• Published 5th Jan 2013
  • 22,034 Views, 590 Comments

Rise of the Elements Part I: The Lost Element - Radiant Dawn

One wish, one night, and the entire world changed. Follow one man as he is given the chance of a lifetime.

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Of War, Wubs, and Worries

Chapter 20: Of War, Wubs, and Worries

I woke up to a pounding headache, as well as a very warm feeling all around me. As my hearing began to awaken as well, I heard...crying? Did someone die or something? I dare not open my eyes so as to forestall the inevitable burning from the light of wherever I was. Instead, I just groaned and moaned out a, "Why?" to no one in particular. This apparently got the attention of whoever was in the room with me, as the crying stopped. I opened my eyes only to be met with a bright blue face and two angry rose-colored eyes.

"You are an idiot, Steel." said the rainbow-maned mare.

I chuckled softly and smiled. "I agree Dashie, but what about?"

I received a punch into my shoulder that made me wince, and I turned to see Vinyl glaring at me. "You gave yourself a concussion, stupid."

I laughed. "Well out of all the things I've done in my life, of course it would take something as simple as that to give me a concussion. Didn't get one when I got hit by a car, didn't get one when I fell out of a tree, didn't get one when I drunkenly fell down stairs...but a few slams on a metal bar does the trick. I guess I'm just an overachiever."

Thankfully this lightened the mood, and a few of my visitors were laughing. I nudged Dash off of my chest and sat up, only to be met with a sensation of the room spinning. 'Vertigo...awesome...' It took everything I had not to fall back to the bed, and I looked around the room to notice it was packed, much like when I had woken up from my coma a month ago. However, I noticed that Luna was missing.

"Luna?" I mumbled.

Twilight rolled her eyes. "You've only been out a few hours, Steel. Unfortunately Luna has responsibilities to keep, even if you feel like being a dummy. You can expect a lecture from her when you get back to the palace."

I sighed and lowered my eyes to the bedsheets. "Great, I can't wait," I said, my remark just dripping with sarcasm.

I was almost resenting waking up when the very pony that was indirectly causing said resentment walked in the room...and she was furious.


Perspective change - Darkflight

My sword cut through the log like a red-hot knife through butter on a stripper's ass. I checked the sword to find it just as it started - flawless. I had to say, I actually turned out pretty damn good as a blacksmith. Rarity and I had held off on making the ornate guard's armors because of the incoming war.

Somehow I didn't think the ambassador dude for the gryphons would be showing up, and she agreed.

This left me lots of time to make new weapons and armor for the new military, which in all honesty, I loved doing. This military was going to look so sick...

My thoughts were broken by my brother walking up, looking like a demon just tore his soul out.

"Fuck dude, you look horribad. What happened?" I said, trying not to laugh.

He just sat down beside me. "Luna happened..."

I couldn't help but laugh now. "Lemme guess, she chewed your ass out for being a retard, right?"

He nodded while rolling his eyes. "Pretty much. I mean Twi told me she was worried until she found out I was going to be okay...then she got really mad."

I nodded and went back to my training. "Yeah, I heard about that. So how exactly did you manage to give yourself a fucking concussion?"

"Well I kinda freaked out when I thought I got Luna pregnant, so I slammed my face into a steel bar over and over again." he said, smiling sheepishly. Then he looked at my swords and smirked. "Dude...is that Yamato and Force Edge?"

I took the larger sword off of my back and smiled. "Hells yeah. I mean not the real demonic swords per se, but if I'm going to make weapons for myself, they're going to look badass."

He rolled his eyes and smiled. "Dude, I think you played Devil May Cry 3 too much."

"No such thing, good sir. Now if you'd kindly leave me, I have more awesome to practice." I said, turning away from him.

He just laughed and walked off.

Perspective change - Steelbreaker

After leaving my brother behind, I headed back to the palace to make amends with Luna. With it being late afternoon I knew she would be in her room, so I headed there. In all honesty I really didn't want to do this, but meh...love makes you do crazy things. That and the fact that being a male meant admitting I'm wrong...all the time.

Anyhow I was attempting to not wobble too much as I walked down the corridor to Luna's room, as my head was still killing me. Luckily I made it without passing out again, and I softly knocked on the door.

"Luna?" I said, almost hoping she wouldn't hear me. She did.

