• Published 18th Nov 2019
  • 13,983 Views, 844 Comments

My Little Pony: Friendships and Magic [Season 1] - Alpha Wolf 4500

The first season of a rewrite of this series that I love. With my first and favorite OC, and the OC of a friend.

  • ...

Call of the Cutie

It was a nice spring day in Ponyville and at the school, the fillies were chatting away as Miss Cheerilee got ready to teach them a new lesson.

"Let's quiet down please." Miss Cheerilee said, walking over to a canvas that had a large piece of paper. "We have a very important lesson to get to." And the class quieted down.

"Thank you." she continued. "Today we are going to be talking about cutie marks." And she flipped the paper over to reveal another paper filled with different kinds of cutie marks.

"Bo-ring." Diamond Tiara said, a female filly with pale magenta skin, brilliant cornflower blue eyes, pale violet mane and tail with white streaks, she wore a diamond tiara on her head, and she had a diamond tiara as her cutie mark, which had appeared last week.

Miss Cheerilee ignored the filly since the other fillies, which included Apple Bloom who was ready to take notes, were interested, and that included the ones who already had their cutie marks.

"You can all see my cutie mark, can't you?" she asked, nodding to the three flowers that were on her flank. "Like all ponies, I wasn't born with a cutie mark. My flank was blank." And she flipped the paper over to reveal one that had a photo of herself as a baby.

"Aww…!" said Twist, a filly with light amber skin, light pink eyes behind a pair of purple glasses, and scarlet red mane and tail. "She's so precious!"

Cheerilee smiled and then continued her lesson. "Then one day, when I was about your age, I woke up to find that a cutie mark had appeared." And she showed them a different photo, which was of her as a teenage pony with frizzle hair, and an 80s-style outfit.

"Look at her hair!" Diamond Tiara exclaimed and the fillies giggled, saved for Apple Bloom, who was busy taking notes.

"Yes I know, but honestly, that's how everypony was wearing their mane back then," said their teacher, having expected that kind of reaction. "I had decided to become a teacher, and the flowers symbolized my hope that I could help my future students bloom if I nurture them with knowledge. The smiles represented the cheer I hoped to bring to my little ponies while they were learning. Now, can anyone tell me when a pony gets his or her cutie mark?"

Twist immediately waved her hoof. "Oh! Oh! Oh! When she discovers that certain something that makes her special!" she answered excitedly.

"That's right, Twist. A cutie mark appears on a pony's flank when he or she finds that certain something that makes them different from every other pony. Discovering what makes you unique isn't something..."

"I have a question Cheerilee." Rumble, s light grey pegasus colt with a dark grey mane and said, holding up his hoof.

"Yes Rumble?" Cheerilee asked as she looked towards him.

"Are ponies the only creatures that can get Cutie marks?" He asked, this made Cheerilee tap her chin.

"From what we've seen it usually is only ponies but that doesn't mean that another creature can't get one." Cheerilee said. Then she started talking about the stories of other creatures who may have gotten cutie marks. "There has been speculation-"

"Psst." Diamond Tiara said to Apple Bloom. Apple Bloom tried to ignore her, but Diamond Tiara was able to get her attention.

"What?!" She whisper yelled, her irritated mood turned to confusion when Diamond tiara offered her a piece of paper, which Silver Spoon, a grey filly with a light grey braided mane and tail, light blue glasses and matching pearl necklace, with light lavender eyes, was gesturing her to give to her. She let out a sigh before she took the paper into her mouth.

"Apple Bloom!" Cheerilee exclaimed and startled Apple Bloom into dropping the paper. "Are you passing a note?" she asked, sounding very disappointed in her.

Apple Bloom gave a look of discomfort with embarrassment. "Uh, I… Um…"

Cheerilee walked over to the two fillies. "What could be so important that it couldn't wait until after class?" she asked and looked at the paper, becoming confused when she saw that there wasn't anything on it. "It's blank."

Diamond Tiara burst out laughing. "Remind you of anypony?"

Apple Bloom sadly looked at her own flank as the majority of her classmates started laughing at her.

My Little Pony,
My Big Changeling too
Ahh, ahh, ahh, ahhh…

(My Little Pony)

We used to wonder what friendship could be
(My Big Changeling too)

[Twilight Sparkle]
Until you all shared its magic with me

[Rainbow Dash]
Big adventure

[Pinkie Pie]
Tons of fun

A beautiful heart

Faithful and strong

Sharing kindness!

[Lightning Sprint]
Motivate the team

Heroics makes it all complete
You have my little ponies
Do you know you're all my very best friends?

After class, Apple Bloom was walking out on her own. She was looking down at the ground. Twist walked alongside her.

"Want some sweets?" Twist offered. "I've got some peppermint sticks. I made them myself." She added proudly.

"Mm-mm." Apple Bloom said, shaking her head.

"They'll make you smile!" Twist added, trying her best to cheer up Apple Bloom. She only turned her head, dejected.

"No." Apple Bloom answered. Then Diamond Tiara and Silver spoon walked over.

"I don't know why we had to sit through a lecture about getting a cutie mark," Diamond tiara complained. "I mean, waiting for your cutie mark is sooo last week. You got yours, I just got mine. We all have them already." She then gasped and mocked Twist and Apple Bloom, circling them. "I mean, almost all of us have them already. Don't worry, you two, you're still totally invited to my cute-ceañera this weekend," she added, referring to the celebration that was held whenever a filly got his or her cutie mark.

"It's going to be amazing," Silver Spoon added, joining in the rude teasing.

