• Published 27th Mar 2019
  • 11,676 Views, 3,515 Comments

Mass Effect: Element of Kindness - CommanderApplejack

[CYOA] While exploring an old ruin an unfortunate accident sends Fluttershy halfway across the galaxy, how will the shy pegasus cope with being stuck away from her friends?

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Citadel - Arrival

Chapter 49

Citadel – Arrival

The Mako was launched away from the relay “monument” that stood at the entrance of the Citadel tower on the Presidium. Fluttershy tightly held on to the straps that were keeping her in the seat as the vehicle rolled over a couple of times before coming to a stop against a wall.

Fluttershy groaned as she got her bearings. The Mako had ended up upside down, so everyone was hanging from their seats. Being the most lucid of the crew in the vehicle meant she had some time to check if anyone had any serious injuries while they were sluggishly shrugging off their disorientation.

“Everyone good?” Shepard asked as he crawled from his seat and opened the Mako’s door. The entire team sounded off, giving the commander the go-ahead to leave the crashed vehicle.

Two unfortunate geth lay crumpled on the ground, having been crushed by the Mako as it had exited the conduit. The group, having exited from the wreck, immediately made its way to the Elevator at the base of the tower, hoping that it hadn’t been shut down yet as that would make getting to the top of the tower very hard.

There were a couple of husks left on the spikes used to create them, the “dragon's teeth” as the Alliance rank and file had nicknamed them, which activated as they approached. Not that these reaper altered creatures really had any chance against the group as they quickly overwhelmed them with the sheer amount of firepower they had with them.

Luckily for the team, the elevator was still active. They quickly entered and activated the elevator, shooting up towards the top of the Citadel tower. Fluttershy silently stared out of the elevator’s window at one of the wards and noticed something was off.

“Commander, the wards are closing up!” she exclaimed as she saw the arms of the citadel sealing themselves, the others also taking notice of this as Fluttershy pointed it out.

“Somehow I don’t think Citadel control is responsible for sealing the station,” Garrus muttered darkly. His prediction was probably right since the elevator suddenly came to a screeching halt.

“Damnit! Seal your suits everyone. We’re walking the rest of the way up!” Shepard said, everyone donning helmets and activating mass effect fields to keep their suits sealed. Once the group was ready, Shepard pointed his pistol at the glass window and fired. The glass shattered and flew outwards as all the air in the elevator rushed out of the little hole.

The direction of the artificial gravity changed as they left the safety of the elevator, their feet firmly planted on the side of the tower. Sovereign loomed in the distance as he had seemingly docked with the tip of the tower. Fluttershy felt a wave of dread coming over her just from looking at the massive sentient starship but also determination. She would not let it or its ilk destroy anything else ever again.

A quick radio check later, the team was rapidly moving up the tower towards the council chamber. Wrex and Tali were at the front wielding the group’s most powerful shotguns while Garrus and Fluttershy were at the back with the sniper rifles.

For the first couple dozen meters they advanced unopposed, but it wasn’t long before another elevator raced up to their position and stopped, its glass also flying outwards as the geth in the elevator stormed out. Wrex charged forward and simply headbutted the first geth, its visual sensor shattering and weapon flying off, effectively neutralizing it. The fate of the other machines was not too dissimilar to their first brother as they were filled with holes by the automatic weapons fire of the rest of the group.

With the first bit of resistance neutralized, Shepard ordered everyone to form up again and advance. A couple more geth tried impeding their progress but, bar a few rogue hits, none really stood a chance.

“Geth dropship!” Liara shouted, prompting everyone to jump into cover. The small troop carrier began to divulge its cargo onto the side of the tower. Looking around, Shepard found that there were a couple of the tower’s AA turrets standing deactivated closeby. He smirked, a plan forming in his mind.

“Tali! I need you to activate those AA turrets to blow that dropship out of the sky!” He shouted as they kept their heads down to avoid heavy weapons fire from the ship.

“Understood!” Tali shouted back and waited for a lapse in fire. A couple of seconds passed until the geth ship stopped firing, prompting Tali into a sprint. The quarian practically flew over to the first turret, astonishing Fluttershy with her speed.

“Wrex, Liara! Move up and put pressure on those geth over there! Kaidan, on me!” Shepard said as they split up into two groups and advanced forward, giving Tali the opening to run up to the second AA turret.

