• Published 27th Mar 2019
  • 11,676 Views, 3,515 Comments

Mass Effect: Element of Kindness - CommanderApplejack

[CYOA] While exploring an old ruin an unfortunate accident sends Fluttershy halfway across the galaxy, how will the shy pegasus cope with being stuck away from her friends?

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Chapter 161


Leave Fluttershy in cover next time drones appear. 83%

Yeah... maybe don't piss her off more. If she gets killed I absolutely don't need her haunting me, that's not even taking Rainbow into account.

Deciding against signing her death warrant, Gilda checked where the line on her new device was leading her. A glowing panel on the platform in the centre of the room was where it stopped but the three-dimensional map had shown the security room was way deeper down.

Is this thing leading me into another trap.

Carefully stepping onto the platform with Fluttershy, Gilda investigated the glowing panel. The outline of a claw waited for her there, the only sensible thing she could obviously do was take the matching claw and press on top of it. Little railings shot up around the platform as Gilda pressed her claw on the thing, the platform sinking into the floor and gently moving down towards the lower floors.

The platform itself moved down in-between four pillars that themselves were surrounded by stairs leading both up and down as well, if the thing got stuck Gilda would at least be able to jump onto there and walk the rest of the way to the floor she needed to be. In the end, she did not need it as the platform stopped at the exact right floor, one of the fences lowering as a walkway to a door closed the little gap between the platform and the adjacent walkway.

Wow, this might be easier than I thought. Gilda smirked as she walked into the hallway that had opened up for her. No doors were present in the wall as it ran into the distance, only flat and cold metal made up the walls. Yet, the device on Gilda's head was projecting markings on the wall, telling she was walking in the direction of both the place's armoury and the security office. I wonder what kind of weapons are in the armoury, there must be some sweet stuff in there... Won't hurt to peak, right?

Coming up on an intersection Gilda confidently strode around the corner that was marked to be leading towards the armoury, stopping right in her path as she saw what was at the end of the hallway. Two turrets like the one that had defended the entrance in the cave sat waiting with humming barrels sparking with electricity. Swallowing nervously, Gilda made sure not to move a muscle as the two turrets had yet to fire. You know, maybe going to the security office first is the better idea...

Before she could back out of the hallway though Gilda heard a hum coming from behind her, a drone appeared from one of the other hallways. This particular one looking much bulkier and armed with a much larger cannon than the little ones she'd blown out of the air before. "Oh, fuck me."

Accompanied by a shriek Gilda charged the floating robot, letting Fluttershy slide off of her halfway through the charge. It was at least a little more gentle than straight-up tossing her aside. The Drone tried to turn and face Gilda as it detected the griffin but she had already crashed into it, holding on for dear life as she tried prying off some of the more fragile looking components of the machine with her claws. "COME ON YOU STUPID MACHINE! DIE ALREADY!"

All this commission didn't go unnoticed by the turrets at the end of the hallway as the arcing electricity flared and one of them fired a shot at the struggling griffin and machine. Gilda noticed the approaching lance of energy and jumped off and away from the drone just in time, the machine turning to fire at her only to be stopped by the energy weapon's impact.

The electricity arcing up from the destroyed drone made Gilda's feathers stand on end and her muscles tighten in agony. Yet without anyone else to rely upon she tuned it out best she could and got Fluttershy's rifle out, taking aim at the turret that hadn't fired yet. She might not have had as much experience with the weapon as the pegasus but placing the crosshair square over the stationary gun and pulling the trigger was something Gilda was perfectly able to do.


The recoil knocked her back a bit, the round glancing off an energy shield that shimmered around the turret.


Gilda walked forward on her back legs, using her wings and tail to give stability and compensate for the recoil as the second shot broke the shielding.


A hole was punched into the machine, the armour not standing a chance against the powerful rifle. The other turret though was looking like it was almost recharged. There's no way I can drag Fluttershy back into cover before that thing fires...

"Hey voice thing, I could really use your help right now!" Popping out the thermal clip, Gilda rammed in another one as she was staring down the turret's sparking barrel.

"To fire, lance turrets temporarily disable their shielding to guide the generated plasma to thei-"

Gilda tuned out the voice, having heard enough, and looked down the sight at the glowing turret, trying to estimate the exact moment to fire. Too soon would mean the shielding would stop her shot, too late and well...

Time seemed to slow down as adrenaline coursed through the griffin's veins, her heart rhythm pounding in her ears.



The shot went straight through the middle of the turret, making it shudder shortly before exploding into a bright blue fireball which knocked her down. Even with her feathers scorched Gilda couldn't help but laugh madly, the fact that her entire body hurt did not matter in the slightest right there.

Still, she had to get a move on after that encounter just in case more drones would show up. Grabbing Fluttershy she dragged the pegasus along as that way she wouldn't have to drop her from her back when a new enemy showed up. The door to the armoury had been partially bent inward by the previous blast, leaving an opening large enough for Gilda to crawl through and pull Fluttershy through as well.

On the inside, the room opened up to a larger chamber which had three passageways splitting off from there. Each of the three passages was marked differently, the first leading to a weapons depot, the second to an armour storage, and the third being marked drone bay. Gilda wanted to take a breather right there but the loud hum of more drones cut that plan short, she had to choose fast where to go...

1. Weapons Depot.

2. Armour Storage.

3. Drone Bay.

[Vote link]

Author's Note:


[Paragon] or [Renegade] are colored when available, though normal options might also contribute to one or the other. As for the shippers under us, [Romance] is now also a thing.
When an option is not available due to various reasons it will be coloured [Grey]

[Certainty: 70]

Remember that comments are like authors' food, we gain energy from them. Constructive criticism is welcome.

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