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Equestria: World War II (1939-1941) - The Unseen

Equestria is transported to Earth right before World War 2 is supposed to begin and an evil entity breaks free of his prison, how will they survive?

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Chapter 49

31ST MARCH 1940

------------------------------------------------EQUESTRIAN EMBASSY, WASHINGTON D.C.-------------------------------------------------
It was now 7:00am in Washington D.C., which meant it would be around 1:30am back in Canterlot. Today was the second and last day of the Princesses' first state visit to the USA. However, they wouldn't be leaving until it was night-time, giving them a lot of time for their tour of the Library of Congress, and the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History. In fact, they had also organised a quick visit to an elementary school, to interact with all of the children there. It was going to be a good day, thought the princesses.

The princesses went off and had their breakfast, took their baths, and prepared to tour the city of Washington D.C. for the whole day. Soon, at 8:00am, the US presidential limousine, the Sunshine Special, which had been sent for their usage today, pulled up outside the embassies, along with its convoy. The princesses, Twilight, and Shining Armor got into the Sunshine Special, and soon, the large convoy drove off, the first stop would be the elementary school. School had already started, but the children of one school were extremely excited to attend today.

As they arrived at the elementary school, they could see some of the children waving to them. In fact, some of the children were stepping out of their classrooms to wave to the Equestrians, excited about meeting real-life alien princesses. The cars drove into the school, as more kids stepped out of their classes to see the Equestrians, despite their teachers trying to maintain order. Some had even made 'Welcome to America' flags and were flying them.

The ponies realised what a warm welcome was coming up, and were actually eager to meet these schoolchildren now. Twilight, in particular, was excited to find out how the American education system worked, and how she could have something similar implemented. She had heard a lot of great things about it while reading about America. The cars pulled up outside the main building of the school, where a man in a suit was waiting for them. He was probably the principal of the school. He was surrounded by people who seemed to be school administrators.

The tour of the school was conducted by a pair of the students, and the Princesses noted how well the American education system had been designed. However, they were appalled by the fact that white-skinned people had separate classrooms and facilities from the African-Americans, and how the segregation system worked. This racism horrified the Princesses, but they did not show it.

However, their moods as they entered the classrooms and talked with the students. The students were very fun-loving, and had dreamed of meeting and talking with real-life princesses, and rulers. They were also amazed to see creatures they had thought were myths in real life. The Princesses asked the students what they wanted to become when they grew up, and a lot of the replies were cute, such as pilot, ambassador, businessman, and one student who wanted to one day become the President.

The Princesses also visited the side of the school for the black children, and despite the fact that this facility was up to the same standards as the white side of the school, some of the children confided in the Princesses that most of the white students treated them as inferiors, and they were racially teased on school premises. One child even asked the Princesses if they could have the racism stopped all over the world. Celestia said that she could probably make it happen one day. At the end of the tour, in the principal's office, the Princesses confronted him about the racism, and he promised that it would soon stop.

After this, at around 10:00am, the Princesses headed for their next stop, the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History. They had heard many great things about this museum, and the things it exhibited, which especially excited Twilight, who was eager to see the Smithsonian and the Library of Congress. With a final wave to the children, who had presented the Princesses a memento, a large scale model of the school to the Princesses, the convoy of cars drove out of the school premises, and headed for the Smithsonian.

As they drove out towards the Smithsonian, they had a feeling, that it would be a good day today. As they headed towards one of the most famous museums in the whole world.

------------------------------------------------------------SOMEWHERE IN GERMANY-------------------------------------------------------------
It was now 3:00am in Germany. Despite the very early time, Discord and his crew were awake at the Erweiterung facility. The factory was still producing a decent number of Bf109Es and Panzer IIIEs, and soon, the Panzer IVE would also begin rolling out, as its tests were almost completed, and soon, it would wreak havoc on the Allied forces. However, this programme wouldn't be fully controlled unless they got their hands on some pony POWs. Then, the Erweiterung programme could finally begin what it was meant to do.

The U-boat base in Hamburg was also now handling U-boats, and construction of some Type VIIE U-boats were underway. Soon, the U-boats would effectively be silent underwater, but all that needed was some pony POWs to fully make it happen. So far, the Nazi Army hadn't even captured a single pony POW, which was very annoying. It also showed valuable intel, such as how well the pony soldiers had been trained, and their willingness to fight, which seemed to be very high. It was going to be difficult to capture a pony soldier, but it would be worth it.

Discord had also been keeping tabs on the Princesses' visit to the USA since the minute they had left Equestria, and currently, they were on their way to the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History. Their cars had just left an American elementary school. The American school system disgusted the Germans, who firmly believed only in the school system devised by Adolf Hitler himself, along with the rest of the Nazis.

