• Published 23rd Jun 2023
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Equestria: World War II (1939-1941) - The Unseen

Equestria is transported to Earth right before World War 2 is supposed to begin and an evil entity breaks free of his prison, how will they survive?

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Chapter 27

---------------------------------------------------------------ROSARIO'S, ROSVAR--------------------------------------------------------------------
It was now 8:17am in the small town of Rosvar, in the Scottish Highlands. Twilight and Shining Armor had just arrived at the restaurant, Rosario's, where they would be meeting with the British politician, who was actually the Minister for Coordination of Defence of Britain. He had come to town the previous day, and requested to meet with Shining Armor. The two ponies were getting out of the large Austin sedan which had brought them here. As they got out, they noticed a dent on the front fender, where the protestor had hit the car. Twilight hoped that the man was still alive, even if he was a member of Equestrians Not Allowed, aka ENA.

They were listening to a radio placed in the restaurant, which was rather empty, since not too many wealthy people lived in Rosvar. Edward Bowman, their driver, was just walking into the restaurant after parking the car. They were waiting for the Minister for Coordination of Defence, Lord Chatfield, to show up. That was when five black Rolls-Royce Phantom IIIs, with Union Jacks on their bonnets, pulled up outside the restaurant. Out of the third car, the middle car, climbed an old man. He was rather old, in his mid-sixties, but seemed pretty healthy for his age. He was wearing a suit, and was definitely Lord Chatfield.

(five of these but with Union Jack flags on the bonnets)

Chatfield and his retinue climbed out of the car, and walked into the restaurant. They walked in, and sat at the large table, with Twilight and Shining Armor. "Ah, Miss Twilight, General Shining Armor. Pleased to meet you. I'm Lord Chatfield, Minister for Coordination of Defence of the United Kingdom." said Chatfield.

"Pleased to meet you too, Lord Chatfield. The military you run seems to be extremely well-trained, and utilises their equipment the best." said Shining Armor.

"Ah, we aim to please, General. Anyways, I heard about that awful thing with those ENA people at the base." said Lord Chatfield.

"What? How? It just happened like, twenty minutes ago!" replied a shocked Shining Armor.

"Well, the base commander, who was responding to the incident, called me on the way to the restaurant, as our cars have telephones installed in them. I don't blame you, or your driver, for the fact that your car smacked into one of the ENA people like that." replied Chatfield.

"I just hope the person is okay. We don't like anyone dying, even if they hate us."

"I also got calls from the town hospital, and they reported that most of the protestors escaped that stampede with minor injuries, mostly cuts and bruises, while some of the protestors who got a little more banged up, by trying to jump over the shields, got a maximum of a broken leg or arm. The protestor who got hit by your car survived, but unfortunately, he is in a coma, due to brain damage." reported Chatfield, rather solemnly.

This shocked the two siblings, especially Twilight. They were hoping the man had survived, but not like that. He probably would never even get up again, and even if he did, he would not be able to even live without help. Chatfield could sense Twilight's discomfort, and quickly decided to divert the conversation.

"Well, let's order our food first. I'm starving." said Chatfield, as he opened up a menu, and began to decide his order. The two siblings also grabbed their menus, and began to look at all of the restaurants' new Equestrian-friendly menu options, which had been added two days after it was announced the Equestrians would be fighting in the military, since the Rosvar base trained a lot of cadets.

As they waited for their food to arrive, Lord Chatfield brought up the topic of the ENA's recent protests against the integration of Equestrians into the British military. "I must say, Miss Twilight and General Shining Armor, I am in full support of your kind joining our ranks. Your abilities and strengths will undoubtedly benefit our country's defense efforts," Chatfield stated firmly.

Twilight and Shining Armor both nodded in agreement, grateful for the Minister's support. However, they couldn't help but feel a sense of unease at the thought of facing such strong opposition from the ENA. They still had to deal with Discord as well, for he was still loose, somewhere on Earth, and working with the Nazis, Italians, and Japanese. As they continued their conversation, Lord Chatfield brought up a potential solution to the ENA's protests. "I have an idea, Miss Twilight and General Shining Armor. What if we organized a series of public events showcasing the abilities and strengths of Equestrian soldiers? This would give the British people a chance to see firsthand what your kind can do, and hopefully, it would help to alleviate some of the fears and prejudices that the ENA has been spreading."

Twilight and Shining Armor both agreed that this was a great idea, as it would not only help to educate the British people but also provide a platform for their kind to showcase their skills. Lord Chatfield promised to work on organizing these events as soon as possible.

As they finished their breakfast, Lord Chatfield excused himself, promising to keep in touch with Twilight and Shining Armor. It was now 9:15am. The two siblings left the restaurant, feeling both hopeful and apprehensive about the future. They knew that there would still be challenges ahead, but they were determined to face them head-on, with the support of their allies like Lord Chatfield.

-------------------------------------------------------------SOMEWHERE IN GERMANY------------------------------------------------------------
Discord was watching TV in his room, and he was pleased. ENA would be something else that the Equestrians would have to deal with as well, making it harder for them to deal with him. In the meantime, he had to get the Erweiterung programme back on track. The third Bf109 had arrived, and was being modified to a Bf109E, while the two other prototypes were out of commission. It was 10:15am here, and while the other two Bf109Es may have been out of commission, this third one hopefully would not.

Meanwhile, as for the Panzer IIIEs, they were also being worked on, and the first test should come in within a few days. They also planned to make similar modifications to Panzer IVs, since they would eventually replace the IIIs. As for the Super Soldier program, as it was called now, well after they turned the woman into a monster, they were trying hard to make an actually effective and properly working version of the E-serum. The monster was now kept in a large enclosure, in the former underground cellars of the base, which had been converted to prisons for the test subjects.

Discord smiled. He was still mad about how the whole Erweiterung program had been sabotaged by Faust, but thankfully, nothing else like that had happened since then. He was watching an interview of Bret Stiles by an American news channel, as ENA members were also now coming from America as well. ENA now had over 4,500 members, from different countries, mostly from Britain, but also from America, Russia, Japan, Germany, and other such countries.

The shot also showed Stiles showing off the ENA's new headquarters building in Manchester, as well as their logo, a very graphic illustration of a Equestrian chopped in half by humans. "What do you think of our new headquarters?" asked Stiles on the TV, to the reporter interviewing him.

"It's very, ah, vivid." replied the reporter.

"Ah, it's actually very beautiful. It portrays our dedication to the cause. Just yesterday, we had only 4,200 members, and today, we have 4,500. In just 24 hours, close to five hundred new members have joined us! At this rate, we will have close to 8,000 members by the end of this year." replied a very happy Stiles.

"Ah, but why do you hate the Equestrians and Crystal Empireans?"

"Well, there is one big reason. EARTH IS FOR HUMANS, THAT'S WHY! We transformed this planet from something backwards, into a place of technology and advancement, all by ourselves! And now, those fucking horses want to join us? No, we are better than them! We have better technology, bett..... " shouted Stiles, as Discord switched off the TV. Discord chuckled at that outburst. Really. Earth was not for humans. It was only meant for Discord, once he had spread chaos across the planet.

Discord decided to go and take a nap, since he had to go and check on the Panzer IIIEs, which would make their demonstration runs in a couple of days, so he better have a nap now, since he might not have it soon. Discord thought about how he would rule Earth, as he drifted off to sleep.