• Published 18th Nov 2019
  • 14,040 Views, 844 Comments

My Little Pony: Friendships and Magic [Season 1] - Alpha Wolf 4500

The first season of a rewrite of this series that I love. With my first and favorite OC, and the OC of a friend.

  • ...

Owl's Well That Ends Well

It was Dusk in Ponyville and Spike was grabbing the last few things on Twilight's checklist for the two of them, Bandit and Chad could head out.

"This meteor shower tonight's gonna be amazing!" Twilight said. Spike jumps onto a hanging fruit basket in the kitchen.

"Awesome." Spike added, tossing three bananas over his shoulder, where Chad caught them and placed them neatly into the wagon.

"You know," Bandit walked over. "this shower only happens once every one hundred years."

“A centennial celebration!” Chad exclaimed as Spike juggled a few apples. They start to get away from him, Chad used his magic to make a brief slid, right into the wagon.

“I’m amazed of the amount of things that happen once every few hundred years that we’re gonna be lucky enough to see.” Chad began as Spike ran off to the punch bowl. “Meteor showers, Grandma and Grandpa’s Celestial rings, the Eastern Comet, The eruption of Blackrock Titan, all we’re alive to see.”

“All the more reason for us not to be late.” Bandit smirked. Spike nearly lost his balance as he walked with the punch bowl. Bandit stuck a hoof out to catch Spike and used his magic to grab the punch bowl.

“Spike! Did you grab my quill and ink?” Twilight asked.

“Check!” Spike said, sweeping them up from a table.

“Scrolls?” Twilight asked. Chad showed that he had them in his tail.

"Did you also pack a telescope, apples, bananas, a camera, and our freshly baked, homemade triple-decker nut-crazy vanilla creme cookies?" Bandit asked Spike.

Spike showed the platter of the cookies, while also having some of the cookie crumbs on his face, having been eating some.

“Quintuple check!” Spike said. Bandit chuckled.

“Looks like you ate a Quin-couple of those cookies.” Bandit nudged him. Spike looked at his mouth, realizing the mess he has made on himself, he slurps up all the crumbs with his tongue and flashes a silly little smile. Twilight starts down toward the reading room.

“You think of everything Spike. And that is why you are my number-one assistant.” Twilight said as Spike began pulling the wagon.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you.” Spike said as they reached the ground floor. Bandit picked Chad up and placed him on his back.

“That is why you are my number-one assistant.” Twilight said, speaking louder and slower. Spike put a claw to his ear.

“Missed that. Huh?” Spike asked, trying to hear it again.

“I said…” Twilight started before finally realizing what Spike was getting at. She let out a laugh at the joke and looked back at them as they got to the front door. “Come on, let’s get going.” She then stopped.

“Wait! I almost forgot! I want to bring The Astronomical Astronomer’s Almanac to All Things Astronomy!” Twilight said.

"The Astronomo-lomo homono what?" Spike asked.

“Oh, the really old big blue book on stars, moons, planets, the universe?” Chad asked. “I know where it is, I’ll go get it.”

Chad tried to run past Spike, but Spike stopped him.

“Oh no, I’ll do get it. I am the number one assistant after all.” Spike said before running off to the adjoining room in search of it. Chad smiled in support while rolling his eyes, climbing back on Bandit’s back.

In the next room, Spike grabs a ladder and climbs to the top shelf in no time. He finds the book in question and brushes it off, a thick cloud of dust rises from the cover, considering it was unused ever since Chad finished reading it three times when they first moved in and sends him into the windup for a sneeze. It fails to come, so he sighs with relief and opens the book; only for the sneeze to burst out of him, bringing a quick shot of green fire with it, which wound up leaving the pages into a half-burned ruin. The cover was still in one piece though slightly singed, and he tilts it upright while fearing the worst. To his dismay, the pages disintegrate into streams of ashes that cascade to the floor.

“What’s taking so long ‘number one assistant’? Did you get lost?” Chad called before chuckling a little. Spike closes the cover in a panic, slips it back on the shelf, and climbs down.

My Little Pony,
My Big Changeling too
Ahh, ahh, ahh, ahhh…

(My Little Pony)

We used to wonder what friendship could be
(My Big Changeling too)

[Twilight Sparkle]
Until you all shared its magic with me

[Rainbow Dash]
Big adventure

[Pinkie Pie]
Tons of fun

A beautiful heart

Faithful and strong

Sharing kindness!

[Lightning Sprint]
Motivate the team

Heroics makes it all complete
You have my little ponies
Do you know you're all my very best friends?

The 4 began making their way to the hilltop, where many ponies have gathered under the night sky. Fluttershy, Lightning Sprint, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders stand in a group, and Applejack and Pinkie Pie are on their way to join them. Several others were sitting or standing in other spots. Bandit had Chad and Spike on his back, pulling the wagon.

