• Published 20th Jun 2021
  • 2,691 Views, 129 Comments

Twilight Scarlet - vincent789

  • ...

Another job request

After good night sleep, Twilight woke up early and refreshed. After going to Makarov's room for some breakfast. She headed out early for her job. It was to the west of Crocus. And it would take six hours to get there. Considering her job would start in the morning, she raced her way to the job.

After taking the train and a carriage. She would meet Yajima in front of a massive crater.

"Good morning Yajima." Twilight said.

Yajima turned around while smiling, "Good morning. I am happy you took our request. This is the picture of this place from all angles. Please repair as it was." he instructed.

Twilight looked at the pictures as her orbs lit up, an absolutely massive magic circle appears above the crater. "Tempus, Conservo, Refectio, Expono, Ianua, Apertum et Suscipio!" Twilight shouts.

The magic circle lights up, as a beam hits the ground. It echo's the ground and then shoots up into the air. After a massive expanding light orb appears into the crater. And after a few seconds, it disappears. Leaving behind everything that once was inside the crater. Then the circle slowly fades as the clouds return to their original position.

"Amazing. I am once again impressed with your ability." Lahar said as he came into view.

"All living beings in the way of the spell have been teleported upwards onto the reconstructed land." Twilight explained.

"Good. Lahar please inspect Twilight's work just in case." Yajima requested.

"Understood. I will be back in an hour." Lahar said as he walked onto the reconstructed land.

"Well, Twilight do you know what exactly caused the destruction of these lands? We believe it's a guild but maybe you know what really happened." Yajima asked.

"I could sense the magic power of a dragon I have already met once." Twilight said.

Yajima looked shocked at Twilight, "Which one?" he asked.

"I believe his name is Acnologia." Twilight said. She watched as Yajima's face lost all color and his pupils became small.

"Oh my god. Are you sure about that?" Yajima asked shocked.

"Almost one hundred percent positive. However I do not detect him anywhere in Fiore." Twilight said.

Yajima gave sigh of relieve, his color returned. "Was there a sign of a fight?" he asked.

"No. I believe nobody was present in this city when he struck." Twilight said.

"So nobody died?" Yajima asked.

"Exactly." Twilight confirmed.

"Well, that is good. Lahar will be happy to hear that." Yajima said.

Twilight was about to answer, until she did suddenly detect Acnologia approach from the west. "Yajima! Take your crew far away from here!" Twilight shouts.

"What! Why?" He asked confused.

"He is coming back! You need to flee. I will show him what a S-rank and almost Saint ranked girl is capable of." Twilight shouted.

Yajima didn't waste a moment. He immediately ordered Lahar to retreat. Lahar and his crew used portal magic to get out of harms way. And just as Yajima entered the forest, he heard the dragon roar of Acnologia in the air.

Meanwhile Twilight activated all of her combat magic in her hands. She re-equipped a sword made of pure power. She was ready.

As soon as Acnologia appears, He sees Twilight. "Back for more, aren't we?" Twilight said smiling.

Acnologia didn't skip a beat and launched a powerful dragon breath attack on Twilight. However Twilight was prepared, with a single slice she cut through his dragon breath and it hit his face. Head on. Causing him to scream in agony.

Lahar and Yajima watched on in awe and shock. Twilight showed the power of one with true magic. She made quick work of Acnologia, and they knew it.

"How! How are you so powerful as human?" Acnologia asked with a deep voice.

"I could ask you the same. How could you be so powerful as a single dragon? Dragons are strong, but not this strong." Twilight countered.

"I guess I will kill you. No matter the cost." Acnologia said as he prepared his strongest dragon breath attack he has ever done.

"Is that so. To bad for you. I have shown you some mercy. And you retaliate with rage. Let me be your judgement for today." Twilight said as all but one orb fuses with Twilight's body. As her eyes radiate with white power, her Celestial orb shines as bright as the sun.

Then in an instant, Acnologia breaths down a fire that could bring down the heavens. And Twilight responds in kind.

