• Published 23rd Jun 2023
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Equestria: World War II (1939-1941) - The Unseen

Equestria is transported to Earth right before World War 2 is supposed to begin and an evil entity breaks free of his prison, how will they survive?

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Chapter 32


-----------------------------------------------------------------CANTERLOT CASTLE------------------------------------------------------------------
It was now 7:00am in Canterlot. The two princesses were once more in the library, looking for any clues on the Destroyer of Discord. They had been looking since 5:30am, and hadn't found anything at all. It was as if the Destroyer of Discord had simply disappeared after Faust had last used it, 2,200 years ago. As if it wasn't hard enough as is, their mother had left no clues on where to find the Destroyer of Discord, and they hadn't heard from Faust in a while.

In the meantime, the two sisters were poring over a book that was older than them by around 800 years. It showed Faust's final fight against Discord using the Destroyer of Discord, and then, nothing. It was if Faust had either destroyed it, or had hidden it somewhere. It was definitely somewhere on Equestria, or the Crystal Empire, or maybe even Earth, as Faust would not have transported their lands to Earth if it was still on Equis.

As the two sisters were poring through another old book, around 3,500 years old, Celestia noticed something. Something about the fate of the Destroyer of Discord. These lines grabbed her attention, "After Faust used thou instrument to imprison Discord for thy final time, she conceal'd it, broke thy into pieces, and scattered it across worlds, where no one, except one worthy, can find thy Destroyer of Discord, reassemble, and use thy powers."

Celestia then showed Luna. "Huh. So Faust broke the Destroyer of Discord, and scattered it across worlds. Anyone who is worthy of wielding it can reassemble it and use its powers, huh? Then, why has no one found the Destroyer of Discord yet? There are many people worthy of it, sister, such as the Pillars of Old Equestria, Princess Amore, and others I have forgotten about. Why has Faust made sure nobody might be able to find it until now?" asked Luna.

"Well, maybe, Faust was preparing us for the duty of finding Discord, Luna. Maybe, she made sure that only we could find it, as she thought only we were worthy, and not some other pony." said Celestia.

"I guess so. But it doesn't give the exact locations of where the pieces of the Destroyer of Discord might be located. The only clue it tells us that some are in Equestria, and some are on Earth. That is literally all we know about its location, sister."

"I know, Luna. It's not much, but now we have something to go off of when we look for it." said Celestia. As the two sisters began to leave the library, they knew that finding the Destroyer of Discord would be hard, considering the measures that Faust had taken to hide it, but they would one day, definitely find it.

It was around 9:10am here, which meant it was around 7:40am in Equestria. Twilight and Shining Armor were preparing to go down into the town of Rosvar, as Twilight wanted to place some orders from the store in the town, which would be delivered through the post office.

Hopefully, this time they wouldn't encounter, or run over, any ENA people. It had been sometime since the death of the ENA member that their car had hit the previous month, and Twilight just hoped ENA wasn't out for blood, otherwise, it would not go well. As they walked out to their car, which their driver, Edward Bowman, had brought out for them, they could hear some shouting from the gate. Some of the ENA people were back. But the shouting was much less, compared to the last time they were here, so they were definitely much lesser in number.

The two siblings got into the large black Austin, and Bowman started up the car, and began driving. Within seconds, they were at the gate. As the gate opened, they could see quite a few protestors, around 80 percent lesser than less time, but still a decent number of them. However, unlike the last time, they didn't charge at their car. However, they were looking at the car rather menacingly. One of them even showed them the middle finger.

As Bowman continued to drive away from the base, they watched as the protestors stopped looking at the car, and continued shouting at the base. The car drove into Rosvar. As they drove into the town, Bowman put on the radio, and Twilight and Shining Armor listened to a news report.

On the 28th of September, the Soviet Union had invaded Poland, and while Germany had annexed only the western Poland and had occupied central Poland, the Soviet Union had annexed eastern Poland. Apparently, Joseph Stalin had begun the invasion on the pretext that there was no longer a Polish state. As if the British and French militaries didn't have enough as it was. Now, the remaining Polish military garrisons were fighting the Soviets as well as the Germans, and so far, things were not looking good for them.

As the car continued to drive into the town, they watched daily life going on in the town. A woman was taking her children to school, another was going home after buying groceries, and other people, going to work. How would this peaceful scene look once Discord, with the help of the Nazis, conquered it? Shining Armor swore to himself that he would stop Discord, and preventing Earth from becoming a chaotic wasteland. It was now 9:40am. As the car began to slow down, Shining Armor realized they had arrived at the store, and Shining Armor readied himself for quite some shopping.

-------------------------------------------------------------------KOCK, POLAND-----------------------------------------------------------------------
The inhabitants of the town of Kock, in Poland, were living a nightmare of a war. 18,000 soldiers of the final remaining Polish military garrison, Independent Operational Group Polesie, a.k.a. SGO Polesie, were bravely fighting against a large German Army contingent, consisting of more than 30,000 soldiers. This battle had been raging since 5:30am, for more than five hours. The brave soldiers of SGO Polesie were fighting hard against the Germans, and were holding them back.

However, it had not been without losses. The Polish side had already lost around thirty soldiers, and the German side had lost around fifty. Also, the small town of Kock, in which around 4,600 people lived, had also taken damage. Already, around six people had died. SGO Polesie hoped to not cause further civilian casualties, and deal with all of the Germans. The commander of SGO Polesie, Franciszek Kleeberg, was ordering his men. "Anti-aircraft batteries, there are multiple German Stukas approaching us! Take them out!" ordered Kleeberg, through the radio.

"Roger that, General!" replied the commander of the anti-aircraft batteries. Kleeberg could hear the sound of the batteries firing, and watched, as one of the Stukas went down in flames. He didn't see anyone eject, so most likely the pilot did not make it. Good, another scumbag German dead. He watched as another two Stukas went down. The remaining three Stukas did drop their loads, but most of them missed, except for one, which took out three of Kleeberg's soldiers.

Kleeberg's crew instantly retaliated, taking down two Stukas. That was good, but they couldn't do shit against the Panzer IVs that were approaching, as SGO Polesie lacked heavy equipment. It was a miracle Kleeberg had been able to get so many soldiers together, as most of the Polish military units had been decimated by the Germans and Russians. Whatever aerial units they had were stuck in France, and they couldn't come back due to the danger of German Bf109s. Kleeberg sighed, and continued fighting. This was going to be a long battle, that was for sure. Kleeberg called up another unit, "Grupa Drohiczyn Poleski, how's it going for you guys?" asked Kleeberg, through the radio.

"Not so good, General." replied the voice of Lieutenant Colonel Kazimierz Gorzkowski, the commander of Grupa Drohiczyn Poleski. "We just sighted a group of Panzer IVs, around eight of them, coming our way, towards the main gate, and another six coming from the south, near Jasiołda's position. I'm not sure we can take them all, General."

"Hang on, I'll let Grupa Jasiołda know." said Kleeberg, quickly switching his radio frequency to that of Grupa Jasiołda. "Grupa Jasiołda, be advised, there are six Panzer IVs approaching your position. Get ready to deal with them."

"Copy that, General Kleeberg." replied the commander of Grupa Jasiołda. Kleeberg acknowledged the reply, and got back to fighting. This was about to be a long battle.