• Published 20th Jun 2021
  • 2,691 Views, 129 Comments

Twilight Scarlet - vincent789

  • ...

Four years later,

At some point in the long four years of working as a barmaid, Twilight got quickly into the swing of things. With Twilight having finished the guild hall several years ago, she spent most of her days working as a maid. With some rare but difficult missions from the council in between.

However that was all about to end, Twilight's restrainment training was finally over. And god, she had to restrain herself when Lisanna died. Twilight was still not entirely convinced that she was dead however. People don't just vanish and expect to be called dead like that.

In fact, Twilight hoped quite a bit, that she was in fact, still alive. She had sadly nothing to go off on. However when Mirajane joined the bar because of it, Twilight promised to find her and bring her back if it was possible. Of course Mirajane knew that Twilight was simply trying to make her feel better. But it did the trick.

Mirajane was planning on making a gravestone for her, but Twilight's sheer determination in the fact that she might still be alive, prevented her from doing so. Instead she made a small shrine by the bar as a form of grief release. Elfman was still destroyed by his own actions however, but Twilight wouldn't let him torment himself with the thoughts.

Instead Twilight helped Elfman get used to his powers. He was still reluctant, but he was a lot happier that others were helping him, now that Lisanna was gone. Making Elfman a lot stronger than he would have otherwise been.

All of these actions wouldn't have happened if Twilight wasn't there for him. However Twilight's time with the others in the guild was about to end. She was going to gain her double S status and be sent off to find the E.N.D book.

"Twilight! How are you?" Gramps asked. Twilight had finally gone back into her usual dress as she and her orbs were now constantly flying around Twilight.

"I am ready, Gramps." Twilight finally admitted.

"I know. Gildarts is going to test your might. Although I know you will succeed." Gramps said smiling.

"Gramps. After gaining that status, I will go and get my Saint rank. So this will be the last you will see me for a long time." Twilight said somewhat saddened.

"I know, my dear. You know better than most, that they are already here. Its only a matter of time before they act." Gramps said worried.

"Hm. Even if I am not here to help. I know you will do your part, if not succeed without me." Twilight said with a cute smile.

"I would hate to agree. But knowing us, we might get attacked before you have a chance to find them." Gramps admitted.

"So I made this necklace. It's is enchanted to be used as an emergency beacon. Remove it from your neck and throw it on the ground. And I will come running." Twilight said as she hands him a necklace. The necklace was a heart with a picture in it. A picture of Twilight, Gramps and Laxus.

"Thank you." Gramps said with a tear in his eye. He looked at the picture fondly.

"Alright. You ready?" Gildarts asked.

"Yeah. Lets go." Twilight said.

"Can you make a light for us on the way?" Gildarts asked, Twilight was departing late. That way nobody knows that she left until its too late.

"Of course." Twilight said as the Celestial orb lit up.

Gildarts nodded at Twilight and Gramps. Leaving Gramps to silently sob in the background, his daughter is leaving the nest. Laxus was also watching Twilight leave, but from his room. He too, was sad to see her go. But he knew that she had to.

Gildarts and Twilight then walked towards Hargeon to take a boat to a secret island. Just north from Tenrou Island, called Kings Island. Kings Island was nothing special, besides the fact that an ancient arena was situated on it. Gildarts was going to simply check Twilight's psychical strength as he knew that she was magically powerful enough.

As soon as they arrived, Mavis was already seated on one of the chairs of the tribune. Also Yajima from the magic council and Lahar from the Rune knights were also seated on the tribune. And finally a weird white orb was also levitating on one of the chairs on the tribune, it was seated next to Mavis.

Twilight didn't mind. She was focusing on Gildarts as she was already standing in her usual combat position. Twilight's orbs knew what was coming and levitated themselves also onto the tribune. Leaving Twilight alone to show her combat prowess to Gildarts.

"Okay. I am going to test your combat prowess without magic. I will actively attack back however." Gildarts explained.

"Just psychical right?" Twilight asked.

"That is correct. I too will avoid using my crush magic. However don't underestimate me, I am also very strong besides it." Gildarts warned.

"Alright, hold on. I need to warm myself up first." Twilight said as she did some stretch exercises.

Gildarts however didn't say anything, instead he attacked Twilight immediately. Twilight calmly expected it, and dodged his attacks while also still stretching herself up.

"Alright. I am warmed up." Twilight said as she casually attempted to counter one of Gildarts attacks.

Twilight simply threw Gildarts over her shoulder and into the wall behind her. It was enough force to break the wall, but not enough to continue past it. In the background Mavis smiled at Twilight's ability to calmly strike back.

"Oof. Four years of maid work sure made you a lot less tense." Gildarts commented.

Twilight simply smiled as she rushed into his face and attempted to uppercut him. Gildarts saw it coming however and dodged the strike. Causing the strike to hit a part of the tribune and absolutely destroy it. Almost as if Twilight was also using crush magic.

