• Published 23rd Jun 2023
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Equestria: World War II (1939-1941) - The Unseen

Equestria is transported to Earth right before World War 2 is supposed to begin and an evil entity breaks free of his prison, how will they survive?

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Chapter 48

30TH MARCH 1940

-----------------------------------------------------------------CANTERLOT AIRPORT----------------------------------------------------------------
It was another important day for the three princesses, as they were getting ready to board their flight at the Canterlot Airport. Today was their second state visit, to the United States of America. They would be opening Equestria and the Crystal Empire's American embassies in Washington D.C. They had been joined by Cadance, Twilight, and Shining Armor, who had come to the castle early this morning. It was 11:30pm in Equestria, which meant it was 4:00am in Washington D.C. It would be a 10 hour flight to Washington D.C., so they would land around 2:00pm there.

The treasure hunt organised by the British Prime Minister for the pieces of the Destroyer of Discord had also begun, with a mix of pony and human crew members in it, including Daring Do. It was top-secret, as Prime Minister Chamberlain had promised, and as far as the intel delivered by the S.M.I.L.E. and S.I.S. showed, the Axis powers had not heard anything about it. The Winter War summit had been a success, and as promised, Joseph Stalin had pulled the Soviet troops out of Finland within the agreed timeline, and the concessions of Finnish territory as well had been done as well.

The new Equestrian Army, Navy, and Air Force had also begin operations, with trained human and pony soldiers training them on modernised equipment, and now, the Equestrian Air Force had 100 Hawker Hurricane and 40 Supermarine Spitfires on order for the trained pony fighter pilots. 50 Vickers Wellingtons had been ordered as their new bomber fleet, and 30 new DC-3s had been ordered as transports. Some of these aircraft had already been delivered, but as of now, majority of the new Equestrian Air Force consisted of trainer aircraft.

The HNA was still an issue. The human reporter who had been assaulted by a pony belonging to the HNA was still in the hospital due to complications, and his attacker had been arrested. However, Neighsay and the 48 remaining HNA members had gone into hiding, and Celestia wondered what they were planning.

As for the new Equestrian Navy, the HMS Conway had been pressed into use as a trainer ship, and they had taken a long-term lease on five County-class heavy cruisers from the Royal Navy, and had ordered twenty K-class destroyers, fifty Flower-class corvettes, and fifty Admiralty tugs, all British. A shipyard had also been built in Fillydelphia, where British and Equestrian engineers would collaborate to build vessels, for both civilian and military customers. Currently, it would soon be producing minelayers and minesweepers.

Twilight and Shining Armor would join them on this state visit, having returned from Britain following the graduation of the first batch of military ponies. It was a miracle, so far, that no ponies had been killed in combat yet. A new strategy was currently being followed by the Allied powers, to try and stop Germany's industrial arms production, they were attempting to cut off shipments of Swedish iron ore to Germany by laying mines in the channel between Norway and its offshore islands to destroy any shipments that attempted to come through.

The ponies soon boarded their flight, and settled in their seats. The doors closed, and as the plane's engines started up, Celestia decided to get some sleep on the plane, to help fight some of the effects of the time differences when they arrived in America.

------------------------------------------------------------SOMEWHERE IN GERMANY-------------------------------------------------------------
It was now around 10:30pm in Germany. Despite the late time, the Erweiterung facility was still active, producing arms, and super soldiers. The first unit of super soldiers was now ready for their mission, but now, they had a new problem on their hands. The Allies were attempting to cut off their shipments of iron ore by mining the channel between Norway and its islands. If this plan worked, it would starve Germany of supplies, and end the war, which Discord did not want.

Hitler himself had come to the facility to discuss this with Discord. "What do we do, Möller? The Allies are trying to cut off our iron supply!" asked Hitler to Discord, using Discord's human alias.

"Well, Fuhrer, I suggest we take Denmark and Norway for ourselves, to protect those shipments. Plus, it will expand the reach of the Nazi Empire." said Discord.

"That would be good, but won't that be dangerous, facing the wrath of the Allies, now that the Equestrians and Crystal Empireans have joined them?" asked Hitler.

"No worries. The Erweiterung program is producing weapons more advanced than ever before, and we can use those against the Allies. It will be good if we take Denmark and Norway to ourselves. Plus, we should also think about taking some of the Soviets' territory for ourselves." said Discord, secretly using his manipulation powers to convince Hitler.

"Wait, what? Why should we take our ally's territory?" asked Hitler.

"Think this way, Fuhrer. The Nazi Empire needs more land, to host its growing population. The Soviets' territories of Ukraine, the Baltic, and Byelorussia, they are perfect for this. However, we cannot just take it by asking. Stalin won't let us take it. We will have to take it by force, even if we lose the Soviet Union as an ally." said Discord.

"I like the plan, but I don't like the idea of losing an ally. Stalin and the USSR have been the only good nations to us since the war began. But, I guess we don't really need them anymore, since you joined us, Möller. When do we begin?" said Hitler, falling under Discord's influence.

