• Published 20th Jun 2021
  • 2,691 Views, 129 Comments

Twilight Scarlet - vincent789

  • ...

Past and Future.

It's the world of Equestria, Discord was now, for some unknown reason to Celestia, sleeping in her room. And she had awoken from a nice calm dream. Though she hadn't forgotten her encounter with Shining Armor as she was still very much depressed because of it. As she looked at her jewelry, for the first time in a long time the burden of the crown felt too much for her, as her memory of the fateful day is still fresh in her mind. As she decided to not to put on the crown as she felt not ready for it. And instead she took a long hot bath in our personal bathroom.

The size of which was about five times the size of her own body. Thus almost a swimming pool to say the least. But it had been a long time since the last time she had used it. The last time was with Twilight Sparkle... before she made her critical mistake. After that she simply couldn't make use of it, or her memory would relapse. Or worse, she would collapse out of nowhere.

"Your Highness. How is the bath?" Celestia's personal bath maid asked. She seemed pleased that Celestia finally made use of it once more. Giving her a chance to show her metal.

"Could you turn down the temperature a bit. It's a bit too hot. Think... river temperature." Celestia requested. Her own mind was suffocating enough, the hot temperature was making this worse.

"Understood. The temperature will go down by about fifteen degrees. So it might get a bit chilly." The maid responded as she massive waterfall on the side of the bath stopped for a moment as it changed temperature and then restart, pouring cool water down it.

After a few minutes, the temperature was back to comfortable levels. Or Celestia felt as such. As she thought about it, she had one more thing she would love right about now.

"Elena. Could you get me some Sake And Dango?*" Celestia unusually requested.

"I could get some from the kitchen. But I also made some Dango myself. Which one would you like?" Elena the bath maid asked.

Celestia smiled, "Yours. Do get me a moonlight Sake though." she requested.

"Understood that will arrive in five minutes. Before I get that though, are you sure? You have about fifteen appointments lined up for today, and you haven't opened up for an audience yet." Elena asked, reminding Celestia of the weight of her crown.

Celestia frowned for a moment, before speaking up, "Tell my secretary that after yesterday, I am unable to carry the weight of my crown today. And that in order for me to properly get back in the swing of things, I require an additional break." She explained.

Celestia could feel Elena's worry coming from the other side of the door. "Did you collapse?" Elena asked worried.

"Thankfully not. Though I did have a mental breakdown." Celestia admitted.

"Is it about... her?" Elena asked more worried. Elena became Celestia's personal maid after she helped Celestia with her collapse several times and helped relieve her of mental breakdowns regarding Celestia's old personal student.

"Yes." Celestia admitted saddened by the fact.

"Your... Celestia. That is nothing to be sad about. You and I both know that we can't forever dance around this issue. The fact that you can admit and acknowledge your own actions are a huge improvements from the last time this happened. Back then you were in a constant denial. Now you are willing to admit and improve. I call that progress." Elena said proudly.

"I suppose you have a point. Thank you Elena." Celestia said smiling at herself.

"No problem. I will get you those snacks and warn your personal secretary." Elena said as Celestia heard Elena walk off.

"What would I do without you, Elena." Celestia admitted proudly.

Elena meanwhile walked swiftly through the halls to firstly warn Celestia's personal secretary. As she entered their personal office. Celestia's secretary noticed her entrance.

"Elena! How could I help you?" Celestia's personal secretary asked hopeful.

"The princess requires an additional break. She had a mental breakdown yesterday and requires some time alone." Elena explained.

"Is that so?" Celestia's personal secretary said kind of shocked, "Is she alright?" he added.

"She has made progress, yes. But she is unable to carry out any of her plans and duties today." Elena stated.

"Understood. I will warn everypony about the move of plans and if anyone asks?" Celestia's personal secretary asked.

"Mental breakdown. Twilight Sparkle." Elena answered simply.

"Very well. Tell the princess to stay calm let us handle it for today." Celestia's personal secretary said proudly.

"Understood. Well, I need to grab some moonlight Sake and my own personally baked Dango for the princess." Elena said proudly as she walked off, only to bump into Trixie.

"Elena! The maid I want to see. I need your help." Trixie said.

Elena raised an eyebrow, "How can I help you?" she asked.