I heard shuffling from behind the door before the door opened a crack, revealing Luna with puffy red eyes. She'd been crying. 'Great...now I just feel even more like an asshole.' Luna didn't say a word, she simply opened the door wider and nodded me inside. I walked in the room trying to look as pitiful as possible, which wasn't that hard because in all honesty I did feel like shit. Looking into the broken expression of my goddess just made me feel worse.

"The doctors told me you might have brain damage. You could have died..." she said softly. I could tell she was trying hard not to cry again.

I sat down on the bed and lowered my eyes...I didn't even want to look at her right now. "I'm really, really sorry Luna. I just did something stupid. I never thought something as simple as ramming my head into a steel bar would tear you up this badly. Please believe me when I say I never meant to do this to you. Hurting you or anypony else is the absolute last thing on my mind. I'm so sorry..." She didn't move, didn't speak. She wouldn't look at me either. After about ten minutes of silence, I figured I'd said what I needed to say, so I got up to leave. It felt like a knife was twisting in my gut when she didn't stop me, so I just opened the door and walked out.

I didn't have anything to do for the rest of the day, but neither did I really want to do anything now. I just headed back to my room and lay down. Unfortunately the doctor told me I couldn't sleep for at least the next eight hours...as I might not wake up. And so I closed the door behind me, turned on my mp3 player, and just lay there staring at the ceiling.

Perspective change - Vinyl Scratch

It was late afternoon and I was with Lyra walking back towards the palace to check up on Steel. I kinda felt sorry for him...Luna really let him have it, and Twilight said she'd never seen her that mad. I mean I kinda understood why she was mad, but still. Maybe I could find a way to lighten Steel's mood...

Before I knew it, we were walking down the now-familiar corridors of the palace. 'By Celestia, I never thought I'd be familiar with the palace. This is so cool! No, focus! We're here for Steel.' I forced myself from my thoughts just in time to see Steel's big silver doors that lead to his room. Lyra was about to knock, but I just walked in. I could feel her glare, but I shrugged it off.

"Hey girls." said the silver alicorn, not even looking at us. "You two here to hate on me as well? Go ahead, I'm in my happy place...somewhat."

Lyra walked up to him first, looking genuinely sad for him. "Steel, don't do this to yourself. You know Luna, she'll come around. Just give her some time."

I couldn't stand to see him like this...it was making me mad. I walked over to him and nudged him softly. "Alright Steel, enough of this feeling sorry for yourself. Get up, we're going out."

He just stared at me, but sat up. "What? What are you talking about? Where are we going?"

I rolled my eyes. "Somewhere not so depressing, and we're going to do something fun."

Lyra and I walked Steel over to the local club/bar that I perform at, and sat down for some drinks. After all, it looked like he could use a few.

"Girls, I really don't want to drink right now." he said a bit glumly.

I giggled. "C'mon Steel, a few drinks won't kill ya. You need to loosen up some, and I can help ya do that."

He sighed. "Okay, but just a few."


"I love everyone!" Steel said, slurring a bit. He leaned over and gave me a big kiss, albeit a sloppy one. Any other time I would be blushing like mad, but I was well aware what powers alcohol had over inhibition.

Maybe vodka was a bad idea...

I stood up and dropped bits on the table to pay, then started nudging him. "Okay Steel, I think it's time to go home now. C'mon now, let's go."

He shoved me away angrily. "No, I don't wanna!"

Lyra rolled her eyes and pulled his hoof. "Steel, stop acting like a foal. Lets go!"

And then...he started crying. "Why are you being so mean to me?"

He had the saddest and cutest face I've ever seen, and my heart just broke. Okay...new rule: sadness and alcohol are never allowed to mix with Steel.

Anyhow, we finally got out of there and headed back to the palace. I had to end up making sure he didn't fall because he was definitely too drunk to fly. He thankfully turned back to a happy drunk on the way back, so at least we didn't have to explain to all the ponies we passed why a grown stallion was bawling.

We arrived at the palace again just as the moon was getting ready to rise, and Steel had surprisingly sobered up quite a bit just on the short walk back. I could tell because for one he could now walk on his own, and two because now he hung his head in embarrassment...no doubt over how he was acting. He opened his door and we walked inside with him to make sure he didn't hurt himself or something. He lay back on his bed and turned that mp3 thing back on, and started to listen to music.

