• Published 27th Mar 2019
  • 11,680 Views, 3,515 Comments

Mass Effect: Element of Kindness - CommanderApplejack

[CYOA] While exploring an old ruin an unfortunate accident sends Fluttershy halfway across the galaxy, how will the shy pegasus cope with being stuck away from her friends?

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Chapter 106


He should advise on defending against further ‘geth’ attacks on Citadel space 49%

“I do not know what your individual stances on his punishment are but if you are asking for my opinion then I would suggest enlisting his help.” Fluttershy saw the turian councillor look at her strangely, it was the look Garrus would give her when he wanted her to explain something further. “The geth were able to assault the citadel with a vessel that made your own fleet look like they were made of paper, they have not repeated their move but what’s to say that will stay that way? You have a person who knows how they operate, what their tactics are. If you don’t use that you’re just throwing away a valuable resource.”

“We appreciate your insight but we can not trust him to be honest with us,” the turian councillor told Fluttershy who nodded, having expected the counter.

“Of course, he’s being trialed for treason after all, but tell me, can your generals not determine if well-argued tactics are valid or not? Or do you doubt their competence?” Fluttershy smirked as the turian councillor reared back. “Truth is, none of you saw the last attack coming and if Shepard hadn’t decided to save you then you’d be nothing but space debris orbiting this station. Are you truly prepared if they attack again only this time they attack your planets?”

Fluttershy met the gaze of every councillor as they mulled over her words, waiting for them to make their decision.

“Your perspective is insightful, but that leaves one question,” The asari councillor turned to Saren. “Will you help us defend our people against further incursions from the geth?”

Saren looked over at Fluttershy who gave him a nearly unnoticeable nod. “If that’s what she desires I am compelled to help in any way possible,” He answered, Fluttershy raised an eye at the answer?

Compelled?... What did my stare do to him?

“Then we shall give our verdict. Councillors?” The four of the councillors pressed a couple of buttons on the datapads in front of them, not even questioning the way Saren had answered to Fluttershy’s suspicion.

They’re not telling me something here… and I’m going to figure out what it is one way or another.

“It has been decided three to one that Saren Arterius, previously of the Spectres, will assist the council races in preventing a repeat the event which his actions of treason brought about. Your presence here was greatly appreciated miss Fluttershy, we herby close this session of the council.” Fluttershy looked over at where Saren had stood but the turian was already being lead away by the C-Sec officers. Part of her couldn’t believe what had just happened: had the Council just taken her advice on the face without questioning it? There was no way that should have happened, they had happily ignored Shepard before and he was one of their Spectres… Why would she of all ponies be listened to on this matter?

Anderson better has a good reason for this when I give him a visit.

Shy turned and walked back the way she came, being unable to teleport like the princess had. This did give her time to mull over what Saren had said and how the Council had acted along with the knowledge of what she’d done to Saren the last time she’d seen him.

Let’s line this up; I purged the reaper influence from him a year ago, next I suggest something he says he’s compelled to act, the Council just takes my advice at face value which is pretty much unprecedented…

It took a bit for Shy to make a connection but when it did the pieces just snapped into place.

Wait… Sovereign’s indoctrination compelled Saren to do his bidding, I know my stare can do the same due to Chakwas’ observation. The Council must have figured this out via medical reports and simply talking with Saren… Oh, those motherfuckers!

“DAMNIT!” Fluttershy smashed her hoof into the wall in anger, the council hadn’t needed her advice at all, they just hoped that they could get her to ‘give an order’ to Saren so he’d be compelled to follow. And if they didn’t like the answer they could either try to influence her to change her position or just lock Saren back up… Either they would just keep Saren locked up or they’d get something out of it.

They’d just used her to force Saren to work for them without question.

Part of Fluttershy admired the way they’d done it, but mostly she was angry that she was now indirectly the cause of a being put into what essentially amounted to slave labor.

The elevator came to a stop at the base of the Citadel tower and into the Presidium. Fluttershy took her hood and covered her head, fading into thin air as her stealth system activated. She needed some time alone to blow off steam.

Princess Luna appeared with a flash and a loud bang, startling Rainbow, Gabby, and Garrus who had been keeping themselves occupied in the embassy. The princess muttering darkly as she banged her head against one of the walls.

“Uhm, are you ok Princess?” Rainbow asked as she recovered from the shock of the sudden appearance and peculiar behavior.

“Absolutely terrific. Where are captain Armor and mister Bit? I need to speak to them since neither will be leaving this station and I am obliged to ensure both their safety from outside forces or from those who profess to ‘help’.”

Garrus rolled his eyes as he could guess what had just happened. “The Captain and mister Bit are somewhere in the embassy. I think Shining was helping mister Bit along with getting an education set up.”

“Thank you-”

“Hey, princess could you–theoretically of course–get the element out of its necklace and build it into your armor?” Rainbow cut the princess off, trying to pull off the most innocent look she could muster which only served to tell the princess exactly all she needed to know. She lit her horn and the golden chain just vanished into thin air.

“You’ll find the gem to be quite indestructible, trust me I’ve tried, it should still work so long it’s in your proximity,” Luna explained before turning to the door and barging out.

“Well, that went better than expected...” Rainbow muttered, looking down at the gem in her hooves. “Hey Garrus, know anyone here who can build this into my chestplate?”

The turian shook his head and chuckled as he looked over at the pegasus. “I could help you with getting everything from specialized equipment for your omni-tool to even a biotic amp if you weren’t such a pussy... So, of course, I know somewhere where you could do that! Problem is that I’m not exactly welcome there.”

1. HEY! I could get that amp any day!

2. What kind of specialized equipment?

3. Just lead me to the place, I’ll do the rest.

[Vote link]

Author's Note:

I'll admit, I was looking at comment suggestion nr#4 pretty seriously for a bit but in the end, decided to go with this instead :twilightsheepish:

[Paragon] or [Renegade] are colored when available, though normal options might also contribute to one or the other. As for the shippers under us, [Romance] is now also a thing.
When an option is not available due to various reasons it will be colored [Grey]

[Certainty: 90]

Now edited by gerandakis

Remember that comments are like authors' food, we gain energy from them. Constructive criticism is welcome.

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