“I could’ve sworn I put that book back where I found it.” Chad said as he tapped his chin. “Are you sure it wasn’t on the-”

“Maybe someone borrowed it.” Spike quickly covered up. “You guys don’t need the book anyway. Twilight’s super-smart and astronomically awesome. Bandit knows practically all of the planets and stars, and you remember everything.”

“Thanks, Spike. You’re such a flatterer.” Twilight said. Bandit looked back at Spike with a raised eyebrow.

“Yeah, I’m a sweet-talker.” Spike said.

“And a number-one assistant!” Twilight said, winking. “Right?”

“Check!” Spike said. He tried to hop off Bandit’s back, but Bandit places him back onto his back.

“Chad, could you set everything up? The number one assistant deserves a bit of a break.” Bandit said. Chad saluted and hopped off. As Chad got to work, Bandit began setting up the telescope, placing Spike next to him. Away from Twilight’s earshot.

“You feeling okay Spike?” He began asking, catching Spike off guard.

“Huh? What do you mean? I’m perfectly fine.” Spike brushed off. Bandit finished with the telescope and looked back at him a bit concerned.

“Are you sure?” Bandit asked.

“Yeah! I’m just...you know. Tired. Being Twilight’s number one assistant is a lot of work.” Spike told him, Bandit patted him on the back.

“So you’re a bit tuckered out from your hard work? I can understand that.” Bandit told him. “Don’t be afraid to ask for a break.”

Spike laughed and rubbed the back of his head

“After all, we do have you to thank for being on schedule.” Bandit said as he stood up to walk over to the picnic area Chad finished setting up. Rainbow Dash picked up an apple and ate it.

“You’re lucky to have such a rad assistant.” Rainbow Dash said. Chad held out a cookie, which Lightning Sprint zipped by to snag. She ate the cookie and looked at Spike.

“I wish I had someone to do whatever I told them.” Lightning Sprint said. Skeedaddle looked at her and hopped in place.

“I can do that! I’ll be your assistant.” Skeedaddle said excitedly. Lightning Sprint smirked and ruffled his mane.

“How about getting me some more of those cookies, Bandit won’t let me get more than one.” Lightning Sprint said.

“Cause, you’d eat them all.” Bandit nudged her. She blew a raspberry at him. Skeedaddle ran to do just that, returning with three more cookies for her.

“Do we have Spike and Chad to thank again for this amazing spread?” Rarity asked as she walked over, along with the others.

“Well, mostly Spike. I just set everything up.” Chad smiled.

“Simply amazing.” Rarity said, referring to both of them, but the twins thought she was talking about Spike.

“Aw, come on…” Spike said, squeezing his eyes tight with a smile on his face, pointing to his cheek as if to ask for a kiss. When nothing happened he opened his eyes. “I said come on.”

Pinkie gave him a noogie on the top of his head. "Little Spikey-wikey! Who knew that big ferocious dragon started off so cutesy wootsy?"

“Spike, you are such a little star that I had to make this little bow tie for you.” Rarity said as she levitates the particular bow tie into view: bright red and liberally studded with small gems of all colors. She secured it around Spike’s neck, turning out it was nearly as wide as his entire head.

"Gosh," Spike said, touched. "You guys are embarrassing me. Stop it." He then looked at Twilight. “Twilight, your turn.”

“That’s enough.” Bandit was heard saying.

“Uh, right. That’s enough.” Spike said. A dark-gray stallion with two-tone light gray mane/tail, the former cut in a Mohawk, and light brown eyes walked over with Rumble on his back. He was looking up at the sky and saw the show beginning. This was Thunderlane, Rumble’s older brother.

“Look everyone, the show is starting.” Thunderlane called out. Chad scooped Spike onto his back and hopped onto Bandit’s back for a good view. Ponies were lined up to watch as the brilliant white meteors begin to streak across the night sky. Apple Bloom was on Big Macintosh’s back, Sweetie Belle was on Rarity’s, Pipsqueak was on his mother’s (Cherry Song) head, Skeedaddle was in front of Lightning Sprint and Scootaloo was beside Rainbow dash.

“Whoa.” The group all said. Bandit was taking pictures, without the flash, as the meteor shower’s radiance washed over them. Spike let out a yawn, but Chad was able to help keep him awake so that he wouldn’t miss any of the action.

The meteor shower soon came to an end and as the CMC chased each other, Bandit, Big Macintosh, and Thunderlane were drinking some cider Big Macintosh brought.

Fluttershy got a cookie for herself as Pinkie and Lightning Sprint ate the last of the cookies, and obviously, Lightning Sprint ate the most of them.