"I need to speak with Celestia. It's important." Trixie asked desperately.

"I am afraid that right now, she needs some alone time. She had a mental breakdown yesterday and needs to take a break." Elena explained.

"It's about that. Shining Armor is planning on stealing the book that leads to Fairy Tail and plans on teleporting himself into the world of Fiore. And he isn't listening. Please, I need to explain it to Celestia!" Trixie requested desperately.

Elena's look hardened. "Tell you what, I will immediately tell Celestia herself. You do what you need to do, to stop him." she stated.

"Okay. Please hurry!" Trixie shouted before running back. While Elena is running back to Celestia.

As Celestia heard Elena approach she asked, "So, did you bring the snacks?"

"I am sorry Celestia something far more important got in the way. Shining Armor is attempting to steal the Fairy Tail book once more, but this time he is trying to teleport to the world of Fiore. To join her sister!" Elena explained rapidly.

"Shit! Tell the guards to be on high alert and to capture Shining Armor on sight. I will make my way to the vault quickly." Celestia ordered, she then heard Elena agreeing before running off.

As she made her way back into the her bedroom, Discord was gone. And just as she was about to prepare to join Trixie in preventing it from happening, someone used telepathy on her.

"Princess Celestia." Said the familiar voice.

"Wait. Are you...?" Celestia asked as she suddenly stopped moving.

"Listen. I found another much safer way to go home. But you must destroy the book. It is creating far too many issues. You need to destroy it, before Shining Armor, my brother, could make use of it." Said the familiar voice.

"Twilight. How are you going home then?" Celestia asked smiling softly.

"The celestial realm. It's a safe connection between realms, and will allow me to travel back forth at will. I need the book destroyed before I make the connection however, otherwise others might end up in this world without any way out." Twilight said through telepathy.

"Alright. I will destroy the book. And Twilight..." Celestia said.

"Yes?" Twilight replied.

"I am happy that you are alive." Celestia said before cutting off the telepathy.

She then teleported next to the book. Literally a few second before Shining Armor could grab it, as she grabbed the book in her magic and away from Shining Armor. Celestia's face were grim with worry. While Shining Armor looked grim with rage.

"Give me that book!" He shouted angrily.

Celestia then suddenly gave Shining Armor a pity smile, "No." she said her horn shined brighter. And then suddenly, using sheer solar power, she erased the book before Shining Armor's eyes. Causing him to jerk up at Celestia in shock.

"No more book." Celestia said serious.

"RAAGH!" Shining Armor shouted enraged as spear in his magic, he charged at Celestia.

Only to get picked up by Celestia's magic and smashed into the wall. As Shining Armor stood up, he watched Celestia summon her armor onto her body. And a massive powerful sword in her magic. As she took a majestic yet deadly stance.

"Try that again, and I will cut you down." Celestia warned enraged.

This caused Shining Armor to cower in shock and fear. He then shook his head, clearing his head. And hardening his look. "Screw you!" he shouted as he charged at Celestia. But before he could reach her, Discord appeared besides Celestia and warp away his horn, his magic, his spear and cutie mark. Causing him fall before he could reach Celestia.

"Thank you Discord. As much as I would love to cut him down, I fear that she will not like that." Celestia admitted with a smile.

"Who is this 'She'?! Who?!" Shining Armor shouted enraged.

"DO YOU NEED ME TO SPELL IT OUT FOR YOU?!!!" Discord shouted enraged in return. Causing Shining Armor to cower. And Celestia to jump slightly.

"Twilight Sparkle. Or Twilight Scarlet. Or Twilight Vermillion. However she calls herself." Celestia calmly responded.

"Bullshit! She is in another realm!" Shining Armor denied.

Celestia and Discord were about to respond, when a powerful magic spell arrived faster. Twilight hadn't send one smite, but two in one spell. This one hit Shining Armor instantly, the shock was so powerful that Celestia could see his bones. And the sheer static aftermath could be felt all over Canterlot.

"And yet she is able to do things like that." Discord calmly responded. Though he was blinking in slight surprise.

"But how..." Shining Armor finally said defeated, "She wasn't this strong before." he added.

"Her magic fused with the magic that is native to that realm. Thus enhancing her own ability to cast, and in turn, making her the most dangerous and powerful mage in entire Fiore." Celestia calmly responded.

