• Published 23rd Jun 2023
  • 3,400 Views, 413 Comments

Equestria: World War II (1939-1941) - The Unseen

Equestria is transported to Earth right before World War 2 is supposed to begin and an evil entity breaks free of his prison, how will they survive?

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Chapter 30


-------------------------------------------------------------SOMEWHERE IN GERMANY------------------------------------------------------------
It was now 5:15am. Discord was busy admiring his true form in the bathroom. He had gotten up just fifteen minutes earlier, and was just admiring his form. Sure, to most creatures, he looked like a chimera-like animal Frankenstein, but he wasn't really most creatures, was he? Also, he had gotten into Earthly literature. Mainly into Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, but also others, including William Shakespeare's Julius Caesar. In fact, the conspiracy that Cassius had instigated against Julius Caesar resonated a lot with Discord's plan for Hitler, Mussolini, Hirohito, and their nations once most of the plan to take Earth and destroy the Equestrians was accomplished.

As he thought about his plans, Discord transformed back into his human form, took a quick shower, drank a glass of milk, and changed into a fresh set of clothes, with a lab coat. Today was an important day. It would be the trial for the third version of the E-serum. The last two trials of the E-serum did not go well at all. Goebbels had told Discord that if this final trial of the E-serum did not work, this part of the Erweiterung programme would have to be shut down. Due to this, Discord was more tense than ever.

As Discord walked out of his room and headed towards the lab, he felt more worried than ever. He hoped that this worked, otherwise, a whole third of his programme would be shut down. If this didn't work, he was definitely going to kill someone. Discord thought about how everything would work out as he entered the lab. All the scientists were there, looking rather tired from lack of sleep. "Alright, my men! Are you sure this one will go well?" asked Discord.

"Yes, Doctor. We're sure it will! We've been on this for two weeks now. It should work!" replied the head scientist.

"Should? SHOULD?!" replied Discord, using his magic to levitate the scientist into the air, with him screaming, since Discord was also using a rather mild torture spell, at least milder than some of the other ones he had used.


"Good. That's the outcome we want. If it doesn't, I'll fucking kill you! You understand that?!" shouted Discord, putting the scientist back on the ground, much to the man's relief. That was when the lights in the test enclosure came on, revealing the latest subject. A German man this time, probably a Jew. He was in his thirties, with black hair, and pretty skinny, since he had probably been in the concentration camps for sometime. He was rather silent, compared to the two women they had used earlier. That was a relief.

As the man looked around, wondering why on Earth he was locked up in a large glass cage, one of the scientists went in with the syringe containing the third iteration of the E-serum, which was now purple. The man spoke up. "What are you doing? I'm a human being, just like you! You can't use me as your test subject" shouted the man. "! I have rights! Because I am a Jew doesn't mean yo-"

"Shut up, killer of Christ." said the scientist, as he jammed the syringe into the man's arm, and watched as the purple serum drained from the syringe into the man's arm. Then, he ran out of the enclosure, as usual. The second he was out and the door was locked, the team watched as the changes began to take effect. They watched as the man began developing stronger muscles, and his frame began widening. Within three minutes, the weak man that had once stood there was now a rather muscular man, probably the strongest on Earth right now. He was pretty much a super soldier.

All of the scientists started cheering, happy that the E-serum had finally worked. That was when the man started punching the glass, and the scientists stopped cheering, as the glass cracked. "You guys made a big mistake!" he laughed. "Now I'll easily be able to break out of your prison now that you've made me stronger!" said the man, as the glass began cracking even more. That was when Discord's arm started glowing with his magic aura, and seconds later, the scientists all heard a wet thump, and then, the man dropped to the floor, blood oozing out of his mouth. He was definitely dead.

"Oh, come on, it failed again!" shouted one of the scientists.

"No, it didn't. It worked as intended. I just made the test subject's heart burst using my magic." said Discord, with an evil smile on his face.

"Oh, so the E-serum did work after all!" said the scientists, cheering again, even though the dead body was still lying in the enclosure, whose window pane was spiderwebbed with cracks. Discord was also happy. He killed someone, and the Erweiterung programme had suddenly become successful again.

"I'll call the Fuhrer in a few minutes and tell him the good news!" said Discord, happy about this. The Panzer IIIEs were waiting for approval, the E-serum had worked, which meant they could start up some sort of black super spy program. That would be a huge advantage against the British and French militaries. Only thing was the Bf109Es. The third one would make its first flight soon, but the other two were still in repairs after their mishaps. Thankfully, the estimates by the workmen said that they would be back in the skies by October.

