• Published 5th Jan 2013
  • 22,070 Views, 590 Comments

Rise of the Elements Part I: The Lost Element - Radiant Dawn

One wish, one night, and the entire world changed. Follow one man as he is given the chance of a lifetime.

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The New Prince

Chapter 17: The New Prince

Frequent trips to the hospital...again. This time however, it was for Luna. Much as I had, Luna was now in a coma after Nightmare Moon was assimilated into her body. We all visited her every day hoping she would wake up sooner than I had, but it seemed that was not to be. Thankfully everypony was prepared for it this time since I had the same thing happen to me, so even though we worried, there was no crying.

Without her sister, Celestia became lonely, so Twilight and I opted to spend time with her until Luna woke. At first Twilight worried a bit about Spike, but Rarity quickly assured Twi that he would be staying with her at the boutique. I'm sure Spike was pleased. Anyhow, that left us to focus on Celestia.

Celly quickly finished the paperwork for me being a prince, and today - the day that Luna was to awaken - I was to be participating in my coronation ritual. Even though it was to be a simple process in theory, I was sweating bullets that day. I was in a guest room preparing for what was to come, and I was nervous as all hell.

My brother had forged custom hoof caps and a choker, as well as wing-guards to give myself a more "regal" appearance. I had told him I didn't need them, but Celly convinced me otherwise. I was apprehensive at first at wearing this new regalia, but after seeing it all together, I quickly warmed up to the idea. They were all made of silver, but darker to offset my color. Within the choker were a total of four gems, all yellow sapphires. In the exact center was a magesteel setting, where through some magic from my brother and Celestia, a yellow dragon's flame burned safely and indefinitely. The choker itself was thick, almost like a bit of chest armor, but very light. It was shaped into the depiction of my cutie mark, and enchanted to mimic it perfectly as well as long as I was touching it. I had to admit...this was going to look pretty damn cool. I was finishing putting on my rear hoof caps when Twilight walked in the room.

She eyed me for a moment before smiling. "You look great, Steel. You're going to make a great first impression." She walked closer and smiled seductively. "And if I may say, you make a very sexy prince."

I smiled sheepishly and chuckled. "Well Twi, that's good to know that the whole time I'm standing up there every mare is going to be eye-raping me."

She burst out laughing and hugged me. "Don't worry Steel, every stallion and his brother does the same thing to the princesses. It must be part of being royalty."

The door opened again to reveal Luna, a large smile on her face. I couldn't contain myself and nearly tackled her to the ground as I whispered, "Luna...I am so sorry I could not be there when you woke up, dearheart."

She returned my hug and smiled. "It is alright, Steel. Unlike it was with you, everypony knew I was going to be okay." She then smirked. "However if you still feel bad about it, you can make it up to me later."

I nodded and then looked down at my body...frowning. The incident with me flying through that window had left scars, especially the one on my leg. I sighed. "I swapped out my old scar-ridden body for this one...and now it has scars too."

They both laughed and hugged me. Twilight nuzzled under my chin. "The scars aren't that bad, Steel. They actually look kinda cool. Makes you look like a warrior."

I chuckled. "You know now that you say that, I think you're right. Makes me look hardened. Of course anypony that knows me knows that I am pretty much the exact opposite."

We all shared a laugh for a moment until Brightwing poked his head in the room and smiled. "Steelbreaker, you're due in the throne room. It's time."

I nodded and stood up, following Twilight and Luna out the door. The two mares left on their own, while a large group of smartly-dressed guards escorted me in formation down the hallway. I was nervous, but I had to admit...this was pretty cool. As we rounded the hallways, I could hear Celestia's voice from within the throne room. She was busy introducing me while the guards and I took flight from the northern balcony, planning to land in the throne room just as Celestia said my name. After all, we have to make a good entrance.

"Citizens of Equestria, I present to you Steelbreaker!"

The crowed cheered as we glided into the throne room from the northern gardens. I smiled and bowed my head slightly to the crowd, then took my place beside Celly.

She leaned over to me as the crowd cheered. "Very nice entrance, Steel. Rainbow Dash's idea?"

I nodded. "Well if I'm going to be a prince, might as well make a good first impression, and Rainbow Dash is the source of good first impressions.”

She smiled and motioned for me to step forward and say my induction speech, so I stepped forward to the crowd, trying my best to hide my nerves.

I stood tall and smiled. "Greetings everypony, I am Steelbreaker. I have loved Equestria for as long as I've known her. The ponies of this kingdom have captured my heart and soul, and I will protect this land and it's ponies with my life. As a prince of this fine land, I will serve her and her citizens until death claims me or I am no longer needed. May Equestria grow and prosper under us all, the ponies that live and work within it."

he crowd erupted into thunderous applause, so much so I had to restrain myself from placing my hooves on my ears.