“Wow, these are delicious!” Lightning Sprint said as she wiped her face.

“Spike and I made them. He’s a fast learner when it comes to food.” Bandit said. “If he’s not eating the batter that is.”

“Speaking of,” Twilight started as she looked towards where Spike is. “Spike, can you bring us some punch?”

There was no response.

“Spike?” She called. Bandit walked over and saw Spike asleep, with his head in the now overturned nearly empty punchbowl.

“Worked himself to sleep poor little guy.” Bandit said.

“And now the punch has been……Spiked!” Pinkie said the other ponies began laughing. Bandit walked over and picked him up.

“It’s past his bedtime anyway.” Bandit said as he began walking back home.

After getting back home, late at night, Bandit placed Spike in his bed, that’s when Achilles woke up, flew over, and nested next to him. Spike pulled him close.

“Sleep tight Spike.” Bandit said as he walked to his bed and went to sleep himself. Chad did the same.

Twilight on the other hand stayed awake, walking downstairs to a candlelit table right next to the window. She begins to start writing.

“The Study of Comets. Comets are small, irregularly shaped bodies that are made of non-volatile grains and frozen gases.” Twilight spoke out loud as she wrote down before a creak got her attention. She lets the quill drop and takes a cautious look around the room, before going out onto the balcony, but she couldn't see anything.

"Huh." She went back inside and shut the window, but it didn't latch properly. Unaware of this, she went back to writing her report. "…have body structures that are fragile and diverse…" She paused when there was another creaking sound. This time she opened the window that was in front of her desk to peer outright as a shadow seem to have flown past that she didn’t see, before bearing witness to her scroll blowing off the desk from the wind.

“Shoot!” Twilight exclaimed.

Out on the balcony, the parchment sails out through the now-open screen door and over late-night Ponyville, leaving her unable to do anything but watch it go. She ducks back in as the shadow crosses the screen again. She goes back inside and trots nervously in place.

“Ohh, this is a job for Spike! If only he were awake! I don’t wanna wake up Bandit, he’ll be very cranky.” She complained before hearing An owl’s soft hoot at the start of her panic attack. She looks across the room, she finds a small brown owl sitting on the kitchen table. In its beak was her rolled-up report draft, which it sets down before preparing to fly away. Twilight hurries across to it.

"Wait! Don't go! Don't be afraid." She called. The owl turned its head 180° to look at her. "Thank you for returning my scroll."

The owl hoots in reply, turning its body around as well, and shivers as a sudden gust blows in and nearly extinguishes the candle.

"Gosh, it's cold tonight." Twilight pointed out. "Say, would you like to relax in here and keep me company while I work?" she offered.

The owl hooted before he perched on the nearby hat stand.

Twilight smiled before closing the windows and magically picking up her quill and focused on the report. "Now, where was I? Oh, yes. ‘…fragile and diverse with a surrounding cloud of material called a coma, that grows in size and brightness as the comet approaches the sun…’.” She wrote.

The next morning, Spike was woken up by Achilles pecking at his face. He tried to wave him off, but then he realized it was morning.

Leaps out of his basket with a panicked yell and whips out an alarm clock, revealing the time as a few minutes before 10:00.

“I overslept!” He exclaimed. He tosses the clock across the loft and scrambled for the stairs. Achilles flew after him.

“I know it’s already ten, but I’m scaly-tailed and bright-eyed! I’m ready to work twice as fast! Oh, please don’t be upset, Twilight! What do you want for breakfast? Oatmeal? How about a sunflower smoothie? Grass pancakes?” Spike spewed out as he ran down the stairs to Twilight to see Bandit helping pack her saddle.

“Whoa, Spike, take it easy.” Bandit said as he held out a hoof to keep him still.

“But—my morning chores!” Spike said.

“You needed the rest kiddo. So Owlowiscious took care of them.” Bandit told him. Spike looked a bit confused for a second.

“Who?” Spike asked.

“He’s our new junior assistant. He’s gonna help out with your chores so you won’t be so tired all the time.” Twilight said as she walked past him.

“Wh—what do we need a junior assistant for? I’m not tired. I do fine on my own, I don’t need sleep, I—” Spike began to worry.

“Spike, relax, you’re not getting replaced, he’s just here to help out.” Bandit reassured him, remembering the last time someone new came into the lives of someone he was close to.

“Bandit and I have to go out, so why don’t you introduce yourself to Owlowiscious? He’s in the library.” Twilight told him.

“Klaw, Fang, Chad and Ace are already well acquainted with him, join the club. Also, Chad took Ace to the park if you wanna meet him there.” Bandit said, ruffling the top of his head as he walked out with Twilight.

