• Published 20th Jun 2021
  • 2,691 Views, 129 Comments

Twilight Scarlet - vincent789

  • ...

The orb of Fairies

Twilight woke up in the dead of night after she had exhausted her magic supply. She did not have a nightmare, but she was no longer exhausted. She automatically woke up because she felt someone approach her bed in the medical bay.

It was an old man. He carried the magic council symbol and was dressed like one.

"Are you finally wake?" The old man asked.

"Ugh. Who are you? Where am I?" Twilight asked slightly confused. She grabbed her head with her hands as she was having a small headache.

"My name is Yajima. I am your employer. You are currently in the medical bay. I carried you here." Yajima said.

"Ah. I assume that you know my name then." Twilight said as she looked closer at the old man. He looked quite powerful despite his old age.

Yajima smiled, "I do, Twilight Scarlet. I do. So how are you feeling?" he asked.

"Besides my headache, I am fine." Twilight said.

"I am glad to hear that a young girl like yourself is doing alright. However tomorrow you will continue you job. You aren't done yet." Yajima instructed.

"I am aware. Next up is physical combat, right? I am not sure if I can do that." Twilight admits.

"Then I will train you. Perhaps you are better than you let on." Yajima said encouraging.

"With my amnesia? There is no way." Twilight said downgrading.

Yajima looks serious at Twilight, "Do you wish to protect your family? Then this is a skill you are required to have. Heightened senses, quick reflexes, spacial awareness. All of these will increase your chances of survival. They are necessary to survive and thrive." Yajima explained.

Twilight nodded her head, "But I have-" she tried only for Yajima to cut her off.

"Your enemy doesn't care if you have amnesia. They want you dead. They will use their everything to kill you. If you will try to hide behind your amnesia as an excuse to not fight and protect your friends, then you are nothing. You will dead weight in a fight. Your family and friends will be disappointed in you. Do you want that?" Yajima explained.

"No. Of course not. I can't bare to see my friends in pain." Twilight said determined.

"Then Fight! Train your body and mind for the day that you have no choice but to fight. Only then can you protect those around you. See yourself as weak, that way you can only train yourself to the strength to fight for those you love. Even if you have to go overboard sometimes. Be yourself at all times. And show the world the strength of your guild. You are not alone." Yajima finishes. He sees as Twilight's eyes were filled with a sparkle of fire. He has woken up a beast that will shake the magic world. And he was alright with it.

"Show to the world that you are S-ranked. And perhaps you might obtain the Saint title." Yajima said with a smile.

"What is a Saint?" Twilight asked curious.

"They are the strongest wizards on Fiore. The ones people call monsters. The ones capable in even the most impossible of tasks. A wizard that the magic council recognize as a threat and by giving the Saint status you will be pardoned easier. And you will obtain money easier. But we can call for you, when we need you the most. In exchange we will recognize you as the strongest wizard in all of Fiore. Of course that brings many other benefits like fame and power. But for you it would be the ultimate showcase of the power to protect your family." Yajima explained.

"I see. That is something I might obtain in due time. Right now, please teach me some re-equip magic." Twilight requested.

"Sure. Lets see what I can do." Yajima said with a smile.

Twilight and Yajima both walked towards the now empty training field. Twilight noticed that some very powerful magic was being used to repair the mountain. Yajima ignored it, he walked to the center of the training field and looked at Twilight.

"Let me show you the power of the member of the magic council." Yajima said. Twilight's eyes widen as an overwhelming amount of magic power lit up inside Yajima and exploded outwards. It had formed a massive beam of white and black liquid power. It was overwhelming. Twilight was slightly blasted away by it, but she looked at Yajima in awe and fear.

After a few seconds passed, he stopped radiating power. He looks at Twilight while his face bared a large smirk. Although he had stopped radiating power, when he spoke up, Twilight could feel the power radiate from his words.

"This is the power of an S-ranked individual. I am certain that you already have Re-equip on you. Show me the power of a Fairy Tail member!" Yajima shouted.

Twilight noticed as her Celestial orb stayed dormant. Meanwhile her Fairy orb glowed like the sun, as memories of Fairy Tail filled Twilight's mind and body. After a moment, Twilight smiled. And her orb lit up even brighter.

"Come! Fairy wizard! Show me what you are capable off!" Yajima shouts as his hands started to glow. He was preparing a magic assisted punch. A very powerful one at that.

