• Published 20th Jun 2021
  • 2,691 Views, 129 Comments

Twilight Scarlet - vincent789

  • ...

A complete guild hall

Author's Note:

First things first, I truly apologize for my lack of chapters in the last few weeks.
I took a break from work and was planning on writing a bunch, but sadly I got sick and was unable to write anything.

However I am back once again, Thank you for your patience.
Also first 5K+ words in a single chapter.

After a good night sleep, Twilight woke up refreshed. Although Makarov's anger still rang fresh in her mind, she decided to work on the classroom without greeting Makarov for once. Sadly that also meant no breakfast.

As she was walking down to the guild hall, she spots Gildarts sitting at the bar. And as soon as she reached the bottom of the staircase, Gildarts spotted her too. He was was waving at Twilight to try get her to get closer.

"What is it, Gildarts?" Twilight asked confused.

"I saw these in the mail. Some kinds of scrolls. And they are addressed for you." Gildarts said as was clearly holding the scrolls.

"Ah! The enchantment for the gym has arrived. That is good news. It means that I can finish the gym." Twilight said happily.

Twilight casually took the scrolls from Gildarts and walk towards the gym. Twilight saw that Gildarts decided to follow her. Though she didn't mind.

As soon as Twilight opened the door to the gym, Gildarts took a look around. Meanwhile Twilight proceeded to cast each and every enchantment on the catalysts. She started with the walls and finished by the dummies.

"Hey Gildarts. Can you try and use your crush ability on this wall? It has been enchanted against it." Twilight requested.

"Sure, kid." Gildarts said as she attempted to use his ability. But as soon as the ability reached the wall it was cancelled out.

"Good it works. All of these gym equipment and the walls and stuff are anti-crush. That way even you can use this gym." Twilight said happily.

Gildarts smiled, "Thanks kiddo." He said as moved his hand over Twilight's head.

"Now. That that is finished. I am going to go and finish the classroom really quick." Twilight said happily.

"Before you do. I have something of interest for you." Gildarts said.

"Oh? What is it?" Twilight asked curious.

"Well you see, I heard that you wanted to build a gift shop, right?" Gildarts asked, he sees Twilight nod.

"Well a gift shop without merchandise is a flower shop without flowers. So I went ahead and got someone to start designing some merchandise. And a producer to make some." Gildarts said.

"That is great! After the classroom, I will get the gift shop up and running. Mind you, there is not a lot of space, so I was thinking about a stall like design. What do you think?" Twilight asked.

"That is perfect. Designing so many gifts would be hard, so a small space is perfect for it." Gildarts said.

"Good. Well I am going to finish my classroom. I will be right back." Twilight said excited.

"Sure." Gildarts said as he went back to his spot at the bar.

Twilight walked with a jump in her step towards the room. Using her magic she quickly constructed the walls, ceiling and flooring. She then removed the furniture out of their boxes and placed them, like the picture she saw. A black board on the back wall, with two bookcases on both sides. A teacher's desk in front of the right one. And several rows of tables and chairs places in the middle of the room. She also had a bunch of nice paintings that she placed on either side of the walls.

She then realized that Makarov was going to get her some books for inside the bookcases. Twilight was still somewhat pouting though. She wasn't sure if she should go to him immediately, or if she should waiting a few more hours. Besides she was getting quite hungry from the lack of breakfast.

She then decided to go out and eat at one of the many small cafe's that is around Magnolia. And go to the Carpenter's guild for their assistance once more.

So while she was leaving, she saw a sad looking Makarov in the corner of her eye. They made eye contact, only for Twilight to look away and head outside without saying anything. She could just feel Makarov drooping in the background.

While walking around, she sees a nice cafe that had a perfect view of the church and the river. She decided that she wants to eat breakfast, right here.

"Hello young lady, How can I help you?" The waiter asked.

"Can I have a menu? I want to eat breakfast here." Twilight requested.

"Sure. Can I get you something to drink before I get you, the menu?" The waiter asked.

"Actually I am not sure what you have for drinks either. Can I get the menu first?" Twilight asked.

"Of course. I will be back in a second." The waiter said as he walked inside to retrieve a menu. After a few minutes, the waiter has retrieved a menu and gave it to Twilight.

