• Published 18th Nov 2019
  • 14,042 Views, 844 Comments

My Little Pony: Friendships and Magic [Season 1] - Alpha Wolf 4500

The first season of a rewrite of this series that I love. With my first and favorite OC, and the OC of a friend.

  • ...

Winter Wrap Up

It was very early in the morning in Ponyville and everyone was sound asleep in the library. That didn't last long as Twilight was the first to wake up.

Twilight let out a gasp as she woke up. "It's Winter Wrap Up day! Spike, wake up." She said before rushing to Bandit and Chad to wake them up too.

Bandit was already dreading having to wake up. Chad, who was too excited to sleep, had fallen asleep in the seated position.

"Bandit! Chad! It's Winter Wrap Up day!" Twilight said to her giant friend. Bandit groaned and put his blanket over his head, which left his lower body out. Twilight ran over and jumped on him. "Get up lazy bones!"

Bandit groaned and sat up. His bandana already on.

"Twilight, it's very early." He said in a dry voice.

Twilight rolled off him and stood up. "But it's Winter Wrap Up day! The first day of spring is tomorrow."

"I know that Twilight, we read the same book. But if Chad isn't awake, Regardless of how excited he was and wasn't able to sleep, you're up too early." Bandit told her. Twilight turned to look at Chad, who was in the seated position, still asleep.

"You never know. He could be having a Extra long sleep." Twilight said. Bandit got nose to nose with her.

"An extra long sleep? Chad? Extra long sleep?" Bandit emphasized. Twilight hung her head with a sigh.

"I'm just really excited about it." She said.

"I know. But, Don't you think the other workers of Winter wrap up should be awake before we start?" He said as he pointed to the window. She looked out of the window and saw it was still dark.

"Maybe it is too early."

My Little Pony,
My Big Changeling too
Ahh, ahh, ahh, ahhh…

(My Little Pony)

We used to wonder what friendship could be
(My Big Changeling too)

[Twilight Sparkle]
Until you all shared its magic with me

[Rainbow Dash]
Big adventure

[Pinkie Pie]
Tons of fun

A beautiful heart

Faithful and strong

Sharing kindness!

[Lightning Sprint]
Motivate the team

Heroics makes it all complete
You have my little ponies
Do you know you're all my very best friends?

A few hours later, the sun rose and Chad was awake and ready. Holding onto Twilight as they moved to town hall. Bandit was right beside her with Spike on his back, much less ready and more sleepy, the snow on the ground all around them.

"Those must be the team vests Rarity designed. Blue for the weather team, green for the plant team, and tan for the animal team. I wonder which team vest I'll be wearing." Twilight said. She was very excited to be here.

"Knowing this town, Bandit's probably gonna be on every team." Chad said.

"Spike, what team do you wanna be on?" Bandit asked him.

"I'll take a blue vest, same color as my blankie," Spike grumbled, cracking an eye open to see the vests, "which I think I hear calling my name. "Spike! Spike! Come to bed!" Ugh, it's too early."

Once the ponies were gathered, Mayor Mare was ready to begin. "Thank you, everypony, for being here bright and early," she told them. "We need every single pony's help to wrap up winter, and bring in spring." And the ponies cheered. "Now, all of you have your vests, and have been assigned to your teams, so let's do even better than last year, and have the quickest Winter Wrap Up ever!" And the ponies cheered again.

"Oh, this is so exciting." Twilight squealed as she trotted in place.

"All right everypony, find your team leader." Mayor Mare ordered, nodding to Applejack, who was wearing green vests, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie, and Rarity and Fluttershy, who were wearing tan vests. "And let's get galloping!"

"Oh gosh, where should I go? I'm not sure where I fit in. What exactly does everypony do?" Twilight asked as she looked around.

"Just do what I do." Bandit started. "Any one of the stations that need help, just help them."

Twilight nodded and began to follow his lead.

"Three months of winter coolness
And awesome holidays" Rainbow Dash sang.

