• Published 5th Jan 2013
  • 22,069 Views, 590 Comments

Rise of the Elements Part I: The Lost Element - Radiant Dawn

One wish, one night, and the entire world changed. Follow one man as he is given the chance of a lifetime.

  • ...

Call of the Elements

Chapter 16: The Call of the Elements

Perspective change - Rainbow Dash

Boring...boring...boring...boring. That's all it was. This “meeting” that I had to be in Cloudsdale for so early in the morning ended up basically being a training course for rookies. That meant that I had to spend the next six hours training a bunch of clumsy, unfocused, foalish, pegusi. My patience was quickly wearing thin for most of them, as half of them kept trying to flirt with me, while the other half kept wanting autographs. 'What the hay, I'm not even a Wonderbolt yet!'

Surprisingly the only pony not acting out of line was Scootaloo, who was now strong enough and old enough for the training program. I first met the little filly in the "Big Sister" program that I took during flight school. She got on my nerves at first, but over a few weeks she started to grow on me. She always loved to hear about my stories and watch my tricks, and practically worshiped the air I flew through. After she got over being starstruck, I couldn't help but get closer to her.

After two years, I considered her family. Blood couldn't make us closer.

I stood at the entrance to the training ring, awaiting the arrival of my charges for the day, only to see Scootaloo trot out in excitement, no doubt because she’d heard who would be training her.

The little filly immediately recognized me and let loose a smile as bright as Celestia's sun.

"Rainbow Dash!" she screamed as she flew towards me. Yes...she flew. Words can't describe how proud of her I was.

I caught her in the air and hugged her tight. She was one of the few ponies I actually felt comfortable displaying affection with. Hey, a mare has to keep up her reputation, right?

"Hiya kiddo! Wow, you got big!" I chuckled out.

She giggled and hugged me back, her mane tickling my nose. It had been almost a month since I last saw her, and I began to notice just how much can change in such a short time for a filly her age. She was already almost double her size this same time last year, and the fact she could fly now showed just how much had happened. She released me and stared at me with those big violet eyes.

'Argh! Cute overload!'

I couldn't help but be lazy, so I just put the rest of the recruits through rotating training drills while I caught up with Scoots. She was eight years old now and just as lively as ever. While talking to her, I began to realize exactly why I found it so easy to bond with her. When it came right down to it, we were a lot alike.

Because both of us grew up without parents, we both acted nearly the same way about certain things. Through some therapy that Shy practically forced me to take (hey, you don't know her...she can be very persuasive), I had gotten over a lot of my issues. Scoots reminded me of how I used to be: guarded. She put up the same tough-pony front that I used to, afraid to let anypony in. Besides her friends Applebloom and Sweetie Belle, I was probably the only other pony to actually know the real her. I'm also the only pony she's ever cried in front of. It tore me up to know how much she held inside, but I let it go when I realized I was the same way at one time. She'll be okay, she'll just need help. It used to scare me a little just how close I had allowed myself to get to her, but it also felt good.

I remember the day I had confided in AJ about it, and for some reason I just broke down and cried. I made her swear never to tell anypony, but after that I realized that it was okay. I loved the little squirt like a sister, and I know she felt similar about me. Shortly after telling AJ about it, I remember telling ‘Shy about it too and she just smiled and hugged me...and I cried again.

'Darn that mare...she always brings out the worst in me...or the best depending on how you look at it.'

I had accidentally fallen asleep next to Scoots while off in my own little world, and I woke up to her shaking me with a worried expression. "Rainbow Dash, wake up! We're supposed to be training! I'm gonna get in trouble!"

I just laughed and nodded as I shook the sleepiness from my mind. "Alright squirt, you're right. I want fifty wing-ups. Go!"

At my order, she dropped to the ground and started the pegasus-modified workout. I remember catching flak one time for working her so hard, but the trainer was surprised when she did everything I said successfully and without question. I then yelled at the colt for not trusting me and for doubting her...while Scootaloo just giggled.

