• Published 27th Mar 2019
  • 11,676 Views, 3,515 Comments

Mass Effect: Element of Kindness - CommanderApplejack

[CYOA] While exploring an old ruin an unfortunate accident sends Fluttershy halfway across the galaxy, how will the shy pegasus cope with being stuck away from her friends?

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Chapter 24


practice biotics [break orders] Calculating... % Ĕͪ͑̑ͮ̉ͣȒ̳̘͖̏̈̀ͥ̌̉Ṙ͖̼̼̬͎ͩ͂̅O̳̗̼̥̪̲̾̽ͬ͂R̥̥̰͇ͬ̌͊͊ͥͯͨ̓̑̎̚ POSSIBLE VOTE TAMPERING DETECTED

Those are both important things but I still need to be able to reliably use my biotics, regardless of what the commander want's me to do.

"Would it be alright if I get some practice done on my biotics first?" Fluttershy innocently asked, Tali hadn't been there when Shepard had told her that she wasn't allowed to use her biotics so she wouldn't know that it wasn't allowed...

...Fluttershy's large puppy eyes and smile probably didn't help either.

"I guess you could do that for a bit, though I wouldn't be of any use to you in that case." Tali almost immediately relented. Fluttershy let out a happy squeak and sat down in the middle of the garage, lighting up her wings with a blue biotic aura.

What move does Fluttershy try to practice? Singularity

Does this go horribly wrong? Yes

Fluttershy closed her eyes and pointed her wings forward, concentrating on the spot of air between the tips of her primary feathers. A small black ball began to slowly form in the air between the wings and steadily grew in size as Fluttershy increased the amount of power she put into the ability. Every second the pegasus was able to maintain the black orb was one that increased her self confidence.

This isn't too hard, why is it that I couldn't manage this back in the simu-?

The thought was interrupted by the loud groaning of metal, something that startled Fluttershy so much that she accidentally pushed way too much power into the singularity that rapidly grew to a size the pegasus had no hope to control. Now fully panicked at the massive black ball of destruction she was wielding in front of her she desperately tried to reduce the amount of energy in the entity before her, only to find that anything she did to try and reduce the amount of energy was increasing its power.

To make matters worse Fluttershy began to feel fatigue running through her wings as even maintaining the ball of energy was extremely taxing on the inexperienced biotic. It wasn't long before the fatigue got to a point that Fluttershy could no longer keep the singularity in place.

Need... to keep... in place.

Fluttershy could swear she heard someone shout something at her but the feeling of a warm liquid coming from her eyes and nose was much more pressing to the pegasus, using her tongue to get a taste of the liquid. She immediately recoiled as she recognized the metallic tasting liquid as blood, something that also broke her concentration allowing the singularity to fly off.

Fluttershy's limb body flopped to the ground as all her energy was spent and she saw the ball of energy impact the outer door of the garage. An even louder metallic groan ringing through the ship as the door buckled slightly and briefly opened to the vacuum of space, loud alarms starting to blare throughout the ship and all doors locking to compartmentalize any hull breach.

Not that Fluttershy was aware of any of this as her world was a blur of pain and fatigue. Her entire body felt like it was on fire but her wings in particular were in agonizing pain. The pegasus felt a pair of hands wrap around her armor and lift her up, her body screaming in pain. Not that she could do much about it as in her fatigued state she could do little more than limply hang in Tali's arms as she carried her to the elevator.

She could hear Shepard's voice over the intercom asking for a status report on what happened, Tali explaining the situation that had occurred in the garage and requested for the lockdown of the elevator to be lifted. Joker immediately allowed the elevator to operate again, Tali using it to get up to the crew quarter's level and rapidly sprinted into the medbay where Doctor Chakwas was already preparing a bunch of medical liquids.

"Thank you Tali," the Doctor said as she inserted a needle into one of Fluttershy's armor's medical ports and connected a drip feed to it. Tali didn't even get to turn around before the door of the medbay opened up and a furious Shepard came storming into the room.

"WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU... thinking..." Shepard stopped as he saw the state of the pegasus who lay unmoving on one of the beds, various medical apparatuses now connected to her as Chakwas continued working as if unfazed by the Commander. "Status report," Shepard said as he moved over to the side of the medical bed.

"She completely drained her reserves, I'm currently administering fluids and medication to prevent her internals from failing on her," Chakwas reported as she plunged another syringe into Fluttershy's foreleg. The pegasus was rapidly starting to feel less pain as all the medication started to kick in, though the fatigue didn't seem to be leaving her any time soon. "She might be powerful with her biotics but that power does not come coupled with endurance, where another biotic might need to use multiple moves she can just use one but at the cost of a very large amount of energy." Chakwas quickly explained.

"I-I'm sorry," Fluttershy croacked with a hoarse voice, interrupting any further explanation from the Doctor.

"Sorry doesn't even begin to cut it, Fluttershy. You have to understand that I gave you a direct order and you violated it, now I have to admit that my fault in this is that I wasn't too serious about it when I gave you that order but it still stands." Shepard sternly said making Fluttershy cringe back. "After your recovery you're confined to the medbay, food will be brought to you by a crewmember. This is not negotiable, am I clear?"

"Yes, sir!" Fluttershy said with as much conviction as possible, this time there were no jokes from the Commander who was dead serious about what he had just said.

"Good, I'll be back when I've sufficiently cooled down," Shepard said before turning and storming out of the medbay.

"You know he's right, don't you?" Chakwas said, Fluttershy nodded as she looked away from the doctor in shame. "Good, because if any of the alliance crew would have done anything like that he would have court-martialed them on the spot."

Fluttershy gulped as she started to get an inkling of an idea of how badly she had screwed up. She had almost blown a hole into the Normandy, something that would have taken the ship out of action if it had done serious damage and would have prevented them from pursuing Saren any further.

"Your vitals seem to have stabilized though I want you to remain in that bed for at least a couple more hours, understood?" Chakwas told Fluttershy who, once again, nodded. "Then I'm going to find the Commander and talk to him, I suggest getting something to read since you'll be in here for a while." Chakwas didn't sound angry as she spoke, just very disappointed, something that Fluttershy found to be much worse.

I guess if I'm going to read something I might as well read up on some of the species of the galaxy but which one should I pick?

1. Turians

2. Asari

3. Quarians

4. Salarians

5. Humans

[Vote link]

Author's Note:

To put it bluntly, I'm pretty sure the vote was tampered with. The hidden option I placed in the poll shot up from 0 to 30 in such a short amount of time that it didn't seem possible in combination with the fact that the vote is wildly different from the regular voting pattern.

That's not all as after I saw the votes jump up I started prodding to see what was up so I artificially added 15 votes to see what would happen. Every time the vote got close the practice option boosted up 5-10 votes.

As the last piece of possible evidence, the total vote count on the chapter is twice as high as previous chapters. Even if you take into account my 15 extra votes you have 60 more votes than usual which is almost doubling the previous amount of voters. Now I could be optimistic and say that there are more of you that wanted to vote but since all the other statistics remain pretty much the same (Daily views, amount of trackers, etc...) I sincerely doubt that.

But since this is all circumstantial evidence I didn't take the possibly tampered vote into account when writing the chapter but from now on I will activate CAPTCHA to prevent the vote from easily being tampered with.

Well, with that rant out of the way. I hope you all enjoyed the chapter :twilightsmile:

[Paragon] or a [Renegade] Are colored when available, though normal options might also contribute to one or the other. As for the shippers under us [Romance] is now also a thing.
When an option is not available due to various reasons it will be colored [Grey]

[Certainty: 60]

Remember that comments are like authors' food, we gain energy from them. Constructive criticism is welcome.

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