"We've kept our hoofsies warm at home
Time off from work to play" Pinkie Pie sang.

"What's with the singing?" Bandit asked.

"But the food we've stored is runnin' out," sang Applejack. "And we can't grow in this cold."

"And even though I love my boots," Rarity sang. "This fashion's getting old."

"The time has come to welcome spring
And all things warm and green
But it's also time to say goodbye
It's winter we must clean
How can I help? I'm new, you see
What does everypony do?
How do I fit in without magic?
I haven't got a clue!" Twilight sang.

Bandit looked around.

"Where is that music coming from?"

"Winter Wrap Up!
Winter Wrap Up!" The ponies sang as they either took to the air, headed for the countryside, or remained in town to get rid of the snow.

"Let's finish our holiday cheer.
Winter Wrap Up!
Winter Wrap Up!"

"Cause tomorrow spring is here.
Cause tomorrow-" Applejack was singing before Rainbow dash flew by to sing

"-spring is here." Rainbow Dash and Applejack sang.

"Bringing home the southern birds
A Pegasus' job begins
And clearing all the gloomy skies
To let the sunshine in
We move the clouds
And we melt the white snow." Rainbow Dash continued.

"When the sun comes up
Its warmth and beauty will glow!" Pinkie Pie joined in.

"Winter Wrap Up! Winter Wrap Up!
Let's finish our holiday cheer
Winter Wrap Up! Winter Wrap Up!
'Cause tomorrow spring is here
Winter Wrap Up! Winter Wrap Up!
'Cause tomorrow spring is here
'Cause tomorrow spring is here!" The ponies all sang.

"Why are we singing!?"

"Little critters hibernate
Under the snow and ice." Rarity sang.

"We wake up all their sleepy heads
So quietly and nice" Fluttershy sang.

"We help them gather up their food
Fix their homes below."

"Hello!?" Bandit exclaimed, but was still sung over.

"We welcome back the southern birds."

"So their families can grow!" Rarity joined in.

"Why are we- oh forget it."

""Winter Wrap Up! Winter Wrap Up! (Bandit: Winter, winter) Let's finish our holiday cheer. Winter Wrap Up! Winter Wrap Up! (Bandit: Winter, winter) 'Cause tomorrow spring is here. Winter Wrap Up! Winter Wrap Up! (Bandit: Winter, winter)."

"'Cause tomorrow spring is here
'Cause tomorrow spring is here!"

"No easy task to clear the ground
Plant our tiny seedsWith proper care and sunshine
Everyone it feeds
Apples, carrots, celery stalks
Colorful flowers too
We must work so very hard" Applejack sang.

Cherry berry and Carrot Top joined her.

"It's just so much to do!"

"Winter Wrap Up! Winter Wrap Up! Let's finish our holiday cheer. Winter Wrap Up! Winter Wrap Up! 'Cause tomorrow spring is here. Winter Wrap Up! Winter Wrap Up!" Bandit sang.

"'Cause tomorrow spring is here.
'Cause tomorrow spring is here" Pinkie sang.

"Now that I know what they all do
I have to find my place
And help with all of my heart
Tough task ahead I face
How will I do without my magic
Help the Earth pony way
I wanna belong so I must
Do my best today,
Do my best today!" Twilight sang.

Winter Wrap Up! Winter Wrap Up!
Let's finish our holiday cheer
Winter Wrap Up! Winter Wrap Up!
'Cause tomorrow spring is here
Winter Wrap Up! Winter Wrap Up!" Ponies sang.

"'Cause tomorrow spring is here
'Cause tomorrow spring is here
'Cause tomorrow spring is heeeeere!" Bandit sang.

The song ended with that. Bandit cleared his throat.

"Everypony belongs to a team. What should I do? Where should I go?" Twilight asked, looking around.

"Twily. Just do what I do and go wherever you're needed." Bandit told her. Twilight nodded and started to follow him.

Bandit was about to look around for where he was needed, But thanks to his size, he was pretty well demanded. A crowd, all from different teams, was soon surrounding him.

