• Published 18th Nov 2019
  • 14,040 Views, 844 Comments

My Little Pony: Friendships and Magic [Season 1] - Alpha Wolf 4500

The first season of a rewrite of this series that I love. With my first and favorite OC, and the OC of a friend.

  • ...

Green isn't your color

It was another beautiful day in Ponyville and Fluttershy was at the spa, reading a magazine while waiting for Rarity to show up for their weekly get-together. She looked up when Rarity rushed in, wearing an elegant blue hat with light blue fur, green feathers, and a green gem to hold the feathers in place.

"So sorry, Fluttershy," Rarity apologized while magically putting her hat on the nearest hook. "I hate being late for our weekly get-together. The usual!" she called out to Lotus Blossom, who beamed and hurried them both through the door. Bandit was on the other side getting somewhat of a back massage from Bulk Biceps, who couldn’t quite massage the carapace effectively.

“Rarity, Fluttershy. Good to see you.” Bandit said. Despite Bulk’s poor attempts to massage the carapace, Bandit was relaxed.

“Bandit, I need to talk to you. Mind joining us when you have time?” Rarity asked. Bandit stopped Bulk and got off the table.

“Alright, I’m right behind you.” Bandit said. As Fluttershy and Rarity walked off, Bandit gave Bulk a hundred bit tip before trotting behind the mares. Bulk’s jaw hit the ground.

A short while later, Rarity, Bandit and Fluttershy were dressed in robes with towels wrapped around their heads as they were in the sauna, where steam hissed as Lotus Blossom poured water onto the hot coals.

"But you will not believe what happened to me." Rarity said.

"What happened?" Bandit asked.

"Is everything alright?" Fluttershy asked.

"Oh, it's much more than all right. I was on my way here, wearing my latest hat creation, when who should stop me on the street but Photo Finish!?" Rarity answered.

“Oh, I remember her.” Bandit pointed out. Both of the mares looked at him. “What? Tailor Coat mentioned her, and I met her at the gala. One of the most famous photographers ever.”

“ONE OF!?” Rarity exclaimed.

When they were done in the sauna they moved onto having a mud facial. Well, Rarity was getting the full mud facial while Fluttershy only needed some mud added to her cheeks, and Rarity continued her story.

Bandit was given a bowl of cucumber slices, which he was eating as he was given a neck massage.

"She is the most famous fashion photographer in all of Equestria." Rarity explained while she was giving pillows to rest on as they got on the massage tables, and Lotus Blossom used a file on her horn to smooth it out. "Anywho, she saw me in my hat and said it was absolutely marvelous!"

“So what did she say about the hat?” Bandit snuck in with a smirk. Rarity giggled and threw a cucumber slice at him, which he ate.

"What a lovely compliment." Fluttershy commented.

Rarity nodded happily. "She was so impressed that she wants to take some pictures of my shop featuring some of my clothes!"

As Rarity got her horn filed by Lotus as Aloe came to Fluttershy with a file for her hooves. Fluttershy gave a nervous squee of a smile to decline

"That's wonderful." Fluttershy told Rarity as Aloe walked away.

“I’m happy for you Rarity.” Bandit added with a smile.

Up next was the massages and Rarity kept talking while getting her serious massage. "Do you know what this could mean for my fashion career?" She asked.

“That it could skyrocket. That combined with good reviews from Hoity Toity and Tailor Coat, and you could take the fashion world by storm.” Bandit said as he massaged his stomach and chest, which was softer and a bit easier than his back. But it was not by much.

“Yes! Exactly!” Rarity said. Her voice still vibrating from her massage.

"Oh, Rarity, I'm so happy for you," Fluttershy said while she got a soft massage.

After the massages, they went into the next room for seaweed wraps and mud baths. Rarity grunted, but kept talking as she was wrapped up in the seaweed. "But I'm going to need someponies fabulous to model for me." she continued, sliding into the mud bath.

“What kind of someponies?” Bandit asked as he was sitting by a bath for his size.

“Well, somepony with beauty. Someling with good-looks. Somepony with grace. Someling with charm. Someone like….the two of you?” Rarity asked.

Later, Rarity and Fluttershy were in separate hoof baths as Bandit was in his normal bath. He still had his bandana on the entire time.

"Oh, goodness." Fluttershy said, taken aback by the offer. "I don't know."

“I feel like a changeling being a model isn’t gonna be a positive thing.” Bandit said from his spot.

“Nopony is going to have your elegance and poise, Fluttershy. Or your naturally handsome, photogenic looks Bandit." Rarity added.

“Rarity.” Bandit tried to call.

“Nopony!” Rarity added.

“Rarity, you’re gonna have to find someone else.” Bandit tried to decline.

“Please!” Rarity pleaded.

