• Published 18th Nov 2019
  • 14,042 Views, 844 Comments

My Little Pony: Friendships and Magic [Season 1] - Alpha Wolf 4500

The first season of a rewrite of this series that I love. With my first and favorite OC, and the OC of a friend.

  • ...

Party of One

It was a very sunny day in Ponyville yet again, things were fairly quiet in both the town and the library. Inside the library, Twilight was doing a bit of studying As Bandit and Chad were practicing their magic. A knock at the front door interrupts them and Chad walked over to open it, with Bandit and Twilight behind him. On the other side of the door was a very eager-looking Pinkie Pie who was wearing a party hat and red rubber-ball nose and is capering on the step. Her pet alligator Gummy stands alongside her, with his own hat.

“Oh, hi Pinkie. Hi Gummy.” Chad said, then the pink horse began singing.

“This is your singing telegram
I hope it finds you well
You're invited to a party
'Cause, we think you're really swell!” She sang to them. Later she was in front of the boutique with her and Gummy having on matching suits.

“Gummy's turning one year old
So help us celebrate
The cake will be delicious
The festivities first-rate.” Pinkie sang to Rarity. The next location was Sweet Apple Acres, Pinkie and Gummy no longer had the suits on, but Pinkie had confetti cannons strapped to her head and flank.

“There will be games and dancing
Bob for apples, cut a rug [the cannons fire]
And when the party's over
We'll gather 'round for a group hug.”

Gummy was then holding onto the fold of a hot-air balloon that Pinkie was using in order to look sing to Lightning Sprint, who was looking at her dumbfounded.

“No need to bring a gift
Being there will be enough
Birthdays mean having fun with friends
Not getting lots of stuff.” She sang, her singing slowing down having been singing this to each of her friends.

She was at Fluttershy’s cottage next, wearing a birthday cake on her head and a second one that encases her body, with Gummy perched on her neck.

“It won't be the same without you
So we hope that you say yes
So, please, oh please R.S.V.P.
And come, and be our guest!” Pinkie sang even slower than the last verse, then she collapsed.

Pinkie staggered back upstairs to her room. "Next time, I think I'll just pass out written invitations," she said in a raspy voice and collapsed with her pet gator on her back. She then popped up when she realized something.

“Oh no I forgot Rainbow!” She zipped out, making Gummy flip off her back, she ran back and caught him before running out the door.

My Little Pony,
My Big Changeling too
Ahh, ahh, ahh, ahhh…

(My Little Pony)

We used to wonder what friendship could be
(My Big Changeling too)

[Twilight Sparkle]
Until you all shared its magic with me

[Rainbow Dash]
Big adventure

[Pinkie Pie]
Tons of fun

A beautiful heart

Faithful and strong

Sharing kindness!

[Lightning Sprint]
Motivate the team

Heroics makes it all complete
You have my little ponies
Do you know you're all my very best friends?

In the upstairs area of Sugar Cube Corner, across the party room, a lively tune plays on the phonograph. Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie are dancing, Applejack and Lightning Sprint are at the bobbing tub, Fluttershy and Rarity talk by the refreshment table Bandit and Chad were arriving with a few gifts, as well as Ace who was on Chad’s neck as if he was pretending to be a scarf. Applejack dunks her head into the water and quickly brings up an apple in her teeth, which she tosses up and eats in one bite. The pegasus maintains her composure in the face of the workhorse’s smirk.

“Nice one. Now let me show you how it’s really done.” Lightning Sprint said before revving up to do so, but before she could do so, Pinkie trotted over.

"Hey, girls!" Pinkie said happily.

"Hey, Pinkie Pie!" Lightning Sprint said.

"Howdy!" Applejack said.

"Just wanted to tell you how happy I am that you could make it to Gummy's party," Pinkie Pie told them with a smile.

"Are you kiddin'? I wouldn't have missed it for the world." Applejack told her.

“Me neither. When Pinkie Pie throws a party, I am there!” Lightning Sprint said before bobbing for an apple. She took her head out of the water and had an apple in her mouth.

“Score one for Lightning Sprint.” She muffled as she ate the apple.

"Aw! It's just a boring old apple," Pinkie Pie remarked. "Don't worry, there are plenty of other surprises in there."

Lightning Sprint spits out the apple. "What kind of surprises?" she asked eagerly, ready for competition with Applejack.

"I can't tell you that, silly," Pinkie teased before trotting off. "Then it wouldn't be a surprise."

Exchanging a look, the two ponies poked their heads into the tub. It wasn't long before Applejack grabbed what she thought was a green apple with her teeth, but when she tried to pull it out, it turned out to be a ball attached to a spring that yanked her back in. By the time she let go and shook the worst of the water off, Lightning Sprint straightened up with Gummy on her face, and she shook him off. The two ponies looked at each other and then they laughed, agreeing that those were interesting surprises.

Chad and Bandit placed their gifts down as Rainbow Dash flew over them.

“So, what presents did you get for gummy?” She asked.

“I got gummy a little crown, I don’t know what Chad got for him. He kept it a secret.” Bandit said as Chad made the bow on the present long enough for gummy to grab when he was ready.

