• Published 18th Nov 2019
  • 14,041 Views, 844 Comments

My Little Pony: Friendships and Magic [Season 1] - Alpha Wolf 4500

The first season of a rewrite of this series that I love. With my first and favorite OC, and the OC of a friend.

  • ...


It was a normal day in Ponyville and Fluttershy was in her cottage feeding all the animals around. She started by feeding the ferrets fish. Next she moved to the birds and fed them worms, spitting out the taste as she saw them eat. Next up was her own bunny, who was already eating a carrot.

"Not too fast now, Angel Bunny. You don't wanna get a tummy ache." She told him.

Angel bit off the top of his carrot and swallowed it. He looked at Fluttershy angry and dropped his carrot. Angle crossed his arms and looked away. Fluttershy just giggled.

“You really should eat more than that. Don’t you think.” Fluttershy told him. Angel just jumped out of his home and hopped away from Fluttershy. Fluttershy picked up the partly eaten carrot with her mouth. “It’s not playtime yet.” She said, flying over to catch up with Angel.

“I know you want to run, but just three more bites.” Fluttershy asked him after she dropped the carrot in front of him. Angel turned his back toward Fluttershy and shook his head. “Two more bites?” she asked. Angel shook his head again. “One more bite? Pretty please.” She asked again, scooting the carrot towards him. Angel just kicked the carrot away and hopped away from us, causing Fluttershy to sigh.

Angel kicks the carrot away before hopping away. Then, he started coughing seconds later.

"Oh, goodness. Are you okay?" Fluttershy asked, concerned. He kept coughing, he was also looking up.

"Are you coughing because there's a carrot stuck in your throat?" He glared in an unamused tone before coughing again.

"Do you need some water?" He rolled his eyes and coughed loudly, lifting her head up at the sky where black smoke was omitting from the cave.

“Because of that giant cloud of scary, black smoke?” Fluttershy asked, see the smoke trail heading straight to Ponyville. Angel threw the carrot at Fluttershy. “I’ll take that as a… yes.” She said.

My Little Pony,
My Big Changeling too
Ahh, ahh, ahh, ahhh…

(My Little Pony)

We used to wonder what friendship could be
(My Big Changeling too)

[Twilight Sparkle]
Until you all shared its magic with me

[Rainbow Dash]
Big adventure

[Pinkie Pie]
Tons of fun

A beautiful heart

Faithful and strong

Sharing kindness!

[Lightning Sprint]
Motivate the team

Heroics makes it all complete
You have my little ponies
Do you know you're all my very best friends?

Later on, a bunch of Ponies were conversing in Ponyville, none seeing the large smoke cloud that was currently in the path of Ponyville.

"Help. Help! Please? Help? There's- there's a horrible cloud of smoke. It's headed this way and-" Fluttershy began, before she ducked under a bouncy ball. Rainbow dash zipped over, Bouncing a ball between her and Lightning Sprint on their heads.

Fluttershy let out a shriek.

"Don't panic Flutters. It's just us" Lightning Sprint told her.

"Future Equestria ball-bouncing record holders." Rainbow dash said, before counting. "Three forty six, three forty seven."

"This calls for a celebration!" Pinkie Pie said before zipping off.

"This is no time for celebration. This is a time for panic, for-" Fluttershy tried to say.

"Ooo! I'm going to need balloons! One for every pony in Ponyville!" Pinkie said, bouncing off.

"There's- there's smoke. And- and where there's smoke, there's fire. And-" Fluttershy tried to say before running into her tail. Pinkie was unphased by Fluttershy running into her tail as for Fluttershy it would be like running into a wall.

"Let's see, that's one, two, three, four..." Pinkie began counting.

“154, 155… No, wait.” Rainbow Dash said, losing her count. Which in turn made Lightning Sprint lose hers.

“7…” Pinkie Pie said, pointing her hoof at Lightning Sprint. This caused Lightning Sprint to miss the ball and she had to catch it with her wing.

