• Published 18th Nov 2019
  • 14,042 Views, 844 Comments

My Little Pony: Friendships and Magic [Season 1] - Alpha Wolf 4500

The first season of a rewrite of this series that I love. With my first and favorite OC, and the OC of a friend.

  • ...

Eye of the TCO

It was an early morning at Sweet Apple Acres, so early in fact that the sun hadn't even risen yet.

Bandit walked to the gate with Chad on his back and met with Big Macintosh, who was standing there waiting for him.

"Hey Big Mac. Applejack told me she needed me here?" Bandit asked.

"Eeyup." Big Macintosh said before doing the come on gesture. Bandit followed him to the chicken pen, where Applejack was.

"Thanks for coming so quick, Bandit." Applejack said.

"Be lucky. I would have seen your letter if I wasn't getting an early morning snack. What do you need?" Bandit asked. Applejack opened the Chicken house. All the chickens inside were terrified.

"Something has been spooking all the chickens in the pen. At first we assumed it was our previous hawk problem, but the hawks had been disappearing from the sky as of late. I was hoping you would help us figure out what's got the chickens so spooked." Applejack explained. The chickens looked at Bandit and Chad and got even more scared.

"I don't think us being in sight of the chickens helps them not be spooked." Bandit commented. Applejack closed the door as a response.

"So will ya help?" Applejack asked.

"I'll see what we can find out." Bandit answered.

"Thank you so much Bandit, I really appreciate that." She said as she shook his hoof.

"No problem. I'll tell you what I find. Check anywhere you think has what's scaring them." Bandit told her, Applejack nodded and she walked off. Bandit began his investigation. Chad climbed off and started to look around. A few seconds later, Bandit noticed grass and dirt unevenly placed together. Bandit used his hoof to dig it out and revealed a hole. He looked inside and saw that it took a left turn.

"That probably wasn't here before." Chad said from behind him.

"Sure wasn't. Mind taking a look inside?" Bandit asked him. Chad saluted and began to crawl inside. Bandit pulled him back out.

"Not yet." Bandit said. Bandit lit up his horn and Chad had a purple outline that matched the shape of his body. Bandit put him down. "Now you can go."

Chad crawled into the hole and Bandit walked above it. The spell he used allowed Bandit to see the outline of Chad through the dirt. He followed as Chad crawled through the tunnel. The 2 of them walked until they got to the entrance of the Everfree forest.

"I think I found the problem." Chad was heard saying. Bandit looked up and saw there were a bunch of leaves piled on top of another hole. He walked over and took the leaves off and revealed the other end of the tunnel as well as a sleeping creature that made him gasp.

My Little Pony,
My Big Changeling too
Ahh, ahh, ahh, ahhh…

(My Little Pony)

We used to wonder what friendship could be
(My Big Changeling too)

[Twilight Sparkle]
Until you all shared its magic with me

[Rainbow Dash]
Big adventure

[Pinkie Pie]
Tons of fun

A beautiful heart

Faithful and strong

Sharing kindness!

[Lightning Sprint]
Motivate the team

Heroics makes it all complete
You have my little ponies
Do you know you're all my very best friends?

Both Bandit and Chad, who climbed over the creature to get out of the hole, were looking at the creature in the hole. Said creature was a red tiger with two large teeth protruding from its mouth. It had two bat wings on its side and had a black king cobra for a tail.

"A Tigrischirophidio? That's what's been scaring the chickens?" Chad asked.

"Seems so. It's probably been the one taking care of that hawk problem while everyone's been asleep. The chickens probably saw it hunting one day and got spooked." Bandit answered. He looked at the TCO.

"So what do we do now?" Chad asked.

"Well we gotta cage it up and take it out of here. We definitely don't want Applejack to see what's been scaring her chickens." Bandit said. He picked up a nearby rock and used the transfiguration spell to transform it into a cage.

"Chad, go-" Bandit tried to say before seeing Chad enter the other end already. "Nevermind, he's already doing that."