After about five minutes of this, I could tell she was struggling a bit...but I knew for a fact that she had more in her. With this being the case,I lowered myself to eye level and said, "C'mon Scoots, you got just five more!"

She shook her head, tears in her eyes. "I can't do it!"

I snorted in mock annoyance. "Can't? CANT?! What did I say about that word? When you're training, you aren't allowed to even say 'can't'!"

She closed her eyes and I could see her face turning red. "B-but..."

I cut her off. "No Scoots, you can do this! I know you can! Come on, just four more and you got it! I believe in you, so believe in yourself!"

I couldn't help but let loose a small smile when I saw a spark of determination suddenly wash over her face. She grit her teeth and powered through. She still considered me a hero somewhat, so I knew that voicing my belief in her would give her the confidence she needed. She finished the last one, nearly collapsing before catching herself with her forelegs.

She looked up at me and I pointed at the track going around the outside of the training grounds. "Alright Scoots, you're going to flap your wings to make you run faster. I want you to keep up with me. Readyset...Go!" and with that I took off, the young pegasus following closely.

We had made twelve laps around the track before I noticed that all of the other trainees under my watch were sitting there staring at us. I motioned for them to join us and they all flew over to the track and followed suit. I continued around the track until all but Scoots had collapsed with exhaustion. I could tell she wanted to, but she wouldn't let herself in front of me.

I stopped her and made her sit down, giving her a water bottle. "You did great Scoots. I'm proud of you."

She looked up at me with a tired, but radiant smile. She took a couple swigs of water and lay down on the bench, nearly instantly falling asleep.

I spent the rest of my day teaching all the ponies about flight technique, safety, and all that kind of stuff. To put it simply, boring with a side of boring sprinkled with boring sprinkles flavored with...more boring. I almost lost half of the group as they fell asleep, but luckily the coach came and told us the training day was over for now. 'Thank Celestia...' With the day ended for us, I flew back to Ponyville with a certain orange filly in tow.

We arrived back in town with the sun high in the sky. It must've been only about noon so I decided to treat myself and my companion to some lunch at Sugarcube Corner.

Perspective change - Pinkie Pie

"Order 112 up!" I yelled from the counter, ringing a bell. A bright blue stallion grabbed the bag at the counter and smiled before leaving. "Thanks a lot, mister! Enjoy!" He smiled and nodded before walking around the line of ponies and out the door.

Winter was always a busy time for us at Sugarcube Corner, but I didn't mind. It just meant more profit for the Cakes and more fun for me! Something about the winter season made ponies want to get some warm baked treats. There wasn't a pony in town that could resist my cupcakes, and we always made a killing.

I was all smiles around my surrogate family nowadays. I was afraid of how they would judge me after revealing my true feelings to them like I did to Steel, but they were instead very understanding. I shouldn't have worried...Steel had been right. After letting on how I really felt sometimes, even Mr and Mrs Cake seemed to get closer to me, and I to them. This was a big relief to me, and I was happier than I'd ever been. Truly happy...not just faking.

After the morning rush, things calmed down a bit around lunch time, with our regulars trickling in here and there. Seeing as how we had some down-time, I grabbed a brush and dustpan in my teeth and started sweeping up the kitchen, getting the flour and bits of sprinkles and frosting off of the floor to prepare for the rush that would no doubt come right before dinner time.

"Pinkie, Rainbow Dash is here to see you!" said Mrs Cake from the front.

I left the dustpan on the counter and took off my apron, hanging it on the wall before bouncing out the door to the kitchen, in what my friends referred to as "true Pinkie Pie style". I turned the corner to see Dashie and her friend Scootaloo at the counter.

I smiled and tackled Dashie to the ground with a big hug, much to Scootaloo's amusement. "Oh Dashie, I'm so happy to see you! It's been...almost a whole day! *GASP* You didn't eat breakfast did you?"
As I stepped off of my friend, she shook her head and smiled. "Nah, Scootaloo and I have been training all morning. What's fresh Pinkie?"

