them, only to see that Frostrender was walking inside the tent that held the body. All of the sudden ice started to crawl up from the ground, covering the tent in it. Within a few seconds all that remained was a huge block of cloudy ice. Nightmare Moon and the other one walked over to us with sad looks on their faces.

Nightmare Moon spoke first. "I am sorry...but he made his choice."

I was curious, but Twi beat me to it. "What choice? What are you talking about?" she asked.

The other avatar looked back at the ice block before responding, "I am sorry...we cannot say more than that. It’s in the gods' hands now."

Comments ( 129 )

Lol, wait a bit before the sequel, let em stew a bit. xD

1983061 Nah, I'll give them the prologue. They can stew from there.:trollestia:

Pssh my OP character would wake up in the coffin after it was buried and be like" What the FUCK, why am I in a casket........Ohhhh I remember"


i am pissed that you end it like this. and the prologue being the ACTUAL ending :twilightangry2::fluttercry:
i want steel back! :fluttercry:

I actually felt what the characters were feeling few books/stories cause me to shed a tear good job Radiant Dawn

Good job, you killed the main character. :twilightangry2: You want to know how mad that makes me?

(Dont how much you like dbz, but, yea thats how mad I was at you, until i found out that you were making another story...)

It would be absolutely badass if Steelbreaker came back from the dead, God of War style.

completing this story has givin me a sense of accomplishment even though i have done nothing........kind of like when you beat a video game for the first time.:yay:

1983215 Well then, I guess it's a good thing I'm writing this story and not you, because that would be too boring.

1983455 :twilightsheepish:

1983556 Thank you.

1983893 You accidentally your sentence.

1983935 Only one of my favorite songs of all time.

1984193 Righteous.

it was such a good fic :fluttercry: im not pissed, i just think that those final 2 chapters were a bit rushed/ abrupt.

1985274 They were meant to be that way on purpose. In time, you'll see why.

[img]C:\Users\Nicholas Godsey\Pictures\Steelbreaker.png[/img]

MY opinion of Steelbreaker when first coming to Equestria. Made by using the pony creator-by generalzoi
Pony made by-me

this Story deserves FAR more Views!!! Such a great Story, so lovlie, so nice and beautiful^^ such a nice love/Guard/Philosophical Story ^^

There wasn't a pony in town that could resist my cupcakes, and we always made a killing.

Anyone else find this phrase in the story to be a little ironic? :pinkiecrazy:

2007175 "Daymare Sun" made me laugh harder than I should have.

2007567 A lot of my stories are going to hold deep philisophical elements, because those are part of who I am. I've tried writing a story about an unintelligent, unkind, shallow type of character, but it just doesn't work and I quickly lose interest.


There wasn't a pony in town that could resist my cupcakes, and we always made a killing.

Anyone else find this phrase in the story to be a little ironic?

That was the idea.

My giant enemy feels just got hit in the weak spot, for massive damage. :raritydespair:

This story was just a Masterclass of Awesome and therefore should have at least triple the amount of views it currently has. :moustache::moustache:

2029564 You're telling me. Oh well...whoever doesn't read it is missing out.


How can it be

2049202 Time to read pt. 2 now.

You are correct great story teller

Um this may sound funny but which one is part 2

2056794 Well it's bad that you're waking up, but it's good that...


No, it's bad...it's all bad.

Mrrrr....... I'm conflicted. Frostrender dies to save Stealbreaker, but still....:facehoof:

Ah yes, all is well again. Thanks, and keep it up!:pinkiehappy:

2099091 Second part's already out, so you've got plenty to read.

2101316 You will notice some angst in later chapters, but romance and the connections between characters will always play the most important role.

2107854 Keep in mind that save for winter, Applejack is busy nearly all the time. It doesn't really have anything directly to do with their relationship, other than the fact that they have to scrounge around for time to see each other.

:raritycry: dude alsome chapter i cried and then called my brother. bad ass i can only hope the second half is just as great as the first you truly have a gift with words.:fluttercry::yay::heart::scootangel:

2110890 What one sees as a gift, another sees as a curse. I am pleased you are enjoying the story.

2125438 Steel: Hey, that was not funny. It wouldn't be the first time I've done something exceedingly stupid, and it sure as hell won't be the last. The problem is that kind of mistake would have hung around me my entire life...and call me selfish, but I just wasn't ready for that.

2125782 Shadow Walker: I am sorry for my outburst. I couldn't control myself. Please accept my apology.

2125939 Steel: It's all good. All the others teased me about it afterwards anyway, so I ended up laughing at myself, like always.

Shadow Walker: Brohoof?

Argh noooooo cliffhanger ending!!!!! * murders small things*
A POX UPON THEE AND THINE ENDING *notices next story*
Um... Right... Ill just go read that instead of cursing you...kthanxbai

2173117 Umm...it's in the previous chapter.

2174595 Meh, can't please everyone. All the same, thanks for the review.

2191979 Yes, enjoy the other stories.

2269687 Few things you should know:

Alicorns are not all-powerful.

Gary-Stu-ness will be kept to a minimum for the character(s).

Ice is my specialty, so thin or not, I'm skatin' that shit.

2312224 If you use something from my story, no matter what it is, simply put some credit to the source (me) somewhere in your description of the story, just like you'd give credit to an artist for their artwork. Make it a good thing, bad thing, or neutral thing...doesn't matter to me. Go nuts.

2365161 It only gets better. Lucky for you, you're reading the fully edited version, which I personally consider a much better read.

2365500 Good, because there's plenty more to read and the sequel is posted and almost finished as well.

2366223 It is a pseudo-harem fic, so expect the number to pick up.

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