A few seconds later, Chad's hissing was heard, startling the TCO into running towards the cage, that blocked the only exit it had. It ran into the cage and Bandit closed it as Chad climbed out and shook off the dirt.

"Mission completion." Chad said with a salute.

Later on, the sun had risen and Bandit had the cage in the living room. The other apples were surrounding the cage.

"I'm sorry. What is a.... Tirig....Trig....uh…" Applejack tried to pronounce.

"Tigrischirophidio, Just call it TCO for short." Bandit said.

"I have never seen a TCO before." Applejack admitted.

"They're pretty rare. Not like they're endangered or anything, they're just really good at hiding." Bandit told her.

"You seem to know a lot about these things." Apple Bloom said.

"3rd grade nature project. Never forgot Professor Top Marks giving me a B when I deserved an A. Two weeks of 17 hour research and he gives me a B, unbe-"

"Um. Bandit?" Applejack said.

"Huh? Oh right." Bandit said as he looked at the TCO, who was on guard the whole time.

"So what are we gonna do with it?" Apple Bloom asked.

"We could just give it to Fluttershy. You know how she is with animals." Applejack said. Bandit, Chad and the TCO all looked at each other.

Bandit was knocking on the door to Fluttershy's cottage. She opened the door and smiled.

"Oh, hi Bandit. What brings you over here?"

"Hey Fluttershy. We were wondering if you could watch this Prince For a little while." Bandit said as he showed it. "I have to call the animal sanctuary so they can come and get him."

"A prince? I'm sure I can-" She then gasped upon seeing it.

"Oh, a prince is what you call a baby male Tigrischirophidio." Bandit clarified.

"Ah, I see" Fluttershy said, nodding slowly.

"So, can you do it?" Bandit asked with a head tilt.

"I'll see what I can do." Fluttershy answered with a nod. Bandit smiled.

"Thanks Fluttershy, I appreciate it. Just make sure you let me know if anything goes wrong." Bandit said as he put the cage down and headed back to the library.

Around 5 hours later, the group was watching Saturday morning cartoons before Fluttershy knocked on the door.

"Oh come on." Bandit groaned, not wanting to get up. "Not during Shinobi Tigers."

Fluttershy's knocking got louder than what it usually would be. Bandit groaned and got up. He walked over to the door and opened it.

"Fluttershy, what is-"

"I can't do it!" Fluttershy practically exclaimed. Bandit flinched from that.

"Whoa whoa whoa, what's wrong?" Bandit asked.

"I just can't do it." She answered. "No matter what I did, what I offered, how hard I tried to get him to come out of the cage, the poor thing just wouldn't come out." Fluttershy said.

Bandit looked at the creature, and it had not moved from that spot in the cage.

"Okay. I'll see what I can do." Bandit said as he took the cage. "Come on in, You might want to do some studies on these creatures as well."

Fluttershy nodded and walked inside.

"Bandit! You're missing the show!" Chad was heard calling.

"Oh, did I come at a bad time?" Fluttershy asked.

"Not really, Shinobi Tigers have been over since I was 8. All the episodes we see on Saturdays are reruns." Bandit answered. Fluttershy nodded before glancing at the prince once again.

Bandit walked upstairs and placed the cage down. He walked to the kitchen, grabbed some food and placed it in front of the cage. He then opened the cage, walked downstairs and got on the horn with animal sanctuary.

"Come on, come on, pick up." He said. He left the door creaked open so Fluttershy could see if the prince walked out to eat. Fluttershy watched as Bandit headed downstairs and patiently waited for the prince to begin eating.

"Hello?" Bandit asked as someone answered. The prince slowly poked out both of its heads to sniff the bowl. Fluttershy found herself smiling at the prince as it moved towards the bowl.

"Yes. I have a TCO cub here and I was hoping someone would be able to come and get him for a sanctuary." Bandit was heard saying. "Red fur, black stripes, black cobra for a tail."

The TCO grabbed the bowl and pulled it into the cage.

