• Published 5th Jan 2013
  • 22,070 Views, 590 Comments

Rise of the Elements Part I: The Lost Element - Radiant Dawn

One wish, one night, and the entire world changed. Follow one man as he is given the chance of a lifetime.

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Into the Maw of Oblivion

Chapter 24: Into the Maw of Oblivion

"Woe to you oh earth and sea, for the devil sends the Beast with wrath because he knows the time is short.

Let him who hath understanding reckon the number of the Beast, for it is a human number.

Its number...is six-hundred and sixty-six."

I found myself sitting alone again as the sun sank lower below the horizon, quoting a line from one of my favorite songs. Even with everything that was riding on this battle - the future of Equestria and my life - I found myself strangely excited. I found it strange that with threat of death of myself and my comrades, I was not afraid.

I was ready.

As the sun finally passed the horizon and the moon rose behind me, I stood up and headed to my tent, feigning turning in for the night. I then made contact with all of the soldiers, my brother, and Shining Armor. “Alright everyone, this is it. Prepare for contact. Remember ambush groups, watch for my flare before attacking. We have to draw them into a bottleneck or we could lose this battle. Ready weapons and wait for my command.” I then closed contact with everyone except for my brother. “Alright Mace, I'm counting on you. Find the commanding field officer and TAKE HIM DOWN!” Satisfied with my orders, I then readied myself for the inevitable. As the last vestiges of the day died to make way for the night, I couldn't help but smile. I had reached the epitome of my purpose.

Protect and defend, by any means necessary.

We waited...and waited...and waited some more. Some twenty minutes had passed and I began to doubt my strategy. It was at that moment I heard the soft, almost inaudible sound of wingbeats. Had I not been actively listening, I would have mistaken the sound for wind. 'It's a good thing we're prepared or they would have slaughtered us.' I smirked and focused my magic on my voice, twisting and manipulating it into something feral...something dark. I then let loose a loud, guttural growl. I heard a few gasps and I could now almost taste their newfound apprehension in the air outside, so I ever so calmly stepped out to be met with over a hundred gryphons dressed in full armor. They eyed me with confusion before one stepped forward in more ornate armor than the rest, as well as a scarf. 'A field officer. Well that was easy.'

"So, you've decide to bring yourself to us? That saves me the trouble of having to come get you. Have you come to surrender? It would be smart of you to do so." said the officer gryphon with a sadistic grin.

I made contact with my group. “Alright camp team, get ready. On my command...” I then looked up and smiled at the gryphon in front of me. "Arrogance is bred from ignorance...and your ignorance will get your fellow gryphons and yourself killed one day. Stand down, and you will not be harmed. I'll only ask once."

The officer barked a laugh and his troops joined him. After a minute or so of hearty laughter, it died down and he looked at me with that same sadistic grin. "I do enjoy when my prey has a sense of humor. Somehow it makes the meal taste that much better." The officer then lunged at me and embedded his claws in my shoulder.
I winced a little in pain, but didn't move. I then let show my own grin of sadism and spoke in a dangerously soft voice, "You should have run when you had the chance..."

I focused on my illusion enchantment, activating it, and the air around me became filled with eerily gentle falling snow. The gryphon released me and stepped back to his troops with a look of confusion. I then focused Frostrender's power into my wings, feeling the sensation of cold flowing all throughout the feathers. I flared my wings and flapped hard, releasing a high-speed barrage of stinging sleet into the eyes of the entire front row of gryphons.

I then made contact with my team. “Okay...NOW!”

I heard the clopping of hooves and flapping of wings from everywhere, and was pleased to see my entire group converging on the much larger, but surprised small army of gryphons. While the officer gryphon was momentarily focused on the ambush, I drew my swords that I'd affectionately named Agni and Rudra with magic. I dashed forward and struck with the reverse-blade swords at the neck of the leader. He saw me coming and dodged just in time, but the soldier behind him wasn't so lucky. The unlucky gryphon fell to the ground writhing in pain as the intense feeling of burning and electrocution overcame his body's pain receptors. I then charged headlong into the group, slashing my swords all the way, hitting those unfortunate to get in my way.

