• Published 18th Nov 2019
  • 14,042 Views, 844 Comments

My Little Pony: Friendships and Magic [Season 1] - Alpha Wolf 4500

The first season of a rewrite of this series that I love. With my first and favorite OC, and the OC of a friend.

  • ...

Griffon the Brush off

It was a sunny day and Pinkie Pie was talking as Bandit was reading. Lying down on a bench that he was a little too big for.

"Hoof-biting action overload! She was like a stunt superstar, flying higher and higher, and then Rainbow Dash swooped down—swoosh—and right before she hit the ground—shoom, she pulled up—vrrrmmm!" Pinkie described, making The motions as she did. Bandit, although he was listening to everything she was saying, he was pretty uninterested with the whole wonderbolt stunting. But so not to be rude, he responded as he listened.

"No kidding?" Bandit asked, multitasking with the reading.

"And then Lightning Sprint was tagged in and she took to the skies, looped around and around like whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo!" She described. Moving her head in multiple directions of work falling to the ground.

"That all does sound very cool." Bandit said, his eyes not coming off the book, but he was smiling to let Pinkie know he wasn't ignoring her.

Then Rainbow dash was seen flying through the sky. Pinkie stood up and hopped towards her direction. Bandit looked up and rolled his eyes with a smirk.

"RD's biggest fan." He commented before turning the page.

"Rainbow Dash!" Pinkie was heard calling. Rainbow dash was startled at first before looking down.

She looked down and saw Pinkie following her. She groaned.

"Ugh. Pinkie pie? Not again." She tried to fly faster.

Pinkie began running to keep up. "Rainbow Dash!" She called urgently.

"Not now, Pinkie Pie." She said as she kept flying, trying to lose her.

"But, but Rainbow Dash—"

"I'm in the middle of something." She flew faster.


"I said not now—" Rainbow dash said before crashing into a pillow on the side a mountain. Rainbow dash watched as the pillow fell back down to Chad. Who threw it up so she wouldn't crash into the side of the mountain.

"I was gonna tell you to watch out for that mountain." Pinkie said.

"I got her covered." Chad said with a blep and a salute.

Rainbow dash grumbled a little.


My Little Pony,
My Big Changeling too
Ahh, ahh, ahh, ahhh…

(My Little Pony)

We used to wonder what friendship could be
(My Big Changeling too)

[Twilight Sparkle]
Until you all shared its magic with me

[Rainbow Dash]
Big adventure

[Pinkie Pie]
Tons of fun

A beautiful heart

Faithful and strong

Sharing kindness!

[Lightning Sprint]
Motivate the team

Heroics makes it all complete
You have my little ponies
Do you know you're all my very best friends?

Pinkie was humming and walking around, looking for Rainbow Dash again, as well as Lightning Sprint this time. The humming annoyed the two pegasi resulting in them taking part of the cloud to shove into their ears.

Pinkie stopped by a kiosk full of ponies.

"Hi, I'm looking for Rainbow Dash. Have you seen her? What about Lightning Sprint? Have you seen her?" She asked as she walked. Rainbow dash heard this from her cloud and began starting to dig her head in so she wouldn't be seen on top of it.

Lightning Sprint wasn't too far from doing this herself, but then made the mistake of peeking over the side of her cloud.

Chad looked up at them and waved a hello. He was on Twilight's back as she was running errands.

"Hey Twilight, Hey Chad. Have you seen Rainbow Dash or Lightning Sprint?" She asked.

"Isn't that them up-" Chad started to say before looking at Lightning Sprint.

She quickly shook her head, not wanting him to say it. Chad caught the hint and instead shrugged.

Pinkie looked around. "I've got a favour to ask them."

"Maybe I can help you with it. If That's okay with you and Twilight." Chad suggested. He and Pinkie were both equally random, as well as physics breaking. Those 2 together would be either a really good idea, or a really bad idea.