Both of the heads ate the food and pushed the bowl back out.

"Five days? Okay, I'll take care of it until then." Bandit said as he hung up. Fluttershy slowly walked over, showing she wasn't a threat to it.

It looked at her and raised its fur. Making itself look bigger.

"I don't mean any harm" She said softly. Even though she was very nervous, she kept calm.

The Prince continued to raise its fur, but it wasn't threatening her, it was nervous.

"A-Are you still hungry?" She asked it. It began to open its mouth to show its teeth. This is when Bandit walked into the room.

"Fluttershy, he's nervous. Take a step back." Bandit told her. Fluttershy took a step back and the TCO lowered its fur.

"TCOs do that when they're nervous. Usually the result of something bigger than them approaching them." Bandit told her.

"A lot of animals do that." Fluttershy pointed out.

"Yeah, to appear bigger to scare off potential attackers." Bandit added. Then he started thinking. "So it's weary of its surroundings."

"Do you have anything to help him be less frightened?" Fluttershy asked.

"I got an idea." Bandit answered. "It's a risky idea, but let me give it a shot." Bandit said. He walked into the room, grabbed the bowl and refilled it with some food. He put the bowl down in front of the cage, and lied down in front of it.

"Are you sure about this?" Fluttershy asked.

"I'm sure, it's not exactly gonna risk biting me." Bandit said. The TCO smelled the food and slowly sniffed his way out. Both heads looked at Bandit and tilted his head.

Fluttershy watched intently at them, wondering what would happen. She even started writing down any notes that she was able to take.

The TCO approached the bowl, stopping every few seconds to look at Bandit. Then it got to the food and both heads began to eat. Fluttershy continued to watch and take notes, remaining silent.

The two heads finished eating the food, But then something amazing happened. It didn't go back into the cage. Instead it sat down and looked up at Bandit.

Fluttershy tilted her head, looking towards it. Bandit gently grabbed the bowl and it almost went back into the cage.

"Wait a minute." Fluttershy said softly. It stopped and looked at Fluttershy. Bandit looked at her as well, standing up.

"Do you think it's still hungry?" She asked Bandit. He put the bowl down.

"He probably is. But he had 2 bowls of gumbo. I'm not too sure." Bandit said. The TCO looked at the bowl and then at Fluttershy and Bandit. The cobra slithered around the bowl and dragged it to Bandit. The tiger pawed at it. Fluttershy looked at it and then at Bandit, who seemed to look fascinated.

"Well, that's interesting. It's asking for more food. It's starting to associate the bowl with food so it's asking for more." Bandit pointed out.

"Maybe it has a bigger appetite than we thought." Fluttershy said.

"You know how large they get?" Bandit asked. "They're the largest of the big cats. A teenage TCO is the same size as a Manticore."

"Ooooooh." Fluttershy said, writing that down.

Bandit took the bowl and began to walk downstairs. Unbeknownst to him, he was being followed by the TCO. Fluttershy took notice of this and gasped.

"Um..." Fluttershy mumbled, trying to get his attention. Bandit kept going to the kitchen and started to pour some more leftover gumbo in the bowl.

"Bandit?" Fluttershy said, still too quiet to hear clearly. He began to stir the soup as the TCO sat in behind him.

"Bandit" Fluttershy said a little louder. Bandit's ear twitched and he turned around.

"Yes Fluttershy?" He asked. She simply pointed at the TCO. Bandit looked down and almost gasped as he saw the TCO sitting patiently for the soup.

"He followed you." Fluttershy said as she was about to squeal.

"He did!?" Bandit almost exclaimed as Twilight, Chad and Spike came into the room.

"Hey Bandit, Hey Fluttershy" Twilight said to them as they entered.

"Hey Twilight." They both said. The TCO hid under Bandit.

"How's everything going?"

"Pretty well. Did I miss the whole episode of Shinobi Tigers?"

"Unfortunately." Spike said.

"Meh, no biggie. Those are all just reruns anyway. For about a week we have a new pet."