“What can you give a gator?” Rainbow asked. Bandit turned past her to look at Pinkie hopping by.

“Just about anything. Gummy is a very grateful boy!” Pinkie said. At the refreshment table, Rarity was happily sipping a cup of punch through a straw. When it ran dry, Pinkie steps over and refills from a ladle in her teeth, quickly setting it aside. Chad trotted over for some punch too.

“This punch is simply divine. Is this the same recipe you used for your “Spring Has Sprung” party?” Rarity asked as she began drinking.

“Nope, something new.” Pinkie said. Rarity looked and saw Gummy inside the bowl, blowing a few bubbles while he was inside it. The sight caused Rarity to spit her mouthful directly into Pinkie’s face. Not only does not shift her broad smile even an inch, but she didn’t even blink.

“It’s gummy’s favorite.” Pinkie said. Chad got to the table and grabbed the cup to drink out of, Rarity pretended she was looking away to let him sneak the drinks. Twilight was about to scold him for this, but Rarity subtly shook her head. Then a new tune starts up on the phonograph.

“Ooh, this is my jam!" Pinkie said as she zipped off. As soon as she was gone, Rarity grabbed Chad and squeezed him towards a potted plant and the punch came flowing out. She put him down and he stumbled towards the dance floor.

Twilight and Fluttershy were soon joined by Pinkie, Chad, and Bandit, who initially came over to take Ace off of Chad’s shoulders before he started dancing before dancing himself.

"Having fun?" She asked as they danced together.

"A blast!" Twilight Sparkle answered happily.

“This is a grand time.” Bandit said as he danced. Chad grabbed Bandit’s hoof and Bandit spun him around before letting him flip back onto the floor.

“You always throw the best parties, Pinkie Pie.” Fluttershy told her.

“They’re always the best parties ’cause my best friends are always there!” Pinkie said. Her dancing got a little too lively and as a result, she wound up accidentally hip-checking Twilight and Fluttershy. Bandit quickly moved Chad out of the way before he could get hip-checked.

“Come on, everypony!” Pinkie encouraged. Bandit pulled Fluttershy off of the wall as Chad used his magic to pull Twilight off, it was a bit of a struggle for him, but he managed.

“Gummy wants to dance!” Pinkie said. Soon they all surrounded Gummy, dancing with him. Ace was grooming himself as Gummy ‘danced’ moving his tail to the beat.

“Go, Gummy! It's your birthday! Go, Gummy! It's your birthday!"

Later, Chad placed the ribbon in gummy’s mouth for him to pull. Gummy blinked before Pinkie lightly pulled him back, which let Gummy pull the ribbon and the box collapsed and revealed a giant plushie version of Gummy.

“It’s a plushie of the Grand, Groovy Gator Gummy himself.” Chad said as he pets Gummy’s back. Gummy wabbled over and bit at the leg of the plushie. Bandit placed the tiny crown he made for gummy on his head.

“Happy Birthday Gummy.” Bandit smiled.

Nightfall has occurred and everyone was heading home after the party had ended. Pinkie was watching everyone leave from the top floor window.

“Hoo-wee! I am beat.” Applejack was heard saying. "I haven't danced that much since... Well, since your last party. Thanks again for the invite!" And she headed home.

"See ya later, birthday alligator!" Rainbow Dash called out before flying off.

"Bravo for hosting yet another delightful soiree." Rarity complimented.

“Thanks for having us, we had a grand ti- Chad don’t eat that cake slice, that’s for Spike.” Bandit said, stopping Chad from eating a slice they grabbed for Spike.

“It’s been lovely.” Fluttershy said.

“You sure you don’t want to stay?” Pinkie asked. Twilight and Bandit were in the back so they were the ones to turn around.

“Uh, I think I’m-” Twilight started.

“We.” Bandit added.

“We’re gonna pass.” Twilight said. “Great party, though. We should do this again soon.”

And with that, they all left. Pinkie was left in thought before thinking of what she believed to be a grand idea.

“We should do this again soon!” She said out loud.

The next morning, Bandit was placing breakfast on the table before hearing a knock on the door. He walked downstairs and opened the door to see Pinkie again.

“Oh, hi Pinkie-” Bandit tried to greet.

"It's soon!" Pinkie interrupted excitedly.

“Pardon me?” Bandit asked.

“You and Twilight said we should have another party soon, and… it's soon!" Pinkie responded and presented Bandit with the basket, which had eight invites in it. "Here's your invitation!"

Bandit took the invitation and began to read it.

“You are invited to Gummy’s after-birthday party, this afternoon at three o’clock.” Bandit read before looking at the hopping Pinkie.

“All our bestest friends are invited, and there’s gonna be dancing and games and cake and ice cream and punch!” Pinkie listed.

“This afternoon? This ‘afternoon’ this afternoon?”

Pinkie nodded “Yes indeedy.”

“Oh, I’m sorry Pinkie, but I can’t make it. I’ve got some more letters to write to Momma and Auntie in preparation for the upcoming gala.” Bandit told her.

“Oh, well what about Twi-”

Twilight walked over with a quill in her magic and Chad was rushing around, making a bunch of stacks of books out of sight.