Luna smiled and contacted me. “That was a little...unorthodox, but it worked quite well. You seem to have shown you are a prince of the ponies and for the ponies. I wish I had thought of that for my speech as a filly.”

I smiled back at Luna before turning to Celly and taking my place in front of her. The Element bearers gathered around me, their Elements being worn. Celestia's horn began to glow with a magenta aura, and the familiar multi-hued magic of the Elements began to surround me in a circle on the floor. I closed my eyes and felt my coat tingling all over, as well as my horn and wings. An immense feeling of comforting warmth enveloped me...

The tingling stopped and I opened my eyes to notice Celly smiling at me. "It is done, Steel." I then stood beside her and Luna along with the Elements as she turned to the crowd. "Citizens of Equestria, I present to you the first prince of Equestria, Prince Steelbreaker!"

The crowd roared with cheers again and hooves stomping against the floor. I located my mother, brother, and sister standing off to the side and smiled softly at them. My mother was crying as if I had just gotten married, and my brother was... 'Ah dude...slow jerk! So not cool, Mace!' He stopped and chuckled.

When the whole thing was finished, the guards escorted everypony out except for our friends and a few of the palace staff. My mother and sister had gushed over their son/brother being a prince, and left soon after. My brother simply patted me on the shoulder, and he left for the steelworks. This left just myself and a few of my friends to talk about what just happened. Twilight was saying "ohmygosh" repeatedly, and Pinkie was bouncing around like...well, like Pinkie.

Luna had walked over to me and smiled. "You did very well, Steel. By the way, you should take a look at yourself. Something very important has changed..." she let her words drift off.

I did as she suggested and didn't notice anything at first. My coat is still the same, these new scars are still there...but then I noticed something out of the corner of my eye. My mane...it had changed! It was now long and flowing in a nonexistent breeze as Luna's did. It looked to be a smooth gray winter cloud with snowflakes falling out of it...and my tail matched. 'Boss...'
Somehow during all this commotion my brother and his fellow smiths had brought out and placed a new throne. When I turned around, I saw a truly unique chair to end all chairs.

The one chair...to rule them all.

It was so metal. Shining silver fashioned simply into a normal throne, but the etchings on the metal itself were of all our friends. The detail was stunning, and the thing was very comfortable. On the back was a diorama depicting myself and Frostrender standing next to each other, beautifully painted and looking epic. By far the most epic of all though? This thing was floating about a foot off the floor on fucking magnets. Yeah that's right, I have a magnetic throne.

The monarchs of Earth can suck it.

Celestia and Luna turned around to see me sitting on my new throne. Jaws dropped and eyes wide, they both just stared.

Celestia looked at me first and smiled. "Well...this is quite the throne. I have never seen one anything like it." She then walked over to Darkflight and placed a hoof upon his shoulder. "Darkflight, you have outdone yourself again. If it is not too much trouble, I would like custom thrones for myself and my sister as well. Would you be willing to do that?"

He just chuckled. "Are you kidding? Yeah it was hard work, but look at that thing. That's the most awesome looking thing I've ever made. My work right there will be remembered far beyond my own life. So when you ask me if I'd make you two new thrones, I have to say that I've already started. Triple the awesome." he finished with a fist pump.

Celestia giggled and smiled. "It is good you have found your passion in life, Darkflight. Something that is not even work for you...you seem to love it."

He smiled. "Yeah. Just wait until you see the new military armor and weapons I'm making. You think that throne is nice? Just wait until you see how great your military looks."

Luna walked over to me as my brother and Celly talked. "Why hello there, Prince Steelbreaker. Ah, that has a nice ring to it."

I just giggled and motioned to her. "You and Celly aren't going to jump me after we leave or something, are you?"

She shrugged. "I have not decided yet. That all depends on how fast you can fly." she said with a strangely scary smile.

I chuckled nervously and stood up, only to be tackled by four ponies of pink, violet, green, and cyan. Kisses and hugs abound, I was having my own heartfelt reunion. With preparing for this ceremony and watching over Celly while Luna was incapacitated, I hadn't had time to see any of the girls. After some more hugs I stood up and they all just looked at me with smiles.

I used to be just a regular human with a shit job and I lived in a world I that didn’t value me. Now I lived in a world of magic and love. I had the love of my family still, as well as the wonderful mares I have come to care for. I was important. I was wanted and needed.

I had never been happier.









Just kidding!