"It's fine by me." Twilight said with an approving smile.

Chad smiled before pouncing onto Pinkie's back.

"Lead the way!" Chad exclaimed happily.

Pinkie began happily trotting away.

Lightning Sprint looked towards Rainbow Dash.

"Thank you Chad." Rainbow dash whispered.

"You're welcome!" Chad was heard answering. Despite the fact back he was definitely way too far to hear that whisper.

"How did he-?" Lightning Sprint began.

"Okay. That kid kinda freaks me out." Rainbow dash said.

"Try living with him." Bandit was heard saying.

Back with Pinkie and Chad, Chad held on tight as she trotted.

"So, what are we doing?" He asked.

"You'll see. I would've asked them to help me move a cloud into place but I'm sure we can handle this" Pinkie answered. Chad looked up at the cloud, tapped his chin before using his magic to create a lasso and wrap it around the cloud.

Pinkie then started to give instructions to him. On where to move the cloud.

"Over to the right. No no, a little to the left. Oh wait, back to the right. Now a little leftish while staying rightly. Stop. Hmm. Maybe a few inches to the south. Now a couple centimeters north. Okay. One more smidgimeter to the—"

"Perfect!" Chad interrupted as he got the cloud in the right spot.

"Perfect." Pinkie said immediately after him. "Now what for my signal."

Chad used the rope to climb onto the cloud before making the rope disappear. Pinkie peeked inside of Town hall and saw that Spike was gathering a few scrolls while humming the theme song before walking out the door.

Pinkie gave him a signal and Chad jumped up and landed on the cloud, making it thunderclap.

Spike yelped and jumped. There was a pause before he began to hiccup.

Chad began to laugh, laughing so hard that he fell off the cloud and onto his tail on the ground.

"I told you you get scared you into getting the hiccups." Chad told him as he laughed.

"No I [hic] don't!" Spike said.

"Yes you do. Haha! And you laughed at me for doing the same thing." Chad teased a little.

"This isn't [hic] funny Chad. You just [hic] [hic] wait till I get my [hic] own back on you." Spike said. Then he started laughing with Chad. Chad noogied him before walking back with Pinkie.

Pinkie giggled happily. "That was great!"

"I got something else that's funny." Chad said with a small smirk.

"You do?" Pinkie asked

Chad smirked and used his magic to whip the cloud, which made the cloud go off again, this time to scare Pinkie.

Pinkie yelped before she began to hiccup, laughing in between.

Chad began laughing too.

"I'm so glad you decided to [hic] do this with me [hic]" Pinkie said.

"No problem Pinkie. Innocent pranks are fun as long as no one gets-" Chad tried to say.

"Dizzy? [hic] Lost? [hic] Sleepy? [hic]" Pinkie asked.

"Hurt Pinkie. I was gonna say hurt." Chad said. Seconds later, a thunderclap startled him into the hiccups as well. This thunderclap was a little farther than the first two, because it was caused by two certain pegasi.

Lightning Sprint and Rainbow Dash both began laughing. Chad looked at them and also began laughing. His hiccups disappearing seconds later.

"We didn't take you two for pranksters" Rainbow Dash said.

"It's fun to pull pranks. The only one I can't prank is Bandit. He's too good at avoiding them." Chad pointed out. Lightning Sprint took that as a challenge.

"We'll see about that" Lightning Sprint said.

"So! Who do we prank next?" Chad asked with a tail wag.

"I've got the perfect pony." Rainbow Dash said.

A short while later, the group would be outside Rarity's house. Chad was sitting at the door, in position looking adorable according to plan.

"Is she even home?" Rainbow dash asked.

"Doesn't look like it." Lightning Sprint said.

Then Rarity came to the door.

"This is gonna be gold." Pinkie said with a grin. Rarity stepped round the corner and saw him.

"Aww! Aren't you the most adorable!" Rarity said as she picked him up and cradled him into a hug. What she didn't know was that there was sneezing powder in his mane, and as she hugged back, the powder began to do its job.