“Actually, I’ve gotten a bit behind in my studies.” Twilight said before gesturing inside, showing Pinkie the stacked books. “I’ve really gotta hit the books.”

“And Chad?” Pinkie asked.

“He’s out helping Rarity. She called last night asking if he could stop by first thing in the morning to help.” Bandit said. Behind Pinkie, Chad popped up behind a bush wearing a ghillie suit, going back under and then popping up behind the bush across from the one he was in originally, wearing another grey bandana before taking off without a single sound being made.

“I understand. Your studies come first. But don’t worry. We’ll be sure to save you some cake.” Pinkie told them.

“Please do.” Twilight said.

“Thanks Pinkie.” Bandit said. Pinkie began trotting off. Then she stopped to look back at them.

“Oh, and Twilight? You shouldn’t hit the books. You should really just read them.” She said as she hopped off.

“It’s an expres- oh, never mind. Have a good day Pinkie.” Bandit said with a wave.

Over at Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack was pulling three wagons full of apples, Pinkie pops her head and basket hat out from some hay bales. "Huh? Oh, hi, Pinkie Pie! What brings you 'round these parts?" she asked before taking the invite out of the basket.

"Who's ready to shake their hoof-thang?!" Pinkie Pie asked excitedly, unaware that her friend had dropped the invite after reading it. "It's an invitation to Gummy's "after-birthday" party this afternoon. There's gonna be dancing, and games, and cake, and ice-cream, and punch!"

"This afternoon?" Applejack repeated, stammering a little. "A-as in, "this afternoon" this afternoon?"

"That's funny," Pinkie remarked. "That's just what Bandit, and the answer is, "Yes! It's this afternoon!"

"Uh, well, I… I… uh… I don't think I can make it 'cause… uh… I have to… uh… uh, you know what? I… uh… pick apples! Yep, apples! 'Cause that's what we do! With the… apples. We, uh… pick 'em!" she announced, hoping that her friend would believe her, and smiled nervously.

Pinkie eyed the orange pony for several long seconds before her mood went back to her normal, bubbly self. "Okey-dokey-lokey!" she said cheerfully. "A party is still a party, even if there are only five guests." And she trotted off, missing out on Applejack sighing with relief.

Later, Chad was moving the trash outside of Rarity’s boutique, along with Spike’s ‘help’. Chad was doing most of the heavy lifting whereas Spike was holding onto the trash can, attempting to carry it. All he was doing was tilting the trash can every so often and as a result knocked some trash onto himself, which Chad had to use his magic to put back. He grunted when he set the can down and Spike went back to her.

"Anything else I can do for you, most beautiful one?" He asked hopefully.

“How about a bath? You smell worse than the trash we just carried.” Chad said. Spike turned to him.

“Quiet you!” He whisper yelled, however, Rarity still heard him and walked over to him.

“He’s right darling. How do I put this delicately? You smell like a rotten apple core that’s been wrapped in moldy hay and dipped in dragon perspiration.” Rarity said.

“If Rumble’s taste in music had a smell, it would be you right now Spike.” Chad said.

In Rumble’s room, he was bobbing his head to the music he was listening to before taking his headphones off to look out the window as if he heard the insult.

Back with Rarity, Spike and Chad, Spike had completely disregarded the insult and, like the first time he met Rarity, he floated off the ground with a lovestruck sigh and goofy smile, hearts in his eyes and floating up along with the stench. She steps out to nudge him with her hoof so that he drifts off like a helium balloon.

“Hi Pinkie.” Chad greeted and warned Rarity. Rarity turned to look at her and then looked at the basket on her head.

“Ooh, love the new hat. Very modern. What’s the occasion?”

"Gummy's "after-birthday" party is this afternoon," Pinkie announced happily. "I'm delivering the invitations."

"The party is this afternoon?" Rarity asked, worried. "As in, "this afternoon" this afternoon?"

Pinkie looked upwards, perplexed. "It's so strange. Everyone keeps saying that."

“Oh…do they?” Rarity asked, a bit uneasy, fiddling with her own mane.

"I know it's short notice.” Pinkie admitted, "but we had such a great time at his birthday party, I thought we could have even more fun at his after-birthday party."

"And I'm sure that we would, but I'm going to have to decline. I have to… wash my hair!" Rarity said, thinking quickly.

“Don’t be silly. Your hair doesn’t look dirty.” Pinkie said.

“Sure it does, right Chad?” Rarity asked, turning to him for an outing. Chad gave the so-so gesture. Rarity looked at Pinkie, she wasn’t buying it. So Rarity zipped over and then dipped her head into the garbage can, contaminating her made in filth.

"See?" She asked, choking down her gag reflex. "Dirty! I have to go!" And she bolted inside her boutique, closing the door behind her. Pinkie looked at Chad and Rarity opened the door again.

“Also I need Chad for those hard to reach areas.” She said, pulling Chad into the boutique by the hoodie and tail.

“Huh. No Bandit, No Twilight, no Applejack, no Rarity.” She spoke out loud, then she smiled again, pushing any negative thoughts out of her mind. “Oh, well. A party is still a party even with only three guests.”

