• Published 20th Jun 2021
  • 2,691 Views, 129 Comments

Twilight Scarlet - vincent789

  • ...

Christmas Special: What is hearts warming?

This takes place during the time skip. During Four years later.

It was a dark evening, Twilight was sleeping in her bedroom. While it was snowing outside. However not everyone was asleep. Makarov and Macao were both still very much awake. They were both sitting near the bar, talking about Twilight.

"Man. I wish we could find a way to return Twilight. She could have celebrated Hearts warming with her parents." Macao said.

"Hearts warming?" Makarov said with a raised eyebrow.

"That is Christmas in their world." Macao added.

"Ah. Yeah. Well, we all knew that was not going to happen anytime soon." Makarov said with a sigh.

If anyone wanted to reunite Twilight with her parents, it was was Makarov. He has become Twilight's foster father in the short time Twilight was with him. In fact Laxus would probably feel similar, as he has gained a younger sister during Twilight's stay.

"Still. While she is here, why don't we do our best to organize a decently good Christmas event. We normally don't really celebrate it, but we might as well give her some good memories about it." Macao suggested.

"Honestly?" Makarov said unsure.

"Yeah. We could hold a special Christmas special inside of Magnolia. Like Christmas market and inside the guildhall we hold a feast!" Macao suggested.

"That does sound interesting." Mirajane said as she walked from the larder.

"Why are you still awake?" Makarov asked worried.

"To be honest? I was trying to bake a Christmas cake. If only Lisanna was with us, she would know how to make one." Mirajane said as she slightly drooped.

"Patient my child. It takes time and effort. Still if even you want to celebrate it, then perhaps we could do something." Makarov said in thought.

"I did hear everything. Why don't we just do that Christmas market idea? I thought the mayor of Magnolia wanted to do something with Christmas, he just didn't have enough incentive do so." Mirajane wisely said.

"Primarily because we don't do anything either. Well besides placing a Christmas tree inside our place and decorating like madness." Macao said.

"Exactly. Perhaps if we made some kind of motion we might be able to do something special this year. Just for Twilight to gain some special memories." Mirajane said.

"Alright. Alright. I will see if I can do something. No promises. Now go to sleep!" Makarov said annoyed.

"Sure." Mirajane said as she winked at Macao. Macao simply nodded in return. Makarov meanwhile simply shook his head.

As the night turns to day. Twilight wakes up shivering. She was cold despite being under a cloth that should keep her warm on her bed. Twilight wakes up way too quick. Causing her to have a headache from the sudden motion. As she looked around, she looked out the window. A weird white material covered every building and place outside.

Confused. Twilight walks to the bathroom to freshen up. And she dresses herself for work. Walking downstairs, she sees Natsu and Gray decorating a weird green tree. Mirajane and Erza were both decorating the hall with lights and more green decorations.

"Good morning, sister." Laxus said as he carefully watched Twilight.

"Morning. What are they doing?" Twilight asked as she was basically staring at what they were doing.

"They are decorating a tree." Laxus said as he points out the obvious.

"I see that, but why?" Twilight asked.

"Ah right. You probably don't know. Christmas is right around the corner. By decorating a tree, a pine tree to be exact, you could receive presents from an individual named Santa Claus. He places his presents below a Christmas tree. The more decorations hang around the place, the more presents one could receive." Laxus explains.

"Does the name, Hearts Warming, ring any bells?" Makarov asked.

Twilight looks at Makarov, "Faintly, why?" she asked.

"In your original world. Christmas is called Hearts Warming. The difference is that in your original world, you ponies also prepare the snow and ice. Which is something that happens naturally in ours." Makarov explains.

"Ah. The white stuff outside is snow. Understood." Twilight said.

Makarov and Laxus raised their eyebrows at that. "You didn't know what snow was?" Laxus asked.

"It seems people forget things when they have amnesia." Twilight said sarcastically.

"You went on a mission in the mountains!" Laxus countered.

"It was hot that day." Twilight admitted.

"Ah so she managed to miss the snow all together." Makarov said somewhat surprised.

"Regardless. This Santa Claus is a man that gives gifts, and places them below the tree. Is this correct?" Twilight asked.

"That is correct. Some might even add that Santa expects cookies and milk in return. But that hasn't been proven. As he doesn't always eat the cookies." Makarov said.

"Regardless. Christmas is actually about the birth of Christ. The person behind a whole lot of celebrations. This is basically a celebration about someones birth. If you are catholic then this celebration is especially special to you." Erza said wisely.

"What is Christmas about besides that then?" Twilight asked cryptically.

"Well. I would say greed. Since people buy gifts for their loved ones during Christmas. As companies sell special gifts during Christmas. And make lots of money in the process." Gray said in the background.

"Which isn't entirely wrong. Just see it as a celebration that is celebrated by basically everyone." Makarov said.