"Well, I know where I'm needed, but I'm gonna have to do this one at a time." Bandit told them. They waited as Bandit looked around and then looked in the air.

"I'll start on the weather." Bandit said as he started to fly up. Spike gulped and held on tight. Twilight followed them on the ground as they got to Rainbow Dash, who was talking with a team of pegasus.

"All right team, you're clear for takeoff," she said and watched as they flew up into the sky and south to retrieve the birds.

"Rainbow dash." Bandit called.

"Oh, hey Big guy, what's up?" She asked as she turned around.

"I'm here to help with the weather. I see you already sent a team away, how about I help clear these clouds for when they come back?" Bandit asked.

"Good idea." Rainbow dash said.

"Hey, where's Lightning Sprint?" Spike asked.

"She's in bed sick today. Came down with a nasty cold." Rainbow dash answered.

"Poor thing. I'll pay a visit to check on her soon." Bandit said as he got to work. Rainbow Dash looked at Twilight who wanted to help but couldn't as she didn't have wings.

"Right. No wings." Twilight said. Chad looked at Twilight and tried to make her feel better.

"Don't worry Twilight...i can't fly either." He said.

Twilight looked at him. "You'll learn soon" She said, picking him up and nuzzling him nose to nose. Chad giggled as he was put back down.

"I have an idea, Let's try to find someone else we can help." Chad suggested. Twilight placed him on her back.

"I like that idea." Twilight said as she walked off.

After a short run, Twilight spotted Rarity, who was putting the finishing touches on a bird nest, tying on a pink bow on the front.

"Rarity, please tell me there's something, anything we can help you with." Twilight said.

"Well, how would you like to help create Ponyville's finest birds' nests?" Rarity offered, needing as much help as she could get since her team was still getting the rest of the nest-making supplies.

"Birds nests?" Twilight asked with a puzzled look.

"Why yes," Rarity explained. "When the weather team guides the birds back north for the spring, they'll need a place to live and lay their eggs."

Twilight Sparkle admired the nest sitting on the table. "Wow, Rarity, that one's really beautiful."

"Oh why, thank you most sincerely," Rarity said graciously. "Would you like to try your hoof at a nest?"

"Would I? Yes! Where do I begin?" Twilight Sparkle asked eagerly, thrilled to have found a way to help with the winter wrap up.

"Okay," said Rarity, magically handing her friend a basket full of supplies and watched as Twilight quickly and effectively sorted out the supplies. Chad double taked Because she literally did this while he blinked.

"Now… uh, take some of that straw and hay over there, and a little bit of branch. Now, weave them through there, yes." She watched and tried to give instructions as her friend went to work on making a nest. "Uh, take some ribbon, yes, oh uh, n… not there, oooh, yes, uh, tuck it in over there, uh but be careful not to… I don't know I guess that would do… oh dear."

Twilight Sparkle quickly finished and frowned when she saw that her – um – nest looked nothing like the nest that her friend had made. "There! It looks just like… yours. Oh my," she said sheepishly.

"I like it!" Chad said with a smile.

"it's not so bad, ah, maybe birds can use it as a…"

"Their home. Birds won't care how it looks…. Unless it's a Phoenix." Chad said.

"It's just fine. It's just a little rough around the edges. Let me lend you a hoof. Let's just untie this ribbon, and let me take out these sticks here, we'll shave this…" she was soon mumbling and focused entirely on the ruined nest.

Twilight Sparkle hung her head, disappointed.

"Come on, let's try something else." Chad said as he grabbed her hoof to pull her away. Rarity was still altering the nest.

Heading out of town, Twilight and Chad went to the nearest frozen lake, where they were greeted by Pinkie, who was skating on the icy surface, cutting lines that criss crossed across the surface.

"Hellooooooo, Twilight!" Pinkie Pie called out as she spun in a circle and squealed. "Wheeeeeeee!"