The three guests in question, the three pegasi from cloudsdale, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Lightning Sprint were currently before her.

“This afternoon?” Lightning Sprint asked.

“As in-” Rainbow Dash tried to ask.

“Yes!” Pinkie interrupted. “As in ‘this afternoon’ this afternoon!”

“Oh, man, we’d love to, but…we’re house-sitting this afternoon.” Rainbow Dash said. Fluttershy and Lightning Sprint nodded in confirmation.

“All three of you?” Pinkie asked.

“It’s a really big house.” Lightning Sprint said. Fluttershy and Lightning Sprint looked at Rainbow Dash, who drew a watch on her hoof and pretended they were getting late.

“Uh, look at the time! We’d really better get going.” She tried to get moving with the two behind her, but Pinkie began asking more questions.

“Wait!" Pinkie Pie called out, making the trio stop. "Maybe I could bring you some after-birthday cake and ice-cream. Who're you house-sitting for?" She asked as they floated back to her.

Rainbow Dash thought quickly of a name. "Harry."

"Harry?" Pinkie repeated to see if she heard that right.

"Yeah, I don't think you know him." Lightning Sprint said.

"That's strange" Pinkie remarked. "I know just about everypony around here. And Bandit and chad, you know, cause they’re not ponies."

"He's… a bear," Fluttershy said, Which surprisingly enough, wasn't a lie.

Pinkie blinked. "A bear?"

"Yup!" Lightning Sprint confirmed. "He's a bear all right, and he'll be pretty upset if we don't get over to his house soon." The 3 started flying away again.

"Wait!" Pinkie called out, stopping them once again. "There's a bear around here who lives in a house?"

"It's, uh, really more of a cave," Fluttershy admitted.

"But he's fixed up the place so much, it feels like a house." Rainbow Dash added. Pinkie was still looking at them confused.

Fluttershy nodded. "And, uh, he wants us to look after his house… uh, cave… while he's, uh…"

"A-at the beach!" Rainbow Dash finished quickly.

Pinkie looked at them questioningly and very confused. "He's vacationing at the beach?"

“Yes, he loves to-” Fluttershy tried to say, only for Lightning Sprint and Rainbow Dash to talk at the same time.

“Collect seashells!/Play beach volleyball!…Play beach volleyball!/Collect seashells!…Collect volleyballs!/Play seashells!” The two speedy pegasi said. They all then took off flying, since they had a hard time keeping the story straight.

“Gotta go!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

“See ya!” Lightning Sprint exclaimed. Pinkie plastered a perfectly perplexed expression on her face. She was back at home with that exact expression on her face as Gummy was pulling his plushie around the room.

“Something strange is definitely going on around here, Gummy. Sure, Rainbow Dash, Lightning Sprint and Fluttershy had to house-sit for that vacationing bear, but what are the chances all my other friends would have plans this afternoon too?” Pinkie said standing up. She then walked towards the window.

“Rarity has to wash her hair? Chad has to get the ‘hard to reach places’? Applejack has to pick apples? Twilight is behind on her studies and has to hit the books? Bandit has to write to his Mother and Aunt to prepare for the gala?” She briefly stopped herself and thought about that last one. “Actually, that last one makes the most since. But, the more I think about what the others told me, the more those are starting to sound like…” She then realized with a gasp. “Excuses!”

Looking worried, she casts her line of sight out over Ponyville, only to react with sudden surprise and ducked down to peek over the sill. Across the way, she spots Bandit, who was walking towards Sugar Cube Corner. He walked inside, and Pinkie started to get suspicious.

“That doesn’t look like writing letters….or preparing for the gala.” She said. She went back into her room, not seeing Twilight sneak into a bush.

Bandit rang the bell as he stood at the counter. Mrs. Cake walked out of the kitchen and spotted Bandit.

"Ooh!" She said, coming up to the counter. "You must be here for…"

"Shh!" Bandit warned before looking around in a hushed whisper. "Is Pinkie Pie around?"

“I don’t think so.” Mrs. Cake said. Bandit opened his mouth but stopped when a tin can on the end of a string was dropped down in front of him. Bandit looked up and saw the hole it was through.

“She’s here.” Bandit whispered. He then wrote down what he was here for while at the same time, talking to throw Pinkie off.

“I’m just here for a few snacks, letters to mom and aunt to help prepare for the gala took a toll on my stomach.” He said before giving her the paper, which confirmed he was here for what Mrs. Cake thought, while also telling her to play along.

“Oh I understand.” She winked, confirming she was playing along. “Hard work can give you quite the appetite, I’ll be right back.”

“Why would Bandit ask where I was before asking for a snack? What wouldn’t Bandit want me to know anything about?” She asked herself. She pulled the tin can back up right as Bandit turned to the door to wink at Twilight. Although she didn’t see the wink, she did see the paper on the counter. She couldn’t see the top half, but she did see the bottom half that said play along.

“He is hiding something.” She whisper yelled. Bandit turned back to Mrs.Cake, but when he realized he couldn’t see the tin can he looked up. He saw an empty hole, due to Pinkie moving before she could be seen. Then he looked down and saw the paper she could’ve seen.