"Somepony more into fashion." Fluttershy said.


"Somepony more comfortable in the spotlight." Fluttershy said.

“Someone more suited for the spotlight.” Bandit added.

"Please, please, pleeease!" Rarity said. Bandit groaned and rolled his eyes.

“Okay. I’ll do it. This seems really important to you.” Bandit said.

"Oh, if it's that important to you, of course I'll do it," Fluttershy agreed.

"Oh, thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!" Rarity squealed. "You two are the best friends a pony could ever have!"

The three came out of the spa a couple of hours later. All of them, real relaxed from the spa.

“What a wonderful way to spend an afternoon." Fluttershy said. Bandit stretched and popped his back.

“That’s an understatement.” Bandit said as he finished popping his back and walked with the two.

"Isn't it?" Rarity agreed, but she wasn't as relaxed as She normally would be after getting her usual treatment. "Though I was so afraid you two wouldn't agree to model for me that I felt completely frazzled. I think I feel a pimple coming on. Oh! Only one solution!"

She zipped back inside, interrupting Aloe and Lotus who were shockingly admiring the tip money Bandit gave them. Upon seeing Rarity return in the robe, they dropped the bits and zipped to her.

"The usual!" she announced and the spa ponies popped up with eager smiles.

My Little Pony,
My Big Changeling too
Ahh, ahh, ahh, ahhh…

(My Little Pony)

We used to wonder what friendship could be
(My Big Changeling too)

[Twilight Sparkle]
Until you all shared its magic with me

[Rainbow Dash]
Big adventure

[Pinkie Pie]
Tons of fun

A beautiful heart

Faithful and strong

Sharing kindness!

[Lightning Sprint]
Motivate the team

Heroics makes it all complete
You have my little ponies
Do you know you're all my very best friends?

Tomorrow arrived, and both Bandit and Fluttershy were getting ready for Photo Finish’s arrival. After losing the argument to Bandit about whether or not Bandit should keep on his bandana, he was currently wearing a black tuxedo with a pink button up shirt underneath to match Fluttershy’s black/pink outfit with gems on both the gown and the headdress, which had pink feathers.

“She's going to want to see attitude and pizzazz." She said as she walked around the stage.

"A-a-attitude and, um… pizzazz," Fluttershy repeated nervously. Bandit looked at Fluttershy and patted her back.

“Don’t be nervous Fluttershy, we got this.” He comforted, making her smile.

Rarity studied the setup for a moment. "More light!" Bandit lit up his horn, but Rarity hoof signaled him to stop. “Not you.” Twilight used her magic to raise the lights to brighten the stage.

"It has to catch the sequins just so or the whole outfit is just a disaster. Oh, and the headdress needs more feathers. Pinkie Pie! More feathers!" And when Pinkie Pie came over with a basket full of different colored feathers, Rarity magically added more pink feathers to the headdress. "And sequins! More sequins!"

Spike skipped over with a bowl full of light blue sequins and a dreamy expression on his face. Rarity magically added it to the outfits. Making both of them sparkle for perfect photo.

Rarity studied the changes and came up with another one. "And more ribbon! For the ponytail!” Rarity said. Chad used a rope to suspend from the ceiling to place a ribbon on Bandit’s ponytail. It took everything in Bandit not to growl from his ponytail having an accessory added.

“Less ribbon.” Rarity said. Chad took the ribbon off. Bandit sighed from relief.

"No! More ribbon.” Rarity said. Chad put it back, and Bandit looked miserably annoyed. Rarity examined the hem of the dress Fluttershy was wearing and was alarmed. "Oh, this hem is completely off. Pincushion!"

Chad zipped back up to the ceiling with the rope and then slid next to Rarity. He shook his tail and revealed a couple of pins in it. Rarity looked a bit concerned before taking four of them off. Chad shook the rest back in before walking back to the others.

"Thank you all for helping me." Rarity added to her friends. "I'm sorry to be so short with you, but I'm… I'm just so nervous."

Chad sat down as Twilight and Spike looked at him a bit concerned.

“Doesn’t that hurt?” Twilight asked. Chad looked at her.

“Oh, nah. Doesn’t bother me at all. Can’t feel a thing in my tail.” Chad told them. Spike leaned down aiming to playfully bite his tail like Chad normally does to him.

Chad was none the wiser, however, Spike bit the tail and his tongue was poked with a pin that was still in his tail, making him yelp. Chad turned to look at him.

“You okay Spike?” Chad asked.

“You still have pins in there.” Spike answered. Chad shook the pins out of his tail. Seeing them sprawled out, Chad walked over to pick them up and put them back. As he walked away, Spike turned to look at Twilight and Pinkie. “I'm gonna tell you two a secret. But you have to promise not to tell anyone." He requested.