He had read a lot about how Hitler had begun his rise to power, by making promises to the people of Germany, and getting the Nazi Party elected. From there on, Hitler had used hook and crook to turn the German government from a democracy into a dictatorship. Discord preferred the dictatorship method. People wanted one man, one vote. Well, in a dictatorship, they got it. One man, and one vote. That was how Discord would rule the Earth once his plan had been completed.

Anyways, time to get some sleep. It wouldn't be a good idea to run the Erweiterung program with only coffee and 3 hours of sleep. He just wondered what the ENA were up to right now, since they had been a little too quiet lately. Now, the HNA had also popped up, which was annoying. Their ultimate goal was to create a spell that could send Equestria and the Crystal Empire back to their home planet, Equis. That was never going to be possible, not with Faust's spell. No one could master Faust's magic, unless they had the lifespan of the Princesses. Anyways, he needed to sleep, else he wouldn't be able to think for a while.

-------------------------------SMITHSONIAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY, WASHINGTON D.C.------------------------------
It was now 10:25am in Washington D.C. The Princesses' motorcade had just pulled up outside the Smithsonian. Twilights' eyes were like marbles looking at the museum building, which was quite old, having being built 30 years earlier. The museum was apparently full of old artifacts and what not, showcasing the history of Earth and mankind. The only other thing that would trump this, for Twilight at least, would be the Library of Congress.

The ponies got out of the cars, and walked towards the main entrance to the museum. Once again, more reporters and the public were waiting outside, to see the Equestrians in person. For this visit, the museum had been temporarily closed to the public till 3:00pm, as it was such a large museum. As the Princesses walked from their convoy towards the museum, two gun shots were heard, coming from the crowd, and the crowd started to panic. The soldiers escorting the Princesses also panicked, and assembled themselves around the Princesses in a defensive formation, guns in hand.

Right after that, a scuffle ensued in the crowd, as a man with a gun charged towards the Princesses, but instantly got tackled by two policemen, who forced him to the ground, and put him in handcuffs. They handled him roughly, and took away his gun. They also checked through his pockets, and removed whatever extra ammunition he had. That terrified the princesses a little. Even as the man was being taken away, he was screaming, "FUCK HORSE ALIENS! THEY DON'T BELONG ON OUR PLANET! BRET STILES WILL NOT TAKE DEFENSE OF ALIENS LIGHTLY..." before one of the police officers slapped him to shut him up.

The ponies were shocked at that. They weren't surprised that an ENA member would attack them at such a large public event, especially one where there could be innocent casualties, but after the League of Nations attack, that had been surprised. Although, they were wondering how that man was able to get a gun into this event. They asked one of the police officers how he might have been able to do so.

"Well, your Highness, procuring a gun is easy in this country. Our gun laws enable you to buy a gun, only if you have a permit. The permit is only issued to someone who is at least 18 years old, and is only for a specific type of gun. The permit also specifies how the gun must be displayed in public. This guy must have a concealed handgun permit, to own this gun. This seems to resemble a Colt 1911 semi-automatic, the same kind used in the League of Nations attack." explained the soldier.

This revelation shocked the Princesses. They knew that common people could own guns in America, but they didn't know the details. The fact that it was this easy to get a gun here shocked them. "Okay, but how would he have been able to bring the gun here? Metal detectors were installed for this event, right?"

"That's the thing, your Highness. Metal detectors were installed, but this gun seems to be made not of metal, but ceramic. It has been painted black, to make it look like metal. That's why it was not detected. The metal detector couldn't have picked up the ceramic." said the policeman. "We've only seen these guns used in one other case, an assassination."

"So you're saying the ENA might be up to something worse than before?" said Luna.

"Not sure about that, but I'll let my superiors know to keep an eye on all known ENA members in this city." said the policeman, as he walked off to let his superiors know.

Meanwhile, the ponies, despite being spooked by the shooting incident, elected to continue the tour. The crowd was also mostly calm now, as they entered the museum. The museum was indeed very large, and had a large number of exhibits inside. The old dinosaur fossils impressed Twilight, who was making notes about how prehistoric life on Earth must have been. She was also taking pictures, on a human camera that she had bought before this visit, intending to do some research.

The geology section was full of rare gems, which made the Princesses think the Destroyer of Discord was probably hiding in this gallery. However, unlike last time, their horns did not light up, so it was not in the museum. The human origins gallery was loved by the biologists on the diplomatic team, so they could get an understanding of how the humans had evolved. The whole museum tour took them almost 4 hours, so they decided to eat lunch at the museum's cafeteria. Although most of the items on the menu had meat, there were some pony-friendly items on the menu, such as French fries, sandwiches, salads, and wraps, so they ate those, which were pretty delicious, except for one of the wraps.

