• Published 23rd Jun 2023
  • 3,226 Views, 395 Comments

Equestria: World War II (1939-1941) - The Unseen

Equestria is transported to Earth right before World War 2 is supposed to begin and an evil entity breaks free of his prison, how will they survive?

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Chapter 31


---------------------------------------------------------ENA HEADQUARTERS, CHICAGO---------------------------------------------------------
It was 6:30am here in Chicago. Bret Stiles was in his private quarters, doing yoga. He had learned it many years ago while on a trip to India. Even though he was 62, he still did it, and it kept him rather fit. Stiles sighed as he began a stretch, and felt his bones start to ache a little. They weren't as strong as they once used to be. Thankfully, despite not being that successful as an explorer, he was able to siphon from his family's fortune, and buy a large farm, which was just inside Chicago's city limits. This was now the ENA's American headquarters.

As Stiles continued doing his yoga, he began thinking about how the Earth was for humans. They had developed the planet from a backwards world, to a industrial powerhouse. Humans had done that, all by themselves! And now, they would have to work with the Equestrians, aliens, outsiders to their world! The same creatures had started a new war, and restarted an old one, for God's sake! He actually felt bad for the German soldier who had been killed at the League of Nations, trying to stop the Equestrians from participating in Earthly politics. Sure, the League of Nations had said it was in self-defence, as he had aimed the gun at Anna Schmidt, head of the League of Nations, but still, he did the correct thing, trying to shoot the Equestrians before he was killed.

The Earth was for humans only, and that was it. Why were aliens being allowed by the British government to join their militaries, when they were barely allowing other races of humans in? Let the blacks, the women, and other races in first, the Equestrians later! Or even better, don't allow Equestrians at all! Make them go back to their own planet! Stiles sighed, as he finished his yoga.

As he finished, his deputy, John Jones, walked into the room. He was as deputed to the cause of the ENA as Stiles, if not more. "Ah, Mr. Stiles. Good morning. We have some news on our comrade, Edward, in England, who was ruthlessly run over by that car carrying the Equestrian military general, Shining Armor." said Jones.

"What? Is Edward out of his coma?" asked Stiles.

"No, Mr. Stiles. Edward is no more. There was too much brain damage, and he passed away last night." said Jones.

"Well, we have to hold a vigil for him, and let our members know."

"Actually, I already let all of our members know. We will be holding the memorial service today, at 9:00am here. It will be at different times at our centres in other countries."

"Good, Jones! What would this organisation be without you? We will get back at the Equestrians for murdering Edward, that is for sure!"

"We will definitely take our revenge on the Equestrians, someway or the other. We will probably find some ideas at Edward's vigil today. See you later, Bret. I have to go get ready for the service." said Jones, as he left the room.

Two and a half hours later, at exactly 9:00am, Stiles entered the huge ENA assembly hall that had been prepared, wearing a fresh powder blue suit. He was surprised at how quickly most people had gotten here. So far, most of the ENA's members in the US lived on the East Coast, majority in Chicago, so most of them just took a bus or drove down. Already, there were around 1,100 people in the hall.

Stiles began to speak. "Good morning, everyone. I'm sure you're wondering why you were called here so early in the morning. Well, we have some bad news to tell you. I'm sure you have all heard about Edward, our member who was purposely run over by a car carrying the Equestrian military general, Shining Armor, right?"

All of the ENA members nodded. "Yes!" shouted all of them.

"Well, here's the bad news. Edward died last night, due to a large amount of brain damage. He was in coma since the incident, and the doctors unplugged him as he was probably never going to wake up." said Stiles.

The whole audience went silent at that. They were all hoping that Edward would have survived, but the news that he was dead shocked them. They instantly erupted in uproars. "They murdered Edward!" said one.

"We'll kill Shining Armor and his family!" shouted another.

"We'll burn down Manehattan, that alien ripoff of New York City!" shouted another.

