• Published 20th Jun 2021
  • 2,691 Views, 129 Comments

Twilight Scarlet - vincent789

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Hearts Warming Special: What is Christmas?

It is a snowy day in Equestria. Ponies are out and about to explore the Hearts Warming market. Nobles especially are active this rare day. There was more snow than promised by Cloudsdale. This was due to a miss calculation. Causing far more snow to fall than normal. It was cold outside, cold enough that even hot springs froze over.

However in one particular home, it was cold despite the warmth of the heaters. This was the Sparkle household. They had decorated their entire home with Hearts Warming cheer. However this matter not, to the parents of Shining Armor. It had been five years since the disappearance of their beloved daughter.

Princess Celestia broke the news to them, exactly five years ago. Their daughter touched a book she shouldn't have. Resulting in a wrong warp. She could be anywhere in either Equestria or in that other world calling themself 'Earth land'. They feared for the worst. As they searched everywhere on Equestria. However it was quickly determined that she was not in Equestria anymore.

This saddened Velvet and Night to more grief. They practically expected her to be dead. Yet some part of their parenthood told them, that she was still in fact alive. After the disaster of Twilight's disappearance, Princess Celestia kept a close communication with their household. This was well kept, until her sister reappeared exactly one year ago.

As the elements of harmony reappeared and a small girl name Trixie Lulamoon took the element magic. Twilight chance to become something more, all but disappeared. Princess Celestia admitted what her plans were for Twilight. Despite all that happened. Twilight was called honorary magic student of Princess Celestia herself.

This was of little value to them. All Velvet and Night wanted, was their child to return to them. They knew that the princess could do little of help to them. All she could do is actively search for Twilight. She did do something that they appreciated, and that was to take the blame for what had happened. But even that was very little.

In an attempt to assist the princess however, the Sparkle family invited Celestia, Luna and the elements of harmony for a Hearts Warming feast. They hoped that the elements of harmony could help them. They were about to find out if they could.

The feast was ready, most of the ponies had taken a seat. The only one missing was princess Celestia. Celestia was busy in the bathroom with makeup. However as soon as she was done, and everypony had taken a seat. They could begin.

"First of all. Welcome to our humble home. My name is Velvet Sparkle and this is my husband Night Light. This feast is in honor of Hearts Warming. So happy Hearts Warming." Velvet said, her voice hopeful.

Everyone on the table they were called in for a reason. So there was some sort of tension. The only ones not tense was Celestia and Rainbow Dash. Celestia simply looked sad, while Rainbow Dash had fallen asleep.

"Thank you. So this feast is also in remembrance of our gone missing daughter Twilight Sparkle. We called this feast in, in an attempt to ask the elements of harmony if they were willing to help find our daughter." Night said hopeful.

"As in use the elements of harmony to force her to reappear?" Trixie asked.

"Yes. She is not dead. That much is certain. She is simply stuck somewhere that prevent us from getting her to return." Night said.

"We can always try. But no promises." Trixie said as she gave them some hope.

"No." Celestia said.

"What do you mean, no?" Luna asked.

"We cannot. This world's magic is not strong enough to interfere with the world she is stuck in." Celestia said.

"Even the elements of Harmony?" Luna asked.

"It is one of the most dangerous books and magically powerful books in existence. Not just of Equestria, but of this world." Celestia said.

"Where is she stuck?" Trixie asked.

"In a different world. The book access is sealed. I sealed it with my most powerful magic. The most Chaotic form of Celestial magic. Fairy magic. Even Discord won't be able to break it. It is placed inside a hallway that nullifies all magic. And sealed in an dimension of it's own. That only I can access. Even Luna won't be able to access it." Celestia explains.

"Is the book, the only access point?" Trixie asked.

"It is." Celestia said.

"But our daughter..." Velvet tried.

"Miss Sparkle, Sir Light. What if this accident happened again? To someone else? Would you be able to take the blame?" Celestia asked.

"No." Night admitted.

"When she wrong warped. I got blasted through the entire Canterlot city. Into the side of the mountain. That crack is still not gone. I am still repairing the damage. It has been five years. I got blasted to a pulp and I got all the protections that every mage in Canterlot can give me. And I still took damage. Even my Alicorn magic didn't protect me from the blast." Celestia admitted.

Night, Velvet, Trixie and Luna were stunned in shock.

"And that isn't even to mention what happened to those around me. Every guard was blasted from Canterlot to Manehattan in that range of distance. Ponies inside of buildings took massive injuries. It is a wonder nopony died from it." Celestia said desperate.