Diamond Tiara grinned as she joined in. "It's a party celebrating me and my fantastic cutie mark. How could it not be?" she joked and then she and Silver Spoon did their friendship routine and chant. "Bump! Bump! Sugar-lump, rump!" After bumping their rumps, they both walked away, laughing.

"Gimme a break," Apple Bloom grumbled, glaring after them.

"See you this weekend…" Silver Spoon called back mockingly before being joined by Diamond Tiara. "Blank flanks!" And they disappeared around the bend, still laughing. Twist shot Apple Bloom a look of sympathy as Apple Bloom looked down and saddened.

Outside of the library, Chad was tossing sticks into the air and used his magic to transform them into different things, being supervised by Bandit. Klaw and Fang were trying to catch any of the sticks that hadn't turned.

He was getting better at transfiguration, smiling as he was doing this practically with no effort, making a cake at one point, which he ate messily. Bandit looked up and saw Apple Bloom practically stomping her way home.

"Apple Bloom?" Bandit called. Distracting Chad, making him turn the last stick in the air into a bow similar to Apple Bloom. Apple Bloom looked towards them both and walked over.

"You seem a little down in the dumps, what's the matter?" Bandit asked. Apple Bloom flopped into the seated position.

"I'm one of the only little fillies in my class who hasn't got them a cutie mark and it's just not fair! Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon constantly making fun of me." Apple Bloom complained. Bandit and Chad both looked at their own flanks upon hearing that.

"Oh boy." Bandit muttered before looking back at Apple Bloom. "Trust me Apple Bloom, I know the pain. But there's no need to worry about yourself. All ponies get a cutie mark eventually."

"But I don't want one eventually!" Apple Bloom wailed. "I want one right now! I can't go to Diamond Tiara's cute-ceañera without one, I just can't!"

"Of course you can. I mean, I've gone to plenty of cute-ceañeras without a cutie mark, and the only bad one was Prince Blueblood's, for obvious reasons." Bandit told her as he walked forward. He sat down in front of her.

"So it never bothered you that you never had one yourself?" Apple Bloom asked him.

"I won't lie, it always picked at me like an annoying itch, but I'm a changeling. We aren't exactly known for having cutie marks because there hasn't been one in recorded history to receive one. But then again, ponies don't exactly interact with changelings other than myself." Bandit confessed. "I'm getting off topic, but yes it did bother me a little. But it's not something you can rush or beg for. The only things you can do is try to find your destiny, or let it come to you."

"So what do you suggest I do?" Apple Bloom asked. Bandit tapped his chin as he began to remember what he did when he was her and Chad's age.

"You know, when I was younger, I asked around how other ponies got their cutie marks before trying a bunch of things myself. I would try asking your family first. Who knows, maybe being last runs in the family." Bandit said, a light bulb seemed to go off in Apple Bloom's head.

"Runs in the family? Runs in the family! Runs in the family!" She hopped onto Bandit's back. "Applejack has apples for a cutie mark, Granny Smith has an apple pie, Big Macintosh has an apple half, my unique talent must have something to do with apples!" Apple Bloom said before she started to bounce up and down excitedly. "Apples! Apples! Apples!"

She accidentally jumped off Bandit, who used his wing to catch her.

"Whoa! Calm yourself Apple Bloom, you don't want a cutie mark in being accident prone." Bandit said with a chuckle. Apple Bloom giggled and slid off his wing to run back to Sweet Apple Acres. Chad was still looking at his flank, tilting his head before looking at all the cutie marks around.

Back inside, Chad was being bathed by Twilight as he halfheartedly played with a boat. Which usually meant that he had something on his mind.

"What's wrong Chad? You're not usually this quiet during a bath, or still. Usually, I have to anchor you down to the bath." Twilight asked as she soaped up his mane.

"Twilight, will I ever get a cutie mark?" Chad asked her. Twilight was caught off guard by that question.

"A cutie mark? What makes you ask that?"

"Well, Diamond Tiara was making fun of Apple Bloom today for not having one. I'm just curious. That's all." Chad answered. Twilight began to think.

"I'm sure that when you find your special talent that will be when you get one." Twilight said, trying to keep his spirits up.

".....what about Bandit?" Chad asked her. Remembering Bandit doesn't have a cutie mark.

"I'm sure he'll get his too." Twilight told him as he scrubbed his back.

"But.....what if we never do?" Chad asked, turning to look at her. Twilight wasn't sure how to answer.

"How much do you want one?" She asked him. Chad looked at his flank before sitting back down.

"Actually….. pretty badly. I don't wanna be stuck wondering for the rest of my years what my purpose in life is meant to be." Chad said before his mane got rinsed off. Twilight looked down at him after the water was poured.

"You'll find your purpose. If you want, you can try a bunch of things in the meantime. Just as long as you don't get hurt." Twilight told him. Chad's eyes lit up as he hugged her tight. "Ah! Hey, you still gotta rinse off mister."

Chad slipped right back into the water, blowing bubbles out of holes of his hooves as he was rinsed off.

Chad had on his newly cleaned hoodie, he began to look around for things that he could try to do to get his cutie mark. He tapped his chin and looked around, seeing all the cutie marks of those around.

"When I look all around Ponyville.
The marks are truly all I see.
I know it's only a matter of time.
Before I discover my destiny!
A mark for me!" Chad began to sing. "I'll try it all until I-

Earn My Mark.
I know it's only just the start,
For the day i'll play my part, but I will
Earn My Mark.
So I won't be so far apart
From the creatures close to my heart.