Yajima looked surprised at the sheer strength of the single punch. However Lahar next to him pointed out that Twilight was simply trying to intimidate her foe.

"To cause extra destruction to the area around me. But the strikes that actually hit me are precise and devastating. That is an incredible display of strong control, but also sheer understanding of the human body. How terrifying." Gildarts noted.

"Mhm." Twilight simply said.

"Alright. Let me show you are powerful I really am." Gildarts said as his sheer combat power got showcased in a psychical form.

Twilight simply looked at him, she then shook her head in disappointment. Twilight then shook her hand and lunges in backwards. As a lot of power gathered in her hand and arm, you could see her strength appear on it. She then lunges the punch forward, striking Gildarts very hard in the stomach.

Gildarts made an "Oof." look on his face as Twilight showed her sheer destructiveness, when she wasn't holding back. Gildarts flew through the arena, through the walls and got punched all the way to Tenrou Island as Twilight saw a massive bang on the side of the Island.

"You want to see power. You got to feel it instead." Twilight said smiling.

"Right." Gildarts said as he appeared behind Twilight.

Twilight however didn't look behind her, instead she waited. She waited to see if he would try to punch her. Instead she could sense him smiling.

"Why the smiles?" Twilight asked calmly.

"Well you understand to not look behind you. Instead you wait to see what I do instead." Gildarts said.

"If I have to know your location by seeing you. Then I wouldn't be this strong." Twilight commented.

"Then how are you sensing me? Magic?" Gildarts genuinely asked.

"No. I am simply able to sense blood lust, movement, emotions. Just use what you can do, instead of focusing on what you lack." Twilight answered.

"That is a good answer. Alright. I am going to punch you as hard as I can. Don't dodge, just take it." Gildarts instructed.

"Very well." Twilight said as she went into a defensive position.

Gildarts then turned his hand into something that is harder than steel. He lunges backwards and then forwards with the most powerful swing he is able to muster. As it hit Twilight also in the body. Twilight simply got pushed backwards several meters, but she didn't block or move.

Gildarts looked surprised at Twilight's lack of reaction to it. He then smiled, "I think you earned it. The S-rank." He said smiling.

"Thank you." Twilight then relaxed atleast visibly. Not mentally or internally. No, she was still sharp, as she knew that Gildarts liked to give people false hope.

"Here you go." Gildarts gave Twilight the S-rank badge in the form of a punch to Twilight's face. Twilight neither flinched nor reacted. Instead she grabbed the badge off her face and inspected.

"Huh. This looks pretty cool." Twilight calmly commented.

"You were holding back." Gildarts said annoyed.

"Do you want Acnologia levels of combat instead?" Twilight asked.

Gildarts gulped as he shook his head.

"That is what I thought." Twilight said smiling.

Yajima and Lahar then jumped into the arena also. They then walked towards Twilight.

"As we could see. You are ready." Yajima said as he gives Twilight the badge and a Twilight's size badge cape.

"My friend has already made the council forget about you. Yajima will soon also forget about it. I will also." Lahar said, "But I must ask, where are you going?" he added.

"I am planning on going somewhere far south. To the kingdom of Midi." Twilight said.

"Its also the reason why we temporarily removed any insignia of Fairy Tail guild from the boat." Gildarts said.

"I see. Midi is a place that constantly fights with their local bandit guilds and black guilds. Are you going to clean it up?" Lahar asked.

"I am. I am going to this in the form of a mercenary." Twilight said.

"I understand. As soon as we returned to Hargeon, I will have forgotten about you." Yajima expressed, "I hope that I will meet you again, one day."

"Of course. I am sure we will meet again." Twilight said gratefully.

"I am not going remember you then. So please wake me up, okay?" Yajima said encouraging.

"Uh, sure?" Twilight said somewhat confused.

"Don't worry. He will remember. You made many precious memories with him. There is no way my friend can totally make him forget about it." Lahar explained.

"Alright, thanks!" Twilight said. Twilight then walked toward the tribune to greet Mavis.

"Sister." Twilight said to Mavis.

"Hi, Twilight. I was watching. You have grown into a fine young lady." Mavis said.

"Thanks. And what is this, weird orb thingy?" Twilight asked.

"Well I managed to make connection to Equestria. This orb is like a pre-recorded massage." Mavis explained.

"Ah. From who is it?" Twilight asked.

"From a princess on the other side. I was only able to make her connect to me, sadly. She asked if I could sent you a message." Mavis said.

"A princess?" Twilight asked.

"Yes. You do not remember her, but she remembers you. She wants you to get this message. Are you willing to atleast listen to it?" Mavis asked.

"Sure." Twilight said.

Mavis then touched the orb and it started to talk in a slight distorted voice. But Twilight could vaguely remember this voice.