"Alright, calm down, everybody! CALM DOWN!" shouted Stiles through the microphone. The hall instantly went quiet again. "We are going to get back at the Equestrians, but that will come in due course of time. Today, we're holding his memorial service. We will forever remember him as a martyr for the cause of Equestrians Not Allowed." said Stiles, as a picture of Edward was brought on stage. "Today, we are putting our first picture on our new Wall Of Heroes, located in the main lobby, where we shall keep pictures of all our martyrs who die for the cause of the ENA, and Edward is our first one." said Stiles.

The audience began clapping, but some of them were still a little unhappy. "When do we get back at the Equestrians? When do we make it clear to them that Earth is for HUMANS ONLY?" asked one.

"That will come in due time, my friends. We haven't got any opportunities yet, so we will have to wait, but if we do, we will be able to prove that Earth is for humans only, and the Equestrians don't belong here." said Stiles. "Until then, we wait, my friends. That is all for today. Thank you." said Stiles, as he left the stage, to the members' claps. It was now 9:25am. As he left the stage, Stiles already had a plan forming in his head. Something nasty, to show the Equestrians who was the boss on this planet.

-----------------------------------------------------------------CANTERLOT CASTLE------------------------------------------------------------------
It was now 7:25am in Equestria. Celestia was in her room. Staring at the Sun, rising on its own. Earlier, it used to be so warm to look at the Sun. Now, sometimes, Celestia felt a little useless looking at it. Hard to believe it had only been a month since Faust had transported Equestria and the Crystal Empire to Earth. As she looked at the Sun, she knew she couldn't control the Sun anymore, but she could be useful by ruling her nation and stopping Discord.

As she came into the dining room for breakfast, she noticed Luna already there, making and eating an Equestrian-friendly English breakfast, something the Equestrian chefs had learnt from British chefs onboard the HMS Nelson. There was no meat in it, so it did not have bacon, unlike a regular English breakfast. "Ah, 'Tia. Finally joining me?" asked Luna.

"Yes, sister, I am. I got hungry." said Celestia, grabbing a plate of food. As she sat down at the table, she asked Luna, "Any updates on where the Destroyer of Discord might be?" asked Celestia. After she had come down on the 12th to see Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie, Twilight had flown back to Britain three days later. However, she had taken a large number of books with her, to figure out the location of the Destroyer of Discord. In their last call four days earlier, Twilight had told Celestia that she had had no luck so far.

"Nothing as of yet, sister. Twilight might still be looking, and she also has to keep an eye on our trainees." said Luna. Speaking of the trainees, that was another thing. The rumours of a plot to assassinate Bret Stiles, the leader of the ENA, were growing, and Celestia worried that something like that could actually happen. "We also need to keep a track on the ENA. Apparently, just a few hours ago, the ENA member who was run over by that car carrying Twilight and Shining Armor died in hospital." said Luna.

"What? He died?" asked Celestia.

"Yes, 'Tia. Wood had one of the Royal Guards send me a letter. It seems he had suffered severe brain damage in the accident, and was in a coma." said Luna. "Thankfully, his family knows it was an accident, and they are not suing."

"Oh, dear! As much as I don't like the ENA, I was hoping he'd survive." said Celestia.

"Well, hopefully the showcase will show ENA our worth. The experts have been working with them, and they plan to visit London in the next month or so."

"Hopefully they do. The showcase might be the only way to show that we are willing to fight, and are just as good as the humans."

"I hope so, too, 'Tia." said Luna, as the two sisters continued to eat. That was when Celestia realized something.

"What about Material Z?" asked Celestia.

"Well, they found lots of it in the place where we visited them, so they have temporarily cordoned off the area, since it is highly radioactive. However, as they were all wearing those radioactivity-proof suits, no illnesses or anything due to the radioactivity has been reported. They collected a few more Material Z samples, which were sent to Britain on a plane a few nights ago. It has been sent to a lab, where it's properties will be determined." said Luna.

"Oh, I see. I just hope it isn't used for wrong purposes, as Mr. Price mentioned, it could be turned into a weapon, unaffected by any magic." said Celestia.

"So do I, sister, so do I." said Luna, as she continued eating. The two sisters hoped that the showcase would show the humans what they were really capable of, and hoped ENA would not interfere after that. Hopefully, the modernisation of Equestria would start soon, and the hunt for the Destroyer of Discord would go well.