Twilight took a quick look, but her lack of memories makes it difficult to make a decision. Mainly because everything was unknown to her. Ingredients and drinks alike.

"Uh. What do you recommend for a healthy breakfast?" Twilight asked the waiter.

"I would go for an Apple juice with either one of our salads or sandwiches." The waiter said.

"Sure, One apple juice... But do you know which one is good?" Twilight asked confused.

The waiter took a second to look at the menu himself. "I recommend the baked goat cheese salad. It is simply delicious and popular." He recommended.

"Lets go for that." Twilight said as she gives the menu back to the waiter.

"Very well. It will arrive soon. Let me give you your cutlery." The waiter said, before leaving until he obtained the juice.

The waiter placed the juice in front of Twilight, And walked off. Twilight meanwhile took a single sip. She liked the juice, It weirdly gave her nostalgia. Although she wasn't sure why.

After a good several minutes, the salad had arrived and Twilight dug into it. She liked the combination, the crumbly cheese, with the other ingredients worked really well. It was a good first dish. After eating the entire plate empty, she looked towards the waiter.

"How can I help you?" The waiter asked as soon as he arrived.

"I want to pay. How much is it?" Twilight asked.

"1480 Jewels." The waiter said.

"Here you go." Twilight said as she handed the money over.

"Thanks for coming. I hope to see you again one day." The waiter said.

"Huh, Brasserie Bloem was a good cafe." Twilight said out loud.

Twilight continued on her way towards the Carpenters guild. And as soon as she arrived, she sees that there is a small festival to the side of the building. She also sees the guild master showing off some nice looking benches.

Curious, Twilight decided to take walk through the festival instead. The festival contained lots of things made of either wood or metal. Mostly made using the carpenter like skills, but she also spots some engineers showing off some cool looking inventions. However Twilight wasn't very interested in any, that is until she sees some kind of portable furnace.

Remembering that she was going to make an equipment workplace. She might need that, more than ever. So she approached the cool looking machine. More like hot looking machine as she sees molten iron flowing out of one of its output holes.

"Be careful, Young lady. This furnace is not for kids." The engineer warned.

"I am aware. I might be interested in investing into this project." Twilight simply said.

"For what purpose?" The engineer asked.

"For an Equipment workplace inside of the guild." Twilight said as she inspected the machine from all sides.

"Which guild?" The engineer asked.

"Fairy Tail." Twilight said, "After taking a good look, I have decided to invest into it, on one condition."

The engineer perked up, "And that is?" she asked.

"Some of the mechanical components should be either hidden or blocked off, to prevent injuries. And it has to be a more permanent solution." Twilight said.

"I can make that happen, How much are you going to invest?" The engineer asked.

"I will both invest as well as buy one. How much do you need to get started?" Twilight asked.

"Well you will get one with your investment. I still need 10 million. You are the first to even want this invention. Everyone else doesn't like it. Saying that it's unnecessary." The engineer said, downtrodden.

"That is only if you are expecting it to last as long as a permanent solution. I want one that can both be as permanent and easily replaced when broken. After all the guild is an unruly place, it might break often." Twilight said.

"I see. I guess in that sense my invention might be perfect." The engineer said with a small smile.

Twilight smiled, "Very good. I will invest the full amount. I can't wait to get myself a proper version." she said.

The engineer looks shocked at Twilight, "You can afford that?!" she asked.

"Sure. Don't worry about me. Where do I give the Jewels?" Twilight asked.

"On the spot." The engineer said.

"Oh and by the way. If this was a scam, I will hunt you down to the ends of the earth and force you to make one anyways." Twilight warned.

The engineer gulped, "Dully noted." she said.

"Very good." Twilight said as she hands the amount over.

"Alright. I will deliver on my promise in a month." The engineer said.

"Good luck. Now if you excuse me, I have some benches to take a look at." Twilight said as she walked off.

Twilight passed a bunch of benches, but most aren't an upgrade from her current setup. That is until she finally takes a look at the benches made by the guild master.

"Ah! Twilight! How are you?" The guild master greeted.

