• Published 20th Jun 2021
  • 2,691 Views, 129 Comments

Twilight Scarlet - vincent789

  • ...

The final hurdle

As Twilight woke up from her slumber, she jumped out of bed. Making her way to the small bathroom she cleans herself up, the scars from the day before still very much present. She then put her clothing on and grabbed the map of safe houses out of her bag. And a small snack that she chew on while doing what needs to be doing.

As she looked on it, she realized she still had the exterminate about three ordinary safe houses and two secret ones. And that is besides their HQ. One of these safe houses were inside the zone with rats wandering inside of it. But one thing was clear to Twilight, the enemy is aware of her existence and actions. It's thanks to that fact for nearly getting hit several times and getting hit other times.

The enemy was starting to rally their forces to remove Twilight from the picture. Which meant that if she didn't hurry and get rid of the remaining safe houses, she would be in for a very bad time. And Twilight was aware of this.

Grabbing her magic orbs, she rushed out the door. The map still in her hands. The first safe house she was going to hit today was actually inside the nobility district. It was near the hotel that she is staying at. This allowed her to quickly find it and remove it from the picture.

As Twilight ran around outside, she eventually found one of the safe houses. The ones closest to the hotel. This is thanks to a showdown between some guards and members of organization that she is hunting. With the members being distracted by the guards, Twilight sneaks inside by going around the block.

Once inside, Twilight's orbs help her detect enemies in the area. Roughly counting, Twilight detected about twenty combatants inside the safe house. None of them were mages, all of them were merely guards or knights. Twilight smiled, she entered the building. She proceeded to pickpocket one of the knights. She got a small throwing knife, which she stabbed the knight with in the neck. Causing him to gasp for air before falling dead.

This alerted the safe house, but Twilight hadn't been detect yet. As the guards were starting to patrol to find the intruder, the knights gathered around and moved to a more secure position. It was outside and in the open, but it would allow them to spot the enemy from far away. If the enemy was a swordsman. Which Twilight wasn't.

Twilight then proceeded to cut each patrolling guard's neck silently. To grant the illusion that she was a swordsman. After all fifteen guards were down, the four remaining knights were searching together for the enemy. But due to being clustered together, a single magic beam from her Celestial orb was enough to kill all four knights. However the magic beam over-pierced the enemy causing it to hit a building from behind and creating an explosion.

The four brawlers that were fighting with the guards got spooked by this, making them turn around. Only to get stabbed to death by the guards. After a second of being stunned, Twilight removes the fire using some summoned magic water. The guards then rushed in to see Twilight standing in front of one of the safe houses.

"The place is clear. But I doubt that the enemy will fall for this one." Twilight commented.

"That is fine. We will clear it out, and remove the goods inside. This place used to be a guards station. So we will just turn it back into it." The guards explained.

"Very good. That is the fourth safe house down. Only two more to go and two more secret ones." Twilight said.

"Actually make that one secret one. We managed to find one and secure it ourself." The guard said proud.

Twilight eyes widen, "That is good to hear. Did you have any troubles?" she asked.

"Not really. Five guards are having minor injuries. But that is it. We came with way more than the opponent. We overpowered them ten to one." The guard said.

"I see. That is good to hear. What about the trap? Did they fall for it?" Twilight asked.

"They actually did. Thanks to that, the enemy has lost one of their commanders. This will make clearing their HQ much easier." The guard explained.

"That is excellent news!" Twilight said somewhat impressed.

"Also we are going to shrink the marking on the last secret hideout. We have a pretty good understanding of the location of the last one." The guard said as he shrunk the circle around the final one.

"Any information on the remaining two safe houses?" Twilight requested.

"Actually we do have one thing. We have detected an unholy amount of enemies near them. Think one hundred in each at the minimum." The guard explained.

"Also in the infested area?" Twilight asked.

"Yes. Although they are more spread out. If you can somehow sneak past them, you could destroy their safe house. Without being spotted. Also the explosion should cause them to panic and the rats will keep them busy. So sneaking out should also be an option." The guard explained.