Perspective change - Darkflight

I stepped out of my tent to find myself surrounded by gryphons everywhere. Drew was fighting a large group of them like a maniac since they were surprised by our ambush. However, these things were well-trained, and were already recovering to defend themselves...even worse, their reinforcements were already pouring in. These gryphons were big and powerful, easily larger and stronger than a normal pony. Still, I towered over them and knew I had them beat in strength.

That and the fact that feathers catch fire very easily...

Three of them spotted me and one of them turned to his buddies shouting, "DRAGON!"

I just smiled a toothy grin and shot flames out of my nostrils. Before any of the three in front of me could get away, I drew Force Edge from my back and slapped all three of them with the flat of the blade, knocking them to the ground. I then grabbed the one closest to me and threw him effortlessly into his two friends. As the three lay there disoriented, I sliced a wing off of each of them. They all screeched in pain and started to crawl away, so I let them go...they were crippled now, and likely would not want to risk losing any other body parts. Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my back, and turn around to see a gryphon tearing at the soft skin around my spines with its razor-sharp claws. I growled, sheathed my sword, and bathed my hands in a blue flame - hotter than molten rock, but harmless to the dragon that casts it. I reached around and tore the gryphon from my back, then proceeded to rain flaming punches on the body of the attacker, leaving burnt feathers and flesh wherever my attacks hit. The creature howled in pain and tried to fly away, so I shook my hands and extinguished the flames, then grabbed the fleeing gryphon and slammed him to the ground...hard.

It was then that I saw Drew getting overpowered, and I was blinded by a bright silver flare shot into the sky, lighting up the battleground.

Perspective change - Ditzy Doo

My troops and I had been watching the battle unfold and were shocked to see a large group of gryphons flying down from the mountain. It was then that we all saw the commander's signal.
I turned to my troops. "Alright, you all know what you have to do. We are to establish air superiority. If it's flying, get it to the ground and make sure it stays there. Ready? Move!" I shouted, and we took to the night sky.

We arrived upon the field of battle and immediately attacked the gryphons in the air. Luckily more of them were on the ground than in the air, so we used our superior air numbers to take them down quickly. They were stronger, but we were quicker...and because of the commander's strategy, we caught them by surprise again. I flew as fast as I could and slammed all four hooves into the head of the first gryphon I came across. He was dazed, but not down.

'By Celestia these things are tough!'

The gryphon turned towards me and snarled, then lunged. I barely had time to move before its claws slashed at where I was just half a second ago. The gryphon lunged at me again, and so I bucked the approaching taloned foot as hard as I could. I heard a satisfying *CRACK* and a scream of pain, and I looked back to see the foot bent at a very awkward angle. I winced a bit just from looking at it, and in that second the creature was joined by two others. 'This isn't good...I can't fight three of them at once!' I prepared to fly off as fast as I could, but was stopped by a massive gout of orange flames engulfing the gryphons in front of me. The three that were about to attack me were covered in flames, and fell to the ground screaming. I looked down to see where the flames had come from, only to find a tall black dragon wearing armor. He smiled and gave a small salute before rushing towards where the commander was.

We were stopped by a large pack of gryphons, and we proceeded to fight our way free. The battle went on and on like this for what seemed like hours, and I could tell that we were massively outnumbered. Even with our ambush tactics, there were just too many of them and not enough of us. We were slowly losing this battle.

I turned to Silvershine and yelled as loud as I could at her, "Silver, get a message to the princess! Northern border is falling!" She nodded and sped off as fast as she could towards Canterlot. I then turned my attention back to the enemy, and fought free of most of them, with the dragon's help of course. After clearing some of the area so we could move, the two of us headed towards a large group of gryphons circling and attacking something...

I followed the dragon only to find some sixty or so gryphons circling a silver armored alicorn. He was bleeding from a cut along his face and many more covering his legs, as well as what looked like a bite mark on the small patch of his neck that was unprotected.

He saw us coming towards him and he shook his head. "No, get back! Get as far away as you can!"

I couldn't leave him...he wouldn't leave me. I was about to fly to him to help, but a large clawed hand held me back...it was the dragon. He looked at me with sad eyes and shook his head.