“Here you go.” Mrs. Cake said. Bandit leaned over the counter and whispered something into her ear. She nodded.

Back outside, Bandit was walking back to the library, and Pinkie was hot on his tail. As he walked, Pinkie watches from around a corner. An instant later, she pops closer to where he was walking, with Gummy perched on the back of her head.

“Time to get to the bottom of this.” She said, putting on a pair of Groucho Marx-style joke glasses, complete with a large nose and bushy eyebrows and mustache. She tails him back to the library and peers through the window. She sees him set at a desk, taking a few Moon Nights out of the box to eat before continuing to write the letters.

“He wasn’t lying?” She asked. However, briefly, she looked at the reflection in the window and saw Bandit passing off the box on his back to Twilight. She turned around just in time to see Bandit disappear into an alley and Twilight sneaking off. The Bandit in the library was the Hyperrealistic Hologram spell from Griffon the Brush Off.

“He was!” She hush shouted. She then looked at her disguise. “He knew I was coming, I need a new disguise.”

It wasn't long before Twilight reached Carousel Boutique and she rang the doorbell. Rarity opened the door, looked around quickly, and then subtly stepped out next to Twilight.

"She didn't see Bandit drop off the package to you, did she?" she inquired in a low voice.

"She should still be distracted by the hologram." Twilight Sparkle replied, sliding the box off her back and onto the ground between them.

"Oh, good," Rarity started, relieved. "I'd hate for her to ruin everything."

"Me too, where’s Chad?” Twilight asked.

“Ready for if things go wrong.” Rarity answered. And with that, she left.

Rarity stepped to the side so that the box was hidden from view, and she scooped it into her tail before heading off. As she turns past one of the tents set up near her shop, a nearby straw bale grew four pinkie legs with Pinkie’s eyes peering out the front, and Gummy popped out of the top and sneezed.

Later, Rarity walked down a street, where Fluttershy poked her head out from around a corner making sure the coast was clear. Rarity walked over to her and gave her a wink before stopping in front of her.

Pinkie’s disguise, now outfitted with a baseball cap and trench coat, peered around the corner to listen in.

"Have you seen her?" she asked.

"Not since this morning." Fluttershy replied.

"Me neither," Rarity agreed. "Twilight said, Bandit had her distracted with a hologram spell, but you can never be too sure with Pinkie Pie. Can you believe she was planning on throwing an after-birthday party today?"

"I'm just glad I was able to come up with an excuse for why I couldn't be there." Fluttershy responded.

"Me too!" Rarity added. "This is obviously going to be so much better." Pinkie’s eyes showed nothing but sadness.

"As long as we keep her from finding out about it, it will." Fluttershy added.

Rarity nodded and whispered, "See you later!" She then walked the opposite way.

Fluttershy picked up the box by the string wrapped around and she began walking out of the alleyway. Pinkie started to frantic hop to make her getaway, which was cut short when she knocked herself silly against the corner of a house. She bounces backward and bumped against Fluttershy, which made her drop the box and stumble back. Stunned, she looked at the haybale and gasped when she saw eyes staring right at her. Fluttershy screamed, snatched up the box, and flew away as fast as she could.

Pinkie watched her go and pouted while Gummy popped out of the pocket of the jacket. "I thought everypony loved my parties." She stated sadly.

Lightning Sprint then trotted by.

“Hi Pinkie pie.” She said. She then froze when she realized who she just saw. “Uh-oh!” She took off.

“Lightning Sprint wait!” Pinkie called out as she hopped after her. Lightning Sprint got a good distance away, only for Pinkie to pop out of the barrel she was next to, no longer in her disguise. “Where are you going!?”

“Sweet Honeydew Inside Tuile!” She exclaimed after getting startled and flew up. She flew into the Ponyville Schoolhouse Bell. She let out a sigh of relief, only for Pinkie to be right next to her, dangling upside down like a bat.

“What’s the real reason you didn’t want to come to Gummy’s party?!?” Pinkie shouted. The bell rang and Lightning Sprint flung herself out, trying to escape via the nearest mountain. She gets to the top and pants.

“Thirsty.” She said, a pink hoof gave her some water, which she drank, before doing a spit take upon realizing who just gave her that water bottle.

Pinkie then noticed that Lightning Sprint was carrying a saddlebag, and something was in there.

“WHAT’S IN THOSE BAGS?!?!?” She demanded.

“How are you so fast!?” Lightning Sprint exclaimed before taking off, leaving behind a trail of blue and white.

“I’M ASKING THE QUESTIONS HERE!” Pinkie exclaimed before running after her, leaving a trail of pink and green due to Gummy being on her back.

Flying as fast as she could, Lightning Sprint barreled towards Sweet Apples Acres, where Applejack spots the fast-approaching chase

"Applejack! We have a problem!" Lightning Sprint exclaimed.

Pinkie was hot on her tail. Applejack quickly whistled and she and Lightning Sprint ran inside, while Chad slides out in the seated position right in pinkie’s path. Pinkie slid to a stop as Chad used his magic to close the door.