“I promise.” Twilight said.

"Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." Pinkie said as she placed a hoof over her closed eye.

Spike gestured the duo close about three times, getting them to lean close before whispering to them, "I have a crush on Rarity!"

Pinkie gasped. "We won't say a word!"

"Give me a break," Twilight groaned. "Everypony already knows how you…"

"Twilight!" Pinkie scolded. "You promised Spike you wouldn't say anything. He trusts you. And losing a friend's trust is the fastest way to lose a friend forever!"

"But…" Twilight began.

"Forever!" Pinkie Pie hissed.

Twilight sighed. “My lips are sealed, but there's someone who didn’t promise.”

Spike looked confused before turning around and seeing Chad standing there with a smug, cat smile on his face. He flinched before looking nervous.

“Chad….how much of that did you hear?” Spike asked.

“Enough.” Chad said.

“Please don’t tell anyone!” Spike whispered.

“I’ll think about it.” Chad said, keeping the smirk. Spike growled and tackled him. Twilight rolled her eyes at their antics.

Just then, the doorbell ringed as the door was slammed open to reveal a pony with pale blue skin, light gray hair, dark indigo eyes hidden behind black/pink sunglasses, and she wore a black/white/pink outfit that covered her star-shaped cutie mark.

"I, Photo Finish… have arrived," Photo Finish announced, stepping into the boutique and posing with her assistants on either side of her.

Rarity greeted her with a gracious smile. "Let me just say, what an honor!"

Photo Finish, however, walked past her to the stage where Fluttershy and Bandit were waiting.

"We begin… now!" she ordered and one of the assistants quickly set up a case that popped open to reveal the camera on its stand.

Although taken aback, Rarity zipped to Fluttershy. "Attitude and pizzazz!" She zipped past.

Fluttershy and Bandit had a few pictures taken of them before Photo Finish spoke up.

"Show Photo Finish something." She said. Fluttershy tried to do the poses that Rarity had suggested, but every time Photo Finish objected, she did the opposite and this resulted in some unusual photos being taken. Even better was that Bandit was doing a few poses of his own, which didn’t get denied at all.

"No! Yeees. No! Yeees. No! Yeees. Enough!" She snapped and walked away while her assistant packed up the camera.

Bandit got off the stage and took the ribbon off. Twilight looked at Pinkie as Photo Finish walked past them.

"She hardly took any pictures." Twilight told her.

Fluttershy was sad, positive that she'd screwed up the photo shoot. "I'm so sorry," she apologized. "I tried my best."

"Well, the headdress is too big for you and the cape has too much sparkle." Rarity admitted as she took off the headdress. "I can't believe I ever thought I could impress her."

“I actually think it went well.” Bandit said as he took off his suit and placed it on a mannequin for his size. “Tailor Coat told me most Photographers will determine whether someone’s worth taking into fashion from the first 5 to 10 pictures.”

Suddenly Photo Finish popped up, making Rarity and Fluttershy jump. "It seems that I, Photo Finish, have found the next fashion stars here in Ponyville." She announced.

"Really?" Rarity asked eagerly.

"Yes. Really," Photo Finish confirmed. "And I, Photo Finish, am going to help them to shine all over Eqvestria.” Rarity squeed happily.

“Tomorrow, a photo shoot in ze park." She paused for a moment. "I go!" Photo Finish said as she left the boutique with her assistants.

Rarity hurried to the door and watched her leave before she turned back to her friends, who were looking equally surprised and impressed. "Did you hear that?" she asked. "I am going to "shine all over Equestria"."

"Oh, Rarity," Fluttershy said, happy that she hadn't screwed up after all. "I was so worried I'd ruined everything."

“Wait a second. I’m pretty sure she said they.” Bandit pointed out.

“Of course she said they. You two were perfect for the job and now she wants to see more.” Rarity said. She then started giggling excitedly before jumping up and down, unaware that she was jumping on Spike's tail. Chad moved Spike out of the way.

The next morning, Fluttershy, Bandit and Rarity went to the park with a rack full of outfits that Rarity was certain that Photo Finish would want to use for the photo shoot, and soon enough she had Bandit and Fluttershy trying them on. She had yet again, lost the argument to Bandit about taking off his Bandana for other shoots.

"No, no, no, yes! That is definitely the one," said Rarity after getting Fluttershy into a disco-like outfit covered with blue sapphires, and Bandit into a black and gold 80s like outfit. "Photo Finish is going to love it. Everypony is going to love it!"

"Oh, I am so excited for you.” Fluttershy told her.

“Don’t forget about the little ponies when you become the most famous designer in all of Equestria." Bandit nudged, getting a light shove from Rarity as she giggled, which he didn’t move from.