Lahar in the meantime felt Yajima's power from all the way on the mountain. 'Don't tell me!' the thought as he looked at the training site.

"Very well." Twilight said as the Fairy orb fused with Twilight's body. Causing her to Re-equip a magical spear. The magical spear was brimming with magic power.

For a single moment. Both power got cut, they smiled at each other. Then their magics collide with each other.

"Twilight!" Yajima shouted as he moved forward at lightning speed.

"Yajima!" Twilight shouts as she did the same thing.

Then both fighters collide with each other. The spear blocked Yajima's attack. The slammed into each other, the power collision alone destroyed the barrier pylons that were placed around the training field as a massive amount of magic pressure pushed everyone in the area onto the ground.

Lahar saw as Yajima and Twilight collided with smiles on their faces. He sighs, "This is going to be difficult to explain to my boss." he said. Lahar felt the shock wave of power as it pushed him back several meters.

Twilight's spear suddenly charged with lightning magic as Twilight moved back several meters. Yajima was pushed back by Twilight's spear as well.

"Fairy Lightning strike!" Twilight shouts at he presses the spear tip into the ground. The lightning gathers around Twilight as the static electricity hit the clouds. After it circled above Yajima for a moment, with a massive lightning strike it attempt to strike Yajima from above.

Yajima smiled as his hands went into a upside down 'V' shape. A small ball of power appeared and as soon as the strike was about to hit him, he crushed the orb.

Twilight's eyes widen as she feels a threat from behind. She jumps up and Twilight's strike hit the ground and Yajima nearly struck Twilight from behind using a very powerful laser beam.

Realizing that AoE* attack would be better, Twilight redirects the lightning to around herself. This struck Yajima from the side. He screamed as the lightning goes through his body. But he held on, as he simply got pushed into a wall.

Yajima and Twilight was about to plan their next strike, when Lahar chose that exact moment to stop them.

"Enough!" Lahar shouts as he casts his most strongest nullification spell that he knows off. This was enough to atleast cancel Twilight's spear. Yajima simply disables his magic instead.

"With this you have completed the job. I will wire the money to Makarov. It was fun. I hope that the next time we meet, I can grant you the Saint Title." Yajima said.

"Thank you. I hope so too." Twilight said as her Fairy orb placed itself back into her backpack.

Lahar sighed, "Yeah. You did fine. I hope that you will not fight Yajima next time around. Because now I have to explain the destruction of these pylons to the boss." he said somewhat disappointed.

Twilight looked sad at Lahar. It was that exact moment that Twilight's Friendship orb started to float. Twilight looked for a moment at the orb as she was somehow communicated to it. Twilight smiled as her hands glowed a warm blue color.

"What are you?" Lahar questioned as he saw that the shards of the pylons lit up. Twilight's orb was repairing the pylons. And the mountain in the background.

"Oh my." Yajima said impressed.

"There. This didn't happen." Twilight simply requested.

Lahar looks shocked at Twilight. "Oh my god. Thank you." he said happily.

Twilight simply smiled as she left the premise to go back to Fairy Tail. Leaving an even more impressed Lahar and Yajima in her wake.

"Make her a Saint. Right now!" Lahar jokingly ordered Yajima.

Yajima simply laughed, "It seems we have a real contender." he said impressed.

Twilight meanwhile has successfully gotten into the ride back home. Twilight looked at the mountain that Twilight technically blew up and smiled.

"Atleast I did no damages during the mission. Master will be so proud." Twilight said smilingly. Until, she felt some unusually powerful magic to her right. Sensing danger, Twilight simply grabbed the one that was moving the carriage and jumped several kilometers forward.

It was right then that a powerful black laser beam passed over the carriage. Absolutely obliterating it. She also saw an older man with the Fairy Tail emblem on his chest. It was black colored. He was dodging the laser beam as Twilight saw a massive black and blue looking dragon passed over her. Sensing that he was injured and that a big fire breath was incoming. Twilight summons all of her orbs and casted an extremely powerful magic shield over Twilight and the older man.

Just in time as the beam struck Twilight's barrier. It was incredible powerful. But the feeling of protecting her family was stronger. So she held out the fire breath that probably could destroy a city. Twilight couldn't care less as her eyes shined with power and she removed the fire breath using her hands alone. Shocking both the dragon and the older man.

"Enough! Capital Hyper Orbital Array laser beam!" Twilight shouts as she casted one of her most powerful spells that she currently had. The dragon attempted to dodge, only for the beam to hit his wing. The dragon screamed in agony as it ran away at lightning speed. Leaving an angry Twilight and stunned older man.

