• Published 27th Mar 2019
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Mass Effect: Element of Kindness - CommanderApplejack

[CYOA] While exploring an old ruin an unfortunate accident sends Fluttershy halfway across the galaxy, how will the shy pegasus cope with being stuck away from her friends?

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Chapter 13


[I want to get out there with you to help stop them] %73

"Fluttershy, are you alright?" Tali asked as the pegasus seemed to glare at the empty space in front of her, her rate of breathing starting to settle down a bit.

"Yes," she answered, raising her head to look Shepard straight in the eyes. "Commander, I would like to accompany you into the field on future occasions." She stated, her voice not wavering the least bit as she announced her intention. The room remained deathly quiet after Fluttershy spoke, none of the others had expected such a rash decision from the usually shy mare.

"You want to do what?!" Tali said, being the first one to break the silence.

"I want to go fight in the field." Fluttershy reiterated, "Commander, I could hear them scream in that vision, understood their pleas. They were all killed anyway, just like the reapers will try to do to all of us. I can't sit idly by and let that happen, none of my friends at home would do that either."

"You understand that I can't just take you into the field, right? You need armor, weapons, training with those weapons and a few other things before I'm willing to make that call." Shepard explained to Fluttershy who nodded in understanding.

"I know and I want to do it anyway." She said as she lifted her right foreleg and slammed it down again. Shepard silently studied her for a moment longer before finally opening his omni-tool and speaking.

"Joker, set a course for the Citadel." He ordered the pilot before turning to the others, "We'll drop you off at the Citadel along with one of us to get you the desired gear since we currently are out of leads anyway. While the Alliance Intelligence Service is trying to locate Matriarch Benezia, we'll have to do other things like investigating sightings of geth in the Armstrong Nebula."

"ETA to the Citadel is ten hours, Commander," Joker reported as the Commander finished talking.

"Good, that means you have ten hours to figure out who you want to have with you, Fluttershy," Shepard informed the pegasus, "You're all dismissed." Everyone except for Wrex and Shepard left the comm room and just before the door closed behind her, Fluttershy could hear the krogan ask Shepard for a favor. Deciding it wasn't important Fluttershy tried proceeding back down to the mess to get some food only to be stopped by a seemingly angry Tali.

"What in the world are you thinking!" Tali told the pegasus with a stern voice. "You want to go out and fight?!"

"Yes." Fluttershy simply answered, Tali tried sputtering a reply but couldn't as she was as stunned as she had been back in the comm room. Though Fluttershy wasn't going to back down now. "Tali, have I told you about Nightmare Moon and Discord yet?"

"That sounds ominous enough for me to want to hear," Garrus suddenly said as Tali and Fluttershy were made aware of the fact that the turian had been listening in on their conversation. Fluttershy's stomach started rumbling, reminding her that she hadn't eaten in quite a while. Garrus chuckled as he heard Fluttershy's rebellious belly, "Tell you what, we'll get some food from the mess and you tell us your story."

Fluttershy nodded and followed the turian down the stairs followed by a grumbling Tali. Once in the mess, Garrus got three food packets along with a sterilizer for Tali and sat down. The pegasus started to tell the two of them about the summer sun celebration and how she and the girls had faced the corrupted alicorn. Tali seemed to get over her grumpy mood as both she and Garrus had plenty of questions about the events surrounding the summer sun celebration.

"So you and your friends faced a being that was able to move a celestial object?!" Tali exclaimed as she was leaning forward, trying to catch every word from the pegasus.

Fluttershy nodded. "It was either that or face eternal night. That would have decimated plants and in turn, hurt the animals."

"Keelah, you really care about your animals, don't you?" Tali said, amazed at the pegasus who nodded greedily, "Now you also mentioned something called Discord, What's that about?" Fluttershy grimaced at the thought of the spirit of chaos but proceeded to tell of their encounter with him anyway. By the end of it, both Garrus and Tali were staring at the pegasus in disbelief.

"Your planet sounds... interesting," Garrus said as Fluttershy finished her tale, "is it always that exciting or are there peacefull periods as well?"

Fluttershy giggled, "Before Nightmare Moon Equestria had been at peace for over seven hundred years, so no, it's not always that exciting."

"You never had to kill anything on one of your adventures, have you?" the quarian asked solemnly, cutting off any further questions Garrus might have had. Tali sighed in resignation, "I'm sorry I got angry at you up there, I just don't want you to have to go and hurt other people. We might not show it but It's something you'll carry with you your entire life." Fluttershy swallowed a lump in her throat as she started to understand why the quarian was so opposed to having her in the field. "But if you still want to go out there then I'll be behind you all the way."

"Thank you, Tali," Fluttershy sincerely said to the quarian as she was still willing to support her despite her objections.

"I'm glad you two got this sorted out but you should really be starting to think about who you're going to take with you onto the Citadel. I mean, have you even figured out what kind of armor you want? Light or medium armored or even heavy?" Garrus asked the pegasus who shot him a sheepish look.

"Uhm... maybe? Not really?" Fluttershy replied while guiltily clopping her hooves together.

Garrus chuckled, "Thought so, I for one suggest a medium armor suit. It won't impede your movement too much and will give you some decent protection." He suggested but Tali seemed to disagree.

"Medium armor will already be too heavy, she's not trained to carry something of that weight and it'll impede her flight. I suggest light armor with a focus on shields, I know Liara would agree with me." Tali argued.

"Though I'm sure Liara would have her focus more on biotics than on shields," Garrus countered, "But it's not our choice anyway, it's Fluttershy's."

Tali, in turn, looked at the pegasus. "So who would you like to take with you?"

1. Take Liara [Light armor, biotic focus]

2. Take Tali [Light armor, tech focus]

3. Take Garrus [Medium armor, ballistic weaponry]

4. Take Wrex [He might be a bit crude but I'm sure that with his age he'll be able to give valuable insight]

[Vote link]

Author's Note:

I hope I did this chapter—and Tali—a bit of justice. You see, Tali by this point is only a young pilgrim and after getting the audio recording from the geth she has been thrown into a very violent world. I just don't see her wanting to put anyone else through that experience.

As for killing, I spend a lot of time around soldiers and not a single one ever talks about shooting another human. They might talk about seeing people die or things seeing I will not speak of here but never about killing themselves, one of them once told me that for him talking about stuff like that was simply too hard.

Also, I'm not locking Flutters to a single Mass Effect class, she has too many variables already but this choice will majorly determine the style of her combat into the future.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed!:twilightsmile:

[Paragon] or a [Renegade] Are colored when available, though normal options might also contribute to one or the other. As for the shippers under us [Romance] is now also a thing.
When an option is not available due to various reasons it will be colored [Grey]

[Certainty: 40]

Remember that comments are like authors' food, we gain energy from them. Constructive criticism is welcome.

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