"So what you are saying. If the wrong warp alone caused that many injuries. If we attempted a forced returned warp..." Trixie said.

"Ponies could die." Celestia said.

"Oh my." Fluttershy said scared.

"Perhaps this is too dangerous." Rainbow Dash said.

"Ah have to agree with Rainbow Dash. Ah think that this a mighty bad idea." Applejack said somewhat scared.

"As much as I understand the feeling of having someone close to you missing. We simply can't risk our lives for something that might not even work." Rarity said.

"If you trust your daughter. Surely she is going to be fine." Pinkie said hopeful.

"I think Pinkie is right. Right now, we can't do anything. But what we can do, is hope that she is going to be fine." Trixie agreed.

"If you want, I can try use my ability of dream walking to search for your daughter. I might be able to confirm whether or not she is going to be fine." Luna offered.

"I, I understand. You have your own lives. It wouldn't be fair to say that she is powerless. All I hope is that she is having an happy Hearts Warming. And that is why this feast is important." Night said.

"My husband is right. I fear for my daughter. But right now, all we can do is hope. And hope is a powerful force. One that can cross dimensions. If Princess Luna is willing, do try. But all we hope is that everything is going to work out. One way or another." Velvet said.

"I am glad you understand. I will continue to probe the world she is stuck in, to try and find a weakness. But all I hope is that you understand. The only way Twilight could return to us, is when she finds a way out herself." Celestia explains.

"Then why hasn't that happened yet?" Night asked.

"Because a wrong warp is known to cause amnesia." Luna answered.

"Which means, all she knows is that, that world is the world she belongs in?" Velvet asked.

"Yes and no. Certain things makes her realize that is different than 'normal' if you will." Celestia said.

"Very well. Well if we keep on talking, this food is going to get cold. So Happy Hearts warming Eve everypony!" Night said.

"Happy Hearts Warming Eve!" Everypony responded as everyone dug in.

After everypony was done eating. Ponies spoke of their adventures. They got a small present from the Sparkle Family before the left to go home and celebrate with their family.

Velvet cleaned the feast up, while Night cleans the now empty packages up. After a while, they went to bed.

While they were sleeping. An unknown individual placed the three packages from Twilight under the Hearts Warming tree. He noticed some cookies with milk on a table near the fireplace. And notices Santa pony stare at him from the fireplace. He simply nodded, before disappearing. Santa Pony looks at the presents and smiled. They were radiating happiness and hopefulness.

He then proceeded to add more presents below the tree before eating the cookies and drinking the milk. After which he also left. The tree was now overflowing with gifts. But Twilight's gifts were in front of the other gifts. The unknown individual also left a special present under the tree inside of Celestia's bedroom.

As the following day arrived. The first one awake is obviously Celestia. As she is supposed to raise the sun. She immediately noticed a gift under the tree of her bedroom. Confused, she first walked past it. To raise the sun. Afterwards she returned to the tree.

Grabbing the present, she looks at the name tag. It was written in an unknown language. She raised her eyebrow at it, before opening the present. It was a self made doll of Twilight Sparkle. The doll was missing some features. But besides that, this is a Twilight Sparkle doll. Besides the Sparkle family. No one knows of her existence. And since it was clearly self-made. Celestia almost immediately guessed who made it.

As tears fell down her eyes. Celestia realized that Twilight must have made it herself. This basically confirmed that she was in fact, still alive. Celestia hugged the doll as if her life depended on it. She started to softly sob. All this time, Twilight was still alive!

The guards outside her door, heard her sob. It was soft, but their trained ears heard it. It was rare for Celestia to cry, now that her sister is home. But this confirmed that it still happened. The guards were instructed to prevent anyone from entering why she is crying.

Luna then came through the hallway. She was about to enter Celestia's bedroom, when the guards stopped her.

"I am sorry. But access is currently denied." The guard said.

"Why?" Luna asked.

"We are instructed to prevent access to anyone. When the princess is having an emotional moment." The guard said.

"Is she crying?" Luna asked worried.

"I am sorry. Due to privacy reasons. We cannot tell you." The guard said.

"She is my bloody sister. My only family left. You can't denied me access!" Luna demanded.

"Let her in." A clearly distressed Celestia said on the other side of the door.

"Very well. Do be careful." The guard said as he allowed Luna access.

Luna realized that something indeed made Celestia cry. Luna opens the door carefully and enters. She sees Celestia holding a doll and tears still flowing from her face.