Rarity rubbed her nose and let go of him before beginning to sneeze repeatedly

Chad giggled a little.

"Gotcha." Chad said with a wink before pulling the powder out of his mane, dropping it by mistake and causing powder to hit his nose.

"Uh oh." Chad said before sneezing, propelling him away. Rarity smirked at this.

In the tree of friendship, Twilight was making some potions and recording the results.

She turned back around to observe the potions, only to see that the ink on her paper had disappeared. She gasped and quickly began to see what kind of ink she had. It was invisible ink.

Chad, Pinkie and Rainbow dash laughed from the window. She looked out at them and smirked as Lightning Sprint took the ink back and flew out without being detected.

Bandit was just finishing the book he was reading before finally closing it. He stood up from the bench before his ears began Twitching.

"I'm telling you, it's not gonna work. Bandit is too good at avoiding pranks." Chad was heard saying. Bandit smirked and began to stealthily walk towards that location in the bushes. To his full knowledge all he was doing was walking towards a bush that had nothing but a recorded tape.

Above Bandit was Rainbow dash, Lightning Sprint and Chad with Pinkie on his back.

"He's falling for it." Lightning Sprint whispered. What she didn't know was that the Bandit stalking the tape was nothing but a hologram spell. The real Bandit was behind them on a different cloud, with a series book next to him that was titled, 'Holograms for dummies' through, 'Hyperrealistic Hologram spells'.

He snickered as he moved his cloud behind theirs.

Holo-Bandit got to the bush and jumped over it with a growl. Then he looked stunned.

Rainbow dash and Lightning Sprint jumped up to make the cloud thunderclap, but Bandit beat them to it. Thunderclapping the cloud he was on, he scared all four of them. Pinkie, Lightning and Rainbow were all scared into the hiccups. Chad just looked at him and then back at the three.

"I told you. He's too good at avoiding pranks!" Chad said before Bandit noogied him.

"This [hic] isn't [hic] over." Lightning Sprint said with a slight growl, playfully.

Lightning Sprint and Rainbow dash were peeking out of some bushes with binoculars.

"So, who's next?" Chad asked from behind them.

"Well, we were thinking about pranking Applejack. We're looking for her right now." Rainbow dash said as she looked towards sweet Apple Acres.

"Oh, maybe we should prank Big Macintosh too. I know how to get him good." Chad said as he began snickering. However, he wasn't snickering because he had a plan for Big Mac.

Rainbow dash took the binoculars off and looked at Chad.

"Well then, what's your plan?" She asked. She didn't know that there were black circles around her eyes where the binoculars were. Chad's snickering got louder. Lightning Sprint began to laugh at her, despite her having suffered the same fate.

Chad looked at them both and fell down laughing before booping their noses.

"Gotcha." He said. He laughed before looking up to see a griffon standing over him. The griffon had white feathers, a yellow beak, and a brown lower half.

"Hi!" Chad greeted with a tail wag.

"Sup." The griffon said. Rainbow dash and Lightning Sprint rubbed the black ink off before looking at the griffon.

"Gilda! What up!" Rainbow said as she flew over.

"Hey Dash. Hey Sprint" Gilda said.

"You made it!" Lightning said.

"Pinkie, Chad, this is our griffon friend, Gilda." Rainbow dash introduced.

"What's a griffon?" Pinkie asked.

"Half eagle half lion. I met one back in Fillydelphia during the Equestria games." Chad answered.

"I remember the Equestria games." Rainbow dash said in a slight pout.

Gilda looked between them. "You forgot the all awesome part!"

"Yeah! Griffons are awesome!" Chad exclaimed.

"You've met a griffon before?" Rainbow dash asked.

"Yeah! His name was Clyde. We got along great because we had the same name....sort of." Chad pointed out as he took out a photo of him and a cardinal tiger griffin chickub. Despite the fact that everyone except for Bandit, Spike, Fluttershy and Twilight knew him only by Chad.

