• Published 5th Jan 2013
  • 22,069 Views, 590 Comments

Rise of the Elements Part I: The Lost Element - Radiant Dawn

One wish, one night, and the entire world changed. Follow one man as he is given the chance of a lifetime.

  • ...

The Princess and the Bass Drop

Chapter 6: The Princess and the Bass Drop

"Ugh...where am I? Wh-where are my clothes!" I exclaimed in surprise as I woke, then scrambled out of bed and fell backwards. I ended up falling off the bed and hit my muzzle on a dresser, which caused my nose to begin bleeding. I grumbled, "Great, just what I need this morning."

Twilight came running upstairs and burst through the bedroom door. "What's all the noi- oh Celestia, are you okay Steel?"

As the mare rushed over to check on me, I nodded. "Yeah yeah, I'll be fine. Just get me some tissues or gauze or something so I don't mess up your nice floor." She nodded and bolted out the door, returning a moment later with a wad of bathroom tissue, levitating it to my nose. I grabbed it and held it there with my hoof, shaking my head in frustration.

"So what happened?" she asked after a moment.

I chuckled and shrugged. "Well apparently my subconscious hasn't caught on to the fact that I don't wear clothes anymore. I woke up, realized I wasn't wearing anything, and freaked. Your dresser made a nice place to land my nose."

The unicorn grimaced as she looked at the soiled cloth, and I could swear I saw her heave a bit. "Maybe you should be more careful from now on. I'd hate to have to rush you to Ponyville General because you got out of bed the wrong way."

I laughed. "Yeah, it'd make a funny story though."

After stopping the bleeding from my now-sore nose, I floated downstairs to meet Darkflight and Spike. 'Walking is so overrated. Dash might be on to something.' My brother took one look at me and burst out laughing, Spike following suit.

"Ha ha ha, laugh it up guys." I said, grabbing a bottle of apple juice from the fridge. I reentered the main room and sat down at the table, looking at my brother. "Okay man, so first things first while I'm out and when I get back...we need to find jobs of some sort."

He frowned. "Yeah...I know. I just hope someone will hire me. Not many dragons around here."

I nodded as I took cracked open the juice bottle. "It'll be hard, but I don't feel right about mooching off of Twi. We need to contribute in some way. Go see Fluttershy, I'm sure she can help you out, or at least point you in the right direction."

He nodded in agreement before looking at me with a questioning gaze. "Wait...where are you going?"

I took a sip of juice and smacked my lips. 'That's damn good! I gotta get some more of this stuff...' "Well, I'll be heading back to the palace. Princess Celestia wants to see me about some things that have been going on regarding my magic."

Spike and Dark's eyes widened, and the smaller dragon asked, "You can do magic? Already? How is that even possible?"

I shrugged as I took another sip of the sweet drink. "I'm not really sure, but apparently I've already been able to cast three spells without practice, one of which shouldn't even exist."

My brother smirked. "Oh yeah? Well I can breathe fire...can you do that? I don't think so."

I laughed. "I'm an alicorn, Mace. I'm sure with enough training and practice I can do pretty much anything. All the same, my skin is awful squishy compared to yours, so you got me there." The black dragon grinned, but then I heard Twilight finally descending the stairs, a strange look on her face. "Umm Twi...are you ok? What's up?"

She looked at me and I could have swore she turned a little green. "S-sorry Steel. I'm just a little squeamish around blood. I'll be okay, I just need a glass of water."

I nodded, finishing off my juice and walking with Twilight to the kitchen to throw the bottle away. As I entered the kitchen, Twilight took one look at me, and started dry-heaving in the sink. I walked over to her and rubbed her back. "It's okay Twi, I'm here for you. I guess the good news is that at least you haven't had anything to eat yet."

She smiled weakly, and I handed a glass to her. She grimaced again and said, "Thanks Steel."

I frowned a bit and sighed. "Well I guess I better go then. I don't want to make you sicker, and I need to get to the palace. Hope you feel better Twi." She nodded and I left.

