• Published 5th Jan 2013
  • 22,034 Views, 590 Comments

Rise of the Elements Part I: The Lost Element - Radiant Dawn

One wish, one night, and the entire world changed. Follow one man as he is given the chance of a lifetime.

  • ...

Is it Worth it?

Chapter 15: Is it Worth It?

Perspective change - Lyra

I woke up in bed next to a fluffy pink mane and with a splitting headache, along with the need to curse at the light shining in my eyes. Luckily, I caught my bearings long enough to prevent a string of obscenities spewing out of my mouth, instead just groaning with pain. I rolled off the plush bed careful not to wake anypony and stumbled to the bathroom as quietly as I could.

Thankfully the room was just around the corner, so I didn't have to brave the swaying hallway for long. I stood up against the counter in the lavatory and shook my head at my appearance. My mane was bedraggled, my eyes were bloodshot, and I had a line of dried drool on my cheek.

'Oh yeah...that's so sexy. I'm sure Steel would just love to wake up next to this.'

I turned on the shower and stepped in immediately, letting the cold water drops wash away some of my hangover. I heard the door open and saw a blurred blue shape through the shower doors. It approached me and that's when I noticed a polychromatic mane...Rainbow Dash.

She knocked on the door softly. "Hey Lyra, you mind if I join ya?"

I pushed open the door and beckoned her in without a word, placing a hoof to my lips and making a "shhhh" sound, because my head was still pounding with every noise. The cyan pegasus stepped in next to me and began to dampen herself underneath she water. She did much the same as I did and just sat down on the tile flooring, letting the cool water wash over her.

I leaned towards her and whispered in her ear, more for my benefit than hers. "Rainbow, please don't ever let me drink that much again. Never, ever, ever again."

She just giggled softly and placed a hoof on my shoulder. "Dark tried to warn you those drinks would sneak up on you, but nooo...you had to get into a drinking contest with Pinkie. I warned you after all."

I resigned to just laying down in the water now...it felt so good. "I really don't need the 'I told you so' speech right now. What I do need is a good massage. I think I slept wrong or something, because my neck is killing me. Do you know if Steel's any good at giving a massage?"

She blushed. "W-well that depends on what your definition of 'good' is. You don't need to bother Steel with that though, I can give you one."

I turned back to look at her with a raised eyebrow. "No offense Rainbow, but you don't seem like the gentle type. I need hooves that will relax my tension away, not rearrange my bones."

She snorted and placed her hooves on my exposed back. "Just trust me, I know what I'm doing. I learned from a trainer of mine during flight school."

I felt her place her hooves on my back while applying light pressure, moving them in a circular motion on the muscles just behind my shoulders. I couldn't contain a soft moan of pleasure. I whispered out, "Wow...that's a lot better than I was expecting. N-no offense, Dash."

She leaned really close to my right ear, and I could feel her breath. "Oh...I'm just full of surprises, Lyra."

Wait a minute...was she coming on to me? I couldn't deny that she was really cute, but what about Steel? I kinda felt like even doing this I was cheating on him somehow. I know it didn't really make sense, but..."Rainbow, I really don't - oh - know about - mmm - p-please don't stop..."

Perspective change - Steel

I woke up slowly, luckily without a headache. I looked around me and smiled, all the mares sleeping soundly still...even Pinkie. 'Wait...someone's missing...' I just shrugged it off and softly floated out of bed and trotted to the washroom. I stepped in the steamed up room to hear the shower running...and then I saw something I for some reason wished I shouldn't have. It was...private.

I just gasped and closed my eyes. "Shit...I'm sorry!"

I left the washroom, nearly slamming the door behind me with my heart beating out of my chest. 'Wow...that was one of the last things I was expecting this morning...right before a greased deaf pony running around town.' I just shook my head to clear the image before heading downstairs for some breakfast and coffee. My brother was standing next to the kitchen and he handed me a cup of coffee with a smirk.

"So, how's your morning going?" he asked cooly.

I shook my head. "Interesting so far. I just walked in on Dash and Lyra in the shower."

He shrugged his shoulders. "Okay, so?"

I raised my eyebrows. "Together."

His eyes went wide and he looked upstairs. "Are they still in there?" He started to make his way upstairs.

I flicked a bit of magic and pulled him back. "No dude, don't be a dick. I'd rather not have to explain to a bunch of pissed off females why I didn't stop you from attempting to watch a 'free show'."

He chuckled and waved a claw. "C'mon man, I'm just teasin'. Besides, what are you doing down here? You should be gettin' in on that action. Are you gay or something?"

I rolled my eyes. "Totally dude. My straight mannerisms and perceived interest in the opposite sex is all just a cover. You've found me out! Oh woe is me, it is all over." I said dramatically with a hoof over my forehead.

He chuckled a bit and then looked at a book that had been left on the reading table, suddenly taking a very serious face. "Dude, I've been reading up on a few things lately, and it's got me thinking..."

I took another swig of the lovely caffeinated beverage. "About?"

He sighed, a little distraught. "Well...I caught sight of the life expectancy of a dragon. Dude, I'm going to live to be about twelve-thousand years old, at least."

I sat down next to him, and eyed him with interest. "Wow...that's pretty heavy man. Yeah, supposedly alicorns live forever unless killed, and even that's supposed to be a hard task."

He looked a little depressed at me. "Nah dude, you know what that means right? That means that all of these girls...mom...Jen...we're gonna outlive all of them. You'll also outlive me."

I felt his dejected tone spread to me. "Wow. You know when you put it that way, it's kind of depressing. Thanks a lot for ruining my day, asshat."