I sped off to the kitchen, quickly grabbing a tray of cupcakes that just finished baking. Quick as lightning, I slapped rainbow frosting on all but two of them with blue sprinkles on. The last two were different, so I quickly put on orange frosting and purple sprinkles. I placed them on a cool tray and sped back out to meet Dashie with the fresh food. She had a look of shock that always made me giggle.

'That never gets old.'

Dashie closed her mouth and smirked. "I'll never figure out how you do that Pinkie."

I placed a hoof on my chin in mock thought. "Nope, probably not." I looked over at Scootaloo and pointed to the two 'special' ones I made. "Those are for you, Scootaloo. Buttercream frosting with a pudding center, just the way you like it."

The little filly's eyes lit up and she smiled. "Ah, so cool! Thanks Pinkie!" She then took a big bite and her eyes rolled back in her head and she let out a very...racy sounding moan. 'This filly's going to be trouble when she starts dating...I can just tell already.'

Dashie nearly spit out her cupcake and blushed. "Wow Scoots...I don't know if they're that good.” Scootaloo then offered a bite of the cupcake to her, which she took...and she had much the same reaction. When she gathered her composure she smiled sheepishly. "I stand corrected...they are that good."

I stared at them with mock shock. "Of course they are! You were expecting them to be bad? *GASP* Well fine then...no special present for you later, Dashie."

Dashie gasped as well and responded, "But that's not fair, I was just kidding, Pinkie! Wait...what special present?"

"Why, the present I couldn't give you because we all had to leave last night." I was trying to hint in a way that the filly standing with us wouldn't know what I was talking about. Dashie still looked confused. I grew a mischievous grin and drew up right next to her ear, whispering very softly. "Well Dashie, it involves you, me, Steelie, and some whipped cream."

I giggled when her face turned bright pink and I could see her struggling to keep her wings from popping up in excitement. The little orange pegasus just stared at us both with a thankfully very confused face.

We all finished up lunch and I cleaned up the bakery one last time before Mr Cake told me I could leave with my friends, so I gave him and Mrs Cake a hug and bounced out the door with Dashie and Scootaloo.

We walked Scootaloo to the Ponyville orphanage where Dashie hugged her and said goodbye. We then walked towards the library which was on the other side of town, finally giving Dashie and I a chance to talk alone.

She bumped up against my flank and smirked. "So what was all that at the bakery? I liked it, but it was just surprising. I guess I'm just wondering where that came from."

I looked down in embarrassment. "Well Dashie, I kinda used to have a big crush on you."

She looked at me not with shock or disgust, but with amusement. This made me feel more confident. "Oh really? Wait...what do you mean used to?"

I giggled. "Well I guess I got over it is all. I mean let's face it Dashie, you weren't the most approachable mare."

She rubbed the back of her head, a little ashamed. "Yeah, I was kind of a foal sometimes. Sorry. That still doesn't answer the question why you didn't tell me, though. Why didn't you?"

I just stared at her. "Really Dash? That's kind of the idea of having a crush...not telling the pony you like them. That and the fact that we weren't exactly the closest of friends until about a month before Steel came here. I mean, you're way closer with Fluttershy than you and I have ever been. In fact, I'm surprised you didn't end up with her."

She blushed and waved a hoof off dismissively. "No Pinkie, it's not like that. I mean I love ‘Shy to death, but she's not my type. That and the fact I don't think she likes mares that way. As far as you and I not being the best of friends, that's kinda my fault." she finished with a frown, looking at the ground.

I hugged her. "Dashie I already told you it was my fault. You weren't the pony hiding how she felt, I was. You were as good a friend as you could have been."

She pulled away and smiled. "Well I'm glad one of us forgives me. Well if I can ask, what do you think about Steel?"

I had to think on this one. Steel was the only pony who seemed to notice I was faking smiles at that picnic so long ago. Those piercing eyes of his seemed to stare right into my soul. I remember at first I thought of him as an older brother. He was just so safe...

"Well Dashie, I mean, I really like him a lot. You all saw how I acted at the hospital. I certainly didn't do that just because he was nice to me." I responded thoughtfully.