"I am fine. Actually after I take a look at these benches, I have a new commission for you." Twilight said.

"What are you building this time?" The guild master asked curious.

"A stall sized gift shop." Twilight said.

"Ah! Okay, while you check out my benches, I will get some drafts made." The guild master said as he runs back inside.

"Sure!" Twilight shouts back.

Twilight looks at the benches. They are made of a red-ish wood and has some rather thick looking legs. In fact the whole bench looks thick and heavy. But also they look like they are made with passion. Twilight liked it, and wants it.

After a few minutes, The guild master returned. "Here are some draft." he said.

"Before I look at them. I want 16 of these benches for the guild hall." Twilight said.

"Sure. And since it is you, I will give you a discount if you buy 20 instead. They are 20000 jewels each, so the would be total is 400 Thousand. But with the discount it is only 300 thousand. A 25% discount." The guild master said.

"Sure. Here you go." Twilight said as she gives him 300 thousand jewels.

"Good. I will deliver it to your guild in two months. These are difficult to make and construct due to its weight." The guild master explained.

"That is fine. And about your drafts. I like the first one. Please go to the guild hall to inspect the sizes you need. It is an small side room that looks unfinished. Tell me the price as soon as you got yourself a proper blueprint." Twilight instructed.

"Understood. I will come back to you in two days." The guild master said.

"Good. Okay. I have to go back to Makarov to get some books into those bookcases." Twilight said.

"Actually I have some books that we won't need anymore. They are about architecture and carpentry on a basic level. Perfect for entry level." The guild master said.

"Sure, how much is it?" Twilight asked.

"Free. Because otherwise we would have thrown it out." The guild master said.

"Then sure. We will make good use of them. If you ever need them, we have now build a proper classroom. I will tell Makarov that I will allow you to use it if you need it." Twilight said, "Consider that for free as well."

"Thank you. Let me go grab the books." The guild master said as he walked to the back of the guild house.

"Here you go. 25 books about architecture and carpentry on a basic level. Have fun with them." The guild master said as soon as he reappeared in front of Twilight.

Using an orb, Twilight levitates the books. "Thank you. I will see you soon." Twilight said as she and the guild master part ways.

On the way back Twilight noticed that the cafe that she ate at, was now totally filled with guests. She came early and missed a massive crowd of people because of it. And seeing at how stressed the waiter looked, she did something correct.

After a small walk around Magnolia, Twilight had returned back at the guild hall with her books in tow. Before approaching Makarov, Twilight placed her books on the bookshelves of the bookcases. All 25 of them filled a single row of the bookcase. That alone made it a lot more interesting.

'I might want to take a look at them, later.' Twilight thought.

Twilight then walked towards the bar, she sees a clearly saddened Makarov sitting there. Twilight felt her guilt crawling on her back. But nevertheless, Twilight had no choice but to approach him. Even if she really want to be in her room right now.

"Gramps." Twilight simply said.

"I am sorry, dear. I consider you my child. I don't know what I would have done, had I lost you to the encounter with Acnologia." Makarov apologized.

"I know. I am sorry. I just want you to be proud of me standing my ground to a seemingly impossible enemy." Twilight admitted, she too drooped at the truth. As the reality of the situation finally sunk in.

"I am proud. But I would be even more proud, if you knew when to run. And when to hold back. Even against an opponent as Acnologia. Now that you hurt him to that degree, instead of coming back because of reason. He will come back with vengeance." Makarov explained.

"What gramps means is, know how to show a little kindness. Even against an overwhelming enemy. They sometimes have reason to be angry, reason to be sad or reason to be enraged." Laxus adds.

"Instead of asking fact, try to ask reason. Why was Acnologia so angry at that town that he felt the need to destroy it? Why now? Why not when there were enemies to act against? If you knew the answer, you might not have repaired the town. Or better, warned the council against an immanent threat." Makarov explains.

"I see. Besides combat prowess. It is also important to have combat awareness. The why, how and when. And most importantly. Why did he return to destroy it, right after I repaired it?" Twilight asked herself.

"Exactly." Makarov said with a small smile.

"Okay. It seems I haven't completed my request after all. I need to investigate it, immediately." Twilight said seriously.