He actually looked at me apologetically. "I'm sorry man...it's just that now I'm kinda worried about things. I mean, what's going to happen to me when Applejack di-"

I cut him off. "Dude, knock it off. Seriously, keep that shit to yourself, my mind is already running crazy with the idea. I don't need to start thinking about how I'm going to react when I have to attend Dashie's funeral one day...FUCK!" I cursed loudly. I stormed out of the library and grumbled, "I need some air."

I took off flying as soon as I closed the front door behind me. I had to get away. I didn't even care where right now, I just needed to fly far away...away from my thoughts.

The bad thing about thoughts is that no matter how fast you fly, they catch up with you.

I flared my wings before flopping down on a cloud in turmoil. In just five minutes my brain hit the realization like a brick wall: everyone that I loved save for Luna was going to eventually get old and die. Twilight will one day have such bad vision she might not be able to read anymore. Dash will one day be so stiff and tired she won't be able to fly anymore. Pinkie will eventually lose her all-encompassing exuberance. Lyra will one day lose that cheeky young attitude that I loved. Eventually they would all grow old and die, leaving me to watch them pass into the next life, whatever that is on this world. The more I thought about it, the more depressed I got. I just wish someone could give me answers. 'Wait a minute...Celestia! She'll know how to handle this...right?' I immediately took off towards the palace.

I arrived at the front gates, the guards simply nodding and waving me inside. It was still early morning, so I know Celly would still be in the banquet hall for breakfast, so I asked a nearby guard to escort me there.

I walked into the large room to find Celly enjoying a small sandwich with some tea. She looked up at me and smiled, but her smile quickly faded into concern when she saw my face.

"Steel, what's the matter?" she asked softly.

I just sat down next to her with a sad sigh.

She prodded my shoulder. "Steel, you can talk to me. What has you down?"

I looked over at her with tears threatening to break free. "Celly...I just realized the gravity of my immortality. The fact that I will live while my loved ones die. I-I don't know how to deal with it."

Her eyes reflected understanding and stood up. "Come...we will speak in my private chambers. Follow me, Steel."

I complied and followed her down the winding corridors and hallways of the palace until we came upon a massive golden door with a depiction of the sun on it. She nodded to the two guards standing post outside, waving them off to leave. She then pushed on the door and I followed her inside. Her room was not unlike Luna's, though instead of a magical ceiling of a starry expanse, hers was simply a normal ceiling.

She pointed at her bed while grabbing a brush in her magic. "Sit, Steel."

I nodded and sat down on the soft bed...a little too soft, actually. She brushed her ever-flowing mane a few times and sat down on the opposite side of the bed, laying down and propping herself up with a pillow and her hoof.

She motioned for me to do the same. "Get comfortable, there is much for me to say."

I nodded and just lay on my back, propping my head up with a foreleg. "So Celly, what have you to say?"

She suddenly looked a little sad. "Steel...I understand your pain, more than you know."

My ears perked up. "You were in love once? With who?"

She just shook her head and smiled sadly. "Truth be told Steel, I have my eye on somepony right now, as a matter of fact. That aside though, I know what it's like to have to watch a loved one die knowing that there's nothing you can do to stop it. I understand what it's like to know that everyone you know will at one point cease to be. This is why my bond with my sister is so strong and so important. Luna is the one pony I know will always be by my side. It is because of our immortality that alicorns have rarely chosen mates who were not also alicorns. I made what I considered to be such a mistake centuries ago..."

I placed a hoof softly on her shoulder as she shed a tear. "What was his name?"

She lowered her gaze to the soft sheets we were laying on. "Veroxzhar." She moved closer and nuzzled against my mane, crying softly.

"That doesn't sound like a pony's name I've ever heard of. Did ponies have different names back then?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

She shook her head, still buried in my mane. "No, he was not a pony. He was...a dragon."

I drew a sharp breath in surprise. "You were enamored with a dragon? Wow. I mean I guess I don't really have a problem with interspecies relationships - with me technically being a human and all - but wow...he must have been quite the charmer to catch your attention."

She drew back and looked at me again, this time with a smile filled with the remembrance of times gone by. "Yes, he was very different from most dragons. He was a gem dragon, like Twilight's assistant, Spike. Just like all dragons he was proud, wise, and powerful. However he was also kind, gentle, and loving.” The sun princess took a breath before continuing with, “Dragons are not the heartless monsters ponies think they are, Steel. They are simply...misunderstood. Dragonkin keep up the facade to keep any land-hungry races from invading their lands. Make no mistake, they are actually a noble and intelligent race. They simply wish to protect their kind, as I do my own."

I nodded slowly. "I understand. You really do know my fears then. I'm not sure what I should do though. I love Twilight and the others fully, but I am just afraid of the heartbreak of their inevitable decline and death."

She frowned and stood up in front of me. "Well Steel, in response to that I must take measures to assure that you do not suffer such sadness and pain. As your princess I hereby forbid you from any further relationships with non-alicorns."

I was dumbstruck. "B-but what? N-no...you can't do that! I won't let you! I don't care if you are the princess or not, you have no right so suggest such a thing!"

Her gaze grew forceful. "You dare defy your princess? What makes you think you know more than I?"

The anger welled up within me, an emotion I never thought I would feel for Celestia. I stood, a fierce glare on my face. "Because it's worth it. You may be ruler of this land, but you have no right to place a law on my feelings. I don't care if it's fifty minutes or fifty years, every second is worth it..." I dropped my glare and stared off into space.

The regal alicorn walked closer to me and smiled. "I believe you've given us both an answer, Steel.” She then turned towards a window that overlooked a view of Ponyville in the distance. “Never stop caring, never stop loving...that is the secret to the sanity of an immortal. Whether it be a simple subject or my precious student, Twilight...I love all of my little ponies with all of my heart. Learn to do the same, and you will be just fine. Besides," she stepped closer and embraced me in a tight hug. "you will always have myself and Luna by your side. When the time comes, you will miss those who have passed...but you will never be alone. That much I promise you."