"Special ability, Cleansing of the Elements of Harmony!" Twilight shouts as a bright light of rainbow colored beam shot out of Twilight's orb. Her beam met Acnologia's breath and cut through it like butter, hitting Acnologia's injured wing once again. Cutting through it as the blood flowed. She could see the innards of his wing.

However Acnologia had a fail-safe. If an wing is unable to fly, he would teleport to his safe cave. Something that was far south of Fiore. As soon as his wing became useless, he teleported away. Twilight's spell killed itself as soon as he was gone.

As soon as Twilight got herself back under control. Acnologia was gone. Lahar and Yajima both approached Twilight carefully. Twilight was fine, although a bit tired.

"Well he won't be coming back anytime soon. I broke his right wing. Unless that heals extremely fast, he won't be able to fly for the next three years." Twilight said proudly.

"Twilight. The magic council thanks you. Thanks to you Acnologia won't be threat to us. And for that, I am prepared to pay you extra." Lahar said.

"You did your job and extra. You obtained 5 million for the monument job, 10 million for the surrounding area, 5 million for deducing the cause. And 100 million for removing Acnologia out of the picture for atleast three years." Yajima said.

"Can I ask you to send me back home? I don't know if I might faint along the way. Due to magic overexertion." Twilight asked.

"Sure. Lahar please return Twilight back home. I need to report to the Magic Council and send Twilight's share to her and Fairy Tail's share to them." Yajima requests.

"Of course. I will grant you a trip on this flying ship that the council has been working on." Lahar said just as his ship came into view.

"Thanks." Twilight said as her world turns black.

After a few seconds for Twilight, she woke up wide awake on a bed. She felt the distinct sway of a ship and the feeling as if she was floating.

'Right. The flying boat thingy.' Twilight thought as she stood up from her bed. Walking outside into the strong winds from being high in the clouds. She sees Lahar approach her.

"How are you feeling?" Lahar asked concerned.

"A bit stiff. But I am fine. How far until I am back at the guild hall?" Twilight asked in a dismissing tone.

"Hum. Roughly 2 hours left. You were asleep for 5 hours. We are nearly there." Lahar said.

"How did the council take your story?" Twilight asked knowingly.

Lahar sighed, He clearly wasn't getting off very easily. "Well. It could be better. The council said that the reward was too small for the feat you performed. However Yajima did say that he will come back. And with vengeance." He said.

"Right. I doubt that he is very happy with that loss. Although I wouldn't worry. I expect his return in atleast 10 years." Twilight said.

"On what assumption?" Lahar asked confused.

"Well I am sure that there are plenty of guilds still hunting him. And on top of that, he tends to come to places with a lot of combat going on. Like a war and the like." Twilight explained.

"Right so he must currently be... Where exactly?" Lahar asked.

"I did look at the geography inside of the Fairy Tail archive. Especially since I lacked a lot of memories. And my guess is that he currently resides in Caelum. To the south of Fiore." Twilight explained.

"Not Minstrel?" Lahar asked.

"It would be very hard to hide in such a large country. One that also holds some much history in war. I doubt that Acnologia likes to reside in a place of war." Twilight suggests.

"I see. Yes. Caelum is a good place to hide. Alright. I will try to locate him there. If we fail we will try Minstrel after all." Lahar said.

"Very well. Regardless, by the time he reappears I will not be anywhere close." Twilight said.

Lahar went wide eyed in shock, "What?! Why?" He asked desperately.

"By the time he reappears. I will have Saint rank and S rank. And most likely be send off to a difficult mission myself." Twilight admits.

"Where?" Lahar asked.

"Where will he reappear?" Twilight asked, She saw Lahar nod. "I can't tell you that. You will be nearby. That much I can confirm."

"Anyways." Twilight switches gears, "I have a request for the council." She said.

Lahar sighed, "Sure. What is it?" he asked.

"I might need to go off the radar after obtaining Saint rank. Can you do that for me?" Twilight requested.