"Is it possible that the safe house is actually the breeding ground for those rats?" Twilight asked.

"Actually we have concrete proof of that. So it is." The guard said while nodding his head up and down.

"Alright. Time to kick ass and chew bubblegum. And I am all out of gum." Twilight said in a deep voice before rushing off towards the none-infested safe house.

After some running later, she spots the safe house in the distance. From the looks of it, it appears to be in an area filled with the poor. This means that Twilight has to be careful or accidentally kill a random civilian.

As Twilight got closer, she saw the sheer scale of the enemies inside of the safe house. It was then that the S-rank orb lit up. Twilight took a look at the orb and it showed a weird sword circle around a figure of a person. Touching it revealed a name, "Tenrou Circle blades." it allowed Twilight to requip a circle of blades around her body instead of a single orb.

Twilight decided that this was not a good idea. With this many civilians around, it would kill far more than it should. Instead she would requip a single dagger and rush into the safe house. Instead of shooting from a distance, she closed the gap to attempt to catch the enemy off guard.

This worked as Twilight made quick work of the enemy. As more and more descend on her position, the likelihood that she might have to use the circle blades was starting to getting bigger and bigger. Nonetheless, Twilight killed several hundreds of guards with relative ease. Her small size but strong abilities and capable senses allowed her to hit more than getting hit. Since smaller targets are harder to hit, even with a sword.

It was then that she was surrounded. Several hundred guards were surrounding her. All of them wanted her dead. With one dark blue colored individual preparing to assist Twilight. Realizing that she could only use circle blades, if she wished to stand a chance. She choose to do so, with hesitation.

"Tenrou Circle Blades!" Twilight shouted as she requipped the blades around her.

All the enemies were spooked by this, and the individual preparing to help Twilight stunned. Twilight smiled.

"Dance my blades!" Twilight shouted as two cuts was all it took to cut down several hundreds of guards with a single swing.

The blades then disappeared. Having done their part. Twilight looked around and saw that all the enemies were taken care off. She then proceeded to destroy the contraband and the safe house. This time without fire, since the whole neighborhood was made of wood.

As she walked outside of the now destroyed safe house she was greeted by same guard as before.

"Very well done, Twilight." The guard commented.

Twilight simply smiled, "This was indeed a bit tougher. But nothing I couldn't handle." she said.

"So it would seem. About that other secret hideout..." The guard said openly.

"Taken care of?" Twilight asked, she saw the guard nod.

"It was a lot easier to find then met the eye. This time we do have some more severe injuries. Five guards with minor, six with major injuries and two that are life-threatening. But no casualties on our side." The guard said.

"Good. Then I am going to sneak into the final one. Do you want me to use explosions or fire to destroy the safe house?" Twilight asked.

"Please explode it. We will take care of the ramifications." The guard said.

"Understood. This is the last safe house. Before the biggest job ever. The destruction of their HQ." Twilight said.

"Good luck." The guard said, "Please tell the bartender of that cafe about your next actions after you destroy their last remaining safe house." he added.

"Will do." Twilight said before running off.

The guard watched Twilight run off towards the infested area. As he watched, the person waiting to assist Twilight jumped from the roof in front of him.

"How was she?" The guard asked, his tone reflects a sign of nobility and power. Something an ordinary guard doesn't have.

"Stronger than I thought." The princess admitted.

"So I saw. Blade circle or blade dance as some call it. It is a rare ability." The guard said.

"Yes. I now understand who she is. She has lots of abilities, but uses them sparingly. Though she can easily overpower the enemy, she doesn't do that. She keeps it realistic." The princess expressed.

"I see. Yes. She does have a noble feel. Despite having no such past." The guard said.

"About that..." The princess said.

"I am aware. Her magic, her abilities. It remind me of my late younger sister." The guard said.

"You had a younger sister?" The princess asked surprised.

"Yeah. She died protecting me." The guard said somewhat saddened.