The realization of the inevitability of the life I’d chosen hit me again, and I couldn’t help but let a few pained tears fall...but now this future wasn’t so frightening anymore. I looked to the solar princess and smiled, returning the hug. "Thank you Celly. You've given me quite a few things to think about...but I think I'll be okay now. This has actually taken a lot out of me...do you mind if I take a nap here?"

She released me and nodded. "You may use my bed. I will be in the throne room should you need me while you're here. Sleep well..."

I could have swore I heard her say something else, but I just settled into the plush bed and nearly instantly fell asleep.

Perspective change - Celestia

"Sleep well...prince." I said in a whisper. He lay his head down on my pillow and closed his eyes, quickly slipping off into much-needed rest. I silently left the room and closed the door, heading towards the boredom that awaited me in the throne room.

Day court was more of a formality now because of Twilight's organizational skills. Where once there were dozens of cases to go through, there were now rarely more than ten, if that. More often than not, I would actually bring a book or two to keep myself occupied in between cases, casually chatting with Brightwing and Shining Armor, my two most trusted guards.

I had met Sir Brightwing when he was but a foal, his parents being servants within the palace. He showed much promise early in life as a fighter and as he grew, he became a personal friend of mine. When he was nineteen, I inducted him and his equally talented brother, Nightwing, into the royal guard training program at their request. While Nightwing had chosen to take his career to the Equestrian Military, Brightwing stayed within the royal guard, quickly advancing through the ranks until he became a part of the prestigious Celestial Guard. He took his vows a little over six years ago, and he has been serving ever since.

Guard Captain Shining Armor is a different story. He was once a recruit in the Royal Guard during an attack from a radical gryphon faction, where he nearly gave his life in my protection. For his valor and stalwart dedication, I immediately asked that he be promoted to Captain. Shortly after his promotion he fell in love with my niece, Princess Cadence. The day of their marriage in Canterlot, Queen Chrysalis infiltrated and attacked with her swarm of changelings. Upon regaining his own consciousness with the efforts of Twilight and the other elements, Captain Shining Armor recast his barrier spell with the help of Cadence, effectively ending the incident. The young captain became a personal advisor and friend, and I trust him with my life. He is also one of the only living ponies who knows about my past.

While waiting for another court case to come about, I was speaking casually with the two guards, about seemingly random things until Shining Armor brought up the topic of his younger sister, Twilight, or more specifically, the stallion she’d fallen in love with.

"Well, I worry about her, Celestia. I mean she's been sending me letters lately talking about some stallion and I haven't even met the guy yet." the guard captain said, clearly frustrated by the matter.

I simply smiled. "Fear not, captain, I can personally assure you that she is in good hooves. As a matter of fact, perhaps you could meet him soon."

He nodded. "That would put my mind at ease. Any idea when that would be?"

I just smiled. "How about now?" I focused on Steel and connected my mind with his. “Steel, would you come to the throne room please?”

It took a moment for him to respond, but when he finally did so, I could almost taste the annoyance in his voice. “You know Celly, any other pony would be cranky when you wake them up from a good dream. Just saying.”

I giggled. “Oh come now Steel, you know I would not wake you if it were not important. Captain Shining Armor wishes to meet the stallion who makes his sister happy.”

I heard him sigh before he responded, “Fine fine, I'm on my way.”

A few minutes passed before Steel strode into the throne room, catching the attention of the two guards at my sides. They each bowed to him, and he just simply rolled his eyes.

"Guys please don't bow. I might be an alicorn, but I'm not royalty, I assure you." he said with a hint of annoyance.

The two guards stood once more, eyeing me with confusion. "He speaks the truth. Captain Armor, Brightwing, I would like you to meet Steelbreaker. Shining Armor, this is the stallion you've heard so much about from Twilight."

Steel simply smiled. "Ah, so you're the awesome BBBFF I've heard so much about. Twilight's told me a lot about you."

The captain slowly advanced towards Steel, stopping a few feet in front of him. "Well you have manners. I guess you're doing okay so far."

Steel merely rolled his eyes again. "Well I'll answer a few questions for you that every protective brother would want to know. First off, I would protect Twilight with my life if it came to that. I treat her with the love and respect that she deserves. Lastly, no, we haven't done 'the naughty hug', as Pinkie Pie calls it."

Shining Armor tilted his head. "Did you just read my mind or something?"

Steel simply shook his head and smiled. "I'm not only the Element of the Guardian, but also a big brother myself. I just know how you feel is all."

The captain just stared at me and I giggled. I went about explaining the story of the Lost Elements, as well as how Steel came upon his. The two guards went about asking a few questions here and there, while Steel sat by my side looking utterly bored.

"So are there any other 'unknown elements' we should know about?" Brightwing asked with confusion.

I shook my head and sighed. "If there are, they are so much of a secret that even I do not know of their existence."

Day court finished early at lunchtime, so I invited Steel to join me for lunch. I found myself unconsciously glancing at him from time to time nervously, only to avert my gaze with a slight blush when he would look up. I couldn't deny to myself that he was a very handsome stallion, and I believe that the fact he was also immortal unconsciously allowed me to lower the wall I usually kept around my own emotions. Looking at him without the guarded mind I usually have, I could see why my sister had fallen for him. He had changed quite a bit just from coming to our world. He had gone from an anti-social human to a stallion that loved to be around others. From what he had told me of his world, I understood exactly why he chose to be alone rather than seek out other human companionship. Much of his world was selfish, corrupted, and dark. I still remember my look of shock when he told us all of the often pointless killing that took place on Earth.