She stopped and sat on her haunches outside the library. "Yeah, I know what you mean Pinks. I mean Gilda kinda killed relationships for me." She visibly shuddered when she said the name before gaining a far-away look on her face. "When I met Steel though, it was different. I mean granted I was drunk when he first kissed me, but there was something...else. As much as it bothers me sometimes, he can read me like a book. He cares how I feel though, and that's more than most of the colts and stallions around here. It's stupid how many times I get offers for a roll in the hay, sometimes from ponies I've never even met before."

I giggled and blushed. "Well Dashie, you're really pretty. I know you don't think you are, but I think you are."

She just blushed and nudged me softly with a smile. "Well thanks Pinks. I don't know though, it's like Steel doesn't really even care about that...like he doesn’t really care how we look, but in a good way. I don’t know, I'll have to ask him about it later."

We both finally opened the doors and walked inside the library, a warm fire burning while Twilight and Spike were studying. Wow...Spikey had gotten big. I walked over to the both of them and waved with a smile. They both acknowledged Dashie and I with a nod and a smile before getting back to whatever they were doing. I dropped a box of the cupcakes I had carried on the table, and Spike’s eyes lit up and he smiled.

"Ah cool! Thanks Pinkie, I love your cupcakes." he said.

I just nodded and headed upstairs to wait for Steel to get back.

Perspective change - Steelbreaker

"Ugh...you two need to be faster. Again!" I said to the two guard recruits laying in front of me. They quickly got to their hooves and got into a ready position. "Alright, now pay attention. Watch my shoulders, thighs, and wingtips. Do it correctly, and you'll be able to get out of the way before I can hit you. I'm going full force this time, so you better keep on your toes...er, hooves....whatever, you know what I mean." I stood up on my hind legs, now towering over both of them. I smiled evilly, both of them faltering and taking a step back.

Big mistake...'

I flared my wings and bolted towards them. The colt took my elbow to the side of his head and nearly instantly crumpled on the ground, out cold. The mare looked at me with fear in her eyes and tried to fly away, but I jumped and got a hold of her back hooves, slamming her to the dirt. I scrambled on top of her and wrapped my foreleg around her neck, squeezing.

She started to struggle, so I leaned down to her ear and whispered, "Don't panic...there's always a way out." Even with my words of encouragement, I still applied pressure on her throat.

Before she could pass out, she planted her front hooves and slammed the back of her head into my nose. I saw stars for a second before regaining focus, and the next thing I knew I was on the ground. The young mare started to walk away triumphantly, her peers cheering for her.

I grinned and rushed her from behind, quickly flipping her on her back and forcing my sharpened horn against her throat, drawing a small trickle of blood. Her breathing rate increased and she started to whimper, after a few seconds of which I then backed off and stood up, looking at her.

"Your job in a battle is to disable or capture the enemy. Never turn your back on an enemy that can still fight." I said while pointing at her comrade, who was still unconscious.

I looked over to Shining Armor and he nodded. "Hey Steel, think I can get in on this?"

I nodded back. "Sure Shining. Show these recruits how it's done. You wanna go half or full?"

He smirked. "I think I'll be fine going full force. Ready?"

I nodded. I stood on four hooves this time, knowing this opponent would use two-point stance to my disadvantage. Shining Armor's horn began to glow and then he just disappeared. I knew this illusionary spell...he was very fond of it, and used it our last bout to kick my ass. This time I was ready though. I focused on Frostrender's power and charged the spell in my horn, then let the aura move to my front hooves. I reared up and slammed them both into the hard stone floor, causing the ground around me to freeze solid.

Clearly not expecting this, Shining Armor lost his concentration and reappeared behind me, now frozen to the ground. He grinned and cast his powerful barrier spell, instantly breaking the ice around him and freeing him.

I nodded with a smirk. "Nicely done Shining, but I do hope you didn't think that's the only trick I had up my sleeve." I casually strode up to him still smiling, and placed my horn against his barrier. I focused on the new spell I had recently mastered and proceeded to drain the magic out of the barrier. The spell faltered and dropped.