After stepping outside the library, I quickly took to the skies. I decided I'd cast the same spell I used in the race with Dash, so I focused on the same feeling I had at that time...even thinking of the need to go faster. I felt the same sensation of warmth in my wings, and the illusion of time slowing down, before I shot forward again, the same wave of electric white energy expanding in all directions. The mountain city that was once looming in the distance was coming up very fast, so since I had a feel on how my magic worked, I focused on the spell dissipating, and the warmth left my wings while I slowed down at the same time. I flared my wings and glided softly to the front gates to the surprise of the two guards stationed there.

Composing themselves quickly, the one on the left spoke in a stern manner to me. "State your name and business here."

I folded my wings at my sides, the left still throbbing with a bit of pain. "My name is Steelbreaker, and I was summoned by Princess Celestia."

The guards looked at each other and nodded, the one on the left again being the only one that spoke. "Very well, the princess is expecting you Steelbreaker. Follow me and I will escort you to the throne room." I nodded and followed the guard through the winding halls of the palace.

When we came upon two familiar massive doors with a diorama of the two princesses, and the guard knocked loudly.

"Please enter." said a familiar voice from inside. The guard pushed the door open and walked inside, with me following behind him. The sun princess was sitting on her throne, an infinitely warm yet infinitely comforting smile on her face. Upon reaching the thrones, the guard and I bowed respectfully. "You may rise." the princess said. As we both did so, the white alicorn nodded at the guard. "You may go, thank you." The guard nodded and proceeded out of the throne room, leaving just myself and the princess completely alone. Princess Celestia stood up and walked over to me, before surprising me with a hug. I gently returned the embrace and smiled when she broke it. "It is good to see you again, Steelbreaker. How are things?"

I shrugged. "Things seem to be going pretty well so far. We've come across an issue that will need solving, but nothing we can't handle, I think."

The solar princess raised an eyebrow and asked, "Oh, and what would that be?"

I smiled sheepishly. "Well your highness, my brother and I are now seeking employment somewhere, as we both feel we are being a burden on your student. I don't feel it's right to be taking advantage of hospitality, no matter how readily it's given."

The princess relaxed and smiled. "Well Steelbreaker, I am sure that you will be able to easily find employment in the town. Darkflight however will be a different matter. Though your announcement to the town yesterday was successful in quelling any fears the ponies would have of him, I believe it is safe to say they would still feel uncomfortable employing him.” She then placed a hoof on her chin for a moment as she thought, then looked back to me with a smile. “Perhaps I have a solution: I have need of a smithy here in the palace to forge the armor and weapons of the guards, as well as other metallic objects. If he is not successful in finding suitable employment in Ponyville, assure him that I have a career for him here if he's interested."

I nodded with a grateful expression. "Thank you princess...you are most kind. I will pass that information along when I return to the town."

She nodded, but then her face changed to inquiry. "So Steelbreaker, Twilight informs me of some big changes that have happened the past two days. May I see your cutie mark?"

I nodded and walked closer to the princess, as she gazed at the mark on my flank. Her face contorted to...confusion? "What is the matter princess?"

She brought her eyes back to mine with suspicion. "Steelbreaker, is that Rainbow Dash's cutie mark...on your cutie mark?"

I nodded. "Yes...Twilight and Dash seemed to have the same reaction. However, after I told Twilight the story of how it appeared, she seems to think that it looks like that because of the protection I extended to Dash. It makes sense, as my cutie mark appeared as it is right after that."

The princess seemed to mull it over for a moment before nodding. "Yes, that does make sense to me as well. Now, on to the second matter...you are able to cast magic as well I hear. And without training? This is unheard of, Steelbreaker. Even I and my sister were forced to train for days on end before mastering a spell. It appears you have an inborn ability for magic and its applications."

I cocked an eyebrow in confusion. "Inborn ability? That doesn't make sense...I was born a human. We don't even have real magic where I come from."

Princess Celestia looked confused, but responded with, "This is true that humans cannot use magic, but your mind and being was built to use it. Gaining the body of an alicorn seems to have awakened this latent attribute within you."

I mulled it over for a moment. "You know if you'd told me that four days ago, I'd have called you crazy...but it does make sense. So it's almost like...like I was born in the wrong world?"