Lyra walked up and kissed him on the cheek. "I have a concert to play in Fillydelphia tomorrow, so I won't be able to stay tonight. Are you going to be alright, Steel?"

He nodded and let a little smile show. "I'll be okay Lyra. Thank you. Travel safely, beautiful."

She blushed and nodded, then left. This just left me alone with Steel, which in all honesty made me a little nervous. He looked over at me and patted the spot next to him on the bed, so I hopped up and lay down on the plush blanket. He was listening to some sort of soft music and was bobbing his head to the beat. It was like my kind of music only more...chilled. I couldn't help but nod my head to the rhythm as well.

"It's called 'Summit', and it's done by that DJ Skrillex that I told you about." he said softly.

I nodded and ever so carefully moved closer to him, until I could feel the heat he gave off.

He noticed and looked down at me with a smile. "And what are you doing, dear Vinyl?"

I blushed and smiled back. "It's cold in here, and you're warm. Why do you keep your windows open anyway? It's the middle of winter."

He chuckled and smiled at me mischievously. "Because I like it cold in here. Besides, it makes whoever's in here want to get even closer to me. By how you're acting, it's working quite well." He then reached a hoof around me and pulled me right up against him. He started stroking my back softly, giving me chills.

"Ugh...you're not making this easy, Steel." I said with a huff of frustration.

He smiled innocently. "What am I making difficult?"

"It's taking every fiber of willpower I have not to latch onto you like a tick and never let go." I stopped when I realized what I said and smiled sheepishly. "That sounded a lot cooler in my head..."

His face contorted in a smile before he burst out laughing. I was so happy I could make him laugh, even if it was at my expense. He needed it after today. I was just about to follow through with my threat when he pulled me up against him instead and hugged me tight.

"Haha! I beat you to it, I win!" he nearly yelled, which actually hurt my ears a little.

This guy is good...

Perspective change - Steelbreaker

I was actually having a lot of fun with Vinyl, much to my surprise. She was playful, had a good sense of humor, and had great taste in music. Why did I never spend time with her before? Well since Luna hated me now, I guess that gives me plenty of extra time to catch up.

"So Vinyl," I said softly, "I'm sorry I didn't really stay in touch as much as I should have. I just kinda bailed on you after I showed you my music. I'm really sorry about that."

She rolled away from me and lay on her back, placing her hooves behind her head. "Steel it's okay. I was busy too, ya know. Recently though, I've decided to take a little 'vacation', so I have plenty of time to myself now."

"Well good, because you seem like the kind of friend I'd like to have. Chilled out, loves music...you're awesome." I finished with a smirk.

She giggled again. "Well I can't say I've never been told that, but it means a lot coming from you. Thanks Steel."

We spent the next few hours talking and laughing a lot about the many "adventures" I've had so far with Luna and the others until it was near midnight.

It was at that moment I felt a presence that I was intimately familiar with approaching from the throne room.

'I hope she's ready to talk...'

I looked at Vinyl and smiled. "Hey Vi, can you give me a few minutes? Things are gonna get tense in here and I don't want to bring you into that."

She nodded. "Alright Steel, I'll wait in the gardens then."

I nodded and she left. I turned my music back on and started listening to some soft music while I waited. Not a minute later, Luna walked in my room looking very sad, and she still wouldn't look at me. I wanted nothing more than to jump up and tackle her to the ground and rain kisses on her along with apologies, but I restrained myself. Something told me she wouldn't be okay with that...not yet.

She shifted nervously before clearing her throat and addressing me, "Hi Steel."

I sat up and leaned against the headboard, smiling. "Hi Luna."

"So, um...how are you?" she asked, sounding an awful lot like Fluttershy.

I decided to go for the cheesy line, just to see if it would work. "Much better now that you're here, Lulu."

It worked...thank the powers that be.

She finally looked at me and smiled. "Well then I am happy, Steel." She then took a more somber look and sat down in front of me. She sighed deeply before continuing in an equally somber tone. "Steel, I apologize for how I reacted. I was just so worried. When I received word you were in the hospital with head injuries, I nearly cried in the middle of court. I don't know what I would do without you Steel..."