I was happy I had brought such a man here, and I know he was too. For the first time in many years, I felt proud of something other than my duty of raising the sun.

I remember upon him first coming here, I would find myself almost unconsciously probing his mind, trying to discern his thoughts. Somehow he quickly found a way to shield himself, his explanation being that there were things he had done and experienced that would prove detrimental to my mental health. I was at first offended that he thought me some fragile flower, but understood when he explained to me what was considered a simple nightmare to him. I remember him referencing a story - a "fan-fiction" as he called it - on his world, called "Cupcakes". After hearing a general explanation of the story, I began to see what he meant when he referred to the human race as sick and diseased.

We quickly finished lunch and made our way to the gardens for the bit of new-found downtime I found myself with during recent times. Thanks to my precious student, I now had time to be more than a simple ruler; I had time to be Celestia again after more than three centuries. I had real friends again - a luxury I had not allowed myself since Verox had died those many years ago. I felt my age pressing down on me, but looking over at the young alicorn stallion laying on the grass a few feet away from me made me smile.

He opened his eyes and looked at me with concern. "Is something on your mind Celly? You've been deep in thought most of the time I've been here today."

I was forced myself from my thoughts and offered a smile. "Yes, I fear my mind has been wandering. I apologize."

He scooted closer and placed a hoof on my side, softly brushing my cutie mark in the process, and I just barely contained an involuntary moan.

He looked up at me with concerned eyes and stated, "Celly, you once asked me to voice any concerns I had. You told me I could tell you anything...well now I'm extending the same thing to you. What's bothering you?"

I looked over and smiled softly at him. "I pray you don't take this the wrong way, but I've been thinking of you."

He smiled. "I kinda figure since you hope I don't take it the wrong way, you mean you're thinking of me in a non-romantic sense. True?"

I just nodded. "I won't lie and say I do not find you attractive on a number of levels, but no...that is not where my thoughts were. I was simply thinking of how different you've turned out to be from what I had imagined, especially considering your life and the world you came from. You could have easily turned out much more...hostile."

He just chuckled. "Well Celestia, I don't really have an answer for that one...I wonder it myself sometimes. Following the rules of psychology, I should be all kinds of screwed up. I by no means had a horrible life, however. I mean, there were many more out in the planet Earth who had it hundreds of times worse than me. I questioned it a few times in my adolescent years, but my mother did a good job of raising myself and my siblings on her own. We always had enough to eat, we always had a roof over our heads, and we never felt unloved. That's a lot more to have than most of the human race."

I simply let out a pained sigh. "Whenever you speak of your home planet, I feel as if you did not appreciate it in the least. Was there anything good about it?"

He simply shifted a bit closer to me and smiled with his eyes closed. "On Earth we have what I've come to notice is a defense mechanism. We always try and focus on the positive. Anyone who thought like I did was considered cold, cynical, and often times depressed and depressing. The problem is that I was not so easily distracted from just how bad the faults of man had made the world I had to live in. Being brought here has simply reinforced that thought, and now that I no longer live within such a world, I can see it fully for what it truly was. I won't lie, there were some things there that were fun to do, but it was only because of the emotion I had come to think true happiness was. Happiness here on Terra is on a completely different level. I often find myself thinking how I could be happy on Earth, but then I realize just how different my way of thinking was back then. I mean, when I first met Luna I thought I had gone insane and she was just a manifestation of my own mind."

I always found myself at awe for how aged he sounded sometimes. My sister had confided in me that she had to often remind herself that she was the elder between the two of them, and now I found myself doing the same. He reminded me of Verox in some ways, namely his kindness and avoidance of my hints of affection towards him. I giggled softly and he looked over at me with confusion.

"Are you laughing at me? Yes I thought I was crazy, so what?" he said with a hint of annoyance.

I waved a hoof at him and smiled. "No Steel, I just thought it was funny that you remind me of Veroxzhar sometimes."

He sat up, genuinely interested. "Oh? And how do I remind you of a past love? This sounds juicy."

I giggled and smirked at him. "Well, Veroxzhar also avoided acknowledging my hints of affection as well."

He suddenly looked a bit uncomfortable. "Oh, well yeah...that. Sorry it's just a little strange to me is all."

I faked looking hurt. "Steel...you're saying I'm strange?"

His eyes widened and I had to restrain the urge to laugh. "What? N-no, I didn't mean that at all. What I meant was...well...I don't actually know what I meant. I just didn't mean it like that."

I shoved him gently and laughed loudly. "Oh Steel, you must learn to be able to tell when I'm joking with you. That was just too easy."

He smiled and chuckled. "Oh har har, nice one."

I slowly lay down next to him, looking up at the early afternoon sky. He was humming a bit, and then I started to hear music. He opened his eyes partway and started to sing.

"Daddy's flown across the ocean
Leaving just a memory
A snapshot in the family album
Daddy, what else did ya leave for me?
Daddy, whatcha leave behind for me?

All in all it was just a brick in the wall
All in all it was all just bricks in the wall

We don't need no education
We don't need no thought control
No dark sarcasm in the classroom
Teachers, leave them kids alone

Hey, teachers, leave those kids alone

All in all its just another brick in the wall
All in all you're just another brick in the wall

We don't need no education
We don't need no thought control
No dark sarcasm in the classroom
Teachers, leave them kids alone

Hey, teachers, leave those kids alone"

I heard a chorus of children's voices around me as well. My, the power of this spell still amazes me.

"All in all you're just another brick in the wall
All in all you're just another brick in the wall

I don't need no arms around me
I don't need no drugs to calm me
I have seen the writing on the wall
Don't think I need anything at all

No, don't think I need anything at all

All in all it was all just bricks in the wall
All in all you were all just bricks in the wall"

When he finished, I simply looked over at him with a smile, him facing me and returning a smile as well. 'Come on Celestia...just lean in and do it. You're only a foot away, just do it.' I started to lean in and he turned away from me.

