• Published 23rd Jun 2023
  • 3,227 Views, 395 Comments

Equestria: World War II (1939-1941) - The Unseen

Equestria is transported to Earth right before World War 2 is supposed to begin and an evil entity breaks free of his prison, how will they survive?

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Chapter 17

Author's Note:

Sorry I couldn't post this chapter last week, guys, had my exams on. Plus, my depression's getting worse, it's giving me writer's block, and all I want to do is just cry myself to bed, knowing I'm a failure. I don't know what to do. Sorry for the rant, just had to get that out of my system.

It was now 3:20pm in Equestria. Celestia and Luna's address that would put the country in war would begin in ten minutes. The human ambassadors and their retinue were also there, and they would be in the front row, with the VIPs, who had come from all parts of Equestria. Pretty much all of Equestria's 200 million-strong population was present there. They all wanted to know what this was about. All the announcement for this had said was 'something that would shake our whole nation to its core.'

They were all anxious and nervous to know. Wood was also nervous, hoping that the Equestrians wouldn't riot on hearing the fact that they were about to go to war. Just a few rows behind him, Twilight was sitting with her friends. She already know what they were about to head into, and they hadn't told anyone. They were extremely nervous, although Rainbow Dash was hoping she would be able to join the Royal Air Force and fly a plane, as she had gotten extremely crazy about them ever since Twilight had told her about them.

At 3:25pm, the address was about to begin. The ponies were nervous, as an anchor came onto the stage. "Ladies and gentlemen, our rulers will begin their address in just five minutes. I request everyone to stay in their seats, and please wait patiently."

At exactly 3:30pm, Celestia and Luna came up on the stage, cleared their throats, and began the address. "Ladies and gentlemen, we thank you coming to Canterlot on such short notice. This will shake our nation to its very core. I assume you have all read the news reports from our League of Nations visit?" said Celestia.

The entire audience nodded. They had read about the shootout and the fact that a war had started between Poland and Germany, and two of the countries of the League of Nations was supporting Poland, and would fight with Germany if need be.

"Well, I'm guessing you know there is a war on, but this is what our announcement is about. Equestria, and the Crystal Empire, will be joining the war."

At this statement, the whole crowd was shocked. They were not expecting to enter a war, so soon after arriving on Earth. What would happen? Where would they fight? Why were they joining the war? What about the magic limits? How would they deal with those?

"I know you are probably asking why we are joining the war, but, due to security reasons, we cannot reveal that right now. But, you won't be fighting right away. You will be sent for training to Britain, an Earthly country which is one of the most powerful on Earth. After a month or two of training, you will be sent to the frontlines. You will be randomly distributed into their military's three arms: Army, Navy, and Air Force. Go to our recruiting offices. All citizens above the age of 18 years must try to enlist, and fight for our country." said Luna.

All the citizens looked worried. What would a human military be like? How would their weaponry be? Which parts of Earth would they be fighting in? Poland? Germany?

"I know it is a hard request on all of you, but we will fight, to protect our homeland, and Earth's nations." said Celestia. The audience broke into a mix of cheers and tears, more than willing to save their nation, and a whole planet.

The first one to respond was Rainbow Dash. "I will join!" shouted Dash.

"So will I!" shouted Applejack

"So will I!" shouted Rarity and Pinkie Pie.

More shouts of willingness to join came from the other citizens of Equestria. They were all willing to join the war, and protect their nation. Although the common Equestrians did not know, this war had been started by their ancient enemy. They would be walking into the toughest challenge their country had ever faced.

Celestia and Luna were instantly surprised by how many Equestrians were willing to volunteer for the war. They weren't expecting so many, and neither was Wood. He better call in more planes, and hoped the Equestrian recruiting offices would be able to handle the large amount of citizens enlisting in the war.

---------------------------------------------------------------THE CRYSTAL EMPIRE------------------------------------------------------------------
Meanwhile, in the Crystal Empire, Princess Cadance's address was about to start. She and Shining Armor were already on the stage. Rockmond and his retinue were again in the front row of the seating, just outside the beautiful Crystal Castle. He could see how beautiful the city was, and he could also see the Crystal Heart, the object that powered the Crystal Empire's shield. He couldn't believe just being a loving person would fuel it. Again, pretty much all of the 50 million ponies living in the Crystal Empire were here.

As his watch ticked 3:40pm, the address began. "Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming on such short notice. This announcement will shake our nation to its core. I assume you have been reading about the events on Earth, and our League of Nations visit?" asked Cadance.

The audience nodded. They had also closely followed the visit to the League of Nations, and the crazy shootout. The events on Earth were also known, as such the invasion of Poland by Germany.

"Well, I'm guessing you know there is a war on, but this is what our announcement is about. The Crystal Empire, along with our neighboring nation, Equestria, will be joining the war."

At this statement, the whole crowd was shocked. They were not expecting to enter a war, so soon after arriving on Earth. What would happen? Where would they fight? Why were they joining the war? How would they deal with those?

"I know you are probably asking why we are joining the war, but, due to security reasons, we cannot reveal that right now. But, you won't be fighting right away. You will be sent for training to Britain, an Earthly country which is one of the most powerful on Earth. After a month or two of training, you will be sent to the frontlines. You will be randomly distributed into their military's three arms: Army, Navy, and Air Force. Go to our recruiting offices. All citizens above the age of 18 years must try to enlist, and fight for our country." said Shining Armor.