"But, your name is Chad." Rainbow dash said.

"No no, Chad is just my nickname, my full name is Kama Ezio Clyde Armasta Laska Chadwickson the IV."

They all stared at him, mouths open.

"What?" Chad asked with a head tilt.

"That is an AWESOME Name!" Rainbow dash exclaimed as she picked Chad up.

"Why did you never tell us this?!" Lightning Sprint exclaimed.

"It was never important."

"It's such a cool name!"

"It's not that cool." Chad brushed off, he was unaware of the glares Gilda was giving him.

"It's a mouthful that's for sure" Gilda said. Rainbow dash placed him down.

"You can call me Chad for-" Chad tried to say to Gilda.

"Uhuh, right." Gilda brushed off rudely. Chad raised an eyebrow and tried to say something again.

"It's nice to meet you Gil-"

"So Dash, Sprint, what are you guys doing with yourselves?" She interrupted, stepping over Chad to be in front of Sprint and Dash.

"Well, we've been doing pretty well. Practicing our wicked moves to impress the wonderbolts for the Gala." Rainbow dash boasted. Chad sat down, listening to all of this.

"Yeah. We're gonna do everything we can to blow them away" Lightning Sprint added.

"Hey, didn't we promise you a flying lesson?" Rainbow dash smirked.

"Flying lesson?" Gilda asked.

"Yeah, you look like you need it." Lightning Sprint teased.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means we can probably still dust you." Rainbow dash answered.

"What?!" She playfully shoved them.

"Wanna prove us wrong? Or get tired trying?" Rainbow dash taunted.

"Oh you are so on! To that cloud. Ready? Set?! Go!" Gilda said as she took off.

Lightning Sprint took off with her, along with Gilda.

"Hey!" Pinkie said as they went.

The trio flew fast and past the cloud. Landing onto it as they finally made it.

"Ha! Beat you both!" Rainbow dash said. It was too close to determine.

"What?! I clearly won" Gilda said.

"Not a chance!" Lightning Sprint said.

Chad popped out of the cloud with a camera.

"I took a picture, and, by a picometer, Lightning Sprint tied with Gilda and Rainbow dash tied for second." Chad said as he showed a picture and a zoomed in picture.

The three looked at one another.

"How did you get up here?" Lightning Sprint asked

"I used my magic to make a lasso and climb up." Chad answered before dangling upside down, using his tail to hang onto the lasso. Lightning Sprint giggled at him.

"Chad. You are so random." Lightning Sprint said.

"Blep!" Chad said as he stuck out his tongue. Gilda wasn't won over by these adorable antics, then she got an idea.

"So, Dash, Sprint, got any new moves in your tricktionary, or are you 100% old school?" Gilda asked.

"New moves? Heh, sit back G, this is gonna take a while." Rainbow Dash answered as she flew off.

"It's gonna be worth it though G. Trust us." Lightning Sprint said as she flew with her.

Gilda then looked at Chad, turning her fake smile back into her true intentioned scowl. She turned upside down and grabbed Chad by his hoodie collar.

"Don't you know how to take a hint to get lost? They don't need to hang with a dweeb like you now that I'm around. You're dorkin' up the skies, so make like a bee and BUZZ OFF!" Gilda said, using a talon to cut the lasso.

Chad tried to flap his wings, but they weren't strong enough to keep him in the air. He faceplanted rather painfully onto the ground.

Pinkie had attempted to catch him but didn't manage to. She quickly ran over to him. "Chad!"

Chad stood up and he was pretty dizzy, with mini versions of Rainbow dash and Lightning Sprint flying around his head.

"I'm okay." He said.

Later, back at the golden oaks library, Pinkie was relaying what happened to Bandit and Twilight.