"Yeah. If you want, I can join you." Laxus offered.

"Sorry, big brother. I need to investigate it myself. I want to ensure a good relationship with the council. That means I need to do this myself." Twilight said, shocking Laxus. It was the first time Twilight called him brother.

"Of course. We understand." Makarov said nodding.

"Before I go, I have an update regarding the guild hall. The classroom and gym are finished. You can make use of them. Please remember to add those magic books to the bookcases in the classroom. I have ordered some new benches for the guild hall, and invested in a more portable version of a smelter for the equipment workshop. The carpenters guild master is coming to visit to take measurements of the gift shop furniture in two days." Twilight quickly explained.

"Understood." Makarov said.

"One more thing. The guild master of the Carpenters guild donated some books. So I gave them access to the classroom. Please make a proper timetable for usage with them." Twilight instructed.

"I will. You can go, leave the rest to us." Makarov said.

"Thanks. I will return soon. I have to, right now." Twilight said as she rushes out of the guild hall and towards the train station.

"Why is sis in such an hurry?" Erza asked Makarov.

"You are back early. Why are you back?" Makarov asked Erza.

"Need to grab some wooden weaponry. I can't use my re-equip magic to get them." Erza said.

"Ah. Twilight is going back to the location she had to repair. To investigate why the town was destroyed in the first place." Makarov explained.

"I see. Is she expecting bad news?" Erza asked.

"Yes. Even if we hope that we are just paranoid. Its better to be safe than sorry." Makarov explained.

"I understand. Well I got my stuff. I am going back. See you in two weeks Gramps." Erza said as she ran back outside.

"Have fun!" Gramps shouted.

Meanwhile Twilight was already half way. She took a carriage ride, right after the train trip. Which took a while. But after a few hours of replaying Twilight's encounter with Acnologia, she noted that he was unusually aggressive when he arrived. Even his flying style was weirdly aggressive. Almost like he was in an hurry to destroy the town.

Twilight was starting to be more and more worried. Something didn't add up. How did the council know so fast? And why was there nobody in the town?

"Young lady we have arrived. Just as you said, only at the edge of the forest. Not inside the town like normally." The driver said.

"Thank you." Twilight as she stepped outside.

"Before you go, should I go send a message to the council of your worries?" The driver asked.

"Please. Tell them that this town is not what it seems." Twilight said.

"Understood. I will pick you up later this evening." The driver said.

"Thank you. See you later." Twilight said as she entered the forest and sees the town on the location as it should.

Before Twilight approached the town itself, she patrolled the surroundings of the town first. It was then that she saw the first red flag. A group of young villagers, that were stuck in a tomb of stone. There were trying to blind their eyes from something. Even their basket with medication was turned to stone.

Using her friendship orb, Twilight casts a anti-petrification spell on them to try and undo the curse. It worked, the group turns back to flesh.

"Uh, what happened?" One of the confused villagers asked.

"You were turned to stone by something. I undid the curse." Twilight explained.

"We thank you." The only girl in the group said.

"What happened? Do you remember?" Twilight asked worried.

"We remember seeing a large shadow pass over us. It was then we saw it. A Cockatrice, just wandering the forest." One of villagers explained.

"I understand. A 'A' rank monster is in this area. And that large shadow was probably Acnologia." Twilight deduced.

"Yeah. Can we go home now?" The villager asked.

"One more question, then you can go home." Twilight said.

"Okay. Sure what is it?" The villager asked.

"Why would Acnologia target that town?" Twilight asked.

"I could make a guess. That town used to thrive on trading. Then one day all the villagers disappeared. Nobody knows why. And people that tried to investigate never returned. And those that did return, when traumatized and only said one word. Stone" The villager explained.

"Then one day, a villager from that town returned to go home. He went on a lengthy vacation only to find his home empty. He went to our town the next day and said that the only thing she noticed was that the town was oddly alive." The villager explained, "That sentence still gives me the creeps."

Twilight eyes widen, "Thank you, I understand what is going on now. Those villagers are probably still alive. But someone might have casted a special spell on the town. I will contact the council and explain the situation. Meanwhile quickly go home and warn everyone that a 'A' rank monster is roaming this forest." Twilight instructed.