"Alright. Now then. Do I go and work some or play some?" Twilight asked.

"Right now. The bar for outsiders is closed. So there isn't much to do. Instead, why don't you take a quest just this once? Just to check if you still got it?" Makarov suggested.

"Alright. Any quest you recommend?" Twilight asked.

"Actually." Mirajane started, "A special quest that is for you, has arrived." she said.

"Oh? For me?" Twilight asked surprised.

"Yes. I do not know the sender. But clearly who ever it is, he or she wants you." Mirajane said.

"Alright. What is it?" Twilight asked.

"Help wanted, I need someone willing to help me. I offer my reward in objects." Mirajane said out loud.

"Odd. Any details?" Twilight asked.

"Yeah. It asks for you specifically. It also expects you to have a lot of fun. There is no combat involved." Mirajane said.

"Huh, a chill quest. Sure, I will do it!" Twilight said, "Where do I go?"

"Crocus. The capital city. Look for a gift shop on the western side of town." Mirajane said.

"Alright. Lets go!" Twilight said as she ran outside and took the train towards Crocus.

Meanwhile back inside the guild hall. Everyone continued to decorate the guild hall. Makarov approached Mirajane.

"Are you sure, that you do not know who the sender is?" Makarov asked.

"Actually I do know him. It's just, he hates it, when people know him. So I just said I do not know the sender. Even if I do trust the sender." Mirajane admitted.

"So who is it?" Makarov asked.

"It's an old man that loves giving gifts during Christmas. He owns a gift shop but besides that, he is unknown. I am not sure what he does for a living. Since that gift shop doesn't do very well." Mirajane said.

"So you think its a fake front?" Makarov asked worried.

"Yes. But this is Twilight we are talking. She is going to be fine." Mirajane said confident.

"That is not what I am worried about." Makarov said annoyed.

"What he is talking about, is that he doesn't want Twilight to get a bad memory with Christmas." Laxus translated.

"Oh." Mirajane said as she realized what he meant.

"Atleast she isn't Natsu. She won't destroy the city right?" Erza asked.

Makarov and Laxus both flinched at the thought.

"Right?" Erza asked for confirmation.

"Yeah. Besides she can repair what she breaks." Gray added.

"I almost forgot about that." Laxus admitted.

"Regardless. We are going to busy setting up the Christmas market in Magnolia. So no time to worry about Twilight!" Makarov said dismissive.

"He is panicking isn't he?" Mirajane asked.

"He is." Laxus confirms.

Meanwhile back by Twilight, she had arrived at Crocus long ago. She was currently busy searching for the toy shop. Until she suddenly saw it. It was a small place, but they were very busy. Lots of people were busy buying toys at the place. Twilight enters the shop, and is immediately greeted by the staff.

"Hello young lady. How may I be service to you?" The staff member asked, he was dressed in some kind of weird green suit.

"Yes. I am Twilight. I came on behalf of a quest given to me by my guild." Twilight said.

"Ah! Twilight! I see. Welcome to our humble toy shop. Do follow me. My boss is waiting for you." The staff said with a smile.

Twilight follows the staff member to the back of the shop. Which revealed a massive workshop that was making each and every toy. An ordinary child would have been amazed by the large scale of the workshop, Twilight was not such a child.

"What do you think of our workshop?" The staff member asked smiling.

"It certainly is bigger on the inside than the outside." Twilight said as she simply shrugged it off.

"Isn't it beautiful? It is making many Christmas presents!" The staff member said slightly confused by a lack of reaction by Twilight.

"Meh. It is alright." Twilight said uninterested.

The staff member's mood took a one eighty. "Very well. Well the quest giver is up ahead. His name is Antonio Claus." he said.

Twilight realized that the staff member was trying to impress Twilight. However it took more than a mere workshop to impress her.

"Boss. Twilight has arrived." The staff said annoyed.

Antonio raised his eyebrow at the staff member. Normally the staff member was always very excited. Not this time around. "So you are Twilight Scarlet. Nice to meet you. My name is Antonio Claus. I am the owner of our humble toy store and workshop." he introduced.

"Ah so you know of me. How may I be of service?" Twilight asked curious.

"I must ask you this, how did the workshop look like. In your eyes?" Antonio asked cryptically.

"Just a slightly bigger and more decorated workshop. Why?" Twilight asked confused.

"Interesting. Is there really nothing special about it, in your eyes?" Antonio asked.

"Not really. I am sorry. I do not know what this is about." Twilight said somewhat confused.

"Very well. Before I explain the next several things. Is there anything I should know about?" Antonio asked.

"Sure. I suffer from Amnesia. I do not remember my past very well. Also I am an outsider." Twilight said.

Antonio stared at Twilight, "You really suffer from Amnesia?" he asked.

"Do I look like I am lying?" Twilight asked annoyed.