The perfect cutie mark could be the same, could be unique.
It could be anything I like or love or right for me.
Here's what I'll do, I'll try everything, then I'm gonna see.
What talent or purpose I'm truly meant to have or be.

Martial arts, Singing.
Chess Master, Acting.
Magic spells, Arts and Crafts!
All to earn my mark at last.

I'm not gonna wear out or rest.
I'm gonna put forward my best.
Till I find my special talent and
Earn My Mark.

I plan to work real hard
And play my handed cards
Until the faithful day that I just might-
No The day I
Earn my mark! (My Mark!)

I know it's only just the start,
For the day i'll play my part, but I will
Earn My Mark! (My mark!)

Not a moment left to lose
So many things I got to dooooooooooo!

From the bottom of my heart
I will Earn! My! Mark!" Chad slid on his knees as he finished the song. He stood up and skipped off to start trying things.

The next day, Saturday, Applejack and Apple Bloom had their apple cart set up in town square for market day to sell their apples, and Apple Bloom was doing her best to receive her cutie mark.

"Get your delicious, nutritious apples here!" Applejack called out while wearing a white apron to hold the money she earned. Apple Bloom was balancing an apple on her nose and she was also wearing a white apron.

"Delicious and nutritious, and so many uses!" she announced while tossing the apple into the air and caught it in her mouth, eating it. "You can eat 'em." She swallowed and grabbed another apple, tossing it into the air and hitting it with a tennis racket she'd found, splattering pieces everywhere and getting protests from several nearby ponies. "Play with 'em."

"Hey, watch it!"

Oblivious, Apple Bloom grabbed another apple from the cart and kicked it into the air.

"Create fine art for your home with 'em." she continued as the apple spattered against a blank paper that a light purple unicorn stallion was about to paint on. Making him glare in their direction. "You have to be crazy not to get a bushel of your very own."

Applejack quickly grabbed her sister and hid her behind her. "Heh… she's so creative, heh."

Zipping around Applejack, Apple Bloom ran and jumped in front of Carrot Top.

"You, ma'am, care to buy some apples?" she asked eagerly.

"No thanks." Carrot top said politely as she shook her head, turning to walk away.

"Why not?" Apple Bloom asked, having managed to block her way a second time.

"I have plenty at home," Carrot top assured her, trying to get away from her, but Apple Bloom wasn't letting her walk away.

"Are you sure?" Apple Bloom questioned.

"Yes, I'm pretty sure I…" Carrot top began.

"You're pretty sure, but you're not absolutely positively completely super-duper sure, are you?" asked the filly, still keeping him from leaving.

"If i buy one, will you please leave me alone?" Carrot top requested, pleading that that would work.

Apple Bloom cheered with delight. "Alright!"

Carrot top tossed a bag of bits at Applejack, grabbed an apple and ran off.

"You forgot your change!" Applejack called after her, and then glared at her little sister.

"Woo-hoo! That's how you sell s'm apples and get a cutie mark!" Apple Bloom squealed, and then she peered at her flank, trying to see if she'd gotten her cutie mark. "So, what does my cutie mark look like? A shoppin' bag full of apples? A satisfied customer eating an apple?" She frowned when she didn't see anything.

Carrot Top walked over to Applejack.

"Excuse me, do you have any Honeycrisp apples, I need some for-"

"There you are. Here, you left your change." Applejack told her as she reached into the bag to pull out the change.

"But I wasn't-" Carrot top tried to say.

"Or do you want me to add that to the budget of the Honeycrisp apples you want?" Carrot top was silent for a moment before nodding her head. Applejack gave her 10 apples in a bag and Carrot top went on her way, confused but satisfied.

"You touch it, you buy it!" Apple Bloom was heard yelling at Berry Punch, who was looking at the apples with interest. Applejack turned to look in her direction.

"We take cash or credit." Apple Bloom said. Applejack walked over.

"I'm sorry ma'am." She said to Berry Punch, but she zipped off fearfully.

"Ma'am!" She called out for, but it was hopeless. She then turned back around to Apple Bloom. Aww… Now Apple Bloom, you can't just…" she began, turning just in time to see the latest stunt being pulled by Apple Bloom. Apple Bloom dumped a basket of apples into Bon Bon's bag, who wasn't paying attention, and then she held out her hoof.

"That'll be four bits." She said.

"I didn't put those in my bag." Bon Bon told her.

"Likely story," Apple Bloom sneered. "Four bits, lady!" Then Applejack's hoof covered her mouth.

"Apple Bloom!" Applejack exclaimed, as she shoved her behind her before turning to the angered Bon Bon. "I am really really sorry about that. She's new. Here, take these. No charge." She offered as she filled the other saddlebag. Bon Bon was not satisfied.

"And these." She placed some more in the bag. Still, a scowl was on her face. Applejack pulled out a basket. of apples.

"And these." She placed the basket of apples on Bon Bon's back, and Applejack watched as she hauled away the apples, in a struggle. "Y'all come back now, y'hear?" She turned back to her little sister and she was furious since they were out of apples and had barely made any money.

"What?" Apple Bloom asked innocently.

"Sorry, little sis, but your apple-sellin' days are over." She said as she snatched off the apron.

"What?" her sister yelped. "But how else am I gonna get my cutie mark?" Apple Bloom asked as she snatched it back.

"Home. Now," she ordered. Apple Bloom spat out the apron and pouted, making Applejack sigh.

"Ugh. Listen, sugarcube, I know it's hard to wait for your very own cutie mark, but, you just can't force it. Besides, you're not that grown-up just yet. Ain't there other fillies in your class without one?" Applejack asked. Apple Bloom thought about it for a moment.

