• Published 27th Mar 2019
  • 11,680 Views, 3,515 Comments

Mass Effect: Element of Kindness - CommanderApplejack

[CYOA] While exploring an old ruin an unfortunate accident sends Fluttershy halfway across the galaxy, how will the shy pegasus cope with being stuck away from her friends?

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Chapter 146


Head down to the park. 81%

Oh what the hell, why not. Just a peek won’t be that bad anyway, was going to pass over here regardless.

Rainbow banked to the side gliding down and coming onto the grass below at the back of the crowd. She listened to the murmuring in the crowd as she pushed through to the front.
“She’s so amazing!”
“Such talent!”
“Oh come on, I know plenty of ponies that can do that!”

“Who dares to challenge the great and powerful Trixie?!”

Rainbow stopped dead in her tracks as she heard who spoke.

Oh for Cel- Luna’s sake! That damned boaster again, I don’t have time for this!

“You! Guard! Was it you who doubted the might of the all-powerful Trixie?!” the blue unicorn shouted as Dash’s attention got pulled back to the stage, a yellow coated pegasus with light blue hair in dress blues stepped up to Trixie. Rainbow immediately recognized the pony on the stage, she was an avid fan of the Wonderbolts after all, recognizing one of their main flight team members was a breeze for her.

But what would Misty Fly be doing in Manehattan? In dress blues no less. Do they have a show here? Nah, then she’d be with the others… well, one way to find out I guess. Hopefully she recognizes me, I know that I’m at least on the Wonderbolts’ radar.

A couple of ponies protested as she pushed past but Rainbow ignored them to approach the podium. “So you claim to be more powerful then the Great and Pow-

“-werful Trixie, bla bla bla. Bested an Ursa Major, etcetera etcetera...” Rainbow stuck her tongue out made a fart sound as she stepped onto the podium to speak to the Wonderbolt. “Master sergeant Fly, I’m-”

“Rainbow Dash?!” Misty immediately exclaimed, her mouth dropping open in amazement. “But Spitfire said… holy Celestia, you’re alive?!”

Rainbow blushed slightly at being recognized by one of her idols the same way she pretty much thought about them. “Well, yeah.”

“YOU!” Trixie exclaimed as she too recognised Rainbow. “Trixie remembers you! You were there in Ponyville when Trixie’s cart got destroyed!”

“Ursa’s fault, not anyone else’s,” Dash dismissed. “Misty, sorry to disturb you but what are you doing in Manehattan?”

“We’re here with the ‘Bolts, the Solar Guard asked us to help with areal security...” Misty paused as she looked at the crowd who were still listening in. “You know what Dash, we should fly up for some privacy.” Trixie shouted protests up at them as the two pegasi flew up into the sky. “Look Dash, it’s about your friend. The Solar Guard got her nailed in the city, the Lunar Guard has pretty much locked themselves into a compound and refuse entry to anyone.”

“You don’t sound too happy about that,” Rainbow said as she heard Misty’s tone of voice.

“Yeah, the new guard Captain the Princess appointed in place of Shining… well, he’s one of the old guard, doesn’t play well with others at all. Lets just say Spitfire has come back cursing from meetings on various occasions...” Misty looked around, coming off slightly paranoid. “Look, the Cap didn’t state it specifically but I think she’s dealing with the Lunar guard under the table. She might be giving them a window to get out through the air.”

“Well, I hope we don’t have to. Luna might be able to talk Princess Celestia down… speaking about her, do you know where Princess Celestia is?”

“Princess Luna is here?” Misty gasped, “I mean… I think Princess Celestia is at the compound right now if what I’ve heard is right. It’s right there… wow.”

The two pegasi came to a hover over a building, the Solar guard was camped outside the compound with thestrals clearly visible crammed against the windows to look outside while others sat on the walls. Luna had already arrived there and was facing off against her sister that looked to be immensely stunned. Rainbow noticed Spitfire on another roof looking down and nudged Misty to point her over.

“Captain, how long since Luna got here,” Rainbow immediately asked as she landed next to the Wonderbolt. Spitfire’s mouth dropped open as she too recognized Rainbow.