I was taken aback and suddenly was a little sad as I asked, "Steel, is something wrong? I apologize if I was too forward. It's just-"

He shook his head. "It's not that, Celly. There is more than just you and I involved. I'm confident not many that we know would really care, save for Twilight and Luna. However you're a princess and the ruler of this land. I'm not royalty...what do you think the implications of a princess dating a commoner would be? I understand times have changed, but that could still be a problem."

I giggled. "Well that's easily fixable Steel. I could just make you a prince. Being an alicorn and personal friend of two princesses, it's an easy process."

He sighed. "I mean it would be nice to have that problem out of the way and all, but I really don't like ponies bowing to me or anything. I mean you and Luna control the day and night, but what do I control? I wouldn't want to be a royal alicorn for no reason."

I shook my head. "Not all royalty are alicorns, Steel. Shining Armor is part of the royal family by marriage, and as you know Prince Blueblood is my nephew."

He laughed. "Yeah, but Blueblood is a jerkoff...no offense."

I laughed with him heartily. "None taken, Steel. I do agree, Prince Blueblood leave much to be desired. Your friend Rarity can attest to that."

He nodded. "Yeah, Spike told me all about that night. Needless to say he was very upset at how Blueblood treated her."

I tilted my head. "Indeed. Back to the matter at hand though, I must say that you already hold control over something important, though you have not known it. Frostrender is the avatar of ice and winter. He has chosen you as a vessel, Steel. So you see, you already control something important to the world, albeit unconsciously."

He raised an eyebrow. "You're really set on this whole 'princing' thing, aren't you? Very well, I supposed I can be persuaded to do it...although I will be sure and tell all of the ponies to not bow to me. Royalty or not, I still don't really like it...it makes me feel weird after growing up being just a regular guy on Earth."

I just giggled and placed a hoof on his shoulder. "You and Luna are more alike than it seems. She holds the same sentiment towards 'royal treatment'. I will admit it did bother me as well for the first few centuries of rule, but I soon realized that the treatment is not truly for me, it is for my ponies. They do not feel comfortable not treating royalty with special treatment. Perhaps one day you will see that as well."

He laughed. "Unlikely, but I'll keep an open mind. Well Celly it's been a wonderful day, truly, but I did kinda leave without telling anyone where I was going this morning. I bet everyone is worried, so I'll be getting back now."

I nodded and stood up. "Very well, Steel. The paperwork and rituals for inducting you into royalty will take a few days, so await my summons." I stepped forward and embraced him softly with a foreleg. "It was good to see you Steel. I hope to see you more often soon."

He nodded and returned the hug before taking to the skies, his wild white mane whipping in the air.

Perspective change - Luna

I had been pacing in the library for hours, Twilight doing the same. Steel had simply left this morning with no warning to anyone but Darkflight, but even he did not know where Steel had gone. I had tried to make contact with both Steel and Tia trying to find where he was, but I received no answer. Hours ago my mind had begun to dwell on great fears of what might have happened and I had panicked. I had finally calmed down with the help of my friends, but Steel was still nowhere to be found. Both Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy had been gone for an hour now, scanning the skies for him while Moonfang and Darkflight searched through the Everfree forest. Pinkie Pie was standing outside the door waiting for any word from the group searching while Twilight and I waited as patiently as possible.

I heard Pinkie Pie gasp from outside and shout, "Twitchy tail!"

I watched as Spike and Twilight duck and I just stared at them, confused.

"Why are you both cowering so? What is wro-" I was cut off by a crash of the window above the door breaking, and a thud as something heavy hit the ground. I looked around the room to find a bloodied Steel lying in a pile of glass.

He stood up and shook his mane and tail out. "Ugh...sorry about that. Updraft caught me off guard."

After my momentary shock wore off, I glared at him and shouted in a magically-amplified voice, "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?"

He winced and brought his hooves to his ears. "Geez Luna, can't you ever just yell like a normal pony?"

I glared at him even harder, but lowered my voice. "Answer my question, Steel. We have all been very worried about you. You left without telling anypony where you were going, and when I tried to contact your mind, you did not respond."

He scratched the back of his neck nervously. "Yeah...sorry about that. What started out as needing fresh air became a very lengthy talk with your sister about many things."

Twilight then strode up to him and punched him in the chest. "You could have left a note or something! We all thought something really bad happened, you idiot! Rainbow Dash is going to kill you!"

He rubbed his chest. "Watch it, Twi, I think you hit a piece of glass. Look, I'm sorry I just left. I just had something on my mind this morning that I needed to think alone about."

She looked confused and angry. "What could be so important that you just left without telling anyone?"

He just shook his head. "I'd rather not talk about it, actually. It's depressing."

She just became more angry. "If you won't tell me, I'll make you."

He suddenly took a stance of defiance. "Oh really? I'd like to see you try." She let loose a spell and levitated him upside down, a scowl on her face. Steel just facehooved. "I forgot that you're more powerful than me now. Alright fine, if you really want to know, I was getting depressed about my immortality."

I stepped forward and stood right in front of him. "What depresses you about immortality?"

He just looked away, a little sad. "The fact that I'll have to watch most of you grow old and die, while I just keep living."

Twilight suddenly dropped him and her face changed to one of sadness. "Steel..."

He rubbed his head and stood up. "Like I said, it's depressing."

Suddenly the door opened up to reveal a very tired looking cyan pegasus. Her head immediately shot up when she saw Steel, and a look of anger creased the lines of her face.

She flew at him full speed and slammed him into the staircase. "Where have you been? We've been looking all day for you!"