"Well… Twist doesn't have hers yet." Apple Bloom answered.

"Do you think you'd feel better if you went to the party with her?" Applejack asked encouragingly.

Apple Bloom nodded, smiling once more. "Mmm-hmm."

"Well there you go! Bet you and Twist would have a great time together. Now run along and find your friend."

Apple Bloom nodded and started to leave, but then she stopped. "You're sure you don't want me to stick around 'till the end of the market?" she asked.

"Hey!" shouted Ace Player, who was holding the tennis racket from earlier. "Who's been using my racket?"

Applejack sighed while her sister flushed. "Yeah. I'm sure."

Apple Bloom headed over to the home of Twist and knocked on the door, and the upper half opened to reveal her friend.

"Oh, what's up, Apple Bloom?" Twist asked when she saw her friend.

"So I was thinkin'… maybe we could go to Diamond Tiara's cute-ceañera together." Apple Bloom suggested hesitantly. "I don't have a cutie mark, you don't have a cutie mark."

Twist flushed a little. "Well, um…" she opened the lower half of the door to reveal that she had her cutie mark: two pink candy canes forming a heart, and Apple Bloom gasped. "Isn't my cutie mark swell?" she asked proudly. "I've always loved making my own favorite sweets, but it took me some time to discover that it was my super-special talent. Pretty sweet, huh?"

"Yeah, pretty… sweet." Apple Bloom agreed dejectedly, her ears drooping.

"Hey… this doesn't mean we can't go to the cute-ceañera together." said Twist when she saw her friend's reaction. "You're still gonna come to the party, are you?" she asked, just as Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon walked past.

"Of course she will." Diamond Tiara sneered.

"It's not like being the only pony there without a cutie mark would be, like, the most embarrassing thing ever." Silver Spoon added with her own sneer, and they both walked off laughing while poor Apple Bloom felt worse than ever.

Later on, Chad was holding onto Rainbow dash as she was flying at high speeds. Rainbow Dash raced through the sky laughing happily. As Chad holds on, he double takes at a dark cloud hanging over the head of Apple Bloom.

"Whoawhoawhoawhoa, Rainbow dash, saddened Bloom at 4 o'clock." Chad said. Rainbow dash skidded to a stop in the air and flew to Apple Bloom.

"Whoa, looks like somepony's got a dark cloud hanging over her head. Let me do something about that." Rainbow dash said, however, when she turned around she saw Chad use his magic to make a lasso and pull the cloud away. "Or not. What's the matter, kid?"

Apple Bloom took in a breath. "There's a cute-ceañera this afternoon and everypony in my class will be there and they'll all have their cutie marks and I wanna get my cutie mark but I'm no good at sellin' apples but I really wanna go to the party but how can I go to the party if I don't have my cutie mark which my big sister says I'm gonna get eventually but... I WANT IT NOW!"
She said rapidly.

"Cutie mark eh? I'm helping Chad here with the same thing." Rainbow dash said as she ruffled his mane.

"You have?" Apple Bloom asked.

“Eeyup! Well, she’s only been helping with the iron grip cutie mark. I already tried for my hoof wrestling cutie mark, violin cutie mark, canoeing cutie mark set a new record by the way, and my jewel finding cutie mark. I needed Rainbow’s super fast flight for my iron grip cutie mark attempt.” Chad explained. Apple Bloom was in awe before Rainbow Dash spoke up.

"If you want, you can join the two of us." Rainbow dash said. "We can get you a Cutie Mark like that [she whips her tail]."

"Applejack says these things take time. I have to just wait for it to happen." Apple Bloom said.

"Why wait for something to happen when you can make it happen?" Rainbow dash asked her.

"But Applejack says th-" Apple Bloom started before Rainbow dash interrupted her.

"Hey, who are you gonna listen to, Applejack, or the pony who was one of the first in her class to get a cutie mark? I always liked flying an' all, but I was going nowhere in a hurry. It wasn't until my very first race that I discovered a serious need for speed, and KAZAM, this sweet baby appeared as fast as lightning." Rainbow dash said as she showed her mark. Lightning Sprint flew to her.

"You rang?" Lightning asked.

"Lightning! Perfect timing, we gotta help these two. Stat." Rainbow dash said with a smile.

Later in a field, Chad was stretching with a smile.

"Alright. Are you both ready?" Lightning Sprint asked.

"I'm ready!" Chad exclaimed loudly

"Chad's got the spirit! Do you Apple Bloom?!" Rainbow dash asked.

"I'm ready!" Apple Bloom said, not as loud as Chad.

"We know you can do better than that! Are you ready!?" Lightning Sprint exclaimed.

"I'm ready!" Apple Bloom said as she reared her hooves.

"Juggling! Go!" Rainbow dash said.

Apple Bloom was struggling to juggle in the field. Chad on the other hand, was balancing on a ball while juggling smaller versions of the ball. Apple Bloom looked at him in awe, only to fall and the balls bonked her on the head. Chad flipped off of the ball and the other balls landed in his hooves. Neither party got a cutie mark.

“Hang gliding, go!” Lightning Sprint said. Apple Bloom ran as fast as she could to try and get in the air, however, she tripped and landed on the hang glider before she even got to the edge. Chad was hang gliding in the air, moving past to transition to the next scene.

“Karate! Go!” Rainbow Dash said. Apple Bloom was in a dojo with Rainbow Dash and Lightning Sprint were in gis, Rainbow in a white gi and black belt, and Lightning Spring was in a Red gi and a black belt. Apple Bloom wiggled and jumped towards a heavy bag.