"No. But it is hard to believe. That explains why this place is unfamiliar to you." Antonio said cryptically.

"What do you mean?" Twilight asked.

"Never mind. Let me introduce this place to you. This is Santa's workshop and Santa's home. This place is normally very well known. But someone suffering from Amnesia obviously wouldn't know about it." Antonio said.

"So the name Antonio is just a cover then." Twilight deduced.

"That is correct. Anyways the job requires you to help me make gifts for those close to you." Antonio said.

"Uh. Since Christmas gets celebrated everywhere, can I ask for a favor?" Twilight asked.

"What is that?" Antonio asked curious.

"I want to give a Christmas gift to my parents. My real parents. Even if I do not remember how they looked like, or what they are like. I want to send a reminder that I am still alive, is that possible?" Twilight asked.

Antonio looks at Twilight, as if he is deep in thought. Which he is. He immediately understood Twilight's request. After a few minutes of no reactions. His eyes started to shine once more.

"That is possible. I took a look at your past. I saw who you meant. It is possible, but very difficult. However we have to gift them something that came from your heart. Otherwise it will not reach your parents." Antonio explains.

"Like something made by myself?" Twilight suggested.

"Yeah. With the intention to be for someone else. The magic of giving will activate and transport your gift across dimensions to reach your parents." Antonio explains.

"Alright. I suppose I will make a doll of myself. And a doll of Mavis. And finally a sword for my older brother. I will enchant these with my love for them. And pray before those of the past, that this present reaches my real family." Twilight said as she runs into the workshop to get started.

"Actually I have a request for you." Antonio said.

"Which is?" Twilight asked.

"Can you make a doll of your pony self to the princess of Equestria?" Antonio asked.

"I can try." Twilight said, "I don't really remember my pony self however."

"That is fine." Antonio said.

"Alright." Twilight said determined.

Twilight spends the next several hours making dolls. First the doll of herself. Then the doll of Mavis. And then the doll of herself but in pony form. After that, she spends several hours making a training sword for her older brother.

"Good. Now package the gifts into their respective box. Then make the box look nice." Antonio instructed.

Twilight did exactly as Antonio instructed. Antonio then grabs the three boxes and placed it somewhere else.

"Now make gifts for your close ones in this world. What are you going to make or give?" Antonio asked.

"For Natsu a new scarf. For Gray a book about ice make skills. For Erza a sword with the name of heaven itself. For Mirajane a doll of Lisanna. For Laxus a doll of me. For Makarov a book about Fairy magic. For Macao a book about flare magic. For Wakaba a new pipe for smoking. And finally for Gildarts an cube to train crush magic on." Twilight said somewhat excited.

"A lot of giving! Just the way I like it. I can make those books appear. The other objects you make yourself. Good luck!" Antonio said.

Twilight then proceeded to do exactly that. She started with the scarf and the two dolls. After that she made the pipe, sword and the magic cube. After making everything. She packaged everything the way Antonio requested previously. This time around she added name tags. After a while, Twilight was complete.

"Very good. Before I give you your payment. Is there anything you want for Christmas?" Antonio asked.

"I honestly don't know. Perhaps a book about Orb magic spell. But I really don't have anything I want. I am already very happy as is." Twilight admitted.

Antonio smiled, "Very well. This is the reward. A miss Santa outfit and a package with Christmas decoration. Perfect to decorate your own room with. Merry Christmas!" he said as he added "Ho Ho Ho!" at the end of the previous sentence.

"Thank you. And Merry Christmas yourself!" Twilight said before heading back home.

While Twilight was leaving, Antonio gave the presents meant for Twilight's real parent to an unknown individual. The individual disappeared with the presents in tow.

As soon as Twilight returned home, she sees the entire guild hall filled with Christmas cheer. Decorations everywhere, people drinking Christmas related drinks everywhere. Not to mention the massive Christmas Market that was surrounding Magnolia. It was very busy, but also very cozy. The podium was turned into a massive fireplace.

Twilight approached the bar, and watched as she saw Mirajane extremely busy. It was so busy, that her brother Elfman was also helping. Wakaba was selling special Christmas related gifts at the gift shop. Macao was busy telling Christmas stories near the fireplace. Everyone was doing something unique.

Makarov was still sitting in front of the bar however. He watched Twilight enter the guild hall and sit in front of him.

"How was the quest?" Gramps asked.

"It was chill. I made some toys and packaged other. It was fun. It obtained some special decorations for my room and an miss Santa outfit." Twilight said smiling.

"Good. I was worried that I send you somewhere sketchy." Gramps admitted.

"I understand. But it was fun. So how is Magnolia?" Twilight asked.

"Busy. Natsu and Gray are actually helping a bit for once. Natsu is keeping the fireplace's around Magnolia lit. And Gray is adding snow at some places." Gramps said pleased.