He choked out a response. "Dashie, I'm sorry. Glass...in the skin...you're jamming it in. Please get off!"

She jumped off him in surprise. "Oh, I'm sorry Steel! Fluttershy, get the first aid kit!"

He waved them off with a hoof. "I'll be fine, Dash. Just get me bowl please."

She nodded and rushed to the kitchen, returning with a small bowl. Steel then began the painstaking process of carefully removing a dozen or so shards of glass and dropping the bloody pieces in a bowl. Twilight left the room retching, and I felt a little sick as well, to be honest.

Perspective change - Steelbreaker

I grit my teeth with a closed mouth so as to try and mask the amount of pain I was in, especially with Twilight reacting the way she was...again. Thankfully Fluttershy and Dash didn't seem to be affected by it, likely because Fluttershy was a veterinarian and Dash was always getting hurt. After removing the last shard of glass from my leg, I stood up and dumped all the glass shards in the waste bin.

I looked over at Luna with a pleading look. "Luna, could you clean up the glass on the floor please? I really need to take a shower and get this blood off my coat. I'd really appreciate it."

She nodded and levitated a brush and dustpan and began sweeping up the broken glass on the floor. I headed upstairs to the shower on the second floor and just sat under the water for the longest time, the perverted part of my mind frantically trying to replay what I saw in this very shower that morning. 'No, stop it! Not now!' That's when I heard the door open and watched through the blurred shower door to see a light blue blob of color coming towards me. As it got closer, I noticed a mane of many colors. 'Fate...thou art a sick sadistic mistress indeed...' I stood up off the shower floor and blocked the door as it opened to show a very concerned mare. I could see as the water ran over my coat, a trail of bloodied water heading towards the two drains.

"Umm Dashie? It's kinda bloody in here...It's not a good idea for you to be in here with me right now." I stated firmly.

She just giggled and started to move forward. "Steel, I've been in some bad accidents. Blood doesn't scare me."

I focused my magic, creating a barrier that stopped her. I shook my head and said, "Blood by itself isn't all that scary, that's true...however what's in it can be more dangerous. You have to remember, I'm from a different world. The antibodies in my blood might be extremely dangerous to you if they somehow get in your bloodstream."

She just looked at me with a confused gaze. "Antibodies? What are you talking about?"

I just sighed and smiled. "Dash, I know you're worried about me, but my blood could be dangerous to you...it could kill you. Please just wait in the main room for me and I'll be down after I get done cleaning up. Actually, get a bag of some sort that I can put the towel in after I'm done with it. If you'd do that for me, I'd love you forever."

She giggled. "You love me anyway, but fine I'll do it. Don't take too long."

I stepped out of the shower after a few minutes and went about toweling myself off. Once I felt I was sufficiently dry, I dropped the ruined towel in the bag Dash had left me and tied it up, putting it to one corner of the room. I looked underneath the sink to find bleach and a scrub brush and went about cleaning out the shower, so as to protect the others in the household. After I was done, I put everything away and grabbed the bag, heading downstairs. I saw everyone was now sitting in the main room talking, and they all looked at me. I looked up at the window and was pleased to see that somepony had put a tarp over the broken window until we could get it fixed. With that out of the way, I simply walked out of the back door and built a little fire pit. I set the bag in the middle of it and set it on fire. Confident that it would burn all the way through, I went back inside.

Fluttershy was waiting with a first aid kit to bandage my wounds, which after explaining the safety issue of my blood, she got to bandaging.

A few minutes later I was sitting on the floor looking like I was half-mummy while I explained everything that had happened that day. I decided at least for now it was best to leave Celestia's feelings out, choosing to instead save that for sometime tomorrow. Lyra had walked in during the middle of the conversation, so I reluctantly started over after she was done yelling at me. Thankfully after everyone was briefed on the situation, Spike made dinner...which was good because I was starving.

As we sat down for dinner, Mason and Moonfang walked in the door. I stood up and walked up to them both, sighing. "If you guys are going to hit me for worrying you, please just get it over with. I'm hungry." My brother, as expected, took the invitation and landed a strong punch to my shoulder. 'Bastard just had to hit the one that is already bruised...' Moonfang just looked at me and chuckled. We all sat down at the reading table and enjoyed another great meal prepared by Spike...man, that guy can cook.

We finished the lovely dinner of roasted carrots and leeks with baked potatoes and a gravy made from some kind of root. 'Ugh...I need to stop eating like this all the time or I'm going to be a fat pony.' We cleaned up the room quickly and all went our separate ways. Lyra had things to do tonight with Vinyl and Bon Bon, so she said goodbye to all of us and left. Dash unfortunately also had some sort of weather meeting early tomorrow morning in Cloudsdale, so she left as well. This just left Twilight, Luna, and Pinkie downstairs enjoying some pineapple and coconut smoothies I had made, with some help from Spike. 'Mmm...Smoothie King ain't got nothin' on this.' Luna quickly raised the moon, and we talked about the whole me becoming a prince thing. Needless to say Twilight was ecstatic.

"A prince! Ooh...all the fillies from school would be so jealous if they saw me now..." she said with a smirk.

I just laughed and winked at her. "Well Twi, glad I can be your revenge against your school years. What about you, Luna? What do you think?"

The lunar goddess simply smiled at me. "Well Steel, I love the idea. I always thought of you as a sort of prince, this will just make it official. Pinkie? What are your thoughts?"

The cute pink mare took a sip of her sweet drink and smiled. "I love it! Steelie's gonna be a prince? That's sooo cool! I can't wait to tell Gummy!"

We just smiled and nodded, unsure of what to say. I swear sometimes that little mare is so hard to figure out. She always has a way to make us laugh though, so we love her all the same. After finishing our drinks and having a few laughs, Pinkie left as well, saying she had a party to plan for a pony in town. We all gave her heartfelt hugs and said goodbye, the room being much quieter with her gone.