"Pinkie Pie! Now we have to start over." Lightning Sprint complained.

"We're all going to have to start over, in a new village." Fluttershy said before Rainbow dash zipped off. "'Cause ours is gonna be-"

"Dash wait up!" Lightning Sprint called after her before zipping off.

"Oh, please, this is an emergency. I-I need everypony to-" Fluttershy started before Bandit let out a whistle. All eyes fell on him.

"Listen up! Smoke is spreading over all of Equestria." Bandit informed. The crowd gasped in shock, looking towards the smoke.

"That's what I've been trying to-" Fluttershy began.

"But don't worry, I've just received a letter from Princess Celestia informing me that it is not coming from a fire." Bandit added.

"Thank goodness." Fluttershy said.

"It's coming from a dragon." Bandit finished. The crowd gasped.

"A... d-dragon?" Fluttershy asked.

Later on, The mane 8 were in the library, gathered around. Twilight was looking through a few books.

"What in the name of all things cinnamon swirled is a full-grown dragon doing here in Equestria?" Applejack asked.

"Sleeping." Bandit answered.

"Huh?" The others bar Twilight asked.

"Most dragons emit smoke when they snore. That's why the sky is like that." Chad said, literally coming out of the book Twilight was holding. As Chad hopped out, Twilight looked at Chad, then the book, then back at Chad in disbelief.

"He should really see a doctor. That doesn't sound healthy at all." Pinkie said, referring to the dragon smoke.

"Well, at least he's not snoring fire. What are we meant to do about it?" Rarity said

"I'll tell you what we're meant to do. Give him the boot." Lightning Sprint said.

Rainbow dash started doing various Karate moves.

"Take that. And that!" She threw a kick that Bandit caught mid air to drag her back down.

"We need to encourage him to take a nap somewhere else. Princess Celestia has given us this mission, and we must not fail." Bandit told them all. Lightning Sprint and Rainbow dash saluted.

"If we do, Equestria will be covered in smoke for the next one hundred years." Twilight added. Fluttershy gasped.

"I wouldn't go that far." Bandit snickered.

"Hmph. Talk about getting your beauty sleep." Rarity said.

"More like being lazy." Lightning Sprint said.

"Like you and RD skipping out on helping me?" Applejack clapped back. Both pegasi speedsters looked at one another then back at Applejack.

"Touché." Lightning Sprint said.

"All right everypony, I need you to gather supplies quickly. We've got a long journey ahead of us. Let's meet back here in less than an hour." Bandit said.

"Okay, girls, you heard Bandit" The fate of Equestria is in our hooves. Do we have what it takes? Lightning Sprint asked, trying to motivate the group, it worked as she got confident agreements. Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash, left the door. All except Fluttershy.

“Um…actually…” Fluttershy softly said.

A montage goes on with the group all packing their items to head out. First was Bandit, who stuffed items into his Bandana. Those items ranged from scarfs, a compass, a map, and a book with a fire on the front cover.

Rainbow grabbed some of the Rainbow substance and smeared it on her face as war paint.

Lightning Sprint ruffled up her mane and feathers to make herself look tough and rugged.

Applejack was getting her things packed and placed on her back before rearing with determination.

Pinkie stepped out of Sugar Cube Corner with her bags packed, giggling happily. Confetti popped out of her bag seconds later. She giggled at the sight before composing herself. "Grr!"

Rarity was wearing a camouflage helmet before walking past a mirror.

"Eww," she said before exchanging it for a sun hat. "Much better. Onward!"

Fluttershy slowly came out of her cottage, wearing a large amount of protective gear. The door slammed behind her, startling her.

So far, everyone was ready.

"Let's go!" Applejack said as they all, but Fluttershy, zipped out of their montage.

"Um….Let's...not?" Fluttershy softly said before squealing nervously.

Later on, the team was formed up in front of Bandit.

