• Published 23rd Jun 2023
  • 3,226 Views, 395 Comments

Equestria: World War II (1939-1941) - The Unseen

Equestria is transported to Earth right before World War 2 is supposed to begin and an evil entity breaks free of his prison, how will they survive?

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Chapter 37

Author's Note:

I just wanted to let you all know, the next few chapters after this may be delayed, guys, as the national exams are going on in my country, so I might not upload for a week or two. Once the exams are over, I promise that my upload schedule will go back to normal.


-----------------------------------------------------------------CANTERLOT CASTLE------------------------------------------------------------------
It was now 4:00am in Canterlot, which was meant it was around 6:30am in Geneva. Celestia and Luna were getting ready for their flight, which would depart at 5:30am for Geneva. They were again borrowing the American President's Boeing 307 Stratoliner, since an RAF DC-3 would not have enough range to fly non-stop from Manehattan to Geneva. The American President had arrived at the League of Nations the day before, and he had sent the plane out to get the princesses from Manehattan. Twilight and Shining Armor would be flying in from Britain. Again, it was a six-hour flight, which meant they would arrive at around 2:00pm Geneva time.

They were just finishing packing up, when Luna thought about something. "Sister, what about the ENA? They hate us like anything, and I wouldn't be surprised if they try to do something at the League of Nations."

"Well, Luna, precautions have been made to keep the ENA out of the League of Nations. We can't do much about them in the main city, but we will be fully surrounded by soldiers carrying guns, so we should be fine." said Celestia, hoping that the ENA wouldn't try anything. At 4:20am, fully packed up, they met up with their guards, and the select diplomats who were coming along with them to the League of Nations, and a minute later, they were in Manehattan.

They met up with Cadance and her retinue, which also consisted of guards and diplomats, and they began walking down to the airbase. All of the ponies were carrying pills to help them out with the time differences, which had taken some of the guards and diplomats by surprise on their previous visit to the League of Nations a couple of months earlier. They reached the airfield at exactly 4:30am, and waited in the new VIP lounge, which had been built by the British engineers. While they waited, they watched some of the Spitfires stationed there heading out on early morning patrols. The dirt runway had been lit up temporarily by using magic lanterns, but until a new asphalted runway was built with permanent lights, night flights into the Manehattan Airbase were dangerous.

At exactly 4:55am, they noticed the lights of the big Stratoliner approaching the runway, and they watched as the big airliner came into sight and touched down on the runway rather smoothly, considering the hardness of the approach. The airliner taxied off the runway, and down to one of the four temporary dirt stands. One of the new imported fuel trucks, part of the airbase's ground infrastructure, came to refuel the parked aircraft the second the engines were shut down. For now, until fuel reserves were found, a tanker ship was coming to replenish supplies, and until ponies were trained for such specialised operations, this was all being done by humans, mainly from Britain.

At 5:10am, they boarded the plane, and within 15 minutes, they were lining up on the runway for takeoff. Soon, the ponies felt pushed back in their seats as the throttles were advanced, and the plane began speeding down the runway. Seconds later, they were in the air, climbing away from the Manehattan airbase. They heard the hydraulics noises as the landing gear was retracted. As the plane continued its climb, all of the ponies, including the three princesses, decided to take a nap to ease the effects of the time differences that would get them.

It was now around 5:50am. All of the ponies were asleep, including Celestia, Luna, and Cadance, despite the heavy throb of the plane's four piston engines. As Celestia slept, she saw Luna in her dream. "Oh, Luna! What are you doing in my dream?" asked Celestia.

"Oh, sister! What are YOU doing in MY dream?" replied Luna.

"Oh, looks like our mother is finally talking to us again, after two months." said Celestia, recognizing this was Faust's work. Finally, they were going to get more intel from her again, after quite a while. As the two sisters watched, out of nowhere, in a bright flash of light, Faust appeared in the dream.

"Ah, my daughters." said Faust. "I am sorry that I wasn't able to finish our talk in our last meeting."

"Well, mother, we were able to figure out about the Destroyer of Discord, and that you hid it across Equis and Earth." said Celestia.

"I see. You were always sharp, my daughters. Yes, I was talking about the Destroyer of Discord, and yes, I did hide it in Equestria. However, some pieces are on Earth. 2,200 years ago, I fought Discord for the final time, and defeated him. After this, I decided to break the Destroyer in two and hide its pieces, for in case he came back more powerful than he was. I had already visited Earth multiple times, and the humans worshipped me like a god, so I hid some of the pieces here, to be safeguarded by the humans." explained Faust.

"I see. So, where on Earth is it hidden?" asked Celestia.

"I'm sorry, my daughters, but that I cannot tell you. Discord might be listening into our dream, and I don't want to inadvertently ruin your chances of defeating him. But I can tell you where one part of it is, Celestia." replied Faust, rather sadly.