Finally, at around 2:50pm, they left the museum for the Library of Congress, which Twilight was bursting with excitement to see. It was a quick 5-minute drive from the Smithsonian. The Library of Congress was huge, alright, but it wasn't as big as the Manehattan Library, which was twice as big as this. However, the Library of Congress was older, being around 140 years old, while the Manehattan Library was just around 60 years old.

The Princesses walked into the library, which was filled with a lot of books. The scientists and scholars in their diplomatic group started acting like children in a toy shop, the same way the humans had when they first visited the Manehattan Library. They were informed that while anyone could come inside to read, only high-ranking government officials and library staff could actually borrow books. This saddened Twilight a little, so she was determined to do a lot of reading while they were here.

Celestia and Luna also decided to do some reading, picking some books about the history and government of America. As they began reading, they learned a lot about some of the horrifying parts of the American Revolution, the American Civil War, and the darker sides of American history. They also saw the reason behind America's gun laws.

According to the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution, an American citizen could own a gun under the right to bear arms to defend oneself. That was something the Princesses did not approve of. After what they had seen, they decided that guns would not be allowed to the public in their nations, and only the police would carry guns, that too, only in extreme situations. Only the military would carry guns everywhere they went.

Luna on the other hand was looking at a different part of the Constitution, the fundamental rights. She was reading it, and the rights it guaranteed to the citizens of the USA. As Luna read it, she understood why America was called the land of liberty, why so many people wanted to come from other countries to America. This planted the seeds of an idea in Luna's head, one that would change Equestria and the Crystal Empire completely. She would tell Celestia later on the plane.

As the ponies continued reading, Twilight continued reading books at a crazy pace, since she wouldn't be able to borrow them from here. It was now around 4:30pm, and already, she knew the whole history of the US, from its formation in 1776, to the present day. Meanwhile, the idea in Luna's head continued to grow, something that would hopefully please the liberal Equestrians, who had been demanding that Equestria and the Crystal Empire become constitutional monarchies, like in Britain.

After a half-ton of reading, finally, at around 6:00pm, it was time to leave for the airport, to catch their flight home. The ponies put all the books they had taken back in their places, and then, got into the motorcade, which took them on the 10-minute drive to the airport. They got into the airport, went through immigration, and were soon at the boarding area, waiting to board their plane, which would depart for Canterlot at 7:00pm. The waiting was relatively short this time, and at around 6:45pm local time, or 1:15pm Canterlot time, the ponies boarded the big 307 Stratoliner, and 15 minutes later, it was climbing away from Washington-Hoover Airport, for the 10 hour flight back home.

Inside, the ponies were all getting ready for the dinner service, and then, some sleep, so that they could get back to their homes safe and sound. As the plane climbed towards its cruising altitude, Luna decided to tell the Princess her ideas. "Cadance, 'Tia, you know how the Liberal Union of Equestria has been sending us petitions for the establishment of a parliament, which would turn our country into a constitutional monarchy like in Britain?" asked Luna.

"Yes, I know, Luna, and we are NOT conceding to their demands. We have ruled our nation for over 2,000 years. Under our rule, Equestria has experienced an unparalled era of peace, prosperity, and domestic tranquility. That doesn't seem to be so, with the democracies on Earth. Plus, we have immortality, so we can advance our nation for years to come. It's not that I don't trust democracy or don't want change, it's just that I feel that that our monarchy is stable enough as is." said Celestia.

"Same here, Luna. I've ruled the Crystal Empire for only 8 months, yet, my country is in the same state as Equestria is right now. My country isn't becoming a democracy either." said Cadance.

"I'm not saying that our countries change from monarchies to democracies. I'm saying we partly fulfil their demands to keep them happy." said Luna.

"And how do we do that?" asked Cadance.

"Well, during our time at the Library of Congress, I read the Constitution of the United States, and was impressed by how it guaranteed liberty to its citizens through its fundamental rights. I say we make a similar sort of thing, 'Declaration of Ponykind's Rights', to reaffirm the legal rights of our citizens. It will be sort of like a constitution, but still governed by an absolute monarchy." explained Luna. "It will atleast satisfy the liberals."

"I like that idea. Luna, I trust you to prepare such a document for our country within the next six months. This will help you get some experience in lawmaking, and help modernise Equestria." said Celestia, who agreed with Luna's plan.

"I will craft a similar document for the Crystal Empire as well." said Cadance, who also agreed with Luna's plan.

"For now, we will keep this secret, until the day we announce it." said Celestia. Luna and Cadance agreed with this plan. Luna was happy that her plan to bring the ideal of liberty to Equestria had worked. Democracy was not going to happen, but liberty definitely would happen, thought a happy Luna, as she went off to sleep, ending their state visit to the USA on a happy note.