“Bandit, everyone is little compared to you shire horse.” Rarity teased. Bandit blepped at her. “But you have my word that I never will.”

At that exact moment, Photo Finish arrived on a platform being carried by two pegasus stallions. "Put me down here." She ordered and they set the platform down, she hopped off and approached the two waiting ponies with her assistants. "Oh, nonononononono," she objected when she saw the outfits, and gestured to the trees around them. "The models should be in something simple! Something inspired by… the nature!"

“I actually like this outfit.” Bandit said as he adjusted his coat.

“Correction. One of the models should be in something simple.” Photo Finish changed her mind.

Rarity was taken aback for a moment. "That's just what I was thinking," she agreed and quickly checked the other outfits, but she couldn't find any nature-based. "Um… give me a moment and I'll, uh, put a little something together," she offered.

"Yes… that will not be necessary." Photo Finish said.

“Wait. How...how can Rarity “shine across Equestria" if she doesn’t design something new for these pictures?" Bandit asked, confused.

"I am not going to help her shine across Equestria." Photo Finish scolded and she pointed at him and Fluttershy. "I am going to help the two of you shine. You two are my stars. She, go!”

Bandit was very shocked, as was Rarity.

Sometime later at the photo shoot, Fluttershy, Rarity and Bandit were still in the park for the photos.

"I can't, Rarity," Fluttershy protested, now wearing a green/blue outfit with some flowers provided by Photo Finish.

“This wasn’t the plan Rarity. The idea was to get you to shine.” Bandit said. Now wearing a greenish suit with a daisy in the pocket. He still had on his bandana.

"Oh, but you must." Rarity insisted. "Photo Finish wants to make you a star. This is the opportunity of a lifetime.”

“Rarity. I’m Celestia’s son.” Bandit said.

“You know what I mean!” She said before sighing. “I know we were all hoping it would be my lifetime, but nonetheless you can't throw away this chance. You must do this for me. You must. You must! You must!"

"Floottershy! Bandeet!" Photo Finish called out. "It is time to make… the magics!” Bandit and Fluttershy looked at Rarity, who beamed a smile. Fluttershy guiltily walked over.

“This conversation isn’t over.” Bandit said before walking off. As they walked off and as Photo Finish complimented the two, Bandit looked at Rarity and saw her walking off.

A short time later, Rarity was in her bedroom, sewing something made out of black fabric and had just finished when Pinkie, Twilight, Spike, and Chad came in.

"How'd it go?" Chad asked eagerly. "How'd it go?"

"It didn't," Rarity answered, pulling on the black cloak. "Photo Finish wanted to work with Fluttershy and Bandit, not me."

"Oh, Rarity. I'm so sorry." Twilight said, sad that her friend's dream had been crushed. "Is there anything we can do?"

"I just vant to be alone right now," Rarity replied, pulling the hood over her head so that they couldn't see the tears leaking out of her eyes.

Spike turned to the three ponies. "You heard her. She vants to be… alone," he stated, shooing them away, and when he turned back to go to Rarity, his egg brother grabbed his tail and yanked him out of the room, where he found himself facing three stern looks. "What? I didn't think she meant alone alone."

Meanwhile, the photo shoot was over and Fluttershy was now in another building for a fashion show. Both herself and Bandit were in the make up room. Bandit was waiting for Fluttershy to be finished.

Photo Finish was watching and frowned at the amount of blush being applied to Fluttershy's cheeks. "Too much blush. Not enough. Too much. Not enough. Perfect." She said when the right amount was reached.

Fluttershy felt her nose twitched and she knew that she was going to sneeze from all the makeup dust. "Ah… Aaah…" And she let out a tiny sneeze.

"Oh, yes!" said Photo Finish. "Even her schneezes are graceful. Now go!" And the ponies exited, leaving her with Fluttershy, who she escorted toward the opening to the runway. "How do you feel? Excited? Overjoyed? Thrilled beyond your wildest dreams?" She asked eagerly. Bandit was right behind them.

"N... nervous." Fluttershy answered.

"And you?" She asked Bandit.

"Meh. No big deal." Bandit answered.

"Two different reactions to a large crowd of ponies who will be watching your every move and silently judging you." Photo finish said.

Fluttershy gulped nervously.

"Want me to go first?" Bandit asked.


Bandit shrugged and walked out first. He didn't pose, he didn't make any Flash movements, all he did was walk out and be himself somehow that was more impressive than anything else. The photographers, of course, went crazy with flashes left and right. Snapping picture after picture.

Bandit went back and gestured for Fluttershy. Fluttershy took a breath before stepping out. Bandit walked with her to help her be less nervous, and photographers went crazy.

"So graceful."

"So lovely."