"She gained two magic pools. One for her own magic capacity. And one for Magic-Nano, the magic native to that realm. This realm most native magic is balance. While Fiore's magic is more native towards Chaos. Combine both magics in a being that is born from and with magic. And you get a supercharged magical entity. Control both, and become as powerful as both." Discord wisely explained.

"Balance standing for light and darkness. While Chaos standing for Time and Space. And Neutral being all elemental." Celestia added to the explanation.

"Twilight Sparkle's destiny normally was magic. So being in a realm with different magic forced her to change her own magic to something suitable. And in turn become capable of controlling both in turn." Celestia admitted.

"I saw that she used Orb Magic. A type of forbidden magic in their realm. According to what little I was able to gather, Orb magic users are natural all-rounders. Capable of using any magic to their availability. And from what little I was able to gather on Twilight. She is someone that is able to repair entire cities and destroy beings that said to be immortal. She is incredibly overpowered. But she values something more than power." Discord explained.

"And that is?" Shining Armor asked weakly.

"Family. The guild Fairy Tail became her family. And in turn, she uses her magic for one thing only. To protect those she loves and calls family. Including you. But be careful. Piss her off, and face off against the world's greatest magician." Discord stated with a smile.

"I see. I am sorry. My family is starting to lose hope. I tried to be the beacon of hope, but all I am able to create is desperation." Shining Armor finally admitted.

Celestia could then sense someone standing next to her, but was unable to see her.

"He is such a worrywart. I do not remember him very well. But know this, I am the beacon of hope. My time to go home is approaching quickly. Just you wait." Twilight mysteriously stated before vanishing.


Meanwhile six hours after the events in Equestria occurred, Twilight sat at her desk in the dead of night in her own office. She was working on some preparation. For when she could go home.

She then looked at the clock, 'Only three more years of waiting. If what that book explained, then that is nothing compared to Celestia waiting for her sister.' Twilight thought.

"Ugh. Master, why are you still awake?" Shagotte asked as she yawned.

"Sorry. I was just preparing some stuff for my inevitable return back home." Twilight giving her a small smile.

"You didn't cause too much harm in that telepathy of yours I hope?" Shagotte asked tiredly.

"No. I simply destroyed the book. The connection is now, once again safe. We won't have to worry about anymore interruptions." Twilight explained.

"Is that so. Good. Then we are going to do another quest tomorrow. Romeo is joining this time around." Shagotte said proudly.

"That is a shame. I was actually going to do a personal quest tomorrow. I had hoped you would join... But I suppose I will go alone." Twilight admitted in thought.

"Wait! Really?" Shagotte asked surprised.

"Yes. As I said, my time here is coming to an end soon... Or if you could call three years soon. Though seeing as I have been stuck here for fourteen years, that is soon." Twilight admitted.

"So what are these preparations?" Shagotte asked.

"Shagotte, you have the ability to see slightly into the future correct?" Twilight suddenly asked firstly.

"Yes. I am certainly better at controlling it than Carla, my daughter." Shagotte said while nodding.

"Well, I also have some form of seers ability. The ability to see my own future, isn't as strong as yours. But it usually is concrete enough, that I can in fact see some of my own future. And not possible futures, I mean THE future." Twilight said, adding the final sentence as she saw Shagotte's confusion.

"Like predictions that WILL happen?" Shagotte asked surprised at the new information.

"Yes. Though I have been mostly focusing on the future of the guild instead of my future. But, yeah. So far, everything I saw in the future has come true." Twilight explained.

"Alright. What needs to be done?" Shagotte asked more serious.

"Keep in mind, this will happen after I am gone. And I will not get called on, for several years. Until they really need me." Twilight said serious.

"Understood. How bad?" Shagotte asked.

"Bad. The reason I do not like Hisui, isn't because she is obnoxious. It's because she doing something extremely foolish. She is opening a time travel gate. The gate is connected to the realm of the dragon, exactly several hundred thousands of years ago. In a time where dragons are hostile with humans." Twilight explained.

"Oh no..." Shagotte paled at the information.