"What about sis? And big brother?" Twilight asked.

"Erza is holding a friendly spar in the center of Magnolia. Laxus is helping her." Gramps said. He was smiling at the mention of them both.

"Should I go and help Mirajane?" Twilight asked.

"No. Go around Magnolia and make some memories." Gramps requested.

"Very well. I will put my Santa suit on and go have some fun." Twilight said smiling.

"Good girl. Now if you excuse me. I think I will have to help Mirajane a bit." Gramps admitted.

Twilight walks to her room, puts the dress on. Then walks outside to explore Magnolia Christmas market. As soon as she is outside, she noticed Gray walking around half naked. He is also blowing snow everywhere. While Natsu seems to be taking a breather and eating some flames.

Twilight immediately noticed an overly large trend of warm things. Like hot Chocolate, dumplings and waffle with hot vanilla sauce. Besides that, she also saw that many stalls were decorated with colorful lights and shiny balls. She saw Christmas trees everywhere.

Some stall where even mini-games. Some you could win something. Others you could do to show off. However generally the ambiance was cozy. They were playing Christmas music everywhere. There were so many people.

Eventually after checking out, each and every stall. Twilight made her way to Erza's spar mini-game. Because a Fairy tail without fighting is no Christmas. As soon as she had arrived, she had to dodge. As someone was thrown at her. Realizing it was not a guild member, Twilight quickly grabs him out of the sky to stop the momentum. And placed him back on the ground.

"Hi sis." Erza said happily.

"How is the spar doing?" Twilight asked curiously.

"Could be better. Most are scared off by Erza." Laxus said.

"Shall I put her in her place." Twilight said as an evil smile makes her way to her face.

Laxus gulped, "I don't mind." He said,

"Hey!" Erza said annoyed and slightly scared.

"Good. Now, how shall I beat her. Ah! Snow fight!" Twilight said.

"Wait what?!" Erza said surprised.

Twilight grabs some snow, turns it into a ball. Then proceeds to throw it at Erza. Making it hit her square on the face.

Erza looks annoyed in return and throws a ball towards Twilight. Twilight simply side-steps.

"Wow. That was easy." Twilight taunted.

People around Twilight realized that it indeed looked easy. And began throwing snowballs also. Causing the whole plaza to eventually turn into a massive snowball fight. After a solid two hours of throwing snowballs. People finally had enough. Causing most to stop throwing. At this point, Twilight had been hit ten times. While Erza was turned into a massive snowman. Laxus got away by building a massive snow castle around himself. At some point Gray joined, and caused a bunch of damage.

Despite all of the suddenness of this snowball fight. Many had fun. Twilight returned back to the guild hall exhausted. Too exhausted to care, she walks up to her room. And falls asleep, smiling.

The following day, the Christmas tree had lots of presents below it. Twilight honestly didn't care about receiving gifts. She was one to give, not to receive. Which would have worked, if she didn't have one oversight. She was loved by those around her.

Twilight walked up to the tree and looked under it. Everyone's names were on the gifts. And then you had Twilight. About fifty from the five hundred gifts and her name on it. The one on second place was Erza with five gifts. Twilight's eyes went wide. Twilight then proceeded to walk up to the bar.

Makarov was sitting there.

"The presents are going to be opened in two hours." Gramps said.

"Please. Let me take a job." Twilight pleaded.

"Why?" Gramps asked confused.

"There are too many gifts for me. I don't like it, let me take a job." Twilight pleaded.

"Like how many?" Gramps asked.

"Fifty." Twilight simply said.

"Do you want to disappoint all the people that are giving you gifts?" Gramps asked.

Twilight sighed, "No." she admitted.

"Do you want to make you sister sad? She put like five presents under there for you." Gramps asked.

"No." Twilight said, starting to droop.

"Good. Now be a good girl. And wait until the other arrive so you can open the gifts." Gramps said.

"I will not run off, under one condition." Twilight said.

"Which is?" Gramps asked.

"I will open five presents. Not more. No need to make people jealous." Twilight said.

"But..." Gramps tried.

"Listen. Erza got five presents. The average got two. I don't want to open fifty presents. It feels unfair." Twilight said.

"Fine. Just don't tell me when the others feel sad for not opening their gift." Gramps said.

"Sure!" Twilight said.

As soon as the others arrive, Twilight proceeds to open five. And stopped opening anymore. Much to the chagrin of many gift givers. Then everyone else opened their. Including the ones Twilight gave them. Twilight proceeded to then sit there satisfied. Before going back to work and control training.

Author's Note:

Part one of the Christmas special.

Sorry for being unavailable for a while. I was suffering from a severe cold. One that behaved like Pneumonia. But it wasn't that. I was just having a severe cold. By the time of writing this, my voice has yet to recover. My voice was totally gone at one point. But I regained enough energy to work on my books once more.