She nodded. "Yes. My sister and I understand many things, but even we do not fully understand the pairing of essence to body. It is almost as if you were meant to be born into a world or universe that has magic, but things were changed at the last moment. I am curious as to just how versatile your magic is. What have you discovered thus far?"

I thought for a moment. "Well, I am able to use Spellspeech. I was able to access and interface with my mp3 player without even touching it, I am able to cast a wing-enhancement spell for flight, and I was the one that sent the first letter last night. Beyond that, I'm still learning my limitations."

She looked pensive for a moment before speaking. "Well Steelbreaker that is...unexpected. You appear to be a spellbender."

I just stared at her. "A spellbender? What's that?"

The alabaster pony giggled a bit and happily explained, "A spellbender is a powerful magic user that has the ability to both use and create spells with little or no training. Starswirl the Bearded was a spellbender, and it seems you are as well. This makes you only the second one in recorded history. The fact that you were able to interface with your music-player device confirms it, as the spell you used on it previously did not exist."

I was awestruck. "Wow...that's a lot to take in. So that means..."

Seemingly predicting what I was going to say, Princess Celestia answered for me. "Your power is only limited by your imagination, Steelbreaker. You may very well be more powerful than me someday."

I was a little taken aback...and suddenly scared. "Doesn't that worry you? I mean, what if I turn bad or something? Oh God, you're not going to lock me in the dungeon, are you? I wouldn't do well in that environment..."

The solar princess giggled and shook her head with a comforting smile. "Steelbreaker, I have seen your heart. Also, your cutie mark confirms my suspicion on the matter. Your talent - your calling - is to watch over and protect those dear to you. Hurting them or those they care about would go against your very being...something I have a feeling you would never allow yourself to do."

I thought about it a moment before nodding. "I could never do that. I'd die before I let myself do anything remotely like that."

The princess placed a hoof on my chest and grinned at me. "You see? You have nothing to worry about. Now then, that is all I wanted to ask you. You may go, but perhaps you would like to try out the limits of your capabilities with some teleportation?"

I bobbed my head, thinking. "I mean, I guess I could. Well, here goes. It was nice knowing you in case I screw this up or something."

I focused on the library, more specifically the front steps. I then imagined myself getting there as fast as possible...willing it to happen. I began to feel the air around me get colder, and a shiver elicited from my body. My body began to tingle, and then I saw a bright flash. When my eyes readjusted, I found myself standing outside the library.

I decided to contact Celestia, so I “cast” the Spellspeech spell. “Well, you were right princess, it worked. I'm okay.” I breathed a sigh of relief.

'That is good, Steelbreaker. Perhaps you should tell Twilight about your recent findings about yourself. I am sure she will be most excited to hear about it.'

I walked into the library to find Twilight sitting at the reading table with my iPod playing next to her and her eyes locked on a book.

I cleared my throat to get her attention and she looked up at me. "Oh hey Steel, you're back soon. So, what did you find out?"

I sat down next to her, grinning. "Well Twilight, it appears you've got your very own Starswirl the Bearded to study."

She looked confused and responded with, "I'm not sure what you mean, Steel. What's going on?"

I laughed. "Well, Celestia said that by what I told her, I'm a spellbender, like Starswirl was."

Twilight literally jumped out of her seat in shock. "WHAT?"

I winced, thinking she was going to hit me or something. "Umm...well maybe she's wrong, I don't know..."

The unicorn’s expression instantly changed to that of a massive smile. "No, this is AMAZING! To think that in over 3,000 years, you're only the second spellbender in history! This is incredible!"

By now she was in hysterics, so I calmly grabbed my iPod, exited the library, and walked into town.

I asked a few of the younger ponies for directions to Vinyl's house, and before I knew it I came upon a stark white, two story building with Vinyl's cutie mark on a flag. 'Seems fairly obvious...' I walked up to the door and knocked. It took a few seconds, but before I knew it I was staring at a black-maned gray earth pony.

I bowed my head slightly. "Ah, you must be Lady Octavia. It's a pleasure."

