• Published 27th Mar 2019
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Mass Effect: Element of Kindness - CommanderApplejack

[CYOA] While exploring an old ruin an unfortunate accident sends Fluttershy halfway across the galaxy, how will the shy pegasus cope with being stuck away from her friends?

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Chapter 17


Dark warning

Can you help me create biotic fields? 51%

"Well, I was hoping you could help me to create a mass effect field?" Fluttershy asked. "Whatever I'm doing when I'm flying apparently isn't purely biotics."

Liara thought for a moment before asking a question. "What kind of places can you relax in?"

Fluttershy thought of the places which she would go to in Ponyville if she wanted to relax or just be alone. "There is this nice clearing close to the edge of the Everfree forest I used to go to where no-pony ever bothered me."

"So you like places with nature?" Liara asked, Fluttershy nodding in confirmation. "I think I might have a place where we could go," she told the pegasus while, once again, calling over a shuttle to bring them to the location Liara had in mind. While on her way there Fluttershy stared out of the window of their transport, she was pretty sure she was never going to not be in awe of the monolithic space station. Canterlot might be impressively perched on the side of a mountain but the Equestrian capital was only a tiny village compared to the Citadel.

Soon the shuttle made its way out of the ward they were on and turned into the central ring at the base of the station that housed the Presidium. The interior of the ring housed all of the embassies of various races along with the more wealthy inhabitants of the galactic capital, which meant that there was a lot more greenery than in the wards.

"This place reminds me of where I grew up—Thessia," Liara said as the two stepped out of the shuttle next to a particularly large park that had various groups of children running through it while a couple of parents were sitting by the side keeping an eye on them. Fluttershy had to suppress a squeal at the cute alien children as they tumbled around.

"I think this place is perfect," Fluttershy said as they walked through the park and found a reasonable secluded space between a bunch of trees and bushes.'

"I agree, we'll start here." Liara sat down in the grass followed by Fluttershy who sat down facing the asari. "I think the best place to start is to teach you a form of meditation," she told the pegasus who just listened attentively, "Close your eyes and silence your mind, let your thoughts flow out of your mind but do not force them."

Fluttershy followed Liara's instructions but had trouble keeping her mind completely calm, something Liara didn't seem to have any trouble with, though that could be chalked up to experience.

"Let your soul roam freely, unbind yourself from physical reality. Embrace eternity!" Liara continued, Fluttershy felt some kind of pressure against her mind just like she had in the Normandy but this time it didn't feel as invasive as it had done on the frigate. She tried steering her mind in the direction the feeling but couldn't get closer to it as she felt something holding her back, mentally turning to whatever seemed to be blocking her she suddenly found herself in a place she hadn't expected to ever return to—Cloudsdale Flight School.

"Wha-" the pegasus said as she was a filly again surrounded by cloud structures.

"Hey Klutzershy! What are you still doing here, haven't you learned your lesson yet? Mudponies don't belong here!" An awfully familiar voice said which made the yellow pegasus freeze in fear, three pegasus colts slamming down in front of the terrified pegasus. "Seems like we have to teach her a more thorough lesson, don't you guys think?"

Fluttershy wanted to scream, run, whatever, but couldn't as her entire body frozen in place. "How about we cut that hair this time so she can't hide behind it any more? I'm sure we can sell that much hair to a wig maker and get a pretty penny for it."

"Nah I've got something much better in mind. Boys, get her!" Hoops—the lead bully—said, making the other two jump forward and pin the pegasus to the cloudfloor. "A mudpony doesn't deserve wings like that," he said with a vicious snarl while pulling out a primary feather, Fluttershy tried to cry out in pain but couldn't as her muzzle was being held shut. Her eyes darted around looking for a particular cerulean filly as Hoops casually trotted to Fluttershy's other wing.

"Don't worry about Rainbow Crash, she won't be interrupting us today. We made sure of that," he grinned as he yanked a primary from Fluttershy's other wing, her cry once again being muffled by her closed muzzle. Tears flowed from Fluttershy's eyes as more feathers were pulled from her wings until only a few primaries remained and the two bullies that held her down released her, feathers strewn around around her.

Fear washed over her as she heard the bullies say something that didn't register in Fluttershy's mind. But just as the bullies shouted at her again the words of a female turian went through her mind.

I've got no clue why you seem to be as shy as you are but whatever caused it is something you need to work out

Suddenly all the fear within her evaporated and pure fury replaced it. She struggled back onto her hooves, the bullies laughing and taunting her further. Fluttershy felt something tingle around her wings and looked back at her mangled wings seeing a blue aura like that of a unicorn surrounding them. The bullies had gone silent as they saw the look of pure rage on Fluttershy's face.

"GO AWAY!" she shouted as she pointed the remains of her wings at the three bullies, the aura surrounded them and before they could do anything they were violently thrown backward. At the same time, the world around her collapsed and she found herself standing within the little clearing facing Liara...

...Only Liara had been thrown back a few meters and was rubbing her head.

Fluttershy meanwhile was still trembling and panting from the adrenaline that ran through her body. What she had seen hadn't been a hallucination but a memory, though in the real version of the event the bullies had left her to be found hours later by Dash. It had been the last day of school and would be the last time she would ever visit flight school.

After that day she was placed in a school in Ponyville where she would remain and live as isolated as possible until Twilight came to town for the summer sun celebration.

With the memory slowly fading away, blood drained from the pegasus's face. She had somehow managed to create a biotic field but then, in turn, had used it to attack her friend.

Oh no! What have I done! I just attacked my only friend here, she'll hate me! This is bad, really bad!

1. [Are you okay?]

2. Panic

3. Run away

[Vote link]

Author's Note:

That came out much darker than I anticipated. :twilightsheepish:

Anyway, this is my headcanon as to why Flutters is so shy. You just don't get to be that shy without some serious shit having happened to you when you were younger, though the effects of that damage will decrease rapidly if you start talking about it... something Flutters probably hasn't done yet. :fluttershysad:

Next chapter will most likely be a lot lighter than this one.:twilightsmile:

[Paragon] or a [Renegade] Are colored when available, though normal options might also contribute to one or the other. As for the shippers under us [Romance] is now also a thing.
When an option is not available due to various reasons it will be colored [Grey]

[Certainty: 40]

Remember that comments are like authors' food, we gain energy from them. Constructive criticism is welcome.

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