He just smiled. "Alright then, looks like you've got me beat in magic...but how's your physical attacks?" He then rushed at me, horn down.

I jumped out of the way and was preparing to make a smug remark only to be stopped by a strong kick to my jaw. I stumbled back and felt myself get tackled to the ground, hooves raining strikes on my face. I felt my consciousness waver for a moment before I gathered my senses, curling my back legs up and around his neck, slamming him to the ground near my hind legs. I kept the pressure on his neck and grabbed his rear leg with my hooves, roughly yanking the limb with a loud *POP*, forcing it out of the socket.

He let out a sharp hiss of pain only to slam his free forelegs against my ankles. There was a loud snapping sound and a horrendous amount of pain that actually brought tears to my eyes.

Shining Armor jumped up with a limp and a strained face before twisting his leg with another *POP*, forcing the joint back into place, but before I could get up he rushed me again. I tried to use my freeze spell again, but he jumped over it. He was in the air, clearly planning to slam his hooves into my face, so I stretched out my wings and flapped as hard as I could, blasting him into the air. He quickly caught himself and teleported right in front of me as I was standing up. Before I could react he planted a buck right in my chest, knocking the wind out of me. I scrambled to get up and cast a new improvised spell at him. He couldn't get out of the way fast enough and was hit.

The spell appeared to have no effect and he smiled confidently. "Game over Steel." He charged up a spell in his horn and I smiled knowingly. He attempted to let go what I assumed was to be a knockout spell, because he instantly fell down, unconscious.

I let out a sigh of relief and cast a healing spell Luna had taught me, fixing my damaged ankle, though it didn’t relieve the pain.

I limped to the recruits who had watched the fight and nodded. "Remember, your enemy is not going to let up until they defeat you, and more than likely, he or she is not going to play fair. In my training, you're not going to learn how to fight fair, you're going to learn how to win by any means necessary. This means get sneaky, get devious, take cheap shots, use the environment to your advantage. If war should ever come to Equestria again, you will be putting your life on the line. If you don't win, you die." They all nodded slowly before looking at the fallen captain. I walked over to him and nudged him a bit, waking him up.

"Huh? Wh-what happened? Wait...what the buck happened? That spell should've taken you out." he said with frustration as he came to.

I just chuckled and extended a hoof, pulling him up. "Yeah, I cast a new spell I thought of on you. Basically it's a magical feedback spell. It takes the next spell you cast, and turns it against you. Easy to dispel, but if you don't know what it is, it can spell trouble for you. Haha...spell...see what I did there?"

He just smiled and turned to the recruits as well. "Let that be a lesson to you all. It doesn't matter if your enemy is stronger or faster than you, there's always a way to win. Your mind is the most formidable force you have in a fight. Train it...use it."

I nodded and smiled as well. "Alright recruits, dismissed!" The group started to disperse, leaving just the mare and colt I had fought earlier. I noticed the mare was still bleeding slightly, so I went over to my saddlebags and grabbed some gauze and rubbing alcohol, passing it to her. "Clean yourself up, private." She nodded and took off her helmet, beginning to rub the alcohol on her neck. I now got a good look at her. She was a gray pegasus with blonde hair and golden eyes.

'Wait a minute...I know who this is.'

I stepped forward and motioned to her. "What's your name, private?"

She stood up straight and saluted me. "The name is Ditzy Doo, sir."

I raised an eyebrow. "The mailmare?"

She shook her head. "No sir, that's my twin sister. Her name's Derpy, sir."

'Hmm...so they really are two different ponies...' "Ah, well I apologize if I offended, private Doo." I said apologetically.

She smiled and relaxed a bit. "Not at all sir, we are twins after all. Only differences are our cutie marks and our eyes. Hers are a little...off." She instantly became defensive and glared at me. "You're not going to make fun of my sister now, are you?"