I looked up to see the gray mare staring at me in shock, and she whispered, "Oh my...Vinyl wasn't joking. W-well yes, I am Octavia. You must be Mr. Steelbreaker. Please come in, I will fetch Vinyl."

I took a seat on a large L-shaped red couch and patiently waited for my host to return.

Perspective change - Octavia

I was in utter shock as I made my way to the recording studio. 'An alicorn? I assumed for sure she was joking.' Much to my own disdain, I found myself a little...jealous of my best friend. She was as a sister to me, and I loved her as so. Still...I found myself oddly jealous of her. Jealous of her playful nature, of her confidence...of her unkempt style, even. I quickly pushed these thoughts aside as I entered the studio, the sounds of synthesized music filling the air. I pounded on the glass of the DJ booth, getting Vinyl's attention.

The music stopped and she sauntered out with a large grin on her face. "Hey there Tavi, what's shakin'?"

I faked a smile and simply replied, "He's here." If her smile was big before, it was enormous now. Vinyl nodded and we headed back to the living room.

Perspective change - Vinyl Scratch

I was sweating bullets. '...he's here! Okay Vinyl, calm down girl. Take a breath...play it cool. You got this.' I tried to compose myself to not look like a complete foal, which was hard enough on it's own. Not only was he a musician...but an alicorn! And he wanted to see me! I forced myself to calm down as we came up behind him.

He was relaxing on the couch in the living room with his eyes closed, singing some sort of song I'd never heard before. It sounded...sad, almost depressing. I turned the corner to see a tear roll down his cheek. Everything inside of me screamed to go and give him a huge hug...somehow I restrained myself. I still don't know how.

Perspective change - Steelbreaker

I was singing "Mama Said" to myself when I heard two ponies approaching from behind me. I slowly sat up and wiped a tear away from my eye and smiled at Vinyl and Octavia, who were standing in front of me, concerned looks on their faces.

"What?" I asked.

Vinyl stepped forward with concern and questioned, "Are you okay Steelbreaker?"

I nodded. "Yeah, I'm awesome. Why do you ask?"

Octavia approached me with a frown. "Well you were crying, Steelbreaker. And that song you were singing sounded just so...sad."

I sighed as I stretched a bit. "Yeah, that was a song from where I came from. I find it better when singing or playing a song to feel the emotion or emotions it's meant to convey. Makes for a much more passionate feel to the music. I'm not actually sad, it's just what the emotion was at that point during the song. It was loss, pain, and regret. If those didn't make you sad, I don't know what would."

The two ponies seemed to accept this, as they both broke out in soft grins. I stood off the couch on my two hind legs, arching my back to pop it.

Vinyl gasped. "Wow you're tall."

I laughed and dropped to all four hooves. "Nah, I don't walk around town like that. It just happens to be the easiest way to get the kinks out of my back." Both of the mares mouthed an 'Oh'. I then held up my iPod and asked, "So Vinyl, Octavia...how about we get to the music?"

Vinyl looked very confused. "What's that?"

I chuckled and held the device where she could see it. "This my lady, is what's known as an mp3 player. It holds and plays music. I have over twenty-thousand songs on here that can be played at any time." A gasp was heard from both of them, so I simply winked. "I'll show you exactly what I mean. I take it you have a recording studio in this place?" Vinyl nodded slowly. "Okay then, take me to it and I'll show you what I'm talking about." Vinyl nodded and the two mares led the way to the recording studio.

When we arrived, I was amazed at just how similar the music equipment and the DJ booth was to those back on Earth. I turned to the DJ and asked, "Okay then. Do you have an auxiliary cable?"

Vinyl looked confused. "An oxhill-what now?"

I facehooved and picked up a pair of headphones laying on the PA system, then pointed to the end of the cord coming out of them. "It's a cord that has two ends on it that look like this."

The unicorn nodded and smiled. "Yeah. It's something I came up with about a month ago. Really helps with hooking up my equipment. I got one around here somewhere, gimme a sec." With that she rummaged around in a small bin beside the door. "Aha! Here it is. Here ya go Steel."

I took the cable from her and hooked up my mp3 player to the PA system. I turned the levels on halfway and routed the sound to the speakers in the booth.