Garrus and Fluttershy stayed back with their long rifles taking shots at the geth regulars. “Shy, shock trooper at two o’clock, thirty meters,” Garrus pointed out. The machine had just put up a shield to give itself some cover. “Wait for me to take down that shield and aim for the torso.”

Fluttershy took aim right at the center of the geth’s torso. The moment Garrus took out the shield, Fluttershy also compressed the trigger on her rifle. The round punched straight through the machine’s white armor making it collapse.

“Good kill,” Garrus calmly said as he picked a new target and called it out to Fluttershy, the two of them using their newly minted coordination to take out stronger geth that would take more than one shot to kill.

Tali meanwhile had activated all of the AA turrets and involved herself in the close range brawl against the geth. The dropship, having taken too much damage, started venting fire and swirled out of control, crashing on the other side of the tower. The remaining geth were swiftly cleared out as there were no reinforcements to back them up anymore.

“Everyone, form up!” Shepard ordered so that the group could advance together again. The geth were now throwing everything that they had at the group as they approached the final stretch to the tip of the tower. Destroyers, primes, a juggernaut, all of it falling to the determined group that was assaulting them.

“Shepard, there are too many turrets in this section! We need to find an alternative route!” Garrus shouted over the sound of exploding rockets as the group was forced into cover by half a dozen rocket turrets that were spread out over the last forty meters or so before they could enter the tower again.

“We can use the passageway that runs along the elevator shaft!” Kaidan suggested as he pointed to a ramp a bit further up to the left.

“Everyone, wait for my mark and move as one to the ramp!” Shepard ordered, agreeing with Kaidan’s proposition. The commander diligently waited for the rocket barrage to subside before giving his order. “MARK!”

Fluttershy shot up from her cover alongside the others and sprinted towards the ramp where there was new cover from the turrets. The pegasus’ four legs allowed her to reach the cover first. This also meant she was the first to notice a geth standing lower down the ramp, hidden from sight.

Fluttershy felt a bit of rage bubbling up to the surface of her mind as she watched the geth raise its weapon while they were standing in Sovereign’s shadow.

What right do these horrible machines have to condemn an entire galaxy to death?!

With an enraged scream the pegasus lit her wings in the familiar biotic aura and created a mass effect field at the geth’s location, the warp effect ripping it in half and badly mauling it. A shriek of metal came from it as its legs were flung against one wall and its torso to the other, the severed parts rolling down to the base of the ramp.

“Remind me never to piss her off again,” Wrex muttered as he looked at the utterly destroyed geth. None of the others said anything but the looks of awe on their faces said more than enough. The group advanced further forward again, encountering two krogan warlords that charged forward, the first one getting in a vicious hand to hand with Wrex while the other charged past his comrade.

All of the previous rage Fluttershy had felt vanished in an instant and was replaced by a cold dread. Not because her life was in danger, but because she realized she had a clear shot on the krogan that was charging straight at Tali. If the warlord were allowed to headbutt the quarian, it would be a straight up death sentence for her, more so than anyone else of the crew.

She put her crosshair in the middle of the scales covering the alien’s forehead and…


This moment of hesitation allowed the krogan to backhand Tali into a wall and fire a shot at the quarian with his shotgun. The quarian’s shield flared but held although it was clear the next shot wouldn’t be stopped by it.

“NO!” Fluttershy shouted as she compressed the rifle’s trigger, the bullet burying itself deep into the skull of the warlord, making him collapse. A wave of disgust went through her as she, once again, killed a living being.

At the same time, Wrex managed to bury a combat knife deep into his opponent, killing him nearly instantly.

“There’s an entrance to the tower over there!” Liara said as she saw a hatch at the end of the gully they were proceeding through. Not waiting for any more opponents to show up, the group rushed forwards. Shepard and Wrex opened up the hatch, allowing the others to get in before closing it behind them and sealing it, effectively blocking off access to the inner chamber from this point.

They knew where their target was and what they had to do. Failure was not an option.

Author's Note:

Almost there!

Next chapter is ready as well, that'll get uploaded tomorrow somewhere to give me some breathing room:twilightsheepish:

I hope you enjoyed! :twilightsmile:

[Paragon] or [Renegade] are colored when available, though normal options might also contribute to one or the other. As for the shippers under us, [Romance] is now also a thing.
When an option is not available due to various reasons it will be colored [Grey]

[No vote] (next chapter will have one for sure)

Now edited by gerandakis and lordelliot

Remember that comments are like authors' food, we gain energy from them. Constructive criticism is welcome.

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