“I’ll be damned. Rainbow?” Spitfire said in shock, quickly shaking it off. “Princess Luna only just arrived. We’re all still shocked at her sudden apparel no less you appearing as well… Did you find your friend?”

“Yep, speaking about her...” Rainbow activated her omni-tool and shot Shy a message, teling the other pegasus to hone in on her location. “...She’ll be here soon.”

“AND WHAT NOW?!” Celestia shouted, everyone’s attention focussed on the two Princesses. Rainbow though did keep an eye out as she didn’t see Cadance anywhere. “Do you have any idea what you have done!”

“A better idea than you have, yes!” Luna shouted back.

“Great! Now I’m sure you’ve found a better way to defend our world then?”

Tension was building as the two princesses faced off, the faint glow of magic around both Celestia’s and Luna’s sword hilts. The guards were looking between each other as they weren’t sure what to do if things came to blows.

“Head out there! We’re not alone in this galaxy, we can make friends!” Luna shouted back, sighing after decreasing the volume of her voice. “There’s dangers out there, yes, but it’s nothing we cannot face.”

Spitfire leaned closer to Dash, “What does she mean by not alone in the galaxy?”

Rainbow looked up to see if the Normandy was visible, spotting a dot high up in the air through gaps in the clouds. “See that dot up there? That’s a spaceship.”

“We wouldn’t have to face them at all if you’d just listened to me in the first place!” Celestia meanwhile hissed back at Luna. “It’s… no. I can’t allow you to harm my ponies further sister, not for your damned ‘progress’,” She softly added, drawing her large blade. Luna reacted by activating her omni-sword as the two alicorns started circling each other.

“Tia, don’t. We had the exact reverse of this conversation a millenia ago,” A tear rolled from Luna’s eye as she really did not want to do this. Celestia jumped forward, bringing her sword down towards Luna who blocked it with her own. Sparks came off of the blades as it quickly turned into a contest of strength. “Sister, please...”

A flash of light appeared between Luna and Celestia throwing the two away from each other by a pulse of magic. “STOP THIS!” Cadence stood between the two of them after her teleport sternly looking at the two of them.

“Whoa, who the hell is that?!” Spitfire exclaimed as the scene in front of them got even crazier with the third alicorn.

“Mi Amore Cadenza, or Cadence,” A voice behind Spitfire said, the bolts that were there turned to find Fluttershy hovering nearly motionless in the sky with her black widow in her hooves, semi-ready to act. Her hood was down, showing her scarred face fully. “Equestria is going to get its history rewritten in the coming days, you might want to strap in to get used to a couple of changes.”

“Pretty much… Should we head down?” Rainbow asked, the princesses having lowered their swords as Cadance effectively diffused the situation.

“Well, Twilight should be in that building. Right?” Fluttershy asked.

“Should be. I was going to ‘accidentally’ let them get out of that compound tonight but I don’t think that’ll be necessary now,” Spitfire told them. “Go down, I’ll probably join in a bit… And Dash?”

Rainbow looked over her shoulder at the captain.
“Good to have you back. it’d have been a damn shame to lose such a promising Wonderbolt candidate.”

“T-Thanks,” Dash stuttered before following Fluttershy down to the street below. The Lunar Guard had slowly been getting out of the compound to make a line across the street, A purple dot among the more dull greys of the thestrals.

Fluttershy pushed through the line of thestrals to get face to face with Twilight. The unicorn looked pale as she saw her friend, raising a trembling hoof to touch Shy’s cheek to see if she wasn’t hallucinating. Tears welled up in Twilight’s eyes as she jumped forward and embraced Fluttershy, breaking down into sobbing while Shy wrapped her wings around the unicorn.

“I’m here Twilight. I’m home.”

Author's Note:

Finished my ME2 playthrough, started with ME3 now. There's some lines I want to add but we're heading into the last game soon. :twilightsmile:

[Paragon] or [Renegade] are colored when available, though normal options might also contribute to one or the other. As for the shippers under us, [Romance] is now also a thing.
When an option is not available due to various reasons it will be colored [Grey]

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