I then looked at Octavia with a smile. "First, something for you, Octavia. This is a piece of music I often listen to when I have trouble sleeping. It's called 'Gentle'." I used a bit of magic to get the player to play the song I referred to, and set it aside while Octavia listened to the music. The soft, haunting melody filled the air, and Octavia closed her eyes, seemingly lost in the music. Vinyl of course, looked a little bored. I smirked at her and connected with her mind. “Don't worry Vinyl, I'll play a song for you next. You're really going to like it.” The unicorn smiled at me and nodded as the song continued.

Eventually, the music ended and Octavia had tears in her eyes. The earth-pony looked up at me and said, "That was quite possibly the most beautiful piece of music I've ever heard. Did you write that?"

I barked a laugh and shook my head. "No Octavia I didn't, but I'm glad you liked it. It is one of my favorite pieces of contemporary classical music. My skill in music writing lies in three genres known as 'blues', 'rock', and 'metal'. In all honesty I don't know if you'd like them. They're a bit...heavy." I looked at Vinyl and nodded, then changed the music to "Rock 'n' Roll" by Skrillex, while turning up the bass channels on PA system. Both of the girls were nodding their heads to the music up until the first bass drop. Octavia's face changed to one of fascination, and Vinyl had the single biggest smile I'd ever thought possible on her face.

When the song finished, both of them were speechless. Vinyl found her voice first and stuttered out, "What...what was that? That was amazing!"

I smiled. "That my dear, is known as dubstep. It's a new form of electronic music. Before you ask, no I didn't come up with that. I love the music, but if you want someone that could show you how to make it, you might want to ask Darkflight."

We spent most of the rest of the day playing different songs from my mp3 player and drinking some sort of sweet liquor that Vinyl had(man, that stuff packed a punch though). To my surprise, Octavia actually liked most of the songs. Yet another misconception from the TV show I'm glad was wrong. The only one she didn't like was Ice Cube's "Gangsta Rap Made Me Do it", because of all the swearing. The sun had gone down before we knew it and I bid goodnight to them and left. Too lazy to fly all the way back to the library, I simply teleported again to the front door and walked in. Luna was there to greet me, much to my surprise. I smiled and approached her.

Perspective change - Luna: 1 hour earlier

I had chosen to visit Twilight Sparkle and Steelbreaker after raising the moon, as night court had been canceled on account of a storm scheduled that night in Canterlot. I flew gracefully on the cool air currents of early evening towards Ponyville, the town I had come to adore. I landed softly outside the front door to the town's library - Twilight Sparkle's home - and knocked on the door.

I heard a deep voice shout, "I got it Spike!" from inside, and moments later I was welcomed by a large black dragon.

I smiled warmly and greeted, "Hello Darkflight, it is good to see you again. I am not intruding, am I?"

He shook his head. "You're not intruding at all, Princess Luna. We were just chillin' out. Twilight was expecting you, I think." The tall drake then waved me inside.

I entered to be met with the sight of Steelbreaker's mother and sister playing a game of chess at the reading table. They both waved and smiled at me before returning to their game, fierce eyes locked on the board.

Twilight must have heard the door, as she stepped downstairs to greet me. "Oh hello Luna, it's great to see you again. Steelbreaker's not here right now, but he should be back soon. Would you like some tea while we wait?"

I nodded. "Yes, tea would be lovely Twilight. Thank you."

I watched the young mare leave, and smiled in thought.

Twilight held a special place in my heart. She was my first true friend upon my release from the curse of Nightmare Moon. She was the only one who actually took the time to try and integrate me into the world I had been away from for so long on my first Nightmare Night, and thankfully, she also tutored me in the modern way of speaking, as I was told that my somewhat archaic speech was outdated. While some situations still present themselves that I find myself unable to handle well, I would not be where I am today without her friendship and guidance.

Twilight's voice snapped me out of my thoughts, as she voiced, "Helloooo, Luna? You there?"

I shook my head to clear the mental cobwebs and nodded with a smile. "Yes Twilight, I apologize." The young unicorn levitated a small mug of tea to me, and I nodded my head in thanks. "Thank you Twilight, I appreciate your hospitality."