"All right girls, listen up. I'm mapping out the fastest route, but we've all got to keep a good pace if we expect to make it up the mountain by nightfall." Bandit said.

"M-m-mountain?" Fluttershy asked.

"The dragon is in that cave at the very top." Twilight said as she pointed to the mountain.

The group turned their gaze to look towards it.

"Looks pretty cold up there." Applejack said.

"Not scared of a little cold are you AJ? You know it gets colder the higher you're up." Lightning Sprint said with a nudge. Applejack glared at her.

"I brought scarfs for everyone. And I learned some slight pyrokinesis so if you really need someone's I can just turn up your body heat." Bandit told everyone. Before clarifying. "Outer body heat, not internal. Don't want any of you having symptoms of a fever while we're up there."

"You can do that?!" Rainbow Dash asked.

Bandit sparks his horn and demonstrations on Rainbow dash, heating up her cheeks to make her blush. She placed a hoof on one of her cheeks, feeling it.

"That is so cool!" She said. Lightning Sprint snickered.

"Careful Dash. Your blush is showing." She said. Rainbow dash shoved her as a result, they both laughed as a result.

"Are we all ready to move?" Bandit asked.

"Yeah!" The group cheered.

"Well.... actually Bandit-" Fluttershy began. Bandit gave the map to Twilight as he walked over to Fluttershy.

"Oh, is something wrong Fluttershy?" Bandit asked as he turned around.

"Well.... it's just that I think that I should stay here and-"

"I don't mean to be rude, but let me stop you right there. You have to come. Your kind nature towards all living creatures will come in handy." Bandit said in a gentle tone. "Also, Chad, Klaw, Fang and Spike will take good care of your animals while you're gone."

"Oh... okay." She said, letting out a gentle whimper. Bandit's wing was then tugged. He turned to look at Lightning, who was the one who tugged his wing.

"Yeah Lightning?" Bandit asked.

"Are you sure you want Fluttershy to come along?" Lightning Sprint whispered.

"What's wrong with bringing Fluttershy?" Bandit asked.

"That pony is scared of her own shadow."

"And?" He asked.

"I really hate to say it but she might slow us down." she answered.

"Oh, she's just a little nervous. Once we get going, I'm sure she'll be fine." Bandit said before hearing Fluttershy squeal. He snapped around on high alert, only to see that Fluttershy was desperately trying to push her own shadow away before hiding in a bush.

Bandit walked over and grabbed her by the scruff, picking her up.

"Eeeep. Oh it's you Bandit." Fluttershy said.

"Come on everybody, let's get moving." Bandit said as he started walking, holding Fluttershy like a kitten.

"Is he gonna carry her like that all the way?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"He has to, so she doesn't run away." Applejack pointed out.

"Won't he get tired?" Pinkie asked.

"I have no idea." Applejack said.

"I can hear you guys." Bandit said, his voice muffled from holding Fluttershy by her scruff.

"Come on girls. Let's go." Twilight said. The group began to make their way to the mountain.

After a while, they finally reached the base of the mountain where the dragon is sleeping. They heard the dragon snoring loudly from the top of the mountain. Fluttershy got scared and curled up, Unable to do anything else considering Bandit was still holding her.

“Whoa! What was that?” Lightning Sprint asked.

“That is what it sounds like when a dragon snores.” Twilight answered.

“It’s… It’s so… high.” Fluttershy said, shaking still.

“Well, it is a mountain.” Rainbow Dash told her. "I’m gonna fly up there and check it out!” She was about the fly up there, but Applejack grabbed her tail and pulled her back down.

“Hold on, now. I think we should all go up together. Safety in numbers and all.” Applejack said, voicing her opinion. That everyone agreed to.

“Oh, all right.” Rainbow Dash reluctantly agreed.

The group was all walking up the side of the mountain, except for Lightning Sprint and Rainbow dash, who were both flying.

"I hear the only thing that sparkles more than a dragon’s scales are the jewels they use to build their nests. Ohh! If I play my cards right, I might be able to convince him to part with a few.” Rarity told everyone.