I smiled and shook my head. "Not at all, private. I'm stern as a drill sergeant, but I am far from mean-spirited. I have my own things to be self-conscious about." I turned to Shining Armor, who was still standing next to the young colt, who was starting to come to. "Hey Captain, keep an eye on the recruit if you could. Same time next week?"

He nodded. "Yep. I'll see you here Steel. You better bring some new tricks...I'll be ready for a rematch."

I chuckled and nodded. "Alright then, I'll be ready."

The young recruit and I made our way to the royal gardens at my suggestion, a place she said she’d never been before. Luckily, she didn’t seem too nervous about it, and just continued acting as normal.

Ditzy removed the rest of her armor and sat down on the soft grass. "So sarge, you said you have some things you're self conscious about. Care to share?"

I chuckled. "Ditzy we're not training anymore. Just call me Steelbreaker or Steel when we're being casual. As far as the things I spoke of, they're kind of personal. I hope you don't take offense, but I wouldn't be comfortable telling you until I got to know you better and trusted you."

She nodded with a smile. "Okay fair enough, Steelbreaker. So where are you from?"

"Far away, that's all I can safely say, Ditzy." I stated with a straight face.

She smirked. "Ooh, mysterious. I'm getting more and more interested. So what can you tell me?"

I placed a hoof to my chin in thought. "Well, I can tell you I live at the library in Ponyville. I have a brother, a sister, and my mother. I'm friends with Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack, Big Macintosh, Lyra, Vinyl Scratch, and the two princesses. I am an alicorn, as you can see, but not royalty."

Her eyes were wide. "Wow...that's a lot of friends. Oh wait a minute, were you that stallion that introduced us to that dragon about a month ago?"

I nodded. "Darkflight. Yep, that was me."

She smiled for a moment before her eyes went wide again. "Wait a minute, did you also say you're friends with the princesses? As in Princess Luna and Princess Celestia?"

I nodded again. "Yes I did."

She seemed almost starstruck. "Wow...I was hoping I'd get to meet you! I don't know how I didn't recognize you. Derpy's gonna freak when I tell her who I met!" She let out a little fangirl squeal that I couldn't help but laugh at.

We spent about another hour talking about random stuff until Celestia came running into the courtyard.

She looked very panicked and this in turn nearly caused me to panic. "Steel! I need you in the throne room right now!"

I nodded and turned to Ditzy. "Well it's been fun, Ditzy. Keep in touch, you know where to find me." She nodded and I followed Celly to the throne room.

When I arrived, I saw that there were a lot of ponies in there. All of the Elements were gathered, as were Luna, Shining Armor, and a few ponies I didn't recognize. Celestia had a grave look on her face, which frightened me. I had never seen such a look of seriousness and fear in her eyes before.

The sun princess cleared her throat and took her place beside Luna on her throne. "Thank you all for coming. I apologize for the short notice, but something has come up. There is no easy way to state this, so I will just speak plainly: the Gryphon Kingdom of Highmount has declared war on Equestria."

I stepped forward, instantly taking a serious demeanor. "On what grounds, princess?"

She looked at me sadly for a moment before addressing the crowd with, "I am sure all of you here have heard of the ambush upon Miss Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle, and Steelbreaker in the Everfree forest...as well as the abduction of Twilight Sparkle shortly thereafter. The king of Highmount has claimed that because we have taken the offenders prisoner, we have already declared war on his territory. Anypony who knows what has happened knows this accusation is completely absurd, but it does not change the fact that war is now looming on Equestria's horizon...for the first time in nearly a millennium." She then turned to me. "Steelbreaker, because of where you are from, you have more experience with war than even I do. We will need your assistance."

I nodded resolutely, feeling the innate Guardian’s instinct welling up within me. "Of course, princess. I would protect my loved ones by any means, and that extends to our home as well. I am at Equestria’s service."