"Soon, Fuhrer, soon. Soon, we shall soon have parts of Europe entirely to the Nazi Empire, and the Allies will soon know the might of the nation that they dared to anger." said Discord.

"Ah, yes, I like that attitude, Möller! You've made my day!" said a laughing Hitler, happy with this plan. Discord also smiled. Soon, more wars would begin, in other parts of the world. "Shall we have some of our fine German beer?"

"I don't take much alcohol. It makes a man weak. True strength comes from being sober." said Discord.

"I know that, but what's wrong with a drink or two every once in a while?"

"Alright, sure." said Discord, pouring some beer into a glass, and drinking it. It was bitter, burning his throat, but it gave him a feeling of self-satisfaction, something that he enjoyed. Only thing was that he couldn't more than a whole bottle before he got extremely drunk. "Did you know that the Equestrians and Crystal Empireans are visiting America tomorrow?"

"Yes, I am aware, Möller. You do realise we cannot carry out an assassination on American soil. They will attack us immediately, and our military cannot survive the might of the Americans, unless we call our friends, the Soviets in. And now, we are going to betray them, you realise."

"I know, hence we will deal with the Americans later. Anyways, our first enhanced soldier unit has begun its missions, and as of now, they are deployed on a classified mission on the border. We are also working on an enhanced spy unit as well. Once we get some Equestrian POWs, we can give humans magic."

"Ah, that would be a sight to behold, humans having the magical powers of the unicorns."

"Well, if we can capture some pony POWs, that can be possible, Hitler. We'll give them the same treatment that we give to the Jews and others in our concentration camps."

"Ah, that would be nice, to show that our country accepts humans only, that too, pure-blooded ones, with the exception of you, Discord, and does not accept spies!"

"Yes, it will be the era of a new world order. One ruled by Germany, Italy, and Japan." laughed Discord, as he Hitler drank another glass. Discord smiled, and thought about how his plan would eventually make Earth his own planet, one of chaos.

----------------------------------------------------------20,000 FEET ABOVE THE ATLANTIC----------------------------------------------------
In the confines of the plane's pressurised fuselage, the ponies were just now waking up. More than six hours had passed since the plane had taken off from Canterlot, and they were now just four hours away from landing in Washington D.C. The airport at Washington D.C., Hoover Airport, had a very short runway, 4,200 feet long, and the Stratoliner's landing run needed more than half of the runway, especially a heavily-loaded one. Due to this, it was considered quite unsafe.

It would be a sketchy landing, but Celestia trusted the human pilots. In fact, the runway at Hoover Airport had been widened just to handle the Stratoliner. As they neared the country of America, all of the ponies aboard the plane began waking up, to have lunch, and get ready for their arrival. Four hours later, at around 1:50pm, the plane was on final approach to Washington-Hoover Airport.

Thankfully, the pilots had balls of steel, which were required to land the big aircraft on such a short runway. They successfully were able to land the big plane on the short dirt runway, even if it was quite hard, and required hard braking that almost pulled the ponies out of their seats.

The plane taxied off the runway, and parked at the airport's terminal building. All flights had been temporarily halted during their arrival, so no passengers were present at the airport right now. Multiple reporters were present at the airport to cover the arrival of the Princesses on their second state visit. The Princesses were nervous, but excited to see the land of liberty. As the Princesses left the airport after going through immigration, they were met by a huge convoy of cars. Including them was the American President's own car, a Lincoln limousine known as the Sunshine Special. It was the Princesses' vehicle for today.

The ponies got into the cars in the convoy, protected by multiple U.S. Army soldiers and Secret Service agents. They then drove off for the White House, which was just a 15-minute drive from the airport. As they left the airport, they saw that multiple humans lined the streets, welcoming the Equestrians to the US, and waving at them. Thankfully, the Sunshine Special was a convertible, so they could wave to the people of America, as the roof had been taken down. As they arrived at the other side of the bridge that led to the White House, they saw multiple government buildings, such as that of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing.

Soon, they passed through the secure gates of the White House, and arrived at its entrance. It was truly a magnificent building, made fully of sandstone, painted pure white. This was the American President's official residence and workplace. His office was located in the West Wing of the White House. It had been built almost 150 years earlier, right after the end of the American Revolution.

The cars pulled up at the East Wing of the White House, which was the main entry for visitors and guests. It was a relatively new part, having been built not even 40 years ago, back in 1902. The Princesses and their retinue stepped out of the cars, and walked into the doors of the White House. The entrance was a little small, but it was well-furnished, with a large amount of wood panelling, and pictures on the walls. They passed through the colonnade, and through the windows, they could see the beautiful White House Garden, planted full of ornamental hedges and seasonal flowers. Fluttershy would have loved it, thought Celestia.

They passed into a billiards room, another human trend which was widely being adopted in Equestria and the Crystal Empire. A lot of clubs and pubs there had installed billiards tables, and the game was being widely played in the circles of socialites and other rich ponies. They also went by the library, which held more than 2,700 books on America. It was also frequently used for media tapings. There was also the China Room, an exhibition hall for state and presidential tableware.