"A pet?!" They exclaimed. Twilight surprised, Spike excited, and Chad confused.

Bandit moved his hoof and showed the TCO.

"Hey, I remember this guy. I chased him into a cage earlier." Chad said, making Twilight double take.

"You did what?" Twilight asked, very surprised.

"You want the long story or the short version?" Chad asked her.

"Short." Twilight answered.

"Applejack was looking for something that was scaring the chickens, it was scaring the chickens and we had to get him off the farm, so I scared it out of its hole into the cage." Chad answered. Twilight, though still surprised, nodded her head.

"I see. So this creature was what was causing the disruption" Twilight said.

"Unintentionally. It was actually hunting the hawks that were trying to eat the chickens." Bandit responded.

"But spooked the chickens in the process. That makes sense" Twilight said.

"Eeyup. Anyways, he'll be staying with-" Bandit was beginning to say. Twilight closed his mouth for a brief moment.

"Before you finish. Do you know what he needs?" Twilight asked. Bandit nodded, Twilight moved her hoof.

"Remember my third grade nature project on these guys?" Bandit asked.

"The one you got a B on?" Chad asked.

"How did-"

"I remember" Twilight answered.

"I still remember what their diet consists of. It's mostly other carnivorous animals, hence why they're notorious for protecting livestock. So all we have to do is send them to the Everfree forest and let that problem sort itself out." Bandit said.

"Does he have a name?" Chad asked.

"No. But-"

"Can I name it!? Ple-" Chad tried to say before he was shoved by Spike.

"Too bad, Chad. I'm doing the naming" Spike said. He tried to run towards Bandit.

"Oh no you don't." Chad said as he pulled him away by the tail.

"Hey!" Spike exclaimed.

"You wanna name the TCO? You gotta beat me in battle." Chad said as he pounced on him. Spike maneuvered and wound up on his back, latching on tight.

"Challenge accepted!" Spike exclaimed. Chad rolled him off and performed an elbow drop and the two of them got into a cartoon fight cloud.

"Or, Chad can name one head, Spike can name the other." Bandit said. The two stopped, looked at one another, and then started fighting again.

"If only it were that simple." Fluttershy joked.

"I completely forgot you were here. But you DO have a point." Bandit responded.

The brief battle only lasted about 35 seconds before the 2 of them decided to stop.

"Okay okay. Let's settle this with a coin flip." Chad suggested.

"I call tails." Spike said, dusting himself off.

"Okay, Heads I win, tails you lose." Chad joked as he flipped the coin.

"Yeah!" Spike said before realising what was said. "Wait a minute!"

It was too late to complain because the coin landed on heads.

Spike sighed. "Oh well, looks like it's your choice." Chad looked at the tiger body and gave some thought. He ended up noticing that 1 of the stripes on its back resembled that of a K.

"I got it. Klaw."

"Klaw?" Bandit asked with a tilted head. Chad nodded proudly.

Klaw looked at his snake tail, who nodded in approval.

"Okay Spike, you name the tail." Chad said, Spike looked confused for a moment.

"Me?" Spike asked "But you won the coin toss."

"To name the Tiger body. You can still name the snake. I'm not gonna rob you of that." Chad nudged. Spike looked at the snake tail in thought.

The snake looked him in the eye and tilted his head. This revealed that 1 of the snake's fangs was bigger than the other.

Spike narrowed his eyes, looking at the fangs. "How about Fang?" He asked. Bandit looked at the two.

Fang looked at Klaw, who nodded in approval.

"Klaw and Fang. I like it." Bandit said with a smile.

"So we're in agreement?" Spike asked.

"Sure are." Chad answered.

The next day, Bandit had woken up early To make breakfast for everyone, and to his slight surprise, Klaw was waking up too. Everyone else was still soundly asleep, so Bandit walked over to the cage, unlocked and opened it, before heading down stairs.