“Heya Pinkie!” Chad said with a wide grin.

“Can’t talk now Chad, I’m taking a look inside that barn.” Pinkie said as she tried to walk past him, but Chad used his tail to pull her back in front of him.

“I’m afraid you can’t go in there.” Chad said.

“Lightning Sprint just went in there.” Pinkie pointed out.

“She’s supposed to, she’s helping with the in barn construction.” Chad said. Seconds later, a song was heard playing.

“Rainbow! Wrong Disc!” Lightning was heard whisper shouting.

“Sorry sorry sorry.” Rainbow Dash whisper yelled back before construction noises were heard playing. Pinkie glared at him, and Chad smiled widely, dilating his eyes. She started asking questions, glaring more intently per question.

“What tool is Twilight using?”

“She’s handling blueprints.”


“Hammering the beams.”

“Lightning Sprint?”

“Getting any tools we forgot.”


“Finished with the letters and getting any building materials we forgot.”

“Rainbow Dash?”

“Providing the nails.”


“Moral support.”

“Pinkie Pie?”

“Asking me questions.”

“Oh forget it!” Pinkie exclaimed as she stomped her hoof and turned around stomping off. Chad looked to his left, where Pinkie popped back, nose to nose with him, but he still didn’t break. And with that, she backed off. Chad trotted back inside and the other ponies plus Bandit let out a sigh of relief.

Back in town, Pinkie was pacing around Gummy, who was sitting there with his normal blank expression on his face as Pinkie spoke.

"Secrets and lies!" She scowled, still pacing while Gummy merely blinked his eyes. "It's all secrets and lies with all of them! They're up to something, Gummy! Something they don't want me to know about!” She zipped back over, bumping into Gummy, making him go back on all fours. “Well, I'm gonna know about it! I'm gonna know about it big time! And I know just who's gonna tell me all about it. Tell me all about it big time!"

Later on, Spike was in Pinkie’s upstairs room, standing in a chair and looking at a plate full of gems.

"Wow! Nice spread!" Spike exclaimed.

"It's all yours, Spike.” She said with a smug grin. She then pulled out a spotlight, grabbed his tail, and pulls it through the back of the chair, letting Gummy bite down to hold him in place. The spotlight is turned on, all the other lights in the room switch off, and she leans in close through the glare.

“All you have to do is talk.” She said, expecting Spike to tell him what she wanted to hear.

Spike blinked. "That's it? Aw, you got it," he agreed. "Okay… uh, beautiful weather we're having, eh? I love a sunny spring day, don't you? The birds chirpin' and the flowers blooming."

Spike tried to reach for the gems, only for Pinkie to slide them away. "No, no, no. Talk about our friends." She said, again Spike didn’t tell her what they wanted.

"Oh, okay," Spike said. As he stood on the chair. "Let's see, there's Twilight Sparkle. She's a unicorn. Good with magic. A real brainiac. Then there's Bandit, who’s like Twilight but much more laid back and doesn’t yell at me for sneaking a late night snack. And then you got Rarity. Total knockout. Twilight seems to think I don't even have a chance with her, but… eh, what does she know? Chad’s always taking her attention from me, I know I’m a way better catch. Let's see. There's… there's Fluttershy, a Pegasus who's afraid of heights. Heh, what's up with that?" Spike said. Before he could continue, Pinkie stopped him with a growl.

“No! You're not understanding me! I want you to confess!" Pinkie exclaimed. Gummy was no longer holding Spike’s tail and was instead looking down at the two from on top of the chair.



Spike got nervous and sweaty. He tried to stay strong, but he couldn’t hold his tongue.

“I’m the one who deleted Chad’s minecraft world and told him the save file corrupted!” Spike said.


“And I lied to Bandit when I told him I got rid of my old Stuffed Ursa, Virgo!” Spike confessed. Pinkie didn’t get what she wanted, so she pushed on.

“And?” She asked. Spike gulped.

“And sometimes… when no one's around… I do this." Spike grabbed a mirror and he began flexing his muscles in front of it. "Lookin' good, Spike! Lookin' real good!"

Pinkie looked like her brain broke for a moment, but then she shook her head, and her patience broke.

“No, no, no, NO!” Pinkie exclaimed, knocking the mirror away. Spike began to get scared.

“Wh…what do you want to hear? Tell me what you want me to say and I’ll say it!” Spike told her.

“Tell me that my friends are all lying to me and avoiding me because they don’t like my parties and they don’t want to be my friends anymore!” She shouted, the last two words nearly sent the spikes on his head flying.

She breathed heavily and Spike was so scared that he repeated those exact words to her.

“Your friends are all lying to you and avoiding you ’ cause they don’t like your parties and they don’t want to be your friends anymore!” He said, fearing the worst. Pinkie gave a triumphant smile.

“Aha! I knew it.” Her smile then disappeared and her normally puffy mane deflated like balloons, her ears flopped and her overall color scheme darkened. She looked down in sadness. “Oh, no. My friends don’t like my parties and they don’t want to be my friends anymore.”

“Uh. Pinkie?” Spike called. Pinkie moved the gems over to him. He gulped and got off the chair. “I think I’ll pass.”