"The good news, is that Fairy Tail will successfully close it. But at the cost of the daughter of an ice bearer and half the city of Crocus. But, while I won't interfere. I can atleast ensure that the dragons can't escape Crocus. And that is what I am going to do. There are of course other adventures that technically would require my interference, but I do not see anyway of interfering without accidentally changing the course of history. So instead, I shall do nothing. Nor shall you do anything. Do you understand?" Twilight asked after explaining bits and pieces of the future.

"Of course, we mustn't change the course of the future or face devastating consequences." Shagotte agreed.

"Good. Good. Do you understand the importance of my personal quest?" Twilight asked.

"I do. I am going to ask if we could move our quest to a different day. I am sure they will understand." Shagotte said, though she secretly hoped so.

Twilight then approached Shagotte, and showed off her ability to analyze those around her, "Don't worry. They will understand. Even if they won't, they know that you are before all else. My partner. And that means, they know that if I am leaving for a quest. Then you should be standing next to me." she said knowingly.

"Alright. I will talk to them in the morning. And Twilight, please don't stay up too long. If tomorrow really is going to be important. Then you must be properly rested." Shagotte lectured in a friendly tone. Before walking off.

Before Twilight was going to follow Shagotte up on that request. She took a good look outside. The Twilight's personal office oversaw entire Magnolia. On one hand, she is very happy to go home. On the other, she is very sad to leave behind such an important place in her heart. But just as many others reminded her, she isn't from this world. She mustn't be here.

And also, her family is starting to lose hope. She needs to go home soon. It was then that she took a look at her orbs and asked the orbs if they would follow her to Equestria. And from the sound of it, they absolutely will. The orbs reminded her, that when she gets back, she will be in her filly form. Or child form. And that she should hold back on using too much magic.

Twilight then put her orbs back in her spacial dimension. And proceed to go to bed like Shagotte asked.


And the following day she would immediately set off along side Shagotte towards Crocus. Twilight looked rather serious for the occasion. Her orbs were hovering besides her. And it was also immediately clear that the magic council wasn't pleased for the sudden departure out of Magnolia. But there was nothing they could do. Besides watching her that is.

And watching they did, Twilight felt Lahar's magic in the background. He did nothing but watch and listen in. Luckily for him, Twilight trusts him. So she wasn't afraid to speak her mind. Still though, the magic council had been getting more and more annoyed at her actions and behavior. As she got warning letters from the magic council several time. Nonetheless, Twilight did what she has to do. Which is, ignoring the magic council. And in turn ignoring Lahar's presence.

"Twilight how big is the perimeter going to be?" Shagotte asked curious.

"Four points around Crocus. Using some of my most powerful anti-dragon magic I contain." Twilight simply said.

"Alright. Is there anything I could do?" Shagotte asked.

"Watch my back, we will be in the bandit infested woods. I need to concentrate and I need you to keep them off my back." Twilight stated.

"Alright. And Twilight, I may have a request in the future. But not today or tomorrow. It needs more reasoning and planning before I request it." Shagotte admitted mysteriously.

"That sounds like excuses to me." Twilight said smiling knowingly.

"And they are! But I need more time to think before I act." Shagotte admitted bashfully.

"Alright. Take your time. There is no rush." Twilight said while nodding.

"Ladies, do you mind if I take a seat with you guys?" Lahar suddenly asked towards Twilight and Shagotte.

Twilight was looking through the window and smiled, "Go ahead. This is just a public train after all." she said.

"Aye. If master says so. Then go ahead. Sir...?" Shagotte asked.

"Lahar. I am part of the Rune Knights and an old friend of Twilight." Lahar introduced.

"Oh! A friend of Twilight? Well then you are also my friend. The name is Shagotte. I am Twilight's partner." Shagotte introduced.

"I know. That goblin king you killed was a summoned being by the Rune Knights. We were testing her new partner. And believe me, we were more than impressed." Lahar admitted.

"Ah! Well thanks to the experience I fell in love with combat. So I thank you for giving the opportunity." Shagotte thanked modestly.

"Haha~! No need to be so modest. You did great out there." Lahar said, before he turned to Twilight.

"So Twilight what are you doing? Didn't the council requested that you stay put until the guild's return?" Lahar asked knowingly.

Twilight didn't turn around to answer him, instead she answered while still looking out the window. "I am first and foremost part of Fairy Tail. Do you really think I will stay put, if someone ask me to?" She asked in turn.