As Bandit made breakfast, Klaw wrapped Fang Around his neck and walked to the kitchen with him, so not to drag him on the floor as he slept. He brought the bowl he ate out of yesterday and placed it at Bandit's hooves. The bowl gently clinked as it was placed on the ground.

Bandit turned around and looked at the bowl. Klaw Did the same thing he did yesterday and tapped the bowl, requesting food. Bandit put scrambled eggs into the bowl, adding pepper.

The aroma of breakfast being prepared made its way towards the others. As a result, Spike walked in. Twilight wasn't too far off.

"Morning everyone." Bandit said as he put the pancakes down.

Chad crawled in and looked at the pancakes and then at Spike.

"So, you wanna split the pancakes?" He asked. Then he was shoved.

"Like that's gonna happen" Spike said. Chad tried to tackle him but missed. Spike blew a raspberry at him before eating the pancakes.

"Do you have to playfight first thing in the morning?" Twilight asked with a yawn.

"You severely underestimate the energy of the young. I guarantee when they get older they're going to relate to us in forms of being tired." Bandit said. Klaw finished his bowl right as Fang woke up.

"Wow, Klaw ate pretty quickly." Spike said, eating 3 of the 7 pancakes.

"Yeah, Fang didn't get to eat yet." Chad said. Bandit refilled the bowl, adding more pepper. Klaw sat to groom his paw as Fang began eating. Spike ate one more pancake before pushing the plate over to Chad. Chad smiled and began to eat them.

Fang finished eating and the bowl was practically licked clean. Bandit grabbed the bowl and put it in the sink.

"You know, if he's gonna stay with us, he's gonna need a few things while he's here." Twilight commented.

"Twilight. Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Bandit asked.

Later, Rarity was making collars for the two, with the TCO hidden of course.

"Not exactly what I was thinking, but this'll do." Bandit said.

"What were you thinking?" Twilight asked, curiously.

"I was actually thinking of getting them bandanas like me, but Collars work. Less likely to get snagged on something." Bandit responded. Rarity trotted back over.

"Here you go darlings." Rarity said as she gave them the collars. Bandit took them in his magic, and placed them in his Bandanna.

"Thanks for doing this for us Rarity." Twilight said.

"No problem. But I have to ask, where is this new pair of pets?" Rarity asked.

"I can't tell you that." Bandit said as he gave her the bits. "Not just yet anyways."

Twilight smiled gratefully as they headed towards the door. Rarity nodded in understanding, but remained confused.

Later on, the 2 were now in the collars and Klaw was playing with his collar, Fang was admiring him in his reflection.

"I'm guessing that they're strong enough to not break." Twilight said, watching Klaw.

"Or he's being careful not to break it." Bandit responded.

Klaw continued to play with his collar. Not using his claws so he doesn't accidentally scratch or damage the collar.

"So what else do we need?" Chad asked as the snake rubbed against him. The affection was pretty ironic considering Chad eats snakes.

Twilight checked the list. "Let's see." The list, despite being in Twilight's possession, was rather short.

The next thing on the list was food.

"Tigrischirophidios are mostly Omnivorous. So food won't be an issue." Bandit said.

"Yeah, if we can feed Bandit, we can feed anything." Chad joked.

"Hey." Bandit said back, faking like that offended him. Klaw and Fang both began laughing.

"So, food and toys. That's all we need so far that we don't already have." Bandit said.

"Two. Two last things they need." Bandit said.

Later, Bandit had the fridge stocked as Klaw and Fang were playing with the toys on the ground.

Spike was sitting nearby to them, watching with a smile. Klaw was shaking around a mouse squeaky toy. Fang was tossing a steak toy in the air, moved its head back, and lunged out to grab it as it was falling.

Klaw accidentally knocked the squeaky toy towards Spike. He ran over and got in the play position. Spike looked at the toy and then towards Klaw. Klaw picked up the toy and placed it closer to Spike. He wanted to play fetch.

"Oooooh. You wanna play fetch?" Spike asked him.

Klaw spun around as a yes.