He got to the stairs before stopping, coming back, and grabbing a green gem. “Just one.”

He then ran out as fast as he could.

Sometime later, Pinkie looked up with a smile on her face.

“Thank you all so much for coming.” She started. She was talking to her ‘guests’ which consisted of a bucket of turnips, a pile of rocks, a clump of lint, and a bag of flour. Gummy’s plushie was also there, as Gummy was on its back, biting at the back of the plushie’s neck. All but Pinkie were wearing party hats. And Pinkie was puppeting all of them.

"Could I have some more punch?" The turnips asked, Pinkie giving it a deep male voice.

"Well, of course you can have some more punch, Mr. Turnip." Pinkie answered, setting a cup of punch in front of the bucket. She then twitched before moving to the pile of rocks.

"This is one great party! "You really outdone yourself!" She made the pile of rocks took in a Brooklyn accent.

"Why, thank you, Rocky." She said before moving to the clump of lint.

"I'm having a delightful time as well.” Pinkie gave an English accent to.

"I'm so glad, Sir Lintsalot." She thanked before twitching yet again.

"Might I trouble you for anozer slice of cake?" the bag of flour asked in a polite French accent.

"Anything for you, Madame le Flour." Pinkie said presented the bag of flour with a slice of cake.

"I'm just glad those so-called friends of yours decided to show, up don’tcha know?" Pinkie gave Gummy’s plushie a midwestern accent.

"Oh, they're not so bad." And that was the moment where her mind officially snapped. As the smile stays in place, the eyes above it slowly drift in two different directions on the sides of her head.

"Not so bad?" Rocky repeated. "Puh-lease! They're a buncha losers!"

Pinkie was taken aback by this. "Oh, c'mon now," she said. "‘Losers’ might be a little strong, don’tcha think?"

"After the way they treated you?" Sir. Lintsalot asked. "I say "losers" isn't strong enough."

"Well, it was pretty rude…" Pinkie admitted.

"Pretty rude?" Madame le Flour repeated, offended. "It was downright despicable!"

"It was, wasn't it?" Pinkie began to agree

"If I were ya, I wouldn't speak to them ever again." Gummy Plushie said.

"You know what? I'm not gonna speak to them ever again." Pinkie agreed, her mind slipping further into insanity. "And I'm not gonna invite them to another party as long as I live! They don't deserve to be invited to my parties.” She twitched again. “Not after the way they've been acting."

Madame le Flour clapped in agreement. "Deeespicable!"

"Such losers!" Sir Lintsalo declared.

"Yes, zat's right," Madame le Flour agreed.

"Well done," Mr. Turnip agreed.

"Yeah!" said Sr. Lintsalot.

"You show 'em!" Rocky agreed.

“Woo!” Gummy’s plushie said. Although to Pinkie they were moving on their own, in reality, she was moving them so that they could speak/move. Her antics were soon interrupted by a knock on the door.

“Who could that be?” She asked. Bandit opened the door located on the balcony of Pinkie’s room. He and Lightning Sprint both entered the room and Lightning Sprint looked around and saw how everything looked.

“Hey Pinkie. Sorry about-” Bandit tried to say.

“Oh I’m out of here.” Lightning Sprint said. She tried to fly right back out to escape the creepy setting, but Bandit yanked her tail to bring her back. She nearly hit the ground and recovered to look at Pinkie.

“Sorry for being busy for most of the day.” Bandit said, he was unbothered by the setting he had come into, but that was because he was concerned about the pony they came to get. “Had some things to take care of.”

“You know how that goes.” Lightning Sprint added.

“I know how it goes, all right!" Pinkie gritted through her teeth.

“Well, to make it up to you, we have something we want you to see at Sweet Apple Acres.” Bandit told her.

“Why don’t you come with us?” Lightning Sprint said.

"No thanks." Pinkie stated as she trotted to the bag of flour. "I'm spending time with my real friends. Isn't that right, Madame le Flour?" She asked, making the flour agree.

"Oui! Zat iz correct, madame."

Bandit and Lightning Sprint looked at one another and then back at Pinkie.

“Pinkie?” Lightning Sprint tried to call, her creeped out feeling replaced with the same concern Bandit had.

"Another slice of cake, Gummy #2?" Pinkie asked.

"I'd love one, don’tcha know." Pinkie said in the midwestern accent yet again.

“Okay, Pinkie, let’s get you out of self isolated Elm street and head to the barn.” Bandit said. Pinkie shoved Mr. Turnip in front of him.

“She’s not going anywhere.”

“I most certainly am not." Pinkie stated in her normal voice. "I'm having a wonderful time right here."

Bandit slid the turnips out of his way.

“Pinkie, I think it’s important that you-”

Pinkie then moved Rocky in front of him.

“You heard the lady! She ain’t goin’ nowheres, chump!” Rocky said. Bandit glared, not liking that being said at all.

Seconds later, Rocky was thrown out the window conveniently left open.

“Next time watch who you’re calling a chump-I can not believe I just shouted at a rock.” Bandit said as he facehoofed.