"Actually Rarity-" Bandit said before using his hoof to hold Fluttershy, so he could talk without muffling. "Dragons don't hoard jewels and gold for a fashion statement. They do it for protection. They have some very soft underbellies so the gold is so that smaller creatures don't get underneath them to attack their weakness."

"Really?" Rarity asked.

"Yep." Bandit answered. Then Pinkie spoke up.

"Welcome to my cave, Rarity. Care for a diamond? RRARRR!” Pinkie Pie said, trying to imitate the dragon’s voice. Most laughed at her imitation.

“Everypony! This is no laughing matter.” Twilight told us. She was right, we needed to focus on the mission. “Fluttershy, you’re the expert on wild creatures. What do you think the dragon will be like?” She asked Fluttershy.

Fluttershy was still shaking. Bandit nudged her to get her attention before gesturing to Twilight.

"Uh, um. I-I. I don't know." She said quietly. The dragon snored loudly again, making her curl up. Rainbow dash rolled her eyes.

"I don't think Bandit appreciates being a babysitter for this trip." Rainbow dash said.

"Do not speak for my interests." Bandit muttered.

"What?" Twilight asked.

"What?" Bandit covered up. Twilight glared and Bandit only smiled sheepishly.

Before long, the group reached a break in the path. Rainbow Dash was the first to run up and jump to the other side. One by one, everyone else jumped across it. Bandit walked over and wiggled to jump. Fluttershy saw the gap and gasped. She got off Bandit and stayed on the other side.

Bandit landed and felt Fluttershy wasn't holding onto him. He turned and saw her still on the first side of the broken ridge.

"Fluttershy, your turn." Bandit said, trying to encourage her.

“But it’s so wide.” Fluttershy responded. Bandit looked at the gap and then gave the most unamused expression. He then turned to Twilight.

"Twilight, This is exactly what you look like whenever you overthink something." Bandit told her.

"Hey!" Twilight said. Bandit chuckled just a little.

“You could just leap on over.” Applejack suggested.

“I…” She didn’t finish as the dragon snored loudly again. “I don’t know.” She curled up into a ball in fear. Bandit walked over to the other side. Stepping over the gap, grabbing Fluttershy by the scruff and stepped to the other side.

"See? Not so bad was it?" Bandit asked as he put her down.

"I guess not." Fluttershy said, cowering under him sheepishly.

"Daww, I was just about to sing a song." Pinkie said.

"I know, I had to be quick. Time limit." Bandit said as he ruffled her mane like he would do to Chad. She giggled as the journey continued.

The group continued on the path until they came across some trees growing out of the mountain.

"Okay, now let's keep our voices down here. This is an avalanche zone. The smallest peep could cause a huge rock slide." Bandit told in a quiet tone.

"An... an ava... ava..." Fluttershy began to say.

"Shh." Twilight told her.

Everyone began to walk as quietly as they could. So far the only noise that could be heard was the wind howling silently, and the leaves rustling from Rainbow dash flying through them. Lightning Sprint saw a leaf about to land on Fluttershy and dropped down to grab it in her mouth. She was able to do so, but the second leaf, the one she missed, landed on Fluttershy's rump, making her panic.


Lightning Sprint quickly closed her mouth as Fluttershy's voice echoed. When the echoes stopped, everyone let out a sigh of relief. Then the ground rumbled. Bandit looked up and saw the rocks beginning to fall down.

"Avalanche!" Everyone called out but Bandit called out.

"The one time Fluttershy is loud." Bandit muttered as he started doing what he could to protect who he could.

More and more rocks were beginning to fall.

Rainbow Dash and Lightning Sprint dodged and weaved between them in the air.

Bandit used his magic to blast any incoming rocks that would fall on his friends.

A large boulder was about to fall on Twilight. Bandit and Applejack both dove and pushed her out of the way. As the avalanche finished, the path they had to take was blocked.