“Worried? Do I look worried? I’m not worried. Who’s worried?” Spike asked. He walked downstairs and looked across the room. "Hello? Hellooo!" he called out and spotted the owl that was sitting on the desk. He was startled when the bird turned its head completely around to look at him. "Whoa! Dude, that's creepy." He muttered before greeting the owl. "Uh… Hi there! I'm Spike. I'm sure Twilight has told you all about me."

"Hoo." Owlowiscious said.

"Uh, Spike?" said the baby dragon, confused to be asked the question. "You know, assistant number one?"

The owl blinked. "Hoo?"

"I'm Spike!" Spike repeated, annoyed. "And who are you? What are you?"




"I thought your name was Owlowiscious!"


Spike growled a little, fed up. "Okay, "Who", "Owlowiscious", whatever," he grumbled. "I'm Spike, okay? Look! All you need to know is that I'm number one and you're number two. Got it?" And he fixed the owl with a stern look.

"Hoo?" Owlowiscious said. Spike was so irritated that he wound up twitching his eye.

"So, a man of mystery, huh?" Spike sneered as he headed for the door to go outside. "I'm keeping my eye on you! I've got eyes in the back of my head too, you know?" He was so focused on the owl that he crashed into the door, and he rubbed his sore head. "Well, not really, but… You know what I mean!" He then went outside, slamming the door shut.

“That bird is after my job. He wants to be number one! Well, I’ll prove to Twilight that I deserve to be number one, not Freaky Feathers over there. I won’t let him have my job, if it’s the last thing I do!” Spike said as he stomped away. As he walked away, Achilles looked at Owlowiscious before flying to the door, pulling it open, and flying out.

Later in the day, Chad was walking over to Spike with a book that Spike requested.

“What’s this book for Spike?” Chad asked as he gave Spike a book with an owl on the cover. Spike snatched it.

“Reasons.” Spike said as he got to reading. Meanwhile, Twilight was showing Owlowiscious off to the other six ponies, and Pinkie’s voice got their attention.

“Oh, what a fantastical fluffalicious feathery little friend! I’m “hoo”-ked!” Pinkie made the pun. The others began laughing.

“I’m talon you, that wasn’t that funny.” Chad said to Spike from the window. Spike glared at Chad while covering his mouth so as not to accidentally laugh. However, his attempts not to laugh were helped by Fluttershy talking next.

"He's just wonderful," Fluttershy complimented.

"‘He's just wonderful’," Spike muttered mockingly. Chad quickly tapped him to notify him that the girls heard him, and when he looked he saw the girls looking at him, a bit surprised. "Uh, yes. Wonderful," he said quickly. "He's quite… the charmer."

Bandit got back to the library just in time to see Rarity pull out a bow tie identical to the one she gave Spike.

“And Owlowiscious is just such a star, I just had to make this little bow for you.” Rarity said as she placed a bow around his neck.

Spike turned to look in shock.

"I mean, he's alright." Lightning began before getting bonked by Applejack. "Ow."

This was a gesture that sent Spike’s face into a fuming red anger-blush and caused him to blow steam from his nose. He storms back into the library, slamming the window closed. The eight look up at the window.

"What's he all saddle sore about?" Applejack wondered.

"He's probably just jealous of Owlowiscious," Rainbow Dash guessed.

“Probably?” Bandit questioned. “He’s definitely jealous.”

"Maybe Spike feels threatened or worried that Owlowiscious will replace him?" Lightning Sprint suggested.

“Replace him? Hah! That’s crazy. Spike knows he can’t be replaced.” Twilight said.

“Does he? Remember when Chad made friends with Pipsqueak?” Bandit asked her.

“It’s like when I made friends with Pipsqueak Spike, they’re not gonna replace you.” Chad said as he walked down the stairs with Spike.

“I know they’re not going to, because I’m going to step it up and make sure that Twilight and Owlowiscious know that I’m still number one.” Spike said. Before Chad could counter-argue, Twilight and Bandit walked in, with Owlowiscious on Twilight’s back.

Twilight stops at an open book on a stand and looks around briefly. The owl no longer wears his bow tie, courtesy of Bandit taking it upstairs.

“Hey, Spike! Can you fetch me that book called ‘Two-headed Myth-’

"…Mythological Mysteries!" Spike interrupted as he ran down the stairs"I know where it is." He reached for the top shelf and blinked when his claws touched an empty space instead of the book. "Huh?"

"Thanks, Owlowiscious," Twilight said. Spike turned around, revealing he had raced up a ladder and used a few books to reach the correct shelf. "Hey, Spike, no worries. Owlowiscious flew up and got the book for me. Oh, and gee! I guess I need "Ferrets of Fairyland" too."

Before Spike could climb back down, the owl flew by, snatching the book from the stack that he was standing on, and he ended up tumbling to the floor. "Hey! Whoa! Whoa!"