The mare across from me held her hoof up dismissively and happily replied, "No need to thank me, Luna. You're a good friend...you're always welcome here."

I smiled warmly. It was always nice to be reminded that I actually had friends, even after what Nightmare Moon did. Twilight and I sat at reading table, sipping our tea. I could tell she had something on her mind, and while I could simply sift through it to find out, I chose not to betray her trust in such a way.

I sipped the wonderful tea and asked, "Twilight, what is bothering you? You obviously have something on your mind."

The young mare knew by now that she could trust me, so she didn’t bother hiding the fact. "Well...it's Steelbreaker."

I was not surprised. Truth be told, I had often found myself thinking of him as well. He is just so...different, but in a good way. I could not decipher whether it was because he was from a different world, or because of his personality. One of the matters that made him unique in my eyes was the fact that he treated me as an equal. In normal society, this would be considered an outrage. However the way he did it, it was in no way disrespectful. Tia did not mind the royal treatment from her subjects, but I was not so fond of it. Before Twilight, I would find myself yearning for the informal connection that two friends share. With Steelbreaker, it is different though. There is something else I feel when I am around him, though it is a feeling I am unfamiliar with. I attempted to consult dear sister, only to have her giggle and tell me I should see Steelbreaker.

I broke out of my momentary thought and addressed Twilight. "Well Twilight, I often find myself thinking of him as well. He is..."

"Different," we both said successively. We both looked at each other and giggled.

After finishing tea, we both retreated to the large couch in the main room of the library. Just after sitting down, I noticed a bright flash outside the windows of the library. I stood to investigate, and the door opened to reveal Steelbreaker, smiling.

He strode up to me and embraced me in a hug, bringing a blush to my cheeks. "Good evening, my lovely Luna. It's wonderful to see you again."

I felt my heart flutter at his greeting and I returned the hug, drinking in his warmth. "Good evening, Steelbreaker. I am happy to see you as well." I released him and gazed into his eyes, noticing a power within them I had not seen before. As he turned away to greet Twilight, I noticed something on his flank...a cutie mark? When did that happen? "Steelbreaker, when did you receive your cutie mark?"

He glanced back at his flank and relayed a story to me from yesterday of how he had been racing Rainbow Dash to the town square before Darkflight's unveiling, only to accidentally activate a wing-enhancement spell and collide with her. He told me of how he had saved her from serious injury or death, and had found his cutie mark after waking from unconsciousness.

I glanced at the cutie mark again, and upon noticing the mark in a corner, I blurted out, "Is that Rainbow Dash's cutie mark?”

He grinned and nodded. "Yeah. Apparently it's connected to the fact that I protected Dash from falling to her doom. Not sure how though, but there it is." I found myself strangely...jealous of Rainbow Dash. I wish he cared about me as much as he does her. “I care about both you and Twilight just as much as I do Dash, Luna.”

I jumped in surprise and mentally shot back, “Did you just invade my thoughts?”

He smirked. “I don't have to in order to know what you were thinking. I may not be as old as you or Celestia, but that doesn't make me stupid.”

I smiled. “You know too much for your age, Steelbreaker.”

He laughed and out loud replied, "Yeah...that's what a lot of people have said to me."

Twilight looked confused and muttered, "I feel so left out right now."

Perspective change - Steelbreaker

I laughed and nuzzled the violet unicorn, and she giggled and fell back onto the sofa. I joined her as did Luna, sitting on the other side of me. I extended my wings and pulled them close, both of them letting out a contented sigh. Luna repositioned herself to lay her head in my lap as Twilight had a few nights ago, and I softly stroked her mane. I noticed my sister walking downstairs, and as she passed she just looked at me, shook her head, and headed to the kitchen.

It was still early in the evening and Twilight, Luna, and I all sat together, talking about me again (big surprise). To me, I was nothing special, but to these two ponies, I was fascinating. What seemed to fascinate them the most was the fact that Earth's sun and moon move of their own accord. This turned into a crash-course on physics and mathematics, much to the boredom of Luna. At around 22:30, I walked to the kitchen and grabbed three bottles of Applejack’s hard cider that Rainbow Dash had left for us.