"So perfect for my new advertisement."

"You can't let Rarity down. You must do this. You must. You must. You must" Fluttershy muttered.

Over the next week, photos of Fluttershy and Bandit were popping up on billboards, ads, and in magazines all over Equestria, and the duo found herself doing more photo shoots, fashion shows, and standing with Photo Finish at conferences.

And through all of this, Rarity was doing her best to be encouraging, but it was becoming difficult, especially when Fluttershy, Bandit and Photo Finish were allowed into an exclusive club and she wasn't for the first time in her life Bandit came back to let her in, but Rarity pretended to insist and walked the other way.. Even in Ponyville, it was clear that the two were famous when Rarity saw their photos on the sides of apple crates over at Sweet Apple Acres, and she gasped and growled with jealousy when Rainbow Dash flew past with a banner that had Fluttershy's image on it.

Rarity was not happy to see any of these advertisements. Chad was walking by and saw Rarity’s face.

“Hi Rarity. Are you okay?” Chad asked.

“No. I am not.” Rarity admitted.

“What’s wrong?” Chad asked.

“Well, if you must know. I’m just….just a little bit. A tiny…” Rarity tried to say. Chad tilted his head. She sighed. “Oh, I need someone to talk to privately.”

Chad nodded, he was about to walk off to get Spike, but he was picked up and taken to the boutique.

Upon arriving at the boutique, she arrives to see Bandit putting Fluttershy down after previously carrying her to the boutique by the scruff.

“I was wondering why there were photographers at the window.” Chad said as he hopped off Rarity’s back.

"Wow." Rarity remarked, hiding the fact that she was jealous. "Look how popular you both are. I'm so excited for you. You must two be having the best time ever."

"Oh, yes." Fluttershy agreed. "Best time ever…"

“Hey, Rarity, we need to talk about-” Bandit tried to say, but the sound of the entrance bell distracted him, making him turn around to see Photo Finish standing there.

"Floottershy! Bandeet! I have been looking for you everywhere." she said quickly. "We have the thing at the place."

“It can wait, we have to talk to Rarity.” Bandit told her.

“I’m sure what you need to tell me can wait until after you’re done with the….thing at the place.” Rarity said, very much trying to hide her jealousy.

“I'll see you at the spa? Our usual time?" Fluttershy asked hopefully as she followed Photo Finish out.

“Of course! Will you be there as well Bandit?” Rarity asked.

“Can’t. Auntie Luna sent me a letter requesting that I create a dessert and call it a Moon Night after this appointment is done.” Bandit told her.

“Oh…..Okay.” Rarity said as Fluttershy was pulled out and Bandit walked out. As they walked out, Rarity scowled. "I'm the one who should be mobbed by strangers wherever I go.”

Chad tapped his chin before getting an idea and zipping out. He comes back a few seconds later with a small crowd behind him.

"And here is the Boutique that Bandit and Fluttershy adore. Every single one of the dresses and suits that you see them wearing don't hold a candle to the dresses here." Chad told them.

“They don’t?” One of the mares asked.

“Nope. And they were made by the one and only, Rarity.” Chad said as he pointed to Rarity. He was trying to get her to receive the attention she wanted.

“Are they still here? We saw Bandit and Fluttershy come in here.” Another Mare asked.

"You just missed them" Rarity said

"Let us get moving." A stallion said.

"B-b-but. There are still many interesting things we can do here in the boutique that they lo-" Chad tried to say. They all turned and began walking out. Chad flopped his ears and looked back at Rarity. “Sorry Rarity.”

Rarity hugged him.

“I appreciate the effort.” She told him.

At the photo gallery, which was filled with different shots of Fluttershy and Bandit, Photo Finish was speaking with the press while Fluttershy was trying to get her attention. "Obviously I, Photo Finish, am thwilled to have found zem." She said proudly, ignoring Fluttershy. Fluttershy looked at Bandit and got his attention so he would get Photo Finish’s attention. "Zey’re a natural in front of the camera. I only need to point and shoot, and I capture… the magics!" And she beamed as the press ponies took pictures of the duo.

Bandit walked over to Photo Finish and tapped her finish.

“Ms. Finish. Fluttershy and I have to be somewhere.” Bandit told her.

"How could I have forgotten?!" She exclaimed. "Your appearances at the ballet opening! Everypony who is anypony will be there."

“Not that. I have to head to the bakery to make this dessert.” Bandit said as he walked out the door.

“Okay then, I’ll just take flootershy.” Photo Finish said.

"Oh, actually I'm supposed to be meeting my friend…" Fluttershy began.

Photo Finish, however, shoved her out the door. "We go!"

Over at the spa, Rarity was in the hot tub with Chad nearby. Twilight walked over to them wearing a robe and Rarity got to complaining.