Twilight ran down the path to the edge of the lake, impressed by the display. "Wow, Pinkie Pie, you're quite the skater." she complimented as Pinkie skated up to her. "Probably the best skater I've ever seen."

"Thanks Twilight, I've been doing this since I was an itty-bitty little-wittle Twinkie-Pinkie," Pinkie Pie replied cheerfully. "Just comes natural. Which is probably why they designated me the lake scorer. I cut lines in the lakes with my skates. That way, when the rest of the weather team comes here to break the ice, it'll be easy as pie."

"How clever," Twilight Sparkle commented. "When the thick ice begins to melt, it'll break along the lines. Well, you sure have a lot of work ahead of you, there's quite a few lakes in Ponyville."

Pinkie Pie nodded, having finished the pond earlier, but the lakes would take longer. "Ha, tell me about it. Hey, Twilight, wanna help me out?" she offered.

Twilight Sparkle beamed. "Would I?"

"Come on, put on those skates over there," said Pinkie Pie, nodding and pointing to a set of white skates that were identical to the ones she was wearing on her hooves. "I bet you'll be a natural too."

"Okay." Twilight said.

Chad was skating around the lake with his tongue out and having a good time as Twilight was barely able to stay up on the ice.

"Wowee Chad! You're good at this." Pinkie complimented.

"I used to play hockey." Chad said as he slid to a stop.

"I'm not so sure about this now." Twilight said. Chad skated over.

"Come on Twilight, it's really easy, just stroke left then right. See?" Chad said as he did exactly that. Stroking is left hooves then his right to propel forward. Twilight started to mirror him, but was not nearly as coordinated.

She was now skidding across the ice, unable to control where she was going. "Oh no, whoa, wow…!"

"Twilight, steer! Steer!" Pinkie Pie shouted. Twilight crashed into her, sending them both flying across the ice and toward the shoreline, where Chad was watching. "Look out Chad!" she warned and then screamed as Chad skated out of the way, Pinkie and Twilight crashed, being buried by the snow so that they looked like a strange-looking snowman.

Chad skated over and used his tail to dust the snow off of them.

"Are you okay?" Chad asked her. Twilight simply nodded.

"Twilight, you did a great job your first time around," said Pinkie Pie once they were freed of each other. "I'm sure my first time was just as wobbly and bobbly and crasheriffic as yours."

Twilight Sparkle gave her a skeptical look. "Really?"

Pinkie Pie shook her head. "No."

"Mine was. It's how I lost my first tooth." Chad reassured. This made Twilight check his teeth.

"At uas ears a-ao." Chad said (That was years ago).

"I think you'll be super awesome at something that keeps your hooves on the ground," Pinkie Pie suggested. "I know, Fluttershy could probably use your help with the critters."

"Well… I'm pretty good with little animals," said Twilight Sparkle, figuring it would be safer then ice skating. "Yeah, I'll go help her." Unfortunately she started skating the wrong way. Chad skated to her and grabbed her hoof to skate the correct direction.

"This way~" Chad said as Pinkie watched them.

Fluttershy was ringing a bell and had her head inside one of the many burrows.

"Wake up, little sleepy heads." She started, her voice muffled. "Hope you had some wonderful dreams and restful hibernation, but it's time to get up now, spring is coming." She then backed out and smiled as a pair of hedgehogs came out, yawned and stretched, and then went off to join the other animals for food.

"Awww, how cute" Twilight said as she looked at the small creatures.

"Aren't they? This is my favorite task the whole season, when I get to see all my little animal friends again." Fluttershy said happily.

"I bet they must be hungry, sleeping for an entire winter would make me hungry enough to eat a mango." Chad said. Fluttershy looked confused, so Twilight leaned over.

"He hates mangos." She whispered. Fluttershy nodded in understanding. She walked over and began to ring inside of another burrow.

"Wake up, little porcupines." She said.

"Spike would love the idea of hibernation, minus the fact that he'd have to eat less food." Chad nudged Twilight. A pair of Porcupines came out, yawned, and when they hugged each other, they yelped because of the quills poking them both.