"So she's really that mean?" Twilight asked

"Um, yeah. She keeps stealing Rainbow Dash and Lightning Sprint away, she interrupts you, she cut Chad's lasso and she told him to buzz off. I've never met a griffon this mean. Well, actually, I've never met a griffon at all, but I bet if I had, she wouldn't have been as mean and grumpy as Gilda." Pinkie said.

"Wait, she did what with his lasso?" Bandit asked sternly, knowing that's how Chad basically 'flew'.

"She CUT it! I tried to catch him but wasn't quick enough."

"Alright. Now I don't like this Gilda." Bandit said as he already started thinking of not safe for the rating ideas.

"Maybe she just misses RD and LS a lot." Chad tried to justify.

"Not a chance." Twilight said. "Someone who misses a friend would not do that."

"Hmm." Chad started to think. "Maybe I'll see what she likes to turn that Grump into a Grin!" Chad said.

"I'm not so sure that's a good idea after what she did to you." Bandit said, whilst glaring out of a window.

"It could help let her know that I'm just as willing to be her friend." Chad said.

"Chad-" Bandit tried to say.

"I'll be safe, I promise!" Chad said as he trotted out.

Twilight sighed softly as he left.

"Twily. How do you feel about Eagle Piccata?" Bandit asked, making Twilight widen her eyes.

At Ponyville, Gilda was walking through the town.

Chad was sitting nearby, looking towards her as she moved through the town.

Gilda hid beside a cart and used her tail to appear as a snake, which started Granny Smith.

"Aaah! A rattler, a rattler! Run for the hills! Everybody forsake yourselves!" She exclaimed before walking slowly away, currently unable to run.

Gilda laughed before looking at the vendor. She played it off as checking the freshness of the apples.

"This stuff ain't fresh, dude." She said before walking off.

"Aw, poor Granny Smith, she didn't know it was a joke! How mean! No, no, I can't misjudge her. It was kind of a funny prank, I guess." Chad tried to justify.

Next, she used her tail to slither past some ponies and grab an apple, that she of course, began to eat. Chad let out a gasp as he caught this.

"I did misjudge her! She's not only a rude rascal, she's also a thief! Nonononono, she might give it back. Or….buy a new one to replace it, like what Bandit does with Momma's cakes."

Gilda was then standing in the way of Fluttershy that was leading a bunch of baby ducks on the road.

Fluttershy was backing up so didn't see her. "All right little ones, this way, this way. Mama duck, you're free and clear."

It didn't take long until she bumped into Gilda. And she wasn't happy.

"Hey!" She exclaimed.

"Oh. Please excuse me." She said politely to de-escalate the situation. Gilda was having none of it.

"I'm walkin' here." She aggressively said. Fluttershy began to back away.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." She mocked before turning aggressive again. "Why don't you just watch where you're going, doofus?"

Mama duck and the baby ducks scattered as Fluttershy was backed up.

"B-b-b-but I... I..." Fluttershy stuttered. Gilda inhaled and let out a terrifying roar. Well, not terrifying to Chad.

Fluttershy gasped before running off crying. The ponies, plus Chad, who saw this all looked at Gilda with disapproving eyes.

"Ugh, please, all these lame ponies are driving me buggy. I gotta bail." She said before flying off.

"She's a sourpuss, and a stealer, and a-" Chad pulled out a dictionary and flipped through it. "Scourge!" He tossed it away. "The meanest kind of creature there is! I can take it, but no one treats Fluttershy like that. No. One. This calls for extreme measures, Chad style!" Chad said with a double hoof slam on the table. Then pinkie popped up beside him with two ice cream cones. One of chocolate ice cream. The other was a red with white stripes.

""Ice Cream?" Pinkie offered from beside him.

"What flavour?" He asked.

"Tiger stripe vanilla cherry."

He took the ice cream with a smile. Then he looked at Pinkie.

"Pinkie, get the supplies ready. It's time to plan a party." He said as he bit the ice cream. Not licked. Bite, whilst rubbing his hooves menacingly.