Bandit looked around, Twilight on his back.

"Everyone okay?" Bandit asked.

"Thanks to you I am." Twilight said, nuzzling the back of his head.

Rarity was covered in dirt.

"Eugh, Blech." She said as she shook off the dirt, onto Pinkie.

"Whoo-hoo! Let's do it again!" Pinkie sails with a smile, not minding the dirt.

"Uh! This is why a girl always packs extra accessories." Rarity said as she tied a scarf around her neck, looking back into the bag. "Oh, please tell me I brought the tiara that goes with this."

"Uh, think we got bigger problems than making sure our hair bows match our horseshoes." Rainbow Dash said, pointed to the path, now blocked by dirt and rocks.

"Sorry." Fluttershy said, looking away.

"It's okay. It's fine." Bandit said.

"We'll just have to climb over." Twilight said with a sigh.

"Everybody hop on." Bandit said as he loafed. Fluttershy and Twilight were the first ones on. Applejack and Rarity got on next, soon followed by Pinkie who jumped on Bandit, literally.

Bandit walked up the large pile and hopped down onto the other side. He lied back down.

"All offboard. Thank you for riding with the Changeling Transport Authority." Bandit said in an automated voice. All except Fluttershy got off. Bandit was trying to talk her off as Rainbow Dash looked at Lightning Sprint.

"Think Bandit was right to bring Fluttershy?" She asked her, clearly annoyed.

"I have faith in what Bandit says." Lightning responded.

"It's also too late to turn back, cause we're here." Bandit interjected. The group looked and all saw that they were standing in front of the cave as the smoke was still flowing out.

“Rainbow Dash, Lightning Sprint, you two use your wings to clear the smoke.” Twilight told them. Lightning Sprint flew up and started clearing the smoke. Rainbow dash was right behind her.

“Rarity and Pinkie Pie, you create a diversion to distract the dragon if things get a little hairy in there.” Bandit told them. Pinkie Pie got out a rubber chicken with her mouth and started swinging it around. Rarity looked confused at Pinkie Pie’s antics, as did Twilight. Bandit was used to this, so he paid it no mind.

“Applejack, you’re ready with the apples in case he decides to attack.” Twilight told her. Applejack grabbed a couple of apples with her mouth and tossed them in the air. When they came back down, she kicked them at the tree and they splatted to pieces.

"But it shouldn't come to that, because Fluttershy will do what she needs to do to wake him up, and between the two of us, we should be able to get him to understand why he needs to go. Is everypony ready?" Bandit asked. Various affirmations were made with smiles.

"Okay then, we're going in." Bandit said as he and Twilight walked in. As they entered the cave, Twilight looked around.

"So, what is the best way to wake up a sleeping dragon without upsetting him?" Twilight asked. Bandit was about to answer, but Twilight was talking to Fluttershy, and thus, was the first to notice she wasn't there. "Fluttershy? Oh, come on!"

Bandit and Twilight exited the cave and walked to Fluttershy, who had her head in the dirt.

“Come on!” Twilight said before she pulled on Fluttershy’s wings. “We have to do this.” She tried to push Fluttershy but she wouldn’t budge.

"We have to do this! Now! Every second longer that dragon sleeps is another acre of Equestria that is covered in smoke." Twilight said, the others, bar Bandit, joining in pushing her. She still wouldn't budge. Bandit walked in front of her.

"Fluttershy. What's wrong?" He asked.

“I…I…I can’t go in the cave.” Fluttershy said, causing everypony to groan. Well, everyone except Bandit, who loafed in front of her.

“Oh, great! She’s scared of caves now, too.” Lightning Sprint said.

“I’m not scared of caves. I’m scared of dr…” Fluttershy tried to say, but couldn’t bring herself to admit it.

“What’s that sugar cube?” Applejack asked.

“I’m scared of Drag…” Fluttershy tried to say again.

“Go on Fluttershy, let it out." Bandit told her.