"Oh, would you just look at all these warrens and dens?" Fluttershy asked sadly, looking at the burrows and dens that she needed to work on. "I'm worried that I won't be able to wake up every animal before spring comes."

"Well, I'll help, Fluttershy," Twilight Sparkle offered.

"You will? Oh, that would be wonderful." Fluttershy said gratefully, giving Twilight a bell before going to the next den to wake up the animals.

Twilight Sparkle went to the nearest burrow. "Okay, let's start there." She then rang the bell inside the opening. "Hello? Wake up little friends, wherever you are. Spring is coming."

She looked back at Chad.

"I wonder which cute little furry creatures I've awoken." she wondered and yelped when three snakes came out, hissing. "Waaa! Snakes! Snakes!"

She started backing up towards another burrow. Chad looked at the snakes and licked his lips. The snakes coiled up defensively. However, before he could snack on the danger noodles, Twilight accidentally ran into a bat cave, Only to be chased out by the bats and colliding with a tree.

"Ugh!" she grunted and then she screamed when a beehive landed on her head, and she was chased into another den by the bees. "Ugh!" she groaned when she was overwhelmed by a horrible smell produced by the skunks she'd woken up, which had sprayed her in response.

Fluttershy and Chad reached the burrow just as the three skunks came out of the smelly den. Chad placed a plug on his nose so as to not smell the skunk's spray.

"Good morning, friends." Fluttershy said before she sighed. Twilight groaned from inside the burrow.

"1 quart of 3 percent hydrogen peroxide (fresh bottle), ¼ cup of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate), and 1-2 teaspoons of liquid dish soap." Chad listed as he added those ingredients to the bowl in front of him. After mixing all of it up, he walked over to Twilight in a tub. He began to scrub the solution all over Twilight.

"All this Winter Wrap Up stuff is a lot harder than it looks." Twilight complained.

"Well, to be fair, you're used to using your magic." Chad told her. "Maybe you could find a way to use magic without breaking tradition?"

"The entire tradition is based around not using magic Chad. Ponyville has never needed magic to wrap up winter."

"Think how much quicker they could wrap up winter with your magic. Or Bandit's magic for that matter." Chad said as he continued scrubbing.

"No, no, no!" Twilight exclaimed as she splashed. "I'm gonna find some other way that I can help out if it kills me."

Chad gasped at the last four words. His ears flopped in worry. Twilight turned around at him.

"Okay, maybe not until it kills me." Twilight reassured.

After the anti-skunk bath, Twilight was on the way to Sweet Apple Acres. When she got there, she saw there were a number of ponies busy plowing the fields and were being overseen by Applejack. Bandit was also working the snow plows, having already finished with all the clouds. And it was no surprise that he was doing it much faster than everyone else.

"Keep pushin', Caramel, try to keep up with Bandit." Applejack called out to the ponies, who were using plows to shove the snow off the fields. "That's it, Bumpkin. I know it's hard work, but you guys are doin' great. Yee-haw!"

Twilight Sparkle and Spike came up to them. "Hey, Applejack, Sunrise," she said. "How's everything going?"

"Oh, just dandy," Applejack replied. "A little slow startin', but peachy all the same. There's a lot of ground to clear, ya hear? We can't even start the plantin' and the waterin' until we get all these heap a' snow hightailed outta here. Luckly yer friend Bandit showed up and has been speeding things up."

"Well, I'd like to help," the purple unicorn offered.

Applejack gave her an uncertain look since the plows weren't that easy to move. "Well, I… I dunno Twilight. Those plows are pretty heavy."

"Just give me a chance," Twilight Sparkle begged.

Applejack still wasn't sure. "Well, I never turn down a hard worker, but…"

Twilight went to a nearby plow, determined to prove that she could do it, and she struggled to push it forward, barely able to move it an inch. She turned back to look at Chad, who sat down on top of the snow and thought about their earlier conversation.