He then yelled out in a loud voice, "All troops, full retreat! Clear the area!"

My group as well as Captain Armor's all began a full retreat, and all of the gryphons began to turn their attention to our commander. I was torn...I had a bad feeling that Steelbreaker was about to do something stupid.

Perspective change - Steelbreaker

It wasn't enough. We just weren't prepared enough for this, and I could see we were losing. My arrogance had already cost us lives, and I had vastly underestimated the sheer ferocity of these gryphons. Even with the help of our ambushes, there were just not enough of us to hold back wave after wave of them. They were an unending tide, and I knew trying to stop them all would only end up getting more of us killed...and the forty we had already lost was too many already. I couldn't let them through though...their next destination would be Canterlot or Ponyville...

I couldn't let that happen. I knew what I had to do.

I focused on my Element and brought it to the surface, donning the armor after so long. I felt the surge of power flowing from within me, but I knew this wouldn't be like the past. The armor was literally sucking the life out of me...and I only had one chance at this. I focused on the ambient magic in the air as I fought the gryphons around me and drew as much as the magic into my body as I could. The gryphons stopped attacking and stared at me with confusion. I couldn't help but let out a sad chuckle...by the time they figured out what was happening, it would be too late.

'I'm so sorry, Celly. I have to break my promise.'

Perspective change - Darkflight

The gray pegasus and I were floating high above the battleground now, too high for her to see what's going on, but with my sharpened dragon senses I could see perfectly. I sensed something was happening and I felt something in the air I didn't recognize. It felt like static, and I could feel it moving towards a point below us...towards Drew. My eyes widened in realization at the possibility of what was happening.

'No...he better fucking not be!'

...but he was.

I knew exactly what he was doing, though I'd never seen a spell like this before. This is why he told us to get away...he wasn't planning on making it back.

It was like a train wreck...and I couldn't look away. I saw a glittering silvery aura start to form around the battlefield, like when I had trained with him...but the aura was different. It was brimming with energy crackling through the air like lightning. I then began to actually see waves of pulsing energy start to gather around him, and the next second...there was a deafening silence.

A massive wave of energy was then released in every direction, so I grabbed the pegasus mare and flew as fast and as far as I could. I chanced a look back and saw that everything the wave touched disintegrated into dust. I then found myself backed against a mountain with nowhere to go...but before the wave reached us, it dissipated.

"No...no no no no no..." I choked out. I bolted towards the area that once held the camp, only to find barren earth. Where there used to be trees and grass and little bushes, there was now nothing but dirt. As I flew down towards the epicenter of the "explosion", I saw a tall blue armored alicorn standing next to a motionless silver stallion's body.

Perspective change - Celestia

I had been pacing for hours after I had left Steel. I couldn't address cases in court in my current state, so I simply used the excuse that I was busy with wartime duties. The nobleponies bought it, thankfully. Luna as well as all of the Elements had joined me in my study, as well as Lyra, Vinyl Scratch, and even Steel's mother and sister. They were all not much better off than I, with Steel's mother actually being worse off. She was wracked with worry and stress, and while I had yet to have a foal of my own, I could understand her feelings of worry...for I was feeling them myself.

We were interrupted by a guard knocking on the door. "Princess, you have a scout back from the front lines. She says it's urgent."

I nodded. "Very well, send her in please."

The guard nodded and stepped aside to reveal a petite chrome-white pegasus. She was breathing with difficulty and her armor was stained with droplets of blood. The scout bowed to me and then looked up...and I could see the sadness and fear in her eyes.

"Private Silvershine, report. What news do you bring?" I asked.

She saluted me and sat down. "Princess Celestia, I bring word from the northern border from Corporal Ditzy Doo. The border is falling."

I blinked in disbelief. "I-is that all private?" I said, my voice betraying my emotions.

She nodded and left. I then heard what sounded like sobs from outside the door, and I wasn't the only pony who noticed either. All the ponies in my study were now much more worried, and I could tell by their facial expressions.

I stood tall and looked to my sister, not being able to keep a tear falling from my eye. "Luna, I need to you stay here and look after things. I must go and see what is happening. I promise I will be back soon." She looked about to protest, but closed her mouth and nodded. Without another word I focused upon where I had been informed the military camp was and disappeared in a flash of light.