"Climb down from there before you fall." Twilight advised. Chad dove and caught Spike before he could hit the ground. Bandit got back downstairs to see the books and ladder fall. He places the items back, not seeing an angry spike and a concerned-looking Chad.

More time goes by, and Twilight was taking notes upstairs before her quill snapped.

“Shoot!” Twilight exclaimed. Spike popped up with a salute.

“Yes sir.” Spike said, ready to work.

“My last writing quill. It’s broken.”

“Never fear—Spike, your number-one assistant, is here!” Spike said as he zipped across the room and begins to rummage in a desk drawer. He fished out a horseshoe, an apple, and a lace-trimmed saddle blanket, tossing them all to the side.

“Quill, quill…where is it? Not here…” He said.

Later, he was searching the bakery of Sugar Cube Corner, tossing a lot of things around, only to find nothing there. “Quill…hmm……ugh…quill, where is it?"

Back at the library, be checked under Bandit’s bed, nothing there. He pulls aside a shower curtain that Owlowiscious happened to be behind, sitting on a perch over a full bathtub and wearing a shower cap, Spike is initially caught off guard by this but closes the curtain to keep looking. Even checking inside a daffodil sandwich. He began getting increasingly frustrated.

“Where am I gonna get a quill?” Spike asked himself. Then he ran out the front door, Bandit opened the window.

“Spike wait!” He called, Spike didn’t listen.

Spike was in front of a store with a quill and sofa sign above it, talking to Davenport, a tan earth pony stallion, with a slicked-back dark brown mane and tail, green eyes, and a cutie mark of a quill and sofa. Unfortunately, there were no more quills in the store.

“But the store is called Quills and Sofas! You only sell two things!” Spike complained.

“Sorry, Junior. All out of quills until Monday.” Davenport said. Spike looked down in disappointment before hearing Davenport again. “Need a sofa?”

Spike was then outside Sugar Cube Corner, next to the side door where the top half was open, and Pinkie’s voice emitting from the inside.

"I swore I had one here somewhere." She said and then found what she was looking for. "Ah, here it is! A quince!" A very not quill-shaped fruit was dropped in front of Spike.

"Not a quince," Spike said impatiently, kicking the fruit away. "A quill!"

"Right," Pinkie said, going back inside. “A quail?” and out came a brown quail Spike could’ve grabbed the feathers off for a quill, but waved it off as more Q-lettered items were tossed to him. “A quilt! A quesadilla? Aha! A quiche!"

Spike caught the quiche and shook his head. "Not a quiche. A quill!"

"Nope. Sorry," Pinkie apologized. "All outta quills."

“Aw Shoot.” Spike said, taking a big bite of the quiche to console himself.

The next location was a henhouse on the grounds of Sweet Apple Acres. A squawking chicken scurries across the fenced-in yard, with Spike in hot pursuit.

“Come on, chicken! Here, chicky-chicky-chicky!” Spike called as he chased. He ended up chasing it into the house. “Here, chick-chick-chick-chicky! Come here!”

The chicken leaped out through a window at the far end, Spike ran right into the wall and knocked it down, while his face was on the wood, he heard the chicken sound startled followed by a muffled squawk coming from it. He looked up and saw Achilles pinning the chicken and keeping the chicken’s beak shut. Spike smiled and ran to grab a feather off the chicken.

“Finally!” Spike exclaimed, Achilles looked at Spike confused. “I wonder if this is big enough to be a quill.”

Achilles then looked very unamused. Spike looked at him.

“What?” He asked. The Harpy Eagle pulled his own feather off of his wing and held in his beak for him. Spike chuckled sheepishly.

“Oh.” He grabbed the feather. “I uh...I guess I should’ve started with that.”

Achilles flew above him and began pecking his head, not hard but enough to annoy and send him running.

Reaching the library, Spike staggered inside, panting and he successfully held up the feather. "Spike… to the rescue." He announced.

“Spike, that’s why I was calling for you. Owlowiscious gave Twilight one of his feathers to use as a quill.” Bandit said as he gestured to Twilight, who showed the quill she was currently writing with. Spike got so angry that the heat from his palm burned the feather.

“That’s just great! Perfect!” Spike said, slamming the door behind him. “Sweet! I think I’ll just…uh…finish up the rest of my chores! Or did Owlowiscious already do them?” Spike asked them.

“There are still some of your chores left, but first you need to-” Bandit tried to say.

“Well, that’s fine-” He sat on the stairs. “-because I can just stay up all night and finish-” He fell asleep on the last syllable right as Chad came down the stairs, he went back up and came back with Spike’s blankie to place it over him. Spike cuddled the blanket and snored lightly.

“Poor Spike. He’ll come around. He’s genuinely a good little guy.” Twilight said to Owlowiscious.