"I could use a come-to-life spell." Twilight thought to herself. She concentrated on the spell, her horn glowing pink.

"Hwww… Here goes…" The plow started to move on its own. She smiled as she quickly followed, making it look like she was plowing away the snow, surprising the hardworking ponies she passed. She ended up matching Bandit's current work speed.

"Oh, hey Twily." Bandit said.

"Hi Bandy." Twilight greeted. Bandit looked at her horn and then at her. He squinted his eyes. She smiled sheepishly.

Applejack watched her friend's progress, which was going oddly well, and this had her suspicious.

"Hmm. She's awful strong for such a little pony." Applejack said with a raised eyebrow.

Chad looked and saw the horn. His ears perked and his eyes widened.

"I'm about to regret what I said earlier aren't I?" Chad asked out loud.

"And what in tarnation does that mean?" Applejack questioned him.

"Twilight, I thought Winter Wrap Up had a no magic rule." Bandit said in a stern voice, while also quiet enough to not give away what she did.

"I know, but i wasn't strong enough to move the plow, so I used a spell to bring it to live and-"

"Wait, the come-to-life spell?" He asked.

"Yes, why?" She asked. Before Bandit could tell her, the plow began to move fast, pushing against her behind and making her surpass Bandit, which made everyone watching suspicious.

"Slow down. Slow down!" she screamed as the plow moved even faster, zooming all over the place while creating a large ball of snow that was growing bigger. Bandit tried to run to catch up to her, but the plow slowed him down a great deal thanks to the snow he was building up.

Applejack wound up ran over, Chad jumped up and ran on the snowball as it rolled.

"What's going on?" Applejack demanded as she went rolling across the field, forcing the plowing ponies to scatter. "Wha'd'ya do? You used magic, didn't you?" And they only stopped when they crashed into a small cliffside, and this triggered and avalanche of snow that buried them, and then it covered most of the freshly cleared fields.

Bandit detached himself from the snow plow and flew over to them.

"Sweet Celestia! Are you all alright!?" Bandit exclaimed as he got to them. Chad, Applejack and Twilight popped up out of the snow.

"Nuts, Twilight, you used magic." She scolded.

"That's kinda my fault AJ. I suggested it to her." Chad confessed.

"That's not how we do it 'round here, Twilight," Applejack snapped, "and especially not on MY FARM!"

"HEY! Will you chill out!?" Bandit said back at her. That calmed Applejack down real quick. Bandit, knowing Applejack was right to be mad, calmed himself. "Look, I know you're upset at what happened, but yelling at Twilight is not gonna undo the mistake. She had the right thing in mind."

Twilight felt horrible and tears began brimming in her eyes. "Well, see, I just wanted to…" She dug herself out of the snow and fled, crying. Bandit and Chad looked at each other and then went after her.

Bandit and Chad followed Twilight's scent to a large snow-covered bush in the town square, and he tried to get her to come out.

"Come on, Twilight. Come on out." Bandit said.

"Leave me alone Bandit" Twilight said, sounding pretty bummed out. Spike got over to them, stretching as he finished napping before seeing Chad and Bandit.

"So, what'd I miss?" Spike asked as he got over.

"You mean other than the fact that I'm a Winter Mess Up? Nothing." Twilight said sarcastically.

"Oh. Ah well." Spike turned around. "Back to sleep."

Bandit pulled him right back.

"Twilight, you can't just give up on something because you messed it up the first time around. What do you always tell me?" Chad asked her. There was a pause. "I will not move from this spot until you answer."

"If at first you don't succeed, try and try again." Twilight answered. There was silence again.


"Until you get it right or need a break." Twilight answered. She then let out a sigh.

"Come on Twilight, we can't just give up yet." Bandit told her.

Just then Applejack came up to Rainbow Dash with a request. "Rainbow Dash, y'all on the weather team need to melt the rest of the snow here on the ground and the trees, pronto."

Rainbow Dash nodded. "Got it." And she turned to take off when Fluttershy stopped her.