Bandit was looking from the window and grinned.

"Lightning, Rainbow." He said without turning around. Both of them were behind him with whipped Cream on their hooves.

"I got an idea for your pranks." He told them as he turned around.

The two pegasi looked at each other before nodding.

Later on, Pinkie was moving a cake towards the center of SCC.

"This good Chad?" Pinkie asked.

"Perfect" Chad answered. The two looked at their work and saw how welcoming the decorations were.

"Are you sure this is gonna work Chad?" Pinkie asked. Chad grabbed her face and got nose to nose with her.

"I'm positive" Chad said before letting go.

Pinkie nodded as Ponies began walking through the door. She and Chad welcomed them left and right.

Chad turned, looking towards other members of the mane 8 as they entered.

"Who's this Gilda I've heard nothing about?" Applejack asked as she was speaking with Rarity and Bandit.

"I hear she's an old friend of Rainbow Dash and Lightning Sprint. A griffon, so rare." Rarity responded.

"Not that rare." Bandit added. "There's Griffonstone, Griffinstone with an I, I was gonna say Shesepankh East, but I'm sure hieracosphinxes don't count since their wild animals."

Fluttershy and Twilight were having a bit of a conversation off to the side.

"You met her. What's she like?" Twilight asked. Fluttershy looked down nervously.

"I'll tell you later" Fluttershy said. She slowly walked over to Pinkie.

"Um, Pinkie Pie, about this party for Gilda. Umm... do you really think it's a good idea? I mean—" She asked softly.

"Oh, this wasn't my idea. It was Chad's." Pinkie pointed out. Fluttershy looked at Chad, who ended up lifted by Pinkie.

"Don't you worry your adorable head Fluttershy. I've got this all taken care of or my name's not Armasta." Chad said as he dropped out of her grip and trotted back to the entrance.

"Ain't his name Chad?" Applejack asked after hearing that.

Chad looked up at Gilda.

"Gilda! I'm so honored to throw you the first and only party i've ever thrown, and I really, truly, sincerely, hope you feel welcome here amongst all us pony and changeling folk." Chad said as he stuck out his hoof.

Gilda Cautiously grabbed his hoof with her talon, only to get shocked.

A lot of the guests began laughing.

"The old hoof-shake buzzer. Chad, you are a scream." Rainbow Dash said whilst laughing.

"One for classics eh?" Lightning nudged him while laughing.

"....Yeah. Good one, Chad." Gilda said, not sounding happy. "Come on G, I'll introduce you to some of our other friends." Lightning Sprint said as she began to walk off.

"Right behind you." Gilda said before glaring daggers at Chad.

"I know what you're up to." She gritted, trying to intimidate him.

"Great." Chad said. "This was a lot of hard work to do."

She groaned in annoyance.

"Rrrh. I know what you're planning."

"Well Spluh, it's not a surprise party." Chad said.

"I mean, I've got my eye on you." She said as she got nose to nose with him. Chad pressed back against hers.

"And I've got my eye on you." He said before stepping back.

Gilda was about to walk away, but Pinkie grabbed her.

"Everyone, I'd like you all to meet Gilda, a long-time, dear friend of Lightning Sprint and Rainbow Dash. Let's honor her and welcome her to Ponyville." She said. Ponies cheered as Gilda smiled awkwardly. Lightning Sprint and Rainbow dash wrapped a hoof around her as Chad brought forth a bowl of cherry candy drops.

"Here, help yourself." Chad said.

"Don't mind if I do." She said as she took one and ate. However, she began to sweat. "HOT!"

"G! The punch!" Rainbow Dash said

Gilda ran over and grabbed the punch, attempting to drink it, but the punch fell onto her before reaching her mouth.

"Well, whaddya know, chili pepper in the cherry drops, and the punch served in a dribble glass!" Chad said.