"I see. That is a noble death. Anyways, I better keep an eye on her. If you excuse, Captain Shining Armor." The princess said.

"As you wish, Princess Luna." Shining Armor said.

Luna smiles as she jumps back onto the roof and towards Twilight's position. Shining Armor meanwhile watches her jump away, before also slowly walking towards Twilight's position.

Meanwhile Twilight sneaked into the infested area. She noticed some of the hostile guards watching her friends exterminate some of the rats. Quietly, Twilight walked passed them and towards the safe house. After dodging and having some near misses with the guards. She makes her way into the safe house.

After checking for enemies, she finds nobody inside. Or near the safe house at all. As soon as she enters the safe house it became clear, this was a laboratory for experimenting on those rats. It was then that she saw a cute small rat stuck inside a cloning tube. It was no longer alive however. But its DNA was enough to make more rats and more advanced rats at that.

Angered by the animal abuse that the enemy was doing, Twilight was quick to place a powerful magic bomb next to the cloning tube. As Twilight sneaked outside, she looked back at her friends. Before leaving the infested area and straight into the previous guard.

"Did you finish the job?" The guard asked.

Twilight's orb lit up as a massive explosion rocked the infested area. Stunning the guard and the princess that was watching Twilight.

"Now I have. And with that, the safe houses are done for. Nowhere to run or hide. Tomorrow I will end this nightmare." Twilight said determined.

"Actually, there is someone I want you to meet." The guard said.

"Oh?" Twilight asked he looked at the guard. The princess chose that moment to jump to the ground in front of them.

"This is Princess Luna. She in the governor of this city. She has been watching you." The guard introduced as he points at the princess.

"So you must be my employer. Nice to meet you, My name is Scarlet Death." Twilight introduced.

"Nice to meet you. My name is Luna Lulamoon. I am the governor and as you said it yourself, your employer." Luna introduced.

"I suppose I should also introduce myself. I am Shining Armor. Captain of the Royal guard and Princess Luna's personal captain of the guard." Shining Armor introduce.

"Odd. That name sounds familiar. But I am not quite sure why." Twilight admitted.

"Well it shouldn't. We aren't familiar at all." Shining dismissed.

"Not so fast Shining Armor. You should know that she isn't from our world. What if she is family with the other you?" Luna said.

"I see. In that case, it is possible." Shining said. His tone suggests that he is in fact curious.

"How do you know that?" Twilight asked curious.

"Your magic is... different. For those close to magic, your magic isn't from our realm. It is quite noticeable when you look closely at someones magic." Luna explained.

"How much do you remember from your own world?" Shining asked.

"Almost nothing. I got amnesia." Twilight said saddened.

"I see." Shining said also sad.

"How about this. I am fairly certain that you aren't from my world. Another me, told me during my dream walks." Luna said.

"I suppose so. I did find out that I had an active family in this world." Twilight said.

"Which family?" Shining asked.

"Vermillion." Twilight admitted.

"Ah. Her. I see." Luna said.

"Anyways. I want to go and rest. I need to be ready for the big day tomorrow." Twilight said.

"Of course. Do take a rest. I will see you tomorrow at the cafe. I will talk about the plan on how to take them down." Shining said, his voice suggests that understands that better than most.

"Good night." Twilight said.

"Likewise." Luna said as she watched Twilight leave.

"Hm. Will she ever find a way back home? If she still remembers that home, that is." Shining asked.

"Perhaps my older sister will know a way out." Luna said hopeful.

"But she is corrupted. There is no way she will help her out." Shining said dismissive.

"You never know. Perhaps she will get cured. We will never know." Luna said.

"Anyways, I need to go and prepare my forces. I will see you tomorrow morning at the cafe." Shining said.

"Understood. Good night." Luna said.

"Good night." Shining Armor said before walking off.

Author's Note:

And with that, Only the HQ remains. This was a difficult chapter to make since I had to delete the previous version. This caused my brain to be confused as the story had changed slightly. Also the first Chapter of 2022.