“Okay Pinkie, your….whatever this is, is started to get contagious. Let’s go before this infects me next.” Lightning Sprint said as she got behind Pinkie.

“No.” Pinkie said.

“We’re leaving, now!” Lightning Sprint demanded.

“I said No!” Pinkie persisted. Lightning Sprint then began trying to forcefully move her using her head.

“You…have to…come with…us!” She said per step taken, moving Pinkie each step.

“No..” Pinkie dug her front hooves into the floor. “I…” She lifted her lower body, knocking Lightning Sprint off balance. “Don’t!” She slammed her rump on the top of her head. Bandit ran over and yanked her out. Lightning Sprint was dazed but shook her head.

“I got this.” Bandit said.

Bandit was walking to Sweet Apple Acres with a flailing Pinkie Pie being held by the scruff with Gummy on his head. She was trying to hit Bandit to get him to let her go, but Bandit used his magic to block them before opening the door.

“We’re here!” Lightning Sprint announced.

Bandit brought Pinkie into the room and sat her down gently. She looked up and saw Rainbow Dash, Twilight, Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack, and Chad all wearing party hats.

“Surprise!” They all shouted in unison with loving smiles on their faces. Bandit moved her further into the barn as the expressions shifted from smiles to uncomfortable as they saw she was glaring instead of smiling.

“I’d really thought she’d be more excited.” Fluttershy said to Twilight.

“Excited? Excited?!? Why would I be excited to attend my own farewell party?!?” Pinkie exclaimed.

“Farewell party?” Chad asked, rather confused.

“Yes! You don’t like me anymore, so you decide to kick me out of the group and throw a great big party to celebrate! A “Farewell to Pinkie Pie” party!” Pinkie exclaimed as she faced away from the group in a pout.

“Why in the world would you think we didn’t like you anymore, sugar cube?” Applejack asked.

“Why? Why? Why?!" Pinkie shrieked, getting louder and louder. She then jumped up and floated/flailed mid-air.

“Because you’ve been LYING to me and avoiding me all day! That’s why!” Pinkie shouted. Bandit grabbed her and set her back down.

“Well, duh. That’s the point of a surprise party isn’t?” Bandit asked.

“We'd been planning this party for such a long time," Rarity explained. "We had to make excuses for why we couldn't attend Gummy's party so that we could get everything ready for yours."

“Well, except Bandit. He really did have to write those letters.” Chad pointed out.

“It’s true.” Bandit said, taking a very Applejack-like stance.

"If this is a farewell party, why does the cake Bandit picked up from Sugarcube Corner say "Happy Birthday, Pinkie Pie"?" Twilight asked, nodding to the pink cake that had a picture of their friend on the top.

Pinkie looked around at the decorations, the presents, trays filled with truffles and bonbons, and the cake before with a loud squeak, her mane and tail went back to their curly state. "Because it's my birthday!” She stretched out her hooves and hugged her friends. "Ooh, how could I have forgotten my own birthday?" Her friends sighed in relief.

"And you like me so much you decided to throw me a surprise party!" She let go and hopped around.

"That's what we've been trying to tell you, darling," Rarity said with a smile.

"You guys are the best friends ever!" Pinkie stated before looking down and sadly adding. "How could I have ever doubted you?"

“It could’ve happened to any of us.” Bandit said. The others came forward, agreeing with him.

“I’m just glad I haven’t been replaced by a bucket of turnips.” Lightning Sprint said.

“Don’t ask.” Bandit said to Twilight.

“How about we, ‘turnip’ the music and Party!” Chad said. Ignoring the pun, the music started and the party started.

As the party was full swing, Bandit was writing the letter to Celestia.

“Dear My Loving Mother, I am writing to you from the most delightful party. I'm not only having a great time with my friends, but also was given the opportunity to learn a valuable lesson about friendship. Always expect the best from your friends, and never assume the worst. Rest assured that a good friend always has your best interests at heart. Your loving son, Bandit." Bandit said before having Spike send the letter. He smiled and went to join his friends in the conga line. Spike watched before feeling Spike tap his shoulder. Spike turned and saw a very angry-looking Chad.

“You deleted my save file?” He asked with a growl. Spike gulped.

“I know you’re mad, let me explain.” Spike said. Rather than explain, he bolted. Chad ran after him. Applejack saw this and giggled.


"You girls wouldn't mind if we celebrated Gummy's after-birthday party too, would you?" Pinkie asked, nodding to her gator, who was trying to eat a pink balloon. "His party was cut short, and he's pretty upset about it."

"Oh, definitely."

"Aww, he was upset?"

"We can do that."

"Uh-huh, sure!"


"For Gummy, yeah!"

"Yeah, why not?"

"Let's have a party for Gummy.”

“Happy belated Gummy.”

“Ooh! We should do this for your birthday Bandit!” Pinkie said. Bandit shook his head.

“Oh no, I don’t celebrate my birthday.”

Author's Note:

Here is the third to last chapter of Season 1.

I wanted to get this done as fast as possible for no reason other than Spite.

The next episode is another custom episode. I hope you all like this episode, let me know what you thought of the episode, and as always, I hope you enjoyed.