Finally, they reached the East Room, where a large conference table had been set up, and President Roosevelt was waiting here, along with his wife, Eleanor Roosevelt. The Vice President, John Nance Garner, was also here, alongside a few other American politicians. "Ah, your Highnesses. It is nice to meet you again." said Roosevelt, as the humans all got up to greet the Equestrians. Roosevelt got up with great difficulty, and he was using a cane and leg braces, since he was paralyzed. His wife helped him to get up and walk.

"Are you sure you are okay to walk, especially with your illness, Mr. Roosevelt?" asked Luna.

"Well, it is pretty painful and hard, especially with leg braces and a cane, but I have to. I can't show this side of my life to the public. How would they react when they realised that their President was a disabled man, who can't even walk without heavy assistance? No, I must walk, to keep public morale and faith in their President strong." said Roosevelt.

"I see, but you don't have to torture yourself just to greet us." said Celestia.

"Well, for the photos now, I will have to stand. Then, it's back to the wheelchair for me." said Roosevelt.

"Alright then." said Celestia, as they all posed formally for the White House photographer, who snapped two pictures, and then showed a thumbs up to indicate that the picture was perfect. Then, he went off, and everyone decided to sit down and exchange some talk before they left to inaugurate the embassies, which were at Dupont Circle. Celestia spent some time chatting with Eleanor Roosevelt, who was an advocate for women's rights, labour laws, and civil rights, which impressed the Princesses.

Shining Armor on the other hand, was chatting with General Hap Arnold, Chief of the Army Air Forces, General George Marshall, Chief of the United States Army, and Admiral Ernest King, Commander in Chief of the United States and Chief of Naval Operations. They were chatting about military techniques, equipment, and similar things. In fact, Shining Armor was discussing about sending some Equestrian Army soldiers to the US to learn from the most elite US Army soldiers.

Twilight on the other hand, had excused herself and gone off to the library to read a bit on American history and politics, as if she hadn't read enough on the plane.

Soon, at around 6:00pm, it was time to leave for Dupont Circle, for the inauguration of the embassies. It would only be a 5-minute drive from the White House. President Roosevelt couldn't join them, as he had other obligations. However, his wife, Eleanor, would be making the speech instead. Night was already falling over the city of Washington D.C., as the ponies left the White House along with Eleanor Roosevelt, after bidding farewell to the President. They got into the cars, and made the quick 5-minute drive to Dupont Circle, where a large crowd had already gathered.

The crowd was surging with excitement, as the Princesses, and Eleanor Roosevelt, stepped out of the cars, and walked onto the stage. The excitement was high, as Eleanor Roosevelt began to speak. "Greetings, ladies and gentlemen. Today, we all gather here to celebrate a new day in our relations between America, Equestria, and the Crystal Empire. It is our honour to welcome the Equestrians and Crystal Empireans to our beautiful country, and open their embassies here. It is a new day in our relations between America, Equestria, and the Crystal Empire." said Eleanor, to a lot of cheering. "I now request the Princesses to speak." said Eleanor Roosevelt, as she stepped to the side to let the Princesses speak.

With a smile, Celestia stepped up to the microphone, to face the crowd. "Thank you, Ms. Roosevelt, and warm greetings to the people of America. It is an honour to visit the land of liberty, and see such a technologically advanced nation as yours. Your nations have both been kind enough to welcome our species to Earth ever since our arrival on Earth, and we are truly grateful for that." said Celestia, as she paused to take a breath. Luna continued the speech after that.

"Our countries are different in many ways, but the opening of our embassies will foster peace, understanding, and technological and scientific exchange between our worlds. Together, we will overcome obstacles such as the ENA, and continue to build a brighter future for all. Lastly, I would like to express my gratitude to the people of America for their warm welcome. We are truly humbled by your hospitality. Thank you." said Luna, as she finished off the talk, and stepped off the stage. A speech was also made by the new Equestrian ambassador to the US, Silvershine, a silver pegasus with a shiny blue mane.

The tape to the embassies was cut, and the Equestrian and Crystal Empirean national anthems were played, marking the inauguration of the embassies. After the national anthems ended, a huge fireworks display was started, as part of the inauguration, marking the end of the ceremony. The fireworks display was a big hit, and everyone applauded the marvelous display.

It was close to 6:30pm when the event ended, and all of the museums had closed down for the night. Since the White House could not accommodate so many guests, the Princesses and their retinue would be staying in their respective countries' embassies. Eleanor Roosevelt bid them farewell, and drove back to the White House. The princesses then went inside their embassies, even as a crowd of reporters tried to follow them inside, but were held back by soldiers and police.

The princesses ignored the crowd outside, thanks to the heavily sound-proofed walls, and walked up to their rooms, to grab some sleep. Tomorrow, they would see the Library of Congress and the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History, before flying back home to Canterlot. It had been another good day in the opening up of relations between Equestria, the Crystal Empire, and other Earthly countries. Hopefully, that was how it would go for all other Earthly countries.