Twilight sighs as her orbs release the additional power that she had build up. "Are you alright?" Twilight asked the older man.

"Who are you?" The man asked shocked.

"My name is Twilight Scarlet. I am a member of Fairy Tail." Twilight simply said with a smile.

"Ah. My name is Gildarts. I am also a member." Gildarts said as he releases some tension.

"By the way. I am six years old." Twilight added.

"What!" Gildarts looks shocked at Twilight. Twilight simply giggles at his responds.

"I am told by master that I could become S-rank anytime. I told him that I want to wait until I am ten years old." Twilight said.

"I can see that. You are a strong young lady." Gildarts said smiling.

"Oh and I was told that I might also obtain Saint title one day." Twilight added. Gildarts looks shocked at her once more.

"Anyways. What are you doing here?" Gildarts asked.

"On my way back to the guild. I finished a quest for the magic council." Twilight said.

"I see. Well let's walk together then. I am on my way back now, too." Gildarts said.

"Sure. By the way who was that dragon?" Twilight asked curious.

"Acnologia. He was a dragon I was supposed to kill. It seems that I am unable to do so, however." Gildarts said disappointed.

"So it would seem. Oh well. Atleast you are alive. That is all that matters." Twilight said.

"I agree. You saved my ass. Thank you." Gildarts said grateful.

"No worries. Any thing for my family." Twilight dismissed.

Gildarts simply smiled as the two of them walk towards the guild.

"So you use orb magic?" Gildarts asked.

"I do. Although I am still learning the uses." Twilight said.

"I see. I use crush magic. It allows me to crush both spells as well as my opponent." Gildarts said.

"Seems like a bad match up with a flying target." Twilight commented.

"I agree. I should have chosen an easier target." Gildarts said smiling.

"Nah. You should have learned of way to crush the air around the target. Without air a target can neither breath nor fly." Twilight suggests.

"I see. That is a good suggestion. I will look into it. Well lets head back. Its been seven years." Gildarts said.

"I see. Welcome back. And nice to meet you." Twilight smiled brightly.

"Thank you." Gildarts said as Magnolia came into view.

Magnolia went into Gildarts shift as it shifted the city around to create a single path to the guild house. Twilight simply rose her eyebrow at the sight but said nothing. Gildarts looked surprised at Twilight's lack of reaction, but also said nothing as they calmly walk down the path.

"Let me guess. Blank mind plus crush magic equals a lot of destruction." Twilight said with a smile.

Gildarts smiled and nodded.

"I understand." Twilight simply said as they arrived at the guild house.

"Welcome back Gildarts and Twilight." Makarov said as he approached the duo.

"Thanks." Gildarts responds.

"So how is the hunt going?" Makarov asked Gildarts.

"I will continue after a little break." Gildarts said.

"Very good." Makarov said smiling.

"Master I successfully did my mission. I broke nothing." Twilight said.

Makarov beamed at the news, "Amazing. I already saw the money come in. Welcome back, Twilight." he said.

"I am going to my room. I spend a little bit of magic on my way here. So I am spend." Twilight announced.

"Very good." Makarov said as Twilight walked to her room while smiling.

Meanwhile Gildarts approached Master. "So how is it really going?" Makarov asked Gildarts.

"Twilight saved my ass. She used a very powerful magic shield to block Acnologia's fire breath. The like of which could easily obliterate an entire city." Gildarts admitted.

"I see. She said that only once she is ten will she try to go and get S-rank. Even though she is already atleast S-rank." Makarov said.

"I understand. Whenever she is ready." Gildarts said in agreement.

"Anyways, do rest and come back stronger. I will await you when you leave once more." Makarov said as he walked back to the bar counter and took a sip from his beer.

"One more thing. She stopped the attack using her bare hands. And subsequently injure Acnologia's wing." Gildarts added.

"Is that so. I knew she was powerful. That is why I want her to search for that book from Zeref after she get ranked S." Makarov said.

"I see. Well I will be back. I am going to go and take a break back home." Gildarts said as he walks off.

Author's Note:

Like they said. Twilight is from a world of even more powerful magic, like Discord or King Sombra. It is no wonder that she is more powerful than even the most powerful wizard in Fiore.

Next up, Mavis

(By the way every word that is attached to the spell Twilight's cast is a magic circle.)