Lahar shook his head while smiling, "Nope. I told my superior about that as well. But they aren't listening. Anyways, what are you doing now?" he asked instead.

"Oh little old me? I am merely preparing some spells for when I am no longer here." Twilight said happily, however Lahar's smile turned into a frown at the mention.

"Do you really have to go?" Lahar asked slightly sad.

This did cause Twilight to turn to face Lahar. Her smile hadn't disappeared, but it was a less happy smile. "Yes. You and I both know, that I am not supposed to be here. Or am welcome to be here." she said knowingly.

"I do. It really is a shame though. As much as I agree with the world. I will miss your repairing ability." Lahar said with a smirk.

Twilight smirked back at him, before looking once again through the window, "The truth is, I can sense that this world is starting to reject me. Not like Zeref or Mavis. But more like, history seems to be getting twisted by my mere presence." she said saddened.

"I see. So what are you doing now then? Surely every action you take now, will have serious consequences. Right?" Lahar asked.

"Yes. I am making an Anti-dragon magic perimeter around Crocus. Hisui the princess is doing something foolish and I am merely attempting to avoid making things worse." Twilight explained to Lahar.

"Uh. Dragons?" Lahar asked.

However Shagotte merely shook her head, "Sorry sir Lahar. But in order to avoid changing the future. That is all we will tell you." Shagotte answered before Twilight could.

"I understand. Then I will tell the council that you are merely constructing a magic barrier for something down the line." Lahar suggested.

"Tell the council that I am going to fight someone powerful in the future. And that barrier is to protect Crocus from getting hit by my magic." Twilight said smiling.

Lahar smiled, "Will do. Welp my stop is incoming. I will leave the two of you here. Good luck with magic barrier." He said before departing the train.

"That man was rather nice. Is he really your friend?" Shagotte asked.

"He is. Which is why leaving this world is getting harder and harder. I made so many friends, that leaving this world is so painful. But luckily my departure isn't going to prevent me from returning. I will only truly be available when I get summoned though. So that is a slight downside." Twilight admitted.

"Hm." Shagotte merely stated.

The rest of the train trip continued quietly. Shagotte was deep in thought and was actually staring at Twilight's orbs. Making Twilight a bit uncomfortable, though she made sure not to show it. As she looks outside, she saw the coliseum. In fact she noticed people playing a match at that moment.

"Next stop: Crocus outer layer. For those leaving this train, please do not forget your bags. Thank you for riding with us today." The intercom stated.

"Here we are. Let's go. The first one is on that hill over there." Twilight instructed.

"Understood. Go take the lead, I will follow your six." Shagotte replied almost automatically.

While Twilight has been busy building down the skills and preparing for the adventure. Shagotte has been making so much progress with her combat skills, its unreal. Having the basic combat down, she moved on to tactical combat and using as many hand to hand combat types as possible. Shagotte not only is unreal capable at adapting in combat but also her combat prowess is starting get really high. In fact, Twilight has been considering in granting her, S-rank. But felt that without magic, that that was perhaps one jump too high. Though Twilight has become secretly really proud.

However to say that she is the only one improving, was wrong. In fact besides the older generation. The newer generation is becoming really capable. Which came with a sad aftermath of an increasing level of damage after each quest. Luckily, before any fines would be made, Twilight was always willing to fix it up. UNLESS the area belonged to a criminal, in which case Twilight would also refuse to pay up.

Twilight calmly walked ahead, leading Shagotte to the first of four places to place a seal at. Meanwhile Shagotte also calmly walked behind her. Atleast calmly to the untrained eye. She was in fact running on high alert, even without showing it. She could literally look three sixty degrees around her, without the need to use her eyes. Her paws were tense but calm. Calm enough that most could shake that paw without feeling in danger. But also tense enough that Shagotte could do some serious harm in an instant. The lower part of the body was thus walking slowly and calmly. But Twilight could tell that she was still a bit stiff near the ankles. Regardless, the rest of the lower body was performing much better than before.

However Twilight was both combat calm and simply neutral in terms of alertness. Atleast unless you are Twilight level of combat, in which case you will shit your pants. And that is enough to know, that Twilight is absolutely ready for combat, but isn't planning on actively partaking in it.

"Okay. Here we are. And before I start let me scan the area really quick." Twilight said.