"Ha! Priceless, priceless!" Lightning Sprint said, picking Chad up and putting him on her back.

Gilda rushed over to the counter and grabbed another cup of punch to drink. She gulps it down, finally cooling off her tongue. She pants before talking again.

"Yeah. Hilarious." She said annoyed.

"Look G, Presents." Rainbow dash pointed out. Gilda walked over and opened one, only for spitting snakes to spook her. Her feathers fluffed up as a result.

"Spittin' snakes. Hah, somepony pulled that prank on me last month." Applejack said.

"Ha ha. I bet I know who that is." She said as she glared at Chad. She was completely ignorant to the fact that Chad has only been there for a couple of weeks.

"You do?" Chad asked.

Ponies were chatting amongst each other, and birds were chirping thanks to Fluttershy's directing. Then pinkie pie walked over with the cake.

"Hey, can I blow out the candles?" Spike asked eagerly.

"Why don't we let Gilda blow out the candles, Spike? She is the guest of honor after all." Bandit said, still Glaring daggers at her.

"Exactly." Gilda said. This was until she walked past Bandit and saw how big he really was, she carefully cowarded and blew out the candles.

The candles flickered back to being lit.

She looked confused and blew them out again.

They did the same thing again.

She continued to try and blow the candles out how much but they kept turning on. Eventually she ran out of breath.

"Re-lighting birthday candles, I love that prank! What a classic." Spike said, giggling from Gilda's face.

"I wonder who could've done that." Chad said, still laughing.

"Yeah, I wonder." Gilda glared.

"Mmm. Who cares? This cake is amazing" Spike said as he ate.

"Spike?" Bandit said with a raised eyebrow.

"What?" Spike asked as his face was already covered in icing. Bandit rolled his eyes.

"Oh Never mind. Move over I want some too." He said. Spike smiled and moved to the side so that Bandit can also eat the cake, taking one of his mother's habits. Gilda shot a glare at Chad before Rainbow dash spoke to her.

"Hey G, you're not upset about some silly candles are you?" She asked as Gilda plastered another fake smile.

"No way, Dash. Like I said, I'm down with a good prank." She feigned.

"Come on, let's have some cake." Rainbow dash said as she ran to the cake. Gilda drops the smile as she did.

Chad began Eating some of the cake as well.

Then Gilda grabbed Chad and pulled him out of sight.

"Hey, I'm watching you. Like a hawk." She threatened.

"Shouldn't you be watching me like a griffon?" He asked. She growled at him.

"Hey y'all," Applejack said, making Gilda play the 'acting natural' look. "it's pin the tail on the pony. Let's play." Applejack was heard saying.

"Oh, my favorite game. Can I go first? Can I have the purple tail?" Rarity asked, she then reached for the tail.

Gilda zipped over and snagged the tail.

"Well, I am the guest of honor, and I'll have the purple tail." Gilda rudely said as she started walking towards the target.

Rarity stepped back "Oh"

"Yeah, Gilda should definitely go first. Let's get you blindfolded." Chad said. Spike approached Gilda with a blindfold in his claws.

The blindfold was placed on her eyes.

"Hey what— ugh— what are you doing? Rrrah!" She exclaimed before Chad began spinning her around.

"We're spinning you around and around and then you can pin the tail on the pony." Chad said before grabbing her talon to guide her to the poster. "Now just walk straight ahead and pin the tail." Chad said. Gilda snatched her talon away.

"Now just walk straight ahead and pin the tail." He mocked. "Hmph, yeah, right. This is another prank, isn't it? I'm going this way." Gilda said As she turned and walked toward the kitchen.

"Wait. The poster is this—" Chad tried to warn. Gilda ended up slipping in some icing and headed straight towards the kitchen.

There was a bunch of crashing sounds as well as a Gilda letting out multiple pained grunts.

She came out of the kitchen with the tail pinned to her beak and covered in icing.