"Understood. What will you do?" One of the curious villagers asked.

"I will use one of my orbs to contact the council. I will get the truth spread as fast as possible." Twilight said.

"Okay. Good luck!" They said before quickly making their way home.

Twilight brought out her friendship orb and used it to call Lahar.

After a few minutes, he finally picks up. "Who is this?" Lahar asked alert.

"It's me Twilight." Twilight said.

Lahar noticeably calmed down, "My favorite girl, how can I help you?" he asked.

"I have some bad news, So after talking to Makarov about my encounter, we got suspicious of the situation. So I returned to the town once more. And I got some valuable information for you." Twilight said.

"I understand. One moment, let me get Yajima." Lahar said, he quickly disappeared, then reappeared with Yajima next to him.

"What is the information?" Yajima asked.

"The villagers in the area has spotted a 'A' rank monster in the forest around the town. A cockatrice to be precise." Twilight explained.

"Lahar write that down." Yajima ordered.

"Already done." Lahar said.

"Another thing. I believe an ancient spell has been casted on the town. The missing villagers are probably stuck in some sort of a limbo state. Although I am not certain which type, I have reason to believe that they are all still alive." Twilight explained.

"According to what?" Lahar asked.

"One of the villagers that was on vacation went back home a few days ago, only to find the place empty. He or She commented on the fact that the place felt alive, despite nobody being around. And others commented on a lot of petrified villagers. Those that didn't meet the cockatrice that is." Twilight said.

"I understand. We will send a special request for someone that could deal with both situations." Yajima said.

"Well done. If you didn't check the place twice, we wouldn't have known." Lahar commented.

"I might have reason to believe that Acnologia attempted to undo the curse by destroying the town. But clearly that didn't work." Twilight commented.

"I see. I will figure that out with the other magic council members. Well done Twilight. You can go home now. We will deal with the rest." Yajima explained.

"Actually I will roam some of the villages in the area to assist anywhere. And see if there are more monsters in this area. The cockatrice usually live in the mountains. So why are they in this forest, so close the other villages? Is something even stronger kicking them out of their normal habitat?" Twilight asked.

"I understand your reasoning. Understood. You will call if you found something else, right?" Lahar asked.

"I will. I am not paid to fight them. Nor will I have any reason to. Unless a villager is under attack, I will not do anything. I will only investigate and scout these areas." Twilight said.

"Good. I hope to hear from you soon." Lahar said as he cancels the spell, cutting the connection.

'Good. Time to do some exploration.' Twilight thought.

After a solid patrol around the villages, and some talking later. Twilight found out that there are two other monsters running around. First rank B Bears and second rank C Raccoons are causing havoc. Still these monsters are not as strong as the cockatrice. No something else is causing it. Twilight had yet to find it.

After explaining the two monsters that are causing problems to Lahar, Lahar suggests to go to a small village named 'Star dale' is in a valley to a large mountain. This mountain should have the cockatrices and yet recent reports showed otherwise.
So Twilight made her way to that village.

As soon as Twilight walked inside the village a guard approached her. His stance was less than friendly.

"Young lady where are your parents? This place is unsafe." The guard said annoyed.

"Unsafe, how so?" Twilight asked, she faked her childish curiosity.

"Do you see that mountain?" The guard asked.

"Yeah?" Twilight said.

"It is home to the mythical cockatrice. Do you wish to turn to stone?!" The guard asked.

"But that is only if you visit the mountain, isn't it?" Twilight asked uncertain.

"Of course. But you look like an adventurer. So don't explore that mountain." The guard practically ordered.

"But, I heard reports about a lack of cockatrices lately." Twilight said.

"Who does those reports belong to?" The guard asked with mocking curiosity.

"The magic council." Twilight said deadpan.

"And why should I believe them?" The guard asked, he was still mocking.

"Because they are in charge of preventing the cockatrices from entering the town?" Twilight offered.

The guard sighed, "Your right. My apologies. It's just, there has been a lot of cases going around of adventurers going missing around the mountain. Even with the fact that we haven't seen a single cockatrice in a few months." he explained.