“HiiiiiYA!” She war cried, she collided her hind hoof with the bag and went rigid. She fell to the ground and the bag did not move. Chad kicked a torso bag, knocking the water bottle on its head into the air before jumping up and tornado kicked it towards the heavy back, he kept spinning and kicked the torso back into a wall, leaving a crack.

“....I can fix that.” Chad said sheepishly.

“Kite-flying! Go!” Lightning Sprint said. In the same field they were juggling in earlier, Apple Bloom was running to get the kite in the air. Chad was reading a book with a tornado on the cover.

Apple Bloom was able to get the kite into the air, this didn’t last long. As the kite landed, Apple Bloom spat out the kite in frustration. Chad was skipping along with his kite, a mini tornado formed underneath to keep it airborne.

"Ultra Roller Derby!" Lightning Sprint said.

Chad was sitting this one out. Apple Bloom looked towards him. The very moment she did that, one of the Derby rollers shoved her, making her yelp and fall over. Chad threw a pillow for her to land on, softening her landing.

“Thank you!” Apple Bloom said, Chad nodded proudly.

Meanwhile, the two were resting in a field while Rainbow Dash and Lightning Sprint were going over a checklist to figure out what to do next, having marked off the ones they already tried. Then Apple Bloom heard the giggles of Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara, when she looked over and saw them, she dove in a bush behind Chad.

"Your new outfit is, like, perfect for the party," Silver Spoon gushed. Diamond Tiara had a gift wrapped box on her back as she walked by.

"I know," said Diamond Tiara gleefully. "It totally shows off my cutie mark."

Silver Spoon sighed happily. "I love being special."

"Can you imagine how embarrassing it must be to be… not special?" Diamond Tiara wondered with a mocking tone.

Silver Spoon made a show of shuddering. "I don't even want to, like, think about it."

"Tried that one… tried that one… tried that one…" The two pegasi listed off. Chad turned to look at Apple Bloom in the bush.

“They’re gone.” Chad told her, she walked out of the bush distraught.

"I'm doomed. Doomed! If you can do all those things flawlessly and not get a cutie mark, then I'll never find somethin I'm good at.” Apple Bloom said. Chad patted her back as Pinkie popped up beside them.

"You look like you'd be good at eating cupcakes." Pinkie told them

"Eatin' cupcakes?" Apple Bloom repeated.

“Eating cupcakes!?” Chad repeated, excited.

"Eating cupcakes?" Rainbow Dash repeated skeptically.

Pinkie Pie nodded excitedly. "Eating cupcaaakes!" And she bounced off, heading for Sugarcube Corner. Chad dove into her tail, making her spin around and chase her own tail. Apple Bloom walked over to Rainbow Dash.

“I really appreciate all your help, Rainbow Dash. You're a really great coach and I really learned a lot from you and I'm sure I can learn a lot more but... I've got some cupcakes to eat! See you at the cute-ceañera! Hold on, Pinkie Pie, I'm comin'.” Apple Bloom said as she ran to Pinkie. She dove in Pinkie’s tail too.

It didn't take long until they made it to sugar cube corner.

"Here we are!" Pinkie said. Chad bounced out of her tail, Apple Bloom latched onto his back. He bucked around playfully, making her lose her grip and land on the ground. She laughed as she rolled to her hooves.

"I can't believe I didn't think of this," Apple Bloom remarked, entering the kitchen of Sugarcube Corner, where Pinkie Pie was setting up ingredients and cooking supplies. "A cupcake-eating cutie mark, it's sooo obvious." She looked around for the cupcakes. "Now, where are those cupcakes? I'm ready t' chow down!"

“We have to make the cupcakes first you little sillies.” Pinkie Pie said as she placed bakers hats on both of them.

“Cupcake baking and eating cutie mark!? Woo, sign me up!” Chad said as he reared.

"I guess, uh, making-cupcakes cutie mark could work too." Apple Bloom said, a little less excited. Pinkie then began to sing.

All you have to do is take a cup of flour!
Add it to the mix!
Now just take a little something sweet, not sour!
A bit of salt, just a pinch!
Baking these treats is such a cinch!
Add a teaspoon of vanilla!
Add a little more, and you count to four,
And you never get your fill of...
Cupcakes! So sweet and tasty!
Cupcakes! Don't be too hasty!
Cupcakes! Cupcakes, cupcakes, CUPCAKES!” Chad then zipped off and skipped in with two baskets full of Cherries and raspberries

How about I give myself a little challenge?
Add a few things new!
Mix up a new solution of batter
Delicious cupcake brew!
Butter Sugar Salt Large Eggs and Flour
The normal to begin!
Add a little lot of what is new
For the surprise at the end!
Cupcakes! So sweet and tasty!
Cupcakes! Don't be too hasty!
Cupcakes! Cupcakes, cupcakes, CUPCAKES!” Chad sang as he put his batter in the second oven, hoof bumping Apple Bloom.

Several attempts later, Apple Bloom was busy using the mixer to mix up more batter when the timer on the oven went off, and she hurried over. She opened the door, backing into a flour bag, and she coughed a little when a cloud of flour puffed out. She then took out the tray of cupcakes. "Hot, hot, hot!" she yelped, dropping it.

Pinkie Pie came over to look at the tray of blacken and burnt cupcakes. "Oooh, those look much better than the last batch." And she ate one of them, chewing it with a smile on her face. "Mmm…"

At the counter, Ponies were lined up buying the ‘new cupcakes’ Mr. and Mrs. Cake were selling. Chad was covered in all the batter he was using as the timer on the oven he was using went off. He grabbed his and his cupcakes and began to put the frosting on, only to have flour enter his nose. He made two motions that he was gonna sneeze, but then stopped. He put the frosting on the cupcakes, placed them on a plate before giving them to Mr. Cake to sell. He then backed up a reasonable distance and sneezed, propelling himself into the flour bag. Apple Bloom looked at how Chad’s cupcakes were being sold while hers didn’t even look presentable.