"Wait." she said quickly. "My poor little animals' homes will get flooded if the snow melts too fast."

Rainbow Dash nodded again. "Got it."

"I'm tellin' you, Rainbow, you gotta melt that snow now." Applejack ordered.

"No, you simply must wait." Fluttershy insisted.

Rainbow Dash looked between them, wondering who to listen to as they were argued. "Okay."







"Ugh! Make up your minds!" Rainbow Dash shouted in frustration, and they were soon arguing, drawing the attention of the other ponies.

Hearing the arguing, Mayor Mare came over and promptly scolded them. "Oh! What in Equestria are all you arguing about?" she demanded. "This sort of silliness is why we were late for spring last year, and the year before that, and the year before that."

Hearing this, Twilight poked her head out of the bush. "Did she say late?" she asked and the two changelings and baby dragon nodded, and they all listened.

"I was hoping my amazingly inspirational speech would urge everyone to do better than last year, but now it looks like we're going to be later than ever," Mayor Mare complained, gesturing to the limited progress that had been made so far. "I mean just look at this catastrophe. The ice scorers made the ice chunks too big to melt. The nest designer is horrendously behind, we need several hundred, and she's only made one." And poor Rarity was sobbing, giving up on the ruined nest. "The only thing ON schedule are the clouds in the sky being cleared away, but the icicles are still on the trees… This isn't good, not at all!"

Bandit looked at Twilight with a sly look. Twilight glanced towards him.

"You thinking what I'm thinking?" Bandit asked, only getting a tilted head.

"What?" She asked.

"This entire wrapping up of winter needs some organization from a very organized bookhorse?" He said, nudging her for her to get the hint.

Twilight tilted her head briefly yet again. "But who would- ooooooh" She said, realising what he was hinting at.

"Spike. Get the clipboard." Bandit said. Spike nodded and quickly ran to get it. Bandit walked with Twilight to the crowd.

Applejack nodded. "And it's gonna be all to pieces disastrous if we can't get our seeds all planted."

"Chillax Applejack, we're bustin' our chops as fast as we can," Rainbow Dash pointed out.

"No, not fast," Fluttershy objected, "we have to wake animals slowly."

Big Macintosh came up with Caramel. "Uh, AJ?"

Applejack groaned when she saw their sheepish expressions. "Oh good gravy, Caramel lost the grass seeds again, didn't he?" she guessed.

Big Mac nodded while Caramel hung his head in shame. "Eeyup."

Rainbowshine flew down with a report of her own. "Ditzy Doo accidentally went north to get the southern birds!"

"Oh that featherbrain," Rainbow Dash complained. "Didn't she learn her lesson last year when she went west?" And soon all the ponies were grumbling and complaining.

"Stop this at once," Mayor Mare ordered. "We don't have time to argue. It's almost sundown. Spring is going to be late again. Another year of scandal and shame. If only we could be more organized."

Suddenly, a bird let out a loud, attention getting whistle, making everyone turn to it.

"Thank you." Bandit said to the bird, paying it in bird seeds, which it ate graciously.

"I know you all want to complete your jobs on time, but arguing is no way to go about it." She pointed out as Spike returned with the requested items, plus a quill. "What you need is organization, and I'm just the pony for the job."

The first thing to do was finishing the nests. Bandit was putting his best attempts at work at this to finish the nexts with Rarity's and Chad's help. Twilight checks off the nests as they were completed in record time. As soon as Bandit was done, he and Chad zipped off.

Next was lake scoring. Bandit looked at Twilight's grid and relayed the plan to the other members of the ice skating team. After everyone was ready, they sliced the ice into equal sized blocks that would melt easily. Bandit and Chad did an ice skate hoof bump before taking off the ice skates and moving on.

Next up was Sweet Apple Acres. Thanks to Twilight's planning, ponies were plowing away the snow, and seeds were being planted behind him. Bandit plowed the snow away as Chad sat on the plow, tossing the seeds where they needed to be.