I grabbed her with my magic aura and pulled her closer to me before wrapping my forelegs around her and hugging her tight. "Luna, I'm so sorry that I put you through that. I mean, I was just banging my head against a steel railing because of how stupid and careless I was last night. I had thought I got you pregnant or something. Don't worry though, Dashie explained how ponies' reproductive cycles work, so I'll not be having that misunderstanding again."

She looked at me and raised an eyebrow, "You gave yourself a head wound because you believed I might have been with foal? Would that have been such a bad thing?"

I nodded glumly. "Yes Luna, it would have been. First off, we will be going to war relatively soon, most likely. You would be unable to help us if you were carrying, and I would be unable to be here for you because I would be fighting. Secondly and more importantly, I'm not ready for a foal just yet, Lulu. I admit I overreacted a little, but still...I was freaking out because I know I'm not ready for that yet. I promise the day will come, just not now."

She seemed to accept this and smiled. "I understand, Steel. I am sorry I treated you as I did when you came to me earlier. I was afraid I would lose you...and I honestly do not know why I acted how I did towards you. I was hurt...and afraid."

"Well all is well, Luna. I'm not hurt too badly and you're not pregnant, so it's a win-win scenario here." I said with a goofy smile.

She smiled back at me and lay down next to me. "I would not look at things so optimistically, but I am gladdened that you are okay."

"Hey Lulu, where are all the girls?" I asked. I felt bad that I hadn't even noticed they were gone until right that moment.

She snuggled against me and sighed. "Twilight is studying on war tactics within the Royal Library. She is here, but will be staying in her old tower room for her stay until she finishes. Rainbow Dash is spending the night with her friend Fluttershy, but will be back tomorrow. Pinkie Pie is lending a hand at Sugarcube Corner for a large order that has come up, and she would not leave her family to do it alone."

I nodded. "Well I suppose that just leaves you and Vinyl tonight. It's all good."

She looked at me incredulously. "So you and Ms. Scratch..."

I shook my head and chuckled. "No Luna. I mean I wouldn't be against it, but we're still getting to know each other. Right now she's just a good friend who makes a great cuddle buddy. It's been weeks since we last saw each other, so I'm playing catch-up right now. I've already contacted all the other girls about it and they don't have a problem with her should we ever become more than just friends. Pinkie even seemed ecstatic. What about you?"

"I trust your judgment, Steel. I have not felt any less loved, so I have no reason to distrust you." she said softly, nuzzling into my snowy mane.

I smiled and kissed her forehead. "Thanks, love. That means a lot to me." I then made contact with Vinyl. “Hey Vi? You can come back now. All's well here.”

A few minutes passed before I heard the door open. I opened my eyes to see Vinyl walking in with that grin that just made me want to smile with her. She hopped up and lay down next to me, curling her tail around herself and cuddling into my side.

'By Celestia, that is so cute. She's like a little puppy! D'awwww...'

I couldn't help myself, and I started stroking her back again softly. She shivered a few times and sighed happily. Luna wrapped herself around me, and I could feel her cool skin against my side.

'I don't get it...I'm the carrier of the avatar of winter...how is she cold while I'm warm? This doesn't make sense. Whatever...feels nice.'

I turned my music back on and Vinyl turned around to talk to Luna. I wasn't paying attention but I did hear them laugh a few times. No doubt Vinyl had told her about my drunken stupidity earlier today, as well as a few other choice things. Their laughter was music to my ears.

Well I already had music playing, but I guess it was like double-music or something.

A few minutes later I could hear the soft snores of Vinyl beside me. Without opening my eyes, I pulled her closer, which she sighed again and nuzzled into my side while wrapping a hoof around me. I nearly fell asleep when I began to feel a hoof stroking my chest softly. I looked to see Luna staring at me with a wry smile.

"What?" I asked with confusion.

She shook her head. "Nothing Steel. I am just glad that you are here."

I pulled her close to me, feeling her cool skin against mine again. "I'm glad too, love," and I leaned in for a kiss. She met me halfway and pressed her soft lips to mine and let loose a very soft moan before breaking away and smiling.

She nuzzled into my neck. "I missed that, Steel."

"It's only been a day, Lulu." I chuckled out.

She pouted cutely. "And? I cannot miss your kisses after only one day?"

I kissed her again and smiled. "I'd be offended if you didn't, actually."

She hummed happily while burying her face in my mane and I closed my eyes again, falling asleep a few minutes later, with my love in my arms.