“Chad, can you take Spike to his bed?” Bandit asked.

“Can I do it when I come back upstairs? I’m about to look for the Astronomical Astronomer’s Almanac to All Things Astronomy. I meant to double check where it was when we came back from the meteor shower.” Chad said.

“I’ll go look for it, get Spike off the stairs, it’s bad for his back.” Bandit said as he walked off. Owlowiscious flew after him.

Chad placed Spike in his bed and at that moment, Bandit’s thundering voice woke him right up.

“SPIKE THE DRAGON! GET OVER HERE RIGHT NOW!” Bandit was heard shouting. Chad looked at Spike with wide eyes. Bandit calling Spike by the name ‘Spike the dragon’ was the equivalent of him calling Chad by his entire name. Safe to say, Spike was in trouble.

“What did you do?” Chad asked. Spike ran down the stairs.

“Coming!” Spike said, worried. Chad followed him but stayed a good distance away.

Spike got downstairs and Bandit presented the book in front of him.

“What is this?” Bandit asked in a stern tone. Spike gulped as Twilight spoke up.

“You said this book was missing. Well, Owlowiscious found it right where it belongs, but like this! How did it get this way?” Twilight asked him, equally as stern.

“Uh…well, um…you see, I…I just didn’t want to disappoint you and, uh…have you ever seen a dragon sneeze?” Spike asked, nervously, holding his tail. Chad was watching from the top of the stairs.

“Yes Spike. I have seen a dragon sneeze. And I know when you sneeze fire comes out and burns what’s in front of you. All you could’ve said was ‘I burned the book on accident.’ But you decided to lie to us.” Bandit scolded.

“I am very disappointed in you Spike.” Twilight told him.

“We both are.” Bandit told him. The two of them walked off, Twilight upstairs, and Bandit outside. Spike looked sad before looking resentful towards Owlowiscious.

“You set me up! Well, two can play that game!” Spike said.

“Hoo.” Owlowiscious hooted.

“Not who, two!” Spike exclaimed, he groans loudly and storms off.

Spike walked through the town, furious that this was happening to him. "Owlowiscious is out to take my place, I just know it!" He grumbled. "I've gotta stop him. But how?" he wondered when a mouse ran past, squeaking, and he recalled from the book he'd been reading that owls ate mice. "Ah…"

Ducking into the nearest shop, he comes out in a stereotypical bad-guy outfit. Complete with, a black top hat and cape with matching mustache. He takes it one step further by wrapping the cape around himself, twirling the mustache, and voicing a sinister laugh. "Muahahaha!"

Hurrying through the town, Spike stopped behind a tree and peered at Carousel Boutique. It wasn't long before Rarity and Opalescence left the shop.

"Come along, Opal," Rarity shutting the door behind her. "Let's hurry up and get to Fluttershy's tea party." And they headed down the path.

Spike waited until he was sure that they were gone and then he hurried to the shop.

Once inside, the baby dragon looked around until he found the toy mouse and picked it up.

"So lifelike," he sneered. "And when Twilight discovers it shredded up on her floor, she'll think mouse-eating Owlowiscious is to blame. And I'll be number one… again! Muhahaha!" He laughed evilly and exited the shop, unaware that Bandit was exiting the bookstore that was within the line of sight of the boutique, and saw what was happening.

Back in the library; a pull at one thread undoes a patch on the mouse’s back and allows the stuffing to protrude. The whiskers are yanked askew next, and a quick rub at the face leaves one button eye on the verge of falling off. The ‘nefarious’ baby dragon scatters bits of stuffing near the front door and throws the rest of the “carcass” down among them, then tiptoes off. Chad was watching this and walked over as Spike came back with ketchup and began to spill it over the stuffed mouse to make it look like a crime scene took place.

“Spike!” Chad exclaimed. This made him jump and turn to him. “Excuse my hebrew, but what the Tophet are you doing?”

“Uh…..” Spike tried to say.

“Because it looks like you took a mouse toy, ripped the stuffing out and then decided to make it look like the rating increased to teen overnight.” Chad pointed out.

“Well, Owlowiscious set me up, so I’m gonna set him up. After Bandit and Twilight see this, Owlowiscious will be to blame for this mess.” Spike told him.

“Spike, we live with three omnivores excluding myself and Bandit, and Achilles is a harpy eagle. I’m sure they wouldn’t be upset for nature being nature.” Chad responded.

“But they would be upset about the mess ‘Owlowiscious’ selfishly made.” Spike argued.

“Spike, this isn’t gonna work.” Chad told him.

“How do you know that?” Spike asked him, getting more irritated.