"Ugh! I guess I'm not cut out to be a baker either," she muttered, sighing and she started walking away. "I just have to face it, I'm gonna have a blank flank forever."

“Hey, what’s that?” Chad asked, pointing to a white splotch on Apple Bloom’s flank.

"What about what?" Apple Bloom asked, and looked at her flank in the reflection from an upside-down bowl. "Is there something on my flank? Is there, is there, is there?" She gasped when she saw it, and she tried to guess what it was. "A cutie mark! It's a… a measuring cup? No. A mixin' bowl? No… Are those cupcakes? A tower of cupcakes maybe."

Chad used a towel to wipe off the splotch off, revealing it to be flour.

“Nope, flour.” Chad said. Apple Bloom looked at his flank and saw he had once neither. Chad followed her eye sight and his ears flopped.

“Whoa. Now I see why this place is busy.” Bandit said from the door, he then looked at Chad. “Chad, Twilight has been-” He stopped when he saw the cupcakes Apple Bloom made, he started to eat them one by one.

“Twilight has been wondering if you wanna-”

“Bandit! You have to help me!" Apple Bloom pleaded.

“Whoa whoa! What’s wrong?” He asked, he saw her flank was still blank and put the pieces together. “Oh.”

“Tiara's cute-ceañera's today and everypony in my class will be there and they'll all have their cutie marks and I want to get my cutie mark but I'm no good at selling apples or making potions or hang-gliding or making cupcakes, but I wanna go to the party but how can I go to the party if I don't have my cutie mark, which Pinkie Pie says I can't just make appear, but I need it to appear, right now!" Apple Bloom said, she was desperate.

“How exactly am I supposed to help you with that? You want me to up some activities or-”

"You can use your magic to make my cutie mark appear," Apple Bloom suggested with a hopeful expression.

“Oh no. That is not a tree I plan on barking up. A cutie mark is something a pony or creature has to discover for themselves." Bandit told her.

“Please Bandit, please just try.” Apple Bloom begged.

“I can’t. I’ve done it before on myself. Watch.” Bandit said as he zapped his own flank. Apple Bloom watched as a silver shield appeared as his cutie mark only to fade away. “See?”

“M-maybe you gotta-”

“Try more than once?” Bandit interrupted. He zapped a few more times and various marks appeared only to disappear. Bandit continued this process until his horn began to glow bright red from how often it was being used. Both Chad and Apple Bloom were losing hope now, Chad even more so. “I’m sorry, but not even magic can make a cutie mark appear before it’s time.” Bandit said before putting his horn under cold water.

“I’m never gonna get a cutie mark.” Chad said as he flopped into the seated position, saddened.

“Come on Chad, don’t say that.” Bandit said to comfort him.

"It's hopeless, hopeless!" Apple Bloom wailed and she walked toward the doorway that led into the main room. "I just won't go to the party, I can't go. Everyone will just laugh at me and make fun of me and call me names. It will be the worst night of my life."

“Don’t you think you’re exaggerating a bit?” Bandit asked her before double taking at where Apple Bloom was walking. “Apple Bloom-”

Apple Bloom shook her head. "Forget it, there's no way I'm going to that-" she looked up and gulped when she saw that she was at the party and there were already ponies fillies and colts there. "-party."

Bandit looked at Chad and walked over to him, sitting beside him.

“Look, Chad I know you’re bummed but saying you’ll never get a cutie mark is a bit of a stretch don’t you think?” Bandit asked him.

“Is it? I don’t have a cutie mark despite everything I’m good at. You don’t have yours despite being the best in so many things! I’m probably gonna be as old as you before I get close to mine.” Chad said. Bandit was taken back at that.

“As old as- Chad I’m 19. You’re only 9 years younger than me.” Bandit said. Chad faceplanted into the ground. “Wrong choice of words, sorry. But…. Look. I never gave up on my cutie mark.”

Chad looked up at him.

“You haven’t?” Chad asked as he stood up.

“No. I’m still trying to find what I’m meant to be. Albeit, more subtle than when I was your age, but my destiny has yet to be discovered. I’ll find it and so will you.” Bandit said as he wrapped a hoof around Chad. “Who knows. Maybe you’ll find you’re mark before I find mine. After all, the best thing about not having a destiny yet, is that the possibilities are endless. Although you can’t make your mark appear, but you can work towards what you wanna be. Does that make you feel better?”

Chad sat up and leaned against Bandit and hugged him.

“Thanks Bandit.” Chad said. Bandit ruffled his mane.

“Not a problem. Now, you wanna go enjoy the party?” Bandit asked. Chad nodded and began to walk out.

(A/N: This scene is happening at the same time as Bandit and Chad’s tall)

Apple Bloom finally had her memory jogged and realized that she was at the cute-ceañera. She duck behind a chocolate statue shaped like a rearing unicorn. "How could I have forgotten the time?" she moaned, peering around at the ponies and fillies celebrating, plus one pony biting a cupcake and spitting it out since it was one of the burnt ones. "How could I have forgotten Pinkie Pie was hosting the party? How could I have forgotten it was at Sugarcube Corner?"

Pinkie Pie plopped a party hat on the filly's head. "Don't forget your party hat, Forgetty Forgetterson!" she advised and bounced away, wearing a party hat of her own.