“I’m scared of dragons!” Fluttershy admitted right before the dragon snored loudly again and spread smoke around them. All ponies began to cough.

The smoke cleared and Fluttershy hid behind Applejack.

“But, Fluttershy, you have a wonderful talent dealing with all kinds of animals.” Twilight said.

“Yes, because they’re not dragons.” Fluttershy told Twilight.

“Oh, come on! We’ve seen you walk right up to a horrible manticore like it was nothing.” Rainbow Dash said.

“Yes, because he wasn’t a dragon.” Fluttershy told Rainbow Dash.

“Spike is a dragon. You’re not scared of him.” Pinkie Pie said.

“Yes, because he’s not a huge, gigantic, terrifying, enormous, teeth-gnashing, shark-scale-having, horn-wearing, smoke-snoring, could-eat-a-pony-in-one-bite, totally all grown up dragon.” Fluttershy said before said dragon snored loudly. Fluttershy got scared again and hugged the ground. Bandit reached up and felt his teeth. He matched a lot of the description she just gave. All except shark-scale-having, and Smoke-snoring.

"Isn't that basically Ban-" Pinkie tried to say, only for Bandit to zip her lips.

“But if you’re so afraid of dragons, why didn’t you say something before we came all the way up here?" Twilight asked her.

“I was afraid to.” Fluttershy answered. Rainbow dash groaned at that answer.

Applejack walked over to Fluttershy and nudged her up. “All of us are scared of that dragon." She told Fluttershy.

“I’m not!” Rainbow Dash gloated.

"Me neither." Lightning Sprint added.

Bandit, though also not scared of that dragon, shot them an unamused look. "Not. Helping."

“Almost all of us are scared of that dragon, but we’ve got a job to do. So get in there with Twilight and Bandit and show'em what you’re made of.” Applejack tried to convince her.

“I…I…I just…can’t.” Fluttershy told everyone before she walked away.

“Oh, Fluttershy.” Twilight said. Bandit and Twilight looked at one another and gestured inside.

"We're going in." Twilight said. They both headed inside the cave. "We're goin' in. He... probably just doesn't realize what he's doing... right?"

"I am not too sure. I hope he's not doing it deliberately." Bandit commented as they continued walking. Bandit stopped just short of the dragon. Twilight was still walking.

"Mr. Dragon." She called. Bandit tapped her back and stopped her before pointing at the dragon. The massive dragon with red scales and razor sharp pink spikes, with a yellow underbelly.

"Um...excuse us?" Twilight called softly.

"Mr. Dragon." Bandit called, not as soft, but still quiet so as not to disturb the dragon. The problem was it also didn't wake the dragon. So he tried again.

"Mr. Dragon." He called louder. The dragon opened his eyes. "Oh, good, you're awake. Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Bandit. And this is Twilight-"

The dragon let out a yawn, letting his breath hit both of their faces. Bandit had a much more sensitive nose, so the smell hit him the worst. He ran out of the cave gagging.

Twilight decided to finish.

"Sparkle, and my friends and I are residents here in Equestria. Ponyville, to be exact. We've come here to ask that you find another spot to take your nap. It's just that you seem to be doing an awful lot of snoring, and every time you do you send out a terrible cloud of smoke." The dragon breathed smoke into her face, making her cough. When she stopped coughing, she continued talking. "Equestria simply can't survive a hundred years in a dark haze. You understand, don't you?" Twilight asked. All the dragon did was stretch and yawn.

"So, you'll find another place to sleep?" She asked. The dragon went back to sleep. Snoring more smoke at her. Twilight walked out of the cave, coughing. As was everyone else.

"So much for [coughs] persuading him." Rainbow dash said. Lightning Sprint stops coughing at that moment.

"Now what?" Lightning Sprint asked. Rarity stepped forward.

"Obviously, this situation just calls for a little "pony charm". Allow me, girls." Rarity said as she trotted into the cave. "I'm so sorry to interrupt." She sang. The dragon woke up and looked at Rarity, seemingly interested in what this one had to say. "But I couldn't possibly head back home without mentioning what handsome scales you have."