Over where the animal burrows and dens were located, Twilight had Fluttershy and her team use ropes to hang the bells in front of each opening, and once the last bell was in place Bandit yanked on the rope, ringing all the bells at once. Soon enough, all of the remaining animals woke up and exited their homes so that they could be cleaned, and when Twilight saw snakes slithering her way, she jumped into the tree, making Fluttershy smirk a little. Spike checked off the task as Chad chased one of the snakes. Bandit grabbed him and shook his head, stopping him.

Once the last of the animals were out and the last of the animal homes were cleaned, Fluttershy nodded to a red bird sitting on her shoulder, and the bird chirped loudly while Twilight climbed out of the tree once she was certain the last of the snakes were gone.

Rainbow dash and the other weather ponies looked at the animals leaving, and saluted before being joined by Bandit. They flew at high speeds to clear the last of the snow and icicles away.

Soon the ice was melting and flowing away through the streams and rivers as the sun began to set. The ponies worked through the night to finish up the planting of the seeds, which even Spike was helping with, and the last of the new flowers.

One of the vendor ponies was giving free juice to all the workers passing by. She gave one to Doctor Whooves, Golden Harvest, Creme Brulee, Caramel, Berry, Golden Harvest… The vendor doubletaked after seeing Golden Harvest twice, but was snapped out of it when Bandit cleared his throat. She gives a larger one to him. Chad was in Lightning Sprint's house, giving her some tea to help with her sickness. She smiled gratefully, but he ducked for cover before she could sneeze.

When the sun rose the next morning, the ponies were finishing up on watering the newly planted sends as the pegasus teams returned with the southern birds, even Derpy returned after getting word that she'd gone the wrong way again. The birds took up residence in their brand new nests, and the various insects came out of hiding to enjoy the sunlight and the flowers.

Twilight watched all of this from a hillside, where she was joined by Mayor Mare and the rest of the ponies, who were tired but happy that they were successful for once.

"I can't believe it." said Mayor Mare with utter amazement. "Spring is here! On time! And we have you to thank for it. If it weren't for your organizing skills we would still be arguing."

"Eeyup." Big Mac agreed and the ponies all laughed in agreement.

"It was a team effort, and let's not forget about Bandit and Chad's hard work too. They were practically doing everything at once." Twilight said before looking around for him. "Where are they?"

Everyone looked around before seeing that he was sleeping in the seated position, Chad curled up underneath him.

"They worked themselves tired, poor things." Applejack said. Mayor mare smiled and looked at all three of them.

"Since the three of you helped every team, we have an official vest for you all. We give you the title, "All-Team Organizer"." Mayor mare told her as Rarity came over with three newly made vests that had all three colors on them, and placed it on the trio.

Twilight Sparkle grinned widely since it was perfect. "Gosh, I don't even know what to say. Thank you, everypony."

"And hereby I declare that winter is… wrapped up on time." Mayor Mare announced and the whole town cheered. Somehow Bandit and Chad were still asleep.

"So, uh….how are we gonna get them home?" Rainbow dash asked. The silence hit as Rarity picked up Chad.

"Dibs." She said.

Back in the library, Chad was asleep, cuddled up to Quincy, as Bandit was asleep cuddled by Klaw and Fang.

Spike was writing the letter as Twilight spoke.

"Dear Princess Celestia, Winter Wrap Up was one of the most special things I've ever been a part of here in Ponyville. It helped me to learn we all have hidden talents, and if we're patient and diligent, we're sure to find them, and as always, with good friendship and teamwork, ponies along with some help from changelings can accomplish anything."

"Aaaaaand. Done." Spike said as he sent the letter. He looked back at the changeling duo as Twilight placed blankets over them.

"Sleep tight you two." Twilight said.

Author's Note:

This episode was not so difficult to write, but it was very hard to concentrate after getting the Winter wrap up song stuck in my head. Anyways, I hope you all like it, and I will try my best to get call of the cutie posted asap.

See you next time.