Apple Bloom removed the party hat and looked around frantically. "I have to get out of here before anypony sees me," she muttered and found a hiding place behind a cake, only to have Snails walk up and take large bite out of it, forcing her to find a new hiding place.

"Hey!" Diamond Tiara snapped. "It's my cute-ceañera, I'm supposed to get the first bite of cake."

Apple Bloom ran across one of the counters and duck behind a bunch of balloons, which were then popped by a unicorn dancing nearby with his eyes shut. She dropped to the floor and hid herself behind crowds of ponies with their backs turned before settling under a table that had a bowl of punch and cups on it. Peering out from under the table cloth, she spotted the open front doorway.

"Okay, Apple Bloom, almost there," she whispered and then carefully made her way across the floor, pausing every now and then, allowing one pony to get a drink, and then she stopped just a foot away from the door. She began to trot towards the door with a smile and her eyes closed. Only to be shoved back inside unintentionally by Applejack, who was happy to see her little sister.

"Apple Bloom, you made it." She said cheerfully She walked into the party, dragging Apple Bloom away from the door as she walked as Apple Bloom tried desperately to reach it, to no avail. "After I heard about Twist, I was afraid you wouldn't show up. I sure am glad you came to your senses about this whole cutie mark thing. These things happen when these things are supposed to happen. Trying to rush 'em just drives you crazy. I'll let you be, looks like your friends want to talk to you."

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon gave evil grins and began to head toward her. Upon seeing them approach, Apple Bloom quickly grabbed the table cloth off the nearby table and tied it around her waist, hiding her blank flanks.

"Well well well, look who's here." Diamond Tiara said snidely.

"Nice outfit." Silver Spoon added, also in a snide manner.

Apple Bloom thought quickly. "Just sumt'n I, uh, pulled together last minute."

"It really shows off your cutie mark." Diamond Tiara commented in a mocking tone. "Oh wait, that's right, you don't have one."

"Uh, I have a cutie mark," Apple Bloom lied. Silver Spoon blinked, confused.

"Eh, what? Since when?"

Apple Bloom thought quickly before answering. "Since… Um… Earlier today."

"Oh really? Let's see it," Diamond Tiara demanded, not believing Apple Bloom for a second.

"I shouldn't. I couldn't," Apple Bloom refused politely. "My cutie mark is so unbelievably amazing, I'm afraid that if I show it off, everyone will start paying attention to me instead of you. Outshined at your own cute-ceañera. Can you imagine how embarrassing that would be?"

Diamond Tiara was taken back by this and snorted. "Uh, forget it, I didn't really want to see it anyway."

"Okay, well, I'm gonna go mingle," said Apple Bloom and she walked away. "Enjoy your party." She kept walking towards the exit, only to end up tripping on the edge of the table cloth and crashed into the table holding the record player, scratching the record, and everypony looked at her. Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara gave off smirks now that they could see her nonexistent Cutie Mark. Apple Bloom looked back and saw how everyone could see her blank flank.

"Oh no." Apple Bloom said before standing up.

"Wow, that is an amazing cutie mark," Silver Spoon said with a cruel sneer.

"Nice try…" said Diamond Tiara, and she was joined by Silver Spoon, "Blank flank!"

Chad was standing behind the crowd and saw what just happened. After hearing them tease her, Chad spoke up.

“You got a problem with blank flanks!?” Chad demanded. There was a bunch of gasps as they all turned to look at Chad who was walking over to confront her.

"Well! You heard him! You got a problem with Blank Flanks!?" A light orange pegasus filly with purple eyes and pink/purple mane and tail asked as she came out from under one of the tables with a young white unicorn filly with pale green eyes, and mulberry purple mane and tail with pale rose streaks.

Silver Spoon snorted. "The problem is, I mean, she's like, totally not special."

"No, it means she's full of potential." A familiar voice said. Eyes looked to the other side as the pegasus, the unicorn and Chad walked over to stand with Apple Bloom. They saw Rumble, Pipsqueak and a light blue unicorn colt with pale blue eyes and a light blue mane and tail with yellow streaks walking towards them.

"It means she could be great at anything." the young pegasus filly agreed. "The possibilities are, like, endless." She added to mock.

"She could be a great adventurer.” Pipsqueak said.

“Or an amazing artist.” Chad added

“Or a famous writer.” The blue unicorn colt said.

“She could even be mayor of Ponyville someday." The unicorn added.

"And she's not stuck being stuck-up like you two." The pegasus filly added, and many of the gathered ponies and foals laughed at this.

Diamond Tiara glared at the group who was backing up Apple Bloom. "Hey, this is my party, why are you six on her side?" She demanded angrily.

“Because....” Rumble said before he and the others turned to show they had no marks. The six of them were all blank flanks. Apple Bloom was shocked at the other five who were markless, already knowing Chad had no mark.

"You don't have your cutie marks either?" She asked, amazed. "I thought Chad and I were the only ones."

"We thought we were the only two." The pegasus filly admitted.

“We thought we were the only three.” Rumble said.

“Not me, but only because I know Chad.” Pipsqueak said as he and Chad hoof bumped.

Twilight walked over to them. "I for one think you are all very lucky fillies and colts." She told them with a smile.

"Lucky?" Diamond Tiara repeated, confused and frustrated that the six foals plus nymph were getting attention instead of her. "How can they be lucky?"

"They still get to experience the thrill of discovering who they are." Twilight Sparkle reminded her, "and what they're meant to be."

"And they got all the time in the world to figure it out." Bandit said as he walked over.