The dragon flexed the scales on his back as a result. "And those scales have to be hidden away in some silly cave for a hundred years?" Rarity asked, placing a necklace on. The dragon smiled a little. He was flattered.

Rarity leaned against his snout. Now wearing a bracelet, a diamond ring on her hoof and a crown.

"Personally, I think you should skip the snoozing and be out there, showing them off." She said. The dragon stood up, running a claw through his scales. He was considering showing them off, but then Rarity got greedy. "Obviously, I would be more than happy to keep an eye on your jewels while you're gone."

The dragon's eyes go wide, now knowing her intentions. He growled, slamming his arm down and pulling back his treasure, and startling Rarity. Rarity runs off, the jewels and crown flying off of her. The dragon grabbed them all as Rarity exited the cave.

Rarity was upset as she leaned against a rock.

"I was This close to getting that diamond."

"You mean...getting rid of that dragon?" Twilight emphasized. Rarity then realized where she went wrong.

"Oh, yeah sure." She said. Bandit looked at Pinkie and saw that she was wearing a very silly get up. She blew a party blower.

"What in Tarnation?" Applejack asked. Rarity walked over.

"Darling, you look ridiculous." Rarity said.

"Exactly! Sharing a laugh is a sure-fire way to get someone on your side!" Pinkie said as she waddled inside.

"To be completely honest, if that was the first thing I see when I wake up, I'd attack it on sight." Bandit admitted.

"Hi!" Pinkie was heard saying. The next thing heard was balloons popping and a Box blowing up. Pinkie walked back out, two flippers missing, only one balloon unpopped and her box crushed.

"Apparently he doesn't like laughing, heh. Or sharing." She said. Bandit then got an idea.

"I got it. I'm going back in." Bandit said. Twilight stood in front of him.

"And that plan is?" Twilight asked.

"Combine all three. Encourage, charm, make laugh. I do all 3 of those things and surely he's gonna be in a good enough mood to listen." Bandit said as he flew over her and trotted back inside.

"Hey big guy. What's up?" Bandit was heard saying. "I know we got off on the wrong claw but hear me out."

As Bandit was talking, Rainbow Dash lost her patience.

"All right, that's it. We tried persuasion, charm, whatever it is Pinkie Pie does." Rainbow dash pointed out. Pinkie blew her broken blower. "It's time to stop wasting time! I'm going in!"

She flew in.

"Rainbow dash no!" Lightning Sprint said, trying to fly after her.

Meanwhile, Bandit was in a conversation with the dragon.

"Basil Razer? That is a cool name." Bandit said, making Basil smile. Then Rainbow dash flew in.

"Get! Out!" She said before kicking the dragon in the snout. Lightning Sprint got to her just in time to see this happen. She facehoofed as Basil sneezed before growling at her.

"I'm...sorry." She said, now regretting her choices. Basil roared, sending both pegasi out of the cave and knocking their friends down like bowling balls.

Bandit ran out of the cave as the dragon stepped out. He stood in front of his friends, ready to stand his ground.

Basil let out a roar which resulted in smoke leaving his mouth and pushing against Bandit. Bandit was still standing there when the smoke cleared, but his friends were knocked into a rock comment so hard that it ended up shattering. Bandit turned to them, and ran to check on them. Fluttershy, who was on the other side of the rock that broke, looked at her friends and Bandit tending to them. And she. Was. Ferocious.

“How dare you?” Fluttershy said, she was definitely angry. Bandit Looked up in surprise. During the time he was in Ponyville, he never thought that Fluttershy would look angry before now. “HOW DARE YOU!” She yelled before she flew up to Basil's face. “Listen here, mister! Just because you’re big doesn’t mean you get to be a bully! You may have huge teeth and sharp scales and snore smoke and breathe fire, but you do not, I repeat, YOU DO NOT HURT MY FRIENDS!! You got that?” Fluttershy told Basil. Basil cowards away from her and whimpers. “Well?” She asked him.

