• Published 27th Mar 2019
  • 11,680 Views, 3,515 Comments

Mass Effect: Element of Kindness - CommanderApplejack

[CYOA] While exploring an old ruin an unfortunate accident sends Fluttershy halfway across the galaxy, how will the shy pegasus cope with being stuck away from her friends?

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Defense Batteries

Chapter 112

Defense Batteries

Stealth around and hit them from the shadows. 58%

Fluttershy’s form flickered for a moment before she disappeared into thin air as her stealth system activated, the pegasus opening her wings and flying up onto one of the buildings to look down at the open space where Shepard and the others took up defensive positions.

“I’ve got the turrets calibrated, initiating charging sequence,” Garrus reported as he finished typing commands into the console. A screech came from all around the courtyard as the sound of buzzing wings all around them as the first collectors came down on the group in an attempt to overwhelm them and reverse the activation of the defense towers.

“Keep them at bay! If we can’t force that ship to retreat then we’re going to get overrun!” Shepard called out as rounds took out the first collectors. Fluttershy meanwhile remained utterly still, waiting for harder targets to appear. Husks followed the next wave of collectors, the former humans running over to the squad. Fluttershy still waited.

Another screech echoed over the field as a new enemy jumped into the ring. Like the husks it was humanoid but this one had a horribly bloated back, and one arm seemed to be converted into a cannon of sorts. It let out another screech before lumbering towards the Commander.

That one’s mine.

Shy opened her wings and jumped off the building, silently gliding down towards the corrupted being as it fired its cannon at Shepard. Right before she was to hit the being, Fluttershy de-cloaked and activated two bright orange omni-blades on the edges of her wings, slicing deeply into the big husk as she passed. Not wanting to give the being a chance she immediately turned and lit the omni-blade around her foreleg and stabbed at it.

“Atta girl!” Garrus laughed as he saw the husk collapse but Fluttershy heard she wasn’t finished yet as the creature groaned and tried getting back up. Pointing her sniper rifle at point-blank she pulled the trigger and blew off a significant piece of the being, silencing it for good.

“Careful, these things are really tough,” Warned the others before disappearing into nothingness again, flying back up as she spotted one of the collectors being possessed again.

“Assuming direct control.”

Oh great, Jack’s going to need a hoof on this one.

Fluttershy dove again but avoided getting close with this particular enemy. They’d had trouble with it previously and she wasn’t feeling all too lucky this time. Appearing behind a crate with her sniper rifle brandished Fluttershy fired a round at the collector, damaging its shielding before she had to duck to avoid one of its black biotic attacks. Immediately after though a blue bolt of energy shot overhead in the other direction as Jack slid into cover next to Shy.

“Heh, let’s show that thing what real biotics are like!” Jack Exclaimed as she couldn’t stop the smile on her face, definitely enjoying the fight. The human immediately jumped from cover, charging the being with her entire body aglow with biotic energy.

“Oh, come on!” Fluttershy grumbled as she looked at Jack’s charge, lighting up her own biotics and firing a bolt of energy at the collector to throw off its aim and allow Jack to close the distance and rend the being in half. “Hell yeah!” Jack exclaimed after she’d taken down the large collector.

“Shepard… incoming… collectors… reinforcements...” A really broken up message managed to pierce the interference around the colony as The group finished off the last few attackers of that particular wave of collectors and husks.

“Come again, Normandy?” Shepard called but his transmitter wasn’t able to reach back up to the stealth vessel. Cursing under his breath Shepard turned to Garrus. “Status on those towers?”

“Capacitors at ninety percent and rising fast!” Garrus exclaimed as a new shriek called out over the field, it sounded as if a whole bunch of husks screamed simultaneously but what came flying in was much more horrifying than the corrupted humans. An insectoid like looking beings with a mouth filled to the brim with skulls landed in the courtyard.

“Keep your distance!” Shepard shouted as he opened up. Grunt grumbled a bit at this but followed the command, using his shotgun to tear into the thing’s barrier as well.

“Capacitors fully charged!” Garrus called out at the defense turrets turned to face the ship and opened up. Ear deafening bangs came from all around them as they started chipping rocks and hull off the massive collector vessel.

“Perfect! Now focus fire on that thing!” Shepard exclaimed asthe massive being howled and then shot two beams of bright energy out of its eyes. Jack, being a bit too aggressive, got caught up in the attack, her barrier dropping instantly and being flung back by a violent explosion. Fluttershy who wasn’t far off immediately reacted, sprinting over to the fellow biotic and pulling her into cover before stabbing her with a shot of medi-gel.