After falling through the void I reappeared in what was once a beautiful and vibrant green field...only to find a barren wasteland. 'What has happened here?' I took a look around and noticed something in the distance...figures approaching through the dust cloud. I squinted and as they got closer, they began to take the shape of a tall dragon, an alicorn, and a pegasus. I recognized the dragon as Darkflight and noticed he was carrying something. However, it wasn't until he got closer that I became very confused at the sight. The avatar of winter was walking with him, and the dragon was carrying...

Oh gods no...

Perspective change - Darkflight

I had always prided myself on being the tough badass, but at this moment I didn't care about that. I was crying openly as I walked towards the shocked princess of the sun, with a lifeless body in my arms - Drew's body. Looking at the princess' face nearly made me sick from how much pain was in it. I wanted to say something to her, anything, but no words came to me. There was nothing to be said about this.

My only brother was dead...and it was my fault.

As I stepped in front of Celestia, I fell to my knees in sobs of sorrow, grief...every sad emotion there was. I lay down the body at her hooves and proceeded to cry like a baby. The princess stood there with a look of disbelief, pain, anger and many others all at once.

"He Pinkie promised..." she whispered, just barely audible.

She was silent for a few seconds longer before she collapsed on the ground, shaking in silent sobs. She continued like this for a few moments before she suddenly let out a loud cry of pure agony and sorrow, one so great it shook the mountainside. Had I not been there, I would have thought someone was murdering her...but no, I was there. I stood up and ignored my own grief for a moment, and embraced the bawling alicorn in my arms. She leaned her head against my shoulder and cried harder than I'd ever thought possible. Frostrender stood there a moment longer watching us, before he stepped forward.

"Princess Celestia and Darkflight, I am so sorry for this loss. I tried to stop it...but there was nothing I could do. He was driven to protect all of you by any means necessary. I did not even think he was capable of something like this..." he said with a sad sigh.

I hugged the princess tighter and sighed. "None thought he was, Frost. Knowing him like I did, I don't think even he thought he was. That doesn't change the fact that he's gone now...and it's my fault..."

Celestia suddenly pulled back and punched me in the chest with force. "Don't ever say that, Darkflight. You stood by him in this...and you will be remembered as a hero for your bravery in the face of immeasurable odds," her voice began to crack and falter, "...as will he."

I didn't deserve this...he didn't deserve this...

Perspective change - Luna

I had lost my modesty nearly ten minutes ago when I suddenly could not hold back tears from flowing. I could not explain why, but I felt immense misery and I could not help but cry.

Something was very wrong.

I stood up and prepared to take flight to check on my sister, only to be stopped by the sight I beheld when I stepped out onto the balcony. There, flying towards me was my sister, looking more broken than I'd ever seen her. Her mane had lost most of its color, instead becoming dull shades of gray, and her eyes were bloodshot and puffy from crying. Behind her I saw Frostrender flying with an equally sad expression. I was confused as to why Steel would be in that form...until I saw what was behind him.

It was Darkflight, carrying Steel's body.

My mind went blank...I could not believe this...I would not believe this. This has to be a bad dream, this has to be some sort of trick. I was having no trouble denying it and it came much easier than I expected...until I saw his face.

That smile...that same soft smile that he gave me the first time he told me he loved me was plastered on his face.

I froze in...fear? I became numb, I had so many emotions running through me all at once that I could not feel any of them. As they all landed on the balcony I almost unconsciously stepped aside. Collective gasps were heard from the entrance of Tia and Frostrender...and silence upon the entrance of Darkflight.

I turned towards the room to look upon the occupants. There was no sound...only a pregnant silence hung in the air. A moment later, Steel's mother and sister simultaneously broke into deep, choking sobs of anguish. The rest of the room followed a moment later.

I could no longer fool myself...I could no longer escape. The realization hit me as if my moon itself had fallen upon my head.

Steelbreaker - my love - had been killed...

Somewhere, as I retreated into the confines of my own mind, I could hear sobbing cries...my cries.

Author's Note:

Song choice for this battle scene was: Mega Man X8 'Winged Reploid (Revelation)'