"Not just an afternoon." Applejack added, smiling at her sister.

The other colts and fillies looked at them with wonder and began to walk over.

"Wow you guys. I wish I could be a scientist." A colt said to them.

"Do you really think you could be mayor?" A filly asked.

"Maybe I got my cutie mark too soon." Another said. All of the young foals were talking over each other in interest.

"Hey, what's everypony doing?" she demanded. "This is my party, everypony is supposed to be paying attention to me."

"Whatever. We still think you're losers, right, Diamond Tiara? Bump, bump, sugar… lump…" Silver Spoon said, trying to cheer her friend up. She trailed off when her friend didn't take part in their friendship routine.

"Not now, Silver Spoon," Diamond Tiara grumbled and walked away, her friend following her.

"Name's Scootaloo," said the young pegasus, introducing herself.

"And I'm Sweetie Belle," added the unicorn filly.

“Rumble.” Rumble introduced.

“Pipsqueak, at your service.” Pipsqueak added.

“Skeedaddle.” The unicorn colt introduced. “Skeedaddle with two e’s my dad is Skedaddle with one e.”

“Apple Bloom.” Apple Bloom stated proudly.

“Kama Ezio Clyde Armasta Laska Chadwickson the IV.” Chad said. Four of the six foals looked at him like he made up a language.

“Chad for short.” Pipsqueak told the group.

“Beat me by one second.” Apple Bloom told him.

Some time later, the party was back in full swing with ponies and fillies laughing, chatting, eating, drinking, and even dancing. Everypony was having a good time except for Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, who were sitting on the staircase, glowering at the happy ponies and fillies.

"This song is so super!" Twist called out, dancing.

Apple Bloom was sitting at a table with Sweetie Belle, Pipsqueak, Chad, Rumble, Skeedaddle and Scootaloo. "So I was thinking, now that we're friends… I mean, we are friends, right?" she asked.

"How could we not be? We're totally alike." Rumble said before nudging Chad. “For the most part.”

“We don’t have cutie marks, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon drive us crazy-” Scootaloo said, rolling her eyes.

“Totally crazy.” Skeedaddle added.

“For the most part.” Chad nudged Rumble back.

“Well, now that we're friends, what if the seven of us work together to find out who we are and what we're supposed to be?" Apple Bloom suggested.

"Ooh! Ooh! We could form our own secret society," Sweetie Belle suggested eagerly.

Scootaloo nodded. "I'm liking this idea."

“Exactly what I was thinking.” Chad added.

“We need a name for it though." Pipsqueak added.

“The Cutie Mark Seven?” Scootaloo suggested.

“The Cutastically Fantastics?” Sweetie Belle suggested.

“Prophets of the Marks?” Pipsqueak suggested.

“Seekers of the Lost Marks?” Skeedaddle asked.

“The Cutastically Fantastic Prophets and Seekers of the Lost Marks Seven?” Rumble suggested, eyebrows were raised. “Keep it short, got it.”

“How about-” Chad started before Apple Bloom spoke at the same time as him. “The Cutie Mark Crusaders.” They both said.

"It's perfect!" Scootaloo exclaimed, liking the name.

"This is gonna be so great!" Sweetie Belle squealed.

"We're gonna be unstoppable!" Apple Bloom declared.

Rumble grabbed a nearby cupcake. "What do you say we celebrate with some of these delicious cupcakes?" He suggested.

“They’re really good, try’em.” Skeedaddle said as he gave one to Scootaloo. Apple Bloom leaned to Chad and whispered in her ear.

“Those are the ones you made right?” Apple Bloom asked. Chad sniffed one in Pipsqueak’s hooves, he had two. He was able to smell the RaspCherry mix.

“Yep, those are the ones I made.” Chad said to her before wrapping his tongue around the cupcake and swallowing it in one bite.

“Hey. That was supposed to be mine.” Pipsqueak playfully glared before eating the other one.

“Sorry Pip.” Chad said before his ears twitched. “Come on, let’s make the most of this party.” He trotted off to the dance floor, with his new friends before being joined by Spike and Twist during a dance.

"Dear my loving mother, I am happy to report that my baby brother, Kama Chadwickson, as well as his friend Apple Bloom, have learned a valuable lesson about friendship. Sometimes, the thing you think will cause you to lose friends and feel left out…” Bandit narrated.

"…can actually be the thing that helps you make your closest friends and realize how special you are." Princess Celestia finished reading and smiled at her own cutie mark. Which she earned over a millennia ago. She looked back at the letter, since there was more.

"P.S. I think I might start trying really hard again for my own Cutie mark. See if I can or if destiny has other plans." Celetia finished reading. She giggled as she put the letter down. “Your cutie mark will be an amazing one.”

Author's Note:

This was one of my favorite episodes of Season 1, hence why it's so long. As well as a hard one to wrote because I had to make both Apple Bloom and Chad want their cutie makes without making them the same character basically. Also, this took forever to make because I was writing Earn My Mark for Chad to sing.

It does go to the instrumental to 'Fit right in', but the sped up/nightcore version is the preferred version to sing it by, since the speed matches Chad's personality. All in all, a fun episode to write. one of the many episodes throughout the series that I was looking forward to writing and the second episode this season I was looking forward to writing the most. Tell me what you think, point out any mistakes I might have missed. I'm almost halfway done with the season. Leave feedback (please), and I hope to see you all in the next episode.

Also, one last thing. No, Rumble and Scootaloo will not be shipped together. Sorry Rumbaloo shippers but I thought I'd put that out asap before hopes go flying up.