"What is distressing thee?" Luna asked as she temporarily reverted back to old Canterlot language.

"Nothing dangerous. It's just. After five years of searching. I finally have confirmation that Twilight is still in fact, alive." Celestia said as she rubs the tears off her eyes.

"Really?!" Luna asked shocked.

"Look. A doll of Twilight's pony form. Only a hoofful of ponies know how she looks like. Either her family, me, or Twilight herself." Celestia said.

"How do you know it's Twilight?" Luna asked.

"Look. The name tag on the gift paper is written in a language that is clearly not Equestrian." Celestia said.

As Luna studied the language, she nods in agreement. "You are correct. This is clearly not from our world." Luna said.

"No. The language is called Earth Land English. I know, because I studied the book a little before a sealed it." Celestia said.

"And before Twilight got her hooves on it." Luna added.

"Sadly. Yes." Celestia said. Her eyes still puffy from the crying.

"I see. So I tried to connect with their world of dream walking. But I cannot. The barrier between the two is too strong." Luna said.

"I expect that. But good try anyways." Celestia said with a sad smile.

"Who is Twilight to you?" Luna asked.

"An individual I hold great respect to. She was different to the others. Not just magically. She was different in the sense of her smell of adventure." Celestia said.

"I see. You loved her as a friend." Luna said.

"No. I respected her. If she chose not to go for the elements of harmony. I would have made her into the most powerful champion to our cause." Celestia said.

"Maybe we can still." Luna said.

"I doubt it. After scanning the barrier. I realized that Twilight will keep all her skills and memories if she crossed back to our world. But she would revert back to her filly size. As that is the form she left here." Celestia said.

"So she can gain even more memories. Great!" Luna said excited.

"That... Is one way to see it." Celestia said less excited.

Meanwhile back at the Sparkle residence. A somewhat excited Shining Armor stares at the tree. It was filled with gifts. Shining had actually woken up his parents to show the massive gifts stack that was below the tree.

"That is a lot of gifts!" Night said pleasantly surprised.

"Uh. I didn't place those gifts under the tree." Velvet said confused.

Shining approached the tree. He was about to grab one of the largest gifts, when suddenly felt compelled to open a small flat gift instead. The name tag had some unknown writing on it. Certainly not Equestrian. Regardless, something about this gift was special.

Grabbing the small gift. He opened it. It had a training sword made of wood in it.

"Oh? This is decently good sword. It looks self-made." Shining said while smiling.

Velvet was suddenly compelled to open another box with unknown writing on it. Shrugging, she opened the box. It had a weird doll in it. The doll was humanoid and was dressed with a decently good dress. Something about this doll was familiar. But she couldn't place it.

And finally Night opened the final gift that has unknown writing on it. It was a doll of another humanoid. This one was also familiar.

"Wait a minute. Isn't that Mavis Vermillion?" Velvet said surprised.

As Night took a closer look, he nods. "Huh. You are right. Did Mavis send these?" he asked.

"No." Princess Celestia said as she appeared out of thin air.

"Happy Hearts Warming!" Shining said with a bow.

Princess Celestia nodded, "No. These come from the world Twilight is in. I know due to the unknown writing on the name tag." she said.

"Which means?" Velvet asked curious.

"Twilight send us Hearts Warming Presents?!" Shining deduced.

"That is correct. Although in their world it's called Christmas." Celestia said.

"Which if it is the same as some of our more western neighbors. Means the birth of their god, Jesus." Luna said as she also appeared out of nowhere.

"Wait, wait, wait. These are from Twilight?! Our daughter?!" Night shouted surprised.

"Most likely. Yes." Celestia said.

If Velvet wasn't crying before. She was now. While using Night to stabilize herself. With this, it was confirmed. Twilight Sparkle was alive.

"This other doll might be Twilight's new form." Luna suggested.

"I think you are correct. It would make sense." Celestia said.

"Yay! My sister is alive!" Shining armor shouted.

Author's Note:

Part two. A special intermission from the story. This is a special one time only. This special is not separated from the story canon. Meaning, it counts to the story. But this is abnormal.

And with that, something from Equestria was shown. That will be the first time. Oh and yes, time works slightly different. 5 years have passed in Equestria. While only 2 years will have in Earth land. Especially since this is before the time skip is complete.

Also this is going to most likely be my last chapter of this year. So Merry Christmas and a happy New Year! May next year contain less Corona and more outings.