“Not gonna lie, that hurt,” Jack groaned as the medi-gel repaired the damage done as best it could. “That’s gonna be another wicked scar though,” she grinned after inspecting the wound.

“That it is, but let’s focus on that after we’ve killed the gigantic reaper drone thing,” Fluttershy snarked, firing a shot with her sniper rifle as she noticed the monster’s barrier having been downed. It roared as chunks were torn off of it from the incoming weapons fire, lighting up with a biotic aura and slamming down before anyone could react. A powerful wave shot off of it as it had instantly regenerated its barrier, knocking back everyone who’d been standing just a tad too close.

“Damnit! Stand clear!” Shepard exclaimed as he pulled his grenade launcher off of his back, firing several of the projectiles at the monster which immediately weakened the new barrier to barely anything. “Kill it before it can do that again!”

Grunt took this as permission to rush forward, headbutting the thing and pumping a slug into it. Garrus also jumped from cover and rapidly cycled his sniper rifle to put as many rounds into it but it looked to be all for naught as the monster got up and started glowing to get ready to recharge its barrier again...

...only to be slammed into from above as an explosion of colored light came from above, followed by the thunderous crack of a sonic boom. The carapace of the monster buckled under the force and the being died from all of the punishment it had received.

“That hurt way more than I’d thought it would...” Rainbow groaned as she stumbled off the corpse and tried to steady herself. Moments later a shuttle appeared overhead and landed in the courtyard as well. The collector ship, which had been receiving continuous fire from the defense batteries, decided it had stuck around long enough and started its engines. Dust blew up from the ground as the massive jet of fire from its engine hit the ground, lifting the ship up and blanketing the entire colony in a haze.

“Commander? Is everyone okay down there?!” With the vessel gone the radio started to work again, allowing Joker to communicate with the ground team.

“We’re in one piece, down here,” Shepard answered as the dust settled a bit and everyone called in that they were good. “Nice job by the way, Rainbow.”

“Hey, when we lost contact with you guys they couldn’t keep me up there!” Dash exclaimed, “I never let my friends down!”

“Heh, just in time as well. It was a good fight,” Grunt chuckled as the human mechanic they’d found a bit back came running into the courtyard.

“No! You can’t just let them go! They have like half the colony in there!” he exclaimed in panic.

“I’m sorry, but we can’t stop a ship that big,” Shepard apologized as he knew there was nothing more he could do.

“Shepard’s right, we activated the defenses but the Normandy isn’t up to the task of fighting that thing right now,” Garrus confirmed getting the man’s attention.

“Shepard? I heard that name somewhere...”

“Commander Shepard, captain of the Normandy, first human Spectre, and savior of the Citadel,” Everyone turned to see a new human walking up, the core trio that had been on the original Normandy immediately recognizing Kaiden as he approached. “He’s a legend… and a ghost… I thought you were dead commander, we all did.”

“Technically I was, Cerberus spent two years rebuilding me,” Shepard answered shaking Kaiden’s outheld hand.

“You’re with Cerberus now?” Kaiden said astonished with a slight undertone of disgust, looking over at Fluttershy and Garrus. “You two as well? I can’t believe the reports were right.”

“It’s not as simple, Kaiden. I know what they’ve done but this has to be done too,” Fluttershy said as the old crew member seemed only to get angrier.

“Isn’t it? You’re working for a terrorist group, Fluttershy, what if they’re just manipulating you all while working with the collectors?!” He exclaimed.

“Kaiden you’re letting your emotions get in the way of facts. You saw what the collectors did here,” Garrus argued to no avail.

“That still doesn’t mean Cerberus isn’t working with them. I know where my loyalties lie, I will never work with that organization over the Alliance. Goodbye commander,” Kaidan exclaimed, turning around and leaving the assembled group.

“Shepard, it’s-” Fluttershy started but as cut off by Shepard.

“His loyalties are where they should be, Fluttershy, I will not fault him for that. Let’s just get back up to the Normandy, I’ve had enough of this place.”

Author's Note:

Been working on maps for a DnD game along with some drawing to pass the boredom. Will write more soon.

[Paragon] or [Renegade] are colored when available, though normal options might also contribute to one or the other. As for the shippers under us, [Romance] is now also a thing.
When an option is not available due to various reasons it will be colored [Grey]

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