"Um, Gilda? That's on the wrong end." Chad told her. This caused other ponies to laugh. Gilda finally had enough.

She let out a roar.

"This is your idea of a good time? I've never met a lamer bunch of dweebs in all my life! And you Chad!" She then glared at Chad. But as Bandit stepped in front of him protectively, she kept her distance, but continued to hurl insults.

"You are king lame-o with your weak little party pranks! Did you really think you could make me lose my cool?" Chad's ears flopped as he looked down saddened. "Well, Dash, Sprint and I will have ten times as much cool as the rest of you put together! Come on you two, we're bailing on this pathetic scene." She said. The reality of it was, She wanted to get as far away from the older brother before he lost his temper. But she was confused when Sprint and Dash didn't follow her.

"Come on, you two. I said, we're leaving." They looked at each other before looking back at Gilda. Neither of them were happy.

"You know Gilda, Lightning and I were the ones who set up all those weak pranks at this party." Rainbow Dash responded. Resulting in gasps.

"That makes sense. I was wondering why Bandit wasn't touching anything here." Chad said. Bandit grabbed the cherry drops and began to snack as he enjoyed the show.

"So that means we're the queens of lame-o right?" Lightning Sprint asked.

"What?" Gilda asked.

"We were the ones who set up the pranks at the party." Rainbow dash said. Gilda gasped.

"Come on, you guys, you're joshing me." Gilda said, not believing it. While also desperately trying not to look like the bad guy.

"They weren't all meant for you specifically, it was just dumb luck that you set them all off." Lightning Sprint said.

"No way, i-it was Chad! He set up this party to trip me up, to make a fool of me."

"You don't need him to make you look like a fool." Bandit countered.

"I threw this party to improve your attitude. I thought a good party might turn that frown upside down. I even did research on what griffons like to make presents for you." Chad said as he pointed out the presents.

"You know, this is not how we thought our old friends would treat my new friends. If being cool is all you care about, maybe you should go find some new cool friends someplace else." Lightning Sprint confronted. Gilda growled before glaring at them.

"Rrgh... yeah? Well you, you... you are such a, a flip-flop, cool one minute and lame the next. When you decide not to be lame anymore, gimme a call." Gilda insulted before walking to the door. Chad ran to her with a present on his back.

"Wait. At least take your present." He said as he lifted to her. She was about to smack it, but she saw the ponies looking at her. Mostly, Bandit ready to move at a moments notice. She scowled, snatched the present and walked out the door, slamming it shut as she did.

"Not cool." Rainbow dash said.

"Talk about a party pooper." Spike commented.

"I can hunt her down if you want." Bandit told them.

"She's not worth it" Lightning Sprint said, shaking her head.

She nodded before looking at Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow dash shook her head rapidly, not wanting that to happen.

Bandit then looked at Chad.

"I'm sorry your party didn't work." Bandit told him.

"It's no problem Bandit, I can't be friends with everyone. We've still got plenty of party to finish!" Chad said with perked ears.

Bandit smirked as he went to continue the party as Twilight wrote a letter to Celestia.

"Dearest Princess Celestia, today I learned that it's hard to accept when someone else doesn't want to be your friend. Though it's impossible to control whether they want to be your friend or not, it is possible to control your own behavior. Just continue to be a good friend. In the end, who's truly worthy to be a friend will surely come to light. Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle" Twilight wrote.

Celestia smiled before beginning to write a letter herself.

"Dear Twilight Sparkle,
My most faithful student... Oh!" She saw the ink starting to disappear. "Disappearing ink. Classic Chad." She said with a smile. A morse code was then sent to her horn from Chad in response.

"--. --- - -.-. .... .-" Celestia giggled as a response.

Author's Note:

This is one of the hardest episodes I've tried to OC insert. I already know this episode isn't going to be liked all that much, but don't worry. It will be worth it in season 5. Hopefully.

Next episode is going to be a custom episode so, look forward to that. See you next time.