"Yeah. Something caused them to flee the mountain. They have been hanging around in a small forest to the south of here." Twilight explained.

"Is that so? Does the council know?" The guard asked.

"They do. I reported it to them." Twilight said.

"Thank you, young lady. Sorry for my behavior earlier." The guard apologized.

"No. I understand. All these missing adventurer cases probably have been causing quite a lot of stress." Twilight said in an understanding tone.

"It truly has. I want to go home. But I can't sleep with the amount that is missing." The guard said tired.

"How many are missing?" Twilight asked worried.

"Atleast five hundred. Over the span of several months." The guard explained.

Twilight eyes widen in shock, "I will report it immediately. I have a hotline to the magic council." Twilight said shocked.

"Please. We tried everything, but we simply can't connect to any of them." The guard requested desperately.

"Give me a hot second." Twilight said as she hovers her friendship orb and casted a communication spell to Lahar.

"Twilight! How is the hunt going?" Lahar asked, He picked it up immediately.

"Actually I arrived in the town with an even worse message. As soon as I communicated to the guard, I heard some pretty terrible things." Twilight said.

"Did the guard give you trouble?" Lahar asked.

"He did at first. To try and stop me from going to the mountain. After he calmed down he told me the truth. And it is a lot worse than I thought." Twilight explained.

Lahar looked worried, He saw Twilight's face, it looked not good. "What is it?" he asked.

"I found out about five hundred adventurers have gone missing on the mountain in the span of several months." Twilight explained.

As soon as Twilight was finished telling the truth. The color on Lahar's face just drained. He knew there was something bad going on at the village, but not this bad. "That is terrible news." he said.

"I agree. I am going to ask for a solid request." Twilight said.

"What is it?" Lahar asked, he still looked like he was sweating.

"I heard some rumors of an guild that is specialized in search and potentially rescue. The blue Pegasus." Twilight said.

"And?" Lahar wondered.

"I want to offer a guild-wide quest. I will offer a lot of money if you need me to." Twilight said.

"No need. I heard what you said." Yajima said out of nowhere.

"Lahar issue an immediately emergency guild-wide quest to the Blue Pegasus. This mountain has lost a lot of adventures for no reason. Requesting immediate assistance." Yajima ordered Lahar.

"Do you mind if I am the one to speak about the quest? As soon as the Blue Pegasus guild arrived." Twilight asked.

"Not at all. You understand the situation better than everyone else. Please stay in that village until further notice." Yajima instructed.

"Understood. Leave it to me. I will talk to the guard and get a list of names, guilds and abilities. Ready for Blue Pegasus in case they find the adventures. I will come back to you regarding this." Twilight explained.

"If you will. I will now make you temporary command of the rune knight local order. Consider this your potential installation as Saint to be your first unofficial duty. You will take charge of this investigation." Yajima knighted Twilight temporary.

"Good. I will await further orders afterwards." Twilight said.

"Understood." Yajima said as he cut the connection.

"You heard the boss." Twilight said to the guard.

"Of course. I will get you that list as soon as possible." The guard said.

"Good. I will prepare the need for an emergency field hospital, in case our adventures are injured. Do you know of any clinic nearby?" Twilight asked.

"Two. One is a branch of the Witches Brew, the other is the Saint clinic." The guard explained.

"Thank you. Get ready to receive that guild as soon as you are done." Twilight instructed.

"Yes, Madam!" The guard saluted, before running inside.

Twilight ran over to the Saint clinic and quickly explained the situation to them. They understood and prepared tents and the necessary equipment. Twilight saw as they build the tents nearby the entrance to the mountain.

Twilight then entered the Witches Brew and saw a familiar face.

"It's you!" The familiar shopkeeper said.

Twilight looked up and saw the shopkeeper that gave her the potion. "Hey! I would love to chat, but there is a situation ongoing." Twilight said.

"I am aware. Do you want me to assist?" The shopkeeper asked.

"If you can." Twilight said nodding.

"Alright. Let's do this!" The shopkeeper said as stormed outside.

As soon as Twilight was outside, she could see a magic ship approach in the distance. The guild was inbound and due to arrive soon.