"Alright." Shagotte said pleased. It has been a while since the last time Twilight scanned.

As Twilight's Celestial orb scanned the area, all Fairy Tail members in range of the orb would feel a cool air wash over them. Which indicated to them that Twilight scanned an area, even if they do not active take note of her. Which actually put everyone in Fairy Tail on high alert, since they know that she doesn't do it often. If Shagotte was on high alert before, she certainly was now.

"Alright. My scan indicates that all civilians in the city are distracted by the tournament. Wild life in this area is almost none-existing and some bandits are patrolling some of the hidden pathways. There is no sign of any chance of getting attacked." Twilight explained.

"One in ten?" Shagotte asked the ratio of which an attack is possible.

"More like four in ten. I cannot confirm which path those bandits take. However unlikely it is to reach us. The chance still very much exists." Twilight warned.

"Understood. Which direction?" Shagotte asked.

"North. Now, let me be alone for a moment. This spell requires my utmost attention." Twilight ordered before starting the casting of the spell.

Shagotte merely nodded as she proceeded to walk circles around the top of the mountain. While letting her senses flow over the mountain. Which she performed for nearly the entire duration of the cast. Luckily nothing happened so far. And according to Shagotte senses, Twilight was nearing completion.

However just as she thought that, she sensed something to the north. The place of where the bandits were. She could hear sounds of fighting. Her senses told her, that whoever started combat against those bandits were very skilled. It was then that she heard a familiar shout.

"White Dragon Roar!" shouted the unknown combatant.

'A dragon slayer?! And I can sense a exceed nearby. So he must be Sting Eucliffe. He has Lector as partner.' Shagotte thought quietly.

Twilight sensed Shagotte bristle. As she sensed, Twilight indeed nearing completion. She took glance over at Shagotte. And noticed her extremely focused to the north. It is then, that Twilight also sensed the White dragon Slayer.

"Shagotte. Regardless if he has an exceed. If he poses a threat to our quest. You will fight. Correct?" Twilight confirmed for a moment, even if it took a bit of concentration away from the spell.

"Of course. Without a single doubt. If they threaten this quest, then they are an enemy. And I will take them down, no matter how much it takes." Shagotte said determined. Her combat abilities flaring up, and preparing for potential combat of the highest level.

"Good. The spell needs atleast five more minutes. No more interruptions!" Twilight ordered before concentrating once more.

Shagotte then moved as quiet as the wind into position. She settled on a bush directly behind Sting and waiting. Until he showed signs of hostility towards Twilight or herself. However as she did so, Lector didn't detect her, but did notice something odd behind Sting.

"Sting! There is someone behind that tree! But they aren't hostile I think." Lector shouted.

"A non-hostile is hiding behind a tree, behind me?" Sting asked, "Show yourself!" he shouted.

Shagotte then appeared before them. "Hello there, you must be Sting and Lector correct?" she asked.

Though Sting was confused on how she knew, Lector instantly recognized her. "Your Highness! What are you doing here?" Lector sounded confused but also excited. He ran to give her a hug.

Shagotte decided to play that role, instead of disregarding it. In an attempt to defuse the situation. "I am merely exploring Fiore, Lector." Shagotte lied. Allowing her to give Lector a hug.

"Your highness?" Sting asked confused.

"Ah!" Lector said as he forgot to explain, "This is Queen Shagotte. Queen of the Exceeds. She is a very important exceed." He explained.

"What?!" Sting shouted shocked, "May I ask why you are here, Your highness?" he asked.

"Do drop those formalities. I hung up my crown years ago. I am no longer a queen. I am merely doing my own thing." Shagotte said formally. Though she managed to hide the venom at the use of 'Your Highness' since again, many used it to tease her.

"Really? What are you up to nowadays?" Lector asked curious.

"I joined a guild. I joined Fairy Tail." Shagotte admitted, Lector looks shocked at Shagotte.

"Really? So they have another Dragon Slayer hidden?" Sting asked curiously.

"Nope. I follow the guild master. In fact she currently performing some kind of prevention spell on the top of that mountain." Shagotte explained, as she pointed behind her.

"The guild master? Who is it, now that their gramps is on Tenrou Island?" Sting asked.

"That would be me." Twilight said as she approached Shagotte from behind.

"Uh." Lector simply said.