“Because Bandit and Twilight are standing right behind you.” Chad pointed out. Spike’s eyes went wide as he turned around and saw a very disappointed-looking Bandit standing before him. Beside him was an equally disappointed Twilight, with Owlowiscious on her back. He quickly got out of the outfit and tried to play the role.

“That poor little field mouse! Turn to piece-”

“Spike, stop.” Bandit said. Spike closed his mouth.

“So you burned a book, lied about it, deliberately tried to set up Owlowiscious and you believed something like this would work!?” Bandit scolded him. “You need to get your act together, and until you do, you are grounded. Now go to your room.”

“But-” Spike tried to say, but Twilight interrupted him.

“Now.” She told him. Spike looked down and walked over to the downstairs door.

“You’ve let your jealousy get the best of you, Spike. I am truly disappointed. This is not the Spike I know and love!” Twilight was heard saying. As Spike closed the door behind him, his eyes grew wide, and tears forming.

“They….don’t love me anymore.” He wrongly assumed.

Later that night, Spike was trudging through the Everfree Forest with a bindle on a stick slung over his shoulder. He waited until everyone was asleep before having run away.

“Everyone hates me. I’m cold, hungry, tired, and lonely. Could it get any worse?” He said. The universe answered his question with a thunderclap and rain pouring down.

“I guess that’s a yes.” He said. Looking around, he spots a not-too-distant cave and heads for it. He peeked inside and looked around.

“Hello?” He called, no response. “Hel-looo?” All he was met with was an echo. The lightning illuminated two indistinct shapes from where Spike was. He spotted it and moved closer. “What is that?”

He got closer and saw two large piles of gems before him. His gloom was soon replaced with joy upon seeing them.

"If this is what running away is all about, I never wanna go home!" he exclaimed and ran to the piles, jumping in, and swam through them, eating some as well. "Gems! Mmm… Woohoo!"

Some more time has past and Spike’s belly was overstuffed. He wound up hiccuping, which took the good spirits away. He sighed as he rubbed his stomach.

“Even if my tummy’s full, the rest of me is still empty. I miss Twilight…...Bandit…..Chad….and the pony gang—but they doesn’t love me anymore.” Spike said. “So I’m better off here—all by myself.”

Spike picked up a half-eaten orange gem and began to suck on it like a lollipop. That’s when steam began to appear and Spike began to sweat and fan himself.

“Wow. Seems to be getting warmer.” Spike said. He tried to go back to his gem, but more steam occurred.

“This steam is great for my complexion, but it’s sure getting hot in here.” Spike said. He tried to suck on the gem one last time, only to hear a low, irritated growl. He turned and managed to see a gigantic green dragon with Yellow-green head spines and ridges above eyes; pale yellow hide running down the throat and on the bat-wing ears; yellow-orange eyes with pale yellow whites.

“What are you doing in my cave? And why are you eating my gems?” He asked. His voice low, gravelly, and full of malice. Spike spat out the gem.

“Uh…heya, bro. I didn’t know this was your cave. And I didn’t know these were your gems, but…we’re cool, right?” Spike asked, trying to defuse the situation.

The dragon began to inch closer, not liking those answers.

“Whoa, whoa! Hey, uh…we’re like brothers, you know? I mean, you’re a dragon, I’m a dragon, it’s us against the world, right?” Spike asked. That answer wasn’t favored either, and a roar and belch of steam sent him into a pile. Spike got back up, ready to put up a fight.

“You don’t scare me. So you’re big.” He said. A growl and Spike looking up to observe his height gave Spike a reality check and he became frightened once more. “Really big.”

His claws came out, revealing they were bigger than the size of Spike.

“And your claws are super-sharp.” Spike said before seeing the tail extend its spines. “Tail…extra-spiky. But, uh… …you don’t scare me! Hah!” Spike let out his best fire breath he could manage, which was only more intimidating than an eight-week-old kitten. “How’d you like that?”

He ducked when the green dragon unleashed his own fire, the scales on his head getting a bit burnt. "Uh… I'd love to stay, but gotta go! See ya! Wouldn't wanna be ya!”

He runs in between the dragon’s legs, as he blows a flame at where Spike was just standing. Spike dives behind a rock an instant before the tail smashes it to gravel. Seeing as it wasn’t safe, He ran off again, barely staying ahead of the stomping feet and gnashing teeth, but a dead-end wall leaves him nowhere to go. The dragon’s shadow casts over him as it warms up to incinerate him.

“GET AWAY FROM HIM!” Bandit’s voice said. The dragon turned to see where the voice came from, only for the body of Bandit to slam right into his head, making him stumble back. Spike looks up in happy surprise, but Owlowiscious flew in front of him, gesturing him to follow. Spike nods and follows Owlowiscious to the cave entrance, where Twilight, Chad, and Achilles were standing.

“Spike!” Chad called.