"What?! Where is the first part, Mother?" asked Celestia.

"It's here, Celestia." said Faust, pointing at Celestia's necklace, with a large amethyst in its center. "This is one half of the entire Destroyer of Discord, and currently, it lies with you, Celestia."

"Wait, so I had half of the Destroyer this whole time?!" asked Celestia, who was surprised by this revelation.

"Yes, my daughter. I kept half of it with you, so that if someone took it, it would be useless to them. The Destroyer of Discord can be used only when both of its pieces are mated together. The other half is the part that I broke into four pieces, all hidden across Equestria and some places on Earth." explained Faust.

"I see. But where are the other pieces, then?" asked Luna.

"Well, Luna, I am not telling you that yet. I must go now, or the Heavens will banish me for meddling with the affairs of mortals. My daughters, stop Discord, at all costs." said Faust, as the dream ended. The two princesses woke up with a start. It was now around 6:20am Equestria time, and the inflight service was beginning on the plane. The breakfast was beginning to be served. All of the other Equestrians were beginning to wake up, smelling the luscious breakfast.

The breakfast service was very well done, and the ponies enjoyed it. Despite being six hours long, most of the flight went by pretty quickly, and at around 11:20am Equestria time, or 1:50pm Geneva time, soon after the lunch service had finished, the plane was beginning its approach into Geneva. The ponies saw the city come into sight, as the plane continued to descend. As they got closer to the airport, they could see multiple cars and other vehicles on the roads, and quite a few vehicles heading to the Palace of Nations. A few seconds later, the plane touched down with a bump, and began slowing down.

Around five minutes later, the plane pulled up at its spot outside the VIP terminal, and the engines shut down and the propellers stopped turning. The door of the big aircraft opened as the airstairs were lowered. The ponies all got off the plane. As they got off, they noticed all of the same world leaders' planes as the previous time, albeit with a notable exception, the Focke-Wulf Fw200 Condor owned by Adolf Hitler was not here. They went into the doors of the VIP terminal, and went through the new security checks, now that passports were beginning to be issued to the Equestrians and Crystal Empireans.

Soon, they were out of the VIP terminal, and getting into the six black Fords that had taken them to the League of Nations the previous time. As they exited via the VIP terminal, they could see multiple human news reporters trying to get pictures, with large cameras. They were trying really hard to get good pictures of the Equestrians, but they were being blocked by multiple human policemen and soldiers. Once everyone was inside the cars, their engines started, and they began moving away from the League of Nations, with multiple escort vehicles in tow, more than last time. The princesses wondered why that was.

Twenty minutes later, at around 2:20pm, they had arrived at the League of Nations, and were heading inside. They had just entered the doors, and met up with Twilight and Shining Armor, who had flown on an RAF plane a few hours earlier, when they noticed Anna Schmidt, the head of the League of Nations. "Ah, Ms. Schmidt." said Celestia.

"Ah, your Highnesses. This meeting was called on extremely short notice, but we had no choice. The Soviet invasion of Finland was so sudden." said Schmidt.

"Yes, it was very sudden, and also very tragic. When will it start?" asked Celestia.

"In ten minutes, your Highnesses. All of the other world leaders, except for the Germans, Italians, and Japanese, are here. The assembly hall is just down the corridor over there." said Schmidt, pointing towards the hall. "I will show up soon."

"See you later, Ms. Schmidt." said Celestia, as the three princesses and their retinue walked towards the hall. Soon, they were in, and waiting at the tables assigned for Equestria and the Crystal Empire. As they waited, someone else was also waiting in the hall for the Equestrians. Among the large retinue of news reporters was Thomas Hill, the ENA member. He had already assembled his Colt M1911 pistol, which was waiting in a holster in his pocket, along with quite a few magazines of ammunition. He was waiting for the right time to strike. The cameras were live, broadcasting to TV viewers all over the world, including Discord, who was watching it from Germany.

At exactly 2:30pm, Schmidt entered the hall, and got on her microphone. "Dear members of the League of Nations, welcome back. Today, we convene to see the fate of one of our own members, in this case, the Soviet Union." said Schmidt. Joseph Stalin, the dictator of the Soviet Union, stood up.

"Vhy is zat so, Miss Schmidt? Are ve being expelled from ze League of Nations?" asked Stalin.

"Well, not yet, Stalin. Due to the Soviet Union's unprovoked attempted invasion of Finland, and the bombing of Helsinki, the capital city of Finland, and multiple other places, causing civilian casualties, your seat in the League is now unsure." said Schmidt.

"Vat? We zid nothing!" said Stalin. "Ve vere not bombing ze cities of Finland, ve vere just dropping aid supply to ze starving population of Finland."

"Ah, yez, dropping aid baskets filled with Molotovz over our country, Stalin? Zis war breaks three different peace treaties zet between our countriez!" shouted one of the Finnish diplomats.