"My hooves are getting positively pruney, I've been waiting here so long." Rarity complained, holding up one hoof, which was indeed turning her from marshmallow to raisin. "Obviously Fluttershy's just too busy with her new career to spend time with her best friend."

"I'm sure she just got tied up. Even Bandit has been a bit busy from time to time." Twilight suggested.

"Of course she did," Rarity agreed sourly. "She's a big bright shining star! I wish that star would burn out."

Chad and Twilight gasped from that and looked at her.

"Rarity! Fluttershy is your friend. You can’t wish bad things on your friends, that’s just wrong." Chad said.

"I know, I know." Rarity agreed, regretting her earlier statement. "And I should be happy for her, but instead I'm just… jealous! Oh, please promise you won't tell her I feel this way. Please, please, pleasepleaseplease!"

"You have my word." Twilight promised. "Losing a friend's trust is the fastest way to lose a friend."

“Hi Pinkie.” Chad said seconds before she popped out of a bowl full of sponges, scaring the daylights out of the two unicorns.

“For- Hi Chad!- Ever!” Pinkie said before sinking back in.

“Rarity, don’t you think it should be a good idea to tell Fluttershy how you feel?” Chad asked. Rarity shook her head.

“Absolutely not! Fluttershy must have my complete support.” Rarity told him.

Rarity exclaimed before she walked behind a privacy screen. Chad looked at Twilight very confused before Rarity walked back out wearing a stunning red/white outfit. "Wow! You look great!"

Rarity beamed. "Fluttershy may be the one who's famous, but that doesn't mean I have to stop looking fabulous. Come now Chadikins, your assistance is required.” Rarity said as she walked out of the spa with Chad in her magic. Twilight relaxed in the hot tub as Fluttershy arrived.

"Rarity!" Fluttershy exclaimed. "I'm so sorry I'm…" she trailed off when she saw that the grey unicorn wasn't there. "Oh no. She's already gone, isn't she?"

Twilight Sparkle nodded. "Sorry."

"Oh, I can't believe this," Fluttershy complained, landing on the floor. "I am so frustrated, I could just scream." She inhaled and let out a frustrated squeak.

"Feel better?" Twilight asked.

Fluttershy shook her head and flew up to stand next to the hot tub. "No. Can I tell you something?" she asked.

Bandit came running in.

“What happened? I heard Fluttershy scream.” Bandit said.

“For the most part she is.” Twilight told her.

"You promise not to tell Rarity?" Fluttershy asked.

"I swear." Twilight promised.

"Pinkie Pie Swear?" Fluttershy asked urgently.

“Chadwick’s promise. I swear this promise won’t be broken. This promise shall remain unspoken.” Twilight said as she crossed her hoof across her chest and across her mouth. Fluttershy looked confused. “I don’t wanna poke my eye by mistake.”

Fluttershy took a moment before finally talking. “I don't like being a model," she complained, pacing. "No, I hate being a model. All this attention is awful, just awful. And I'm only doing it because Rarity told me we must. We must! We must!" She sighed sadly. "I must.”

Twilight was surprised at all this before smirking and getting an idea. “Oh, really?" She looked around to make sure that there was no one around before gesturing for Fluttershy to lean in close. "Well…" she whispered. "If you wanna know the truth, Rarity…" She stopped when Pinkie Pie suddenly popped out of the bowl of sponges again, startling both ponies, and she fixed the purple unicorn with a warning look before disappearing into the bowl once again.

Fluttershy blinked and looked at her friend questioningly. "Oh, what were you about to say?" she inquired.

"Forever!" Pinkie whispered.

"Nothing!" Twilight said quickly, choosing not to reveal what she knew.

“I feel like poor communication is a running theme with this place.” Bandit said.

Later into the week, Twilight and Fluttershy were walking around town. Fluttershy was wearing a big hat and sunglasses to disguise herself as Twilight pitched her an idea.

"I was just thinking. If you really don't like being a model, you could always quit."

"Oh, no," Fluttershy protested. "I could never do such a thing. Rarity would be devastated and Bandit would have to model on his own.”

“Bandit doesn’t exactly care for modeling. And Rarity told me…" Twilight began and gasped, startled when Pinkie suddenly popped out of a cart full of apples to give her a warming look before biting into an apple. She chewed a few times before smiling from the taste.

"Mmm… Juicy!" Pinkie said, chewing the apple happily.

Twilight groaned. "Uhhhhhh!" And she and Fluttershy kept walking.

"Oh, if only all these ponies didn't like me so much," Fluttershy complained, sighing. "Photo Finish wouldn't want me to model anymore. She'd find somepony else with… the magic!" And she struck the pose.