She nodded and continued. "To everypony here, I will not lie to you...war is not pretty. It is a nightmare. The enemy we fight will not be as Discord or Nightmare Moon," Luna winced at that comment, "this enemy is out to kill. The gryphons are famous for their warriors...and they do not take prisoners." She took a breath. "With that knowledge given, I ask you to pass it to everypony you know. This is your home as well, and so if you wish to join the fight, I open enlistment into the reformed Equestrian Military. Both stallions and mares are welcome. You will be trained by Sergeant Steelbreaker and Captain Shining Armor. I ask that every able-bodied pony enlist so that we may protect our home. Please do not take the decision to join the military lightly...you may lose your life in this war. Thank you all for coming, you are dismissed."

The ponies began to filter out of the throne room, leaving just the Elements, myself, and the princesses. It was at that moment I felt a voice from inside me.

“Steelbreaker, I must speak to the princesses.”

“It's not that I don't trust you Frost, but why?”

“It is concerning the war. If they are trained correctly, they can help us.”

“I don't think it is a good idea for Celestia and Luna to be in this war, Frost.”

“Steel, you know we will need all the help we can get. Besides, it will not be the princesses who are fighting.”

I sighed. “Very well...I trust you Frost. Control is yours.”

With that I focused on feelings of anger...of hate...of pain. I felt the familiar feeling of ice under my skin, and I felt the transformation take hold...

Perspective change - Frostrender

We opened Our eyes to see all the ponies in the room staring at Us, the ones who have yet to meet me having slack jaws.

We smiled and strode to the solar princess and bowed slightly. "Hello again, Princess Celestia. As always, it is an honor."

She showed a look of confusion, but smiled nonetheless. "Hello Frostrender, it is good to meet you again. To what do we owe the pleasure?"

We lifted our head and stood, looking the princesses over. "We must train you for the war, princesses."

All of the Element bearers stared at us in shock. The violet unicorn was the only one to speak, however, as she spoke with concern, "Umm...Frostrender? I don't think it's a good idea for our rulers to be fighting in a war."

We shook Our head. "Fear not young one, the princesses themselves will not be in the battle. It will be their avatars instead."

Princess Luna stepped forward, stopping in front of us. "Our avatars? I do not think I understand..."

We sighed and looked them over again before turning to Princess Celestia. "I am the avatar of ice and winter. An alicorn is the only Equestrian being that is able to house an elemental avatar. It is something that is the potential of any of our race, but only few know how to unlock. Both yourself and your sister house elemental avatars. All of the ponies in this room save for Steelbreaker have met Princess Luna's already."

All of the ponies in the room eyed us with confusion until the lunar princess turned to me with a look of shock. "No...you are speaking of Nightmare Moon!"

We nodded. "Yes We are, dear one. The one you know as Nightmare Moon is the elemental avatar of night and darkness. Trained properly, you will be able to call upon her power without losing yourself, as Steelbreaker is able to call upon me."

The princess of night began crying in both fear and self-pity. "No...I am sorry everypony, but I cannot do it. I will not allow that monster to be free again..."

We strode forth and placed a comforting hoof on her shoulder. She looked Us in the eyes and We smiled. "Princess, we understand you are afraid, but if you follow our teachings, you will be in complete control...and the nightmares that plague you when you sleep will also cease to be." She looked at us with utter shock and we smiled warmly. "Yes princess...We know of the horrors that follow you into the realm of dreams."

She still shook her head. "I...I cannot...I am sorry."

We turned to Princess Celestia with a stern expression and ordered, "Princess? Take the Elements under your wing and back away. Once at a safe distance focus and cast the most powerful sustainable barrier that you can." She stared at us, very confused. We rolled our eyes and added in a firm tone, "Please do not question Us princess. Do as We say."

She nodded and took the young ponies a distance away before casting her spell. I then turned back to Luna, who had a very confused look on her face.

I sighed and closed my eyes. 'Gods watch over us for what we are about to do.' I opened my eyes with a fierce expression, one that conveyed both disappointment and frustration. "So Luna, you would let your loved ones die instead?"

She looked at us with more confusion and sadness. "What? No, w-we..."

I waved a hoof dismissively. "No excuses, Luna. You have chosen to abandon your friends. You were right in thinking you did not deserve to be with such loving ponies."