We all drank a bit, getting a little intoxicated.

We somehow got on the subject of sexual relations between humans. Apparently that little voice that normally tells me to steer the conversation away from that - no matter how interested these two are - was a little drunk, and was taking a nap. 'Thanks brain...you dropped the ball again.' Luckily Luna seemed to be keeping her cool, but I could tell Twilight was getting turned on. I was luckily just sober enough to stop the conversation right then and suggest we go to bed.

We all proceeded to head up to Twilight's room, as apparently Luna would be spending the night. I didn't mind, I liked her. She was cool for a princess...not that I've known any princesses before her. I gargled some mouthwash and flopped down on my back on the bed, closing my eyes. Luna had gone with Twilight to brush her teeth, so I rested my eyes.

I must have fallen asleep, because I didn't even hear them come in, and the next thing I know, I'm being kissed. My eyes shot open, and I find myself looking at Twilight, her eyes closed.

I pushed the unicorn off and said, "Twilight, I'm sorry...I'm not ready for this yet."

She smiled seductively as did Luna, and she responded, "Who said you have a choice?" Luna winked in agreement, and they both started advancing towards the bed.

'Shit gotta get out of here...think, think!' At spur of the moment, I teleported out of there to the first place that came to mind...the meadow where I first met Rainbow Dash.

Perspective change - Twilight Sparkle

I rubbed my eyes, having been blinded by the teleportation spell Steel had cast. 'Wait...teleportation? He teleported? How the hay...' I was so confused...and then suddenly...ashamed. I looked at Luna, and it was apparent she was feeling the same way. "We shouldn't have done that...I don't know what came over me." I said. She nodded. "Yes...I fear we have just destroyed a friendship." She began to cry, and before I knew it, I started to shed tears too. What if he hates us now? What if he doesn't want to stay in Ponyville anymore? What if he wants to...go back? This thought made me cry even harder. I wanted to find him...to say I was sorry, but I had no idea where to look. With that, Luna and I had no other choice but to go to sleep, and hope by some miracle he actually comes back. 'Please Celestia...please let him come back...'

Perspective change - Rainbow Dash

I woke up to the sound of something that sounded like thunder, and I grumbled curses to myself as floated downstairs to my living room. 'What the hay...there's not supposed to be a storm tonight...' I opened my front door and took a look around. 'Hmm...no clouds. Wait, what's that? Is that...?' I looked down at the field below me and saw a familiar figure.

"Steel?" I voiced.

The silver stallion looked up at me and smiled. "Hiya Dash. You wouldn't mind giving me a place to stay for the night, would you?"

I was a little confused, but always happy to see Steel, so I beckoned him. "Sure, come inside." He disappeared and reappeared in front of me in a flash, and my vision swam with spots in front of my eyes. I was confused before I realized what happened. "Did you just teleport?"

He laughed and nodded. "Yeah, and that's like the fifth time I've heard that exact question today."

This guy was a mystery, but in all honesty I was too tired to figure it out right now, so I just let him inside and closed the door behind me. "Well Steel, it's late so let's just go to bed. You can bunk with me unless you prefer the couch." I tried to act like I didn't really care., but I secretly hoped he'd want to share with me though. I really liked him a lot...I just hoped I was doing a good job at hiding it.

He shrugged. "Well if you're cool, I'm cool. Lead the way, Dashie." My heart lept into my throat when he said that little nickname. Pinkie had come up with it, but when he said it...it was different.

We got to my room and got into bed. I snuggled up next to him, feeling so safe with him next to me. I'd never tell him, but what he did for me - when he saved me - I think I started to like him as more than a friend. I'm not so good with feelings, so I decided to keep quiet until I had things figured out. Something was bothering me though...

"Hey Steel?" I whispered, getting his attention.

He looked down at me. Maybe it's me, but his eyes look a little different... "Yeah Dashie?"

I smiled...I love when he calls me that. I looked at him with uncertainty and asked, "Well it's not that I don't enjoy you being here, but why aren't you at Twilight's house? Did she kick you out or something?"