It was now 5:50am. Discord smiled to himself, and went off to the telephone to call Hitler. It was going to be good, that was for sure.

-----------------------------------------------------------------CANTERLOT CASTLE------------------------------------------------------------------
It was around 8:00am in Equestria. Celestia and Luna were going to have another meetup with the two ambassadors. They were going to begin the plans for the large public showcase that would be conducted, to show humans the strength and abilities of Equestrian soldiers. This would hopefully prove the Equestrians' worth in the war, and hopefully reduce the influence of ENA on the public. Of course, they couldn't fully take ENA down yet, but this would hopefully be a major step in doing so.

ENA was growing in strength as well. Bret Stiles' organisation had recruited more than 300 new members in the last two weeks, and their strength was now more than 4,800. Stiles had also opened up offices for ENA in Belgium and France, expanding their reach beyond just Britain and America. It was like some people just had a beef with the Equestrians for no reason at all. Hopefully the showcase would change that.

They would again be joined by Cadance. They would have liked Shining Armor and Twilight to be seeing this as well, but the two siblings were currently in Britain, keeping a check on their ponies in training. At 8:20am, as usual, they teleported to Manehattan, met up with Cadance, walked to the docks, and onto the USS Colorado. As they climbed into the ship's VIP quarters, they were greeted by Rockmond and Wood, the two ambassadors.

"Ah, your majesties! Our planners have some venues and ideas for the showcase, would you like to take a look at them?" asked Rockmond.

"Yes, we would like to see these plans. Could you show them to us?" asked Cadance.

"Sure thing, your Highnesses. They're on that table over there." said Rockmond, as he and Wood got up, and walked along with the princesses to the table, where a series of sketches, pictures, books, and diagrams was spread out. They began looking through the plans, and within seconds, Luna saw what seemed to be a good venue.

"This city, here. London, the capital of Britain, right? The streets here seem perfect to hold a large parade-like showcase." Luna exclaimed, pointing to pictures of Piccadilly Circus, Hyde Park, and Trafalgar Square.

"Yes, our planners suggested London as a possible venue. Originally, we planned to host the showcase in one of your cities, but we felt that it would be hard to arrange the logistics to come all the way, especially since your nation isn't fully modernised yet. No offence, your highnesses." said Wood.

"None taken, Wood. It would be better to host the showcase in a human city, especially one such as London, as the logistics would be better, and it would be easier for people to come to such a place." said Celestia.

"But won't that be fuel for the ENA, to say that we are cowards, to not host it in our own lands, for them to say that if something went wrong, we could blame our host nation?" asked Cadance.

"Well, we do have legitimate reasons to not host it in our own countries, plus, we can attract a larger audience." said Celestia.

"I suppose so, 'Tia. What about events? What do we show?" asked Cadance.

"Well, first, we plan to host a series of parades, throughout the town, showcasing Equestrian and Crystal Empirean military might, both old and new. Then, over a whole week, at military grounds, we plan to showcase your actually show what your military can do, in a series of showcase events showing country's history and pride from old times, and then showing we can still do it, even in modern times." replied Wood.

"That is a good idea. But this seems like it will take a long time to plan. How long will it take?" asked Luna.

"Well, quite a long time. It will take at least eight months, and a maximum of one and a half years. If we really really fast, the earliest timeline for the showcase could be around May next year." said Wood.

"Well, lets get to work on it. We'll assign a team of cultural and military experts to join the British team. We should also wait until we have quite a few trained military ponies to help us out." said Celestia. "If we all work together, we can face down this difficult challenge easily."

"I know, your Majesties. Our team worked close to 43 hours non-stop to get these initial ideas delivered to you. But it will take a lot of hard work to do this. Anyways, we have to handle some other things now, so we can't talk much longer."

"I understand, Mr. Wood. We also have to leave now. Goodbye, and see you next time." said Celestia.

"See you later, your Highnesses." said Wood, as the three princesses began leaving. It was now 10:20am, as they left the ship. They knew they would have to work really hard, to stop Discord and the ENA. Hopefully, at the end of their struggle, harmony would triumph, and chaos would be vanquished.

Author's Note:

Well, guys, as we end off 2023, I'd like to thank you all for your support. When I uploaded the first two chapters of this story in June, I never thought it would get so popular. Your comments are what keep motivating me to continue this story. Thank you all, especially to my followers, for being here from the start. This is just the beginning of this story, and I have quite some stuff planned to follow this story, so keep an eye out for that! See you all in 2024!