Spike picked up the toy and squeaked it. "Ready?"

Klaw raised up fang as he got ready to run. Spike turned around and threw the toy. Klaw ran after it, but Fang grabbed it first. Klaw grabbed the other end and tugged with it. Klaw was victorious in snatching it. He took it back to Spike.

Spike smiled and slowly reached out a claw to pet them both well done. Both of them backed up from the claw. They weren't quite there yet, but they weren't gonna be mean about it.

Spike put his claw down. "Right. Not there yet."

Bandit picked up the squeaky toy and threw it. Klaw bolted after it.

On the second day, Klaw and Fang were looking over Twilight's shoulder, at the book she was reading.

Twilight was softly humming as she read before looking at Klaw and Fang, smiling. They walked over and sniffed the book and Tilted their head at it. He was very curious as to why twilight was so intrigued by, what seemed to like to him, as a folder of paper. Then it saw the words.

Both heads dropped the toy and sat down, lightly touching the paper. Twilight giggled as she watched them, observing their curious behavior.

A few seconds later, their eyes started to follow along the words. Twilight was in shock.

"Are you..... reading?" Twilight asked in disbelief.

As if to prove that he was, he lied down and continued to follow along the words in the book.

"This is amazing!" Twilight said, clapping her hooves in excitement, which got Bandit's attention.

"What is?" Bandit asked as he walked into the room. Twilight pointed at Klaw. Bandit looked and his jaw dropped as he saw Klaw and Fang reading.

The third day.

Klaw was looking at the cage he was in and started batting at the slide bolt. Twilight could hear the sound of the bolt and poked her head into the room. Klaw kept trying, but to no avail. Fang used his tongue to nudge it a little, Klaw batted it upwards and Fang used his larger fang to pull it back, opening the cage. Twilight gasped upon seeing them work together to open it.

"Adapting to using each other's skills to work tools. Fascinating." She whispered. Klaw stepped out and climbed on Bandit's bed, sleeping on his back. "Awww."

Bandit, Klaw and Fang looked up and towards her. All they saw was a closed door.

"It's just Twilight up early again. Early morning studies." Bandit said to Klaw as they went back to sleep.

On the fourth day, Chad put a ball in a cup and began to spin three cups around in front of Klaw and Fang, who was sitting down and looking at the cups. Spike watched from nearby.

Chad stopped and Klaw and Fang seemed to be in thought. They both nudged the middle one, Chad lifted it and the ball was there. Spike began applauding them. Chad did the same before doing it again, much faster.

Klaw and Fang nudged the one on the left, corrected again.

"They're good." Spike said.

"Very good." Chad replied. He cracked his hooves.

Chad put the ball back and did it extremely fast before stopping.

Klaw and Fang looked at the cups, then at Chad, before just knocking over all the cups.

"Yeah, too fast." Chad said. As he put the cups back to go slower

The last day, Bandit and the others, plus Klaw and Fang were sitting in front of Twilight, watching her practice a few more spells before hearing a knock on the door.

"I got it." Bandit said. He stood up and went to open the door. A mare for the animal sanctuary was on the other side. She was a red unicorn with a light green mane, wearing the uniform. Behind her was a teenage aged blue pegasus stallion, in a similar uniform.

"Good afternoon." The mare said.

"Oh, hey." Bandit said, now remembering. "You must be-"

"Here to take the Tigrischirophidio to the sanctuary" She said without missing a beat. "We received a call a few days ago saying you had one ready for us."

Bandit turned to look back at Klaw and Fang, who was playfully biting Spike's tail. Spike was happily laughing, having not seen the mare at the door.

"Oh." Bandit said with an ear flop. Klaw was batting at Spike's tail, Fang was nipping at it gently. "Okay. Let me uh.....let me get them ready." Bandit said. He walked over to the group, leaving the door open.

Spike looked towards the mare and gasped, he then quickly hugged Klaw and Fang. "No. We can't."

"Spike, we have to we-" Bandit started.