He shook his head. "No, I left."

I was shocked. I knew for a fact that he considered all of us friends, so for him to just leave like that, something big must have happened. So, I asked the most obvious question... "Oh...um why did you leave? Did something happen?"

He nodded. "I could tell you, but you probably wouldn't believe me. I think it's better if I just show you." He leaned in close and touched his horn to my head...and everything went white.

The next thing I knew I was looking at Twilight's face in front of mine...was she kissing me? No...no she's not, this must be what happened. Oh...oh wow. Both Luna and Twilight? What's wrong with them?

With that, my vision returned and I found myself looking up at Steel. "Wow Steel...I'm really sorry that happened. Any idea why they were acting that way?"

He pursed his lips in thought and replied, "Well we were polishing off three bottles of hard cider and talking on the couch. Somehow the conversation veered towards sexual relations between two humans."

I laughed and nodded. "Ah...well that'd do it, Steel. Ponies don't really talk about that kind of stuff to somepony they're not 'special friends' with. That plus alcohol makes trouble for you."

He nodded with a sheepish smile. "Yeah, I didn't really think that through. To my credit though, I've had a bit to drink too, so that's probably why I wasn't thinking clearly."

I giggled and tapped his forehead with my hoof. "I can't watch out for you all the time, Steel."

He chuckled heartily, then frowned. "Y'know, I had to get out of there fast, but I have a feeling that Luna and Twilight aren't feeling too good about it now."

I nodded with a sigh. "Yeah...they probably think you hate them now or something. You don't, do you? I hope you don't...they didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."

He smiled such a warm smile and brushed a bit of my mane out of my eyes, causing my heart to melt. "I could never hate any of you girls. Misunderstandings happen all the time, and I'm not going to let one as small as that little situation ruin a good thing."

I knew there was a reason I was friends with him. I smiled before saying, "Well I'm glad you feel like that, Steel. You should probably make sure to clear everything up with them tomorrow."

He sighed and nodded. "Yeah I will. I'm just thinking of how to do that without hurting their feelings too much."

I was confused at his answer, so I asked, "Well what do you mean by that?" He was silent. "Why would you hurt their feelings, Steel?" I asked a little more forcefully.

He sighed as his eyes closed. "Well...I really like you girls. You’re some of the best friends I’ve had, and I don't want to have to make a choice because I don't want to lose any of you...you're all so great."

I cocked my head up at him. "What do you mean make a choice? Oh...oh I get it."

He nodded. "Yeah...” For a few seconds there was silence, but I eventually submitted myself to laughter, and he just stared at me. "What? What are you laughing at." I laughed even harder, my sides starting to hurt, and he just huffed in frustration and said, "Okay Dash enough, it's not that funny. What are you laughing about?"

I coughed a bit, trying to catch my breath. Once I had composed myself, I moved closer against him and said, "You don't have to make a choice Steel."

He sighed. "Well I can't just leave you girls hanging Dash. That's not fair to any of you...but at the same time I'm just afraid of losing one or all of you."

I giggled (yes, I giggled. I’m still a mare, darn it). "No Steel, that's not what I meant. It's socially accepted - almost expected - for stallions to be polygamous."

His eyes widened. "What? Wow...I was not expecting that."

I laughed and nodded, elaborating with, "Think about it Steel...how many stallions have you seen around here? There's a five to one ratio of mares to stallions in Ponyville, and it doesn't change much across the rest of Equestria. No pony knows why, but it's always been like that. If each stallion was only with one mare, that'd leave the majority of the population of Equestria alone. Nopony wants to be alone. I mean, some stallions are perfectly happy with just one mare, but it's almost encouraged for stallions to take more than one marefriend."

He was silent, thinking about it I guess. When he finally spoke, it was with a sigh of relief. "Well...I have to be honest, that definitely makes sense. It's going to take some getting used to though." I took a chance, and leaned up to kiss him on the cheek. He looked down and smiled, kissing me on the top of the head. "Goodnight Dashie."

His care suffused me with warmth, and I smiled up at him as my eyes closed. "Goodnight Steel."