"Nice to meet you. My name is Twilight Sparkle Vermillion Scarlet. I am the current guild master at Fairy Tail." Twilight introduced. Twilight was wearing her saint badge as she noticed Sting looking at it in shock.

"A child like you is the guild master?" Sting shouted surprised, however the laugh that followed showed his disbelieve.

In fact Shagotte did not like that, so before Twilight or Sting could do anything. Shagotte punched Sting in his gut, sending him flying through some trees. Much to the surprise to Lector.

"Ow. What the fuck. That was a strong ass punch." Sting admitted in pain.

"I will have you know. Twilight has been appointed Saint status by the magic council seven years ago. Gained S rank at the same time. And has taken massive strides inside Magnolia to keep the city lively. If anyone else dares to say differently, you will get punched by me. Her partner." Shagotte warned annoyed. She then sensed someone to her left.

"Who goes there! Show yourself!" Shagotte shouted angrily.

A tall girl with black hair and a blue dress reveals herself. She is clapping, "Bravo. You really are a capable little exceed. Aren't you?" The mysterious girl admits.

"Minerva." Sting answered for Shagotte. "What are you doing here?" he asked.

"Hmpf." Minerva answered, as she instantly moved past Sting and slammed into Shagotte. However she was ready and took the hit, but not before countering by twisting her paw to strike her liver. Twilight meanwhile simply raised her eyebrow at the unusual hostility. But both said nothing or did nothing.

Shagotte merely used a paw to push herself of the ground and back into a combat position. However Minerva changed targets and attempted to strike Twilight. Not only did Twilight merely side-step, she also didn't even bat an eye at the action.

"Are you sure you wish to strike a saint?" Twilight merely said. However she noticed that Minerva had taken her badge.

She then crushed it, "That was merely a toy." she said simply.

"Eh. The only ones you just piss off is Lahar. But I don't care. Are you absolutely certain you want this fight?" Twilight simply asked again. She actually detected Lahar in the background. But said nothing about it.

Minerva merely smiled as she attempted to strike Twilight once more, this time Shagotte countered it, by using a tight pawed punch in her jaw. Causing a small crush sound to ring the forest as Minerva got pushed back.

"Territory Explosion!" Minerva shouted as she retaliated by exploding the side of Shagotte.

Having finally enough, Twilight's orbs hover besides her, "Very well then." She said as her stance changed.

Minerva simply smiled as she attempted to strike Twilight. However Twilight eyes went white with power as she power punched Minerva into the trees. A massive strike of knockback force glanced the side of Crocus. As Minerva got knocked through a major part of the forest.

"Territory Nihility." Minerva stated. The spell the nullifies magic turns on. However, Twilight's magic is too strong. It was ineffective.

"How about no." Twilight simply said as she hovered her with her magic regardless.

"How?!" Minerva shouted.

Lahar then suddenly appeared out of nowhere, "You aren't strong enough. Twilight sheer magic prowess, overpowers your magic by such a large margin. That it does nothing." he explained.

"It's a child!" Minerva shouted.

"A child with a guild master status. With Saint status and S rank status." Lahar explained.

"What?!" Minerva shouted in shock.

"Also you just destroyed her badge. Which means you broke Rune Knight law, you are under arrest." Lahar said as suddenly a dozed other Rune Knights appeared.

However Minerva was still stuck inside of Twilight's magic. "Twilight release her." Lahar ordered.

Twilight said nothing. Instead a incredibly powerful magic circle appeared above Minerva. Causing both Lahar and Minerva's eyes to widen.

"You have a lot of trauma, child." Twilight spoke. Her voice and magic vibrated throughout the area. It made her sound deep and powerful.

Surprised at the mention, Minerva's eyes widen in shock and awe. But also in confusion.

"I pride myself to be a beacon of hope. A being that wishes to encompasses nothing more than wanting the best of those around her." Twilight wisely explained.

"But I attacked you! Why would you care?" Minerva shouted confused. Minerva noticed an empathy smile from Shagotte.

"Because like you said, I am a child. I care for even those I have never met. Unless you are a criminal, I will stand next to anyone and act as a beacon of hope." Twilight admitted.

Minerva drooped at the mention, but said nothing otherwise.