“But that rainbow one kicked me.” The dragon told her, pointing his claw at Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash nodded proudly. Bandit shot a glare at her that made her sheepishly cower.

“And I am very sorry about that. But you’re bigger than she is, and you should know better. You should also know better than to take a nap where your snoring can become a health hazard to other creatures.” Fluttershy told him.

“But I…” Basil tried to say, but Fluttershy interrupted him.

“Don’t you 'but I' me, mister. Now, what do you have to say for yourself?” Fluttershy asked him in an authoritative voice, but Basil didn’t respond. “I said, what do you have to say for yourself.” She asked again. Basil began to cry, making the tears fall around the group.

Bandit looked at Basil and felt bad.

"Now now Basil, you're not a bad dragon." Bandit said as he flew up to rub the bridge of his nose.

"You just made a bad decision. Now, go pack your things. You just need to find a new place to sleep. That’s all.” Fluttershy said as she flew back down to everyone.

Everyone cheered for her as Basil grabbed his treasure to move out, dropping a crown on his way out.

Bandit picked it up.

"Hey, Basil! You forgot your crown!" Bandit said as he held it up. Basil turned around.

"Keep it!" He said as he continued flying. Bandit looked at the crown and smiled. He turned back around to see his friends giving Fluttershy praise.

“You did it. I knew you could do it.” Twilight joyfully told Fluttershy.

"And I thought Flash Magnus was the embodiment of Bravery." Bandit said with a smirk. Rarity eyed the crown and gave Bandit the, 'pretty please eyes'. Bandit looked at her, and then turned his head. Rarity scrunched her face in unamusement, much to Bandit's amusement.

Twilight and Crowned Bandit walked back to the library, where Spike was chasing Angel.

“I said, come back!” Spike said before he ran into the book shelf. Angel was trying to climb up it, but Spike grabbed his leg and pulled him back down. “How does Fluttershy put up with you furry little things?” He said as Angel tried to get free. Chad was playing with one of the Lynxes.

"Chad?" Twilight called, getting his attention. “Take a letter.” She said.

"I got it!" Spike exclaimed trying to take the quill and paper so not to deal with Angel. Chad moved it out of the way, making Spike faceplant.

“Dear Princess Celestia, I am happy to report that the dragon has departed our fair country and that it was my good friend Fluttershy who convinced him to go. This adventure has taught me to never lose faith in your friends. They can be an amazing source of strength and can help you overcome even your greatest fears. Always your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle.” Twilight said. Chad finished writing before sending the letter.

"Twilight! Bandit! You gotta come see this! They're just five away from a new pony record!" Applejack was heard saying. All eyes looked out the window, and watched as Rainbow dash and Lightning Sprint bounced a ball between each other.

"Three hundred forty-seven, three hundred forty-eight…"

Bandit smirked and got out of the library and stalked them both. He got close enough and let out a roar, startling them both.

"Dragon!!" Rainbow dash cried out as she toppled over, fainting on her back. Lightning Sprint flew into the air out of fear. But then the girls started laughing making her come back down.

“Why are you laughing? That awful dragon is back!” Lightning Sprint said. Bandit turned them around and roared again.

"Bandit, you scared us!” Rainbow Dash told her before she realized what she said. “I mean, uh…you broke our concentration.” She tried to say.

Fluttershy flew down next to them. “It’s okay, you two. Not everypony can be as brave as me.” Fluttershy told them.

A leaf floated down to Rainbow Dash’s head and she blew it back up. The leaf ended up on Fluttershy’s back. Fluttershy screamed in fear and fell on her back. Everypony laughed while Twilight and Bandit shook their heads.

Author's Note:

This was surprisingly easy for me to make. Nothing much to say here, I just hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did making it. Marathoning the show while writing this makes this a lot easier.