"But Bandit, he likes it here. We like him here." Chad said, also hugging them.

"We can't give him up!" Spike exclaimed.


"Bandit please." Chad begged.

"I wish we could, but-"

Spike resorted to puppy dog eyes. Chad joined him. Bandit turned around.

"I do wanna keep him. Honestly I do, but this is out of my hooves now." He said, just as upset.

The mare looked between them all. Klaw walked over to Bandit and hugged his hind hoof, Fang coiled his hoof in the form of a hug. The mare paused for a moment before smiling warmly at them. Bandit Turned around as the two stop hugging him.

"They're gonna take good care of you. I promise. We'll visit whenever we can." Bandit said to Klaw and Fang. Both of them nodded. Not only did it understand what he was saying, but understood the concept of how to express its feelings.

"You have a strong connection with them." The mare said.

"Yeah. I guess you can say that." Bandit said.

Her attention turned to Klaw and Fang. Klaw and Fang stood up and got ready to be taken away. Looking back at the family that they have.

Spike and Chad both looked down at the floor, saddened that he had to go.

"Klaw and Fang belong here" Spike said quietly. The mare's ears twitched upon hearing their names.

Klaw and Fang got to the mare, looked back at the family and waved goodbye.

The assistant stallion, clearly new to the job, kneels down and opens a cage for them both. Klaw started walking towards the cage. Klaw got into the cage and Fang closed it.

"Hold on a minute" The mare began.

Klaw, Fang and the Stallion all looked towards the mare.

"Huh?" Bandit asked.

"You seem to have taken really good care of it whilst we sorted everything." She said, making the mistake of calling them 'it'.

"Him." Bandit politely corrected. "We have been taking very good care of him." Bandit added.

"Him, right, my apologies. It seems he's really grown attached to you all." The mare said.

"The feeling is mutual." Chad commented. The stallion looked at Klaw and Fang before putting the cage back down.

"I don't think he needs to go to the sanctuary." The mare said.

"He doesn't?" All said. Varying degrees of surprised.

"It seems like he'll do fine here."

"Does that mean we can keep him?" Chad asked with his tail wagging. The mare giggled at this.

"It sure does kiddo." She answered. "Just as soon as the paperwork is signed for you guys to be his owner."

Bandit pulled out a quill with a wide smile.

The mare illuminated her horn, making a clipboard appear in front of him. "If you could sign on the two dotted lines please."

Bandit smiled and began signing. Also writing to Princess Celestia.

"Dear My loving mother. Today, I have to admit, This isn't exactly a friendship lesson, but I did learn something about the responsibility of owning a pet. Sometimes when someone owns a pet, the 1st few times they can interact with it, they can be tough. But sometimes you'll find a pet that just clicks with you. Even if there would be a time where you would have to give them away, things will usually work out in the end." Bandit narrated as he wrote.

"P.S. How are the animals in the sanctuary we own? I've grown curious about them." Bandit wrote before sending the letter.

"Go fetch!" Spike was heard saying, followed by the toy squeaking. Bandit received a letter from Celestia.

"Dear Bandit, I assure you, the animals at our owned sanctuary are all safe and happy. I'm happy you regained your interest in having a pet. Maybe your pet and Philomena could have a playdate soon. Sincerely, Your loving mother, Celestia." The note said.

The toy mouse was heard squeaking again. Bandit looked outside and saw Klaw use his wings to fly into the air and grab the toy. Running back to give it back.

Spike laughed happily before taking the toy and throwing it again. Bandit walked out as Fang caught it this time. Klaw ran past Spike and to Bandit, placing the toy at his hooves and waiting.

"Looks like it's your turn to play." Spike said.

"Seems like it." Bandit smirked and picked up the toy.

Author's Note:

This was hard to write. Custom episodes are difficult, in addition to me having a hard time making the lesson here, but I said I'll make 30 episodes per season. And that's what I plan to do.

Next two custom episodes will be at the end of the season. Hope you all liked, comment and fav.

Until next time.