"So child. Who harmed you? I cannot let someone so unguided, act so much against their own will. You acted to lash out against others. Only to keep your own emotions in check, correct?" Twilight asked.

Minerva finally realized that she couldn't fight back her own tears, "My father. The guild master of Saber tooth." she finally admitted.

Twilight's eyes widen in surprise but also anger. "Is that so?" she said.

Lahar could hear rumbling around Twilight. Even he could tell that Twilight was beyond enraged. She was a few inches away from being down right berserk. "I see." Twilight said, rage clearly present in her voice.

Minerva realized that Twilight was angry on her behalf. Causing her to no longer hold back her tears of the traumatic events that let up to this point. Turning her into a sobbing mess. And Twilight finally calmly placed her on the ground next to Sting.

"Alright. I think this man deserve the same treatment as mister José." Twilight said as she did a familiar pose.

A sheer magic power gathered on her finger tips. "I shall not ask for forgiveness." She said, magic was building up around Twilight.

"I hope this is enough." Twilight simply chanted as she let the second fase of the spell gather. "3"

"May the heavens be kind to the aftermath." Twilight continued to chant as the third fase of the spell appeared. "2"

"Thank you and goodbye." Twilight finished her chant. "1"

As Twilight hands slam shut a massive magic circle appear from the heavens above the position of Saber Tooth guild master. Twilight's eyes turn golden yellow instead. "I hereby invoke Fairy Law!" she shouts as massive omni-directional power beam of sheer yellow struck down from above. As the color yellow basically flash banged the city. Cool air fills the capital and someones magic power gets erased.

"Fairy Law." Shagotte stated in awe. Lahar was lost for words.

"And with that, I have mastered the final magic type of this world. Fairy magic." Twilight calmly stated. As she watched her own work act before her.

"What about the thousands of forbidden magics?" Lahar asked surprised.

"Done. Fairy magic is actually the hardest to master." Twilight simply stated.

"And Slayer magic?" Lahar asked once again.

"I chose to skip those. They have a nasty side-effect. I prefer not to dabble in those." Twilight admitted.

"Really? Like what?" Lahar asked confused.

"You could turn into a dragon. Or demon. Or demi-god." Twilight explained.

"I see. But what about Zeref's magic?" Lahar asked.

"That is not what his magic is called, his magic type is called Puppet magic. A powerful version of it anyways. Powerful enough to breath life into inanimate objects to the point of free will itself. That one wasn't so hard to learn." Twilight admitted.

"Wow. So that was Fairy Law?" Shagotte asked excited.

"Yes. One of the twelve law type spell in existence. This one contains Fairy magic to be precise." Twilight admitted.

"Is there any puppets of his, that I know?" Lahar asked.

"Yes. However that is not my part to tell. Soon all will be revealed." Twilight mysteriously said. As she walked over to Minerva.

"How are feeling now, my child?" Twilight asked.

"Thank you. I feel much better. But I fear that, that isn't enough." Minerva admitted.

"My child. Your feelings won't ever go away. But you can atleast put it to rest. The next time you will meet him will be a few years later. Once he no longer is human." Twilight admitted.

"Alright. And Twilight, I am sorry for lashing out at your partner." Minerva apologized.

"Nonsense. This actually makes my request all the more reasonable. But soon, not today or tomorrow. Anyways, still enough magic to make more perimeter spells?" Shagotte asked.

"Let's get going. I can promise you, we will meet again. One day." Twilight said as she and Shagotte walked off.

"Despite all of that, I still need to arrest you for destroying a Saint badge. Do you understand?" Lahar simply stated.

"Of course. Let this be over with. I might be able to gain some empathy from the court if I admit that I lashed out due to abuse." Minerva admitted.

Lahar smiled, "I know it will. If you add that Twilight helped you then surely." he said as he put handcuffs on her and put her in the back of the jail car. Before driving off. Sting meanwhile simply returned to his guild.

After the display of power the rest of the quest went without issue, all the bandits were scared off. And all animals flight instinct fled far away from Twilight. Making the rest of the quest a breeze, Twilight and Shagotte then went home as if nothing ever happened.

Author's Note:

Also Yay! I reach one hundred thousand words on this book. Only like fifty thousand roughly to go.

(4/7 chapter until end of this arc)

* Japanese liqueur and Japanese marshmallows.