She began to cry, and I could feel Steelbreaker’s confusion and anger rise within. “I hope for your sake you know what you're doing, Frost.”

“Please trust me, Steelbreaker.”

I felt Steelbreaker sigh as he responded, “Very well, Frost. If you are trying to get her to break, speak of the ponies' love of the sun. The last time she transformed, jealousy became hate, which is what set her off.”

We looked back at the young blue alicorn and smirked before stating, "I have always thought your night was very...plain. It is no wonder so many ponies sleep through it. Your sister does a much better job with her part of the day."

We noticed her eye twitch and her sadness immediately changed to all-encompassing anger, signifying We had indeed hit a sore and sensitive topic. She clenched her teeth and glared at Us, growling out, "Tread carefully, knave. Thy next words may be thy last."

I laughed, which only infuriated her more. "Oh, is Woona getting a wittle angwy? Well too bad. I've always loved the sun, your night is such a waste. It should be day all the time."

That did it. We felt an immediate charge in the air, as if a fire had been lit within the very mare standing before us, and We began to feel the magic being drawn into her. A dark cloud formed around her, shrouding her in darkness for a moment. The figure grew as tall as us and turned from the lovely midnight blue to black.

The cloud dissipated, and before us stood a tall black alicorn with a flowing mane and tail that resembled a starry night sky from open space. It wore a helmet and chest armor, and the eyes opened showing an icy blue to rival my own.

The pony laughed. "Ah, it is good to be back. Who do I have to thank fo-" she stopped as she looked at us. "N-no...this is not possible. How?"

We simply smiled and bowed. "Why hello Nightmare Moon, it is a pleasure to meet the avatar of night again after so long. Did you miss me Nighty?"

She snorted in annoyance and snapped back, "Don't call me that. What is the meaning of this?"

Our expression changed to a serious one as We responded, "Avatar of night, you have been called forth at our behest. War looms on Equestria's horizon, and your assistance is required. The avatar of winter has summoned you. What is your reply?"

She looked at us stunned. "We are at war? With what nation?"

Celestia finally spoke up from far behind us. "The gryphons of Highmount."

Nightmare Moon's gaze quickly shot to the princess. "Silence, We did not ask you!"

We stomped a hoof in frustration and shouted, "ENOUGH! Her avatar is to be awakened as well. You will both assist in the war...or be banished to the space between universes."

She flinched at this, and the smug grin was wiped from her face. "You wouldn't dare."

We glared at her, unflinching. "Would you care to try Us? Do not test Our patience. If We find you to be of no use or a danger, We shall cast you out Ourself."

The black alicorn was cowed and lowered her head with a sigh. "Very well...what would you have Us do?"

We smiled. "First, you will relinquish control to Luna. You will take your rightful place as an avatar at her side, not above her. Also, you will cease to invade her dreams."

She looked annoyed, but nodded in agreement. "Fine...is there anything else?"

We shook Our head. "That is all at the moment. You may go until Luna chooses to call you again. Thank you Nightmare Moon...truly."

The alicorn then showed something none of the others in the room ever expected...a non-malicious smile. "I never believed I would say this, but you are welcome. We will speak again later." As she turned away, she connected with my mind and added, “And for what it’s worth Winter, I have missed you greatly. It is wonderful to see you again.”

With that a bright flash of light filled the room, and just as quickly as it came, it was gone...revealing an unconscious Princess Luna. Princess Celestia rushed over to her with tears in her eyes.

Twilight Sparkle approached and stood at Our side. "You know," she started, "I always thought Nightmare Moon was evil. Can we trust her?"

We nodded. "Yes, we can. Nightmare Moon is not evil young one...merely greedy. Luna did not have the power to control her, and so Nightmare Moon used Luna's body, completely taking over. Nightmare Moon now has a purpose again, and with training Luna will be able to keep the avatar under control...though at least for the time being I do not believe such control will be needed."

I then sighed and released control of our body, leaving Steelbreaker unconscious.