"I guess you're right," Twilight agreed and she got an idea that had her bouncing around excitedly. "You're right. You're right, you're right, you're right!" She was so excited that she accidentally knocked the hat and the sunglasses off her friend.

"It's Fluttershy!" a pony exclaimed and the purple unicorn got run over as the ponies surrounded poor Fluttershy once again.

At sugar cube corner, Bandit was decorating some dark blue cupcakes with star sprinkles and a moon cookie on them.

"Don't you see? On her own, Fluttershy could never do something unattractive," she explained. "But if I used my magic to help her do something unattractive at her next fashion show, no one will ever want her to model again. And if Fluttershy no longer has to be a model, Rarity will no longer have to be jealous of her. And I'll no longer have to keep their secrets! It's the perfect plan! You can't tell anyone about it. Promise me you won't tell anyone?"

“Chadwick’s promise. I swear this promise won’t be broken. This promise shall remain unspoken.” Bandit said as he packed the cupcakes into a box with his face on it and gave it to a mail pony to send to canterlot.

“What are those for?” Twilight asked.

“They’re called Moon Nights. Luna wanted me to create a dessert with that name.” Bandit answered.


“So Auntie Luna can make a ‘my favorite dessert is a Moon Night’ and it makes sense.” Bandit answered.

“Did Celestia make the sundae pun?” Twilight asked.

“Yes she did.” Bandit answered.

When it came time for the next fashion show, Twilight joined Fluttershy backstage and shared her idea about helping her with her magic.

"You really think it'll work?" Fluttershy asked, while listening to the ponies chattering on the other side of the curtain, waiting for her to appear.

"They love you for being you," Twilight pointed out. "So all I have to do is make you not be you. Just leave it to me. The hard part is getting Bandit not to be liked.”

“Actually Twilight.” Bandit said as he walked over to the two. “I told her that I quit.”

“You did what?!” Twilight exclaimed.

“How is she taking it?” Fluttershy asked. Bandit pointed out the curtains. Photo Finish was hyperventilating at the moment.

“Not well. But one chat with the press on my decision will clear that up in a heartbeat. Now come on Fluttershy, let’s get you out there.” Bandit said as he held the curtains open for her.

Meanwhile, Rarity arrived with Chad, wearing her newest design, a dress with purple/blue with feathers and gems.

"Guess it's time to see what all the fuss is about," Rarity said, sighing. Chad looked on stage and tilted his head.

As Fluttershy began walking down the runway, Twilight peered out from behind the curtain and her horn began glowing as she casted her spell on Fluttershy. "Oof!" she grunted, face-planting on the runway, and as the gathered ponies gasped the music stopped. She grunted as the magic did all kinds of things to her, stretching her like a cat, making her fly upside down, and drag herself across the ground with her wings. "Ooh… Aah!" And then she barked like a dog, braying like a donkey, and she even picked her nose with her hoof.

Chad was about to start snickering from what he was seeing, finding the situation hilarious. The crowd looking on did not share his humor, neither did Rarity.

"Oh no." Rarity said in horror as the crowd hurled insults as Photo Finish fainted.

"Get her off the stage!"

"She's an embarrassment to all things fashion!"

Photo Finish regain consciousness and she was positive that her career was over. "I, Photo Finish, have made a terrible mistake!" She wailed while the ponies booed. Rarity looked like she felt bad.

Meanwhile, Twilight smiled at how the plan was working, but her smile dropped when the crowd died down from when Chad started clapping. They all looked at him as he clapped with a wide smile on his face.

Rarity looked at this and then got a plan.

“Bravo!" Rarity called out. “I say bravo!"

"Bravo? How could you possibly say bravo to that horrid display?" A pony asked them.

“I found it fun and entertaining.” Chad answered honestly.

"Such attitude! Such pizzazz!" Rarity declared. "She's invented an entirely new kind of modeling! Bravo!"

“Who is saying those things?” A pony who couldn’t see over the heads of some of the crowd.

“It’s them.” A pony pointed out. “The unicorn in the gorgeous cape and headdress and the changeling in that rather stylish hoodie.”

"Now those are creatures who clearly know a thing or two about fashion." the pony commented. "Well, if that fabulous pony likes it, then I do too! Bravo!" And the rest of the ponies began cheering again.

Fluttershy looked around and moaned. Bandit facehoofed.

“I don’t understand fashion.”

Later in the backstage room, Fluttershy was upset by the failure of the plan.

"This is awful." She moaned as she looked at Twilight. "Just awful! Somehow I've become more popular than ever. Oh, I'm so frustrated I could just kick something!" She reared her hind legs and gently kicked a vase that wobbled a little. "If only Rarity didn't want me to be a model so badly."

"Ugh! But Rarity…!" Twilight began before Bandit shoved a hoof into her mouth.