"Why?" Lahar asked.

"I might have to do mercenary quests for awhile. It would be bad if the council knows about me." Twilight said.

"I see. Yeah I can ask my friend Doranbolt about it." Lahar said in an agreeing tone.

"Thanks. We have arrived." Twilight said. And right on time, too. In the distance Magnolia came into view.

"So it would seem. I am going to have to drop you off here. Magnolia is an no-fly zone." Lahar said.

"Wait. Why is that?" Twilight asked confused.

"The guild requested it. Something about a flying cat." Lahar said confused.

"Ah! Yeah that makes sense. Alright. Lahar you know where to find me. If you have any other quest. I will gladly take it. For a price of course." Twilight said.

"Oh? Have you found a way to use your money?" Lahar asked curious.

"Yup. I use it to improve the guild hall. I already build a Gym and I am also in the process of building a classroom." Twilight said excited.

"Ah! So are the girl that has been making request for your fellow guild members. And the one for the carpenters guild and Enchanters guild. They send confused letters asking if this was legal." Lahar said while laughing.

"Is it legal?" Twilight asked serious.

"It is. It is just rare for anyone to do that." Lahar said with a smile on his face.

"Alright." Twilight while jumping off the boat. "See you next time Lahar." she said.

"Until next time." Lahar said before the boat floated away from Twilight.

Twilight then proceeded to casually walk back to the guild.

On the way there she spots Erza also coming off the train. She was accompanied by Mirajane, Lisanna, Natsu and Gray.

On one hand Twilight was jealous that was unable to join them. On the other she was glad that she was making friends. Well if Twilight ignored the fact that Erza and Mirajane was fighting and Natsu and Gray as well.

Smiling Twilight decided to approach them as the walked into view.

"Hey guys!" Twilight shouted. She saw as everyone besides Lisanna snapped their heads towards the sudden noise. She saw that Erza pushed Mirajane away and approach her.

"Hey sis! How was the mission?" Erza asked.

"It was interesting. Besides repairing the damage that is." Twilight said happily.

"What happened?" Natsu asked without missing a beat.

"Oh nothing. An old friend decided to show up and attempt to beat the crap out of me. He didn't stand a chance." Twilight said as was dusting off her shoulders.

"Who?" Mirajane asked curious.

"Oh a nobody. No need to know that one." Twilight said, clearly lying. But unwilling to tell the truth.

Erza sighed, "Atleast you are fine." she relented.

"Anyways. Where are you guys going?" Twilight asked excited.

"We are going to a training camp. Sadly you are not invited. They said that you are too strong." Lisanna said saddened.

"Atleast they are giving you the chance to catch up." Twilight said.

"That is true. And before you know it. I will be stronger than you, sis!" Erza said very excited. Almost too excited.

Natsu agreed alongside Lisanna. However Twilight noticed how Gray and Mirajane shook their heads. They most likely knew that, that wasn't going to happen.

"Atleast they have a real goal to work towards." Twilight whispered to Gray and Mirajane. They perked up at the suggestion, causing them to nod in responds.

"Anyways I have to go see Gramps. Have fun you guys." Twilight said as she walked towards home.

"Thanks." Gray and Mirajane responded in kind.

Twilight walked towards the guild and opened the doors. She sees both Cana and Elfman waiting for her at the bar. Makarov was also waiting for her.

"Sorry about being late. I had a small delay during the job." Twilight apologized.

"What happened?" Makarov asked worried.

"I fainted from magic overexertion. Luckily the Rune knights moved me back home." Twilight admits.

"From a single crater sized repair spell?" Makarov casually asked, much to the shock of both Cana and Elfman.

"More. But I will explain to you that, in private later." Twilight said.

Makarov had his eyebrow raised at that. Twilight was usually a lot more open. For her to keep it close to herself was not a good sign. "Alright. So I have these two brave explorers their money. If you will." Makarov asked.