By now it was well after 20:00, so we headed upstairs to clean up and such. Having already taken a shower, I just brushed my teeth and went up to the bedroom, then stood out on the small balcony, admiring the stars. After over a week of rest, I felt strong enough to cast my aurora spell, so I cast it the same way I did last time and released it into the air, letting it go much higher than I did last time. I allowed it to explode high in the sky, high enough for anypony within one hundred miles to see it. After finishing the spell, I felt myself feel a little weakened, but I was glad I could notice myself slowly getting better with magic. Since my magic power had been radically reduced, I had noticed that my eyes at first were back to normal, but with the practice I'd been doing, they were slowly recovering the soft golden glow I was now used to.

Hoofsteps behind me confirmed the girls had finished cleaning up, the scent of that lavender shampoo Luna loves so much caressing my nostrils. Both mares looked into the sky from behind me, and I felt them both lean up against me.

Luna sighed and smiled against my mane. "You should do this every winter night, Steel. In addition to furthering your attunement with your magic, I am sure everypony up at this time of night enjoys it. As a matter of fact, we should make it an event! The winter solstice is coming up, and this would be just the thing to introduce the new Winter Prince. I will ask Pinkie Pie to arrange flyers for the town! Oh this will be wonderful."

I just laughed and turned my head, kissing her on the cheek. "You're rather excited about this, Luna."

She nodded her head. "Oh yes. Equestria has not had an elemental avatar grace its presence for over six-thousand years. The last pony to meet one was our father. This is a time for celebration!"

I focused on Frostrender within me. “You hear that? Celestia wants to make us a prince of winter, with you being the avatar of ice and winter. What do you think about all of this?”

Well Steelbreaker, the last time I was on this plane of existence was over nine thousand years ago, shortly after the first ponies capable of rational thought were created by the gods. I have never been a prince before, but so long as I am allowed to continue doing what I have always done, I see no harm in it.”

I don't see how being a prince would prevent one from doing their duty and fulfilling their passion. By the way, I am sure you saw me creating the magical aurora. I hope you don't mind.”

Not at all, Steelbreaker. The aurora is associated with the wintery polar areas of Earth, is it not? So it would make sense to give such a thing to the winter. I enjoy it and it is beautiful, thank you.”

All right then Frostrender. I'm glad you're okay with all this. I don't see any foreseeable problems, but I will make sure that your power and place in winter is preserved.”

I then turned to Luna and Twilight. "Frostrender seems happy with my aurora I've been making, and he's okay with the whole 'princing' thing as well. I don't know if it matters, but being a prince isn't going to restrict any of his powers over winter, does it?"

Luna shook her head. "As long as he does not attempt to bring about an eternal winter or something of the sort, I foresee no problems."

I nodded and leaned against her, cradling Twilight with my opposite wing. After a few more minutes of standing in the cold night air, we all stepped inside and lay on the bed. Twilight had recently taken to sleeping in between Luna and I, almost as a child would with her parents. It was a little weird for me at first, considering our relationship with her was definitely not as parents, but I soon got over the notion because of how cute she was and how the bond she shared with Luna was likely to be stronger than her bond with me. I thought it would bother me at first, but then I remembered that she knew Luna before I ever came along, and they both shared so much in common. I'd be lying if I said a pang of jealousy didn't hit me every now and then, but I made sure to force my rational thought into mind to keep me from turning into some kind of jealous ass.

As we lay there, I felt a song came to mind...one my mother used to sing to me as a lullaby. I found myself humming the song, and as I heard a familiar piano riff start, I began to sing softly.

"When I find myself in times of trouble, mother Mary comes to me
Speaking words of wisdom, let it be
And in my hour of darkness she is standing right in front of me
Speaking words of wisdom, let it be

Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be
Whisper words of wisdom, let it be"

I could hear the instruments playing as they normally did...but this time, I could hear familiar voices singing the "oohs". I looked over see Twilight and Luna with eyes closed, singing with me.


"And when the broken-hearted people living in the world agree
There will be an answer, let it be
For though they may be parted, there is still a chance that they will see
There will be an answer, let it be

Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be
Yeah there will be an answer, let it be
Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be
Whisper words of wisdom, let it be"

With the guitar solo break, I looked back over to see Twilight and Luna with eyes still closed, nodding their heads to the music. 'Well good, they like classic rock. There's a lot more I can show them then.'

"Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be
Whisper words of wisdom, let it be

And when the night is cloudy there is still a light that shines on me
Shine until tomorrow, let it be
I wake up to the sound of music, mother Mary comes to me
There will be no sorrow, let it be

Let it be, let it be, let it be, yeah, let it be
There will be no sorrow, let it be
Let it be, let it be, let it be, yeah, let it be
Whisper words of wisdom, let it be"

As the song ended, they both opened their eyes in confusion. Luna looked over at me first and asked, "What just happened? I...I knew that song. I know I should not, but I did."

Twilight nodded in agreement. "Me too. Was that a song from your world?"

I smiled. "Yep, that's a song by a group called The Beatles...and no Twilight, they weren't actual insects. They were humans just like me, but they had a great talent for music and showmanship. They were and are quite possibly one of the most popular groups of all time in my world. I have to be honest, I'm not sure how I transferred the knowledge of this song to the two of you, but I'm not complaining. Luna, you have quite the lovely singing voice, as do you Twilight."

They both blushed and hugged me. 'I guess it's true, good music really is universal. Heh...across the universe. I made a funny.'