"Dear Twilight,

I know, that you do not know who I am. So let me re-introduce myself. I am princess Celestia. I am the ruler of Equestria and I heard from Mavis that you now resides in one of her worlds. I know that you probably have had a hard time dealing with your amnesia, but know that your parents on this world awaits your return. Sadly we are unable to return you to our world as the magic from that world interferes with our own. So the only way to return is to remember us, and create a new spell to return back to our world.

I know this is a lot to take in. And you probably made new friends in that world. However, if you ever wish to go home. To our world, then you can do so, whenever you are ready. We await you, but we do not wish to rush you. With your new adventures and new friends. I am sure you wish to stay for now.

If you allow it, we wish to update you on the news from our own world once every so often. Or whenever I am able to connect to your sister, Mavis Sparkle Vermillion.

And finally your brother, Shining Armor. Your mother, Velvet Sparkle and your father, Night Armor. Awaits your return and of course, they miss you too. I also wish to see you soon, but that's mostly because I have to lecture you about not touching magic books for no reason. No, but in all seriousness, I await your return.

Your most faithful mentor,

Princess Celestia."

The orb then up and vanishes in front of Twilight. Twilight could sense internal turmoil from this new information. And she could vaguely place the voice to a horse. But nothing more. No, she could sense a weight lifted from her back.

"Thank you, sis." Twilight said to Mavis.

"Would you like more news in the future?" Mavis asked.

"Sure. But I won't be around for several years to come." Twilight said.

"I know. You are going to adventure beyond anywhere we will ever venture. However, know that you can always return. Once you are ready to do so." Mavis said.

"Of course. I will be back." Twilight promised.

Mavis nodded and pointed towards the boat. Twilight understood what she meant, which caused her to jog towards it.

"Are you ready to set off on the real journey?" Gildarts asked.

"Yes captain!" Twilight joked.

"Alright, get on board and we shall set sail." Gildarts joked back.

"Have fun Twilight!" Yajima and Lahar shouted as they waved.

Twilight nodded as Twilight and Gildarts started to move away from the Island. And towards a new horizon. As they moved away from Kings Island and passed Tenrou Island on their way. Twilight looked forward towards her new adventure. Far, far away from the place Twilight calls home.

Meanwhile back at the guild hall, Erza finally found out that Twilight is gone for a long time.

"What do you mean, she's gone?" Erza said shocked.

"I sent her on an very important mission. To retrieve a book that is being kept by demons." Makarov said.

"But, what about me? Am I going to be stuck here without my sister?" Erza said saddened.

Makarov put his hand on Erza's shoulder, "My child, of course not. Twilight will return, one day. She has only gone out for a few years." he said reassuring.

"But what about me?" Erza said saddened.

"You have us!" Natsu said determined.

"Yeah." Gray agreed.

Erza looked at her two friends, "I know. I just miss her already." she said.

"And we will too. But remember, she is a strong women. The strongest here. Of course she will return. She always will." Natsu said smiling.

Erza smiled at Natsu's encouraging talk. "Yeah. Thanks guys." she said.

"Mhm. Besides that gives you time to become even stronger." Mirajane suggested.

Erza nodded, "Well master. I need to clear my head a bit. I will be going on a solo quest." she said.

"Alright. But remember to return soon. The S-rank ceremony will start in a few months." Master said.

"Sure!" Erza said as she ran off. She ran all the way to Fairy Hills, her home. As soon as she entered it, she checks her mailbox for any letters. There was one, so she opened it. And grab the letter. She then walked to her room to prepare her stuff.

But before she started to pack her stuff, she opened the letter. It was from Twilight.

'Dear sister,

If you are reading this, then I have already set off on another adventure. I am sorry for not filling you in before my departure. But what I am about to do has to remain a secret from Gramps. You see, he sent me off to search for the E.N.D. book which is being kept by a demon legion. However after doing some missions with the magic council, I came to realize that the book was already in Fiore.

Because of this, I decided to instead go on a personal mission. During one of my quests, I received an emergency quest from a princess down south. At the Kingdom of Midi. They have a major issue with bandits and black guilds. Which is why I have decided to drop Gramps quest entirely. In favor of helping a kingdom in need.

I can't offer you anymore details, but know that I will return one day. That day will come soon, you will know when. You see, Gramps had this necklace around his neck, which is like a beacon. If he throws it on the ground, it will sent an emergency pulse towards me. Making me rush back home. Or until I get homesick, which is also when I return.

I offer you my best,


'Sister... To disobey master is not good. But I understand. Until next time my sister!' Erza thought.

Now that Erza has been separated from Twilight and Twilight going onto her next adventure. This story will take a turn and takes place in the unknown. It will now start for real. As Twilight will meet new foes and friends alike. This is will be the main story, which is now the beginnings. And the end of the prologue story and the start of it all.

Welcome to Twilight Scarlet!

Author's Note:

And that ends the prologue story. The next chapter is the start of the real adventure, full of meeting a new cast of characters. And starting a auxiliary guild to Fairy Tail.

Welcome to Twilight Scarlet.

Next up is: A new life.