"Ah! Very good. Here is the potion. Be careful it is very potent. A small sip should heal you from a near death state." Twilight explained.

"Is that so?" Cana asked.

"Yes. It might even heal lost limbs." Twilight said.

Elfman looks shocked at Twilight. "How do you know?" he asked.

"I saw the Witches Brew advertise it with that ability." Twilight said.

"I see. Thanks." Cana said as she drags Elfman over to the others.

"Good. Now before I go and finish the classroom. About my job." Twilight said.

"Okay. How was it truly?" Makarov asked worried.

"I met Acnologia again. He will be out of the picture for a while though. I hurt his wing so bad, that it will take atleast three years to heal." Twilight admitted, proudly.

Makarov than held Twilight tightly. "Please don't throw yourself away like that!" He practically shouted.

"But I had no choice. He came to me. After I fixed the crater." Twilight said while trying to peel herself off Makarov.

"I know. But you are practically throwing yourself into danger. Do you have a death wish?!" Makarov shouted desperately.

"I- I-" Twilight said as big tears appeared on the corners of her eyes. Despite being as powerful as some of the most powerful mages, she was still only just six years old. That is extremely young for them to do such a thing.

"I am sowwy." Twilight said as she messed up the R and she began to sob profusely.

Realizing that he stepped over the line. Makarov tried to, but to no avail, remove himself off Twilight's hug. Looking over Twilight's shoulder he sees how Laxus shook his head in disappointment. Not towards Twilight, but towards Makarov. Twilight had enough on her plate as is. She didn't need a mentally unstable Makarov as well.

After a solid hour, Twilight's hug finally weakened. She had fallen asleep while hugging Makarov. Makarov wanted to move her to her room. But Laxus was faster and did it before he could. As soon as Twilight laid in her bed. An quite angry Laxus approached Makarov.

"What were you thinking?!" Laxus shouted angrily.

"I- I don't know. I guess I just lost it." Makarov said frustrated at himself.

"Why?!" Laxus asked confused and angry.

"She met Acnologia on her job again. And although she made quick work of him. The fact stands, going against him is close to a death wish." Makarov shouted back.

"She- What?" Laxus's anger turns to cold sweat instead.

"Do you understand what it feels like when a child, fights against a being that even Gildarts have trouble against?!" Makarov shouted saddened.

"No. No I don't. But I can atleast understand in the brother and sister perspective." Laxus said calmed down.

"Right. You said that before. Twilight felt like a sister to you. She has problems and you want to help her. At the same time she is stronger than you, despite being a girl and younger than you." Makarov said as he regained his composure.

Meanwhile, Twilight for the first time ever, regained a memory from her past thanks to Makarov's anger.

'Flashback Time,

Twilight found herself in blank room. Her memory room. And after wandering a bit, she sees a small cube. It was red and radiated anger. Touching it with her hand her room turns black as she sees some selective details.

Thanks to Mavis, she saw how she looked like as a pony. However the scene didn't move instead she heard the conversation between her and an older women voice.

"Young Lady, did you sneak out again?!" The older lady said angrily.

"Can I help it, that I wanted to go on an adventure." Twilight said.

"You are a noble child. Behave like it." The older lady practically ordered it.

"No." Twilight said as our Twilight heard the distinct sound of a smoke bomb going off.

Our Twilight heard as the older lady was coughing like crazy and shouting some verbal words that are not suited for kids.

Then the memory collapses back into the cube. Twilight in the memory room was smiling, "I guess I have always been a bit of an adventurer. And with Mavis being my indirect sister, it makes sense." Twilight said.'

Author's Note:

Don't worry. Twilight's power will eventually be met by different powerful foes. The likes of which no other member of Fairy tail will ever meet. Her power is in a different league.

One day when she has S-rank and Saint rank. She will be known as the SS-ranker. Or the super mercenary. Or the council's backup if it ever falls.

By the way for those unfamiliar with the geography of Earth land or the world that Fairy Tail resides in here take this, It's dangerous to go alone, take this map.