“Over here!” Twilight called. Spike and Owlowiscious ran over to them.

“Am I glad to see you!” Spike said.

“Hurry! Hop on!” Twilight said as she turned to allow Spike to hop on. As soon as he did, Achilles flew to him and nuzzled him. Twilight and Chad began running, Owlowiscious right behind them. Thuds, broken rocks, and fire being blown were all being heard as they ran. They got into the forest and darkness began to impair Twilight’s vision.

“It’s too dark! I can’t see!” She said. Owlowiscious took position in front of her and hooted as if to say, follow me. Now confident, Twilight followed Owlowiscious as Chad followed Twilight. They were able to navigate safely to the other side of the forest. As they reached an area where the moonlight allowed them to see, all parties looked back to see if Bandit was close. It was quiet, and it felt like forever, but soon enough, Bandit came flew over the trees, and landed near the group, panting a bit. Sighs of relief came around before Twilight spoke up.

“Spike! We were so worried about you! Very much worried about you!” Twilight started.

“Why on earth did you run away?” Bandit asked him, very concerned, let alone worried.

“I thought you didn’t need me anymore, and that you didn’t love me anymore.” Spike answered with his head hanging. Bandit walked over and lifted his head up.

“Spike, just because we were disappointed doesn’t mean we don’t love you.” Bandit told him.

“You are my number-one assistant and friend, and you always will be. It’s just that sometimes I need some help at night. I can’t ask you to stay up late. You’re a baby dragon, and you need your rest. Owls are nocturnal, so I asked Owlowiscious to help, but not to take your place.” Twilight told him.

“No one can replace you spike. Even if you’re being a jealous block head.” Chad said as he noogied him. A smile began to form. Spike hugged Twilight, and Chad and Bandit joined the hug.

“I’m sorry guys, I never should have been so jealous.” He said before rubbing the back of his head. “I guess I should’ve learned from last time.”

“And I’m sorry too, Spike. I should have been more sensitive. I should’ve remembered what happened between you and Chad.” Twilight said. They all let go and Spike looked at Owlowiscious in the tree, who was next to Achilles.

"And Owlowiscious… I know now that you weren't out to take my job. Forgive me?" He asked hopefully and was confused when Owlowiscious hooted. "Me. Forgive me, Spike," he repeated and when the owl hooted again. Spike looked back at the three.

“He said, ‘it’s okay, I forgive you’ in owl.” Chad said. All but Owlowiscious looked at him. “What? You mean to tell me speaking owl is Owl-t of the ordinary?”

Twilight rolled her eyes, Bandit smirked and Spike let out a light laugh. Then Spike realized something. “Wait, how did you know where I was?”

“Owlowiscious found your ketchup covered footprints leading out of the library, and a lingering ketchup and dragon scale scent isn’t hard to track.” Bandit told him. Spike looked at his feet and saw some of the ketchup was still on the bottom of his foot.

“Oh...yeah.” Spike said. Bandit placed Spike and Chad on his back.

They make it back to the library, and Achilles and Owlowiscious were on nearby perches. Spike was in front of the table with a few books on it and was ready to write.

“I know Princess Celestia will want to read about what happened today.” Twilight said.

“Ready when you are.” Spike told her. Bandit whispered something in her ear. She nodded at him and they both looked at Spike.

“Hey, Spike! Why don’t you write to Princess Celestia and tell her what you’ve learned?” Twilight suggested.

“Again? Why, that’s a big responsibility!” Spike said. Bandit nudged him.

“You can handle it.” Bandit encouraged. Spike smiled warmly before starting to write.

"Dear Princess Celestia," he began. "This is Spike, writing to you about my adventures. This week I've learned that being jealous and telling lies gets you nowhere in friendship. I also learned that there's plenty of love for every friend to share. So from here on out, I promise, that I, Spike, will-" He then fell asleep, snoring on top of the letter.

“Oh, Spike.” Twilight said, shaking her head with a smile.

“Hoo?” Owlowiscious asked.

“Who? Spike. You kn-,” She catches herself, realizing her mistake. “Ohhhh!”

She giggled and walked off. Achilles and Owlowiscious looked at each other as Bandit carried Spike off to his bed. They shook talons before Achilles flew off to nuzzle up with Spike. Bandit place the blanket over him and smiled.

“Sleep tight….little brother.” He said before walking off to his own bed.

Author's Note:

I got this one done as soon as possible, to make up for how long the one before this one took. I am officially 3 episodes away from the end of the season and I'm sure you're all waiting for how Bandit, Chad, and Lightning Sprint handle Pinkie's insane counterpart (I refuse to refer to her as Pinkamena Diane Pie.)

Hope you all liked this chapter, let me know what you think of the chapter, and as always, I hope you enjoyed.