I hugged both of them back and lay back on the firm pillow. I levitated my mp3 player off of the dresser across the room and turned on my "Chill" playlist and hooked it up to the small speaker on the nightstand beside me, thanks to the auxiliary cable Vinyl gave me. Soft music filled the air as we lay and talked the night away. I wasn't really listening what Twilight and Luna were talking about, but somehow the talking evolved into a cuddle-war between the two, while I just placed my forelegs behind my head and closed my eyes, losing myself to the music. I for some reason thought at that moment to check my player's battery meter, only to find it was showing the thing was charging. 'Must be the ambient magic in the air. Magic is a form of energy, after all.' Satisfied I would have my music for however long the life of the player was, I settled back into my pillow, closing my eyes again. I heard giggling from beside me and felt two pairs of lips contact my lips and neck, respectively. I opened my eyes to find Twilight's face in front of mine, so I kissed her back with fervor. She moaned softly and broke the kiss, staring at me.

She smiled and lay down on me, nuzzling into my chest. "Steel, I'm sorry if you've been feeling a little left out lately."

I raised a hoof from behind my head and softly stroked her back. "Left out how? I don't feel left out of anything."

Luna giggled and pressed against my side, stroking my mane softly. "Rainbow Dash explained to us what you unwittingly discovered this morning."

My eyes shot open nervously and I blushed a deep crimson. 'Damn it, why couldn't I have red fur?'

Luna giggled at me again. "Yes, Lyra and Rainbow Dash were worried that was the reason you left."

I laughed and shook my head. "No Luna, that most definitely was not the reason. It's just that two mares enjoying a personal moment was not something I was at all prepared to see this morning. I was expecting to brush my teeth and take a quick shower. Instead I see Dash on top of Lyra attacking her like a wild animal. Whether I'm intimate with the both of them or not, I consider it rude for me to watch such a thing without being invited to. Rude and embarrassing. I assure you though, it's just one of my quirks, I don't hold it against either of them."

Twilight nodded against my chest. "That's good, Steel. They were worried it was their fault. You should have heard the shouting war they had."

I laughed again harder. "I'll have to explain it to them tomorrow so they can make up."

Luna leaned in close to my ear. "Still Steel, it's been awhile and I've missed you...we both have."

I looked over at her with confusion. "What do you mean you've missed me? It's not like work keeps me all that busy. I'm here most of the time, so how can you miss me? Oh wait...oh I get it."

She playfully nipped at my ear. "A bit slow tonight, are we?"

I pouted and Twilight just laughed at me. "Sorry Steel, you're not cute enough to pull off the pouty face."

I shrugged my shoulders. "Well it was worth a try. At least I have these rugged good looks."

Luna smirked. "I apologize Steel, but you are not very 'rugged' either. If rugged is the word we are using, that describes Darkflight more than it does you."

I just sighed. "Well damn, way to kill all traces of my male ego. Do you want my balls in a mason jar too? I think there's one around here somewhere..."

Twilight laughed at me and then nuzzled into my chest. "I have other words for you. How about handsome?"

Luna nodded. "Or regal?"

Twilight blushed a bit. "Or sexy?"

I blushed and chuckled nervously. "Well 'sexy' is not a word I'd use to describe myself, but who am I to argue? I can roll with sexy. And regal? You know heaping all this praise on me is going to give me a big head."

Twilight laughed hard and quipped, "You already have a big head."

I just stared at her. "It houses my infinitely sexy brain, thank you very much."

A moment of silence followed before both of them burst out laughing. I just rolled my eyes, pushing them both off of me. "You're lucky I have a very dry sense of humor. Any other pony might have had his feelings hurt."

Luna was struggling to catch her breath. "Come now, Steel...do not be this way. We were only having a bit of fun."

I suddenly placed a mischievous smirk on my face. "Oh...I think I have a different bit of fun I'd like to participate in at the moment." I said as I ran my hoof along Luna's cutie mark, causing her to let out a little squeak.

She responded by doing the same to me. It felt like someone just shot lightning through my body...but in a good way (yes, there is a good way). I growled and rolled her over on her back, me looming above her. She blushed a deep purple against her coat, and I leaned down and began to kiss down her chest...

About half an hour later, I fell against the bed out of breath. Luna had her eyes closed and was still moaning softly to my side, while Twilight proceeded to fall out of the air on top of me, equally out of breath.

Luna just looked at me and smiled. "I am suddenly hoping you advance your magic power even faster."

I regained my breath and smiled back. "Yeah...me too. I kinda wish I had fingers again sometimes, but I guess magic makes up for it. How you doin' there, Twi?"

The lavender unicorn looked up at me and smiled weakly. "I’d have been better if you didn’t drop me, but I'll be fine, Steel. I'm just tired is all. I'm thinking it's about time to go to sleep."

Luna nodded, as did I. I lay down Twilight between us, and she threw her hoof around me tightly. Luna proceeded to press herself against Twilight's back, eliciting a small moan from the unicorn and a smile. The night princess then stretched a wing across the both of us before leaning close to plant a goodnight kiss on my lips. I smiled and returned it before turning my gaze towards the ceiling.

Only about twenty minutes had passed, but I could hear a duet of soft breathing beside me. Once again I found myself laying awake with nothing but my thoughts as company. My mind was drifting between my talk with Celestia, as well as what I was going to do for Luna's birthday, which was fast approaching in a few weeks. I had come to find that lately things have been going pretty smoothly around here. I tried not to think about it, but I had a nagging feeling in the back of my mind that this calm was only temporary. Maybe that's what has been keeping me awake at night. I brushed the thought off once again and closed my eyes, eventually slipping into what would be an interesting dream.

Author's Note:

Songs mentioned: "Another Brick in the Wall" parts 1, 2, and 3 by Pink Floyd on the album The Wall. "Let it Be" by The Beatles on the album Let it Be.