This sent the whole audience into craziness. One part was protesting this, and the part was silent in fear. Why was their ruler doing this? Was she trying to kill them all? The Crystal Empire had just returned from a 1,000 year disappearance two months earlier, and already they were being thrown into something that was super new to them. Why? Why them?

"I know it is a lot to ask of you, and believe me, I don't want to throw you into a large conflict such as this, but it is the only way to defend our nation. I request you all to enlist." said Cadance.

Although the audience's panic reduced with Cadance's words, a few were still skeptical. They were still wondering if Cadance was insane, to send them into a warzone like that. They hoped that they wouldn't have to fight too much in the war, since they were new to this world.

At Canterlot, the address, and most of the crowd had run off to nearby recruiting offices, to enlist. Wood was talking with the princesses, about how they would send the ponies to Britain. They would be using both ships and planes. RAF planes would arrive at Manehattan, until new airstrips were built, and British passenger ships had temporarily been requisitioned for this purpose, to transport the Equestrians and Crystal Empireans to the British military bases. Again, Manehattan would be used until new ports could be constructed.

They were also thinking about arms deals. In fact, Wood was thinking about what equipment Britain would be able to sell the US.

"How was the address?" asked Celestia.

"It went pretty okay. There were some protests, but most ponies were willing to enlist." said Cadance.

"Good. Also, Shining Armor, Wood here has some plans he would like to talk to you about." said Celestia.

"Oh, sure. Wood, what is this about?" asked Shining Armor.

"Well, I have some plans for selling military equipment to your country."

"Alright. What kind of equipment?" asked Shining Armor, curious about what sort of equipment they would offer.

"Well, first, for ground soldiers, body armor is being developed, specially tailored to an Equestrian body. We are willing to set up a factory to manufacture it here in Equestria. We can also manufacture all the different types of helmets in Equestria." explained Wood.

"That would do very well, yes. It will be worth having protection from all those bullets." replied Shining Armor.

"Alright, second thing we need is guns. For now, we can supply Lee-Enfield bolt-action rifles, Bren light machine guns, and Enfield No. 2 revolvers to Equestria. They are the standard guns in the Royal Army, so it helps out with training, and technical support."

"Alright, will you be manufacturing those here as well?"

"No, we will ship them in from Britain for now. We'll wait some more time before setting up a weapons factory in Equestria."

"I can't blame you. I'd be cautious about setting up a weapons factory in a new land as well. Alright, what about explosives?"

"The explosives we can manufacture in Equestria. We can manufacture smoke grenades, regular hand grenades, anti-tank grenades, anti-personnel landmines, and anti-tank landmines here. Things like anti-tank guns, howitzers, and coastal defence batteries, anti-aircraft artillery and what not, we can ship in."

"Whoa, that's a lot of explosives, but sure, we need all the military capability we can get. What about vehicles?"

"We can manufacture smaller vehicles, such as armored cars, jeeps, motorcycles, and smaller trucks here. Bigger trucks, and tanks will have to be, again, shipped in. Also, here's what we'll do for the Navy. I can have the Royal Navy lease our training ship, the HMS Nile, to your Navy, to train Equestrian sailors on modern ships. I can also have a few frigates or destroyers leased to start off your Navy until you can procure your own ships. I may also be able to get a lease of one of our older aircraft carriers as well."

"Alright, that seems good. I'm just wondering, could you give us technical support to build a shipyard?"

"Yes, sure. We can do so, and bring a lot of jobs to your country."

"Sounds good to me. Alright, last thing before we discuss the prices. What about our Air Force? What kind of aircraft can you offer?" asked Shining Armor.

"Well, we can't offer fighters just yet, since you don't have trained pilots. But we can offer training aircraft. We can offer you our Slingsby Kirby Cadet gliders. They are used for basic flight training. We can also sell you our Avro Tutor biplanes and Miles Magister monoplanes. They are also used in basic flight training, to learn to fly powered aircraft. Then, we have the more specialized training aircraft, such as the Miles Master. It is used in advanced flight training for fighter pilots. We are also offering Airspeed Oxfords. They are twin-engine aircraft used for training pilots to fly bombers and transport aircraft. Once the Equestrian Air Force has a decent number of trained pilots, we can send in fighters and bombers."

"Ah, I see. Now coming to prices. All this equipment, what is the total cost we are paying for all that, plus infrastructure, and also, when should it all be delivered?"

"Well, it should cost around 60 million pounds, or around 60 million Equestrian dollars. But, due to your current nations' current financial situation, you'll be paying only a fraction of the price."

"Wait, what?! Why are you being so generous?" asked Shining Armor.

"Well, your rulers saved that League of Nations soldier, who happened to be British. If they had not intervened, and he had died, it would have caused an even larger shootout, with more loss of life. As a token of gratitude for preventing further fatalities, Prime Minister Chamberlain has agreed to the price cuts. But, lets make a formal deal first, alright?"

"Sure thing, Mr. Wood." replied Shining Armor, as he and Wood went off to sign the paperwork required to make the arms deal. This deal would later be called the kick-starter of Equestrian industrialization. Little did they know, that the Equestrians' bank accounts would take a ton of damage, over the next few years.