"All right, calm down, everyone!" said Schmidt. "As of today, due to war crimes, unprovoked aggression, and crimes against humanity, the Soviet Union is expelled from the League of Nations." At this sentence, Stalin, and all of the Soviet diplomats and soldiers began protesting.

"Zis iz unjust treatment! The Zoviet Union haz done nothing wrong!" shouted an angry Stalin.

"It is not unjust treatment, Stalin, it is the deliverance of justice. Now, pack up your bags, and the Soviet delegation to the League of Nations is also to leave, within four hours." said Schmidt, as the angry Soviets began to leave the hall. As the ruckus began to quieten down, Schmidt continued talking. "Alright, that's the end of today's meeting. We'll re-convene after a few hours. Thank you." said Schmidt, as she got off the chair, and began to leave the hall. In the media segment, Hill got ready. It was time for the ENA to get revenge now.

It was now 2:50pm. As all the world leaders began to disperse, Hill swiftly grabbed his gun, and before anyone knew what was happening, Hill began taking his shots, shouting, "FOR THE ENA! EQUESTRIANS NOT ALLOWED! THIS IS FOR OUR COMRADE, EDWARD!".

The second the first shot was fired, everyone began panicking. Schmidt instantly ducked for cover as they Celestia instantly realized that someone was firing, and knew she had to protect everyone here. She quickly created a shield with her horn, and began expanding it to cover the huge hall, and deflect all of the bullets. "Quick, everyone! Get under the shield now! It should deflect all of the bullets!" shouted Celestia.

All of the world leaders, and the diplomats, who were cowering under desks, quickly scurried under the shield, as the soldiers desperately tried to kill Hill, who had temporarily stopped firing to reload his gun. It was a miracle so far that only one person, a League of Nations soldier, had lightly been grazed in the arm, by one of his bullets. Meanwhile, while most of the reporters had run away, a few brave cameramen had stayed behind, to capture footage of the shooting, which was being broadcast live to everyone, including Discord, who was happy that someone was trying to kill the Equestrians, but was unhappy that it was not him who was doing this.

That was when Celestia noticed that some of the Equestrian diplomats were still not in the shield. "Come on, everyone! Get under the shield!" shouted the princesses, as Luna and Cadance created shields to help Celestia. That was when Hill, who had finished reloading, since the gun was stuck temporarily, began firing again. Multiple League of Nations soldiers were scattered everywhere, to try and figure out where the shooter was firing from, and kill him.

The first shot missed, as the first two of the three remaining Equestrian diplomats got into the shield. However, just before the third diplomat, a unicorn, could, Hill fired again, and this shot did not miss. It hit the young diplomat in the head, splattering his blood and brain matter all over the floor. Everyone watched in shock, as the Equestrian diplomat fall to the floor, dead before his body even touched the floor.

The second they took in the horrifying sight of the body lying there, an angry Luna decided to try and kill Hill, just as another of Hill's shots found a target, this time, a League of Nations soldier. It hit the young man in the chest, shooting through a lung and his heart, killing him instantly. They were horrified, watching his body fall to the floor, as blood began pooling. That soldier could have been barely thirty.

"Luna, don't! We want the shooter alive, to try and find out why he is doing this!" shouted Celestia, as Luna's horn began to glow.

"Sister, he has killed one of us, and has also killed one of the soldiers who are trying to do their duty. We must stop him." said Luna, as ran out of the shield, and let off a blast of magic at the balcony where he had been standing, instantly causing it to collapse. Multiple pieces of the gallery began raining down, and soon, the shots had stopped. The princesses deactivated their shields. Multiple soldiers with guns charged towards the debris, to figure out what had happened to Hill.

As the soldiers went closer, they noticed a hand poking out from the debris. They checked it for signs of life. There was none. It was the dead body of the shooter, Thomas Hill. He had already been injured from a shot, that a League of Nations had managed to land on his shoulder, right after he had killed one of the other soldiers. But it was most likely the collapse of the gallery that had killed him.

As they removed some things and pulled out Hill's remains, some of the other soldiers covered the other two dead bodies with a white sheet and cordoned them off. Everyone, shocked by the sudden turn of events, began going into emergency mode. Schmidt instantly ordered, "Do not let anyone leave the Palace of Nations at this time. We must have Bret Stiles arrested. The ENA is now considered a criminal organisation. That shooter was part of the ENA, as evidenced by the slogans he shouted as he begun this senseless act. In the meantime, I personally will notify the families of the victims of the shooting." said Schmidt, as she grabbed a telephone and began calling in the police and emergency services.

As the ponies stared shell-shocked, Twilight began crying, having witnessed the deaths of the Equestrian diplomat and the League of Nations soldier. As the princesses looked at each other, they knew that now they had two main enemies: Discord, and the ENA.