“Twilight. You promised. Let me.” Bandit said as he turned to Fluttershy. “Rarity doesn’t-”

Before he could finish, Rarity walked in with Chad on her back.

"Fluttershy! Are you alright?" Rarity asked.

"I'm great!" Fluttershy lied, smiling. "I'm a super famous fashion model. Why wouldn't I be great?"

“Because you ha…!" Bandit covered her mouth again.

"Out there on the runway, everyone was turning on you and… Oh… Oh, Fluttershy," She said unhappily. "It's so awful. I wanted them to."

Fluttershy stared at her, surprised. "You did?!"

"Of course she did!" Twilight said, moving her head again. "Because…!"

Before Bandit could try to keep her mouth closed, she shoved fruit into her mouth.

"I'm jealous!" Rarity confessed. "I wanted all the attention. And instead it was going to you. I even started hoping that you would do something silly so your modeling career would be over. But then, when it started happening, all I could think was how could I want you to fail at something you love so much?"

Twilight spat out the fruit. "But… Fluttershy doesn't… Ugh!" She groaned and stuffed her face into the dirt in a potted plant.

“Okay, both of you PLEASE just tell each other the truth before Twilight bursts a blood vessel!” Bandit exclaimed.

“Can you say blood with this story’s rating?” Chad asked.

“Hush.” Bandit told him.

Fluttershy took what Bandit said into account and spilled the beans.

"Oh, Rarity. I hate being a model."

"You do?" Rarity asked, surprised to hear this.

Fluttershy nodded. "More than anything."

"Then why did you keep doing it?" Rarity inquired.

"I was afraid if I quit," Fluttershy confessed, "you'd be mad at me for not wanting to… "shine all over Equestria"."

"And I thought if I told you how jealous I was of your success, you'd think I was a terrible friend."

Fluttershy shook her head upon hearing this. "Never!"

"All this time!" Rarity laughed.

Fluttershy giggled. "If we'd just told each other the truth."

“You girls gonna be honest with your feelings from now on?” Bandit asked them.

“Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." Fluttershy said.

“I swear this promise won’t be broken. This promise shall remain unspoken.” Rarity said. Chad tilted his head.

“Maybe I should change the words to that promise.” Chad said as he tapped his chin.

Just then, Photo Finish rushed into the room with a delighted expression. "You were brilliant," she declared. "Brilliant! I've already got six photo shoots lined up for tomorrow alone."

"I'm sorry, Photo Finish," Fluttershy said politely, "but I don't think I'll be able to make any of them."

Photo Finish stared at her, confused. "Whaaat?"

Fluttershy and Rarity exchanged a smile, knowing what to do. "We go!"

The two mares exited the room.

Photo Finish stared after their retreating forms, very confused. "Vat has just happened?" She asked.

"Spike has a crush on Rarity!" Twilight exclaimed as she pulled her head out of the pot, unable to take it anymore. Pinkie appeared in the mirror and shook her head.

“You were doing so well.” Pinkie said, disappointed.

“Oh come on. Everyone knew already.” Chad said with a snicker.

Back at the Spa, Rarity, Fluttershy, Bandit, Chad, Spike and Twilight were happily enjoying their sessions.

"Now this is a wonderful way to spend an afternoon," Fluttershy commented from the hot tub, relaxing in the warm water.

"Isn't it, though?" Rarity agreed from inside the sauna, where she was wrapped up in a robe with a towel wrapped around her head. Bandit was sitting in a hot tub of his very own.

“Dear my loving mother, Being a good friend means being able to keep a secret. But you should never be afraid to share your true feelings with a good friend.” Bandit said as Chad wrote the letter. Chad used his magic to send it before Bandit looked at an unhappy Spike.

“Spikester, what’s the matter?” He asked.

“I still can’t believe Twilight someone about my secret feelings for Rarity." Spike said with his arms folded. Bandit looked at Twilight, who was in the tub next to him and gestured to Spike.

"You're right," Twilight agreed and she apologized. "That was wrong of me, and I'm very sorry."

Spike smiled. "Apology accepted." Then he scowled at Chad. “But YOU were spending so much time with her, knowing that I had a crush on her.”

“Oh Spikey Wikey!” Rarity called. “Chad told me that you’re excellent at back massages. Care to give me one please?”

Spike looked shocked and then looked at Chad, who winked at him.

“Coming!” Spike exclaimed as he zipped off.

Bandit, Chad and Twilight had a good laugh at this.

Author's Note:

Pain. That is the word I use to describe writing this chapter. It was a huge pain, but I got it done. I will be skipping none of the original episodes. That is a given, so I'll power through it.

Please give me feed back on this chapter. Hope to see y'all next time.